Regulatory Framework Essays (Examples)

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New Regulatory Framework of Financial
Pages: 12 Words: 3792

" (Crawford, 2011)
These comments are showing how Wellstone understood the risk that this would pose to the financial system. In eight years after making this speech, the federal government would be directly bailing out firms that were too big to fail. This is indicating how the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act allowed financial institutions to engage in excessive amounts of risk taking. It is at this point that they took on large amounts of debt and had no accountability. (Crawford, 2011)

The information from this source is useful in showing how the repeal of certain laws helped to create situations which allowed for an atmosphere of deregulation. This set the stage for excessive amounts of risk taking with the liquid assets of the firm. When this happened, many institutions began to engage in activities that were believed to be safe. However, they were considered to be speculative and increased the…...



More than 1,500 Private Fund Advisors. (2012). SEC. Retrieved from: 

What is Qualitative Research. (2012), QSR International. Retrieved from: 

Crawford, C. (2011). The Repeal of the Glass Steagall Act. Journal of Business and Economic Research, 9 (1), 20 -- 34.

Erkens, D. (2012). Corporate Governance. UVA. Retrieved from:

Corporate Governace Regulatory Framework in
Pages: 2 Words: 580

The financial sector is one of particular interest in terms of the company governance regulatory framework in omania (Center for Urban Development Studies). A trend has been noticed in that financial institutions have improved their structures of corporate governance after 2008 (Spahiu, 2010). The corporate governance regulatory framework has also improved due to the institutional reforms that the accession to the European Union in 2007 implied (Bonetto, 2009).

Several researchers point towards omania following the general pattern of Continental Europe in terms of internal control of employees and managerial approach, with some particularities (Giurca Vasilescu, 2008). There is a distinct trend that points to a shift from owner-management to professional management (Berklof, Pajuste, 2003).

Comparative to the more developed states of the Old Continent, omania still reveals shortages (Malamud, Ofer & Pop Eleches, Cristian, 2010) A closer look at UK's corporate governance regulatory framework, for instance, unveils stricter and better implemented rules,…...



1. Berglof, E., Pajuste, A. (2003), Emerging Owners, Eclipsing Markets? Corporate Governance in Central and Eastern Europe, in P.K. Cornelius, and B. Kogut, eds. Corporate Governance and Capital Flows in a Global Economy, Oxford University Press

2. Center for International Private Enterprise, CIPE (2002), Instituting corporate governance in developing, emerging and transitional economies. A Handbook, March 2002

3. Fabienne Bonetto, Srdjan Redzepagic, Anna Tykhonenko. 2009. Catching up their Integration

Designing a New Regulatory Framework
Pages: 37 Words: 11210

e., the company) that has technical control over telecommunications networks and thus technical ability to access communications, versus a party that is duly authorized to actually access those communications via a warrant (Mares, 2002). Although, as is consistent with the British model of legal evolution that relies heavily on interpretation of judicial action and precedent rather than overt legislative action, there have been no new statues issued in the intervening decade. The only other guiding document for law enforcement and judicial authorities to rely on regarding interception activity is a Code of Practice that was issued by the Home Secretary in 2002 (Interception of Communications: Code of Practice, 2002). This document provides more detailed procedural guidance and to some extent interpretation of the IPA.
The table below summarizes the key milestones in the evolution of the United Kingdoms' regulatory regime:

Milestones in the Evolution of the United Kingdom egulatory egime


Act / Event





Brownstone, R.A., & Voglei, C.A., (2006). U.S.A PATRIOT Act Impasse: E-mail Interception Rules Need Congressional Attention, Too. The Privacy and Data Protection Legal Review, 1(2).

Calleja, R. (2000). RIP ACT 2000 -- U.K.. Computer Law & Security Report, 16(6), pp. 400-401

Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, (1994). Pub. L. No. 103-414, 108 Stat. 4279, codified at 47 U.S.C 1001-1010

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, 1978. Public Law 95-511. Library of Congress

Designing a New Regulatory Framework for Telecommunications Interception and Access in Jordan
Pages: 18 Words: 5019

New Regulatory Framework for elecommunications in Jordan
Jordan elecommunications


Chapter X presented the pre-test results of the pilot study that used qualitative data collected from the interviews with Jordanian dignitaries. his chapter presents the quantitative results from the survey administered to the larger representative sample of respondents from Jordanian businesses.

he interviews conducted for the pilot study and a review of the literature supported the development of questions used in the survey. he interview process was used to ensure that the questions used in the research would have content validity and, thus, would accurately reflect the primary issues concerning telecommunications law. Further, the pilot study served to verify that terminology used in the survey questions showed consistent usage in the respondent sample.

Sample and Response Rate (Questionnaire)

he random stratified sample is representative of the population at large for persons affiliated with or interested in telecommunications regulation. he sample was developed to…...


The results of this research indicate that Jordan is conceptually poised to develop and adopt a regulatory framework for telecommunications interception and access that support the use of standards-based technical implementations for this lawful interception. The following categorical considerations support the views expressed by respondents in this research that a culture of acceptance regarding the regulatory framework for telecommunications interception and access exists and, further, that there is a need for this regulatory framework.

Use of digital communication is rising in Jordan. In 2006, only 4.6% of the population in Jordan was regularly using the internet. Today, nearly five years later, that rate of usage will have increased if only because internet access is moving to mobile digital platforms. Five years ago, many people used desktop personal computers to access the internet. For younger consumers particularly, internet access shifted to laptops and smart phones. Recent studies in social networking indicate that many young people may exclusively access the internet on these mobile digital devices (The Research Intelligence Group / ). Mobile digital devices are becoming exponentially faster, cheaper, and capable of replacing stationary personal computers. It is reasonable to assume that the use of mobile digital devices is rising among criminals and terrorists as well.

Incompatible laws. A number of Jordanian laws are designed to protect the privacy and human rights of its citizens with regard to modes of communication. The Telecommunications Act protects privacy related to the use of telephones and telecommunication networks. The Jordanian Constitution Act Article 18 protects communication through the postal, telephonic, and telegraphic systems. Monitoring and surveillance occurs where the law permits where persons are considered to pose a threat to the government or national security. Provisions of these regulations do not necessarily work in concert, and this situation may be exacerbated by the fact that Jordan does not have specific telecommunication interception and access statutes.

Information Technology Industry in Washington DC Regulatory Frameworks
Pages: 3 Words: 1087

Law and Policy Case Study
Overview of legal environment of Washington, DC

Washington, DC is among the U.S. states that hold most of the U.S. economy. The central location of Washington, DC, provides it with strategic business opportunities and other related economic activities that contribute to the overall economy of the U.S. The strategic location of Washington, DC, implies that it has various legal regulations that influence the execution of different activities within the state. Among the regulations, include those issued by the federal, state, local, and tribal governments alongside the organizational policies that influence the behavior of organizations in Washing, DC. These laws comply with the constitutional, civil, criminal, due diligence, and administrative laws of the U.S. The presence of these regulations mean that the environment provided in the Washington, DC favors various activities aimed at stimulating overall economic growth (Mann & oberts, 2013).

Applicable laws and regulations to the Information Technology…...



Beatty, J.F., Samuelson, S.S., & Bredeson, D. (2013). Business law and the legal environment. Mason, Ohio: Southwestern Cengage Learning.

Cross, F.B., & Miller, R.L.R. (2007). West's legal environment of business: Text and cases: ethical, regulatory, international, and e-commerce issues. Mason, Ohio: Thomson/West.

Goodwin, R.C., & Calabrese, M.R. (1994). Legal environment for foreign direct investment in the United States. Washington, D.C: International Law Institute.

Li, S. (2007). The legal environment and risks for foreign investment in China. Berlin: Springer.

Regulatory Review After the Credit
Pages: 15 Words: 4999

The Depression of 1893

Following hard on the heels of the depression that had taken place just two decades previously, the precise causes for this economic downturn remain unclear. In this regard, Steeples and Whitten (1998) advise, "There is no adequate account of the causes of the depression of 1893 -- 1897 or, by implication, of the crisis itself" (p. 6). These authors, though, cite fundamental shifts in demographics in the U.S., as well as innovations in technology and manufacturing that caused a reevaluation of traditional institutions and the role that the U.S. was going to play in the economic affairs of the world in the 20th century as contributing to this depression (Steeples & Whitten, 1998).

The "Great Depression" of 1929-1939

The stock market crash in 1929 is frequently cited as the precipitating factor for the Great Depression, but othermund (1996) emphasizes that there were other economic forces at play that…...



Black's law dictionary. (1991). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.

Connolly, B. (2008, Winter). Defining the financial safety net: Two dozen experts weigh in. the

International Economy, 22(1), 24-25.

Dattel, E. (2008, Winter). Defining the financial safety net: Two dozen experts weigh in. the

Significance of Regulatory Domain of EMS
Pages: 2 Words: 672

Professional and egulatory Issues Central to Nomenclature
Emergency Medical Service or EMS can be described as a comprehensive system that offers the organization of personnel, equipment, and facilities for the delivery of health and safety services to patients with sudden injuries or illnesses in a coordinated and effective manner (Al-Shaqsi, 2010, p.320). The definition of emergency medical services has emerged as an important aspect in the modern health care environment that is characterized by increased occurrence of emergencies due to various factors. Individuals in the modern society are increasingly vulnerable to conditions and emergencies that may generate sudden illnesses or injuries. In addition, the identification of a suitable definition and description of emergency medical service helps in determining the domain it resides in i.e. public health, healthcare or public safety.

As previously mentioned, emergency medical service refers to a multifaceted system that handles the organization of care providers, equipments, and facilities towards…...



Al-Shaqsi, S. (2010, October). Models of International Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Systems. Oman Medical Journal, 25(4), 320-323.

El Sayed, M.J. (2012). Measuring Quality in Emergency Medical Services: A Review of Clinical Performance Indicators. Emergency Medicine International, 1-7. Retrieved from 

Nichol et. al. (1996, January 18). Effectiveness of Emergency Medical Services for Victims of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Metaanalysis. Annals of Emergency Medicine -- An International Journal, 27(6), 700-710.

Strategic Framework in BP-Deepwater Horizon Accident One
Pages: 15 Words: 4053

Strategic Framework in BP-Deepwater horizon accident
One of the most eminent names in the oil and gas industry is British Petroleum, considered as the largest provider of oil and gas to its customers for transportation, energy for heating and light and retail services for petrochemical products globally. The financial and operational picture of the company's performance is illustrated in table1 below.

Performance at a glance for 2010

Facts and figures

Sales and other operating revenues

eplacement cost profit

Number of employees

Proved reserves

etail sites


efineries (wholly or partly owned)

efining throughput

$297,107 million (year 2010)

($4,519) million (year 2010)

79,700 (at 31 Dec 2010)

18,071 million barrels of oil equivalent


Active in 29 countries


2,426 thousand barrels per day (year 2010)

(BP's Corporate website, 2010)

On 20th April 2010 the company faced a serious challenge when one of its oil rigs started leaking and simply couldn't be stopped. With Deepwater Horizon accident, BP's image suffered a lot and many urged the management to change its future strategy…...



BP's Corporate website, 2010. Annual Report 2010. Retrieved through   on 12th August 2010 

Corner, P. Kinicki, A. And Keats, B. (1994) Integrating organizational and individual information processing perspectives on choice, Organizational Science, vol. 3.

Drucker, P. (1954) The Practice of Management, Harper and Row, New York, 1954.

Gellerman, S. (1989) Managing Ethics from the Top to Down, Sloan Management Review;

Counterterrorism and Intelligence Framework
Pages: 8 Words: 2548


Counter-Terrorism Framework

The author of this report is asked to answer to a number of questions relating to counter-terrorism frameworks. First, the author is asked to provide a revised framework for the national terrorism prevention and response agencies in the United States. Per the parameters of the assignment, there are to be at least three agencies involved in the revised framework. Subsequent to that, the author is asked to answer to how and when the agencies will interact and why. The author is asked what tools can be used to help the agencies function and do their jobs and that will be included in the framework summary. The author is asked to wrap up the paper by enumerating at least three policy and/or procedural recommendations that should be implemented to make the existing framework gel and function more effectively.

evised Framework

The existing framework for law enforcement and terrorism preparation and response is…...



Boehm, E. (2013, August 20). New audit finds IRS can't keep track of its own software - The Government Watchdog. Retrieved September 2, 2013, from 

Cillizza, C. (2013, May 21). Everything you need to know about the IRS scandal. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post. Retrieved September 1, 2013, from 

DOJ. (2004, November 1). Special Report: A Review of the FBI's Handling of Intelligence Information Prior to the September 11 Attacks. Welcome to the United States Department of Justice. Retrieved September 2, 2013, from

Poulson, K. (2013, August 29). New Snowden Leak Reports 'Groundbreaking' NSA Crypto-Cracking | Threat Level | . Retrieved September 2, 2013, from

Applying Justice Framework Practice
Pages: 10 Words: 2593

Applying Just Practice Framework
Social Justice Framework

There is a reason that jigsaw puzzles are so often used to represent complex processes and enduring problems, the solutions to which are not immediately evident to the puzzler. It is a curiosity how, at some point, each piece in a puzzle reveals where it fits in the frame. Most people have their favorite strategies for solving puzzles, and they generally do contribute to a more expedient solution -- or at least, they give that illusion. Oddly, spending time not puzzling over the fit of the pieces seems to bring about a solution, and the ease with which understanding comes after such a break never ceases to astonish. Why is it that -- when we can't find a fit -- we don't gain greater clarity through a forced, hyper-focus on finding the missing piece. Indeed, our use of theory, as explained in Chapter 5, Just…...



Finn, J.L. And Jacobson, M. (2003, Winter). Just practice: Steps toward a new social work paradigm. Journal of Social Work Education, 39(1), 57-58.

Finn, J.L. And Jacobson, M. (2007). Just practice: A social justice approach to social work (2nd ed.). Eddie Bowers Publishing Company.

Social Work a Practice Framework
Pages: 10 Words: 2826

This drives a value system that makes our work preventative by one intent. ith a clear understanding that some intervention will require a removal of the child from his or her parents' care, the value of family togetherness will direct the strategy of community involvement on the part of the agency.
Specialised knowledge:

The practice framework is guided by specialized knowledge on the patterns and trends dominating the landscape of abuse cases. The breakdown of major abuse categories reported by Bromfield & Horsfall finds that 39% of abuse cases are of the emotional abuse category, 29% in the category of neglect, 22% in the category of physical abuse and 10% in the category of sexual abuse. (p. 3)

Moreover, a major thrust of the report by Bromfield & Horsfall is that reports of all types of cases are on the rise, but also attributes this to certain realities including the heightened visibility…...


Works Cited:

BBC News. (20009). Australia 'Sorry' for Child Abuse.

Bromfield, L. & Horsfall, B. (2010). Child Abuse and Neglect Statistics. National Child Protection Clearinghouse.

Department for Child Protection (DCP). (2010). Homepage. Government of Western Australia. Online at

Early Childhood Australia (ECA). (2006). Statistics Show Child Abuse in Australia is Getting Worse. Early

Legal and Regulatory Ramifications of Operating an E-Business
Pages: 3 Words: 1279

Operating an e-Business Today
The Age of Information has created a new environment where many of the rules are still being written. Certainly, any new innovation in human activity requires a careful evaluation of the ethical considerations involved. Not since the introduction of steam engines during the Industrial evolution replaced human workers, though, has a technology appeared that had the potential to so dramatically reshape the human community and the ethical landscape in which business is conducted as e-business does today and in the future. This paper will provide an overview of e-business and its implications, an analysis of three potential ethical problems facing e-businesses today, followed by a summary of the research in the conclusion.

eview and Discussion

Background and Overview. While the World Wide Web dates back to only 1993, Americans are going online in increasingly large numbers, at home and work, today. In fact, by September 2001, more than…...



Baird, R.M., Ramsower, R. & Rosenbaum, S.E. (2000). Cyberethics: Social & moral issues in the computer age. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.

Choudhury, P. & Cui, G. (2003). Consumer Interests and the Ethical Implications of Marketing:

A Contingency Framework. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 37(2), 364.

Mcallister, M.P. & Turow, J. (2002). New Media and the Commercial Sphere: Two

Monitoring Implementation of Basel III
Pages: 4 Words: 1193

Subsequently, assessment for Singapore, China and Switzerland are now in progress. These indicate a progressive and positive outcome of the regulatory framework. The RCAP does not work in isolation, as these assessments do not guarantee successful implementation; hence, it works with sound supervisory and industry practices accompanied by rigorous enforcement and analysis of the expected prudential outcomes.
RCAP studied the effect of the regulations on the banks as well as the variations across the banks in terms of the risk-weighted assets. From the assessments, it indicates that, while some variations in risk-weighted assets are natural and desirable, the extreme variations diminish the comparability of the capital ratios. Consequently, the Basel committee is undergoing further analysis to determine the areas that the standards can modify to reduce the extreme variations that are apparent. In the considerations, three policies emerge; these are, to improve the public disclosure and regulatory data collection to…...


Works cited

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision;, Banking Supervision Report to G20 Finance

Ministers and Central Bank Governors on monitoring implementation of Basel III

regulatory reform April 2013 

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Progress report on Basel III implementation April

International Regulation of Tourism in Antarctica
Pages: 75 Words: 19613

International egulation of Tourism in Antarctica
Since the mid-1980s, Antarctica has been an increasingly popular tourist destination, despite the relative danger of visiting the largest, least explored -- and arguably least understood -- continent on earth. Beginning with the 1959 treaty establishing Antarctica as an international zone free of claims of sovereignty by nation's that had been instrumental in establishing research stations there, there has been almost constant negotiation about how to administer regulations pertaining to the preservation of life forms on the continent, what those regulations should be, and what sanctions should be applied and by whom.

To understand the depths of the negotiations, and the potential for discord, it is necessary to understand what the continent offer the 65% of global nations that are party to the 1959 and all subsequent treaties. To understand the possible future of Antarctica, it is necessary to outline treaty attempts to minimize commercial interests…...



Antarctica. Siyabona Africa Web site. Retrieved September 28, 2004 at

Chile Web site. Retrieved September 17, 2004 at 

Australia urges regulation as tourism to Antarctica escalates. (2004, March 24) Agence France Presse English. Retrieved September 14, 2004 at .

Bulgaria in Antarctica. Retrieved September 15, 2004 at

Economic Advisor to a Less-Developed
Pages: 3 Words: 982

The nation will enforce law and order to protect its public property, regulate monetary frameworks and correct market failures. The government will be responsible for protecting private life of its citizens and property (Grant & Vidler, 2000).
Market and Competition Forces: the country's economy should be designed in such a way that it will promote competition. This is because competition means a fair deal in obtaining results. The government should increase sellers and buyers in the market because this would promote competition thus increasing the quality and efficiency. With competition, the country will be able to control and manage different functions of its economy (Grant & Vidler, 2000). Demand and supply are the prime market forces determining the production of a country produces and the suitable ways to do so.

Market equilibrium, price and output, are determined by market forces. Therefore, I would recommend that any least developed nation to emphasize…...



Bahl, Roy, W. (2008). Land taxes vs. property taxes in developing countries. Cambridge,

MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Grant, S. & Vidler, C. (2000). Economics in Context. New York: Heinemann.

Hyman, D.N. (2011). Public finance: A contemporary application of theory to policy (10th ed.).

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on Crypto Markets?
Words: 586

## Crypto Market Dynamics and Emerging Trends

### 1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

- Growth and Innovation: DeFi protocols offer a range of financial services, such as lending, borrowing, and trading, without the need for intermediaries.
- New Tokenomics: DeFi introduces innovative token designs that reward liquidity providers and community members.
- Interoperability: Cross-chain bridges allow users to transfer assets across different blockchains, facilitating DeFi activities.

### 2. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

- Digital Collectibles and Art: NFTs represent unique and verifiable digital assets, enabling the ownership and trading of digital art, collectibles, and other items.
- New Markets: NFTs create new markets for digital creators, artists, and collectors.

Could you suggest some essay topics related to deinstitutionalization?
Words: 665

Essay Topics on Deinstitutionalization

Deinstitutionalization, the process of transitioning individuals with mental illness, developmental disabilities, or other needs from institutional settings to community-based care, has been a topic of ongoing debate and research. Understanding the multifaceted aspects of deinstitutionalization is crucial for policymakers, healthcare professionals, and advocates. Below are several essay topics that explore the key issues and challenges related to this complex process:

1. Historical Evolution of Deinstitutionalization: Origins, Trends, and Impacts

Discuss the historical roots of deinstitutionalization, tracing its evolution from the asylum system to community-based care. Examine the factors contributing to the shift in societal attitudes towards institutionalization and explore....

Essay on : Provide a critical assessment of performance of Contracts for Differences to promote renewable energy in the United Kingdom. in your discussion, engage with the role of energy law and policy in renewable energy promotion?
Words: 532

Contracts for Differences (CfDs) have been a key tool used by the United Kingdom government to promote renewable energy generation. Through guaranteeing a stable income for renewable energy providers, CfDs aim to attract investment in the sector and drive down costs, ultimately contributing to the transition towards a low-carbon economy. In this essay, I will critically assess the performance of CfDs in promoting renewable energy in the UK, paying particular attention to the role of energy law and policy in shaping their effectiveness.

One of the key benefits of CfDs is the long-term price certainty they provide for renewable energy generators,....

Stuck crafting a impactful thesis statement on Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act of 2019 or the MORE Act of 2019. Any pointers?
Words: 116

Thesis statement: The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act of 2019, also known as the MORE Act of 2019, is a pivotal step towards rectifying the unjust consequences of marijuana criminalization, promoting social equity, and establishing a responsible regulatory framework for marijuana legalization. Crafting a strong thesis statement on the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act of 2019 or the MORE Act of 2019 involves highlighting its potential to address the historical disparities in marijuana enforcement, provide economic opportunities for marginalized communities, and pave the way for a more equitable and sustainable approach to cannabis legalization. By focusing on these key....

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