Religion Hinduism Essays (Examples)

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Religion Hinduism Is Somewhat Unique in That
Pages: 3 Words: 955

religion, Hinduism is somewhat unique in that it does not revolve around a specific, singular point of origin, belief system, or scripture. Indeed, it appears to have spontaneously evolved along with the cultures in India. The people of India are united by means of their food, customs, work, language, and beliefs. All these aspects are known as the "life of the people," and is fundamentally integrated with the Hindu belief system.
According to Fisher (2005, p. 69), the term "Hinduism" was in fact propagated not by the Indians themselves, but by British colonialists, who used the term as a category for the purpose of census-taking. Informally, foreigners used the term to refer to people living in the Indus River region. Today, adherents to Hinduism prefer the term "anatana Dharma." anatana, according to Fisher, means eternal or ageless, and Dharma to the various elements under the term "religion." These include elements…...



BBC (2004). Religion & Ethics - Hinduism. 

Fisher, M.P. (2005). Living Religions (6th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.

Hindu Religion Hinduism Is a Faith That
Pages: 2 Words: 754

Hindu Religion?
Hinduism is a faith that embraces love, it unites the laws of karma and dharma, and Hindus believe in reincarnation. Hindus embrace vegetarianism and they say a specific prayer prior to eating (asking to be forgiven for eating a vegetable or plant which may have its own soul). Although there is not one, single, dramatic uniting system of beliefs in Hinduism, there are nine basic Hindu beliefs that make up the religion, according to Hinduism Today. Those nine are as follows:

Hindus have a "reverence for…revealed scriptures"; people following this faith believe in the "divinity of the Vedas, the world's most ancient scripture" and the Agamas are ancient hymns which brings God's word through the Sanatana Dharma which is the eternal religion, having no beginning and having no end, going on eternally (Hinduism Today).

Two: Hindus believe in "one, all-pervasive Supreme Being, who is both immanent and transcendent"; that Supreme…...


Works Cited

Baylor University. (2008). Indians / Asian Indians. Retrieved April 6, 2013, from .

Fisher, Mary Pat. (1997). Living Religions: An Encyclopedia of the World's Faiths. London,

UK: I.B. Tauris.

Hinduism Today. (2009). 9 Basic Hindu Beliefs. Retrieved April 6, 2013, from .

World Religion - Hinduism
Pages: 2 Words: 777

Learning & Assessment Skills
It is very important for high school juniors and seniors -- including students from a diversity of ethnic and cultural backgrounds -- to be immersed in exercises and scholarly challenges that help them gain mastery on the English Language. hether they seek careers as surgeons or professional truck drivers, they should leave high school with language skills -- including pronunciation, comprehension, and the ability to apply the language -- that will be the foundation of their competencies when it comes to communication. hat they learn and how they are able to apply their knowledge will be assessed in this lesson.

Assessment and Lesson Plan -- AP orld Hinduism

This class focuses on Advanced Placement orld Religion, but in its revised format it will incorporate learning assessment features that are part of the class work and course expectations. Students and instructors can gain from assessments; students gain because they need…...


Works Cited

Ashford University (2014). Assessment in the 21st Century. Retrieved November 30, 2014,

from .

Chatterjee, P. (1992). History and the Nationalization of Hinduism. Social Research, 59(1),


Religion Qualifications of the Divine and the
Pages: 8 Words: 2413

Qualifications of the divine and the nature of supreme reality are core concepts of any religious tradition. Hinduism and Buddhism conceptualize the divine and the nature of reality in complementary yet distinct ways. Buddhism emerged from Hinduism, in a manner not wholly unlike the way Christianity emerged from Judaism. Therefore, there are several core similarities in the cosmologies and the conceptualizations of divine reality between these two faiths. Moreover, the religious practices and philosophies of Buddhism and Hinduism tend to be more similar than they are different. These similarities should not obscure the real and practical differences in the ways Hindus and Buddhists conceptualize and communicate matters related to the nature of the divine, and the nature of supreme reality. In particular, Buddhism avoids distinctions between a divine and a profane realm; there are no actual Buddhist deities or gods. Hinduism boasts a plethora of gods and goddesses, although the…...



Cline, Austin. "Hinduism: Origins, Beliefs, Practices, Holy Texts, Sacred Places." Retrieved online: 

"Basics of Buddhism." Retrieved online: 

Freeman, Richard. Interview data received February 21, 2013.

The Heart Sutra. Translated by Kumarajiva and Pevahouse. Retrieved online:

Religion What Roles Do the
Pages: 5 Words: 1633

There was no time to allow better preparation of the bread. They had to move out of Egypt in before Pharaoh could realize. The bitter herbs symbolized the bitter life experienced in Egypt. They remained as captives of slavery for many years, and a moment of redemption approached. In the book of Exodus, one sympathizes with the Jews that served life of slavery without freedom.
However, one feels delighted because of the happy conclusion when the Jews attain freedom and redemption. Passover offers a bonding moment that brings together everyone that shares the Jewish customs. The home and most Jewish families celebrate the holy days such as the New Year in Jewish calendar and the Day of Atonement. They celebrate these holy days at night of the eve of the holy day and families prepare meals before performing the synagogue service. They serve the meals with apples and honey which…...



Heehs, Peter, ed. 2002. Indian Religions: A Historical Reader of Spiritual Expression and Experience. New York.

Online Conference on Socially Engaged Buddhism. Journal of Buddhist Ethics, April 2000, available online at http: / /

Queen, Christopher, Charles Prebish and Damien Keown. 2003. Action Dharma: New Studies in Engaged Buddhism. London: Routledge Curzon.

Religion Comparison Religions in Ancient
Pages: 7 Words: 2389

According to Bass, "Hinduism is the only major religion lacking an adequate explanation as to its origin," as no definitive Hindu text exist that that date before 1000 B.C. Indeed, because Hinduism is one of the religions that views time as cyclical rather than linear, what information is available about Hinduism does not give a very accurate picture of its history (Bass 5). hat can be gleaned from this history is the fact that Hinduism is one of the oldest religions with one of the oldest societies in the world. Just as their origins are difficult to define, the beliefs of Hinduism are varied depending on one's personal interpretation of the religion. However, one of the more important aspects of Hinduism is its social caste system. This belief states that there are four casts, and each "has its rules and obligation for living." The three castes are Brahman, priests,…...


Works Cited

"A Concise History of Islam and the Arabs." Mid East Web. n.d. 11 June 2009.

Abdullah, Mohd Habibullah Bin. "The Story of Creation in the Quar'an and Old

Testament." Bismika Allahuma. 15 October 2005. 11 June 2009.

Religions of the World Islam
Pages: 6 Words: 1825

It is because of this that Hinduism has become as powerful now as it has ever been (Hopfe and oodward 77-113).

Among the most powerful religions of the world, comes Buddhism. Its great history is one that makes this spiritual belief one that has withstood time. Not only is its origination in one of the most populated countries of the world, but the powerful influence that it has had on other religions and on the political institutions from which some nations base their governments, it has become clear that Buddhism, just as Christianity and Islam have become, is a great powerful influence on the insurgence of political atmospheres, and extremists views (Hopfe and oodward 134-155).

Buddhism is most closely associated with peaceful teachings and non-violent approaches to everyday issues. Because of this great belief in that everything can be resolved through peaceful means, governments have chosen to also adapt these religious…...


Works Cited

Hopfe, Lewis M. & Woodward, Mark R. Religions of the World. 11th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2009. Print.

Religion Is One of the
Pages: 3 Words: 960

Tradition says that a dying person should be put on the floor in order for them to be closer to the earth. After the ailing person dies, the body is washed and prepared for funeral practices. Most Hindu people would rather have a Hindu priest pray and bless their recently departed relative.
4.In Hinduism, people that don't believe are not threatened to perish in hell as they are given another chance to recognize the religion as having great importance in one's life. From the Hindu point-of-view, hell is something experienced by people that have a bad Karma.

Hindu people believe that they've attained a level of happiness when they reach a perfect Karma and their mind and body are pure. Hinduism regards life as being complex process in which the soul undergoes several phases of reincarnation in order to reach a final phase where it is saved and reincarnation no longer…...


Works cited:

1. Chopra, Anita. Alagiakrishnan, Kannayiram. "HEALTH and HEALTH CARE of ASIAN INDIAN-American ELDERS." Retrieved April 8, 2009, from Stanford University Web site: 

2. Wendell, Thomas. "Wendell Thomas." Kessinger Publishing, 2003.

3. "Hindu American Foundation Denounces Temple Entry Ban on Harijans (Dalits) in Orissa." Retrieved April 8, 2009, from the Hindu American Foundation Web site: 

4. "Hinduism." Retrieved April 8, 2009, from diehardindian Web site:

Religions and Development it Is Popularly Believed
Pages: 8 Words: 2215

Religions and Development
It is popularly believed that countries, where religion has major influence in governance, tend to develop slower than those where religious beliefs are not a main influence or consideration. This statement uses the cases of poor and traditionally colonized Christian countries in Southeast Asia, like the Philippines; Russia; and the African countries to support the claim.

The four major monotheistic religions in the world all tend to bar changes in one's life. Their faith or lifestyle does not involve material acquisition and is even hostile to it. They are bound to the wiles and stated will and preferences of an unseen Deity. Their happiness consists precisely in denying their own progress and contentment, the furthering of their blessings and potential. India is a supreme example of this. ut this blind adherence to brutal fate and faith is also taken advantage by some opportunists, such as in the case of…...



Baha'i International. 1999. Values, Norms and Poverty: A Consultation on the World Development Report 2000. South Africa

Bohlin, Sue. 2000. A Short Look at Six World Religions. Texas, USA:

Probe Ministries International

Hilton, Ronald. 2001. Religion and Poverty. (accessed 16:03:03).

Religion in the Leviathan the
Pages: 4 Words: 968

" (Leviathan, Chapter 12).
This passage speaks directly to man's relationship with God in Hobbes' eyes. The idea that God exists pre-logic erupts into an understanding that faith and fate play such an integral role in Man's life. Whatever we may do to secure our happiness we may do, but fate and faith play a larger role than we would generally care to admit to be the case.

In general, Hobbes philosophy on religion does satisfy a lot of philosophic ends. It points at one true course (Christianity) and also obviates the need to justify religion in the face of logic and philosophy. As in, we do not need to logically defend Christ's birth, the stories of his life and the prophets, and subsequently the parable of his cruxifiction. In fact, we do not even need to defend logically the basic premises of religion or specifically Christianity.

Instead, we can concentrate on philosophy…...

Religion and Globalization and Religion
Pages: 2 Words: 500

This book, written from a scholarly viewpoint by professors of religion, looks at the dynamics of seven major religious traditions and how those traditions are adapting to the world of globalization.
Rifkin, I. Spiritual Perspectives on Globalization: Making Sense of Economic and Cultural Upheaval. Woodstock, VT: Skylight Paths Publishing. Print.

For author, speaker and journalist Ira Rifkin, globalization is changing how humans live at a very rapid, and sometimes unpredictable, rate. Some of this change revolves around the shift in values from individual cultures and the anger and uncomfortability humans are left with when faced with change. The book, written in lay terms without undue citations, examines Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Baha'i, tribal religions and Protestantism to explain how each view the economic, social and religious aspects of globalism. The major point focuses on how the social constructs that tend to arise out of spirituality can not only enhance the…...

Religion Sikhism Was a Protest
Pages: 4 Words: 1377

By concentrating on God's Name (or many titles), one conquers the ego and unites with God" (Islam in Sikhism, n.d.).
The compilation of the Sikh scriptures began in 1604 by the Fifth Guru. The last of the ten Gurus, Guru Gobind Singh, announced that he would be the last personal Guru and that after that Sikhs were to regard the Adi Granth as their teacher. This sacred book is thought to be the living embodiment of all ten Gurus and is therefore the focus of worship in all Sikh temples. The Adi Granth, though never claiming to be a revealed scripture, is made up of three main parts. A long poem by Nanak, that sums up the elements of Sikhism. A collection of Ragas, or songs that were written by the first five Gurus and a mixed collection of commentaries that elaborated on the Ragas together with hymns of many…...


Works Cited

"7. Dalits -- on the Margins of Development" n.d. 4 October 2009,

Ali Nadwi, Syed Abul Hasan. 2008. "Islam and Civilization." 4 October 2009, <>

Buddhism vs Hinduism Describe Essential Teachings Buddha
Pages: 2 Words: 750

Describe essential teachings Buddha. How Buddhism modify Hinduism? How explain appeal Buddhism? eference

Describe the essential teachings of Buddha. How did Buddhism modify Hinduism? How can we explain the appeal of Buddhism?

Both Buddhism and Hinduism share many similar features. Both possess the doctrine of karma, or the notion that one's actions in this life affect what transpires later on. However, while Hinduism preaches the doctrine of anatma, or self, Buddhism preaches the doctrine of non-self (Difference between Buddhism and Hinduism, 2012, difference The first noble truth of Buddhism is that there is suffering and the second noble truth of the Buddha is that the cause of suffering is our delusion that we possess a self. For Hindus, the self is a static, unchanging and eternal thing. For Buddhism, what we believe to be the self is merely a conglomeration of the five aggregates: matter, sensation, perception, thought and…...



Difference between Buddhism and Hinduism. (2012). difference Retrieved: 

Eng, Tan Swee. (2006). Differences between Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism. A Basic

Buddhism Guide. Retrieved:

Main Characteristics of Hinduism
Pages: 5 Words: 1442

Hindu Festivals: Manifestation of the Hindu Society and Culture
Throughout history, human civilization were influenced by numerous religions that carry with it a specific set of beliefs and customs, and philosophy that guided people how to live their lives on earth. Early world religions are characteristically Eastern or traditionalist, in their approach, such as uddhism, Islam, and Hinduism. These old world religions have bee influential in changing and developing many facets of human civilization, particularly in developing social interaction among people and cultivation of culture that is unique and characteristically derived from the dominant and prevailing religion in a society.

Hinduism, as an old world religion, is considered as the cradle of civilization for most South Asian countries, particularly India, where Hinduism was born as early as 1500 .C. It is evident that India as a nation is greatly influenced by Hindu philosophy and culture. The way of life among Indians, such…...



Klostermaier, K. (1994). A Survey of Hinduism. NY: New York Press.

Hinduism." Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2002.

Shattuck, C. (1999). Hinduism. London: Taylor & Francis.

Zelliot, E. (1988). The Experience of Hinduism: Essays on Religion in Maharashtra. NY: New York Press.

Religion the Impossible Dilemma What
Pages: 4 Words: 1838

In both cases, He "is an impersonal force; an indefinable, all-pervading deity. Hinduism recognizes hundreds, even thousands, of lesser gods." ( the same is true in uddhism, "God is an abstract. In essence, uddhism is an atheistic philosophy." ( in both Hinduism and uddhism, there are stories of how the divine interacts with humans, but there is no historical proof. Only Christianity has historical proof. Since I am not Asian, I naturally want historical evidence, and I naturally want to follow a religion with a real God who cares about me as a person. Hinduists and uddhists have no sense of self-worth in the scope of the universe. "Humans, as with all living things, are just manifestations of rahman. We have no individual self, or self-worth. The world and everything on it are manifestations of rahman. Sin is committed against oneself, not against God." (Contender Ministries) This idea is…...



Christian Response to Hinduism." Apologetics. Contender Ministries.

Comparitive Religions & Christianity." 2004.   brief comparison of Mohammed to the founders and leading figures of other major religions." 

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