Reparations Essays (Examples)

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Reparations of Slavery Review of
Pages: 12 Words: 3149

There are approximately 60 million Americans of Irish descent, and most of their ancestors arrived in America as refugees from an Ireland colonized and exploited in the harshest ways by the then-contemporary government of Britain. Should Americans of Irish descent (or Irish people still living in Ireland for that matter) demand reparations for the hardships suffered by their ancestors at the hands of colonial British "masters?"

Irish immigrants to the United States during the 1800s faced apartheid-like discrimination by the majority groups at the time - mostly people of English and German descent. An oft-observed sign at factories and construction sites was "Help Wanted - Irish Need Not Apply." Should modern Irish-Americans demand reparations for the discrimination suffered by their immigrant ancestors upon arrival here?

Should Armenians demand reparations for the suffering of their ancestors at the hands of the Ottoman Turks prior to the First World War? Should the descendents of…...



Adebajo, Adekeye (Spring, 2004) Africa, African-Americans, and the Avuncular Sam. Africa Today. 50(3). 92-110.

Andrews, Vernon L. (2003). Self-Reflection and the Reflected Self: African-American Double Consciousness and the Social (Psychological) Mirror. Journal of African-American Studies. 7(3). 59-79.

Baets, Antoon. (2004). A Declaration of the Responsibilities of Present Generations Toward Past Generations. History & Theory. 43(4). 130-164.

Benatar, Solomon R. (2003). Bioethics: Power and Injustice: IAB Presidential Address. Bioethics. 17(5-6). 387-399.

Reparations Are Americans of African Decent Entitled
Pages: 8 Words: 2317

Are Americans of African decent entitled to compensation for the American South's slavery past? Does the American government owe people whose ancestors were slaves reparations in the form of money, land or capitol goods? Many African-Americans and white liberals feel that black Americans are owed something and a movement in this country has been stirring for a while agitating for forced reparations by the U.S. government. (Conyers 2003) This paper will argue that reparations for slavery should not occur. It will be shown why reparations are wrong and how reparations would ultimately cause deeper divisions in our society then already exist.

Today there are increasing numbers of black professionals and scholars advocating reparations for slavery. Black lawyers have filed lawsuits against the federal government and companies that have profited from slavery. In 1989, Congressional representative John Conyers introduced H.R. 40 titled, "Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act." The bill…...


Works Cited

Brian Kuzma Black Month Should Be History 2/14/2002   Accessed April 19, 2003 

Conyers John   Accessed April 19, 2003 

Damu Jean web site article

Engerman Stanley Inikori Joseph, The Atlantic Slave Trade: Effects on Economies, Societies, and Peoples in Africa, the Americas, and Europe, Duke University Press, 1992

Reparations Movement Looks to Gain From Bush's Gore Island Slip
Pages: 2 Words: 973

President Bush's admission in Senegal that the United States was mindful of the past wrongs it had committed in enslaving stolen people from Africa, Carrillo (2003) explores the possible gains for the reparations movement.
However, Carrillo does more than simply focus on the "residual value" gained by the reparations movement from what she terms as a slip on President Bush's part. For, she also takes great pains to place in context the significance of Goree Island's notorious "Door of No Return." Carrillo achieves this through descriptions that bring alive the horrors of a place that had witnessed, "human beings ... delivered and sorted and weighed and branded with the marks of commercial enterprises and loaded as cargo on a voyage without return." Indeed, Carrillo is unsparing in her efforts to describe the anguish suffered by slaves in societies that prospered by their unpaid labor, while remaining indifferent to their plight.



Works Cited

Burke, G. "Labor's lost legacy." The Sacramento Bee. August 22, 2004. Accessed Nov. 25,


Carrillo, K.J. "Reparations movement looks to gain from Bush's Goree Island slip." The

New York Amsterdam News. July 17-July 23, 2003.

Why Reparations are Essential to America's Future
Pages: 4 Words: 1204

Reparations for Black American Communities through Educational ReformResearch QuestionsThis study was guided by three main research questions as follows:1. Are the black descendants of slaves in the United States today entitled to reparations for their ancestors bondage and the uncompensated financial contributions they made to the development of the United States as a nation?2. If so, in what ways can education reform serve as reparation for black communities?Rationale for and Significance of the Research StudyNotwithstanding the failed promise of 40 acres and a mule as a form of early reparations, the United States as a nation has done little otherwise to compensate the modern descendants of the African slaves who were relocated to this country against their will and forced to perform backbreaking work for the rest of their lives in return for their bare subsistence. Moreover, even the children of these original slaves and their children and their…...



Africans in America. (2022). U.S. Library of Congress. Retrieved from

Buchanan, L. (2021, June 26). Black Lives Matter may be the largest movement in U.S. history. The New York Times. Retrieved from 07/03/us/george-floyd-protests-crowd-size.html.

Coates, T. N. (2014, June). The case for reparations. The Atlantic. Retrieved from

Stem Cell Genome Reparations
Pages: 10 Words: 2991

Human Genome, Stem Cells, & Reparations
Stems Cells are the source of all body tissues. Growth and development of the human body arises from the stem cell and is maintained by it. Although all cells can divide or copy themselves, stem cells are unique because they can replicate and create all other types of cells. This ability of the stem cell to develop into any of the 220 cell types that make up the human body makes it a powerful tool for biological research and medicine. Scientists believe that stem cell research has the potential of leading to previously incurable diseases.

How are Stem Cells Formed?

When a sperm cell fertilizes an egg, a zygote (fertilized egg) is formed. The zygote divides itself almost immediately to form stem cells. These unspecialized stem cells have the ability to replicate (to form other stem cells) and to make all other specialized cells that make up…...


James Harper. "About Reparations." [available online] at 

Peter Viles. "Suit Seeks Billions in Slave Reparations." [Available online] at 

Research Issues

Case for Reparations Research in Education
Pages: 9 Words: 2826

Reparations: Qualitative Research ProposalIntroductionOverviewThe city of Chicago has a long history with a diverse population. Today, it stands as a microcosm of the United States' broader socio-economic and racial dynamics. Within this urban setting, the educational experiences of Black communities represent, however, a profound and persistent disparity. This chasm in educational opportunities and outcomes is a product of contemporary policy failures rooted in systemic racism and the legacy of slavery (Wright II et al., 2022). For generations, these communities have existed within an educational system that has been shaped and constrained by these historical forces, resulting in a compounding of disadvantage that has ramifications far outside schools and classrooms.These disparities manifest in various dimensions of the educational experience, including access to quality schools, availability of advanced placement courses, experienced and well-supported teachers, and educational resources and infrastructure (Alam & Mohanty, 2023). These inequities are further exacerbated by socioeconomic factors that…...



Alam, A., & Mohanty, A. (2023). Cultural beliefs and equity in educational institutions: exploring the social and philosophical notions of ability groupings in teaching and learning of mathematics. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 28(1), 2270662.

Anderson, J. D. (1988). The Education of Blacks in the South, 1860-1935. Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press.

Darling-Hammond, L. (2010). The Flat World and Education: How America\\\\\\'s Commitment to Equity Will Determine Our Future. New York: Teachers College Press.

BP Reparations
Pages: 2 Words: 657

The British Petroleum (BP) oil spill is now as infamous as it is famous. At the time of the deep water oil rig explosion that killed eleven BP employees, media and environmentalists were calling the resulting oil spill "the greatest ecological disaster ever produced by the oil industry" (Balaguer, 2010, p. 6). While it is certainly true that the oil spill will have some long-term effects, it seems that most of the hype concerning the spill was completely overdone and very short-term in scope. From an ethical point-of-view, BP definitely made some missteps. From the moment of the explosion there should have been some immediate steps taken by BP that were not taken, or if they were taken, they were made rather late in the game. First, BP should have released the information to the victim's loved ones concerning their deaths immediately. Second, acknowledgement of the scope of the problem…...



Aguilar, J.; Prato, F.; Bravo, C.; Rivas, F.; (2009) A multi-agent system for the management of abnormal situations in an artificially gas-lifted well, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 23, Issue 5, pp. 406 -- 426

Balaguer, A.; (2010) The black gulf, Americas, Vol. 62, Issue 5, pp. 6-11

Sylves, R.T. & Comfort, L.K.; (2012) The Exxon Valdez and BP Deepwater Horizon oil spills: Reducing risk in socio-technical systems, American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 56, Issue 1, pp. 76-103

Supporting Black Students in College
Pages: 12 Words: 3634

Reparations Analysis ProjectI. TopicReparations within Black communities in Chicago through educational reform is an important topic that has gained significant attention in recent years (Darity & Mullen, 2020; Rubin et al., 2020). The idea behind reparations is to provide redress for past injustices, and one of the ways to achieve this is through educational reform (Taiwo, 2022). The goal of educational reform is to create equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their race or socioeconomic status (Fung et al., 2022; Zajda, 2022).There is statistical data that shows a positive correlation between Black student college attendance and college students financial hardships (Terriquez & Gurantz, 2015). This means that Black students are more likely to face financial difficulties when pursuing higher education compared to non-Black students. These financial hardships can include student loan debt, lack of access to resources such as textbooks and technology, and difficulty finding employment after graduation (Allen,…...



Allen, W. (1992). The color of success: African-American college student outcomes at

predominantly White and historically Black public colleges and universities. Harvard Educational Review, 62(1), 26-45.

Coates, T. N. (2021). The case for reparations. The Atlantic.

Reparation Being Paid to Descendants of African
Pages: 3 Words: 1307

reparation being paid to descendants of African America slaves is certainly not a new argument, eiter for or against. Te world is full of people wo in black and wite see te need for reparations, be tey financial or oterwise. To many, te ideals or affirmative action and oter civil rigts reforms are a form of reparations. Yet, te question is often raised as to wy te rest of te culture sould pay for a mistake made by a small percentage of te U.S. population, more tan one undred years ago. Additionally, witin tort teory states tat te federal government ad te power to abolis slavery and yet did not and it terefore owes for damages. It is clear, witout a doubt tat someting is owed to te descendants of te African-American Slaves, yet te question as always been wo sould pay and ow muc.
" ... Te government is…...


Reparations and Racism in Education
Pages: 5 Words: 1419

Anatomy of a Qualitative StudyMathis, C. L. (2022). Higher Education edress Statutes: A Critical Analysis of States\\\'eparations in Higher Education.Wash. & Lee L. ev.,79, 1829.The article \\\"Higher Education edress Statutes: A Critical Analysis of States\\\' eparations in Higher Education\\\" by Christopher L. Mathis can be dissected into different parts, aligned with the anatomy of a qualitative research study as outlined in Bloomberg\\\'s book \\\"Completing Your Qualitative Dissertation: A oad Map from Beginning to End.\\\"AbstractThe abstract of Mathis\\\'s article succinctly introduces the concept of Higher Education edress Statutes (HES), which are legislative efforts aimed at acknowledging and amending past injustices towards African Americans in higher education. These statutes are presented as a novel concept, designed to provide relief or remedy to Black people for the harm caused by state higher education systems. However, Mathis critically examines these statutes, noting that they may unintentionally exclude certain groups of Black people who should…...


ReferencesBloomberg, L.D. (2023). Completing your qualitative dissertation: A road map from beginning to end (5th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc.Mathis, C. L. (2022). Higher Education Redress Statutes: A Critical Analysis of States\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' Reparations in Higher Education. Wash. & Lee L. Rev., 79, 1829.

Case for Reparations and Grassroots Organization
Pages: 2 Words: 595

Article Review Topic: Reparations for Black Communities through Educational ReformLipman, P. (2017). The landscape of education reform in Chicago: Neoliberalismmeets a grassroots movement.Education Policy Analysis Archives,25, 54-54.Lipman (2017) calls for systemic reform of public schools as part of reparations for social/racial injustice visited upon the black community. The main focus of the article is that Chicagos neoliberal education policy is racialized state violence against the black community, and that education is the primary field in which reparations need to begin to be made.The authors conclusions appear to follow logically from the premises and appear to be validly supported by the evidence. The evidence in this case consists of literature and data collected over the course of two decades on Chicagos education policy and how it detrimentally affects black neighborhoods. The evidence does seem to point to a need for reform in the education policy of the city.My thoughts on the…...

Making Reparations The Case for Educational Reform
Pages: 4 Words: 1117

Research Proposal - Reparations for Blacks: Helping Impoverished Communities through Other ducational ReformsDespite some modest progress in recent decades, glaring race-related inequalities still exist across the entire spectrum of the human condition in the United States today. Indeed, African Americans (hereinafter alternatively blacks) have shorter life expectancies, lower salaries and a lack of access to high quality health care services compared to whites, but these disparities are especially pronounced with respect to education. Because education is the key to addressing the myriad other problems facing the African American community today, it is vitally important to identify opportunities to directly address this issue. Therefore, the purpose of the proposed study is to explore educational reform in the United States through an anti-racism and anti-oppression lens, examining reparations as a way to address racism and oppression. In sum, educational reparations and curriculum restructuring will help America progress as a nation and address…...


Educational and economic data for American citizens. (2022). U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved from   This resource will be used to determine current educational and economic disparities between African Americans and the general U.S. population. In addition, recent analyses of this data from the Census Bureau will also be incorporated.Gomez, J. A., Rucinski, C. L., & Higgins-D’Alessandro, A. (2021). Promising pathways from school restorative practices to educational equity. Journal of Moral Education, 50(4), 452–470. Citing the higher incidence of punishments and exclusionary sanctions such as expulsion on blacks, the authors maintain that educational reparations are the best place to start. The authors make the point that such restructuring is essential to achieve educational equity in the United States. .

White Privilege and Affirmative Action White Privilege
Pages: 5 Words: 1553

hite Privilege and Affirmative Action
hite Privilege

Some people believe that the color of a person's skin matters a great deal in this world, that this racial marker determines the opportunities and potential successes that a person may have in their lifetime. Many people, particularly those who belong to historically marginalized groups such as African-Americans, Native Americans, or Hispanics, believe that being Caucasian or white guarantees an individual certain rights and privileges which are not awarded to minorities. In the essay "hite Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack," author Peggy McIntosh explains that white privilege is the process by which white people are given an unspoken and often unrealized advantage over their minority counterparts simply because they are not from a minority group (1989). This system serves to hinder the availability of the American Dream to all members of the population because instead of everyone being granted a fair deal from the outset,…...


Works Cited:

McIntosh, P. (1989).White privilege: unpacking the invisible backpack. Independent School.

Steele, S. (2003). A negative vote on affirmative action. The New York Times.

Critical Race Theory and Marginalization
Pages: 2 Words: 573

Empirical tudies on ReparationsGaribay, J. C., Mathis, C. L., & West, C. P. (2022). Black student views on highereducation reparations at a university with an enslavement history.Race Ethnicity and Education, 1-22.In this study, Garibay et al. (2022) used Critical Race Quantitative Inquiry and the Black Radical Imagination to ground the study while examining Black undergraduates level of support for various forms of university reparations at a outhern university with an enslavement history. The researchers collected data from 92 Black students, who indicated wide support for reparations. Using this data, the researchers provided inputs into a statistical model that could be used to predict support levels for reparations based on gender, racial ideology, whether or not faculty of color gave support, and the extent to which the university had communicated emotional responsiveness to slave history.This empirical study is helpful in providing statistical support for how Black students view the matter of…...


Sablan, J. R. (2019). Can you really measure that? Combining critical race theory and quantitative methods. American Educational Research Journal, 56(1), 178-203.The study by Sablan (2019) shows that quantitative design and statistical analysis can be used in studies of critical race theory. The researcher examined “results from an empirical study that used data from a survey of undergraduates and measurement theory to quantify students’ community cultural wealth, a CRT framework that describes the cultural assets of communities of color” (p. 178). The data came from an online survey with 772 participants. The data was analyzed to consider factors of resistant capital, which ended up being identification of oppression in society, and motivation to transform oppressive structures. The main argument of the study was that quantitative measures can be used to explore through a critical race theory lens the problems of oppression. Statistical evidence can be used to provide better support and justification for taking action to address systemic marginalization. The researcher thus concludes that it is important to be aware of the ways in which oppression manifests in our lives so that we can challenge and change these oppressive structures. One way to do this is by educating ourselves and others about the different forms that oppression can take. It is only through increased awareness and understanding that we can hope to create a more just and equitable world. Otherwise, there is conformity in schools and in research. These messages of conformity create an invisible system of oppression that can be difficult to identify and even harder to break free from. Thus, Sablan (2019) notes that as a society, we are constantly bombarded with messages telling us who we should be and how we should behave, and that now there is statistical evidence showing how this happens.

Lack of Education Reform
Pages: 1 Words: 390

eparations for Black Communities through Educational eformOutlineI. Introductiona. Backgroundb. Problem Statementc. PurposeII. Need for eparations for Black Communitiesa. Argumentb. LiteratureIII. Educational eforma. Increased funding for black-majority schoolsb. Increasing curriculum optionsc. School vouchersIV. Conclusiona. Summarize the problem/findingsb. estate thesisesearch QuestionsThe history of black oppression in the United States is well documented. From the days of slavery through the Jim Crow era and into the present, black Americans have faced discrimination and violence at the hands of their white counterparts. This long history of racism has left black communities at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to education. In order to begin to rectify this injustice, reparations should be paid in the form of educational reform.The research question guiding this paper will be: in what ways can education reform serve as reparation for black communities?The paper will show that educational reform should take many forms, including but not limited to: increased funding…...


ReferencesDarity Jr, W. A., & Mullen, A. K. (2022). From here to equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the twenty-first century. UNC Press Books.Green III, P. C., Baker, B. D., & Oluwole, J. O. (2020). School finance, race, and reparations. Wash. & Lee J. Civ. Rts. & Soc. Just., 27, 483.Ray, R., & Perry, A. M. (2020). Why we need reparations for Black Americans. Policy.Royal, C. (2022). Not Paved for Us: Black Educators and Public School Reform in \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Philadelphia. Harvard Education Press.

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on japanese internment. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 534

Certainly! Here are a few unique and fresh essay topics on Japanese internment:

1. Exploring the Role of Japanese American Women during Internment: Discuss the experiences, contributions, and resilience of Japanese American women during the internment period, highlighting their role in preserving their communities and influencing social change.

2. The Psychological Impact of Internment on Japanese American Children: Analyze the long-term psychological effects that internment had on Japanese American children and how their experiences shaped their identity, relationships, and future aspirations.

3. Artistic Expression and Resistance in Internment Camps: Examine how interned Japanese Americans utilized various art forms, such as poetry, drawing, and....

Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing My plans for summer vacations ?
Words: 506

I. Introduction
- Introduce the topic of summer vacations and the importance of planning ahead
- Provide a brief overview of the key points that will be discussed in the essay

II. Travel plans
- Discuss the destination for the summer vacation, such as a beach resort or a mountain retreat
- Mention any specific activities or attractions that are planned for the trip
- Explain why this destination was chosen and why it is an ideal choice for a vacation

III. Relaxation and downtime
- Outline plans for relaxation and downtime during the summer vacation
- Mention activities such as reading, spending time outdoors, or catching up on....

I\'m searching for essay topics on generational trauma. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 556

Generational Trauma: Unraveling the Legacy of Intergenerational Pain and Healing

Generational trauma is a profound and often hidden wound that perpetuates across generations. It refers to the cumulative emotional and psychological harm transmitted within families and communities, often as a result of traumatic experiences, oppression, or adversity. Exploring this complex phenomenon through essay topics can shed light on its insidious effects, illuminate paths to healing, and promote societal awareness.

Topic 1: The Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma
Prompt: Analyze how generational trauma is transmitted across generations, considering both biological and psychosocial mechanisms. Discuss the role of attachment, memory, and storytelling in perpetuating the cycle....

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to Bat Mitzvah experience?
Words: 369

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of what a Bat Mitzvah is
B. Importance of the Bat Mitzvah experience
C. Preview of my own Bat Mitzvah experience

II. Preparations for the Bat Mitzvah
A. Studying Torah and preparing a speech
B. Choosing a theme and decorations
C. Selecting a dress and accessories

III. The Bat Mitzvah ceremony
A. Description of the synagogue
B. Roles of family members and friends
C. Reading from the Torah and delivering the speech

IV. Celebrating after the ceremony
A. Reception with family and friends
B. Food, music, and dancing
C. Traditions such as the candle lighting ceremony

V. Reflection on the....

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