Recidivism Essays (Examples)

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Recidivism External and Internal Factors
Pages: 10 Words: 2993

Areas that have minority groups like African America and Hispanics are known to have high incidences of gang related crimes than the other all white neighborhood (ice 1975).Gang crime is deeply rooted in such neighborhoods, making it very easy for the residents, especially the young people to fall prey to gang related crimes. People living in such areas have a high tendency of recidivism than other areas, because once they are out of jail or any other corrective facility, they still come back to the same old way of life making them prone to committing the crimes again.
Unemployment rate is also a major factor leading to high rates of recidivism in America. Once released from prison, most ex-offenders find it very difficult to secure a good job. This is partly due to the unwillingness of the employer, to give an "ex-con," a job in his firm. esultantly, this prompts…...



Bailey, Kristen (2007). "The Causes of Recidivism in the Criminal Justice System and Why it Is

Worth the Cost to Address Them." Nashville Bar Journal. Retrieved May 15, 2012

Connecticut Office of Policy & Management, Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division;

Research, Analysis and Evaluation Unit. (2009). 2009 Connecticut Recidivism Study:

Recidivism Rates of Those on Probation or Parole
Pages: 3 Words: 1072

ecidivism of Those on Parole
Probation and ecidivism

ecidivism can be referred to as the tendency of offenders getting back to crime after charges have been pressed against them or even while still serving their probation. It is categorized as a new crime that a felony inmate or a probationer commits (Merriam Webster, 2012). The basic way of measuring recidivism rate is through the frequency of re-arrests, reincarnations as well as the reconvictions that occur.

Various studies give different categories of offenders prone to recidivism above others and at the same time other category of offenders with a greater percentage of success in their probation and lesser recidivism. The success rate is mostly predicted taking into account the personal characters of the offender. Women who have attained 30 years and above are widely noted to have high success rates, further, Cengage Learning Inc. (2009) notes that convicts who have no previous crime records,…...



Cengage Learning Inc. (2009). Probation, Modification and Termination.

Dr. Tony Fabelo (2009). Travis County probation, three years later. Retrieved February 9, 2013 from 

Merriam Webster, (2012). Definition: Recidivism. Retrieved February 9, 2013 from

Recidivism This Proposal Is Conducting a Study
Pages: 8 Words: 2586

This proposal is conducting a study using intervention and community orientated strategies to reduce recidivism rates. According to the Justice Department, these levels are at 43.8%. This is because the individual breaks the conditions of their parole / probation or commits new crimes within three years of their release. ("State of ecidivism," 2006) To reduce recidivism a new approach must be taken that will concentrate on dealing with the root causes. The evaluation method will be the qualitative system. This is when there is an examination of different sources and the underlying trends. (Pratt, 2006) The organization that will be studied is the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA). The total costs for conducting the evaluation will be $20 thousand. Once this takes place, is when actuaries will illustrate those techniques which can reduce recidivism. This will enhance the ability of the CSOSA to achieve its primary objectives.

Agency Overview




Day Reporting Center. (2012), CSOSA. Retrieved from: 

Mission and Goals. (2012). CSOSA. Retrieved from: 

State of Recidivism. (2006). PEW Research.

Ferguson, R. (2005). Responding to Prisoner Reentry. Journal of Black Studies, 35 (5), 633 -- 649.

Recidivism in Adult Sex Offenders the General
Pages: 2 Words: 802

ecidivism in Adult Sex Offenders
The general definition of recidivism is a re-arrest, a reconviction, or a return to prison. On deciding which definition to pick one a number of factors are considered which include the particular research question, the available data resources, the resources, and the length of the follow-up period. Some studies report only sex re-offenses, whereas others include any re-offenses. Until a few years ago, predictions of recidivism amongst offenders were based on the concept of 'dangerousness' in which case predictions were used to determine the level of danger an individual presented to society. Criticisms rose against 'dangerous' since it lacked precision and it also implied that offenders who were deemed 'dangerous' could not be treated. This meant that instead of predicting recidivism it was risk that was being predicted, giving a suggestion of a more balanced assessment of factors that either increase or decrease the chance that…...



Firestone, P., J. Bradford, et al. (2008). "Recidivism in Convicted Rapists." Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 26(2): 185-200.

Fitzgerald, J. (2006). "The Attrition of Sexual Offences from the New South Wales Criminal

Justice System." Crime and Justice Bulletin No. 92. Sydney: NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research

McSherry, B. (2006). High-Risk Offenders: Continued Detention and Supervision Options.

Recidivism Rates and Causes
Pages: 12 Words: 3077

ecidivism ates and Causes
The objective of this research is to examine recidivism rates and causes for recidivism. According to the work of Moak, Lawry, and Webber (2007) "The United States prison system is one of the worst prison systems in the world. In comparison to other countries, the United States has more individuals incarcerated per person than any other." (Moak, Lawry, and Webber, 2007) The incarceration rate in the United States as of 2006 is reported to be at a rate of "1 out of 136 adults." (Moak, Lawry and Webber, 2007) The 'World Prison Population List' demonstrates that while some countries have similar incarceration rates, most of the countries in the world have rates that are much lower rates. (Moak, Lawry and Webber, 2007, paraphrase) It is reported by the Bureau of Justice Statistics that researchers "…following a cohort of state prison inmates released in 1994 found that 67.5%…...



Smart on Crime: Recommendations for the Next administration and Congress: The 2009 Criminal justice Transition Coalition 5 Nov 2008. Retrieved from:

MOak, R., Lowry, R., and Webber, B. (2007) A Study On The Causes of Recidivism in Massachusetts (EPOCA Project) A Reach for Community Advancement. Retrieved from: 

New Jersey Passes Legislation to Stop the Revolving Door of Recidivism: Strengthen Families and Cut Costs to Tax Payers. (2010) The Sentencing Project. 11 Jan 2010. Retrieved from:

Recidivism Among Violent Criminals in
Pages: 7 Words: 1819

Likewise, Gratton and Jones (2003) note that, "A literature review is the background to the research, where it is important to demonstrate a clear understanding of the relevant theories and concepts, the results of past research into the area, the types of methodologies and research designs employed in such research, and areas where the literature is deficient" (p. 51). The second component of the mixed methodology consisted of an analysis of statistical data provided by the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Statistics concerning the respective recidivism rates for white and minority defendants during the time period under consideration.
Human Subject Protections

Because there were no personal identifying factors involved in either the literature review or statistical analysis components of the research methodology, there was no corresponding need to provide any particular informed consent or other human subject protections for the purposes of the study.

Data Analysis

Percent of Characteristic released inmates










Age at…...



Albonetti, C.A. (1997). Sentencing under the federal sentencing guidelines: Effects of defendant characteristics, guilty pleas, and departures on sentence outcomes for drug offenses, 1991-1992. Law & Society Review, 31(4), 789.

Black's law dictionary. (1991). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.

Kowalski, M. & Capputo, T. (1999). Recidivism in youth court: An examination of the impact of age, gender, and prior record. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 41(1), 57.

DeRosia, V.R. (1998). Living inside prison walls: Adjustment behavior. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

Recidivism Rates
Pages: 8 Words: 2920

ecidivism ate
In the context of criminal justice, recidivism represents a relapse of criminal activity by a person after being convicted of some offense, punished, and corrected (seemingly) (Maltz, 2001). ecidivism emerges from a series of failures, namely, failure to meet the expectations of society or society's failure to support the person; the person's resultant failure to keep away from trouble; the individual's failure to escape capture and conviction, following committing of offense; individual's failure as a correctional-institute inmate to make the most of correctional interventions -- or the institute's failure to provide rehabilitation programs; and the person's additional failures in refraining from criminal activities following release from the institute (Maltz, 2001).

ecidivism Definitions

ecidivism, when taken from a correctional perspective, has a fairly explicit meaning. The term derives from Latin recidere, which implies 'falling back' (Maltz, 2001). ecidivists are individuals who are not rehabilitated following release from confinement (due to committing an…...



Chaiken, Marcia R. (1982). The Chicago Area Project and the Enigma of Delinquency Prevention: Some Exploratory Findings. Draft report. The Rand Corporation. Santa Monica, California.

D.A. Andrew, James Bonta and J. Stephen Wormith. (2006). The Recent Past and Near Future of Risk and/or Need Assessment 52(1) crime and Delinquency 7, 11.

Deschenes, Elizabeth; Owen, Barbara; Crow, Jason. (2007). Recidivism among Female Prisoners: Secondary Analysis of the 1994 BJS Recidivism Data Set.

Goldstein, Paul J. (1982). "Habitual Criminal Activity and Patterns of Drug Use."Paper presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto.

Recidivism Group Project Recidivism Is
Pages: 2 Words: 670

The other brochure would be addressed to the prison counselors. These would contain research findings and the actual causes of recidivism. The third brochure would be distributed to relevant agencies like the state prison department. This brochure would contain facts on recidivism and urge the department to target the main sources of recidivism directly. We would like to draw their attention towards psychological aspect of recidivism. According to Quinsey study in which 311 inmates who had returned to prison were closely studied, the researchers found that static risk predictors are of little help to the agencies ho need accurate results to build a sound Corrections program. They brought forth some dynamic factors which include such things as choice mechanism, genetic and parental factors and in short all psychological reasons that can lead to relapse. In this way Quinsey study is the first research to discuss the psychological aspect of…...



Edward Zamble and Vernon L. Quinsey, (1997) the Criminal Recidivism Process, Cambridge University Press.

Recidivism Among Mentally Ill Offenders
Pages: 10 Words: 2986

Forensic Mental Health Legislation and Policies
As a probation and parole officer in Australia, one of the major issues that need to be addressed through best practice is dealing with mentally ill offenders. This is an emerging issue to be dealt with in order to provide suitable programs and support to lessen recidivism. The significance of addressing this issue is evident in the substantial attention given to offenders with mental illness in the recent past largely because of their prevalence and poor outcomes. Most of this attention has been centered on whether offenders with mental illness pose more risk of dangerousness and how to effectively evaluate and manage that risk. While the increased focus has contributed to the creation of various interventions, these services have poorly matched the policy objective of lessening recidivism (Skeem, Manchak & Peterson, 2011, p.110). In light of the increasing prevalence and poor outcomes of offenders with…...



Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2012). Mental Health Services in Australia.

Retrieved from Australian Government website:

Doyle, D., and Ogloff, J., (2009). Calling the Tune without the Music: A Psycho-legal Analysis

of Australia's Post-sentence Legislation. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 42(2), 179-203.

Recidivism for DUI Offenders Who
Pages: 20 Words: 5575

Since GPS tracking costs around $300 plus a monthly service fee that is similar in price to a pager or cellular phone, it would be very expensive to outfit everyone requiring electronic monitoring with a tracking device (Under, 2001).
As has been mentioned, the main problem with electronic monitoring is the fact that it can only do so much. it's really very limited in what it can tell the police. Either the offender is home, or they are not. eyond that, the monitoring device is not of much help to law enforcement. This causes a major impact on society. it's good to know that a criminal is safely behind bars where they cannot leave, even if they wanted to. It brings security and peace of mind to the community, and especially to people that may have been past victims of crime.

With electronic monitoring, there is nothing stopping the criminal from…...



Benner, LA. 2002. Racial Disparity in Narcotics Search Warrants, 6 J. GENDER RACE & JUST. 183, 197-98

Berk, R & Campbell, a. 1993. Preliminary Data on Race and Crack Charging Practices in Los Angeles, 6 FED. SENTENCING REP. 36, 38

Bowman, III, FO. 1996. The Quality of Mercy Must Be Restrained, and Other Lessons in Learning to Love the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, 1996 WISC. L. REV. 679, 747-49.

Carbado, DW. 2002. (E)Racing the Fourth Amendment, 100 MICH. L. REV. 946, 962.

Innovation for Recidivism Within the NYC Department of Parole
Pages: 5 Words: 1440

Probation and parole have historically been used to provide someone with a second chance. It is designed to offer alternatives other than keeping them in jail or sending them directly there. At the heart of these ideas, is to allow the individual to demonstrate how they have changed and can serve as a productive member of society. In the event that they have violated these terms, there are number of actions which can be taken in the process. The most notable include:

Providing a written notice of the alleged violations.

Setting up a preliminary (probable cause hearing), where a judge will decide if there is enough evidence for the case to continue further.

Conducting a revocation hearing.

During a revocation hearing the defendant is allowed to: testify, have an attorney representing them and present witnesses on their behalf. If they cannot afford adequate legal protection, a court appointed lawyer will be provided. The standard…...



Smart Probation. (2013). Retrieved from: 

Kates, C.L. (2007). Policy Report: An Analysis of Current NYS Parole Policy (1).

Retrieved from:

Arizona State Legislature Recidivism the Topic of
Pages: 5 Words: 1716

Arizona State Legislature

The topic of recidivism in the Criminal Justice System has actually been long researched. It has actually likewise been suggested over for numerous other aspects regarding the degree of its efficiency. Recidivism is specified as the duplicating of an unfavourable activity after experiencing unfavourable results from that activity or getting treatment for that activity. In concerns to the criminal justice system, recidivism happens when one individual is arrested again after he has completed one particular sentence. Keeping this in the framework, recidivism is normally found in the criminal justice system when a sentence and/or verdict have actually happened. For that reason the real variety of recidivism cases just covers reported cases. The concern here established in this paper is simply how does jailing crooks impact the rates of recidivism?

Since mid-2008 there was roughly a populace of 2,310,984 imprisoned within federal or state jails or prisons in America. Of…...



Crime statistics. Retrieved September 16, 2009, from

Crime statistics. Retrieved October 15, 2009, from

Crime statistics. Retrieved October 15, 2009, from 

Crime statistics. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from

Prison Life and Recidivism Generally Recidivism in
Pages: 8 Words: 2550

Prison Life and ecidivism
Generally, recidivism in the justice system context entails the tendency amongst former prisoners or criminals to go back to their criminal lives mainly upon release from prison. In this case, recidivism rates are measured by having a look at the number of former prisoners re-incarcerated within a given time period. It can be noted that in basic terms, high recidivism rates are in most cases associated with increased costs of re-offender arrest and prosecution. Other related costs in this case relate to public safety. In this text, I will concern myself with prison life and the approaches/strategies to bring down the rate of recidivism upon a prisoner's release from jail.

The Purpose for Prisons in the U.S. Justice System

Prisons have an existing obligation enshrined in the constitution to avail to inmates a minimal standard of care. However, it is important to note that in relation to the preparation…...



Barkan, S.E. & Bryjak, G.J. (2011). Fundamentals of Criminal Justice: A Sociological View. Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Clear, T.R., Cole, G.F. & Reisig, M.D. (2010). American Corrections. Cengage Learning.

Human Rights Watch (2011). Prison and Detention Conditions. Retrieved November 22nd from: 

Osher, F.C. (2007). Short-term Strategies to Improve Re-entry of jail Populations: Expanding and Implementing the APIC Model. American Jails. 9 -- 18. Retrieved from  

Reducing Recidivism in the American Society Prisons
Pages: 8 Words: 2074

educing ecidivism
In the American society, prisons or correctional facilities are seen as weapons of choice in the fight against crime. They are seen as multipurpose institutions which include exaction of retribution in the event of breaking the law, this correctional facilities separate the law breakers from the rest of the community so that they do not commit more crimes. They are also meant to deter the general population from committing crimes and discouraging incarcerated offenders from breaking the law once they are released from prison.

In the U.S.A. The population in prison is increasing at a very high rate. In the last few decades the prison population has risen three fold and more. This increase places a heavy burden on the federal, state or local government finance, it's of greater concern and importance therefore to cut down the number of population in prison, in this respect to accomplish this, the number…...



Stephen J. Steurer & Linda G. Smith, (2003). Correctional Education Association, Education Reduces Crime: Three-State Recidivism Study Executive Summary. Retrieved August 6, 2012 from .

William J. Sabol & Paige M. Harrison, (2007). Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin: Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2006. Retrieved August 6, 2012 from  

Policy 1250 Words Addresses Issue Recidivism
Pages: 6 Words: 2001

Policy ( 1250 Words) Addresses Issue
ecidivism ates: A Cry for ehabilitation

There are a number of different facets of the criminal justice system to take into account when attempting to effectively reduce the rate of offender recidivism. Several different methodologies have been enacted by various correctional facilities during different time periods to address this pertinent issue. An examination of the research of George Bridges and Sarah Steen, Daniel Mears et al., Cassia Spohn and David Holleran, and Joan Petersilia indicate that some of the most critical determinants in regards to these methodologies include differences in rates of recidivism for those incarcerated vs. paroled, difficulties incurred by correctional officers due to inmates struggling with aspects of mature coping, and attributions that relate to whom a parole board chooses to issue parole to. A synthesis of the findings of these authors demonstrates that the most effective way to prevent offender recidivism is…...



Bridges, G.S., Steen, S. (1998). "Racial disparities in official assessments of juvenile offenders: Attributional stereotypes as mediating mechanisms." American Sociological Review. 63: 554-570.

Huebner, B.M., Bynum, T.S. (2008). "The role of race and ethnicity in parole decisions." Criminology. 46 (4): 907-

Mears, D.P., Wang, X., Hay, C., Bales, W.D. (2008). "Social ecology and recidivism: implications for prisoner reentry." Criminology. 46(2): 301-340.

Petersilia, J. (2004). "What works in prisoner reentry? Reviewing and questioning the evidence." Federal Probation. 68 (2): 4-8.

What is a research-based aspect of recidivism?
Words: 314

While it may seem like recidivism has a clear definition, there have actually been a number of different definitions of recidivism over time.  Generally, recidivism means reoffending after being released from a punishment or treatment program.  However, measures of recidivism cannot really account for all recidivism because recidivism is measured in various ways such as convictions for additional crimes, self-reporting rates, etc., but none of these measures is going to accurately capture all instances of recidivism.  One highly-researched area of recidivism is sex offenders and sex-based offenses.  Most lay people believe that sex offenders cannot be rehabilitated....

I\'m interested in debating school theft. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 724

Essay Topic 1: The Deterrent Effect of School Theft Policies

Pro-Deterrent Viewpoint:

School theft policies that impose swift and strict consequences deter students from committing theft by creating a fear of negative repercussions.
The threat of suspension, expulsion, or legal charges acts as a psychological deterrent, discouraging students from engaging in theft.
By establishing clear boundaries and consequences, schools maintain a safe and orderly learning environment where students feel secure.

Anti-Deterrent Viewpoint:

Strict school theft policies create a punitive atmosphere that alienates students and undermines their educational progress.
Students who are caught stealing may be subjected to harsh punishments that can harm....

I\'m searching for essay topics on Pembunuhan. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 334

Sure, here are a few essay topics on the subject of Pembunuhan (murder):

1. The psychology of a murderer: exploring the mindset and motivations behind committing murder.
2. The impact of media portrayal on public perception of murder cases.
3. The role of gender and society in shaping perceptions of murderers and their crimes.
4. The legal and ethical considerations surrounding the death penalty in murder cases.
5. Investigating the prevalence of serial killers in modern society.
6. The portrayal of murder in literature and its impact on cultural attitudes towards violence.
7. The influence of mental illness and personality disorders on the likelihood of committing murder.

why solitary confinement should be abolished in canada?
Words: 654

The Need to Abolish Solitary Confinement in Canada

Solitary confinement, a form of isolation where an individual is confined to a small cell for 22-24 hours a day with minimal human contact, is a cruel, inhumane, and ineffective practice that has been condemned by numerous human rights organizations and mental health experts. In Canada, the use of solitary confinement has disproportionately impacted Indigenous Peoples, who make up over 30% of the federal prison population despite representing only 4.9% of the Canadian population.

Psychological and Physical Harm

Solitary confinement has severe detrimental effects on physical and mental health. Prolonged isolation can lead to psychological....

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