Recruitment Selection Essays (Examples)

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Recruitment Selection and Training of
Pages: 6 Words: 1782

They fear that the public may feel awkward and this may lead to panic attacks.
Therefore, having meticulous and comprehensive training is a very important component in the making of effective and efficient police officers. It should not be taken for granted and everything, from the recruitment stage to the final and polishing stages, should be given due considerations and attention. The committees assigned in choosing the police officers should also be impartial. No form of racism or sexism should be done. Overlooking certain training levels could also be a symptom that could lead to even greater problems.


Missouri Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil ights (1994), ace elations in Pemiscot County, pp. 23-24.

Ogletree, C. (2000) statement before the U.S. Commission on Civil ights, National Police Practices and Civil ights Briefing, transcript, p. 14.

Police. (2007). etrieved March 10, 2007 at

Policeman. (2007). etrieved March 10, 2007 at

Police ecruitment.…...



Missouri Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (1994), Race Relations in Pemiscot County, pp. 23-24.

Ogletree, C. (2000) statement before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, National Police Practices and Civil Rights Briefing, transcript, p. 14.

Police. (2007). Retrieved March 10, 2007 at 

Policeman. (2007). Retrieved March 10, 2007 at

Staffing Plan Recruitment Selection &
Pages: 4 Words: 1409

Although some employers swear by personality or cognitive tests (Taylor 1998) Google places less emphasis on data-driven metrics (including GPA and transcripts) and instead attempts to determine if the candidate is 'Googly' -- i.e., a good fit for the company. Finally, before they speak with candidates, interviewers themselves should be briefed so they can present a positive and welcoming view of the firm in terms of their demeanor and attitude towards candidates. Each representative of the firm is a "potential ambassador" to new recruits (Yamamura, Birk, & Cossitt 2010:59). Interviewing is itself part of the 'recruitment process'
As well as possessing the technical capabilities and intelligence to fulfill the needed requirements, attributes such as demonstrated conscientiousness and emotional stability must also be assessed. Making a commitment to hire a candidate demands a tremendous effort of both time and money for an organization and should not be undertaken lightly. Effective screening…...



Byham, W.C. (n.d.) Strong start to job success: What leaders can do to shorten time to proficiency, increase job engagement, and reduce early turnover. Development Dimensions International. Retrieved: 

Lapowsky, I. (2013). 5 surprising facts about how Google hires. INC.


Recruitment and Hiring Aspects of P&a
Pages: 5 Words: 1664

Job Analysis & H Planning

Importance of Job Analysis

As P&A Company, job analysis plays a significant role, and there are a number of reasons for conducting it. The main reason why there is need for conducting job analysis is to make sure that the selection processes we use to select job candidates are lawful and unassailable. One of the benefits of undertaking job analysis is workforce planning. By having an effective job analysis, chosen employees can work hand-in-hand with the company's future casting. This implies that the H department of our company is able to match its necessities with the ability of our present and future personnel. Another need for job analysis is developing our own employees. By making use of the outcomes of a job analysis, we might detect any gaps on a personal level, and help our personnel with their career management (Heron, 2005).

Job Analysis Methods and Job Descriptions




Brown, J. N. (2011). The Complete Guide to Recruitment: A Step-by-step Approach to Selecting, Assessing and Hiring The Right People. London: Kogan Page.

Chand, S. (2015). Sources of Recruitment of Employees: Internal and External Sources Recruitment. Retrieved 4 November, 2015 from: 


Heron, R. (2005). Job and work analysis: guidelines on identifying jobs for persons with disabilities. International Labour Organization.

Selection Criteria of New Hires in Public Health
Pages: 6 Words: 1803

Action esearch to Identify Superior Candidate Interviewing Procedures
GM505 Action esearch and Consulting Skills

ecruitment, selection, and hiring are two of the primary pillars on which strong companies are built, and they are also some of the most challenging activities that enterprises face with regard to execution. In order to embed effective recruitment and selection strategies in the standard operations of human resources, stakeholder engagement is essential. In many organizations, stakeholders actively participate in the interview processes used to select the "best fit" candidates from the pool of potential new hires. However, even though candidate interviews may be structured and conducted in a systematic fashion, the interviews may not be designed to actually select the most qualified individual who appears to promise both a good cultural fit and high level of productivity.

Action research is one approach to determining how to best conduct candidate interviews. Action research is often used to explore…...



Carvin, B.N. (2009, September 2). Effective exit-interview strategies. Human Resource Executive Online. Retreived from

Lagace, M. (2000, May 23). The Emerging Art of Negotiation. Retrieved from Harvard Business School. Retrieved from 

Luke & Associates. (2015). Vision: The Plan. Retreived from 

Martin, J. (2015). For senior leaders, fit matters more than skill. Harvard Business Revicw. Retrieved from

Human Resources Recruitment Strategy and Plan This
Pages: 4 Words: 1173

Human esources
ecruitment strategy and plan

This document is about laying down a strategy of recruiting employees in sincere college. Employees move, quit or transfer thus creating a need to open job application for interested candidates. It helps to determine what the job entails, tasks and skills of the employees. It covers an outline of the recruitment plan, job description, methods of recruitment, interview procedures and hiring. The strategy aims at attracting qualified applicants ready to take the job.

ecruitment plan

ecruitment goal

The goal is to attract higher standard candidate with skills promoting the name of the Sincere College. This can be achieved where the faculty of the Davis School of Business should suggest names of people who "know people" in the field who should be called upon to nominate individuals. The other way is posting advertisement in newspapers, journals read by people in this discipline and posting advertisement in social media.

Development and training…...



Edenborough, R. (2007). Assessment methods in recruitment, selection & performance: A

manager's guide to psychometric testing, interviews and assessment centres. London:


Page Ltd.

Improving Police Recruitment
Pages: 2 Words: 607

ecruiting and etaining Police Officers:
• Discuss the difficulties in recruiting, selecting, and retaining police officers. What suggestions can you offer for improving the recruitment, selection, and retention of qualified police officers? Be specific about the traits you would seek in new recruits, and why.

According to the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) report entitled Hiring and keeping police officers, financial cutbacks and negative publicity (particularly in regards to racial profiling) coupled with increased educational requirements has resulted in greater difficulty in recruiting new police officers nation-wide. Further causing shortages in the ability of police to fulfill essential functions is the corresponding increase in training time, often to specifically to expand education in community policing techniques to improve relationships between the police and historically discriminated-against communities. Attrition rates do not seem to be significantly impacted, however.

egardless, there is a delicate balance that must be maintained between improving the qualifications of and the…...



Hiring and keeping police officers. (2004). NIJ.

Tedford, D. (2009). Court topples Sotomayor ruling in firefighter case. NPR. Retrieved from:

Effects of the Recruitment and Selection Process
Pages: 10 Words: 3115

H strategies differ at times from management strategies. One study conducted in the early 90's highlighted the dominant H strategies of one company. " ... a cost reduction strategy and an employee commitment strategy. These strategies were distinguished from one another on the basis of five realms of H policy and practice: work organization, employee relations, staffing, training, and compensation" (Bamberger, Biron and Meshoulam, 2014. P. 56). Cost reduction strategies aim to augment efficiency through enforcement of employee compliance with detailed procedures and rules as well as basing things like employee rewards on some assessable criteria.
Commitment strategy on the other hand is meant to develop a team of dedicated employees that can be trusted to use their discretion in order to perform job tasks in ways consistent with the goals and aims of the organization. The study established that the organization's commitment strategy is a collection of practices categorized by…...



Bamberger, P., Biron, M. and Meshoulam, I. (2014). Human Resource Strategy. New York: Routledge.

Bernard, H. (2013). Social research methods. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.

Crotty, M. (1998). The foundations of social research. London: Sage Publications.

Edwards, W. (1992). Utility Theories: Measurements and Applications. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.

Proposition of New Recruitment and Selection Processes
Pages: 5 Words: 1304

knowledge steps required recruit staff important segment workplace demonstrate strategic skills CEO. You share essential strategic administrative steps important function Human esources include metrics evaluate recruitment selection approach implemented.
Director of the HSS Human esource Department,

Proposition of new recruitment and selection processes for senior staffs at HSS

HSS is one of the largest companies within its sector of operations, and the quality of its services, as well as its competitive position are highly influenced by the quality of its staff members. With this realization in mind, the scope of the Human esource Department is that of improving the processes of recruitment and selection for the senior staffs of the company. Throughout the following pages, three methods of recruitment, selection and metrics will be presented, followed by an analysis and a final recommendation of a method to be used.

ecruitment approaches

The three proposed alternative methods to recruiting the higher level staffs within HSS…...



Jacobsen, D. (2013), "16 HR metrics smart HR departments track," Globeforce,   / accessed on April 2, 2015 

Sullivan, J., (2004), "What are the best HR metrics for a large organization?"  

Hiring Selection & Training Methods
Pages: 5 Words: 1972

HR Case Studies
UPS Management

The author of this report will be answering several questions relating to compassion and proper management skills in the workplace whilst using UPS and their CIP as the prism through which the topic will be assessed. There are a total of four questions that will be answered including whether compassion is something that can be taught in a training program, whether the CIP program can help better manage work/life conflicts, what negative outcomes could result from the CIP training and why only 50 of the 2400 managers with UPS are included in the training. While compassion in the workplace seems to make sense and thus should be used, it can create additional and bigger problems if not wielded and used properly.

Questions Answered

An associate "learning" compassion in a training seminar is a bit of a stretch. Either someone has it in their proverbial DNA to use compassion or…...

Recruitment and Selection Methods
Pages: 2 Words: 613

Topic ecruitment and selection


ecruitment and selection methodology for a Business Systems Analyst position

Many companies today use their corporate website to recruit administrative and executive staff. This technique has the advantage of self-selecting prospective candidates who have a specific interest in the company, rather than general job-searchers. However, retail companies like McDonald's tend to attract consumers to their website, rather than prospective applicants. This is why these companies may sometimes have difficulty using their corporate websites to recruit candidates. On one hand, using a general job search board will increase the volume of candidates, and perhaps attract candidates who are good at their jobs and have outstanding qualifications, but might not specifically be interested in the restaurant industry. On the other hand, it can attract such a wide candidate base, it is difficult to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Specificity in requirements is essential, to narrow down the number…...



Business Systems Analyst. (2011). McDonald's Jobs. Retrieved July 23, 2011 at

Recruitment Hiring and Training of Employees It
Pages: 2 Words: 682

recruitment, hiring and training of employees. It involves research approaches to ensuring a hiring process that complies with legal requirements for an equitable workplace and design elements that includes your recommendations for an internal process to design jobs that properly describe the duties and responsibilities of the position and comply with ADA. A recruitment process that guarantees equal opportunity access for all potential employees as well as a selection process that includes all legally acceptable interviews, relevant testing only, a new employee orientation, and training process that fosters a diverse workplace
Job Design Process That Comply With ADA

The process involves analyzing the positions requirements by listing and describing of all the tasks under taken by the position holder. Then follows a careful examination of the performance of these tasks, how the position holder executes the tasks. The process considers aspects of people with various disabilities and the type of required…...



Above the Standard Procurement Group. (2010). Orientation -- Training New Employees.

Anastasio, M. (2011). Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity. Retrieved from

Uzoma, K. (2009, August 9). How to Foster diversity in the workplace. Retrieved from

Recruitment Training and Compensation
Pages: 4 Words: 1140

International Business Machines Corporation known as IBM is an American corporation with headquarters in Armonk, New York. The firm is a computer hardware as well as software manufacturer and marketer. It also deals in information technology infrastructure and hosting. The firm also offers consulting services in fields such as mainframe as well as nanotechnology. The firm started its operations as Computing Tabulating ecording Company (CT) in 1911 after a merger bringing together Tabulating Machine Company, International Time ecording Company and Computing Scale Company (IBM, 2007). The firm adopted its name in 1924, a name that was designated to CT's overseas subsidiaries.

IBM is rated as the second largest employer in the United States in comparison with other firms with 433,362 employees; it also ranked fourth in market capitalization as well as ninth as one of the most profitable companies. Consistent with its large employment base, IBM has established a dozen…...



Aswad, E., & Meredith, S. (2005 ). Ibm In Endicott. New York: Arcadia Publishing.

Cable News Network. (2012). Top companies: Biggest. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from 

Careersvalley. (2011, April 07). IBM Recruitment Process & Stages Explained. Retrieved February 28,

2013, from

Selection System for Spy Recruitment
Pages: 3 Words: 1013

World War II Spy Assessment for the Office of Strategic Services
As a Selection Specialist to the Office of Strategic Services, my responsibility is to work with a team of three or four other individuals to create a selection system that will be utilized in identifying operatives to conduct a hazardous intelligence-gathering mission. The mission will be carried out behind enemy lines in order to ensure the safety of the operatives. The main goal of this task is to develop a selection system for spies who will work in various countries i.e. Italy, Japan or Germany. This paper examines the development of a selection system for World War II spy assessment for the Office of Strategic Services using the IAPIE case analysis process.

Case Analysis

IAPIE case analysis process will be utilized in examining the creation of a selection system for World War II spy assessment for the Office of Strategic Services because…...

Recruitment Problem at RTMM Inc
Pages: 3 Words: 1076

RTMM Inc. is a software development company that seeks to enhance its success and profitability in the market. This company recognizes that one of the crucial components towards enhancing profitability is recruiting and retaining a highly-qualified workforce. However, the software company is experiencing tremendous challenges in recruitment and retaining such a workforce. While the firm has attracted a considerable number of qualified candidates, hiring and retaining them has proven to be a significant challenge. Therefore, the company needs to develop and utilize a course of action to enhance its staff recruitment and retaining strategy in order to achieve desired profitability and success. This paper examines the current staffing recruitment strategy at RTMM Inc. using IAPIE case analysis process.
Case Analysis

As previously mentioned, the current situation at RTMM Inc. will be analyzed through the use of IAPIE case analysis process. This process/approach provides a comprehensive measure for examining a case or situation.…...

Recruitment and Retention Plan for Nurses
Pages: 3 Words: 900

2015 for a hospital's human resources manager to recruit, prepare, and employ ten new nurses in the space of three months. The statistics indicate the level of difficulty inherent in doing so: Hernandez and O'Connor (2010) quote the forbidding statistics, well-known in the medical profession, which demonstrate that "with a projected shortage of 18,000 nurses by 2015, the employment demand for nurses is widespread and every school has a waiting list" (66). For this reason, the recruitment of new nurses in 2015 requires the most proactive and well-orchestrated strategy that can be devised, and it is up to human resources professionals to involve themselves not only in the most adroit or counterintuitive strategizing for recruitment, but also to lay a heavy emphasis on retention.
The method of recruiting nurses should probably begin with nursing schools. This is the most straightforward and regular strategy, as Hernandez and O'Connor (2010) themselves emphasize,…...



Aamodt, MG. (2013) Industrial / organizational psychology: An applied approach. Seventh edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Greenwald, HP. (2010). Health care in the United States: Organization, management, and policy. San Francisco: Wiley.

Hernandez, SR, O'Connor, SJ. (2010). Strategic human resources management in health services organizations. Third edition. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar-Cengage.

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