Recreation And Leisure Essays (Examples)

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Recreation and Leisure Introduction of
Pages: 7 Words: 1925

Programs and Services are listed in Appendix C: Table Seven and include: (1) Summer recreation programs; (2) after-school activities; (3) organized sports; and many others.
Appendix a Clackamas Parks and Recreation District

Source: Our Parks Future Master Plan


Organizational Structure of North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District

Source: Our Parks Future Master Plan

Appendix C

Fiscal Year/Operating udget/General Fund udget and Percent of Total

Fiscal Year

Operating udget

General Fund udget of Total





Source: Our Parks Future Master Plan

Revenue Source by Amount and Percent of Total

Revenue Source

Amount of Total


Fees & Charges

Fund alance (1)

Cooperative Financing (2)




Transfer in (3)

Source: Our Parks Future Master Plan

Appendix C - Continued

Funds by 2001-2002 Revenue and Percent of Total


2001-2002 Revenue of Total

General Fund

Capital Projects Fund


Nutrition & Trans

Debt Service

Fixed Asset Capital Replacement Fund

Source: Our Parks Future Master Plan

Revenue Rate by Program Area

FY 2000-2001 Audited Financial Report

North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District

Direct Expense

Overhead Cost

Total Expense


Revenue Recovery Rate

Aquatic Park

Recreation & Leisure

Milwaukie Center

MC Nutrition Program

MC Transportation Program

Park Services normal'>$2,241,460




Our Parks Future Master Plan (2003) North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District.

Parks and Facilities: Chapter Four (2003) North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District.

Administration and Management (2003) Chapter Six. North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District.

Action Plan (2003) Chapter Seven North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District.

Recreation and Leisure Industry Report
Pages: 2 Words: 778

(the Global Tourism and Travel Summit.)
One trend and challenge that has emerged recently and which has elicited much debate and concern, is global warming. This is also related to the trend within the industry which is concerned about the future viability of resorts and recreational areas on the coast or in mountainous areas. " in two environments which are vital for tourism activities and where tourism is an equally vital component in regional and local economies - coastal zones and mountain regions - climate change puts tourism at risk. Important market changes could result." (1st International Conference on Climate Change and Tourism)

However there is also a focus in the industry on learning from the experience of resorts and recreational enterprises that have recovered from floods and other disasters. For example, Mexico has shown the ability that the industry has to recover for these disasters. The rapid recovery which was…...


Works Cited

1st International Conference on Climate Change and Tourism. 22 February, 2007.

2006-2007 marketing plan. 22 February, 2007. 

Executive Summary. 20 February, 2007. 

The Global Tourism and Travel Summit. 20 February, 2007.

Recreation and Leisure Wilderness Camping
Pages: 3 Words: 1177

These reflect light and can be a signal to search and rescue teams in the event of an emergency. Campers should also carry a map of the trail and understand the route they will take around the lake before they leave for their trip. One thing many campers forget is the altitude around Lake Tahoe. The lake itself is about 6.000 feet up, and the im Trail even higher. High elevations have less oxygen, and so breathing is more difficult. That can make the heart work harder, too. Hikers should condition before the hike to make sure they are in good shape to hike at higher elevations.
Lightweight camping equipment is a necessity for long-term wilderness camping. Extremely lightweight tents, sleeping bags, and other items are available from a variety of online and traditional merchants. It is best to look at the tents and bags in person so you can…...



Author not Available. "Lake Tahoe Camping." 2005. 15 Sept. 2005. 

Clinch, Peter. "Pete's Pack Page." Personal Web Page. 18 June 2003. 15 Sept. 2005.

Editors. "Tahoe Rim Trail." 2005. 15 Sept. 2005.

Recreation and Leisure New Class
Pages: 2 Words: 742

The class would also look at alternative types of employment, like self-employment as a freelance writer or photographer, or something like that, that they could use skills they have to help others. They could also develop these skills if they had always thought about doing them but never had the time. Another alternative is selling things they make. The class would explore their hobbies and interests, and tell them how to market their handcrafts online or at craft fairs, and such. The Fremont Senior Center has craft fairs throughout the year where they could sell items, and there are other craft fairs in the area, too.

Another class could look at selling at online auctions like eBay or other similar sites. They could learn how to do it, and decide what to sell, and this could make them a part-time income if they were devoted to it. They would have to…...

Recreation and Leisure Forest Health
Pages: 9 Words: 2604

The author also refers to the fact that the United Sates uses wood at a very high rate compared to other regions of the world, which also impacts on the available forests and emphasizes the need for more intensive forest management. Furthermore, the article also discusses how legislation in the United States has reduced the extent of deforestation in the country. Despite these attempts at reducing the economic impact on the forests, the article provides some extensive and alarming statistics about the numbers and types of trees that have been eradicated in America alone.
This study goes on to discuss various solutions to the present impasse between the environmental groups who oppose logging and unmanaged economic activity and the wood and logging industry. This, state the authors, would involve a compromise between these two groups. The author suggests that on the one hand the environmentalists have to realize that they…...



Abrams J., Kelly E., Shindler B., and Wilton J. (2005) Value Orientation and Forest Management: The Forest Health Debate. Environmental Management, 36 (4), pp. 495-505"

Amodeo, C. (2003, December). Science in the Treetops: It's Home to a Vast Collection of Plants and Animals and Acts as the Planet's Lungs, Yet We Know Surprisingly Little about the Forest Canopy. Christian Amodeo Heads into the Treetops to Meet Some of the Scientist Studying the Final Terrestrial Frontier. Geographical, 75, 20+. Retrieved May 21, 2008, from Questia database: 

Fire and Conservation. Retrieved May 20, 2008, at 

Navarro M.R. (1999) the Once and Future Forest: A Guide to Forest Restoration Strategies. Journal of the American Planning Association, 65.

Service Agency Recreation and Leisure
Pages: 4 Words: 1202

he YMCA states the following statistics:
1,712 Ys work with elementary schools;

1,406 Ys work with middle schools;

810 Ys work with homeschool programs;

1,282 Ys work with hospitals;

1,515 Ys work with churches; and 519 Ys work with juvenile courts (About the YMCA, 2007)

V. Other Services Provided by YMCA

Recreation and leisure services are only a part of the YMCA's program scope and reaches "far beyond the United States" into more than 120 foreign countries providing services to in excess of 45 million throughout the world. Other services provided include "job training, new immigrant education, teen leadership opportunities, parenting classes, social opportunities for seniors and housing." (Ibid)

VI. YMCA Economic Model

he economic model of the YMCA is one "which combines enterprise, market, sales, and charity" (Wallace, 2006 Chronicle of Philanthropy) While other organizations that provide similar services are known to exist the difference in those and the YMCA is in that the YMCA does concentrate…...


Tempel, E. (1991). Chapter 3, Assessing organizational strengths and vulnerabilities. In Achieving excellence in fund raising (pp.19-28). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Wright, a. (1991). Planned giving programs: The new frontier for leisure service organizations. JOPERD, 62(8), 35-39.

Service Agency

Business Plan Recreation and Leisure
Pages: 8 Words: 2042

In order to provide high quality products and services for its customers, the center must invest important amounts of money into this business. As a consequence, the fees charged for the center's services will be medium to high. However, in order to attract as much customers as possible from the beginning, the center will be forced into providing its potential customers certain discounts, bonuses, and various promotions for certain services.
6. Selling to customers

The new Lazar Tag Facility will only employ customer-oriented personnel in order to provide its potential customers a quality experience in all areas. Given the fact that the new center addresses all group ages, the center's personnel will have a significant impact on customers' first impression. Customers' behavior towards the Lazar Tag Facility will depend on this first impression. In accordance to this, they will decide if they will come back to this center in case they…...


3. Flagstaff, Arizona (2008). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved September 30, 2008 from,_Arizona .

4. Hix, Steven (2006). Family Entertainment Center Industry Trends and the Economy. The Miniature Golf Association, United States. Retrieved September 30, 2008 from .

5. Family Entertainment Center (2008). White Hutchinson, Leisure & Learning Group. Retrieved September 30, 2008 from .

Recreational Activity Popular it Must Transcend Distinctions
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

recreational activity popular, it must transcend distinctions of wealth and class. As Charles Cotton's The Compleat Gamester states "games and sports of all kinds were common recreations for the people of Tudor and Stuart England." Peter Burke defines culture as a system of shared meanings, attitudes and values, and the symbolic forms in which they are expressed or embodied[1]; by popular culture it is possible Burke's definition refers to the culture of the ordinary people or the "subordinate classes" -- those below the level of the elite. However, this paper views social history by looking at the commonality of leisure, recreation, games and sports of all kinds as the basis to determine whether there was a popular culture in early modern England. For example, cards, archery and tennis included all classes (the lower and upper) and encompassed those who devoted time to leisurely activities as well as those who…...

Recreation for Children and Youth
Pages: 3 Words: 879

..Medical research also proves that recreation and physical, activity can enhance the learning process.... Furthermore recreational activities are recognized as ways of developing a childs social, decision-making, and problem solving skills.
Effects Of Parks And Recreation Services On Human Development And Other enefits) related factor is that leadership qualities are positively influenced by recreational activities and sports. Participating in sport allows the child to develop and learn leadership abilities in a relaxed and informal way. Psychologists point out that play and recreation are the very foundations of a child's natural development. However this aspect is also dependent on the factors such as the organization of leisure time and the facilities and equipment that are available. In this regard the planning of recreation areas is an extremely important aspect.

Recreational faculties have to be carefully planned with regards to their situation and to ensure that they are accessible to children. If this is…...



Bell, Simon. Design for Outdoor Recreation. London: Spon Press, 1997.

Effects Of Parks And Recreation Services On Human Development And Other benefits. October 10, 2005. ( )

Nash, Jay B. Philosophy of Recreation and Leisure. St. Louis, MO C.V. Mosby, 1953.

Wetzstein, C. America's Quiet Epidemic. Insight on the News, 1998. 14, 41.

Recreation Pros and Cons of
Pages: 4 Words: 1474

To these kids playing video games is an extracurricular activity and they don't see any reason to do anything else.
The major problem with this is that the incidence of childhood obesity in the U.S. is three times higher than it was 40 years ago. esearch shows that the increased use of technology by children during leisure time has transformed play from what used to be more physically active to sedentary. Children are often engaged in an environment that exposes them to food advertisement that encourages even more caloric consumption. Despite the linkage between technology and sedentary behavior, no consistent policy exists at the federal level that articulates government's role to address this issue (Campbell, Gilmore, McGinty, Pickering and amos, 2009).

A new study shows that every hour that a child plays video games or watches television may double their risk of obesity. This is not the first study to associate…...



Campbell, Casie, Gilmore, William, McGinty, James, Pickering, Jennifer and Ramos, Joseph.

(2009). Minimizing Technologies' Contribution to Childhood Obesity. Retrieved March 2,

2010, from Web site:

Do violent video games contribute to youth violence? (2010). Retrieved March 2, 2010, from Pro

Recreation Sports Recreational Sport Is
Pages: 3 Words: 1023

There can be national championships that have been organized between the teams that won in respective teams in a particular area. These teams in that particular area can be maybe football teams of universities in a particular region of a country. These teams then face each other at national football championship event.
Club sports

This include events that have been put in place or specifically organized within individuals, groups or teams with a common interest in a particular sport .this include a wide range of clubs that are competitive. This clubs travel and play in competitions that are of high level. This can also involve instructional clubs that are involved in organizing activities such as tournaments that are in-house or instruction of basic skills. Examples of club sports include a youth club that plays soccer, a swimming club, a basketball club and many more clubs that are popular within the public.




Ross, C. (2004). Recreational Sports Management: R324 Grad Proficiency Exam Study Guide. Indiana University. Retrieved September 25, 2012 from 

Ellyn, S. (2012). Tennis Rules and Skills | LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM - Lose Weight & Get Fit with Diet, Nutrition & Fitness Tools | LIVESTRONG.COM. Retrieved September 25, 2012 from

Philosophy of Leisure Philosophy Can
Pages: 5 Words: 1712

The different tastes in personal pleasure can be seen in the leisure industry as a whole. Some people seek out community service vacations, some seek adventure vacations, and other people simply want a nice, pretty beach and warm sun. All seek, I believe, to become better people, even if only simply through relaxation. My standards for happiness and my virtue ethics are less stringent than Aristotle's standards. So long as pleasure does not impinge upon the lives and productivity of native inhabitants, or the pleasures of others, varied quests in the pursuit of leisure are all honorable, from the vacationing volunteer in Dafur to the Disneyland tourist seeking to give memories to a child, and finding pleasure in the child's reactions to new sights and sounds.

orks Cited

Defense of Rule-Based Ethics." NYU Philosophy Homepage. Retrieved 29 May 2007 at:

McLean, Donald & Yoder, Daniel. (2005). Issues in Recreation and Leisure-- Ethical



Works Cited

Defense of Rule-Based Ethics." NYU Philosophy Homepage. Retrieved 29 May 2007 at: 

McLean, Donald & Yoder, Daniel. (2005). Issues in Recreation and Leisure-- Ethical

Decision Making. New York: Human Kinetics Publishers.

Nussbaum, Martha C. (22 March 2004). "Mill between Aristotle & Bentham."

Managing Potential Trail Conflicts Parks and Recreation
Pages: 7 Words: 1917

Figure 3: Groups by Children Present

It is important that some of these groups that include children plan to feed the ducks meaning that children will be near the water and requiring assurance that required staff be present to manage the feeding of ducks and to ensure safety of the children. The following chart indicates the with red highlighting the groups that will be grilling during trail use indicating the requirement of staff being present to ensure that there is no occurrence of fire that is incorrectly used or extinguished while grilling that might harm the environment of the trail area.

Figure 4: Presence of Children equiring Additional Staff

It is recommended that each group include a trail guide and a trail assistant. The trail guide will lead the group on the trail with the assistant walking, running or bicycling at the rear of the group to ensure the group remains together. In…...



Capital Area Greenway System (2014) City of Raleigh, North Carolina. Retrieved from: 

Chavez, DJ, et al. (1993) Recreational Mountain Biking: A Management Perspective. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. Vol. 11, No. 3. Retrieved from: [HIDDEN]

Conflicts on Multiple-Use Trails: Synthesis of the Literature and State of the Practice (nd) Federal Highway Administration and the National Recreational Trails Advisory Committee. Retrieved from: 

Conflicts On Multiple-Use Trails: Synthesis of the Literature and State of the Practice (2014) Trail Maintenance and Management. National Trails Training Partnership. Retrieved from:

Desert Solitaire Wildland Recreation as
Pages: 6 Words: 1973

In many ways, the Vietnam ar represented the height of Cold ar tensions in much the same way that the decade was giving way to an inevitable breaking point in environmental negligence. Though the years which would follow would see a gradual intensification of environmental protection laws, these have by and large been nullified by the impact of that for which Abbey offers the most criticism. ith both Vietnam and the destruction of many of America's richest points of flora and fauna diversity being the products of our ongoing 'evolution' toward technological, industrial and commercial advance, Abbey is persuasive in drawing a sympathetic mistrust of modernity from the reader. Ultimately, it produces a sense of loss for ildland Recreation opportunities while simultaneously reinforcing the primal importance of such experiences.
In this way, Desert Solitaire stands in 20th century environmental history as a guide to alternative living. hile he is unflinching…...


Works Cited

Abbey, Edward. (1968). Desert Solitaire. McGraw-Hill Group.

Duryee, Kent. (1996). Edward Abbey: A Man Hard to Talk About. Desert USA. Online at 

Temple, Eric. (1982). An Interview With Edward Abbey. Phoenix, AZ: KAET-TV

Community Recreation Centers & Sports What Are
Pages: 2 Words: 697

Community Recreation Centers & Sports
hat are the benefits for a community when sports on a recreational level are offered? How does a community benefit from having a community recreation center? These issues are reviewed in this paper.

Reasons why a recreation center would benefit a community

An example of a community that is seeking to put together the resources for a community center is in Port Orchard, England. According to a story in the Port Orchard Independent, Port Orchard did not have a recreation center in 2008, but there were numerous community sports being played in various venues. In order to have a place for youth and adults to meet and enjoy sports together, the community was hoping that a $16 million 20-year bond issue would provide that space for those sports.

The recreational sports that would be available in a future recreation center would be: indoor basketball courts; indoor volleyball activities in…...


Works Cited

California State Parks. (2005). The Health and Social Benefits of Recreation / An Element of The California Outdoor Recreation Planning Program. Retrieved October 2, 2012, from .

Morton, J. (2008). 21 Reasons why a recreation center would benefit community. Port Orchard

Independent. Retrieved October 2, 2012, from .

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