Rebuttal Essays Examples

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Fortune Summary and Rebuttal Stipp David April
Pages: 3 Words: 1108

Summary and Rebuttal

Stipp, David. (April 5, 2004) Chasing the Youth Pill. FORTUNE.

e or she who patents the pill that will magically extend human life, states David Stipp of Fortune magazine, will be not only healthy and wise, but also quite wealthy as well. Although most readers might take a more physical and personal interest in extending life, this reporter from Fortune Magazine points out that, as potential anti-aging drugs have become a legitimate research area they are also a potential financial bonanza for pharmaceutical companies and scientists.

According to uber Warner, head of the Institute's Biology of Aging Program, the purpose of a recently funded study was to "identify drugs that foster a healthier old age" and also to discover "compounds that lengthen mouse lives" that "may well ward off ills like cancer, which shorten the lives of rodents as well as people." Stipp adds that drugs that "extend human…...


However, all of these modifications are quite different than simply popping a pill to prolong human existence. The idea that some individuals would have access to a life-prolonging pill because of greater wealth and available pharmaceutical health care would not simply exacerbate the differences between the lifestyle and lives of the rich and poor, it would effectively create a 'brave new world,' where alpha long lived humans dominated and planned their lives differently than shorter lived epsilons, whom had no hope of getting the longevity drug. Even if everyone was accorded such a drug, the greater lifespan over such a short period of time would mean that individuals would require more health care, dwell in apartments and homes for longer periods of time, require more help when elderly (even if the longevity pill was accompanied by greater resilience of constitution) and perhaps even have a prolonged adolescence because they knew they would life longer.

In short, many of the modern cultural effects of aging would become even more pronounced than they are now in the United States -- and the difference between countries where the drug was present with other nations is even more striking. Even recent MSNBC article on calorie restrictive diets, which are perhaps the least noxious form of this urge to prolong life was entitled, "Starve your way to health." Of course, at very least such diets would not enrich the makers of a drug at the expense of those in other nations or Americans who could not afford a prescription. But the title shows the unnaturalness of the diet and its incompatibility with not only modern cultural lifestyles but also the human body.

Far from making the adherents healthy, one man who "used to run 20 miles a week," is now down to 10. "He doesn't have the calories to spare."(Adler and Underwood, 2004, Newsweek article retrieved at (  article goes on to say that although the man is actually "philosophical about the question of dying, conceding that he could get run over by a truck next week, perhaps while fantasizing about a chocolate-chip cookie. But he thinks the prospect of another decade or two of life is worth some sacrifices." (Adler and Underwood, 2004, Newsweek article retrieved at ( )The

Rebuttal Argument Against Legalization of Marijuana
Pages: 5 Words: 1790

Marijuana, which comes from the Cannabis plant, has been used by people since time immemorial. It was only in the 1960s that this plant received excessive media attention for the effect it had on people and the adverse potential to go wrong. Therefore, the American government illegalized the use of marijuana and anyone found to be in possession of this plant, or to be intoxicated by it, was told to be arrested by police forces and then further interrogated. Since this banning of marijuana and the imposition of harsh laws, many have stood up and spoke for legalizing the drug. The question at hand is whether using marijuana as a drug is a crime worthy of so much attention or rather is it a drug that needs to be removed from the blacklist, as per pro-marijuana activists' campaigning.
The issue began in 1960 when the government of the United States introduced…...



Bock, Alan. Waiting to Inhale: The Politics of Medical Marijuana. Seven Locks Press, 2000. Print.

Earleywine, Mitch. Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence. Oxford University Press, 2000. Print.

Gerber, Rudoplh. Legalizing Marijuana: Drug Policy Reform and Prohibition Politics. Praeger, 2004. Print.

Grinspoon, Lester. Marihuana Reconsidered. Harvard University Press, 1971. Print.

Proposition Statement Even if the Media Might
Pages: 3 Words: 1271

Proposition Statement: Even if the media might be racist or sexist in its content, there should not be censorship of the media because of the first amendment.
Freedom of speech means freedom to disagree

Attention getting statement:


Everyone knows that shouting fire in a crowded theater is not only morally wrong, it's also against the law. It's the classic argument against full freedom of speech. According to Chief Justice Holmes, as discussed in the history of the Supreme Court, The Brethren, the justice said that freedom of speech cannot be absolute, because for instance you can't shout fire in a crowded theater and call that free speech. But although most people might agree with him about that, still that doesn't mean that you can make that analogy with every restriction of free speech.


The problem:

hy restrict freedom of speech at all? The problem today, some might say, is that increasingly, we are seeing…...


Works Cited

Orenstein, Peggy. Schoolgirls. New York: Bantam Book, 1994.

Strossen, Nadine. "MacKinnon-Pornoraphy is Oppression." The Ethical Spectacle. 1995. Website Accessed June 18, 2002. 

Woodward, Bob, and Armstrong, Scott. The Brethren. New York: Avon Books, 1979.

Affirmative Action at Its Most Objective Definition
Pages: 5 Words: 1455

Affirmative Action
At its most objective definition, affirmative action entails "positive steps taken to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of employment, education, and business from which they have been historically excluded." Affirmative action acknowledges the presence of institutionalized and systematic forms of discrimination: which may not be apparent to members of the dominant or privileged culture. For example, white males will not even notice that no Blacks serve on the boards of directors in companies he works for. Affirmative action is a policy that seeks to correct institutionalized and systematic discrimination by seeing to it that diversity is both a means and an end. To deny the validity of affirmative action would be to deny that racism or sexism still exist. Given that human beings exhibit poor judgement based on their background, upbringing, and psychological biases, and given the presence of institutionalized discrimination, affirmative action remains an…...



Brunner, B. (2007). Affirmative action history. Infoplease. Retrieved online: 

Froomkin, D. (1998). Affirmative action under attack. Washington Post. Retrieved online: 

Fullinwider, R. (2009). Affirmative action. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved online: 

Sykes, M. (2010). The origins of affirmative action. National Organization for Women. Retrieved online

Family Power and Authority Influences Introduce Topic
Pages: 2 Words: 814

FAMILY POWER AND AUTHORITY INFLUENCES Introduce topic Introduce speakers DEE What affirmative views topic Brad make opposing views. Declares debate open AFFIRMATIVE VIEW OPPOSING VIEW Give equal time members opposing team Facilitate discussion Dee rebuttal Dan ( affirmative rebuttal) Dan rebuttal Dee ( Negative rebuttal) Dee summary (restate proposition significant argument favor change) Dan summary (restate proposition significant argument favor change) (PLS ADDRESS ONLY THE DEE PORTION AND INTRODUCTION -- the AFFIRMATIVE AND REBUTTAL PORTION OF DEE BASED ON SCENERIO BELOWAND MORE IF YOU COULD ADD SPICE TO IT, THANKS)…THE TOPIC IS ABOUT ISLAMIC OR MUSLIM FAMILY WITH CULTURAL DILEMMA.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We live in a world that is nowadays prone to injustice, social inequality, and cultural discrepancies. Today's debate deals precisely with this type of reality: the reality of a family that was defined by a particular cultural background and has been shaped by another cultural environment. We are…...

Geology Critique of the Story of Stuff
Pages: 2 Words: 816

Geology: Critique of the Story Of Stuff
Geology: Critique of Story of Stuff

Annie Leonard's video documentary on the "materials economy" and the consumption-disposal mentality paints a picture of a world of: unsustainable resource usage, environmental degradation, and human health concerns. Throughout the video, Ms. Leonard cites a myriad of examples to support her claims however; many of these claims which are purported as fact are either blatantly incorrect or a clever misleading of the truth. Her statement that "government's job is to watch out for us and take care of us" (The Story of Stuff) is one such example. Debates have been waged for centuries on the proper role of government, and such an all encompassing statement on government's size and scope can hardly be construed as a definitive fact. That said an analysis of the video's veracity is better conducted in the context of the scientific "facts" which are presented.…...



Global Forest Watch. (2000). United States: An Overview. Retrieved December 10, 2010


Hawken, P. Lovins, A. & Lovins, L. (1999). Natural Capitalism. Little Brown and Company, pp. 4. Retrieved December 10, 2010 from 

The Story of Stuff Project. The Story of Stuff Video. Retrieved December 10, 2010 from

Face-To-Face vs Electronic Communication
Pages: 3 Words: 937

Electronic communication such as texting and emailing are not as effective as talking face-to-face with someone.

Premises/Data: Studies have showed that without face-to-face interaction, the lack of nonverbal cues, facial emotions prevents successful communication and hinders growth in a relationship. One study of preteens at a summer camp found that with just five days without electronics, the children showed improvement in there nonverbal communication skills (Uhls et al., 2014). We already know that non-verbal communication is a significant portion of communication, that when presented with a person face-to-face, as little as 7% of communication was verbal (Yaffe, 2011). Thus, these preteens were improving immediately their ability to comprehend what is in many cases the majority of communication messages.

Studies of virtual teams have found that people are even inclined to interpret email text for non-verbal messages. The problem with doing so is that we tend to use shorthand for this, for example…...



Bitti, P. & Garotti, P. (2011). Nonverbal communication and cultural differences: Issues for face-to-face communication over the Internet. face-to-face Communication Over the Internet. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

Cheshin, A., Rafaeli, A. & Bos, N. (2011). Anger and happiness in virtual teams: Emotional influences of text and behavior on others' affect in the absence of non-verbal cues. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Vol. 116 (1) 2-16.

Uhls, Y., Michikyan, M., Morris, J., Garcia, D., Small, G., Zgourou, E. & Greenfield, P. (2014). Five days at outdoor education camp without screens improves preteen skills with nonverbal emotion cues. Computers in Human Behavior. Vol. 39 (Oct 2014) 387-392.

Yaffe, P. (2011). The 7% rule, fact, fiction or misunderstanding. Ubiquity Vol. 2011 (Oct) 1-5.

Battle of the Atlantic Was One of
Pages: 6 Words: 2122

Battle of the Atlantic was one of the most significant and important battles that was fought during WWII. In order to understand the value of the battle and how it was won, it will be necessary to take a close and careful look at the strategic, operational, and organizational factors behind the Allied victory. The victory for the United States and Great Britain was significant, and a turning point in the war that should not be forgotten - but that is often misunderstood and overlooked. The Battle of the Atlantic was an attempt by the Germans to cut the sea lines of communications between the United States and Britain, mostly be using U-boats. If the Germans had been successful, Britain would have been isolated and the U.S. would not have been able to bring such an enormous amount of manpower to Europe. The Battle of the Atlantic was designed to…...



Baer, G.W. 1996. One Hundred years of Sea Power. New York: Stanford University Press. pp. 189-205.

Cohen, E.A. & Gooch, J. 1991. Military Misfortunes. New York: Anchor. pp. 59-94.

Murray, W. & Millet, A.R. 2001. A War to be Won. New York: Belknap Press. pp. 234-261.

Overy, R. Why the Allies Won. 1997. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. pp. 44-62.

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1
Pages: 3 Words: 908

Toulmin Model and Sherlock Holmes
The Toulmin Model of argumentation asserts that a good argument consists of six parts which intend to develop a practical argument. The first element is the "claim," or the conclusion that the argument must establish. The next part is the "data," or the facts and evidence collected and used to confirm the argument. In order to support the data, general, hypothetical, or logical statements are used, these are called "warrants." A good argument should limit itself to what can be proven and so it requires "qualifiers" which restrict the argument to a point where it can be supported by facts. In order to support the warrants made during the argument, sometimes "backing statements" are used to add credence to the statements made during the argument. These backing statements may not directly support the claim, but should always support the supporting warrants. Finally, since there are always…...

United States There Is No
Pages: 8 Words: 2727

, 2005). At no time is any state obligated to comply with the federal guidelines for federal highway fund eligibility or to give up any sovereign rights established by the Tenth Constitutional Amendment. Furthermore, there is no issue of "withholding" or "withdrawing" any federal funds from states that choose not to comply with federal guidelines pertaining to the drinking age eligibility. Those monies are supplemental to any other federal funds and would not be offered except as an incentive to follow federal recommendations about the minimum drinking age. States do not have to comply if they prefer to lower the drinking age.
Reason # 3 -- Adults Younger than 21 are not as Responsible as Adults over 21

At the age of 18 or 19, most young people lack the fundamental abilities to make good decisions, especially about things such as taking risks and considering all of the consequences of their choices…...


Works Cited

Centers for Disease Control (2007) Teen Drivers: Fact Sheet. Retrieved October 22,

2011, from the CDC public website, at: 

Dershowitz, A.M. (2002). Shouting Fire: Civil Liberties in a Turbulent Age. New York:

Economic Burden Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder The
Pages: 5 Words: 1410

economic burden Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The research arguable issue yield a 1000-1200 words. All work local (USA) global.
The economic burden of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has been discovered relatively recently, meaning as such that progress has yet to be made in terms of treatment and management. Additionally, research is also yet to be exhaustive, as numerous aspects of the affection remain uncharted.

One important aspect of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is represented by the economic cost of the affection, revealed at multiple levels, such as the cost for the healthcare system, as well as the costs for the family. The current project assesses this issue through the lenses of the research that has already been conducted on the topic, in an effort to centralize and conclude upon the matter. The means in which this endeavor would be addressed is that of the Toulmin Method.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity…...



Bernfort, L., Nordfeldt, S., Persson, J., 2007, ADHD from a socio-economic perspective, Foundation Acta Paediatrtica

Daley, D., Birchwood, J., 2009, ADHD and academic performance: why does ADHD impact on academic performance and what can be done to support ADHD children in the classroom, Child: care, health and development

Matza, L.S., Paramore, C., Prasad, M., 2005, A review of the economic burden of ADHD,   last accessed on March 30, 2012 

Weida, S., Stolley, K., Organizing your argument, Owl Purdue,   / last accessed on March 30, 2012 

Young Most of Us Do Not Think
Pages: 7 Words: 2216

young, most of us do not think about making a conscious decision to die. e look forward to years of long and healthy life, and if death ever seems appealing it is as an antidote to depression. It does not often, if ever, occur to us that there will be a time when we look forward to the "good death" promised by euthanasia.
But it is inevitable that for many of us there will come a time in our lives when suicide may indeed seem appealing because we are fighting a losing battle against a certainly fatal disease that fills our remaining days with pain and despair. In such a position many of us may wish to have our doctors help us die by prescribing for us drugs that when we ourselves take them will prove to be fatal. Or we may wish that other people should have this option…...


Works Cited

Callahan, Daniel, "Good Strategies and Bad: Opposing physician-assisted suicide," Commonweal, December 3, 1999, sec1. 7+.

Cassel, Christine K. "AMA Guidelines for Caring for Patients in the Last Phase of Life.," CQ Researcher 7 (1997): 774. ( )

Humphrey, Derek. Euthanasia: Essays and Briefings on the Right to Die. Los Angeles: Hemlock Society, 1991. .

Orric, Sarah. "House Judiciary Committee Rationale." Congressional Digest 77 (1998); 263-264.

Health Care Debate Over the
Pages: 4 Words: 1442

At which point, the overall costs of care will be passed on to the tax payer in the form of higher taxes. This leads to a decrease in the overall quality of care and it will not slow the price increases, as the government seeks to restrict access to these services. Then, when the program becomes broken (such as: what is happening to Social Security) removing or reforming the bureaucracy is nearly impossible. (Messerili, 2010)
A second argument that many critics make about universal health care is: it will stifle innovation. Whenever, the government is running any kind of program, they will place a large number of restrictions and regulations on the industry. When this takes place, you are causing some of the best and brightest minds to seek careers in other fields, as the restrictions from the government are too cumbersome. A good example of this would be: the…...



Trends in Health Care Costs and Spending. (2006). Retrieved March 13, 2010 from Kaiser Foundation website: 

Andersen, R. (2007). Changing the U.S. Health Care System. Washington D.C: National Academy Press.

Gratzer, D. (2002). Better Medicine. Toronto, on: ECW Press.

Wde Case Study Ron Pov
Pages: 2 Words: 719

ince 100% of the candidates not-selected were over 40, and 100% of the candidates selected were under 40, the evidence shows that while age may not have been the sole favor, it was likely a motivating factor in the decision.
WDE Rebuttal

Dear Mr. Lincoln:

As General Counsel for WDE Insurance, I am writing you regarding the allegations put forward by your client, Mr. Ron Whyme. According to your brief, Mr. Whyme believes he was discriminated against on the basis of age for new positions created when WDE organized.

I have personally interviewed the three hiring managers for this position, and found that the specific intent of the new position was to align with previous Corporate Claims pecialists. While Mr. Whyme was a Regional Center Manager, it was felt that he lacked the necessary expertise in the new technological systems as well as direct hands-on experience that the new position would entail. In…...



Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Retrieved from: 

McDonell Douglas Corp. v. Green. 411 U.S. 792, (1973). Retrieved from:

Company Having Strong Ethics Across the Entire
Pages: 3 Words: 932

company having strong ethics across the entire organization, including ethical leadership, training & codes, and an ethical culture. The first and most important thing is that the company needs to have ethical leadership in place. People within organizations take their behavioral cues from the leaders of that organization, and the result of that is that when the leaders are the ethical leaders, the other members of the organization will follow. Thus, it is critical that the leaders set a strong ethical tone, to the point where they probably have to be the most ethical members of the organization. A good example of this would be when Martha Stewart was found guilty of insider trading, her company Omnimedia, faced a decline in its stock price. The concern was not that the company would have trouble succeeding without Stewart for a few months while she did time, but that if her…...

I am doing an assignment on curfew (night) and need help?
Words: 385

The Toulmin Model refers to a way of making arguments.  It breaks the argument into six parts: claim, grounds, warrant, qualifier, rebuttal, and backing.  The first three parts, the claim, grounds, and warrant are considered the fundamental parts of the argument, with qualifier, rebuttal, and backing considered as supplementary to the argument.  The claim refers to what you are trying to prove.  In this assignment, you would either be trying to prove that curfews are beneficial or detrimental. 

One of the difficulties with your assignment is that it is not clear what type of curfews you need to....

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to Is there life after death?
Words: 437

I. Introduction
A. Definition of life after death
B. Brief overview of different beliefs and explanations
C. Thesis statement: Despite varying beliefs, there is no concrete evidence of life after death

II. Religious beliefs
A. Christianity
1. Belief in heaven and hell
2. Resurrection of the body
B. Islam
1. Belief in an afterlife
2. Reckoning of deeds on Judgement Day
C. Hinduism
1. Concept of reincarnation
2. Karma and rebirth

III. Scientific perspectives
A. Near-death experiences
1. Accounts of individuals who claim to have seen a glimpse of the afterlife
2. Criticism of NDEs as....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of Cases against high school sports?
Words: 357

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of the importance of high school sports
B. Statement of thesis- Despite their benefits, there are several cases against high school sports

II. Case #1: Injuries
A. Statistics on the number of injuries in high school sports
B. Examples of serious injuries from sports
C. Discussion on the long-term effects of these injuries

III. Case #2: Academic impacts
A. Research on the correlation between sports participation and academic performance
B. Argument against the time commitment of sports
C. Discussion on the potential for sports to distract from academics

IV. Case #3: Funding and inequality
A. Disparities in funding for....

Can you provide guidance on how to outline an essay focusing on Gun Control Laws?
Words: 467

Outline for an Essay on Gun Control Laws

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a startling statistic or a thought-provoking question to grab the reader's attention.
B. Background: Provide a brief overview of the gun control debate in the United States, including the history and evolution of gun laws.
C. Thesis statement: Clearly state the main argument that will be supported in the essay, taking a stance on whether gun control laws should be strengthened or weakened.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Arguments for Gun Control Laws
A. Topic sentence: Present the first reason why gun control laws should be strengthened.
B. Supporting....

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