Radiology Essays (Examples)

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Radiology Is at the Heart
Pages: 3 Words: 902

Once the image is procured, the radiologist sets the diagnostic. In addition, a surgical technologist assists radiographers in conducting inter-operative imaging. Finally, a radiology nurse would help provide patient care during radiological investigations or procedures by using their skills to identify and meet a patient's individual needs.
In my view, a professional medical team member is essentially empathetic. Given that the healthcare sector is the only working space that concerns itself exclusively with human well-being, it is of paramount importance that all medical staff be receptive to each patient's individual needs. Failing that, the risk of malpractice increases and, most notably, serious harm can come to a human being who was there to seek help in the first place. Therefore, acting on the Hippocratic Oath means more than doing your own part of the job right; it means that a proper level of interaction with the patient, his/her family and…...



Queensland Health. (2010). Radiographer: A career in health. State of Queensland. [Online] Available:   [2013, July 21]. 

The Society of Radiographers. (No date). Radiography Careers. [Online] Available:   [2013, July 21]. 

Radiology and Cyberspace the Creation of 'Cyberspace '
Pages: 9 Words: 3041

Radiology and Cyberspace
The creation of 'cyberspace,' or the sharing of information through email, on the Internet and on websites, has had a profound impact on nearly every field of human endeavor. Medical science, and particularly Radiology, has been particularly affected and enhanced by new technology. Radiology, by its very nature, has always been a leader in the use of emerging technology in the medical field. Now, new technology developed during the growth and expansion of the Internet is giving Radiology the opportunity to expand as never before.

What is Radiology

Radiology is the branch of medical science devoted to the use of a variety of energy sources in the diagnosis and treatment of disease, including x-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance, and nuclear energy. Diagnostic imaging allows practitioners to create images of internal body structures, including bones, tissues and organs. This usually necessitates a balance between using the correct amount of energy needed to…...



American Heart Association. "New Use for Imaging Test May Spot Heart Disease at Earliest Stages" Dec. 2000. 

Andrew, E.R. "Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Historical Overview" Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Imaging. J Wiley, 1995.

Caufield, C. Multiple Exposures: Chronicles of the Radiation Age. Secker & Warburg, 1989.

Eisenberg, Ronald and Marcene Lee Powell. Radiology: An Illustrated History. Mosby-Year Book, 1992.

Radiology and Ethics
Pages: 4 Words: 1264

adiology and Ethics
In the contemporary world of today, radiologists face a number of ethical challenges that are rather different as compared to the issues faced by other physicians in the healthcare field. This is due to the fact that the interaction between the physicians and patients is not like one that is in other fields. The issues that radiologists are challenged with on a daily basis include speeding up of imaging studies for patients, specialty care gate-keeping, wait lists, queue jumping and corresponding the individual and societal needs. Thus, it is required of every radiologist to persistently stabilize and re-examine the ethical and legal responsibilities that lies on his/her shoulders towards the patients in particular and society in general (Cunningham, eid, MacSwain & Clarke 170).

Ethical Issues in adiology

The radiologists have remarkable responsibilities towards their patients and it is their duty to do everything that can be done for making sure…...



Cunningham, N., Reid, L., MacSwain, S. & Clarke, J.R. "Ethics in Radiology: Wait Lists Queue Jumping." Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 64 (2013): 170-175. Print.

Fey, T.S. "Regulating Radiology: Ethical Issues in Mammography and Federal Legislation." Journal of Women's Health & Gender-Based Medicine 09.10 (2000): 1113-1118. Print.

Sohoni, C.A. "Medical Negligence: A Difficult Challenge for Radiology." Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging 23.01 (2013): 110-112. Print.

Radiology the Diagnosis of Disease
Pages: 8 Words: 2401

He proposed this technique as the solution to the problem of why some people do better than others in certain tasks, He likewise suggested cataloguing the differences in the size of the functional areas among individuals and correlating these with different talents and skills (Krotz 2001). Van Essen believed that his technique would ultimately lead to what makes people human or unique. rain mapping charts and determines specific areas, such as areas devoted to hearing, emotions and memory.

Dr. Joy Hirsch of the neuroscience department of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center discovered that functional areas are not areas but intricate networks (Krotz 2001). Her findings and projections point to systems of remotely connected brain areas as fundamental units that govern cognition. She also concluded that this assumption would be the guiding principle in research a few years from now. Dr. Hirsch maintains a lab at the O'Hare Airport, which turns out approximately…...



Business Marketing Strategies, Inc. (2004). Consumer-centered healthcare. Brain Matters, Inc.

Corante. (2004). Brain imaging. 

Haverbush, Thomas J. (2003). Understanding diagnostic imaging. Online Orthopaedics. 

Krotz, Dan. (2001). 2010: a brain odyssey. CMP Media, Inc., special edition: United Business Media Company.

Radiology Reducing Patient Exposure and
Pages: 11 Words: 4563

Under conventional radiology, excessive exposure outputs a "black" film. In case of digital systems, good images are got from a large range of doses. With the help of digital fluoroscopy systems, it is extremely simple to get as well as delete images. There might be an inclination to get more images than what is required. In case of digital radiology, higher patient dosage implies improved image quality and therefore a propensity to apply higher patient doses than is actually needed. Different medical imaging works need different intensities of image quality and due to that doses that have no extra benefit for clinical purpose are avoided.
The quality of image can be affected through lack of correct levels of data compression and also post processing techniques and all these new challenges must be part of the optimization process and covered in the clinical and technical protocols. Local diagnostic reference levels must…...



Bouzarjomehri, F. (2003, Dec) "Reduction of unwarranted Patient Exposure in X-ray examinations" Iran Journal of Radiology, pp: 121-124. Retrieved 8 July, 2007 at

Fortunati, Leopoldina; Katz, James. E. (2003) "Mediating the Human Body: Technology,

Communication, and Fashion" Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Funama, Yoshinori; Awai, Kazuo; Umezu, Yoshiyuki, et. al. (2005, Mar) "Digital Cine

Radiology Careers Modern Medicine Is
Pages: 3 Words: 770

Others focus more on diagnostics rather than on direct medical treatment.
In that regard, breast imaging involves diagnosing diseases of the breast through mammography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and tissue biopsies. Cardiovascular radiology is the radiology specialty that uses X-rays, computer axial tomography (CAT scans), MRIs, and ultrasound to diagnose problems with the heart and circulatory system. Chest radiology employs many of the same technologies and tools to diagnose and treat medical conditions of the heart and lungs. Other radiology specialty practice areas include: gastrointestinal radiology, emergency radiology, head and neck radiology, musculoskeletal radiology, and reproductive radiology. Finally, radiology specialties can also intersect directly with other specialty areas of interest such as neurological, pediatric, and geriatric radiology.

The Associate of Applied Science in Radiologic Technology Degree

I am currently enrolled in the academic program that leads to certification as a radiological technologist. It is a two-year course of academic study that…...

Radiology Data and Natural Language Processing
Pages: 14 Words: 5291

Harnessing Unstructured Data in Radiology
The harnessing of unstructured data is vital to moving the field of radiology forward. There are methods used for the mining of unstructured data, with one of the most common being Natural Language Processing (NLP). However, there are some difficulties with the use of NLP in the radiology field, because NLP lacks the capacity to analyze free-text radiology reports and images. There is too much uncertainty to be addressed with NLP, but there may be ways in which it can be useful. In order to make that determination, this paper examines the current usage of NLP and other methods such as RadLex and Annotation and Image Markup for unstructured data mining in the radiology field, as well as the desired and sought out use of the mining of unstructured data. oth clinical decision support and research analysis could benefit from unstructured data mining in the field…...



Huang, Y., & Lowe, H.J. (2007) A novel hybrid approach to automated negation detection in clinical radiology reports. Journal of the American Medical Information Association, 14: 304 -- 311.

McLoughlin, R.F., So, C.B., & Gray, R.R., et al. (1995). Radiology reports: How much descriptive detail is enough? AJR. American Journal of Roentgenology, 165: 803 -- 806.

Mendonca, E.A., Haas, J., Shagina, L., Larson, E., & Friedman, C. (2005). Extracting information on pneumonia in infants using natural language processing of radiology reports. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 38: 314 -- 321.

Reiner, B.I., Siegel, E.L., & Knight, N., (2007). Radiology reporting: Past, present, and future: The radiologist perspective. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 5: 313 -- 319.

Radiology Program for Several Reasons Firstly I
Pages: 2 Words: 812

radiology program for several reasons. Firstly, I believe I have the aptitude to complete the course. Secondly, I believe I have the skills and personal qualities that will allow me to succeed both in the course and in a career as a radiologist. Finally, I have a genuine interest in working as a radiologist, and am sure that this course and this career is the right choice for me. I believe these reasons combine to show that I have the aptitude, the attitude and the enthusiasm required to complete the course and continue on to a successful and rewarding career.
Firstly, I believe I have the ability necessary to complete the course. I have always had an aptitude for science. I studied anatomy, biology and chemistry in high school and particularly enjoyed these courses. These subjects are part of the radiology course and I am sure I will again enjoy…...

Radiology Past Present and Future
Pages: 3 Words: 1025

Future of adiology and X-ay Technologists
By tracing the historical development of radiography as a distinct field of diagnostic treatment, along with the evolving role of X-ray technologists in the delivery of quality health care within the public hospital/private practice model, it is possible to identify the attributes of this field that make it a foundational science within the practice of modern medicine. The ever-expanding ranks of X-ray technologists now serve a variety of essential functions within the health care delivery system, assisting in the cutting edge diagnostic assessment process that has improved patient acuity rates so drastically since the discovery of X-rays in the late 19th century. This paper will trace the development of radiography, radiology, and X-ray technologists within the medicinal realm, including a review of the field's past, present and future and the implications of this science for the further improvement of positive patient outcomes through preventative…...



Fouras, A., Kitchen, M.J., Dubsky, S., Lewis, R.A., Hooper, S.B., & Hourigan, K. (2009). The

past, present, and future of x-ray technology for in vivo imaging of function and form. Journal of Applied Physics, 105(10), 102009-102009.

Knechtges, P.M., & Carlos, R.C. (2007). The evolving role of radiologists within the health care system. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 4(9), 626-635.

Nicolas, D., & Fernando, P.M. (1996). Analysis of the use of radiology in primary health care. Atencion primaria/Sociedad Espanola de Medicina de Familia y

The Two Fields of Radiology and Anesthesiology
Pages: 4 Words: 1287

This involves knowledge of a wide range of medical subjects including equipment, diagnosis techniques and a number of different bodily systems.
I am also drawn to radiology because of the many areas to work with sophisticated technologies and techniques. There is an appeal to being at the cutting edge of medicine, and working in a field noted for its rapid pace of change.

Moreover, because radiologists consult on many different situations, the exposure to a wide range of subspecialties gives me the chance to learn more than if I chose another discipline. To be able to study a field that allows me to deal with diverse issues like oncology, endovascular and more in a single day is an attraction.

A expect a radiology training program to incorporate intensive study of the equipment used. The field is rich with diverse subspecialties and I would expect that an enormous amount of time goes into…...



No author. (2008). Careers in Medicine: Specialty Information: Anesthesiology. Association of American Medical Colleges Retrieved June 17, 2008 at 

No author. (2008). Careers in Medicine: Specialty Information: Radiology. Association of American Medical Colleges Retrieved June 17, 2008 at 

No author. (2007). Anesthesiology Residences and Fellowships. University of Florida. Retrieved June 17, 2008 at

No author. (2008) Careers in Diagnostic Radiology. Radiological Society of North America. Retrieved June 17, 2008 at

Health Sciences Radiology
Pages: 1 Words: 324

Radiology Program and My Personal Strengths wish to enter the radiology program for several reasons. First, I've always had an aptitude for science, and I particularly enjoy physics and biology, two disciplines that constitute a large portion of radiology. In addition, I decided some time ago that the profession that I chose would be one that involved service to others. As a result, I developed an interest in the health field. Several years ago, I visited the radiology department in a hospital where my cousin was employed. From that time forward, I was interested in pursuing a career in radiology. I investigated several radiology programs and decided that the program at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences was best suited to my goals. Your college offers a Bachelor of Science degree while most other colleges offer only an associate's degree. I hope to move to a management…...

Registered Radiology Assistant Profession Every
Pages: 12 Words: 4279

("Introduction to Radiologist Assistant: Practice Standards," n. d.)
The Registered Radiologist Assistant finds out if the objectives of the action plan have been attained. The Registered Radiologist Assistant assesses the patient and the process to detect variances which might influence the anticipated result; terminates the assessment process in a timely, correct and all-inclusive manner; quantifies the process against instituted policies, benchmarks and protocols; detects exceptions to the anticipated results; records exceptions in a timely, correct and all-inclusive manner; fosters a revised plan of action if essential to attain the intended result and informs revised action plan to suitable team members. The Registered Radiologist Assistant executes the revised action plan. The Registered Radiologist Assistant carries forward the revised plan on the status of the patients and the most suitable means of attaining the anticipated result; takes action relying on patient and procedural changes; measures and assesses the outcome of the revised…...


Works Cited

Killion, Jeff; Johnston, James. (n. d.) "Radiologist Assistant: A New Career Pathway for Radiologic Technologists 

N.A. (2006, Aug) "American Registry of Radiologic Technologists® Continuing Education

Requirements for Renewal of Registration" 

N.A. (2005, Jan) "Registered Radiologist Assistant: Role Delineation .

History of Radiology the Field
Pages: 5 Words: 1338

[MSIT] the fact that X-rays are not used in MRI make it much safer for the patients as the radiation hazard is not there. Also, MRI provides greater contrast between the different tissues in comparison to a CT scanner offering more detailed anatomical review, better diagnostics, and improved interventional radiology. y adjusting the contrast mechanisms and other imaging parameters, the MRI allows the radiologist to obtain a highly detailed image of a particular region of study. Particularly, the MRI is highly effective as a diagnostic tool for studying the anatomy and abnormalities in the brain, spinal column and other vital regions enabling the easy identification of pathological tissues. The availability of super magnetic contrasting agents has further improved the visualization and the quality of the images. [Joseph P. Hornak]
Interventional Radiology

y the 1970's, new advancements and improvements in imaging techniques extended their application to interventional procedures in different clinical settings.…...



CHARLES E. RAY, JR., M.D, "Interventional Radiology in Cancer Patients," AAFP, July 2001, Accessed September 15th 2008, available at 

Otto Glassner, 'Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen and the Early History of the Roentgen Rays', Norman Publishing, 1992, pg. 236.

Thomas S. Curry, James E. Dowdey, Robert C. Murry, Edward E. Christensen, 'Christensen's Physics of Diagnostic Radiology', Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1990, pg. 166

Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, 'Radiology a Brief history', Accessed 13th September 2008, available at

Different Body Parts Radiographic Analysis
Pages: 5 Words: 1635

Radiographic AnalysisRadiological findings are the diagnostic mainstay in orthopedic surgery for most fractures. This technique allows visualizing the soft tissues around the fractures involving low energy, high energy, and pathological fractures in aged patients. X-ray findings make it possible to classify the fractures and initiate robust management such as reduction, immobilization, and stabilization. This article describes the radiographic pictures taken at different positions and projections and the associated structures and the rationale for requesting such radiographs.Figure 1Antero-posterior Ribs X-ray(Murphy,2020)The anteroposterior rib view is a projection used in the assessment of the posterior ribs. Unlike a standard chest x-ray, use lower kV and mAs in highlighting the bony structures in the area under investigation. While taking this radiograph, the patient is placed in an erect or supine position facing the x-ray tube, the posterior portion of the patient is resting on the detector. The patient's chin is raised to prevent inclusion…...



Heman, M., Buval, S., erná, M., ?vrtlík, F., Dusíková, R., Hazlinger, M., ... & Vomáka, J. (2021). Basics of Radiology. Palacký University Olomouc.

Lampignano, J., & Kendrick, L. E. (2017). Bontrager\\\\\\'s Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

McWilliam, R. (2021, January 17). Lumbar spine (lateral view) | Radiology Reference Article | Radiopaedia.

Digital Imaging in the Hospital
Pages: 6 Words: 2187

It uses a great deal of expensive and cutting-edge technology, and none of this is cheap. hile DR can do a great deal for a hospital radiology department, that department also must have the funds available to support what needs to be purchased and accomplished where DR is concerned if the department chooses to use this technology.
Image Quality

Image quality, other than cost, is quite probably the largest issue that is faced by those that wish to use this new technology. Therefore, it is important to discuss and compare the differences between the image quality of CR and the image quality of DR, so that more can be understood regarding the differences between them. One study looked at the plate readers that are used for CR images, and found that there were enough statistically significant differences between different plate readers as to indicate that there may be problems with the…...


Works Cited

Cesar, LJ. 1997. Computed radiography: its impact on radiographers. Radiologic Technology.

Daniels, C. 1998. The benefits of digital radiography. Radiologic Technology.

Demonstrated Clinical Benefits and Competitive Prices to Drive Digital Radiography Market. 2004. BusinessWire.

FUJIFILM Computed Radiography for Mammography Progresses From Market Entrant to Market Leadership Worldwide. 2002. PR Newswire.

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to Use of AI in the medical field concerning radiology?
Words: 449

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of AI technology
B. Importance of AI in the medical field
C. Focus on AI in radiology
II. Historical background of AI in radiology
A. Evolution of AI technology in healthcare
B. Early applications of AI in radiology
C. Advancements in AI technology for radiology
III. Current uses of AI in radiology
A. Automated image interpretation
B. Early detection of diseases
C. Treatment planning and monitoring
IV. Benefits of AI in radiology
A. Increased accuracy in diagnosis
B. Efficiency in workflow
C. Cost-effectiveness
V. Challenges and limitations of AI in radiology
A. Data privacy and security concerns
B. Lack of....

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to Use of AI in the medical field concerning radiology?
Words: 322

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with a compelling statistic or anecdote about the impact of AI in radiology.
B. Background: Provide a brief overview of AI and its current applications in medicine.
C. Thesis statement: State the main argument of the essay, emphasizing the transformative potential of AI in radiology.

II. Section 1: The Benefits of AI in Radiology
A. Enhanced Diagnostic Accuracy: Explain how AI algorithms can assist radiologists in detecting and classifying medical conditions with greater precision.
B. Improved Workflow Efficiency: Discuss how AI can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up radiologists' time for more complex cases.
C. Personalized Treatment....

I need some suggestions for impact of telehealth essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 535

Impact of Telehealth

Telehealth, the use of technology to deliver healthcare services remotely, has revolutionized the delivery of healthcare. It has significantly improved access to healthcare, particularly for patients in rural or underserved areas. Telehealth has also led to improved quality of care, increased patient satisfaction, and reduced costs.

Improved Access to Healthcare:

Telehealth eliminates geographical barriers, allowing patients to receive care from specialists and providers who may not be available in their local area.
It is particularly beneficial for patients in rural communities, who often have limited access to healthcare services.
Telehealth also makes it easier for patients to access care....

what is health information system?
Words: 463

Health Information System (HIS)

A Health Information System (HIS) is a comprehensive, integrated information system designed to manage, store, and process health-related data and information. It provides a platform for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of patient health information, facilitating efficient and effective healthcare delivery.

Components of a Health Information System

A comprehensive HIS typically consists of the following components:

Electronic Health Record (EHR): A digital repository of patient health information, including medical history, medications, allergies, vital signs, diagnostic test results, and treatment plans.
Patient Management System: A module for scheduling appointments, managing patient demographics, and tracking insurance coverage.
Clinical Decision Support Tools:....

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