Cloud Computing esearch Question and Experimental Design
Develop a research question that addresses one of the unknowns you identified in Part I of the literature review and sketch a quantitative or qualitative study that can answer the question about what is unknown and contribute to theory. Draw on the additional resources for this course for guidance in understanding the concepts (e.g., internal validity, threats to validity, and operationalization) needed to address this question.
After a thorough review of the prevailing research and literature on the adoption and implementation of cloud computing technology, it is clear that the base of knowledge on this emerging field is continually expanding. A number of critical questions are still left unanswered, however, as is befitting an innovation which was only recently made available for public and private use. Namely, what are the implications for widespread adoption of cloud computing on the overall information security management industry, and…...
Abbas, H., Magnusson, C., Yngstrom, L., & Hemani, A. (2011). Addressing dynamic issues in information security management. Information Management & Computer Security, 19(1), 5-24.
Cegielski, C.G., Jones-Farmer, L.A., Wu, Y., Hazen, B.T. (2012). Adoption of cloud computing technologies in supply chains: An organizational information processing theory approach. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 23(2), 184 -- 211.
Dhar, S. (2012). From outsourcing to cloud computing: Evolution of IT services. Management Research Review, 35(8), 664-675.
Lacey, D. (2010). Understanding and transforming organizational security culture. Information Management & Computer Security, 18(1), 4-13.
It also requires conscious effort at objective because of the inherent of the method applied. Sampling plans narrows its frame to that particular sample, this to shows the group of people who are participating in the study. It samples can be selected through probability and non-probability (Mack & Woodsong, 2005).
esearch design
In most cases research design is used in the education sector and it takes different meaning depending with how it's applied. it's normally used interchangeable with the term research method. However, according to Berliner (2002) research design should reflect the whole process of research, starting from the conceptualizing main problem to the question of the research, methods and the conclusion. Identifying a study's research design is important because it communicates information about key features of the study, which can differ for qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. However, one common feature across research designs is that at one or more…...
Berliner, D. (2002). Educational research: The hardest science of all. Educational Researcher, 31(8), 18 -- 20.
Harwell M, (2000). Research Design in Qualitative/Quantitative/MixedMethods
Morgan B, (2008). PTC 604 - Communication Theory and Research
Fritz K, (2008). Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research MPH Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Department of International Health
Gender-Specific Therapy for Women Prisoners
On average, women make up about 7% of the total federal and state incarcerated population in the United States. This has increased since the 1980s due to stricter and more severe laws that focus on recreational drug use, a lack of community programs, and fewer treatment centers available for outpatients (Zaitow and Thomas, eds., 2003). According to the National Women's Law Centers, women prisoners report a higher than statistically normal history of domestic violence in their immediate past, and the fastest growing prison population with a disproportionate number of non-Whites forming over 60% of the population. In fact, over 30% of women in prison are serving sentences for murder involving a spouse or partner. The incarceration of women presents far different cultural and sociological issues than those of men -- issues with children, family, sexual politics and more (NWLC, 2012).
The rapid increase of…...
Ethical Research Guidelines. (2012). Marketing Research Association. Retrieved from:
National Women's Law Center. (2012). retrieved from:
Total U.S. Correctional Population. (2010, December 11). Retrieved from Office of Justice Programs:
Women in the Criminal Justice System. (2012). The Sentencing Project. Retrieved from:
The rapid pace of technological development has necessitated an equally rapid rate of development in software applications and architectures, in order for systems to take the maximum possible advantage of progresses in hardware and infrastructure. This can easily be seen in the world of consumer software; updates that used to be developed and released annually or even further apart now come every several months; entirely new versions of popular programs like Microsoft Office are released more and more frequently, and even operating systems seem to be updated almost yearly. The importance of maintaining updated software for the average consumer is, however, simply a matter of convenience and ongoing compatibility -- doubtless there are dozens of recluse writers that are still using word processors in perfect contentment, rather than updating to the latest version of Microsoft Word on their brand new tablet computer. For businesses, maintaining updated and current software is…...
Based on behavioral screening procedures, 100 students were at behavioral risk. For the 100 students at behavioral risk, 60 also showed academic risk. (2003, p. 216). Other sub-findings were detailed in the charts of mean scores and standard deviations for Letter Naming and Nonsense Word Fluency Subtests by Student isk Group.
eading curriculum was the differential influence in students' growth in this study by Kamp, et al. (2003). Accelerating growth patterns for the three fluency measures, with some slowing in letters and oral reading, showed that curriculum type led to significant differences in performance at the end of first grade. One of the curriculum choices (eading Mastery, Success for All) was found to positively affect students skills in each area more than literature-based curricula. By Grade 3 endpoint, performance showed significant differences in the group with no risk, compared to the behavior risk group, the academic risk group and the…...
Braud, L., (2006) an Alternative Therapeutic Intervention to Reduce Aggression and Other Behavioral and Emotional problems,, Retrieved September 21, 2006 at .
Cascario, E.F. (1978). Academic and Behavioral Problems of Boys in Elementary School Chapman. The Counseling Psychologist. 7: 37-40.
Kamps, D.M., Wills, H.P., Greenwood, C.R., Thorne, S., Lazo, J.F., Crockett, J.L., Akers, J.M. And Swaggart, B.L., (2003, Winter). Curriculum Influences on Growth in Early Reading Fluency for Students with Academic and Behavioral Risks: A Descriptive Study. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. (Vol II, 4). Pp. 211-224.
Mayfield Arnold, E.,
I might believe that other variables (such as gender and low income) have a more significant impact on the frequency of car accidents as compared to for instance the general belief that it is crime, and location that induce them.
Potential pitfall
Firstly, I have to ascertain that my operational terms of data are totally accurate and thorough, since the outcome depends on the data that is fed-in to the system.
Most significantly, however, the major conceptual limitation is that I can only ascertain a relationship but never be sure of the underlying causal factor. It may be a variable that is seemingly unrelated to the independent variables mentioned here and, therefore, has been overlooked. For instance, it may be a possibility that menopause may be responsible for inducing accidents; so even though the factor of age may have emerged as significant, the real problem -- menopause -- has remained concealed.
Another pitfall…...
IT Management
Compares Between Six esearch Questionnaires
in the Field of IT Management
The development of questionnaires for a particular study is a much more complicated undertaking than simply posing a few questions and statistically measuring the responses. The questions asked must be able to lead the respondent toward the type of responses that the researcher requires and they must contain elements that will further the study. Specifically:
The items should be cleared and not require more than one response
Closed questions are preferable
The reliability of the question for the study must be determined
Use short, clear questions
The questions should not show bias and skew the results
Provide some contingency questions to test accuracy of response
Format questions correctly
Include instructions that clearly lead to correct responses from that respondent
This paper looks at six theses and dissertations whose research was conducted using questionnaires. The questions are compared to the research question(s) to determine if the person who designed the…...
Brown, R.W. (2006). Implementation of enterprise information systems: A comparative study of enterprise application (EAI) vs. enterprise resource planning (ERP). UMI Microfilm, 3221216.
Herzog, T. (2006). A comparison of open source ERP systems. (Unpublished Master's Thesis). Vienna University, Vienna, Austria.
Kalbasi, H. (2007). Assessing ERP implementation critical success factors. (Unpublished Master's Thesis). Lulea University of Technology, Lulea, Sweden.
Msindo, C. (2008). An evaluation of the impact of the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) on the effectiveness of the leadership of Delta Beverages. (Unpublished Master's Dissertation). Africa Leadership and Management Academy, Harare, Zimbabwe.
team-taught student grades.
This research question leads to the correlation study approach in order to effectively answer the research question and provide the appropriate relationship that is between the dependent variables used in the research question.
In order to effectively answer this research question, there is need to have a large sample size that will bring out the correlation between the involved dependent variables. The data collection method that can give such sample size is the survey method since it will enable the researcher to survey the results, the behaviors, the outcomes of the group interactions and the possible variables that influence the results (egents of The University of Michigan, 2017). The data collection instruments or survey tools that would be suitable and will be used in this particular research are the questionnaires, structured interviews and the literature review of the existing literature on the subject.
Data collection tools
The questionnaires will be…...
European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training, (2017). Types of Data Collection Tools. Retrieved April 11, 207 from
McNamara, C. (N.D.) Overview of basic methods to collect information. Free Management Library. Retrieved April 11, 207 from
Regents of The University of Michigan, (2017). Survey Research Methods. Retrieved April 11, 207 from
everse Golden Section Hold?", the authors have ensured that the hypothesis designed in both studies is a reflection of the purpose of the study while also ensuring that they test everything that pertains to the study in question. The three hypotheses designed in each study do not leave anything unanswered to ensure that the purpose of the study is fulfilled. The questions forming the core of the hypothesis are based on previous researches, which mean that they are the best fit to answer the questions. The hypothesis is designed in a way that they allow the researchers to compare their findings with those of the previous researchers who have done research on the same concept. For example, in the first study, the researcher uses the work of a previous researcher to make predictions (askin & Brett, 2014).
The questions were designed using the survey monkey tool with around 140 participants…...
Babbie, E. (2017). Basics of social research (7th Ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Burkholder, G. J., Cox, K. A., & Crawford, L. M. (2016). The scholar practitioners guide to research design. Baltimore, MD: Laureate Publishing.
Raskin, J. D, & Brett, B. L. (2014). Does the reverse golden section hold? Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 27(2), 137 -- 146. Doi: 10.1080/10720537.2014.879522
Laureate Education (Producer). (2009d). Quantitative methods: An example [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
nature of hypertension, as well as methods of treatment using both drugs and alternative approaches. Ceral et al. (2011) focus on whether antihypertensive drugs are effective or if patients are simply not using them. hey find that patients must adhere to recommended therapy in order for effects to be accurately measured. Inui et al. (1976) point out the importance of receiving and following physician tutorials. Green et al. (1975) likewise identify education for hypertensive patients as critical to effective therapy outcomes. Omran et al. (2015) discuss the treatment of hypertensive patients with diabetes co-morbidity and find antihypertensive medication to be an effective medication management tool to a limited degree.
Step 2: Briefly summarize the history and purpose of your research question.
he history and purpose of the research question is whether hypertensive medications or more effective than holistic approaches to hypertension in helping patients to alleviate symptoms and reduce hypertension related…...
mlaThere is a gap in the existing literature comparing pharmaceutical treatment of hypertension with holistic treatment, such as Chinese traditional medicine, which utilizes foods, spices, soups, etc. in the treatment of physical ailments. There is literature regarding holistic treatment of hypertension: Xiong, Yan, Liu et al. (2013) discuss Chinese herbal formulas for treating hypertension in traditional Chinese medicine. Comparing holistic treatment of hypertension and pharmaceutical treatment could help fill this gap in the literature.
Part IV: Identify the influence of empiricism on quantitative research methodology. Discuss its applicability to evidenced-based practice projects.
The influence of empiricism on quantitative research methodology is seen in the demand for quantifiable data and tangible results. Objective processes that can be duplicated in research, methods that are clear and supported by research, and analysis that is based on observation is key to conducting research in sciences today. The applicability to evidence-based practice projects is that empirical analysis helps to provide clear, objective findings that can be tested by other researchers.
at risk of dropping out of school population, giving figures and scholars and research findings and reports that came up with these figures. The writer further outlines the research questions that guide the research and these he categorizes into three research questions. These also help the writer display the problem that the study is meant to address. The research brings forth theories that help explain the research problem like the Grade Point Average theory, grade retention and proficiency tests as methods of measuring performance in schools. The research indicates how the participants were selected and the procedure of the research as well as the parameters or variables that were being measured.
The problem statement of the research was clearly stated as Academic and School Behavioral Variables as Predictors of High School Graduation Among At-isk Adolescents Enrolled in a Youth-Based Mentoring Program" and this leads clearly to the need…...
Hickman G.P & Wright D., (2011).Academic and school behavioral variables as predictors of high school graduation among at-risk adolescents enrolled in a youth-based mentoring program. Journal of At-Risk Issues, 16(1), 27 -- 33. Retrieved June 10,2017 from
Benchmark-esearch Critique and PICOT statement
This article is a research critique on the paper titled 'Home Telehealth for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): An Evidence-Based Analysis' by J. Franek. The research paper under review was published by the Ontario Health Technology Assessment Series.
Although there isn't a direct statement that refers to Problem statement, there is a title that highlights the "Objective of the Analysis." There is an excerpt of the objectives below. The discussion in the objective statement is only centred on the evaluation steps. There is evidence in the literature that the effects of COPD were openly revealed as being core elements of the problem statement in the first place.
"For patients experiencing multiple comorbidities, it is essential to observe routine self-management support. Such support consists of the necessary education to enlighten parents to pick out the symptoms in good time. They will consequently manage their medical gadgets, pinpoint…...
Bernocchi, P., Scalveni, S., Galli, T., Volterani, M., & Vitacca, M. (2016). A multidisciplinary telehealth program in patients with combined chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials.
Brown, J. (2014). Improving care for COPD. North East Quality Observatory System.
Irzarry, R., Peng, R., & Leek, J. (2013, August 28). Evidence-based Data Analysis: Treading a New Path for Reproducible Research. Retrieved from Simply Statistics:
Riva, J., Malik, K., Burnie, S., Endicott, A., & Busse, J. (2012). What is your research question? An introduction to the PICOT format for clinicians. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 167-171.
Perceptions of Self-Efficacy Among Counseling Students
Today, increasing numbers of college students are enrolled in online courses that either supplement or entirely replace traditional land-based counseling graduate degree programs (Smith, Mcaullife & ippard, 2014). These trends may have an effect on the respective levels of self-efficacy that counseling students develop as a result of their online or land-based coursework. To help determine the extent of these differences, if they exist, this paper was guided by the following research question: "What are the differences in perceptions of self-efficacy among counseling students in online and land-based counseling graduate degree programs?" In order to develop a timely and informed answer to this research question, a definition of self-efficacy is followed by a proposed 10-item survey that measures the respective levels of self-efficacy of online and land-based counseling students. A listing of the 10 survey items is followed by supporting rationale for their inclusion…...
De Vaus, D. (1996). Surveys in social research. London: UCL Press.
Lane, J & Lane, A. (2009, January 1). Selfs-efficacy and academic performance. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 29(7), 687-690.
Smith, J. E. & Mcaullife, G. (2014, December). Counseling students' transformative learning through a study abroad curriculum. Counselor Education and Supervision, 53(4), 306-310.
Sheperis, C. J., Young, J. S., & Daniels, M. H. (2017). Counseling research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods (2nd ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Literature eviewIntroductionThe ability to write effectively and regulate ones own learning are critical skills in educational success. This literature review synthesizes findings from four peer-reviewed research articles published within the last five years, focusing on the impact of journal writing on students\\\' writing abilities and their capacity for self-regulated learning.Synthesis of Peer-eviewed esearchNckles et al. (2020) investigate the self-regulation aspect of learning through journal writing, emphasizing its role in optimizing cognitive load for self-regulated learning. They argue that journal writing serves as a tool for enhancing learners\\\' ability to process and retain information, thereby improving learning outcomes. This reflective practice, in turn, aids in the optimization of cognitive resources, allowing learners to allocate attention and memory resources more effectively. Such optimization is posited to enhance overall learning outcomes by making the learning process more efficient and effective. Eliwarti and Purwanti (2021) examine the effect of journal writing techniques on students\\\'…...
mlaReferencesAlharthi, S. (2021). From instructed writing to free-writing: A study of EFL learners. SAGE Open, 11(1), 21582440211007112. E., & Purwanti, I. T. (2021). The effect of journal writing technique on students’ writing ability. International Journal of Educational Best Practices, 5(2), 183-196. Nückles, M., Roelle, J., Glogger-Frey, I., Waldeyer, J., & Renkl, A. (2020). The self-regulation-view in writing-to-learn: Using journal writing to optimize cognitive load in self-regulated learning. Educational Psychology Review, 32(4), 1089-1126. Saleem, A., Kausar, H., & Deeba, F. (2021). Social constructivism: A new paradigm in teaching and learning environment. Perennial journal of history, 2(2), 403-421.Sweller, J. (2020). Cognitive load theory and educational technology. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(1), 1-16.Tahmasbi, S., Karimnia, S., & Rahimi, A. (2022). A combination of action research and reflective journal writing in an English as a foreign language class: Learners’ psychological point of views and their grammar use in writing. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 810775.,
Diagram This Headline in One Minute, If You Can.
the requirements for EDUC 594
The purpose of the study by Landecker (2009) was to show that the sentence diagramming can be an fun, interactive, competitive and engaging exercise to help students learn the parts of speech and how they fit together in a sentence. Landecker (2009) uses the observational method to gather data on her sample: a classroom of students under the direction of professor Lucy Ferriss. 24 students between the ages of 19 and 21 were "so excited about diagramming" thanks to the teaching methods the 55-year-old instructor employed in the classroom (Landecker, 2009, p. 10). The question that Landecker posed at the beginning of the study was whether or not students could actually find diagramming to be an interesting subject to which they could apply themselves and from which they could learn. As Landecker (2009) finds through direct observation,…...
Landecker, H. (2009). Diagram this headline in one minute, if you can. Chronicle of Higher Education, 55(36): 10-12.
Looking for the best practices on endotracheal suctioning often involves determining whether open or closed suctioning is better. Open suctioning requires disconnecting the patient from the ventilator, while closed suctioning allows the patient to remain connected to the ventilator. While closed suctioning is generally preferred, it is not always the best practice, but the research investigated looked specifically at closed suctioning because of the research question presented.
In 1999, Kinloch ran an observational study that compared oxygenation in patients that either had normal saline instilled at the start of endotracheal tube suctioning or did not have saline instilled. Until....
Sure! I can certainly help you with creating a research proposal and outline for your college paper on educational reform. Here is an example of how you can structure your proposal and outline, including proper spacing:
Research Proposal:
Title: Examining the Effectiveness of Educational Reform Initiatives in Enhancing Student Achievement
I. Introduction
A. Background and Context
B. Problem Statement
C. Research Questions
D. Significance of the Study
II. Literature Review
A. Overview of Educational Reform
B. Key Concepts and Theories
C. Previous Studies and Findings
III. Methodology
A. Research Design
B. Data Collection Methods
C. Sample Selection
D. Data Analysis Techniques
IV. Expected Results
A. Hypotheses
Sure! Here is a sample research proposal and outline for a college paper on educational reform:
Research Proposal: Exploring the Impact of Educational Reform on Student Achievement and Equity
I. Introduction
A. Background of the study
1. Briefly discuss the current state of the education system
2. Highlight the need for educational reform
B. Problem statement
1. Identify the key problems within the system that require reform
2. Discuss the negative consequences of these problems on student achievement and equity
C. Research question
- How does educational reform impact student achievement and promote equity in the education system?
D. Objectives
1. Investigate....
Sure! Here is a suggested topic for an IBDP Extended Essay in Physics:
Title: Investigating the Efficiency of Renewable Energy Sources: Comparing Solar Panels and Wind Turbines
Abstract: This extended essay aims to investigate the efficiency of two prominent renewable energy sources, namely solar panels and wind turbines. The project will involve a comprehensive analysis of the factors influencing the efficiency of each energy source, including geographical location, weather conditions, and technological advancements. Data will be collected through simulations, experiments, and case studies of existing installations. The findings will contribute to understanding the potential of solar panels and wind turbines as reliable....
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