Red Bull Essays (Examples)

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Red Bull Life's Better Without Wings Red
Pages: 5 Words: 1651

Red Bull
Life's Better ithout ings: Red Bull and the Allure of Advertising

It is difficult to imagine walking into a convenience store, gas station shop, or other such establishment without being almost immediately confronted by a refrigerator case full of the aluminum cans and colorful tabs of the many different brands of "energy drinks." These drinks, with such brand names as Monster and Rock Star, purport to give a jolt of energy to the system, presumably allowing one to have "monster" levels of energy or act like a "rock star" no matter how tired they were moments earlier. One of the earliest entrants in this market of energy drinks, and indeed the brand credited as starting the entire "energy drink" industry, is Red Bull, a product and company that has had enormous and still-growing success over the past two decades. ith such strong popularity, it is hard to believe that people…...


Works Cited

Bloomberg. Red Bull's Adrenaline Marketing Mastermind Pushes into Media. 19 May 2012. Accessed 7 March 2012. 

Grus, Jenny. Giving You Wings: Should the Food and Drug Administration Investigate the Safety of Red Bull and So-Called Energy Drinks? Harvard Law School. May 2003. Accessed 7 March 2012.

Macrae, Fiona. Red Bull gives you.... increased risk of heart disease, say scientists. Accessed 7 March 2012. 

Rowely, Brian. No bull: canned energy: men's fitness takes Red Bull to the lab and discovers the heat behind the hype. Mail Online. 15 August 2008. Accessed 7 March 2012.

Red Bull Energy Candy Was
Pages: 8 Words: 2121

In this line of thoughts then, it is crucial for ed Bull to diversify its product offering from other items available on the market.
7. Managerial Implications

The managerial team at ed Bull GmbH has to supervise the entire process of manufacturing and selling of the new candies. In this order of ideas, they must first conduct a market analysis assessing the need and consumer perceptions relative to the introduction of a new energy candy. Given that the study reveals satisfactory results, the managers will carefully review the ingredients to be used in the making of the candy. Using natural ingredients will be a plus in the later development of a differentiation strategy. Once the product is manufactured, details such as packaging or the slogan will be addressed.

The next step is that of signing contracts with intermediaries that will be in charge of distributing the candy and representing the company's liaison…...



Oxoby, M., the 1990s, Greenwood Publishing, 2003

Price, R.G., the Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Boxing, 2nd Edition, Price World Enterprises, 2006

Stafford, a.D., Allen, S.D., Clow, J., Entrepreneurship in the U.S. Economy: Teacher Resource Manual, National Council on Economic Education, 1994

Red Bull GmbH, Hoovers, -- /free-co-factsheet.xhtml last accessed on April 2, 2009

Red Bull Energy Candy Consumer
Pages: 8 Words: 2072

They will want to try this product, and they will want to experience themselves the effects and the consumption process of the energy candy.
Consumers' behavior shows us how they intend to respond to the product. Basically, they can reject it, approve it, or be indifferent to it. Their behavior in the case of the energy candy will probably be similar to their behavior in the case of energy drinks in general, given the similar effects of these products. Energy products are rarely rejected by certain categories of customers. Most consumers that are characterized by the problems solved by energy products encourage them.

Consumers' cognition reveals what they believe about the product in case. Consumers will have at least a minimum of information to base their decision on before buying the energy candy. In this case, information about the product is very easy to be obtained. Just by asking their friends…...


Reference list:

1. Ripley, L. (2009). Consumer Behavior. York University, Toronto. Retrieved April 11, 2009 from

2. Britt (1970). Consumer Behavior in Theory and in Action J.W. And Sons, Inc. New York.

3. Kotler, Ph. (1969). Behavioral Models for Analyzing Buyers. James U. McNeal, Meredith Corporation. New York.

4. Myers, J.H. & Reynolds, W.H. (1967). Consumer Behavior and Marketing Management. Houghton Mifflin. Boston.

Red Bull Candy Is a
Pages: 7 Words: 2079

b) Although the product appears to fill a need and has good commercial prospects, the feasibility is subject to some limitations. One is the effectiveness of the product. The candy format is less effective in terms of the caffeine/herbal stimulant integration, such that the product may not be as effective as liquid Red Bull. We are concerned that by offering the candy in pieces with 50% of the caffeine as a can of Red Bull, the perception of the product's effectiveness may be compromised. There are also some potential limitations with fitting Red Bull Candy into our existing distribution systems. Distribution of beverages and dry goods to retailers is not typically done by the same company, or at least the same trucks. We may run into logistical issues with respect to placing the candies on the trucks. Thus, there are some logistical issues that need to be worked out, lest…...

Red Bull Analysis and Assessment
Pages: 6 Words: 2077

energy drink manufacturer ed Bull. Included in this report will be a number of important sections that will detail ed Bull, how they are performing and how they approach doing their business. Inclusive of that will be this brief executive summary, findings and analysis and a conclusion. The findings and analysis will be the bulk of the report. It will include a profile and summary of the company, a SWOT analysis, their marketing mix, a diagram that explains how special events are marked and classified, a classification of at least four ed Bull events that the prior diagram can be used to classify and label and an overall evaluation of ed Bull's marketing and events strategy. The SWOT analysis will show ed Bull's standings as compared and contrasted against their competitors such as PepsiCo, ockstar and other similar product offerings. The general concept of a marketing mix will be…...



Abdullah, J, Hamali, J, & Abdullah, F 2015, 'SUCCESS STRATEGIES IN ISLAMIC MARKETING MIX', International Journal of Business & Society, 16, 3, pp. 480-499, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 28 March 2016.

Addady, M. (2016). Chipotle's Being Accused of Trying to Cover Up Its Norovirus Outbreak. [online] Fortune. Available at:   / [Accessed 28 Mar. 2016]. 

LaMotte, S. (2016). Justice Department investigating Blue Bell Creameries. [online] CNN. Available at:   / [Accessed 28 Mar. 2016]. 

Mintz, O, & Currim, I 2013, 'What Drives Managerial Use of Marketing and Financial Metrics

Red Bull S Successful Marketing
Pages: 2 Words: 647

Deconstructing ed Bull's Empire
ed Bull has a couple of distinct advantages as more companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Monster enter the energy drink category. Firstly, ed Bull knows its audience well and has built a solid reputation among the young people that have helped pioneer the popularity of this beverage. Additionally, ed Bull has cultivated a significant social standing with its audience, to the point where there are certain social situations and settings in which the consumption of this beverage is deemed appropriate -- particularly as they relate to the perceived need for energy, excitement, youthful behavior, etc. Also, ed Bull's marketing approach is unique and difficult for others who are less familiar with the energy drink market to duplicate. The potential risks that ed Bull will likely encounter pertain to its position atop the energy drink market. The aforementioned newcomers will probably attempt to duplicate most aspects of ed…...



Anderson, B. (2015). Are we witnessing the fall of the Red Bull F1 empire? Autosport. 219(13), 14-20.

Noble, J. (2015). Leading the line for Red Bull. Autosport. 219(6), 50-54.

Globalization and Strategy of Red Bull
Pages: 4 Words: 1285

Strategy and Globalization of ed Bull
ed Bull is a global leader in an energy drink and operating in more than 167 countries. The company has been able to dominate the energy drink markets because it focuses on the emerging markets. Over the years, ed Bull has taken the advantages of rapid economic growth of emerging markets in Asia and Latin America to promote its brands and reap the superior market shares. The sporting events have been the major strategy that the company has employed to enjoy market advantages globally. For example, ed Bull uses unconventional marketing techniques that include guerilla marketing, stunt events, Street Luge acing, Mountainbike competition, and Motocross Freestyle to promote its brand globally.


ed Bull is an Austria multinational energy drink producing company operating in 167 countries. In 2014, the Energy Bull sold over 5.6 billion cans and employs more than 10,410 employees compared to 9,694 in 2013.…...



Asiedu, E. (2016). How to Create and Sustain a Strategic Marketing Plan through the 4p's of Innovation: With reference to Red Bull Energy Drink Company.

Canadean (2014). Red Bull GmbH: Consumer Packaged Goods - Company Profile & SWOT Report. Canadean Company Reports.

Euromonitor International (2013). Passport: Red Bull GMBH in Soft Drinks [pdf].

International Journal of Commerce and Management Research. 2(1): 28-30.

How Red Bull Went Straight to the Top of the Energy Drink Market
Pages: 2 Words: 738

ed Bull's greatest strengths and risks as more companies (like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Monster) enter the energy drink category and gain market share?
ed Bull's greatest strengths are its originality, "rebellious" image, and its linking of its brand name with extreme sports and the "alternative" youth movement. Its originality is a big factor in its success as it has been seen as something different from the major corporate sponsors of bigger events like MLB or NFL (Pepsi or Coke). It has a unique take on the beverage industry (since it hails from Europe, it traditionally serves its consumers in 250 ml silver cans as opposed to the more American size 12 oz can). Its slim, sleek packaging also makes it look sophisticated at the same time that it appeals to a market that is excited by pushing life to the limits. So it is original in the sense that it…...



Locke, E., Latham, G. (1990). A Theory of Goal Setting and Task Performance. NJ:


Smith, A. (2004). Complexity Theory as a Practical Management Tool. Organization Management Journal, 1(2): 91-106.

Behavioral Change - Red Bull
Pages: 5 Words: 1308

ecause "drugs of abuse change the brain, hijack its motivational systems and even change how its genes function," withdrawal can seem unbearable. egley purports that changes evolving from use of addictive drugs continue long after a person stops using.

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAW, 1), sobriety-based symptoms, make sobriety challenging. Research documents that in 75-95% of recovering alcoholics tested, the presence of brain dysfunction. PAW, a bio-psycho-social syndrome, evolves from by alcohol or drugs damage to an addicted person's nervous system, along with the psycho-social stress of coping with life without using drugs or alcohol. Two things contribute to the severity of PAW:

The severity of the brain dysfunction caused by the addiction and the amount of psycho-social stress experienced in recovery. (PAW, 1)

Symptoms of PAW

Inability to think clearly Memory problems

Emotional overreactions or numbness

Sleep disturbances

Physical coordination problems

Stress sensitivity

The following stabilization techniques reportedly help a person remain drug free and retain sobriety,




Reality testing




Begley, Sharon. "How it All Starts Inside Your Brain: Science: New research on how cocaine, heroin, alcohol and amphetamines target neuronal circuits is revealing the biological basis of addiction, tolerance, withdrawal and relapse." Newsweek, February 12, 2001.

July 2008 ?.

The Columbia World of Quotations. (1996). New York: Columbia University Press.

July 2008 .

IMC Plan for Red Bull Integrated Marketing
Pages: 2 Words: 649

IMC Plan for ed Bull:
Integrated marketing communications is a general term that is used to refer to a holistic approach to marketing communication that is geared towards ensuring or enhancing the consistency of the message and the corresponding use of media. This concept is the combination of every marketing tool, approach, and resources in a company that enhances impact on the mind of consumers leading to maximum profit at lower costs. Notably, the integrated marketing communications entails the combination of online marketing channels like e-marketing initiatives and offline marketing channels like newspaper advertisements. When developing the integrated marketing communications program, a company includes the four components of the marketing mix.

An example of the use of integrated marketing communications program and tools is through marketing of ed Bull, which mature brand in the energy drinks market. Since the introduction of the non-alcoholic and caffeine-based drink in 1987, ed Bull can be…...



Brol et. al. (2011). Red Bull Marketing Plan 2011-2012. Retrieved July 24, 2012, from Vishnyakova, O., Okhocat, S. & Kulzhabayev, B. (2012, March 20). Red Bull IMC Plan.

Retrieved from Seneca College website:

How Not to Use Social Media
Pages: 7 Words: 2380

Social Media
The author or this report is to identify three best practices relative to a social media strategy that can and should be implemented by ed Bull GmbH. The overall strategic approach, the implementation of the strategy and the expected results of that strategy will be covered for all three examples provided. The strategies and implementation thereof will come from expert and scholarly sources from the academic and/or business world. While social media has made it much easier to reach customers in an efficiently and effective fashion, the harnessing of the tool that is social media is not foolproof or easy, by any means.

Analysis & Examples

One example of social media marketing that has (and is) being undertaken is the use of "suggestion" posts on Facebook. For example, if someone likes bands like Poison and Cinderella, then the Facebook page for Motley Crue would probably be a suggestion. When speaking of…...



Barker, M.S. (2013). Social media marketing: a strategic approach. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Brody, J. (2011, January 31). Scientists See Dangers in Energy Drinks. The New York

Times. Retrieved March 5, 2014, from 

Elliott, S. (2013, October 6). Marketers Chase Evolving Consumer . The New York

Sports and Energy Drinks
Pages: 3 Words: 991

Energy Drink
The strategic group map for the energy/sports drink category should focus along the axes of energy and sport. An energy drink is basically a caffeine/sugar bomb, intended to provide a burst of energy and alertness. A sports drink tends to also have a lot of sugar, but not necessarily caffeine, and instead will have salt as a means of boosting electrolytes. Thus, the two categories can be quite a bit different from one another, but can also have some overlap. My strategic group map looks at how the industry is structured along these two axes (Ketchen & Short, 2014).

A drink that has no caffeine but focused on electrolytes and sugar would be viewed as a sport drink, in the upper right quadrant. Examples would be Gatorade, Powerade, and numerous other knockoffs thereof. In the lower left quadrant are the energy drinks that include the likes of Monster and ed…...



Ketchen, D. & Short, J. (2014). Mastering strategic management 2.0. Flat World Knowledge. Retrieved November 16, 2014 from 

Caffeine Informer. (2014). Top selling energy drinks. Caffeine Informer. Retrieved November 16, 2014 from 

Euromonitor (2014). Sports and energy drinks in the U.S. Euromonitor. Retrieved November 16, 2014 from

How the Internet Has Changed the Practice of Public Relationships PR
Pages: 8 Words: 2360

Internet Has Changed the Practice of Public Relationships
The objective of this study is to examine how the Internet has changed the practice of public relationships.

The Internet is reported to have made it "easier to find media contacts and form relationships with journalists, but more importantly the rise of social media and online PR has meant by passing the media and going directly to your audience." (Thaeler, 2012) Online PR is reported by Thaeler to have "changed the PR industry" and according to Thaeler "it's not going back." (2012)

Ways that Online PR Has Changed the Role of the PR Person

The work of Thaeler (2012) reports that there are several ways that online PR has changed the PR person's role including those as follows:

(1) The Line etween PR and SEO Continues to lur -- and the question presented is who should handle PR, the online marketing company, or the PR firm,…...



Malikpr, Abby (2012) In a Nutshell: How the Internet Has Influenced PR. Retrieved from: 

Mulvihill, Kathy (2007) Changes in Public Relations Work (nd) Universal Accreditation Board. The Practice Analysis of the Public Relations Profession. 27 Aug, 2007. Retrieved from:

Red Bull Website (2012) Retrieved from: 

Swallow, Erica (2010) The Future of Public Relations and Social Media. Mashable Social Media. Retrieved from:

International Expansion Is One of the Growth
Pages: 16 Words: 4255

International expansion is one of the growth strategies that are embraced by companies in order to improve their bottom-line/profitability. In this paper, we present an elaborate international marketing strategy for ed Bull energy drink. The marketing plan begins with an introduction into the concept of international expansion and marketing and a brief overview of the company. A review of the main conclusions and recommendations is then presented. This is then followed by a discussion of internalization strategy. In this section, the context as well as context and reasons for the firm's internationalization initiation or expansion decision, as well as a discussion of the stage of internationalization at which your chosen firm finds itself. The next section is a discussion of the foreign market segmentation and targeting strategies. Under this section, we justify our choice of a market concentration or diversification strategy, incremental vs. simultaneous entry, the number of countries you…...



Doodle, I. And Lowe, R., 2004. International Marketing Strategy: Analysis, Development and Implementation, ThomsonLearning, London.

EastBridge Import & Export Co., LTD, The Import Procedure of Food and Drink, Viewed 14 March 2012,

Encyclopedia of the Nations, China Country overview, Viewed 30 April 2012, .

Euromonitor International, Red Bull plans Asian expansion, Viewed 14 March 2012,

Impact of pricing decisions
Pages: 4 Words: 1207

PICE ANALYSIS Pricing Strategy Analysis: New Line of Coffee-Flavored Energy Drinks by ed Bulled Bull is introducing a new line of coffee-flavored energy drinks into the market. The product and place analyses carried out by the marketing team have all yielded positive feedback, and the company wishes to do a price analysis to complete the four Ps of the marketing mix. The price set will dictate how the new product line performs in the market. If the price is too high, it could affect sales given the level of market competition, while if it is low, it could eat into the companys profits, thus threatening its sustainability.ed Bulls Pricing Strategy in elation to the Competitioned Bull is a market leader in the energy drink market. Its closest competitors in the US include Monster, ockstar, CELSIUS, and the Starbucks Energy Drink. A quick price comparison of the ed Bull Energy drink…...


References Curtis, V. (2015). Business planning essentials for dummies. John Wiley & Sons. Datta, D. (2017). Managerial economics. PHI Learning. Simon, H. (2015). Confessions of the pricing man: How price affects everything. Springer.

what is business level strategies?
Words: 650

Business Level Strategies

Business-level strategies are plans and approaches that companies adopt to gain a competitive advantage within their specific industry or market segments. They focus on optimizing operations, differentiating products or services, and targeting specific customer groups to achieve profitability and growth.

There are three main types of business-level strategies: cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.

1. Cost Leadership

Definition: Cost leadership is a strategy that aims to achieve the lowest possible production costs in an industry. Companies that pursue this strategy focus on maximizing efficiency, reducing expenses, and optimizing supply chain management.


Lower production costs lead to higher profit margins.
High market share....

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