Restaurant Management Essays (Examples)

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Restaurant Management Challenges Involved in Restaurant Management
Pages: 5 Words: 1598

estaurant Management
Challenges involved in restaurant management

estaurants are businesses that offer foods and drinks to customers within the hospitality industry. There is a small distinction between restaurants and hotels in the hospitality industry. Few restaurants expand their business to offer other services that are usually for hotels such as accommodation services. A number of hotels also offer restaurant-related services. These similarities in the two sectors categorize them into one industry referred to as hospitality. There are many restaurants and hotels in the state of California. The restaurants offer a variety of products and services to a significant percentage of the California's population.

Just like any other business operation in California, management of a restaurant faces a number of challenges. These challenges range from competitive and demographic issues to social concerns and regulatory issues. Geographical issues such as the location of a restaurant are also a challenge. Poor location of a restaurant is…...



Singh, A.J., & Kasavana, M.L. (2005). The impact of information technology on future management of lodging operations: A Delphi study to predict key technological events in 2007

and 2027. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 6(1), 24-37.

Griffin, W.R. (2007). Fundamentals of management. 5th edition. Printed in U.S.A: Cengage

Learning Inc.

Customer Service Restaurant Management
Pages: 8 Words: 2072

Customer Service estaurant Management
estaurant management all over the world initiate impressive approaches to improve their customer services. However, the realization part comes when these approaches have to be fully agreed upon by the employees who are essentially responsible for their implementation. The history of restaurant business reveals that policy making for customer service has been a. painless effort, but attaining employee acceptance to the same for making it operational is the more challenging area. This impracticability of customer services' policies in restaurant management has led most strategies to failure from their initiation.

This failure in policy implementation has been a persistent reason for perplexity and disappointment to top managements of restaurants. estaurant managements suppose that when they have disclosed a certain policy for customer service, employees will comprehend the strategy behind it with the same frame of mind wherewith it was framed. Additionally they presume that the launched customer service program…...



Dr. Self, John T. Improving Customer Services: From Strategy to Reality. Restaurant Voice,

Dr. Self, John T. Improving Customer Services: What Is Customer Service? Restaurant Voice,

Restaurant Management

Management Annotated Bibliography Anyim F C 2012 The
Pages: 5 Words: 1782

Management: Annotated Bibliography
Anyim, F.C. (2012). The Imperative of Integrating Corporate Business Plan with Manpower Planning. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(8).

This article talks about how traditionally, manpower planning as human resource activity is something that is utilized by institutions to make sure that they have the proper number and the accurate types of individuals that are performing jobs at the right places and during the right time all in a proposal to achieve business purposes. The article also explains how Business plan looks to recognize the many issues critical to the achievement of the association. The article likewise emphases on how the organization can be better positioned and equipped to contend effectually in the marketplace, while manpower planning, and contribute to the industry by providing the means (individuals) to complete the results from the planning procedure. This essay is beneficial gives theoretical explanations and inspects the authoritative of mixing…...


Works Cited

Anyim, F.C. (2012). The Imperative of Integrating Corporate Business Plan with Manpower Planning. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(8).

Bewayo, E. (2005). Business Plans: Why Do We Teach Them? Northeast Business & Economics Association (NBEA) -- Established in 1973, 492-495.

Boni, A.A. (2012). The pitch and business plan for investors and partners. Journal of Commercial Biotechnology, 18, 38 -- 42.

Brush, S. (1993). Developing a hotel business plan: A how-to manual. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 34(3), 72.

Management Theories as the Supervisor
Pages: 15 Words: 4318

In fact I sincerely wanted to help them find positions where they could excel. The lack of trust on their part and the acute resistance to change was so strong that structuring for integration to the point of even defining what conditions needed to be changed to overcome shortcomings and design a new position for them was not possible. As trust was not present and despite my best attempts to earn it through being genuinely concerned about them, all attempts were seen more as patronizing and less about attempting to help them. On the occasion that they did ask for pay increases, I told them they would need to get their cumulative customer satisfaction scores up and also call volumes. Not interested in the position or excelling at it, these employees refused to improve and when let go, saw it as very personal given my continual efforts to help…...



Alexander, Kenneth O. "Worker Ownership and Participation in the Context of Social Change: Progress Is Slow and Difficult, but it Need Not Wait upon Massive Redistribution of Wealth. " the American Journal of Economics and Sociology 44.3 (1985): 337. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 25 Oct. 2008

Timothy Bartram, Gian Casimir. "The relationship between leadership and follower in-role performance and satisfaction with the leader:the mediating effects of empowerment and trust in the leader. " Leadership & Organization Development Journal 28.1 (2007): 4-19. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 24 Oct. 2008

Douglas Brownlie, Paul Hewer, Beverly Wagner, Gran Svensson. "Management theory and practice: bridging the gap through multidisciplinary lenses. " European Business Review 20.6 (2008): 461-470. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 24 Oct. 2008

Huei-Fang Chen, Yi-Ching Chen. "The Impact of Work Redesign and Psychological Empowerment on Organizational Commitment in a Changing Environment: An Example From Taiwan's State-Owned Enterprises. " Public Personnel Management 37.3 (2008): 279-302. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest 27 Oct. 2008

Management of Change Within Starbucks
Pages: 10 Words: 2845

Please see Appendix a for a give year ratio analysis of Starbucks Corporation illustrating the significant effect the recession is having on gross margins. Yet despite this pressure, Starbucks continues to be successful in keeping its gross margins above industry average at 9.67% for the latest fiscal year. Also noteworthy about their financial performance is the increase in evenue Per Employee from $53,864 in 2004 to $59,156. This speaks to the fact that Starbucks is being successful with their long-term strategy of delivering exceptional customer experiences, so much so that there is greater levels of repurchase of drinks and food even in a recession (Churchill, 2008). All of these factors point to the critical need for managing customer experiences more closely than ever, with a strong orientation towards giving customers and opportunity to have their voices heard on potential new products. Starbucks has excelled in the area of social…...



Bernoff, J., & Li, C.. (2008). Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 36-42.

Chris Churchill. (15 July 2008). Starbucks competitors get jitters: Local coffeehouses, facing woes of their own, cast wary eye on chain's recent closings. McClatchy - Tribune Business News

Fridell, G. (2009). The Co-Operative and the Corporation: Competing Visions of the Future of Fair Trade. Journal of Business Ethics: Supplement, 86, 81-95.

Burt Helm. (2007, April). SAVING STARBUCKS' SOUL: Chairman Howard Schultz is on a mission to take his company back to its roots. Oh, yeah -- he also wants to triple sales in five years. Business Week,(4029), 56.

Management of Technology for Microsoft's
Pages: 10 Words: 2735

. The mobile business market has seen significant of uptake of 2E (mobile sales-force and field service) solutions and Microsoft has the chance to develop its offerings around its acquisitions, adding mobile functionality. Microsoft partners with many application vendors across the board and moving too heavily into the application space would incense many. However, there is viability in developing a mid-market mobile application proposition, given the unconsolidated nature of offerings from operators, traditional ISVs, start-ups and mobile middleware players.

In the device OS market, as at desktop level and in the server-room, Linux clearly represents a threat to Microsoft, and one it expends much energy playing down. Although there has been little uptake of Linux to date specifically as an operating system for multimedia cell phones, there are many who are not keen to implement end-to-end Microsoft solutions. Linux will give these companies added freedom in choosing applications, middleware and infrastructure.




Ovum Research (2006) - Worldwide Multimedia Cell Phone Forecast.

Source: Credit Suisse First Boston Analysis of the Multimedia Cell Market (2006)

Flextronics (2006) - Annual Report and key investor5 briefing materials. Accessed from the Internet on November 29, 2006 

IDC (2006) - Worldwide Multimedia Cell Phone Forecast. Framingham, MA. Published July, 2006.

Management Economies of Scale Reflects a Situation
Pages: 7 Words: 2348

Economies of scale reflects a situation where the cost of something declines when more is produced. With larger quantities, bargaining power increase, and there are opportunities for greater systems efficiency. Economies of scope reflects a cost saving when a company produces two or more goods (The Economist, 2008). For example, if McDonalds only produced Big Macs, it would be inefficient because there is not enough demand for those to keep the restaurant busy. By adding other products, the restaurant can become more efficient because it is working closer to capacity and there are always customers.

Transaction costs are the costs associated with a transaction. In some cases, there are fees and commissions that have to be paid in order to do something. Those costs do not add any value in themselves, but they are costs that are necessary to doing the transaction.

Economic Value Added (EVA) is basically the profit earned by…...



IFM (2015). Porter's generic competitive strategies. University of Cambridge. Retrieved July 10, 2015 from 

Porter, M. (2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved July10, 2015 from 

The Economist (2008). Economies of scale and scope. The Economist. Retrieved July 10, 2015 from 

Subramaniam, N. (1999). The European automotive industry. Tripod. Retrieved July 10, 2015 from

Management Scenario How Good of a Boss
Pages: 2 Words: 535

Management Scenario
How Good of a Boss Can You Be?


Your previous boss now reports to you. When you worked under her, you believed she was a good boss and had been helpful in your advancement. Now, she is 59 years old and three years from retirement age. She has been with the firm for over 25 years but she now seems indifferent to her work and often performs unsatisfactorily.


The listed scenario is one that must be handled with the utmost care. After twenty five years of service, the employ has earned a level of respect that must be upheld at all times. Furthermore, since she also served as a mentor that was an asset in my career development then this also adds to the difficulty that will be experienced in any confrontation. However, as the new boss, it will be my responsibility to try to rectify the situation in regards to…...

Management Wal-Mart Success Sam Walton's
Pages: 6 Words: 1910

Branching out into new sectors of retailing - Wal-Mart has become a major pharmacy, an automotive repair shop, and a grocery retailer. This is just one example of success. It demonstrates Sam Walton's vision of being the best retailer around. After a store expands physically and geographically, it must then expand in terms of what they sell by branching out and competing with other businesses.

The conventional retail business of Wal-Mart has been to sell discount and house wares and plastic goods, clothing, sporting goods, and toys. Other departments have include but have not been limited to stationary and office supplies, hardware, home improvement, paint supplies, arts and crafts, cosmetics and toiletries, shoes, books and magazines, greeting cards, and confectionery. Wal-Mart has also branched out into home electronics, automotive supplies, pharmaceuticals, jewelry sales, photo finishing, travel planning, along with home gardening. After that Wal-Mart moved into the grocery store business with…...



Caban, Jennifer. (2007). Financial Success of Wal-Mart. Retrieved July 23, 2010, from   ml?cat=55 

Carmichael, Evan. (2010). Wal-Mart - Sam Walton's Success Story. Retrieved July 23, 2010,

from Ezine Articles Web site: -


Management the Success and Failures
Pages: 5 Words: 1990

The level of the investment also isolated them more in the case of a failure. They paid attention to the wrong details. Disney acted on American views of Europe rather than on native views, which could identify the important cultural differences. It appeared that the managers were too confident in their success to research the small details about European cultures.
In planning Euro Disney there were not any contingency plans put into place. The attitude towards customer habits was very complacent. They assumed that there would be so many customers every day, each staying an average number of nights spending an average amount of money. In America this would have worked because there is already a well established theme park culture. The European market proved to be a lot more unpredictable.

Up until now, Disney's venture into China has been anything but magical. The Hong Kong theme park, which opened in…...


Works Cited

Balfour, Frederik. 2009. "Disney Shanghai: Good for China, Bad for Hong Kong." 28 June,

2010. Business Week. Web.

Liu, Ling Woo. 2009. "Disneyland in Shanghai: A Second Try in China." 28 June, 2010. Time.


Global Human Resource Management
Pages: 1 Words: 305

Global Human Resource Management
McDonald's Company, responding to the growing need to train its employees and managers to provide excellent customer service to its 18, 380 branches worldwide, has established the Hamburger University. The Hamburger University was established in 1961 to serve as a worldwide Management Training Center, with its main headquarters located in Oak rook, Illinois. It currently educates and trains 65, 000 managers from around the world, and has training centers in England, Japan, Germany, and Australia. The Hamburger University in Illinois trains McDonald's employees to achieve global training in fast food restaurant management, which mainly centers on customer satisfaction and service. One of the most important features of the McDonald's global training is its ability to fuse both local and international standards of customer service. Since McDonald's caters fast food to numerous countries with different cultures, i.e., different food preferences and habits, the difficult task of providing diverse,…...



Solomon, C. (1996). Big Mac's McGlobal HR Secrets. Personnel Journal, Vol 75, Issue 4.

Organizational Behavior -- Managing Diversity
Pages: 7 Words: 1898

Effective diversity management, on the other hand, provides a means more than just the elimination of potential sources of revenue loss; it means actually increasing revenue through customer satisfaction that is known to generate increased patronage and brand loyalty (ussell-Whalling, 2008), especially in the restaurant services industry.
Organizational Dynamics and the ole of Managers in the etail Services Industry

The highly competitive nature of modern retail restaurant services makes traditional supervisory and management practices comparatively ineffective, especially in areas outside of direct operational dynamics. Traditional supervisor-subordinate relationships are sufficient to provide training in mechanical procedures and operations; they are comparatively ineffective at cultivating a commitment to becoming part of an organizational culture (George & Jones, 2008).

Especially with respect to inexperienced, part-time, non-career, and seasonal employees, it is preferable for organizational leaders (Bennis, 2009) and managers (Lencioni, 2009) to develop a more personal connection to their staff members. In fact, the low…...



Armenakis a, Field H, and Harris S. "Making Change Permanent: A Model for Institutionalizing Change Interventions." Research in Organizational Change and Development. Vol. 12, (1999). Stanford: JAI Press.

Bennis W. "Acting the Part of a Leader." Business Week; September 14, 2009.

George JM. And Jones GR. (2008). Understanding and Managing Organizational

Behavior. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Hotel Rest Hotel and Restaurant
Pages: 6 Words: 1564

In order to capitalize fully on the market segment of travelers in search of convenience rather than a particular destination or certain luxuries, affordability and a consistent level of basic quality should be emphasized in both ventures. In addition, the separation of the hotel and restaurant branding is desirable in order to promote the greatest revenue from both ventures. In keeping with the convenience and quality aspects of both business ventures, and the need for consistency and careful management control without extensive owner oversight, Holiday Inn has been selected for the hotel brand and management company, and Chili's has been selected as the brand and operator of the restaurant. This combination should provide the revenue and profitability that the owners are seeking without engaging in necessarily expensive attempts to increase occupancy rates.
Profitability in the hospitality industry can be more difficult to come by than might be imagined, but it…...



Brinkers International. (2012). Accessed 20 March 2012. 

DineEquity. (2012). Accessed 20 March 2012.

IHG. (2012). Accessed 20 March 2012.

Wyndham. (2012). Accessed 20 March 2012.

Management Development Process Has Been
Pages: 16 Words: 4207

Previously the element of interest and personal motivation were found missing, the technical capabilities of the employees have never been a matter of debate, however the personal and mental capacities and limitations are either ignored or not respected which resulted in the poor performance of the organization. Apparently, the rise in the demands pertaining to the particpation of the employees and the industrial democracy has also distorted the professional environment. Such all complains were lately resolved and answered through the unique approach of the organization, the organization has understood the significance of the employees, and had realized that their performance is not based upon their professional capabilities, but rather it is the function of the mental capability of the employee related to the friendly and conducive environment offered to the employees occasionally. The need of the employees that focus upon peaceful, conducive and liberal environment has been ensured, which…...



Hamel, G. Leading the Revolution. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. 2000. Pp. 123-124.

Keely, L. Strategic Choices. Dublin Group presentation materials, unpublished. 1999.

Mahler, W., & Drotter, S. The Succession Planning Handbook for the Chief Executive, Midland Park, NJ: Mahler Publishing Co. 1986.

McKinsey and Co. The War for Talent Survey, New York, NY: McKinsey and Co. publication. 1997.

Managing the Generation Mix in the Workforce
Pages: 6 Words: 2536

feature of the contemporary workplace is the convergence of, and collision among, traditional and new talents from four different time zones: the Greatest Generation of World War II in the 40s and the 50s; the aby oomers born between 1946 and 1964; Generation X individuals born between 1964 and 1976; and Generation Y individuals born between 1976 and 1995. With different orientations and meeting in common grounds, the problem is how to set them together to produce their generational best without sacrificing corporate objectives and hurting anyone's rights or point-of-view. In other words, how to manage the generations' wide differences in the workplace without tilting the balance towards any particular side or sector.
Let us take a good look at these generations in the labor market. The Greatest Generation on top of the ladder consists of those born before 1946 are the brave souls of World War II who very…...



Gawel. Richard. Survey Shatters Workplace Stereotypes. Electronic Design:

Penton Media, Inc., 1999

Gomolski, Barbara. Managing Age Diversity in the Workplace. Computerworld, 2001

3. Martin, Carolyn. Managing the Generation Mix. Top Echelon Network, Inc.:

How does the Hospitality Management Department at H University prepare students for success in the rapidly evolving industry?
Words: 500

Hospitality Management Department at H University: Fostering Success in a Dynamic Industry

The Hospitality Management Department at H University has tailored its curriculum and experiential programs to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and adaptability necessary to thrive in the ever-changing hospitality industry. Here's how the department prepares students for success:

1. Industry-Aligned Curriculum:

Core Hospitality Courses: The curriculum encompasses fundamental principles of hospitality management, including food and beverage operations, hotel management, and event planning.
Specialized Tracks: Students can specialize in areas such as culinary arts, lodging management, or tourism management, tailoring their education to their career aspirations.
Industry Partnerships: The department....

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