Research Questions Essays (Examples)

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Forming Research Questions and Approaches
Pages: 2 Words: 740




Aligning purpose with research questions

The purpose for conducting this study is to determine how the daily duties of suburban resource officers can provide insight into the school violence problem that faces many schools today. I believe that the research questions that I have proposed, with a little tweaking, will help to answer the questions that have been put forth in this study. The ultimate goal is to come up with a way to reduce the amount of school violence that is occurring everyday. Tapping into the supply of middle school resource officers in order to help facilitate a plan is an idea that has not been looked at very closely.

When formulating good research questions it is important to make sure that they have only one single focus (Prasad, ao and ehani, 2001). I believe that my questions are formulated with a single purpose in mind. The purpose being how resource…...



Prasad, Shalini, Rao, Ajith, and Rehani, Eeshoo. (2001). Developing Hypothesis and Research

Questions. Retrieved May 20, 2009, from Web site: 

The Case Study of as a Research Method. (2006). Retrieved May 20, 2009, from Web site:

China and Globalization Three Research Questions on
Pages: 10 Words: 3146

China and Globalization

In evaluating China's prospects for achieving superpower status, especially during this economic crisis, the first research question would take into consideration whether and to what degree the United States is in decline as a superpower, and if it is, then whether China is simply going to achieve superpower status by default. This is what happened to the British Empire after decades of economic decline and then bankruptcy as a result of the Second World War: the U.S. took its place as the leading world power. Certainly the U.S. position seems far shakier today than it did in the 1950s and 1960s or in the 1990s after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Even the predominant economic model that it has been propounding worldwide since the 1980s, that of free trade and free markets is no longer sweeping all…...



Case 2-5: Coping with Corruption in Trading with China (2011). "Case of State-Sponsored Extortion Harms China's Progress.", August 14, 2011. 

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977. U.S. Department of Justice.

Hetzel, R.L. (2008). The Monetary Policy of the Federal Reserve: A History. Cambridge University Press.

Clarity of Purpose Research Questions or Hypothesis
Pages: 3 Words: 889

clarity of purpose, research questions or hypothesis were solid and well researched. The strength of the literature review was its focus upon multidisciplinary studies. Unfortunately, it suffered from a lack of complete. The strength of the sampling regime was its focus. Its weakness was the small size of the statistical sample. The wait control feature enhanced ethical considerations. The random assignment of patients enhanced the baseline measurement instruments. Reliability and validity of the measurement instruments in the study in the opinion of this author compromises the application of the data to a wider setting, although it did help focus. The data collection process was strong due to its use of the wait control group. Unfortunately, this reduced the number of participants in the Breast Cancer Education Intervention (BCEI) study
The threats to external and internal validity surround the small population size (256) patients. This tended in this author's opinion to…...


Works Cited

Meneses, Karen Dow, McNees, Patrick, Loerzel, Victoria W., Su, Xiaogang, & Zhang,

Ying & Hassey, Lauren. (2007). Transition from treatment to survivorship: effects of a psychoeducational intervention. Oncology Nursing Forum, 34(5), 1007-1016.

Market Research Questions Question 1
Pages: 5 Words: 2065

This would significantly increase the response rate, but I would be sure the
underlying aspects of the survey were correct first.

Question 8: Define a hypothetical situation in which you would use an
observation form in place of a questionnaire. Discuss the elements of this
situation that would make it more practical for you to use the observation

In the case of researching the development of an entirely new class of
automobiles, where people often don't know what they want until they see
it, I would rely on observation research. These are typically called new
car clinics, where potential new car models are previewed and car companies
ask for feedback on how they are perceived by the public. If I was
designing an entirely new SUV, I would go and observe how families use
their SUVs today, and how singles use SUVs for their mountain camping
hobbies. In short I would go and use observation research to see what
unmet needs people had…...

U S Health Care System Research Questions and Design
Pages: 2 Words: 688

U.S. Health Care System 1
With the population in America aging, there is a question of how well prepared the nation is to handle care for the elderly. As Dall et al. (2013) point out, the increasingly large elderly population will require an increasingly large and specially trained health care workforce within the next decade to ensure quality care is available. LTC beds are certainly not the only place to put the elderly and communities can be developed that allow elderly persons who are able to care for themselves to live independently. Younger family members may also be interested in providing support and assistance, and this is important to consider as without some familial or social connection, the elderly population can begin to feel isolated, depressed, and become withdrawn from the world (Rowe & Kahn, 1997).
The best way for people to age out into death is the way that they are most…...

Analyzing the Research Questions
Pages: 3 Words: 1017

space for a company's computer use growth, it is always important to adjust the structuring of the IT systems. This is especially important in today's technologically integrated world where every organization has to stay up-to-date to remain competitive. This has led to many organizations becoming dependent on IT systems to support the management in making decisions and to make sure that their employees have the information and technologies they need to effectively perform their jobs.
I am in agreement with the argument that it is not the duty of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) to come up with a vision. I think this duty or responsibility lies squarely on the shoulders of the Chief executive officer. The duty of the CIO is to make sure that the organization's information technology is functioning at its optimum and that it can help meet the strategic goals of the business. The CIO reports…...



Jacobus, P. (2000, December 7). Privacy Advocates Wary of Data Sharing Standard. Retrieved from 

Mccaul, B. (2006, July 10). Does Technology Change Culture or Culture changes Technology. Retrieved from

Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. . (2015, October). Fact Sheet 2: Wireless Communications:Voice and Data Privacy. Retrieved from Privacy Rights Clearinghouse:

Organic Food and Food
Pages: 2 Words: 634

tested with subsequent primary research. Yiridoe et al.[footnoteef:1], have found that consumers may choose organic food if they believe it to be safer, an issue associated with knowledge, or lack of knowledge, and stereotyping. Therefore, if assessing attitudes and intention to purchase organic food, these outcomes will be the dependent variables and influences that impact on those will be the independent variables. These may be used to frame the questions. The questions will guide the research process (Bryman & Bell, 2011). The following research questions are recommended. These breakdown the research topic different sub categories which may be assed with primary research. [1: Taken from the literature review, but not cited in the bibliography on that paper]
1. Do most consumers understand what is meant by the term organic, and does education impact on this?

2. How does the understanding of organic foods impact on the purchase decision-making process

3. Does the…...



Bryman, A., & Bell, E. (2011). Business Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2012). Research Methods for Business Students. London: Pearson.

Research Question and Variables
Pages: 2 Words: 712

team-taught student grades.
This research question leads to the correlation study approach in order to effectively answer the research question and provide the appropriate relationship that is between the dependent variables used in the research question.

In order to effectively answer this research question, there is need to have a large sample size that will bring out the correlation between the involved dependent variables. The data collection method that can give such sample size is the survey method since it will enable the researcher to survey the results, the behaviors, the outcomes of the group interactions and the possible variables that influence the results (egents of The University of Michigan, 2017). The data collection instruments or survey tools that would be suitable and will be used in this particular research are the questionnaires, structured interviews and the literature review of the existing literature on the subject.

Data collection tools

The questionnaires will be…...



European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training, (2017). Types of Data Collection Tools. Retrieved April 11, 207 from 

McNamara, C. (N.D.) Overview of basic methods to collect information. Free Management Library. Retrieved April 11, 207 from 

Regents of The University of Michigan, (2017). Survey Research Methods. Retrieved April 11, 207 from

Research Questions and Hypothesis
Pages: 1 Words: 440

everse Golden Section Hold?", the authors have ensured that the hypothesis designed in both studies is a reflection of the purpose of the study while also ensuring that they test everything that pertains to the study in question. The three hypotheses designed in each study do not leave anything unanswered to ensure that the purpose of the study is fulfilled. The questions forming the core of the hypothesis are based on previous researches, which mean that they are the best fit to answer the questions. The hypothesis is designed in a way that they allow the researchers to compare their findings with those of the previous researchers who have done research on the same concept. For example, in the first study, the researcher uses the work of a previous researcher to make predictions (askin & Brett, 2014).
The questions were designed using the survey monkey tool with around 140 participants…...



Babbie, E. (2017). Basics of social research (7th Ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Burkholder, G. J., Cox, K. A., & Crawford, L. M. (2016). The scholar practitioners guide to research design. Baltimore, MD: Laureate Publishing.

Raskin, J. D, & Brett, B. L. (2014). Does the reverse golden section hold? Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 27(2), 137 -- 146. Doi: 10.1080/10720537.2014.879522

Laureate Education (Producer). (2009d). Quantitative methods: An example [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Research Question and Treatment
Pages: 4 Words: 483

nature of hypertension, as well as methods of treatment using both drugs and alternative approaches. Ceral et al. (2011) focus on whether antihypertensive drugs are effective or if patients are simply not using them. hey find that patients must adhere to recommended therapy in order for effects to be accurately measured. Inui et al. (1976) point out the importance of receiving and following physician tutorials. Green et al. (1975) likewise identify education for hypertensive patients as critical to effective therapy outcomes. Omran et al. (2015) discuss the treatment of hypertensive patients with diabetes co-morbidity and find antihypertensive medication to be an effective medication management tool to a limited degree.
Step 2: Briefly summarize the history and purpose of your research question.

he history and purpose of the research question is whether hypertensive medications or more effective than holistic approaches to hypertension in helping patients to alleviate symptoms and reduce hypertension related…...


There is a gap in the existing literature comparing pharmaceutical treatment of hypertension with holistic treatment, such as Chinese traditional medicine, which utilizes foods, spices, soups, etc. in the treatment of physical ailments. There is literature regarding holistic treatment of hypertension: Xiong, Yan, Liu et al. (2013) discuss Chinese herbal formulas for treating hypertension in traditional Chinese medicine. Comparing holistic treatment of hypertension and pharmaceutical treatment could help fill this gap in the literature.

Part IV: Identify the influence of empiricism on quantitative research methodology. Discuss its applicability to evidenced-based practice projects.

The influence of empiricism on quantitative research methodology is seen in the demand for quantifiable data and tangible results. Objective processes that can be duplicated in research, methods that are clear and supported by research, and analysis that is based on observation is key to conducting research in sciences today. The applicability to evidence-based practice projects is that empirical analysis helps to provide clear, objective findings that can be tested by other researchers.

Research Questions and Academic
Pages: 1 Words: 342

at risk of dropping out of school population, giving figures and scholars and research findings and reports that came up with these figures. The writer further outlines the research questions that guide the research and these he categorizes into three research questions. These also help the writer display the problem that the study is meant to address. The research brings forth theories that help explain the research problem like the Grade Point Average theory, grade retention and proficiency tests as methods of measuring performance in schools. The research indicates how the participants were selected and the procedure of the research as well as the parameters or variables that were being measured.
The problem statement of the research was clearly stated as Academic and School Behavioral Variables as Predictors of High School Graduation Among At-isk Adolescents Enrolled in a Youth-Based Mentoring Program" and this leads clearly to the need…...



Hickman G.P & Wright D., (2011).Academic and school behavioral variables as predictors of high school graduation among at-risk adolescents enrolled in a youth-based mentoring program. Journal of At-Risk Issues, 16(1), 27 -- 33. Retrieved June 10,2017 from

Research Question and Pain
Pages: 5 Words: 2211

Benchmark-esearch Critique and PICOT statement
This article is a research critique on the paper titled 'Home Telehealth for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): An Evidence-Based Analysis' by J. Franek. The research paper under review was published by the Ontario Health Technology Assessment Series.

Although there isn't a direct statement that refers to Problem statement, there is a title that highlights the "Objective of the Analysis." There is an excerpt of the objectives below. The discussion in the objective statement is only centred on the evaluation steps. There is evidence in the literature that the effects of COPD were openly revealed as being core elements of the problem statement in the first place.

"For patients experiencing multiple comorbidities, it is essential to observe routine self-management support. Such support consists of the necessary education to enlighten parents to pick out the symptoms in good time. They will consequently manage their medical gadgets, pinpoint…...



Bernocchi, P., Scalveni, S., Galli, T., Volterani, M., & Vitacca, M. (2016). A multidisciplinary telehealth program in patients with combined chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials.

Brown, J. (2014). Improving care for COPD. North East Quality Observatory System.

Irzarry, R., Peng, R., & Leek, J. (2013, August 28). Evidence-based Data Analysis: Treading a New Path for Reproducible Research. Retrieved from Simply Statistics: 

Riva, J., Malik, K., Burnie, S., Endicott, A., & Busse, J. (2012). What is your research question? An introduction to the PICOT format for clinicians. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 167-171.

Research Question and Counseling
Pages: 3 Words: 836

Perceptions of Self-Efficacy Among Counseling Students
Today, increasing numbers of college students are enrolled in online courses that either supplement or entirely replace traditional land-based counseling graduate degree programs (Smith, Mcaullife & ippard, 2014). These trends may have an effect on the respective levels of self-efficacy that counseling students develop as a result of their online or land-based coursework. To help determine the extent of these differences, if they exist, this paper was guided by the following research question: "What are the differences in perceptions of self-efficacy among counseling students in online and land-based counseling graduate degree programs?" In order to develop a timely and informed answer to this research question, a definition of self-efficacy is followed by a proposed 10-item survey that measures the respective levels of self-efficacy of online and land-based counseling students. A listing of the 10 survey items is followed by supporting rationale for their inclusion…...



De Vaus, D. (1996). Surveys in social research. London: UCL Press.

Lane, J & Lane, A. (2009, January 1). Selfs-efficacy and academic performance. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 29(7), 687-690.

Smith, J. E. & Mcaullife, G. (2014, December). Counseling students' transformative learning through a study abroad curriculum. Counselor Education and Supervision, 53(4), 306-310.

Sheperis, C. J., Young, J. S., & Daniels, M. H. (2017). Counseling research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods (2nd ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Research Question Revision Thanks to Collaborating with Education Peers
Pages: 4 Words: 1291

Literature eviewIntroductionThe ability to write effectively and regulate ones own learning are critical skills in educational success. This literature review synthesizes findings from four peer-reviewed research articles published within the last five years, focusing on the impact of journal writing on students\\\' writing abilities and their capacity for self-regulated learning.Synthesis of Peer-eviewed esearchNckles et al. (2020) investigate the self-regulation aspect of learning through journal writing, emphasizing its role in optimizing cognitive load for self-regulated learning. They argue that journal writing serves as a tool for enhancing learners\\\' ability to process and retain information, thereby improving learning outcomes. This reflective practice, in turn, aids in the optimization of cognitive resources, allowing learners to allocate attention and memory resources more effectively. Such optimization is posited to enhance overall learning outcomes by making the learning process more efficient and effective. Eliwarti and Purwanti (2021) examine the effect of journal writing techniques on students\\\'…...


ReferencesAlharthi, S. (2021). From instructed writing to free-writing: A study of EFL learners. SAGE Open, 11(1), 21582440211007112. E., & Purwanti, I. T. (2021). The effect of journal writing technique on students’ writing ability. International Journal of Educational Best Practices, 5(2), 183-196.  Nückles, M., Roelle, J., Glogger-Frey, I., Waldeyer, J., & Renkl, A. (2020). The self-regulation-view in writing-to-learn: Using journal writing to optimize cognitive load in self-regulated learning. Educational Psychology Review, 32(4), 1089-1126.  Saleem, A., Kausar, H., & Deeba, F. (2021). Social constructivism: A new paradigm in teaching and learning environment. Perennial journal of history, 2(2), 403-421.Sweller, J. (2020). Cognitive load theory and educational technology. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(1), 1-16.Tahmasbi, S., Karimnia, S., & Rahimi, A. (2022). A combination of action research and reflective journal writing in an English as a foreign language class: Learners’ psychological point of views and their grammar use in writing. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 810775.,

Research Question and Students
Pages: 2 Words: 547

Diagram This Headline in One Minute, If You Can.

the requirements for EDUC 594

The purpose of the study by Landecker (2009) was to show that the sentence diagramming can be an fun, interactive, competitive and engaging exercise to help students learn the parts of speech and how they fit together in a sentence. Landecker (2009) uses the observational method to gather data on her sample: a classroom of students under the direction of professor Lucy Ferriss. 24 students between the ages of 19 and 21 were "so excited about diagramming" thanks to the teaching methods the 55-year-old instructor employed in the classroom (Landecker, 2009, p. 10). The question that Landecker posed at the beginning of the study was whether or not students could actually find diagramming to be an interesting subject to which they could apply themselves and from which they could learn. As Landecker (2009) finds through direct observation,…...



Landecker, H. (2009). Diagram this headline in one minute, if you can. Chronicle of Higher Education, 55(36): 10-12.

can you help me with research proposal and outline for a college paper on educational reform?
Words: 492

Sure! I can certainly help you with creating a research proposal and outline for your college paper on educational reform. Here is an example of how you can structure your proposal and outline, including proper spacing:

Research Proposal:

Title: Examining the Effectiveness of Educational Reform Initiatives in Enhancing Student Achievement

I. Introduction
A. Background and Context
B. Problem Statement
C. Research Questions
D. Significance of the Study

II. Literature Review
A. Overview of Educational Reform
B. Key Concepts and Theories
C. Previous Studies and Findings

III. Methodology
A. Research Design
B. Data Collection Methods
C. Sample Selection
D. Data Analysis Techniques

IV. Expected Results
A. Hypotheses

Could you guide me in selecting essay topics that cover gangs?
Words: 583

## Navigating the Labyrinth of Gang-Related Essay Topics

Investigating gang-related topics for an essay can be an intricate and illuminating endeavor, allowing you to delve into the complexities of this societal phenomenon. From the historical origins of gangs to their impact on communities and potential solutions, there is a multitude of angles to explore. Let's embark on a journey through ten potential essay topics, each offering a unique perspective on the multifaceted world of gangs:

### 1. The Genesis of Gangs: A Historical Retrospection

Immerse yourself in the historical backdrop of gangs, tracing their origins and evolution across different epochs and geographical regions.....

Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing How historic events lead to sociology ?
Words: 569

Outline for Essay: How Historic Events Led to the Emergence of Sociology

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a compelling statement or anecdote that highlights the profound impact of historic events on the development of human societies.
B. Thesis statement: State the main argument that historic events have played a crucial role in shaping the emergence and evolution of sociology.

II. The Enlightenment and the Roots of Sociology
A. Describe the intellectual and social context of the Enlightenment in Europe during the 18th century.
B. Explain how the Enlightenment thinkers' emphasis on reason, scientific inquiry, and human progress laid the groundwork for....

can you help me make the title ethical implications of ai in society a mixed method research?
Words: 535

## Ethical Implications of AI in Society: A Mixed Method Research

### Abstract

This mixed method research aims to explore the ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI) in society. The study employs a qualitative approach to examine the perspectives of stakeholders and a quantitative approach to analyze ethical concerns raised by AI. The findings will provide insights into the potential ethical challenges posed by AI and inform the development of ethical frameworks for AI development and deployment.

### Background

AI has rapidly advanced in recent years, transforming various aspects of human life. While it offers significant benefits, it also raises ethical concerns that require....

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