ehabilitation vs. Punishment
When criminal or delinquents have been duly sentenced in the court of law, they are locked up in various penitentiaries in the country. These incarceration centers vary from one to another in terms of security level, the size, population and further more differences but one similarity that they share is they are meant for releasing (if the sentence allows) back to the society a better person that the one who went into custody.
However, while in incarceration centers, there tend to be a clear cut difference between rehabilitation and punishment, there is therefore the risk of emphasizing one over the other which may not mould the best individual whom the society expects to walk out of the jail doors at the end of the sentence.
To have a clear picture of where the difference between rehabilitation and punishment ideology comes in, it is worth looking at what really defines each…...
Gadek, R., (2008). Rehabilitation vs. Punishment in the Adult Justice System. Retrieved March 24, 2011 from
Net Industries, (2011). Rehabilitation - What Is Rehabilitation? Rehabilitation Across Time,
Correctional Programs In The United States, Does Correctional Rehabilitation Work? Retrieved March 24, 2011 from
The needs principle says that interventions should target the known predictors of crime and recidivism for change. There are two types of predictors for recidivism: static predictors, such as criminal history, and dynamic predictors, such as antisocial values. Those predictors that can be changed are the predictors that should be targeted by rehabilitation programs. The dynamic factors that can be changed are: antisocial/procriminal attitudes, values, beliefs, and cognitive-emotional states, procriminal associates, isolation from anticriminal others, antisocial personality factors, and dysfunctional family relationships. Those are the factors that should be targeted in rehabilitation programs. Second, is the responsivity principle. The responsivity principle provides that treatment services should be behavioral in nature, because of the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral and social-learning interventions in changing human behavior, particularly those behaviors that are linked to recidivism. "einforcements in the program should be largely positive, not negative. And the services should be intensive, lasting three…...
Gendreau, P. (2011). What works to change offenders. In F.T. Cullen and C.L. Johnson (Eds.)
Correctional theory: Context and Consequences (pp.147-170). Thousand Oaks: Sage
With his SCI, Mike clearly has functional limitations that he cannot overcome. These can be frustrating, but there is a lot of equipment that can help Mike with the things that he needs to do. Unfortunately, the motorized wheelchair will not fit in his parents' home, but there is often assistance available for these types of issues. Helping the parents find and afford a larger and better-equipped place, or simply helping them to find money to do things like widen doorways can go a long way toward Mike's mobility. There are many companies who can help with this type of assistance. Initially, however, Mike needs to be able to do simple things like eat and use the bathroom. One of the ways that he can move toward being able to do some of these things is through building up strength. There are many devices today that he can use to…...
ehabilitation Program
To help Tony overcome his drug and alcohol abuse problem, the techniques as well as methods to be made use of should not only be effective but also situation-sensitive. The therapeutic process to be adopted in this case should in my view begin with detoxification. Treatment and the prevention of a relapse should follow detoxification in that order. The other critical elements of the said therapeutic process are behavioral therapy and medication. While medications could in this case come in handy in the suppression of withdrawal symptoms, behavioral therapy will enable Tony to modify his behaviors and attitudes in relation to drug abuse. Behavioral approaches could in this case include but they are not limited to cognitive behavioral therapy. Given the special aspects of Tony's situation, the relevance of a customized treatment regimen cannot be overstated. The said treatment regimen should in my view address all the aspects of…...
Bradshaw, M. & Lowenstein, A. (2010). Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions (5th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Kaminer, Y. & Winters, K.C. (Eds.). (2010). Clinical Manual of Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
Parrish, M. (2009). Social Work Perspectives on Human Behavior. Berkshire, England: McGraw-Hill International.
This can have adverse effects on the child's mental and emotional state and could make it more likely that the child will follow the same path. Also, incarcerating an individual who has a minor child is another way of creating a single parent home. Incarceration by a parent also increases the likelihood that that a child will become a product of the system. Mothers in state prison (58%) were more likely than fathers (49%) to report having a family member who had also been incarcerated. Glaze and Maruschak (2009).
Proponents of imprisonment will argue that it is just as traumatic for a child to witness his/her parents on drugs and going through rehabilitation. They would argue that when a person is going through rehab they will face emotional instability and may even pose a threat to the child and family. The Campbell Danger Assessment lists drug abuse as a risk…...
ADAM II. (2008). 2008 annual report, arrestee drug abuse monitoring program II. ADAM II.
Retrieved from: .
Alarid, Leanne, Cromwell, Paul, and Del Carmen, Rolando. (2008). Community-based corrections, 7th Edition. California: Wadsworth Publishing.
Baker, M. (2004). Understanding alcohol and drug addition: An lds perspective. Springfield,
com (2004), the author focuses specifically on Florida. In this state, prisoners are indeed incorporated in labor programs. However, these programs are targeted only towards the advantage of those benefiting from cheap labor. There is not rehabilitative function. The lack of rehabilitation programs, as mentioned above, simply perpetuates the situation that created overcrowding in prisons in the first place. Rehabilitation programs can give convicts a sense of humanity and society again.
In conclusion, it is vitally important that humanity begins to take precedence over prejudice. This is also the case in terms of convicted felons and the possibility of their return as productive members of society. uch return would be to the advantage of both the society making use of goods and services rather than paying taxes for prison maintenance, and to the felon who feels like more than a criminal and changes for the better.
ource (2001-2004). Prison Industry vs. Prisoner…...
mlaSource (2001-2004). Prison Industry vs. Prisoner Rehabilitation in Florida.
Rehabilitation of Felony Offenders
In this drug court program there are five phases: a) detoxification (if necessary), comprehensive assessments, a short-term treatment plan and individual and group counseling services; and b) a more intensive individual treatment plan, group and individual therapy, weekly court hearings, meetings with the probation officer and "required attendance at AA 12 Step recovery meetings daily; c) the 2nd phase activities continue but in this phase they also focus on developing life skills (jobs, housing, education, etc.); defendants must pay all courts costs; d) this is the "life skills enhancement" phase in which defendants are required to seek jobs and housing, required to get their GED and continue showing negative random drug screens (olfer, 309-310).
In the "exit interviews" conducted with the first 55 "graduates" of the drug court program in Pennsylvania there were numerous response to the question of what should be changed or kept in the program. "Almost 90%"…...
mlaWorks Cited
Banks, Duren, and Gottfredson, Denise C. (2003). The Effects of Drug Treatment and Supervision on Time to Rearrest Among Drug Treatment Court Participants. The Journal
of Drug Issues. 33(2). 385-412. Retrieved March 9, 2011, from
Wolfer, Loreen. (2006). Graduates speak: a qualitative exploration of drug court graduates'
Views of the strengths and weaknesses of the program. Contemporary Drug Problems.
Brookwood Community is a community in Brookshire, Texas, which is organized around meeting the needs of special-needs adults. The campus consists of eight group homes, two staff homes, a residential Inn, health and dental clinics, greenhouses, a restaurant, a gift shop, and several support buildings. The community provides rehabilitation therapy to adults with disabilities, but also provides several other benefits. They have 110 resident adults and another 80 adults who participate in the day program. They help people with a wide range of disabilities: autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, aging care needs, and those with a dual diagnosis. The facility is located at 1752 FM 1489, Brookshire, Texas, 77423. The main phone number is [HIDDEN] . The URL is
The Mission Statement of Brookwood Community is to provide opportunities through education, which allows Brookwood citizens to: acquire meaningful job skills and hold real jobs in…...
Literature Review on PT for Knee InjuriesIntroductionKnee injuries are extremely common, especially among athletes who participate in high-impact sports. The knee is a complex joint that is responsible for bearing a significant amount of weight and stress, which makes it susceptible to injury. Physical therapy is an effective treatment for knee injuries that can help to relieve pain, increase range of motion, and improve function. A physical therapist will design a personalized treatment plan based on the specific needs of the patient (Chirichella et al., 2019). Treatment may include exercises, stretches, electrical stimulation, ice or heat therapy, and massage (Culvenor et al., 2022). In addition to reducing pain and improving function, physical therapy can also help to prevent future injuries by strengthening the muscles around the knee. For these reasons, physical therapy is an important treatment option for patients with knee injuries.Anatomy and Physiology of Knee JointThe knee joint is…...
Chirichella, P. S., Jow, S., Iacono, S., Wey, H. E., & Malanga, G. A. (2019). Treatment of knee meniscus pathology: Rehabilitation, surgery, and orthobiologics. PM and R, 11(3), 292–308.
Culvenor, A. G., Girdwood, M. A., Juhl, C. B., Patterson, B. E., Haberfield, M. J., Holm, P. M., Bricca, A., Whittaker, J. L., Roos, E. M., & Crossley, K. M. (2022). Rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament and meniscal injuries: a best-evidence synthesis of systematic reviews for the OPTIKNEE consensus. In British Journal of Sports Medicine. BMJ Publishing Group.
Harput, G., Guney-Deniz, H., Nyland, J., & Kocabey, Y. (2020). Postoperative rehabilitation and outcomes following arthroscopic isolated meniscus repairs: A systematic review. In Physical Therapy in Sport (Vol. 45, pp. 76–85). Churchill Livingstone.
While its goals may be commendable, restorative justice is nevertheless a disaggregated model. Uniting relational justice, participative or consensual justice and changing or improvement justice, restorative justice has become a concept that has something for everyone (Wilson, 2012).
The Case for ehabilitation
The Attack on the ehabilitative Ideal
A premise that has endured all through the history of American corrections is that labors should be put forth to reform those who commit crimes. At the start of the 1900's, the rehabilitative model was eagerly broadcast and aided to direct the overhaul of the correctional system with the achievement of undetermined sentencing, parole, probation and a detached juvenile justice system. Over the next several years, offender treatment ruled as the established correctional attitude. Then, in the early 1970's, rehabilitation went through a steep turn of fate. The greater disturbances in American civilization in this period encouraged a universal evaluation of the state run…...
Akers, R.L. & Jensen, G.F. (2002). Dangerous Liaison? Rational choice theory as the basis for correctional intervention. In A. Piquero & S. Tibbetts (Eds.), Rational Choice and Criminal Behavior Recent Research and Future Challenges. (279-296). New York:
Braithwaite, J. (2012). Reintegrative Shaming. In Cullen, F.T. & Johnson, C.L.
Cattaraugus County eHabilitation Center Case Study
Balanced Scorecard is a concept that was introduced in 1992 through the publication of an article on the topic by Harvard Business eview. After its introduction, the concept was quickly adopted by various companies, which was a reflection of the potential and power of balanced scorecard. This concept became a revolutionary management tool within the first two decades of its inception as evident in its adoption by many private, public, and non-profit organizations or enterprises across the globe. Cattaraugus County eHabilitation Center is an example of a non-profit organization that has adopted this concept. The organization started using balance scorecard approach in its strategic planning process as a measure towards bridging the gap between strategic planning and the daily activities of the Center. Cattaraugus County eHabilitation Center adopted the balance scorecard approach with the ultimate objective of aligning each of its departments with the overall…...
Kaplan, R.S. (2010). Conceptual Foundations of the Balanced Scorecard. Retrieved from Harvard Business School website:
Martello, M., Watson, J.G. & Fischer, M.J. (2008, September). Implementing A Balanced
Scorecard In A Not-for-Profit Organization. Journal of Business & Economics Research, 6(9), 67-80. Retrieved from
physiotherapy rehabilitation following a stay in ICU
A stay in the Intensive care unit can be a set back to the full recovery of a patient calling for a need to carry out a rehabilitation program. According to ersten, Soni, & Oh (2009), after a patient is discharged from the intensive care unit, there is requirement for a care plan that is multidisciplinary in order to achieve the best possible recovery for the patient. No matter the rehabilitation program that health care providers may choose to adopt, prior assessment of the patient is critical to help them in making the most informed decisions on the appropriate approach to apply (Porter, and Tidy, 2008). This paper will look at the evidence of an aged patient who developed sepsis after a surgery to remove bowel.
Most patients that recover from long-term sepsis are able to regain normalcy in life. However, some patients may…...
Bersten, A.D., Soni, n., & OH, T. E 2009, Oh's intensive care manual. Oxford,
Porter, S.B., & Tidy, N. M 2008, 'Tidy's physiotherapy. Edinburgh, Churchill
ehabilitation of Felony Offenders Possible? Desirable?
As the global economic downturn continues to adversely affect federal and state budgets across the board, one of the hardest hit areas has been the nation's penal system. Dwindling budgets have caused layoffs and cutbacks in many prison systems, and many facilities are at their limit already with no end to the steady stream of felons in sight. Unfortunately, even when they are released, many felons reoffend, violate their parole or otherwise become once again involved with the criminal justice system and are returned to prison. Given the combination of scarce resources and a burgeoning prison population, it just makes good sense to ask whether the rehabilitation of felony offenders is possible, and if so, is this a desirable outcomes for the nation's prison systems? To answer these questions, this paper provides a review of the relevant literature followed by a summary of the…...
ACA policies and resolutions. (2005, April). Corrections Today, 67(2), 63-64.
Estaver, A.J. (2005). Dangerous criminals or dangerous courts: Foreign felonies as predicate offenses under Section 922(g)(1) of the Gun Control Act of 1968. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 38(1), 215-217.
Felony. (1999). Black's law dictionary. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.
Halsey, M. (2007). Assembling recidivism: The promise and contingencies of post-release life.
This means that all teachers will be familiar with disability categories instead of specializing in only one or two. Practice teaching is inclusive in practically al degree programs at universities. Degree requirements differ from state to state. Some states require or recommend a masters degree while others have different requirements in educational attainment. There are many states that require teachers of special education to be both generally as well as special educationally certified. Most States require a competency test.
In an article entitled "Vocational rehabilitation in rural America: challenges and opportunities" an examination is made of the issues that are dealt with by vocational rehabilitation service delivery in rural areas of the United States the findings show that, substantial portion of the United States population resides in nonmetropolitan areas totaling nearly 56 million individuals that live in rural areas of the country and that of those 56 million there are…...
Green, Kathleen (1993) Careers In Special Education (12221993) Occupational Outlook Quarterly 1993 Dec 22 Online at Highbeam Research
Rojewski, Jay (1992) Vocational rehabilitation in rural America: challenges and opportunities. (Rural Rehabilitation) American Rehabilitation; 3/22/1992. Online at: Highbeam Research Library.
M., Bornhoeft, D.M., Barcome, D.F., & Knowlton, D.D. (1985). Providing outreach services in a rural setting utilizing a multidisciplinary team: The CARES Project. Rehabilitation Literature, 46, 264-267. [16.]
Jansen, D.G. (1988). The role of vocational education in rural America. Columbus: The Ohio State University, Center on Education and Training for Employment.
Coectional Sevices of Canada says that these pogams ae the esult of acknowledge the woman as "he own beset expet," and ae built on the pemise that "eaning to make infomed choices and then accepting the consequences of them will enable these women to take contol of thei lives." Thee, a Liteacy and Numeacy Pogam ceated just fo female inmates aims to foste skills equied fo basic employment and civic involvement.
The State of Floida epoted in 2001 that the ecidivism ate fo inmates who eceived a GED was 29.8%, significantly lowe than the 34.4% attibuted to those who failed to complete the educational pogam. That ate of etun essentially tanslated into 100 inmates not etuning to pison of the 1,788 who eceived thei GED. The State epoted that avoiding thei e-incaceation saved appoximately $1.9 million dollas.
With the gowth of so many gende-specific pogams, the ationale fo addessing incaceation causes…...
U.S. Department of Justice. "Expenditure and Employment Statistics."
Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2004.
U.S. Department of Justice. "Prison Statistics, Summary Findings." Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2005.
Tittle, Charles R. "Prisons and Rehabilitation: The Inevitability of Disfavor." Social Problems. Vol. 21, No. 3. (1974) p. 385.
While it may seem like recidivism has a clear definition, there have actually been a number of different definitions of recidivism over time. Generally, recidivism means reoffending after being released from a punishment or treatment program. However, measures of recidivism cannot really account for all recidivism because recidivism is measured in various ways such as convictions for additional crimes, self-reporting rates, etc., but none of these measures is going to accurately capture all instances of recidivism. One highly-researched area of recidivism is sex offenders and sex-based offenses. Most lay people believe that sex offenders cannot be rehabilitated....
Helping you come up with titles on this would be a little easier if we knew which specific issue you want to focus on in your high school exit project because the title should specifically address the content of the paper. We wanted to give you that disclaimer, because some of these titles may be inappropriate for whatever paper you have written. We are going to provide a variety of different titles that will include a range of topics related to combat wounded veteran rehabilitation. They touch on some topics that are controversial among the wounded veteran....
Language development refers to the process by which infants develop their language skills. Understanding how speech and language develop, as well as understanding speech milestones, can help people assess whether a person’s language development is on-time or is experiencing delays.
Language Development Essay Topics / Essay Titles
1. The impact of deinstitutionalization on mental health care access and quality
2. Examining the role of community-based treatment in reducing stigma around mental illness
3. The challenges of transitioning patients from institutional care to community-based services
4. The financial implications of deinstitutionalization on mental health care systems
5. Exploring the ethical considerations of deinstitutionalization and patient autonomy
6. The effectiveness of deinstitutionalization in promoting recovery and rehabilitation for individuals with mental illness
7. The potential risks and benefits of deinstitutionalization for vulnerable populations, such as the homeless or those with severe mental illness
8. The role of family support and....
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