Rainforest Essays (Examples)

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Issues With Deforestation of Amazon Rainforest in Brazil
Pages: 3 Words: 1139

Amazon Rainforest in Brazil is under attack from a variety of sources. The Rainforests are not only integral to the Brazilian economy, but to the world as well. The Rainforest provides a rich source of natural and generative resources to the country as well as serve as one of the largest natural carbon deposits, or carbon sinks, on the planet. The country is home to nearly half of Earth's rainforests, gobbling up 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide every year -- a third of the United States' 2010 greenhouse gas output (Editorial Board, 2012). There are three primary themes that emerge in this trend.
The first is that deforestation is threatening the vitality of the Earth's regenerative systems through soil degradation as well as the loss of carbon sinks. Another theme is that the use of the forest is not being used to its economic potential. Environmental issues aside, burning forest…...


Works Cited

Associated Free Press. (2012, October 18). Brazil president makes final changes to forestry law. Retrieved from PHYS Org:  http://phys.org/news/2012-10-brazil-forestry-law.html 

Aziakou, G. (2012, November 2). New three-fingered frog discovered in southern Brazil. Retrieved from Assoicated Free Press: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hkAdC2pyvikFz70ZM7KPUbwEQ2Ow?docId=CNG.93a864be8af20b7dc07b6ebdcc4670e1.4e1

Aziakou, G. (2012, November 8). Reserve is haven for study of Brazil's Atlantic rainforest. Retrieved from My sinchew:  http://www.mysinchew.com/node/79607 

Barrionuevo, A. (2008, May 25). Brazil Rainforest Analysis Sets Off Political Debate . Retrieved from The New York Times:  http://www.agriculturedefensecoalition.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/37F_2008_Tree_Declines_NYTimes_May_25_2008_Brazil_Rainforest_Deforestation.pdf

NGO Alliance Chiquita -- Rainforest Alliance Tie-Up
Pages: 5 Words: 1478

NGO Alliance
Chiquita -- Rainforest Alliance Tie-Up

The Role of NGOs in Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility

The Role of NGOs in Environmental Protection

In complementing the efforts of the public and public health sectors towards providing more adequate and responsive healthcare services to poor people, non-governmental organizations or NGOs have come up with their brand of involvement and solution to problems (Chitra, 2003). Their objectives are to describe and discuss the common characteristics of functioning health systems in a given socio-economic, socio-cultural, political and ecological setting; highlight and delineate the crucial factors for reforms and manage an provide efficient health care services in the community; and act as catalyst for local and community participation in the overall improvement in the quality of life. Their civil and environmental objective is to develop civil and environmental consciousness among the public. The institutions currently involved in NGO environmental activities include the Environmental Training Institute, the Tata Research…...



Bendell, J. (2012). Chiquita. A Global Guide. IISD: International Institute for Sustainable

Development. Retrieved on June 17, 2012 from  http://www.iisd.org/business/viewcasestudy.aspx?=109 

Chiquita (2008). Our company. Our communities. Our planet. 2008 Corporate Social

Responsibility Report. Chiquita Brands International, Inc. Retrieved on June 17,

Saving the Rainforests Tropical Rainforests
Pages: 5 Words: 1490

Often, when rainforests are clear-cut, the land is used for cattle grazing. The cattle are then sold to developed countries for meat consumption since most individuals in developing countries cannot afford to buy meat. In both scenarios, it is the developed countries that create the consumer demands that cause rainforest destruction.
The rainforests are very important to the world for a variety of reasons (Kristula, 1997). One major reason is that the plants in the forest change carbon dioxide into clean air, which fights pollution. In addition, by absorbing carbon dioxide, the rainforests help deter the greenhouse effect. The trees of the rainforest store carbon dioxide in their roots, stems, branches, and leaves.

The plants and animals of the rainforest also provide human beings with food, fuel wood, shelter, jobs, and medicines (Kristula, 1997). "Image losing the potential cure for cancer or AIDS that might have been found in an undiscovered…...



National Association of Forest Industries, the. (1996). The world's rainforests. Forests Today. Retrieved from the Internet at http://www.nafi.com.au/faq/rainforests.html.

Tropical Rainforest Coalition. (1996). Adopt-an-acre. The Tropical Rainforest Coalition.

Retrieved from the Internet at http://www.rainforest.org/acre/adoptanacre.html.

Highland Park Elementary School. (1995). Rainforest Destruction. Retrieved from the Internet at http://www.hipark.austin.isd.tenet.edu/projects/fourth/rainforests/environment.html.

Carbon Trading The Writer Examines
Pages: 16 Words: 4229

But the supply far outstrips demand, Europeans are finding. The climate of this marketplace itself is decidedly cloudy. Advance prices have plunged by half.

At this point, one shouldn't portray it as a liquid, vibrant market," said Atle C. Christiansen of PointCarbon, a Norway-based research firm (Climate, 2004).

More than six years after governments negotiated the historic climate accord in Kyoto, Japan, the world is taking only halting steps _ not always forward, never in unison _ to follow through (Climate, 2004).

In fact, the Kyoto treaty itself is not yet in force, since it hasn't been ratified, as required, by industrial countries emitting a total of 55% of "greenhouse gases," such as carbon dioxide, that trap heat in the atmosphere that Earth otherwise would give off.

ussia's expected accession later this year would clear the 55% hurdle. But even a functioning Kyoto agreement would have little impact: Its limited reductions would barely slow…...



Amazon rainforest destruction at 10-year high

By Raymond Colitt in Sao Paulo (accessed 5-19-05)

Published: May 20, 2005 03:00 | Last updated: May 20, 2005 03:00

  rainforest (accessed 5-19-05)http://news.ft.com/cms/s/4ea07b74-c8cd-11d9-87c9-00000e2511c8.html 

UNESCO This Talks About the
Pages: 6 Words: 1830

A few of the most notable include: the vast disparities between rich / poor in the region, mining, logging and developing tourism. These various elements are important, because they are highlighting the underlying problems that will more than likely face the reserve in the future. Where, these interests will try to gain even more amounts of influence, despite the fact that the park is a protected through a host of different regulations. Some the recent regulations / actions that have been taken are: it has been included as a national park, the Projected Area Management Code has been adopted and there is a National Action Plan (to guide the future use of the park). At the same time, various efforts have been introduced to address the underlying challenges facing the park in the future to include: the expansion of the borders of the preserve, increased levels of staffing /…...



Rainforests of Atsinanana. (2009). African Cultural Heritage. Retrieved from: http://www.africannaturalheritage.org/Rainforests-of-the-Atsinanana-Madagascar.html

Rainforests of Atsinanana. (2006). Marojey. Retrieved from:  http://www.marojejy.com/Pdf/UNESCO%20World%20Heritage%20Madagascar.pdf 

Rainforests of Atsinanana. (2011). UNESCO. Retrieved from:  http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1257 

Rainforests of Atsinanana of Madagascar. (2010). United Nations Environment Program. Retrieved from:  http://www.unep-wcmc.org/sites/wh/pdf/ATSINANANA.pdf

Poisoning Our Planet if it
Pages: 20 Words: 8834

From the point-of-view of the variation and flexibility of the species such cultivated woody crops rank as no more than cornfields. While the tree farms are conveniently be stretched on the private lands, national forests those are considered priceless reservoirs of most of the biological diversity of the nation cannot expand so easily. The commercial logging is considered as the greatest danger for survival of the national forest system. The timber sales are growingly concealed beneath the post fire recovery and fire prevention missions, forest health initiatives and restoration programs. (Endangered Forests: Endangered Freedoms)
Wetlands disappearing

Declining wetlands and reservoir construction are having spectacular influences on a global scale. (the Importance of Wetlands and the Impacts of eservoir Development) the data of USF & WS reveals that the United States added 2.3 million acres in ponds and inland mudflats during the period of mid 1950s and mid1970s. The country added about…...



Acid Rain -- a Contemporary World Problem. Retrieved at Accessed on 3 February, 2005http://www.geocities.com/narilily/acidrain.html.

Acid Rain: Do you need to start wearing a rain hat? Retrieved at   Accessed on 3 February, 2005http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/acidrain.html .

Barney, Gerald O. The Whole World in Our Hands. SF Chronicle. 31 December, 2000. Retrieved at Accessed on 3 February, 2005http://www.mindfully.org/Sustainability/in-Our-Hands.htm.

Bryant, Peter J. Biodiversity and Conservation: A Hypertext Book. Retrieved at Accessed on 3 February, 2005http://darwin.bio.uci.edu/~sustain/bio65/lec05/b65lec05.htm.

Globalization on Madagascar Just as
Pages: 6 Words: 1577

The current construction of World-Systems analysis holds that core countries, including America, Europe's thriving economies, and developed nations in Africa and Asia, derive enormous economic and political power from "the axial division of labor of a capitalist world-economy (that) divides production into core-like products and peripheral products" (Wallerstein 28). Madagascar's relative abundance of untapped natural resources, in the form of massive "old-growth" tropical rainforests, and deposits of minerals like chromite and titanium ore which are now used in the construction of cellular telephones and laptop computing devices, represent peripheral products that can be exploited for the ongoing manufacture and distribution of the core products driving the engine of globalized commerce.

Periphery Countries





Core Countries

(America, China, India)


Babones, Salvatore J., and Maria Jose Alvarez-ivadulla. "Standardized Income Inequality Data for Use in Cross-National esearch." Sociological Inquiry 77.1 (2007): 3-22.

Chase-Dunn, Christopher, Yukio Kawano, and Benjamin D. Brewer. "Trade globalization since 1795: Waves of integration in…...



Babones, Salvatore J., and Maria Jose Alvarez-Rivadulla. "Standardized Income Inequality Data for Use in Cross-National Research." Sociological Inquiry 77.1 (2007): 3-22.

Chase-Dunn, Christopher, Yukio Kawano, and Benjamin D. Brewer. "Trade globalization since 1795: Waves of integration in the world-system." American Sociological Review (2000): 77-95.

Duiker, William J. Contemporary World History. Wadsworth Publishing Company, 2009.

Friedman, Thomas L. The world is flat [updated and expanded]: A brief history of the twenty- first century. Farrar Straus & Giroux, 2006.

Logging and Slash and Burn
Pages: 2 Words: 512

I would also like to know the suggested length of the canopy trees and the measurements of this 'partial shade'. (a third variable that I would like to know is what type of cacao they experimented with since there are different kinds).
These three aspects are important for the following reasons:

. The researchers may have studied only 2 rainforests in which case their research is insignificant. The rainforests may have had conditions that may have supported the researcher's conclusions -- we need a diversity of rainforests that contain different conditions in order to more reliably test hypothesis. The researchers may have conducted their research in an ad hoc manner or with certain shortfalls that would invalidate their conclusions. A scientific study needs to be both reliable and valid (in both external and internal way) to be accepted. Certain conditions for both elements need to be addressed. I would like to…...


1. The researchers may have studied only 2 rainforests in which case their research is insignificant. The rainforests may have had conditions that may have supported the researcher's conclusions -- we need a diversity of rainforests that contain different conditions in order to more reliably test hypothesis. The researchers may have conducted their research in an ad hoc manner or with certain shortfalls that would invalidate their conclusions. A scientific study needs to be both reliable and valid (in both external and internal way) to be accepted. Certain conditions for both elements need to be addressed. I would like to know whether researchers met these in order to know whether to accept study  http://news.mongabay.com/2007/0305-sulawesi.html#DR35bKAtoweXgSRq.99 

2. The height of the trees as well as diameter of shade is important in order to recreate study

3. Cacao comes in various types. I would like to know whether researchers experimented with just one kind or several in order to know whether to generalize to cacao as a whole.

American West and Brazil the
Pages: 10 Words: 2900

The relationship they had with one another included a fair division of land, and a good balance of trade. Unfortunately, after the settlers learned what they needed from the Native Americans and took what they could from them, they no longer had any use for the proud people whose land they had invaded.
The relationship between the settlers and the Native Americans began to change as settlers learned to do things for themselves, grow their own crops and breed their own animals for food. With the settlers being able to survive on their own, there was no longer any need for the Native Americans to help. The population of settlers was also growing, and new villages were being built on land that used to belong to the Native Americans.

The settlers kept expanding the areas that belonged to them, and this made the areas belonging to the Native Americans smaller and…...



An Outline of American History. 2002. From Revolution to Reconstruction. http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/H/1954uk/chap4.htm.

This Web site gives a timeline and outline of many of the things that took place throughout the history of the United States and ensures that individuals who are studying history are aware of the good and the bad that occurred.

Foreigners in our own country: Indigenous peoples in Brazil. 2005. Amnesty International. http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGAMR190022005.

Brazilians are struggling today because they are still losing land to foreign development. Because of that they are being forced to move into smaller and smaller areas and their resources are diminishing.

Landforms Barrier Island Beaches Generally Develop Where
Pages: 7 Words: 2371

Barrier island beaches generally develop where:

a The coast is composed of hard rock b the nearby land has a rugged topography of hills and mountains c the sea floor deepens rapidly offshore d The sea floor remains shallow for a long distance offshore

During storms in winter:

a There is a higher percentage of fine-grained sand on beaches

b More erosion occurs in bays than on headlands

c Beaches are eroded d Beaches are built up e Offshore sand bars are destroyed

Along the Midocean ridge

a earthquakes occur b sea floor spreading occurs c volcanism occurs d all the above occur

Where would you find examples of barrier island coasts?

a Oregon

b California

c British Columbia and Alaska

d Texas and the Gulf Coast

e Hawaii

Which of the following boundaries characterize the San Andreas Fault?

a Spreading

b Convergent

c Transform

d None of the above

Construction of dams upstream on rivers may lead to:

a Narrower beaches b Wider beaches c The filling in of…...

Market Communication
Pages: 10 Words: 3209

market communication plan for Divine Chocolate that produces chocolates for a noble cause of supporting the cocoa farmers of Ghana and promoting Fair Trade. The paper consists of an analysis of its business environment as well as a set of recommended strategies which it can use to beat the competition and effectively communicate its marketing messages to the most potential target customers.
Divine Chocolate is one of the leading Fair Trade chocolate manufacturers in the United Kingdom and United States. In addition to producing the best quality chocolates, Divine Chocolate also aims to promote fair trade in the Global community. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the current business and marketing strategies of Divine Chocolate and proposes a market communication plan which can help it better understand its target market, effectively run its advertising and promotional campaigns, and beat the competitor brands which are supported by numerous unknown credential…...



Batra, R., Myers, J.G., & Aaker, D.A. 2009, Advertising Management, 5th Edition. New Delhi: Pearson.

Batsell, J. 2004, Bumper crop of coffee labels, Available at [Accessed March 7th, 2013]

Brassington, F. & Pettitt, S. 2006, Principles of Marketing, 4th Edition. Harlow: Prentice-Hall.

Blythe, J., & Megicks, P. 2010, Marketing Planning: Strategy, Environment and Context, 3rd Edition. U.K: Prentice Hall

Saving the Brazilian Amazon Through
Pages: 4 Words: 1384

The women sustainably harvest items from the forest, and how produce essential oils, lotions, and soaps from the ingredients they harvest. Because they only harvest ingredients instead of using the entire plant, the forest lives on, while they still are earning an income from the sales of their products.
Many experts have ideas about how to improve on sustainable development in the region. Another expert says, "For instance, improving the monitoring of species loss reduces ignorance about the ecological system and may lead to patents for medicinal plants. The latter enables synergies that integrate indigenous knowledge into management/conservation" (eyer). Convincing companies to invest in these types of development have often fallen on deaf ears because of costs. Many very large global corporations have large operations in the rainforest, such as Mitsubishi and Georgia Pacific, and because the government essentially gives them free reign with little regulation, they exploit the rainforest…...



Butler, Rhett a. "Deforestation in the Amazon." Mongabay.com. 2009. 19 March 2010.


Editors. "Rainforest Facts." Raintree Nutrition. 2010. 19 March 2010.


How to Stop Deforestation in the Amazon
Pages: 7 Words: 1968

Deforestation in the AmazonOutlineI. The problema. Amazon is one of the world\\\'s most important ecosystems, home to an estimated 10% of the world\\\'s biodiversity. However, the Amazon is under threat from deforestationb. This problem impacts the Amazon indigenous people but also all people.c. The loss of trees has a number of impacts on the Amazon ecosystem. It increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, contributing to climate change, which impacts everyone.d. The root causes of deforestation are agriculture, ranching, urbanization, and logging.e. Secondary and tertiary problems are flooding and wildfires.II. Themes in Geography, Climate, Etc.a. Deforestation affects earths climate regulation.b. Trees absorb carbon dioxidebut cant if cut down.c. Trees also play an important role in the heat flow process, as well as the daily and annual cycles of air temperature.III. Organizational Assessmenta. Two organizations working to mitigate this issue are the ainforest Alliance and the World Wildlife Fund.b.…...


ReferencesAlves de Oliveira, B. F., Bottino, M. J., Nobre, P., & Nobre, C. A. (2021). Deforestation and climate change are projected to increase heat stress risk in the Brazilian Amazon. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), 1-8.Dos Reis, M., de Alencastro Graça, P. M. L., Yanai, A. M., Ramos, C. J. P., & Fearnside, P. M. (2021). Forest fires and deforestation in the central Amazon: Effects of landscape and climate on spatial and temporal dynamics. Journal of Environmental Management, 288, 112310.Gagliardi, J., Oliveira, T., Magalhães, S., & Falcão, H. (2021). 10 “The Amazon is ours”. Climate Change and Journalism: Negotiating Rifts of Time.Müller, C. (2020). Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest: Deforestation, biodiversity and cooperation with the EU and international forums.Ritchie, H. & Roser, M. (2022). Deforestation and forest loss. Retrieved from  https://ourworldindata.org/deforestation

Saving the Brazilian Amazon Over
Pages: 10 Words: 3602

Over last five years, the government has begun to change focus in regards to its policies towards the Amazon. Where, it has designated a number of different areas as protected national parks. Currently, there are nearly 201 million hectares that are protected from development. Then, in 2006, a law was passed creating an agency to manage the forests and protect them. With the law stating, that all protected forests should remain public land and that these areas should maintain their forest cover. This is significant because it would reduce the total amounts of destruction that was occurring. A good example of this can be seen by looking no further than the State Acre. Where, deforestation decreased by over 50% since 1998. The main reason for the drop was: the enforcement of the new laws by razilian official and increased funding for social development in the area. According to the state's…...



"Amazon Deforestation Rate has Tripled." Fox News. 29 September 2008. Web. 6 Apr. 2010.  http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,430401,00.html 

"Land Use and Rural Development in the Brazilian Amazon." Wilson Center. 24 Feb. 2010. Web. 6 Apr. 2010.

Cochrane, Mark. "Priority Areas for Establishing National Forrest in the Brazilian Amazon." Conservation Ecology. 6 (41) (2002).4. Print.

Hallowell, Christopher, and Walter Levy. Listening to Earth. Longman, 2004. 210-211. Print.

Forest Cutting Ethical and Practical
Pages: 3 Words: 871

The United States was also very much economically dependent on the old-growth conifer forests of the Pacific Northwest during the period of heavy deforestation that occurred there. This dependence was not as total as Brazil's is, due to the sheer size of the country and abundance of other resources in the nation, but during the development of the nineteenth century especially the lumber that the old -- growth forests provided -- as well as the land that was used for farming once the trees had been cleared -- were vital elements of the continuing expansion of the nation (Foster 1991). Brazil is experiencing its own era of rapid economic expansion in the current era, and limiting its deforestation would limit this growth potential.

In this light, it becomes difficult to see how the United States or anyone living there can simply ask Brazil to stop the massive deforestation of its rainforests…...



Butler, R. (2008). "Deforestation in the Amazon." WSPA. Accessed 21 July 2010.  http://www.mongabay.com/brazil.html 

Foster, J. (1991). "Capitalism and the ancient forest - battle over old growth forest in the Pacific Northwest." CBS MoneyWatch. Accessed 21 July 2010.  http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1132/is_n5_v43/ai_11489365/

What are 3 subtopics for the topic endangered species?
Words: 431

An endangered species is a species that is on the brink of extinction.  Species can be endangered in two ways.  First, its habitat could be threatened in a way that makes extinction likely if no change is taken.  Second, the species could have experienced a significant decline in population that is likely to lead to extinction. In the United States, determination of whether a species is endangered is made by either the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service, but designations vary from country-to-country.  Internationally, the International Union for Conservation of Nature makes....

Need Title for the causes and effect essay about deforestation?
Words: 247

Deforestation is a major issue with a global impact, but calls to end deforestation are going to remain unsuccessful unless people really understand the causes and effects of the process.  The economic depression in areas that are vulnerable to deforestation may leave them with few alternatives, and the ecological devastation that results from deforestation only perpetuates the economic vulnerability.  Here are some of our suggested titles for an essay about the causes and effects of deforestation:

Deforestation Essay Titles

  1. Worlds that Will Never Be Known: The Impossibility of Predicting the True Effect of Deforestation
  2. Indigenous People, Colonialism, and....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to plants?
Words: 611

1. The Role of Plants in the Earth's Ecosystem

Discuss the significance of plants in producing oxygen through photosynthesis and absorbing carbon dioxide, thus maintaining the balance of atmospheric gases.
Explore the role of plants in nutrient cycling, soil conservation, and providing habitat and food for wildlife.
Analyze the impact of human activities, such as deforestation and pollution, on plant communities and ecosystem health.

2. Plant Adaptations to Diverse Environments

Describe the various adaptations that plants have evolved to survive in different habitats, including deserts, rainforests, and aquatic environments.
Discuss how plant structures, such as leaf morphology, root systems, and reproductive....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about what makes Brazil a potential bucket list item?
Words: 470

I. Introduction
A. Briefly introduce Brazil as a potential bucket list destination
B. Highlight the diverse attractions and experiences that make Brazil unique

II. Natural Beauty
A. Discuss Brazil's stunning landscapes, including the Amazon Rainforest and Iguazu Falls
B. Highlight the country's beautiful beaches, such as Copacabana and Ipanema in Rio de Janeiro

III. Cultural Richness
A. Explore Brazil's vibrant music and dance scene, such as samba and bossa nova
B. Discuss the country's rich history and diverse cultural influences, including indigenous, African, and European heritage

IV. Adventure Opportunities
A. Highlight Brazil's outdoor adventures, such as hiking in the Pantanal wetlands or surfing....

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