Responsibility Essays (Examples)

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Responsibility Project Responsibility in Business No Bad
Pages: 3 Words: 817

esponsibility Project
esponsibility in Business: No Bad Brownie

The importance of business ethics has been sharply and repeatedly highlighted by many event s over the past decade or so, from the series of scandals at the turn of the century (Enron, WorldCom, etc.) to the more recent financial meltdown precipitated by nefarious lending practices and trick bookkeeping. While negative outcomes from unethical behaviors seem to be the most headline-grabbing means of encountering ethical dilemmas and decisions in business today, they are far from the only means of investigating such issues. A video on Liberty Mutual's ethics-dedicated website, The esponsibility Project, highlights many different instances of positive ethical outcomes, and of ethical struggles that companies have had to contend with. The brief video of Gresyton Bakery, a commercial brownie manufacturer that is involved in both wholesale and retail distribution, shows how positive ethical choices can also have profound impacts on business and the…...



French, W. & Granrose, J. (1994). Practical Business Ethics. New York: Prentice Hall.

Kokemuller, N. (2012). How Can External Social Pressure Influence Business Ethics? Accessed 30 April 2012. 

Liberty Mutual. (2010). Greyston Bakery. Accessed 30 April 2012.

Responsibility Project Table Guardian -- Short Film
Pages: 3 Words: 688

Responsibility Project
Table Guardian -- Short Film Analysis

The short film chosen from the Responsible Project is called the Table Guardian and was originally posted on February 14, 2008 (The Responsibility Project, 2008). The short film was produced by a company known as RSA who were retained to produce a series of short films that are focused on personal responsibility and Table Guardians was one of the first films the company produced for Liberty Mutual ( Liberty Mutual via Business ire News Releases, 2008). The setting for the film takes place in an urban coffee shop that is bustling with morning activity.

The film centers on Michael who is pictured sitting at a coffee house with his laptop and personal materials, while looks busy doing some kind of work. Shortly after this character is introduced, Michael asks a woman who is sitting at a nearby table to watch his laptop and save his…...


Works Cited

Liberty Mutual via Business Wire News Releases. (2008, April 28). RSA Films Joins Liberty Mutual's "The Responsibility Project" to Create Original Content for Online Community. Retrieved from 

The Responsibility Project. (2008, February 14). Table Guardians. Retrieved from Liberty Mutual - The Resposnsibility Project:

Responsibility Project for the Completion of the
Pages: 4 Words: 1149

esponsibility Project
For the completion of the task pertaining to the organizational ethics, the responsibility project website is nominated and short film selected is "Hot Seat." The following paper caters to the specification of the movie in full details.

The esponsibility Project

The Situation Highlighted in the Short Film

The short film presents the scenario of a workplace. It is an animated movie that sheds light on the deviant workplace behaviors. With the lack of resources and inter-employee bonding the movie presents a situation where after losing the resource (chair) the employees start an exchange sequence to suffice their needs but leaving the other employee troubled. For a long period of time the similar exchange program was executed and at last a responsible employee finally takes charge and sort out the problem. The last employee fixes the chair for himself and sets back to work. In the five minutes episode presented in the video…...



Bennett, A. (2013, January 30). Risking Your Job to Do the Right Thing. Retrieved from Liberty Mutual: 

Seat, H. (2008, August 28). Workplace. Retrieved from The Responsibility Project:

Responsibility Ethicists Have Discussed Responsibility as Far
Pages: 2 Words: 733

Ethicists have discussed responsibility as far back at least as Aristotle, usually in terms of responsibility for the results of one's own voluntary actions (Burke 2006). Some actions, however, carry responsibility even if we were not the direct cause or agent, for example our own existence. All of us come into the world through the action of our parents before we are even capable of intentional action. We all must learn to survive, communicate and support ourselves through the support and guidance of those around us, regardless of the specific individuals who fill those roles. These caregivers become our de facto family until we become self-sufficient. This care brings about an obligation to those who invest the time, effort and expense into raising us into independence. Therefore we all have a responsibility either to specific individuals or to others in general if those individuals are no longer present. This can…...



Burke, L. (2006). Ethical responsibility. DeAnza College faculty directory. Retrieved from$169

Responsibility Project the Short Film Selected by
Pages: 2 Words: 714

esponsibility Project
The short film selected by the author of this paper for this report was the civility in politics video. While this may seem to some to be limited to governmental institutions and situations, there is a lot of creep with politics into business and non-profit organizational situations and dynamics all of the time. Some of those are customary and normal while others are abnormal and potentially explosive. The author of this report will touch on all of those as the author answers the questions. The author of this report is asked to explain why the issues in the film are important, what role do external social pressures have in influencing the organizational ethics of a company/organization, how might these issues be important to the personal and organizational decisions of an organization and its people and what the relationship is between legal and ethical issues in the film.


The issues in…...



LibertyMutual. (2012, October 10). Film: RP Film | Government | RP Roundtable: Civility & Politics | The Responsibility Project by Liberty Mutual. Welcome to The Responsibility Project by Liberty Mutual. Retrieved April 7, 2013, from

Responsibility Charting Using Action Research to Improve
Pages: 3 Words: 980

esponsibility Charting
Using Action esearch to Improve the Provision of Healthcare

The use of a responsibility chart facilitates communication about the roles participants play in an action research project, and it ensures that important steps or tasks are not inadvertently left out of the implementation. An additional benefit is that the action research responsibility charting process provides an opportunity for deep thinking about the match between the skills of the participants and the tasks and activities that must be accomplished in order to conduct the action research project. The overarching goal of an action research project is to resolve a practice or policy problem through critical thinking and ongoing in situ testing.

Decisions and esponsibilities

There are four main stakeholders involved in this action research project as indicated in the esponsibility Chart (Appendix I). The responsibilities listed in the esponsibility Chart include the following: Identify project staff; provide project orientation to staff; identify action…...



Stringer, E.T. (2007). Action research (3rd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.

Responsibility of Accountants
Pages: 5 Words: 1744

Accountants esponsibility
Introduction to Accountant esponsibility

Essentially, accountants have a responsibility a number of parties, with the major parties in this case being the government, clients and third parties. In today's capitalist society, the accounting profession is deemed to be a common and important feature. Discussing the responsibilities accountants have to the three parties identified above would, therefore, certainly be a prudent and logical move.

esponsibility to Clients

To begin with, accountants have a responsibility to keep client information confidential. If an accountant discloses confidential client information to a third party, such an accountant would be deemed to have violated ule 301. The said rule, in simple terms, states that "a member CPA shall not disclose any confidential information without the specific consent of the client" (Perkins, 2004). In that regard, therefore, an accountant must obtain the consent of the client before disclosing information which could be regarded confidential. The said consent could be…...



Bruner, P.L. & Haley, T.L. (Eds.). (2007). Managing and Litigating the Complex Surety Case (2nd ed.). New York, NY: ABA Publishing.

Duska, R. Duska, B.S., & Ragatz, J.A. (2011). Accounting Ethics (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Newton, G.W. (2009). Bankruptcy and Insolvency Accounting: Practice and Procedure (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Perkins, S.S. (2004). CPA Duties of Confidentiality. Retrieved from

Responsibility My Education on Responsibility
Pages: 3 Words: 954

After all the illusions of instant superstardom subside, the need for and even the dependence on team support sets in. The realization hit me one game that I was nothing without my team, and that my best days in baseball were when I gave my team my best, and contributed to us moving forward. Sure, I wanted to always hit a home run when I went to the plate, but I realized that just connecting with the ball and getting a base hit, even aiming to get the ball down and bunt to advance runners even if I was thrown out, was better than striking out trying to hit home runs. I learned the responsibility of being focused on my team first, and my responsibility to stay in good shape, stay healthy and most of all, stay focused while playing in the infield. So many management writers today write about…...

Responsibility Convey the Sense of
Pages: 2 Words: 682

All these factors added to the supremacy of idealism, opportunism, and radicalism among Chinese intellectuals, shaping a culture which in turn fashioned intellectual discourses throughout the 1980s and aided the rise of the 1989 Movement (Zhao, 2004).
In the end duty to country or society became equivalent with duty to the party. Opposition to China's enemies was associated with support for the party. Patriotism was linked with loyalty to China's current political system. The young people became frustrated with all of the rules and regulations that were being placed upon them. They felt as if they have been told what to do and what to think ever since they were born. And when the intellectual leaders started in on them about their social responsibilities, it was more than they could deal with. They felt as if the older generations were stuck in their own ideas of responsibility and that was…...


Works Cited

Zhao, D. 2004. "The Power of Tiananmen: Intellectual Activity and the Student Movement"

Web. 10 May 2010. Available at:

Responsibility Require Leaders in Today's World to
Pages: 8 Words: 2399

responsibility require leaders in today's world to demonstrate the appropriate leadership skills. This mandate is even more pertinent in today's military structures. The call for a holistic understanding of personal, interpersonal and group dynamics is loudly heard by those who understand the global battlefield and all of its enormous schematic layout. The purpose of this essay is provide a self-reflection on two of the most important management skills highlighted by Whetten & Caneron's text. For this analysis I've chosen the two skills of developing self-awareness and motivating others. Synthesizing past experience and the management skills presented to me in this course, I will gain understanding in a new direction of furthering my military career and reaching my highest potential.
Whetten & Caneron presented nine competency skills contained in three differing categories to help break down and simplify this process. Personal, interpersonal and group dynamics are the three categories in which…...

Responsibilities of Christians as Regards
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

"he final third are an estimated 10,000 "people group," or 2.1 billion humans, who for reasons of language or geography have never heard about the Christ of Christmas. And reaching them, missionaries say, involves crossing physical, political, and linguistic barriers." hose barriers will not always be gracious, not always be welcoming, but it goes without saying that devoted Christians do, and will continue, to overcome those barriers to touch the lives of other who have yet to experience the inspiration of the Word of God.
Not a Competition

here is not a competition for souls in Christian missionary work. Missionary work does not use people as human pawns on the chessboard of world politics.

Sometimes, it may be difficult for people, and missionaries alike, to understand that. Christians missionaries serve vital roles in places around the world where each day people lose the battle against the natural forces of nature, the evil…...


The Sphere Project represents a far more recent attempt at codification. It was established on July 1, 1997 by the Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response (SCHR) and Interaction, with the aim of examining and setting the minimum standards of behavior for those involved in humanitarian responses. The project has involved front line NGOs and the Red Cross and the Red Crescent Movement, interested donor governments, and UN agencies cooperating to develop a set of standards in core areas of human relief."

More Quiet Missionary

There are those who have alleged that the Anglican Church has forgotten its missionary responsibility In fact,

Responsibilities of Corporations
Pages: 4 Words: 1574

Responsibilities of Corporations
Most people would agree that the purpose of business is to make a profit, but at what cost in human lives and suffering?

On December 3, 1984, a cloud of highly toxic gas rose above the city of hopal, India. When it settled, it instantly killed approximately 3,000 people, and left up to 600,000 people dying slowly or suffering various kinds of medical problems (Economist, par. 2). Union Carbide's pesticide plant was the culprit, yet the company denies any wrongdoing as well as any responsibility in the incident. According to the company's official statement, the explosion was the result of sabotage (Union Carbide, par. 4).

Even if we accept Union Carbide's claim that sabotage was the cause of the catastrophe, does this clear the company of any guilt in the matter? If sabotage really is to blame, doesn't it only shift the company culpability from one area to another; security…...



1. Economist. "Bhopal's Deadly Legacy." 373.8403 (2004). Academic Search Premier 6 Dec. 2004

2. Multinational Monitor. "Workers at Risk: The Dangers on the Job When the Regulators Don't Try Very Hard." 24.6 (2004): 21-26.

3. Schmitt, Christopher H., Wakefield, Ann M., Ekman, Monica M. "Secrets behind the mask." U.S. News & World Report 137.4 (2004): 38-41.

4. Union Carbide Corp. "Statement of Union Carbide Corporation Regarding the Bhopal Tragedy." 2004.

Responsibilities of a Business Firm
Pages: 2 Words: 704

Integrating the value of the code of ethics to the entire company can indeed help to prevent some unethical behaviors and that safeguards the company's corporate reputation (Vitell, 2006). Having the code of ethics in place, no matter how much employees are actually acting upon it, helps the company's external perceptions. The company can highlight this when trying to get a foot ahead of competition, and although small, it can give the needed advantage. When customers or other companies are deciding to do business with a new company, they will want to work with a company that has the perception of good ethics, and having a code of ethics in place gives that perception they are looking for.
Overall having an official code of ethics for a company is an immensely important business practice, regardless if employees are using it as they should. It is so important that you will…...



Dolgoff, R., Loewenberg, F., & Harrington, D. (2009). Ethical Decisions. New York: Thomson Brooks/Cole.

Vallario, C. (2007, May 1). Is your ethics program working? Financial Executive. Retrieved February 19, 2011 from 

Vitell, S. (2006, March 20). The Impact of Corporate Ethical Values and Enforcement of Ethical Codes on the Perceived Importance of Ethics in Business. Journal of Business Ethics. Retrieved February 19, 2011 from

Responsibilities of the Federal State and Local
Pages: 2 Words: 666

responsibilities of the federal, state, and local public health systems?
On a federal level, the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) regulate food and drug safety, to ensure that American consumers are protected against tainted or unsafe products. The Surgeon General has often been the spearhead of public health campaigns, such as to encourage Americans to quit smoking or to be aware of the gravity of the AIDS epidemic. The White House has likewise championed many public health service campaigns, such as the current 'Let's Move' campaign of Michelle Obama. The Department of Health and Human Services oversees the majority of health-related initiatives on the part of the federal government, including Medicare, the health insurance program provided for all seniors (HHS, 2011, Official Website).

However, state and local public agencies also have substantial responsibilities in safeguarding public safety. "State health agencies must be able to…...



Beitsch, Leslie M.; Robert G. Brooks, Meade Grigg, & Nir Menachemi. (2006). Structure and functions of state public health agencies. American Journal of Public Health. 96(1): 167 -- 172. Retrieved November 14, 2011 at 

Department of Health and Human Services. (2011). Official Website. Retrieved November 14,

2011 at

Responsibility to Linda Is to
Pages: 2 Words: 729

I want to start Linda on medication for her diabetes and while I will remind her that her smoking is unhealthy, I will address that issue more fully at a later point in time. Linda has not approached me for help with her smoking, so she is unlikely to be motivated to deal with that addition at present.
Linda's bipolar diagnosis presents an additional challenge. I expect that this could cause her motivation level to fluctuate and may prevent her from staying on her diabetes medication, if I can get her to start that medication. My approach to this would be to provide her with the information and support that she needs. I will take the approach of making incremental gains with Linda, since the likelihood of setbacks is high given her state.

I would also let Linda know that if she is sufficiently motivated to take medication for her diabetes,…...

explain the aftermath of the war in the book all quiet on the western front?
Words: 114

The aftermath of the war in All Quiet on the Western Front is most notable in the soldiers who are unable to adjust to civilian life. Paul, the main character, even struggles when he comes home on leave, because he does not really know how to handle family relationships anymore. He feels better when he's with his fellow soldiers, because he knows how to relate to them. In How Many Miles to Basra, the aftermath is more focused on how the soldiers, translator, and journalist were affected by their attempt to make amends. During war, truth and responsibility can become blurred,....

Critically explore how ideas of leadership and partnership practice would help you to address the challenges in Corporate Social Responsibility Ethics responsibility and sustainability in today business Globe?
Words: 324

We are assuming that your question is how you critically explore how the ideas of leadership and partnership practice would help you to address the challenges in corporate social responsibility.  Many people are uncertain how to write a critical review or critical evaluation, because the approach is somewhat different than what you would find in standard lower-level academic writing.

To write a critique, it is important to understand that the academic definition of critical is not the same as the lay definition of critical.   For the layperson, the word critical tends to be negative. However, from an academic....

I need a thesis statement for my topic accounting ethics?
Words: 390

Accounting ethics are incredibly important because accountants are entrusted with handling money for individuals, businesses, and other organizations.  Unethical accountants can expose a business to financial risks and liabilities, even if their breaches of ethics do not amount to criminal behavior or involve intentional wrongdoing on the part of the accountant.  Huge financial scandals, such as Enron, could not occur without ethical breaches on the part of the accountants because the financial structure of large organizations requires at least passive participation in wrongdoing by people at the accountant level.  Accountant ethics are....

I need help writing an essay on CSR and how it helps environment, cultural arts and poverty?
Words: 350

CSR, or corporate social responsibility, refers to the idea that companies should hold themselves accountable for how their policies and procedures impact the greater world at large.  CSR does not have a single definition, because it is tailored to each individual company and that company’s view of how they act in a responsible position.  CSR is self-regulating, insofar as it is not imposed by outside forces, at least in terms of being regulated; outside forces, such as client decisions to purchase products or services, competitor responses to corporate policies, or business partner....

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