Restorative Justice Essays (Examples)

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Restorative Justice
Pages: 2 Words: 708

estorative Justice:
With the research conducted between the years 1997 and 1998 in the United States and Europe shows that the rate of crime was high and the culprits were never given any chance to defend themselves whenever they appeared before the court of law. This made the courts to be full and the prisons to be overcrowded as criminals saw that there was no justice in their rulings. It is through this that the judges, probation officers, prosecutors, lawyers, advocates and the police sat down and came up with a program that would enable the culprits to defend themselves and to feel that justice has been practiced.

The adopted measures have been considered under the restorative justice dialogue, which has become a common practice. While there are four forms of restorative justice, the emphasis of these programs has been to always involve victims and offenders in dialogue. Most of these forms…...



Umbreit, M.S., Vos, B. & Coates, R.B. (2006, January 1). Restorative Justice Dialogue:

Evidence-Based Practice. Retrieved from Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking -- University of Minnesota website: 

"Victim-Offender Mediation." (2007, December 5). National Institute of Justice. Retrieved from Office of Justice Programs website:

Restorative Justice Individual Restorative Justice Paper Case
Pages: 3 Words: 1001

estorative Justice
Individual restorative justice paper: Case study

Traditionally, the debate about the purpose of the justice system has revolved around the question of whether punishment should be retributive or rehabilitative in nature. Those who favor a retributive model stress the need for criminals to pay their debts to society and view the purpose of the justice system as primarily to punish convicts through confinement and forcing them to work. Those who advocate a rehabilitative model stress the need to reform prisoners, through measures such as education and counseling. They believe that imprisonment alone merely embitters prisoners and reinforces convict's sense of membership in an ostracized, criminal class. Also the desire for revenge, while understandable on the part of the victim, is not a base emotion that should necessarily be acknowledge by the justice system

The restorative model attempts to provide a different perspective of how to deal with criminals and criminality. The…...



Van Ness, Dan. (2009). When Ed and David broke into Mildred's house and took things.

RJ City Phase 1 Final Report. Retrieved:

Restorative Justice Evidence Evaluation Bibligoraphy
Pages: 14 Words: 5088

Variations of the area court model, such as teen courts, medicine courts, and household physical violence courts, focus on specific concerns in order to establish even more extensive options. The underlying presumption of neighborhood courts is that neighborhoods are deeply damaged by the sentencing procedure yet are seldom spoken with and associated with judicial results.

Community justice has actually been slowest to show up in the correctional industry. Maybe this is since the existing term, "community corrections," provides the impression of community justice. Under conventional techniques to this industry, corrections get in the neighborhood; however the neighborhood never ever makes it into corrections. However, numerous brand-new tasks have actually arisen that look for correctional outcomes that recover sufferers and offenders (Van Ness and Strong 1997; Galaway and Hudson 1996), while likewise including locals in setting sanctions and examining correctional concerns. An earlier publication by the American Probation and Parole Association…...



American Probation and Parole Association. (1996). Restoring hope through community partnerships: The real deal in crime control. Perspectives 20:40 -- 42.

Bayley, DH (1994). Police for the future. New York: Oxford University Press.

Bazemore, G.,&Walgrave, L. (1999). Restorative juvenile justice: Repairing the harm of youth crime. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press.

Boland, B. (1998). Community prosecution: Portland's experience. In Community justice: An emerging field, edited by David R. Karp. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.

Restorative Justice in Today's Criminal
Pages: 2 Words: 620

According to ichards (2004), however, the history of restorative justice outside of the specifically named restorative justice procedures that are littered throughout U.S. criminal justice history is difficult to determine. Although she cites work that suggests restorative justice has been around since the dawn of time, she argues that some histories are used as a means to convince others of the importance of restorative justice and, therefore, often exaggerate it to appear like a process that occurs naturally with little work (ichards, 2004). Thus, the history of restorative justice as a whole can be described as lengthy, but murky.
It is precisely for this reason that interdisciplinary study and research in pubic safety must focus on this topic. Although much is known as restorative justice and its supposed benefits, it is necessary to further establish its history, along with its effectiveness in certain situations. Through this continued research, it will…...



Minnesota Department of Corrections. (2008, April). DOC Backgrounds: Criminal

Justice. Retrieved September 1, 2009, from the Minnesota Department of Corrections Web Site:

National Institute of Justice (2007, Nov. 26). Restorative Justice. Retrieved September 1,

2009, from the U.S. Department of Justice Web Site:

Restorative Justice Is an Approach
Pages: 5 Words: 1431

However the law demands that the course of action should be experimented, and evaluated on the grounds that if they are reasonable, restorative, and respectful. The offenders should comply by the standards of safety, values, ethics, responsibility, accountability and civility. The offenders should be exposed to the same nature of crime experienced by the victims, and should be provided with the chance of learning empathy. Such an offender should be provided with opportunities to be productive member of society. The participation of the offender into social and community affairs should be well received and acknowledged. The offender should be equipped with the values and fundamentals required to be productive member of the society.
There are certain provisions in the law to implement follow-up and accountability structures, with the coordination of community. The law supports the notion of keeping agreement and parity with the community for creating trusting community. The role…...



Lode Walgrave., Restorative Justice and the Law.

Gerry Johnstone., Restorative Justice: Ideas, Value, Debates.

Michael L. Hadley.,The Spiritual Roots of Restorative Justice.

Lode Walgrave., Repositioning Restorative Justice: Restorative Justice Criminal Justice and Social Context.

Restorative Justice Braithwaite J 2002
Pages: 2 Words: 834

Ruth-Heffelbauer, D. (2006). Restorative Justice FAQ. Victim Offender Mediation Association. Online at

The source composed for the Victim Offender Mediation Association is a fact sheet and statement of purpose for the organization, detailing its efforts to bring about a greater acceptance of this methodology in mainstream legal contexts. Based in the United States, VOMA assembles legal experts and criminal justice advocates who view the benefits of restorative justice as tantamount to better preventing criminal recidivism and promoting a sense of redemption for the victim.

A contribution to the field is VOMA's service as a forum for restorative justice processes. The FAQ here provided would indicate that "Victim Offender Mediation is usually a face-to-face meeting, in the presence of a trained mediator, between the victim of a crime and the person who committed that crime. The practice is also called victim-offender dialogue, victim-offender conferencing, victim-offender reconciliation, or restorative justice dialogue. In some…...


Works Cited:

Braithwaite, J. (2002). Restorative Justice & Responsive Regulation. Oxford University Press.

Hopkins, B. (2004). Just Schools: A Whole School Approach to Restorative Justice. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Liebmann, M. (2007). Restorative Justice: How it Works. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Ruth-Heffelbauer, D. (2006). Restorative Justice FAQ. Victim Offender Mediation Association. Online at

Restorative Justice and Religion A
Pages: 10 Words: 3175

Instead, Hadley (2001) argues that an understanding of the role of spirituality in restorative justice today can encourage peaceful communities both domestically and internationally. In fact, the spiritual component of restorative justice left lingering from its formation impacts today's attempts to practice restorative justice at the individual, communal, and international levels. In each scenario, components of spirituality remaining from the spiritual roots of restorative justice can help bring healing to a set of offenders and victims, in addition to fostering community cohesion.
On the individual level, the goal of restorative justice focuses on the individual who offended and his or her victim, although the entire community involved in the conflict can be brought in to the attempt to restore justice are often included. On the other hand, the community goal of restorative justice is bringing the community together in order to form a better functioning society. In her article, "The…...



"Beyond crime and punishment: Restorative Justice grows." (2007, June 18). Retrieved

April 30, 2009, from Religion Link. Web Site:

Center for Restorative Justice. "Resources: Introduction to RJ." Retrieved April 30, 2009,

from the Center for Restorative Justice. Web Site:

Restorative Justice & Rape Victims
Pages: 4 Words: 1522

Marian told a group of incarcerated rapists that her sister had been gagged before being killed, and so she, Marian, wished to hear their truths. "One of the prisoners who had committed multiple rape said, '...Until you spoke I was just play at victim empathy,' and it clearly helped him to understand what he'd done." And moreover, Marian is planning to write a letter to one of the two persons (now in prison) responsible for the mass murders (and Lucy's murder). "Those who know her [the convicted co-murderer] have advised me that it is not yet time to suggest..." A meeting between the two. "Meanwhile, I am content to continue sending her compassion," Marian concluded.
orks Cited

Cavanagh, Tom. "Restorative Justice: Healing the Effects of Crime." (2006): Retrieved 22 Nov. 2006 at

Madsen, Karin Sten. "Mediation as a way of empowering women exposed to sexual coercion."

Centre for Victims of Sexual Assault.…...


Works Cited

Cavanagh, Tom. "Restorative Justice: Healing the Effects of Crime." (2006): Retrieved 22 Nov. 2006 at .

Madsen, Karin Sten. "Mediation as a way of empowering women exposed to sexual coercion."

Centre for Victims of Sexual Assault. (2004): Retrieved 23 Nov. 2006 at

Partington, Marian. "The Agony and the Empathy - Restorative Justice." Urban Retrieved 23 Nov. 2006 at (2001).

Restorative Justice M6D1 Offender Registries
Pages: 2 Words: 926

M6D2: estorative Justice

The criminal justice system not only seeks justice to the victims and criminals, but restorative justice. As much as the victim benefits from the process, the criminals too ought to learn something from the entire process. According to Hancock and Sharp, 2004, several strategies have been devised in determining a convenient approach of providing justice to the direct victim, since the state does not pose as the primary victim. As a mayor, the strategies that could be of most value are ensuring community safety and enhancing competency development as accounts of restorative justice. Community safety determines the progression of a society. Through restorative justice, societal members are expected to build working relationships whose empowerment will depict the responsibility of the community. It is through such a program that past criminal offenders comprehend of their role in ensuring community protection, and hence playing an important role in maintaining state…...



Combs, D.T. (2011). Unwillingly Revealed: Registered Sex Offenders' Attitudes Toward the Sex Offender Registry. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 1-149.

Hess, K.M., Orthmann, C.H and Orthmann-Hess, C. (2009). Criminal Investigation. New York: Cengage Learning.

Restorative Justice the Philosophy Behind
Pages: 1 Words: 356

Restorative justice is not necessarily conservative in orientation, although this definition may make it seem so. It also focuses on transforming the traditional relationship between communities and their governments in responding to crime. It focuses on victim mediation and conferencing between convicted criminals and victims, and stresses the need to create opportunities for victims, offenders and community members to meet to discuss the crime and its aftermath, and the need for offenders to take active and constructive steps to repair the harm they have caused by making amends. Such steps may help heal the offenders as well as the victims, but ultimately restorative justice seeks to correct what advocates see as an imbalance in the system's emphasis and allocation of resources. Not only criminals but also victims must be made 'whole' again and helped to become contributing members of society. Victims have rights and needs too, and a stake in…...


Works Cited

What is Restorative Justice?" (2005) Restorative Justice. Article retrieved from organization's official website on 19 Mar 2005.

Restorative Justice and Community Justice Programs
Pages: 3 Words: 1149

Juvenile Justice System
Describe the Juvenile Justice System

The juvenile justice system is not just one department or building in a government facilities part of town. The juvenile justice system (JJS) is a "network of agencies that deal with juveniles whose conduct has brought them in conflict with the law" (3rd judicial district). In fact the JJS is composed of these components: police, prosecutor, detention, court, probation, and juvenile corrections facilities.

hen police arrest a juvenile after determining that a law has been broken, they actually have options (based on the juvenile's age and the crime); to return the adolescent to his parents; to refer him to the prosecutor's office; or to detain him in a juvenile detention center (3rd judicial district). In the event the juvenile committed a minor offense, the person could be handled informally through the probation department; but if the person had repeated previous offenses, he likely would be…...


Works Cited

Bazemore, G., and Day, S.E. (1996). Restoring the Balance: Juvenile and Community Justice.

Juvenile Justice / Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Programs, III (1).

Clarke, Peter. (2010). Juvenile vs. Adult Criminal System. Legal Match. Retrieved August 8,

2015, from .

Applied Research on Restorative Practices
Pages: 6 Words: 1784

Applied Research on Restorative Practice Problem background and context
Many schools across the globe are currently applying restorative practice. According to Calhoun (2013), there has been much success since the schools introduced this practice. Some of the successful schools have even proceeded to train other schools and institutions. Restorative practice constitutes diverse aspects, whose impact can influence a number of fields in the education sector such as conflict resolution, truancy, behavioral management and mediation (Hemphill et al., 2014). Restorative practice calls for ownership by everyone involved. This promotes mutual responsibility and this creates such an atmosphere in which resolution can occur.
Bolitho (2012) states that managing student misbehavior is one of the most crucial issues facing most schools across the world. The current approach in discipline is quite punitive, so to say. Many schools tend to apply zero tolerance policies. Though well intended, such policies have not yielded good results. In fact, they…...



Bolitho, J. (2012). Restorative Justice: The Ideals and Realities of Conferencing for Young People. Critical Criminology, 20 (1), 61-78.

Calhoun, A. (2013). Introducing Restorative Justice: Re-Visioning Responses to Wrongdoing. Prevention Researcher, 20 (1), 3-6.

Hemphill, S. A., Plenty, S. M., Herrenkohl, T. I., Toumbourou, J. W., & Catalano, R. F. (2014). Student and school factors associated with school suspension: A multilevel analysis of students in Victoria, Australia and Washington State, United States. Children and Youth Review, 36, 187-194.

Kalimeris, G., & Borrelli, A. (2013). School Suspensions- from Crisis to Opportunity. Relational Child and Youth Care Practice, 26 (4), 77-79.

Perry, B. L., & Morris, E. W. (2014). Suspending Progress: Collateral Consequences of Exclusionary Punishment in Public Schools. American Sociological Review, 79(6), 1067-1087.

Skiba, R. J. (2013). Reaching a Critical Juncture for Our Kids: The Need to Reassess School Justice Practices. Family Court Review, 51 (3), 380-387.

Crime Victims
Pages: 9 Words: 2804

CRIME VICTIMS Crime Victims: An IntroductionThe particular problems faced by persons who experience hare crime are broadly characterized by the trauma and fear they go through resulting from the crime (Reilich & Chermak, n.a.). The fear of visiting outside places might increase within the victims and his familys minds and he might be constrained to his home.The seriousness of cyberstalking could be estimated from the physical and mental effects it leaves on the victims. These could be seen in the form of upset stomach, trouble in sleeping, anger, fear, confusion, distress, and stress, etc. (Begotti & Maran, 2019).Law-abiding citizens should be concerned about inmate-on-inmate violence since the criminals in jail would eventually release from imprisonment. For a safe and better future of the society, it is necessary to have positive effects on the imprisoned person for having improved social and fiscal consequences (Zoukis, 2014).One side of the debate for the…...



Amir, M. (1968). Victim precipitated forcible rape. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 58(4), 493-502.

Begotti, T. & Maran, D.A. (2019). Characteristics of cyber stalking behavior, consequences, and coping strategies: A cross-sectional study in a sample of Italian University students. Future Internet, 11(5).

Bochetto Lentz. (2015, March 23). Criminal fraud vs. civil fraud: What’s the difference?

Restorative Justice and School
Pages: 7 Words: 3171

estorative justice is something that has become more and more prominent within the criminal justice sphere. The use of the concept and practice has emerged in its own right within the juvenile justice realm. The efficacy of restorative justice when it comes to juvenile offenders is a very important topic because being able to top the patterns of crime, addition and deviance in general is something that should absolutely be stopped and regulated early on in an offender's life due to how hard it becomes to do the same as an offender enters and reenters the justice system over the course of their life. It is important to create and retain a connection between these young offenders and the victims that suffer at their hands so that the connection is not lost and the offender becomes ambivalent or even hostile about the feelings, suffering and toil that their crimes take…...



Bergseth, K. J., & Bouffard, J. A. (2007). The long-term impact of restorative justice programming for juvenile offenders. Journal of Criminal Justice, 35(4), 433-451.


Davis, K. L. (2010, January 1). Restorative Justice Experiences of Juvenile Female Offenders:

School, Community, and Home. ProQuest LLC,

Restorative Justice
Pages: 3 Words: 1033

Does Restorative Justice Reduce Recidivism?
Though restorative justice has become an increasingly popular practice in the criminal justice field, there is still no concise, universally acceptable definition of the concept. There is often confusion over what actually constitutes restorative justice, with the concept usually being used interchangeably with terms such as relational justice, peacemaking criminology, transformative justice, and community justice (Latimer, Dowden & Muise, 2005). Even so, restorative justice is essentially an approach to offender rehabilitation where the offender is reconciled with victim(s) and/or the larger community (Wenzel et al., 2008). In other words, all stakeholders in a certain offense jointly resolve how to deal with the consequences of the offense.

The fundamental idea behind restorative justice is that an offense constitutes a violation of not only the law, but also individuals and relationships (Stamatakis & Vandeviver, 2013). Restorative justice, therefore, seeks to mend this violation. It provides an opportunity for the…...

What are good Titles for an essay on Police Brutality?
Words: 135

Police Brutality Essay Titles:

  1. Media’s Spin on Police Brutality vs. Actual Nationwide Statistics
  2. How to Interpret Police Brutality through Various Sociological Lenses
  3. Police Brutality and Critical Race Theory:  Implications for Policing
  4. Is Police Brutality as Bad as They Say It Is?
  5. From Rodney King to George Floyd:  The Evolution of Depictions and Responses to Police Brutality in America
  6. How the Militarized Police State Has Institutionalized Police Brutality
  7. Police Brutality as a Symptom of the (In)Justice System
  8. Community Policing as a Solution to Police Brutality
  9. Can Alternative Sentencing and Restorative Justice Reduce Police Brutality Rates?
  10. Police Brutality is Accepted When Police are Mobilized in Force

I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on theft in schools. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 302

1. The prevalence of theft in schools and its impact on students and staff
2. The role of technology in preventing and addressing theft in schools
3. The psychological effects of being a victim of theft in a school environment
4. Strategies for promoting a culture of honesty and accountability in schools to reduce theft
5. The consequences of theft in schools on academic performance and school culture
6. The relationship between socioeconomic factors and theft in schools
7. Investigating the reasons behind why students steal in schools
8. The effectiveness of disciplinary measures in deterring theft in schools
9. The role of parents and the community in....

I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on theft in schools. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 528

1. The Impact of Theft on School Climate and Student Well-being

Explore the psychological and emotional impact of theft on students, teachers, and administrators.
Examine the consequences of reduced trust and increased fear within the school environment.
Discuss how theft creates a distraction from learning and disrupts the sense of community.

2. The Role of Security Measures in Deterring Theft

Analyze the effectiveness of various security measures, such as surveillance cameras, access control systems, and security guards.
Discuss the cost-benefit ratio of implementing different security measures.
Explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of using technology to prevent theft.

3. The Psychological Factors....

I\'m interested in debating school theft. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 299

Yes, there are several essay topics that can present opposing viewpoints on the topic of school theft. Some potential essay topics could include:

1. Is school theft a serious problem that needs to be addressed with stricter punishment, or is it a minor issue that students should be allowed to handle independently?
2. Should schools implement more security measures to prevent theft, or should they focus on creating a more trusting environment where students feel less inclined to steal?
3. Is school theft a result of socioeconomic factors and should be approached with a focus on addressing root causes, or is it....

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