They proceeded to rape her as she was passed out. To make matters worse, they photographed the sexual assault and posted it on Facebook. Eight days after this incident occurred, she committed suicide saying, "The whole school knows. My life is ruined." (alsh)
hat made the situation so troubling; is these videos went viral and everyone around her high school wanted to see them. hile the movie was not released at the time, this is illustrating how a rape culture exists in society. This is occurring through showing how women or girls want to be sexual objects based upon the way they look. At the same time, they cannot make smart decisions for themselves and need males to help them. To make matters worse, the male has to show off his conquests by letting everyone know about what happened. The rape of Audrie Potts is a classic example of how…...
mlaWorks Cited
Buchwald, Emilie. Transforming a Rape Culture. Minneapolis: Milkweed, 2005. Print.
Dargis, Manhola. "Spring Breakers." New York Times, 2013. Web. 30 Apr. 2013
No man has a right to sexually assault a woman based on her behavior and mode of dressing. Rapists select their victims based on vulnerability and accessibility of the victim. Studies show that rapists do not select victims based on their appearance, and attractiveness of the victim is never an issue to the rapist. Opportunity is the factor that determines when rapist will sexually assault the victim. Even when a woman's behavior may show clearly that she is interested in sex she, does not mean she needs to be raped. No person regardless of age, behavior or dressing deserves such a cruel act.
The myth that women enjoy forced sex is totally untrue. Rape is not and enjoyable activity nor is the act relaxing. During normal sex, women love to be in control but in rape, victim is never in control. All women like to be shown some love and…...
Rape Myths
How ssumptions can lead to False Belief, and the Importance of Truth
Rape is a serious issue in today's overtly sexualized society. Bare skin seems to be everywhere, no matter what the season: music, art, television shows, advertisements, etc. nd this sexualization happens in all areas of society, and contains all ethnicities and both genders. Nobody is spared, and though we are all exposed to the same images, we often assume certain things that are not true. s human being, we tend to do that a lot. It is, for this reason, very probable that this is how the rape myth came about. This paper will discuss what a rape myth is and describe the various kinds that exist, while at the same time pondering how knowing about this issue can change one's perceptions.
Rape myths are beliefs that diminish the violent nature of the rape act and undermine the harm…...
mlaA last myth in the long list is the men cannot be raped. Again, this is untrue, as many men are demeaned an humiliated through sexual abuse. Rape happens no matter the gender. [footnoteRef:1] [1: Paraphrasing of bullet points from the following two sources:"List of Rape Myths" (2011). University of Minnesota Duluth. Retrieved from, and "Sexual Assault" (2011). Roger Williams University. Retrieved from, ]
Knowing these myths is quite illuminating. I do not believe anyone could be really that ignorant to believe all these falsehoods. However, it is probable that many people believe some, such as the last one "men cannot be raped." Unfortunately, society is ignorant. Personally, this does not change my understanding of what rape is, for I knew all of these myths from previous studies, but I do hope that some who read this will think differently about rape. If I were to know nothing about rape, I would certainly believe that it is important to examine truth vs. opinion.
In any society, it is important to be aware of certain things that are harmful, and sexuality, so widespread in ours, can take a turn for the worse and be expressed through violence with the goal of manipulation and humiliation. It is important to be aware of how such beliefs interact in our society, and how we can change wrongful perceptions.
Counselors should consider a woman's reaction to rape within a socio-cultural context and remain sensitive to cultural differences in a survivor's access to services, as well as her feelings of safety in reporting crimes and how disclosures following rape may be received in her community (Hensley pp). Counselors should also be aware of a client's history of victimization, for there is a considerable body of research demonstrating that early sexual abuse and maltreatment are significant risk factors for rape as an adult, for example a rape in childhood or adolescence can lead to the experience of low self-worth and powerlessness, thus resulting in a greater risk of multiple victimization (Hensley pp).
Rapes are generally classified as stranger, acquaintance, date, partner, or marital rapes (Hensley pp). However, most women perceive their risk of being raped by a stranger as higher than by an acquaintance, date, or partner, yet there is much…...
mlaWorks Cited
Burke, Sloane. (1999 December 01). An Assessment of College Students'
Attitudes and Empathy Toward Rape. College Student Journal. Retrieved October 17, 2005 from HighBeam Research Library Web site.
Date rape - A hidden crime. (2000 July 5). M2 Presswire. Retrieved October 17
2005 from HighBeam Research Library Web site.
She argues that women must accept responsibility for what happens on a date and men must not always be blamed for the situation. She felt that vague definition of date rape was making more women feel like victims:
If we assume that women are not all helpless and naive, then they should be held responsible for their choice to drink or take drugs. If a woman's "judgment is impaired" and she has sex, it isn't necessarily always the man's fault; it isn't necessarily always rape" (28).
In this debate of who is to blame for such incidents, there appears to be little consensus. Some researchers feel that men must proceed cautiously on such occasions.
When I assume that because [a woman] doesn't say "no," she means "yes," I'm taking a tremendous risk. I would rather hear "no" than hear later that she thinks I raped her... Do we want to be men…...
Gibbs, Nancy. When is it rape? (Cover Story) Time; 6/3/1991;
Joseph Weinberg, quoted in Read, Katy. "Rape Counseling with a Difference." Times-Picayune. February 11, 1992.
Kanin, E.J. (1957). Male aggression in dating-courtship relations. American Journal of Sociology, 63, 197-204.
Korman S., & Leslie G. (1982). "The Relationship of Feminist Ideology and Expense Sharing to Perceptions of Sexual Aggression in Dating." Journal of Sex Research, 18:114-29.
Spring Breakers
The movie Spring Breakers starts off with images of bare breasts and butts jiggling on the beach with more focus being on the private parts of women. Even though the scene is of both males and females, the main focus is on females. According to Heather Long, this message being presented in this is that only females are letting loose and they are ultimately inviting men to take advantage of them. The author feels that this movie is depicting the desperation and loose character of females that give rise to rape culture. (Long) On the other hand, there are some who feel that this movie shows women in an entirely different perspective and thus condones Rape culture. (Peck) It is my personal opinion that Spring Breakers does not enforce Rape culture rather it goes on to show women in an extreme way.
There have always been arguments between those who…...
mlaWorks cited
Herman, Diane F. "The Rape Culture." Culture Contemporary, (1984): Print.
Klemmack, Susan H. And David L. Klemmack. "The Social Definition of Rape." Sexual Assault. By Walker, Marcia J. And Stanley L. Brodsky. 1st ed. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1976. 136. Print.
Long, Heather. "Spring Breakers isn't just a terrible movie, it reinforces rape culture." theguardian. 28th March. 2013. Web. 13th May 2013. [ ].
Peck, Jamie. "Spring Breakers Doesn't Reinforce Rape Culture." 2013. Web. 13 May 2013. .
. . cognitions," further research is needed to find out how an individual may utilize various parts of cognitive therapy in order to reach the goal of openness and flexibility (Sobel, 2009, 1). The paper will conclude with a suggestion that a valuable follow-up research project might be done, comparing repressed feelings which may lead to possible massive anger problems preceding self-destructive and negative behaviors.
Foa, Edna B. And Rothbaum, Olasov (2001) Treating the Trauma of Rape: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTSC. Guilford Press. 2001.
Frazier, Patricia A., Heather Mortensen, & Jason Steward. (2005). Coping strategies as mediators of the relations among perceived control and distress in sexual assault survivors. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52(3), 267-278. Retrieved July 3, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global.
Jaycox, Lisa H., Lori Zoellner, & Edna B. Foa. (2002). Cognitive-behavior therapy for PTSD in rape survivors. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58(8), 891-906.
oss, Mary P. Aurelio Jose Figueredo, &…...
mlaKoss, Mary P. Aurelio Jose Figueredo, & Ronald J. Prince. (2002). Cognitive mediation of rape's mental, physical, and social health impact: Tests of four models in cross-sectional data. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70(4), 926-941.
Rothbaum, Barbara Olasov & Ann C. Schwartz. (2002). Exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 56(1), 59-75.
Sobel, Ana A., Resick, Patricia A. And Rabalais, Aline E. (2009) The Effect of Cognitive Processing Therapy on Cognitions: Impact of Statement Coding. Journal of Traumatic Stress. Vol.22 Iss.3-28 May 2009.
Handmaid's Tale' creatively and chillingly hypothesizes about the rational result of a world in which draconian laws and convictions/beliefs about women and their bodies prevail. The women in the movie, have become completely subservient to men and to the needs of men. Even their bodies, have turned into playthings for men to use and abuse as they deem fit. In the 'The Handmaid's Tale', a handmaid cannot reject the advances of her "master." And in the sanctified act of sex the man did not need to consider the women's consent, pleasure, or comfort. No foreplay is needed, either… just orgasm or ejaculation (Muir). The Commander is hitched to a cold and bitter woman, who is ironically named as Serena Joy (Faye Dunaway).
Serena Joy longs to have children, not for the purposes of self-interest or personal satisfaction, but rather to "keep up with the Joneses." She states in the movie…...
Brownmiller, Susan. 1975. Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape. New York: Ballantine Books
Dietle, David. Alien: A Film Franchise-Based Entirely on Rape. 02 January 2011. 15 July 2015.
Gironda, Caterina. "Rethinking Rape: Moving Beyond the Social vs. Biological ." Zeteo Journal (n.d.): 1-12.
Grosz, Elizabeth. 2004. The Nick of Time: Politics, Evolution, and the Untimely. Durham, NC: Duke University Press
ape Myths in Print Journalism
The introduction of the article written by Franiuk, et al. (2008) is designed to show that the media feeds a culture of rape myths, making those myths more acceptable. The authors hypothesize that these myths are more prevalent in the male population as opposed to the female population, and that the myths would be less prevalent overall if they were not popularized by the media (Franiuk, et al., 2008).
Literature that was reviewed for this article addresses two issue -- the Kobe Bryant case specifically, and the idea of rape myths in media culture overall (Franiuk, et al., 2008). Both of these are important for the study, because the information the authors are seeking to collect is not just about the Kobe Bryant case. It is also about the way the media treats rape victims and how there is often a perpetuation of stories that are…...
Franiuk, R., Seefelt, J.L., Cepress, S.L., & Vandello, J.A. (2008). Prevalence and effects of rape myths in print journalism. The Kobe Bryant case. Violence Against Women, 14(3): 287-309.
The author of this article calls for mutual understanding rather than mutual distrust.
A tend to agree more with the second article, because it shows a more open-minded, modern view of the world as it should be. The first article is very negative towards the male gender, and very protective of the female. The author requires females to be strong, and yet seems to argue that women are weak and need to protect themselves by any means necessary. The second article is more realistic. It acknowledges the danger of being raped, but does not require that women "cloister themselves up." Instead, it is recommended that women and men find a common ground where both can be happy and meet each other's and their own emotional needs with honesty and true intimacy. This is a view that is much more in tune with the century in which we live, and therefore…...
More difficult to conceal were the mass shootings occurring throughout occupied ussia. The Nazis attempted to quiet the increasing reports of violence against the Jews by inviting the International ed Cross to visit Theresienstadt, a ghetto in Czechoslovakia. The delegation toured Theresienstadt observing stores, banks, cafes, and classrooms which had been hastily spruced-up for their benefit. They also witnessed a musical program put on by Jewish children. After the ed Cross departed, most of the ghetto inhabitants, including all of the children, were sent to be gassed and the model village was left to deteriorate.
A further contrast between the ape of Nanking and the Holocaust was the West's response to both events. In the United States, reports published in the New York Times, eader's Digest and Time Magazine were met with skepticism. The stories out of Nanking seemed almost too fantastic to be believed. For the most part Americans…...
Genocide Watch. "Case Study: The Jewish Holocaust" 1933-1945." Web. 16 May 2010. From:
Genocide Watch. "Case Study: the Nanking Massacre 1937-1938." Web. 16 May 2010. From:
The History Place: Genocide in the Twentieth Century. "The Nazi Holocaust 1938-1945, 6,000,000 Deaths." Web. 16 May 2010. From:
The History Place: Genocide in the Twentieth Century. "The Rape of Nanking 1937-1938-300,000 Deaths" Web. 16 May 2010. From:
ape as a Social Issue
The social problem is identified as rape, which is defined as forced sexual intercourse on a person without their consent or permission. ape might involve threat of force, physical force, or may occur against a person who cannot give consent. A person is considered incapable of giving valid consent if they are incapacitated, unconscious, or below the legally accepted age of consent. Sexual intercourse covered by rape is vaginal, anal, or oral. It might also involve the usage of an object or a body part. Many cases of rape are not reported because the victims fear social stigmatization. Before the 19th century, rape was a crime that would go unpunished. Men had the right to own other people's bodies, which allowed them to do as they pleased. Women and black people were discriminated upon, and they were used for the satisfaction of men's sexual urges. This…...
Baron, L., & Straus, M.A. (1989). Four theories of rape in American society: A state-level analysis. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Dartnall, E., & Jewkes, R. (2013). Sexual violence against women: the scope of the problem. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 27(1), 3-13.
Schewe, P., & O'Donohue, W. (1993). Rape prevention: Methodological problems and new directions. Clinical psychology review, 13(7), 667-682.
Rape is one of the most violent cimes pepetuated on women in society. The ape of a woman causes potective instincts to flae in even the most stoic men. Society deals with apist in the coutoom but many laymen find themselves asking, what type of man becomes a apist? Rape is foced sex, and it has long since been undestood that ape is a cime of powe and violence and has vey little to do with actual sex o gatification. One autho of moden liteatue addessed the apist himself and wote a book about thei methods, chaacte and pofile. Nicholas Goth who wote, Men Who Rape: The Psychology of the Offende povides the eade with an inside view of who among society's membes might become a apist and why. It is an insightful book that takes the eade on an exploatoy jouney though many facets of the apist and what…...
mlareferences and background. While it is weak in allowing there may be causes other than dominance the rest of the book is strong and complete. The book is an excellent resource for students and clinicians alike as it studies not only the why but the when of the sex offenders acts. The book will never become outdated because it discusses the human nature and the violent nature of the rapist. It does not depend on technology for its success. The make up of a rapist has been the same since the beginning of time. This book lays it out in readable fashion and puts the subject in a light that is easy to understand. The years of extensive research the author bring so the book provide the reader with a comfort level that he knows what he is discussing. It is a book that should grace the shelf of every clinician, advocate or worker.
Rape of the Lock
ay, why are Beauties prais'd and honour'd most, / The wise Man's Passion, and the vain Man's Toast?" Clarissa's speech in Canto Five of Alexander Pope's "The Rape of the Lock" touches on one of the main themes of the poem: vanity. For instance, she states, "How vain are all these Glories, all our Pains, / Unless good Sense preserve what Beauty gains." Clarissa notes that looks mean nothing without a keen mind, and that "Locks will turn to gray," but "good Humour," on the other hand, "can prevail." Because of Pope's clever use of poetic devises, Clarissa's speech also points to Pope's critique of high society's overall vanity and shallowness. Clarissa's moralizing therefore addresses universal human issues that Pope deftly examines throughout "The Rape of the Lock." Pope's compellingly rhythmic heroic couplets underscore the satirical bent of Clarissa's speech, through such elements as repetition, parallelism, homonym,…...
Rape Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust II Iris Chang.
The Rape of Nanking
The Rape of Nanking, according to Chinese-American author Iris Chang, is one of the forgotten atrocities committed during orld ar II. Chang was the child of parents who had survived the Cultural Revolution in China before immigrating to America and the siege of the Japanese Army during the 1930s was an important part of their cultural history (Chang 7-8). Chang was determined that the event would not be erased in the historical memory, and wrote her book as a response to what she saw as a lack of interest and ignorance regarding the events.
Chang divides the book into three parts. The first part describes the massacre from Japanese, Chinese, and estern perspectives. The second part chronicles the immediate aftermath and the third explains the long-term consequences of the massacre, including why it was forgotten for so long. This forgetting…...
mlaWorks Cited
Chang, Iris. The Rape of Nanking. New York: Basic Books, 2012.
Homeless affects a community in a number of ways, including social, economic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Socially, there is a stigma associated with homelessness that implies the person is mentally ill, a drug addict, or an alcoholic. While a number of the homeless population do fall into one of these categories, there are other reasons for homelessness. It is also hard on the economy, because these people don't contribute financially to society. There is a cost to feeding them and allowing them shelter, and that cost can be a lot for a community to handle. Homeless people struggle in interpersonal and....
In August Wilson’s Fences, the author explores several themes as they relate to the central themes of race, fatherhood, and manhood in the United States. One of the themes that he tackles is the concept of fate, though the approach is less about life being preordained as it is an examination of how history, social circumstances, and upbringing can combine to make some events appear preordained or fated rather than the intervention of some type of divine or supernatural fate. This contextual analysis of manhood in a political situation that seems designed to challenge it was explored by
The first thing you need to do when writing an argumentative essay is research your topic. For a topic like sexual assault, we would suggest using a resource like RAINN, a nationwide resource with sexual assault data and information for sexual assault survivors. For an argumentative essay about sexual assault, you may also want to read some resources that argue against criminalization of sexual assault. Those resources can be more difficult to locate, as they are likely to lead you to sketchier areas of research. However, the scholar Michel Foucault was a critic of modern rape laws,....
Sexual assault is a serious problem, but has not always been treated as such by the legal community. In fact, throughout much of history, rape and other forms of sexual assault were not really treated like crimes. Once they were criminalized, they were treated much more like property times than crimes against the person. What makes this more difficult to understand is that they were not even treated like property crimes committed against the victim, but against a male in the victim’s life, such as a father or husband. Sexual assault victims were often legally....
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