Rats Essays (Examples)

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Cerebral Cortex Using Rats The Researchers Noted
Pages: 1 Words: 315

cerebral cortex, using rats. he researchers noted that there were two beliefs about the areas of the cerebral cortex dedicated to the five senses. Some believed that information came in from each sense separately and was not combined immediately. However, other research suggested that activating one sense area could also activate others. In the research, the scientists mapped the cerebral cortices of rats for sight, sound and touch.
he researchers found that while specific areas were dedicated to one or another sense only, in the areas bordering between two senses, both senses could be stimulated at once. hey suspect that these border areas may explain why one sense may develop more strongly if another sense is lost. For instance, if a person becomes blind, their sense of hearing may become more acute and discriminative. he research also suggests that the brain may combine information from multiple senses much sooner in…...


The researchers pointed out that we live in a very multisensory world, with lots of sights, sounds, smells, etc. around us. How the brain processes all that information can tell us a lot about how we perceive and think about the world.

I found this report interesting because everything we learn about the world, whether it is in a classroom or just walking in the woods, begins with information that comes in through our senses. What if the sense of touch is connected to the sense of sight? Does a child chewing on a ring help it learn what a ring looks like? I was also surprised to see that researchers haven't completely figured out yet how the five senses work in the brain. It surprised me that they don't really know yet how the brain combines this information.

Stein, Barry, Ph.D., and Ramachandran, Ramnarayan. 2004. "Study provides new insights about brain organization." Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. February 20.

Comparison of Pulmonary Autopsy Findings of the Rats Drowned at Surface and 50 Ft Depth
Pages: 6 Words: 1967

Pulmonary Autopsy Findings of the ats Drowned at Surface and 50 Ft Depth
Critical Appraisal of a esearch Article

Of the following literature that was examined, one of the most useful articles was entitled Pathology of the Lung in Near Drowning, a paper in which the researchers created an experimental model that simulated the changes that actually occurred in a subject which had nearly drowned. The purpose was to study the pathological changes that happen when someone or something is drowned. The methodology involved intubating rabbits in either salt or fresh water, and microscopically examining their lungs and hearts. The results indicated that within the first 30 minutes after being drowned, the vast majority of damage does not occur in the alveolar cells but in the vascular endothelium (Karch, S.B, 1986).

The next piece of literature that was reviewed was called Alveolar Macrophages and the Diagnosis of Drowning, in which alveolar macrophages…...



B. Brinkmann, G. Fechner, K. Puschel, Lung histology in experimental

drowning, Z Rechtsmed 89 (4) (1983) 267 -- 277. Retrieved from  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6837169 

Toklu AS, Alkan N, Gurel A, Cimsit M, Haktanir D, Korpinar S, Purisa S. Comparison of pulmonary autopsy findings of the rats drowned at surface and 50 ft depth. Forensic Sci Int. 2006 Dec 20;164(2-3):122-5.

Betz, P. Nerlich, A. Penning, R. Eisenmenger, W. Alveolar macrophages and the diagnosis of drowning. Forensic Sci Int. 1993. March 4; 62 (217-224) Retrieved from .  http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/7690/1/eisenmenger_wolfgang_7690.pdf

Long-Term Habituation of Exploration in Rats Hamsters
Pages: 2 Words: 561

long-Term habituation of exploration in rats, hamsters, and gerbils by Poucet, Durup, & Thinus-Blanc
Concepts being studied

In this study, the researchers were seeking to study habituation to a novel environment in three species of rodent: rat, hamster, and gerbil. They wanted to see if the animals exhibited habituation behavior each time that they were placed in a new environment, and whether the animals exhibited any between-sessions habituation.

Prior research

Prior research had revealed that hamsters would actively reinvestigate objects during a test session, if, after two sessions of habituation, the spatial relationship between the two objects had changed. Prior research conflicted about whether rats would react to changes in the spatial relationship between objects in a field. They examined prior research and found what appeared to be a specific lack in rats of between-sessions habituation.

What the experimenters attempt to show

The experimenters attempted to show that there was a difference between in-session and…...



Poucet, B., Durup, M., & Thinus-Blanc, C. (1988). Short-term and long-term habituation of exploration in rats, hamsters, and gerbils. Behavioural Processes, 16, 203-211.

How Thirds Parties Influence the Successes of Democrats and Republicans
Pages: 5 Words: 1875

Third Parties in the U.S. National Presidential Elections
For a long time, U.S. elections have been controlled primarily on a two-party system with the two major parties as Democrats and Republicans. The two-party system, although not categorically stated in the constitution was the norm adopted by many America. The inclination to such a party system highly depended on principles and policies promoted by the two parties that often influenced the decisions made by the citizens. Consequently, the two parties received much support, which made them run the American government interchangeably. However, the two-party system did not eliminate the role played by the third parties in the American politics. Several third parties have remained active in the American politics despite the obvious trend of two-party system supported by most Americans. They raised their presidential candidates, who ran for the presidency for many years

Most third parties survived the American politics courtesy of…...



Epstein, David A. Left, Right, Out: The History of Third Parties in America. New York: Arts and Letters Imperium Publications, 2012.

Flanders, Stephen. The Origins and Functions of Political Parties. 2014.   (accessed October 10, 2014).http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/article/political-parties 

Longley, Robert. Modern Third Parties. 2014.   (accessed October 10, 2014).http://usgovinfo.about.com/cs/politicalsystem/a/thirdparties_2.htm 

Rosenstone, Steven J., Roy L. Behr, and Edward H. Lazarus. Third Parties in America. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1984.

Ob Mouse and Fa Rat
Pages: 2 Words: 644

Ob/ob mouse and Fa/Fa rat (what are they, who discovered them, when they were discovered, how was it discovered
The Ob/ob mouse (i.e. obese mouse model) was first discovered in the Jackson laboratory in Bar Harbor, ME and is popular for studying Type 2 diabetes, food intake, and obesity. A recessive mutation on a certain chromosome in the mouse results in premature termination of leptin and therefore a deficiency of leptin in the mouse.

These ob/ob mice are hypherhagic and already obese at 2 weeks old. They also show other signs indicative of diabetes such as marked hyperglycemia, mildly impaired glucose tolerance, severe hyperinsulinemia, and impaired fertility and wound healing. They are also resistant to insulin. With all the signs of diabetes, the mice become severely and fatally diabetic with pancreatic collapse resulting in death.

The Zucker fa / fa (fatty) rat was discovered in 1961 and is a popular model for studying…...

King Rat James Clavell May
Pages: 2 Words: 612

Peter tells the King, "Goes back to 1720. Father to son. That's a lot of tradition to try to fight" (pg 244). That tradition of honorable service causes Peter much angst. One example in the book is when Peter is faced with taking money from the King for assisting in the completion of a black market sale. Peter feels that the King should not have sold a phony watch, and he certainly has qualms about accepting a 10% commission for his role in the deal. He remembers his father telling him, "There is such a thing as honor. If you deal with a man, tell him the truth then he must of necessity tell you the truth" (pg. 179). What is ironic is that Peter ends up taking the money because he knew what it could buy him.

That Peter accepted the money gives is similar to the way many individuals…...

Phantom I Am a Rat -Julian Sands
Pages: 5 Words: 2296

Phantom; I am a rat.
-Julian Sands as Erik

A child is born, shunned by his own mother. He is brilliant and artistic, possessing skills untouched by even the greatest masters in many areas. Perhaps he is also insane, not relating to the human race. Eventually, he will come to be known as a ghost, haunting the world of normal people as he passes in and out of sight in one of the greatest centers of musical performance in the world. Passionate, he falls in love, and in jealousy he falls even further. This plot line has the potential to be studied in depth by sociologists, psychologists, historians, and artists on so many levels, exploring the child himself and the life and events that build around him. Similar to any number of ancient myths and fairy tales, this love story about an extraordinary outsider was first introduced as "Le Fantome de…...



Argento, Dario. Il Fantasma Del l'opera / The Phantom of the Opera. 1998.

Leroux, Gaston. Le Fantome de l'Opera / The Phantom of the Opera. 1906/1911.

PETA. "The Hidden Life of Mice and Rats." Stop Animal Tests. People for the Ethical People of Animals. http://www.stopanimaltests.com/feat/hiddenrats/

Ward, Andrew. Feral Children: Isolated, Confined, Wolf, and Wild Children. 2004. http://www.feralchildren.com

Noriginal Poem Rat Race Payday
Pages: 1 Words: 370

I especially liked the transition of the first line. In some ways I found I liked the second version better, sometimes payment is a daydream. One can only wish.
Revision Process

Noble-winning author William Faulkner stated, "The past is never dead. It isn't even past." As this statement pertains to the revision process one can argue that Faulkner is claiming that a written work is a living, growing entity, constantly in a state of flux. These changes are built upon past events: dialogue, scenes, plot twists, and so forth that instigate consequences, so that even portions of a written work that are discarded live on in the portions they inspired....

Human Development
Pages: 2 Words: 823

Marian Diamond addressed the nature vs. nurture issue so long debated by researchers and scientists by actually observing the effects of living in different environments on young rats. The beginnings of her research with Donald Head occurred in the 1960's, a time when the brain was not viewed as plastic. When presenting the results of their early research demonstrating a small but significant thicker cerebral cortex in rats raised in enriched environments vs. rats raised in impoverished environments she was actually told, "Young lady, that brain cannot change" (Diamond and Hobson, 1998-page 8). Nonetheless, Diamond believed the neurological basis that the environment provided for brain enrichment is the spreading of dendritic spines in the neuron as a result of environmental stimulation (Diamond and Hobson, 1998-page 25). In fact, research from her lab along with other researchers found that even honey bees' brains responded to environmental stimulation. Based on the work…...



Diamond, M.C., and Hopson, J., 1998: Magic Trees of the Mind: How to Nurture Your Child's

Intelligence, Creativity, and Healthy Emotions from Birth Through Adolescence, Dutton,

New York.

Food Ban Food Should Be Banned From
Pages: 4 Words: 1216

Food Ban
Food should be banned from the New York City subway system. There are a few reasons why the food ban should be enacted, chief among them are the health concerns cited by state senators. Proponents of eating food on the subway system generally have weak arguments based around their own personal desire to eat food on the subway, rather than any coherent responses to the central sanitation and public nuisance argument.

According to the text of the bill (S6312), the purpose of the bill is to "mitigate the growing rat infestation in the NYC subway system." The bill would establish fines and other punishments for eating food on the subway system. There are a number of problems with the rat issue in the subway system. In general, people experience a sense of revulsion at the sight of rats, in particular the large, greasy variety found in the subway system. This…...


Works Cited:

AP. (2012). MTA chief says he opposes subway food ban. ABC News. Retrieved May 10, 2012 from http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?section=resources/traffic&id=8543501

Prendergast, D. & Buiso, G. (2012). Pol push to ban eating in the subway. New York Post. Retrieved May 9, 2012 from  http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/pol_push_to_ban_eating_in_the_subway_ZvKq3qRxecSkAMTWoE6wmJ 

S6312-2011: Prohibits the consumption of food in New York City subways. New York Senate.gov. Retrieved May 9, 2012 from  http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/bill/S6312-2011

Alzheimer's Immunology Alzheimer's Disease Ad
Pages: 4 Words: 1197

After 13 months, the rats begin to show signs of dementia including reduced cognitive ability and memory impairment (McGill University, 2010).
Amyloid B. immunotherapy

Past research

Past research on the effects of active or passive a? immunization on a? buildup and AD progression provided evidence that such immunization "protects against the progressive loss of synaptophysin in the hippocampal molecular layer and frontal neocortex of a transgenic mouse model of AD" (Buttini & al, 2005). This provided further support for the amyloid hypothesis.

Current research

Since the discovery of a? immunotherapy effectiveness in the treatment of AD in mice, the AN1792 a? vaccine was developed and tested on humans (Lemere & Masliah, 2010). Unfortunately, clinical trials were discontinued when around 6% of the subjects developed meningoencephalitis (Lemere & Masliah, 2010). However, since some subjects showed improvements in a? plaque clearance, several new a? immunotherapies have been developed and are currently undergoing clinical trials (Lemere &…...



Basi, G., & al, e. (2010). Amyloid precursor protein selective gamma-secretase inhibitors for treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 2 (36).

Buttini, M., & al, e. (2005). Amyloid Immunotherapy Prevents Synaptic Degeneration in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease. The Journal of Neuroscience, 25 (40), 9096-9101.

Ganguly, R., & al, e. (2005). Effect of Moringa Oleifera in Experimental Model of Alzheimer's Disease: Role of Antioxidants. Annals of Neurosciences, 12, 33-37.

Herrup, K. (2010). Reimagining Alzheimer's Disease -- an Age-Based Hypothesis. The Journal of Neuroscienc5y7e, 30 (50), 16755-16762.

Motivation of Behavior
Pages: 4 Words: 1331

Motivation in Behavior
a) What does Tolman's theory of animal learning tell us about the motivation for human learning?

Unlike John Watson, B.F. Skinner and the other strict behaviorists, or the ussian physiologists like Ivan Pavlov, Edward C. Tolman argued that the behaviorist theory that learning was a matter of stimulus-response (S-) and positive and negative reinforcement was highly simplistic. Although he rejected introspective methods and metaphysics, he increasingly moved away from strict behaviorism into the areas of cognitive psychology. In short, he became a mentalist without actually using that term to describe himself and concluded that all behavior was "purposive" (Hergenhahn, 2009, p. 428). All of his experiments with rats moving through mazes at the University of Berkeley proved to his satisfaction that behavior was actually the dependent variable, with the environment as the independent variable, with mental processes as intervening variables. Tolman summarized this basic theory, which he applied to…...



Leaf, J.B. et al. (2010). "Comparison of Simultaneous Prompting and No-No Prompting in Two-Choice Discrimination Learning with Children with Autism." Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis, No. 2 (Summer 2010), pp. 215-28.

Lerner, R.M. (2002). Concepts and Theories of Human Development, (3rd ed.) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Lund, S.K. (2009). "Discrete Trial Instruction in Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention" in E.A. Boutot and M. Tincani (eds). Autism Encyclopedia: The Complete Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders. Prufrock Press, Inc.

Hergenhahn, B.R. (2009). An Introduction to the History of Psychology, (6th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

Saw From Where I Stood by Marisa
Pages: 4 Words: 1666

Saw From Where I Stood by Marisa Silver offers a lot to women's literature. Firstly, it is an effectively told story, with the literary techniques of the story making it an important piece of literature, regardless of its themes. Secondly, the themes are important to women. Thirdly, it offers a new perspective as it is told from a man's point-of-view. Finally, we can compare it to another important story, A Sorrowful Woman by Gail Godwin. By comparing the two stories we can see both the similarities between the two stories and also the unique features of What I Saw From Where I Stood.
Firstly, we can look at the story as an example of an excellent short story regardless of its place in women's literature. The literary techniques throughout the story are both effective and powerful. The first noticeable thing is that the real subject of the story is told…...

Treatment of Bi-Polar Disease Is
Pages: 3 Words: 1058

Studies conducted by Doughty et al. (2004) suggest that panic disorders, potentially exacerbated by the panic-inducing qualities of drug usage, are significantly associated with bi-polar disease, and Long finds that panic disorders are generationally related to bi-polar. Therefore, the well-known panic- and anxiety-related effects of drug usage have been shown to be related to bipolar disorder, so that both diseases correlate. Further, chemical responses that drive the bi-polar are complicated by the chemical effects of drug addiction, making treatment difficult to sort out. The associated risk of suicide, already high with sufferers of bi-polar disorder, is heightened. Care and treatment, both physical and mental, must be approached in an integrated fashion.
Drug and chemical treatments for dual diagnosis patients have attempted to sort out the effects of each disorder. However, because the brain centers that are impacted by drug abuse and addiction are often driven by the same or similar…...


Works Cited

Doughty, C., Wells, J., Joyce, P., Olds, R., & Walsh, A. (2004). Bipolar-panic disorder comorbidity within bipolar disorder families: a study of siblings. Bipolar Disorders, 6(3), 245-252. doi:10.1111/j.1399-5618.2004.00120.x.

Long, M. (2005). Bipolar Disorders. Retrieved from http:/ / www.mentalhealth.com/dis/p20-md02.html. Internet Mental Health.

Michael's House. n.d. 10 important facts about dual diagnosis and bipolar disorder. Retrieved from  http://www.michaelshouse.com/dual-dual-diagnosis/about-dual-diagnosis-bipolar-disorder .

Whitten, L. (2008). Aripiprazole prevents rats from resuming cocaine seeking. Nida Notes, 22(2), 4-5. Retrieved from CINAHL database.

Chinese-American Stereotypes Chinese-Americans Form One of the
Pages: 2 Words: 749

Chinese-Americans form one of the most professional and most well educated sections of American population yet they are still portrayed as 'unwanted' ethnic minority by electronic and print media. The stereotyping of Chinese-Americans goes back to the days when trade cards were used for advertising and is still a part of media depiction of this community. Stereotypes may not always be negative in nature, but they are certainly based on generalizations, which may or may not fit every individual of a certain community. However in our media, we notice that some communities are always presented in one fixed way and change is rarely accepted or allowed to creep in which says a great deal about biases prevailing in media circles. James Chan in his article " ough on ats" traces the history of this type of stereotyping of Chinese-Americans and shows that most of the times, media presents Chinese…...



James Chan, "Rough on Rats" --Racism and Advertising in the Latter Half of the Nineteenth Century:


Marsha Ginsburg, Chronicle Staff Writer, Crisis Inflames Bias Against Asians, -- Ethnic stereotypes in broadcast, print media prompt protests, San Francisco Chronicle, Saturday, April 14, 2001

Candice Choi, Stereotypes about Chinese-Americans Remain Pervasive in U.S., Poll Finds, April 27, 2001,  http://www.kscitv.com/viewentry.asp?ID=188278&PT=HOTTOPICS

how to write a 2024 u\'s presidential election essay?
Words: 621

The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election: A Contemplation on Potential Outcomes


The 2024 U.S. presidential election is a highly anticipated event that will shape the political landscape of the United States for years to come. With the incumbent president term-limited, the race is wide open, and multiple potential candidates have already expressed their interest in running. In this essay, we will analyze the potential outcomes of the 2024 presidential election, considering the political climate, key issues, and possible candidates.

Political Climate

The 2024 election will take place against the backdrop of a highly polarized political climate. The country remains deeply divided along partisan lines,....

I\'m interested in debating social justice issues healthcare quality. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 456

## Essay Topic: Universal Healthcare: A Guarantee or a Burden?

Proponent's Viewpoint:

Universal healthcare ensures equal access to quality healthcare for all citizens, regardless of income or employment status.
It eliminates barriers to care, such as high deductibles, copays, and pre-existing condition exclusions.
By providing comprehensive coverage, universal healthcare reduces the financial and emotional burden of medical expenses on individuals and families.
It promotes preventive and early intervention services, leading to better health outcomes and reducing overall healthcare costs.

Opponent's Viewpoint:

Universal healthcare is unaffordable and would lead to higher taxes or cuts in other government programs.
It would create long wait....

Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on balzac and zola?
Words: 543

Balzac and Zola: Literary Mirrors of French Society

Honoré de Balzac and Émile Zola, towering figures in French literature, left an enduring mark on the literary and social landscape of 19th-century Europe. Both novelists were pivotal in the development of realism, a literary movement that aimed to depict life as it was, without idealization or artifice. This essay will delve into the complexities and thought-provoking ideas explored by Balzac and Zola in their works.

Balzac's Human Comedy: A Panoramic Tapestry of French Society

Balzac's monumental work, "The Human Comedy," is a vast literary panorama that spans the social hierarchy of France during the....

What recent developments have occurred in the area of voting rights legislation?
Words: 567

Recent Developments in Voting Rights Legislation

In the realm of voting rights, the recent years have witnessed significant legislative developments and ongoing debates. Here are some key developments:

1. John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (2021)

The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, introduced in 2021, aims to restore and strengthen the Voting Rights Act of 1965. It proposes to reinstate the "preclearance" requirement, which obligated certain states with a history of discrimination to obtain federal approval before implementing changes to their election laws. The bill has passed the House of Representatives but currently stalls in the Senate.

2. Voting Rights Act of 2021


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