Radiation Essays (Examples)

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Radiation Safety in Industrial Hygiene
Pages: 10 Words: 3388

adiation Safety in Industrial Hygiene
Nature has it that all living things depend on a certain type of radiation to survive. This is evident in many ways for instance we can see because our eyes sense and become aware of the radiation in the form of light; then there is infrared radiation that allows is to keep ourselves warm in the cold weather, radiation is used for cooking, whether it is on the stove or in the microwave. adiowaves are used for long distance communication by using sound or picture; and ultraviolet radiation is used for medical treatment or for putting on a good suntan. Even though some forms of radiation can travel long distances, it can be stopped by employing the correct absorbers: starlight can transgress galaxies but then using a piece of paper it can also be stopped; radiowaves are also capable of travelling huge distances but can be…...



American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), available at   accessed on: November 18, 2003http://www.asce.org/community/airandspace/nae_ec.cfm ,

Colden: Industrial Hygiene Philadelphia: Corporate Overview - Colden provides various Industrial Hygiene services to the Philadelphia area, available at   accessed on: November 18, 2003http://www.colden.com/RFrad.htm ,

Common Record Hearings on the Health and Safety of 765 kV Transmission Lines, available at accessed on: November 18, 2003http://www.ortho.lsumc.edu/Faculty/Marino/Powerline/Origins/ACB4.html,

Confirmation that Ionizing Radiation Can Induce Genomic Instability: What is Genomic Instability, and Why Is It So Important?, available at:   accessed on: November 18, 2003http://www.ratical.org/radiation/CNR/GenomicInst.html ,

Radiation Protection Radiation Safety Manual
Pages: 9 Words: 2384

It is carried out under the auspices of the Ministry of Health, acting through the ussian Federation Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (DSES). DSES is responsible for a wide range of areas of public health, including radiation protection." (Vincent, 1998)
Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance is statistically determined and tracked within each department when a radiation emitting device is in use. The Performance Improvement Team has overriding authority in this area as the specialty of that department is to ensure that all departments are removing excess waste within their process operations such that operations are statistically consistent with efficiency and effectiveness. The QA team has the acceptable and unacceptable radiation levels and will monitor the hospital to ensure there is not a breach of these levels.

The compliance department will also be in contact with the QA department to facilitate compliance reporting based on national and state standards and the current statistical…...



Arutyunyan, R.V., shov, L.A.B., & Pavlovskii, O.A. (2009). Setting radiation safety standards from a modern perspective. Atomic Energy, 106(5), 365. Retrieved from  http://search.proquest.com/docview/197232857?accountid=13044 

Colpas, P. (2010). HIT must bolster efforts to monitor radiation. Health Management Technology, 31(11), 2. Retrieved from  http://search.proquest.com/docview/807638298?accountid=13044 

Klein, R.C., & Weilandics, C. (1996). Potential health hazards from lead shielding. AIHA Journal, 57(12), 1124. Retrieved from  http://search.proquest.com/docview/236323273?accountid=13044 

Vincent, J.H. (1998). International occupational exposure standards: A review and commentary. AIHA Journal, 59(10), 729. Retrieved from  http://search.proquest.com/docview/236328343?accountid=13044

Radiation Three Types of Radiation Is the
Pages: 2 Words: 567

Three Types of adiation

adiation is the term given to the emission of various particles, typically from the nuclei of atoms (BCS 2011; Nave 2011). The universe has many different sources of radiation, and there are also different types of radiation depending on the source and, to a much greater degree, the exact particles that are involved in the radiation (Nave 2011). Understanding the different types of radiation is useful for a variety of reasons, including many diverse practical and scientific applications as well as in assisting layperson to make some sense of radiation fears and nuclear news. The following paragraphs will detail the three primary types of radiation, including their sources, their relative energy, and thus the potential dangers and applications they present. Through this understanding, a greater appreciation for the safe and secure harnessing of nuclear and radiation energies will be established.

The first basic type of radiation identified is…...



BCS. (2011). Three types of radiation. Accessed 8 June 2011.  http://www.blackcatsystems.com/GM/experiments/ex7.html 

Nave, C. (2011). Radioactivity. Accessed 8 June 2011.  http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/nuclear/radact.html

Radiation Oncology the Basics Radiation
Pages: 3 Words: 852

This technique is not as effective as a primary method of treating cancer
Side Effects of adiotherapy

Fatigue, changes to the skin, and loss of appetite are all common side effects of radiation treatments. For treatments in the head and neck region, saliva production is also often inhibited, exacerbating appetite issues

Loss of appetite also contributes to fatigue, and doctors recommend eating small meals more frequently as well as taking frequent short naps as a way of maintaining adequate energy and strength

Skin problems often resemble deep tans or sunburns, and have similar root causes (i.e. radiation). Special lotions are available to soothe and protect the skin after radiation therapy

The Cost of adiotherapy

The cost of radiation therapy can be quite high, depending on the number and frequency of treatment sessions needed as well as the duration of these treatments

The equipment used in radiotherapy as well as the large amount of specialized training to…...



Abramson Cancer Center. (2006). "Radiation Oncology." University of Pennsylvania. Accessed 31 August 2009.  http://www.oncolink.com/treatment/article.cfm?c=5&s=27&id=34&p=4 

Fayed, L. (2009). "Radiation Therapy Overview." Accessed 31 August 2009.  http://cancer.about.com/od/radiationtherapy/a/radiation.htm 

Heron, J. (2009). "Historical Data on Radiotherapy." Accessed 31 August 2009.  http://www.oncoprof.net/Generale2000/g08_Radiotherapie/Index/g08-gb_idx02.html

Radiation Health Management Because of
Pages: 2 Words: 770

al., 2010).
If there was an actual nuclear detonation, health effects for those in the immediate vicinity would range from instant death to severe burns and radition poisioning. Further from the blast results in lower doses of radition, but at even a small bomb, exposure within the first few hours would likely result in some sort of cellular damage from nervous system shut down to cancers, some of which might take years to develop. Any exposure to the human system will have some effect, the more the fallout and proximity, the greater the effect (Levy and Sidel, 2003).

From a public health perspective, prompt treatment and long-term monitoring are necessary components of the rik plan. Multi-organ failure, for instance, can be limited based on lowering fevers and inflamatory effects, and those with small amounts of exposure can benefit from transfusions, immune system boosters, and antibiotics. The keys to these issues are to:…...



Johnson, S., et.al. (2003). New Challenges, New Tools for Defense Decision-Making.

Rand Corporation.

Levy, B., Sidel, V. (2003). Terrorism and Public Health. New York: Oxford University


Radiation of Plants Adaptive Radiation
Pages: 2 Words: 623

Much of the vegetation also carries the characteristic of being monocarpic, which means that the species is unbranched. As the article indicates, this is a feature which has been altered at least four different times since the Aeonium first arrived in the island regions examined. Still, it retains the basic quality of monocarpy, which the article indicates is most likely an attribute indicative of its short lifespan and high reproductive capacity. This helps the species to grow upon the barren landscapes of lava fields and other such geologically unique expanses. Additionally, it helps to reinforce, although still somewhat indirectly, the notion that plant species are prone to this sort of adaptive radiation with greater evidentiary likelihood in tropical island contexts. Other traits that the study assess in order to make these observations include herbivore defences and sexual dimorphism, both of which relate directly to the evolutionary viability and reproductive…...


Works Cited:

Jorgensen, T.H. & Olesen, J.M. (2001). Adaptive Radiation of Island Plants: Evidence from Aeonium (Crassulacaea) of the Canary Islands. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 4(1), 29-42.

Radiation Safety in Radiology
Pages: 3 Words: 951

radiation safety in radiology, particularly for health care workers whose radiation exposure results from the risks of their occupation. This essay argues for improved understanding of occupational health risks and proposes that workplace hazards need to be better acknowledged and reduced as much as possible.
Ionizing radiation is used to obtain highly detailed images of the body. Modern imaging techniques contribute to earlier and more accurate diagnoses, which promote better treatments for patients and better outcomes. Many advances in modern medical science require tests that use ionizing radiation to confirm diagnoses, to manage a treatment plan, or to monitor the response to the treatment. As long as radiation is used with care, the use of ionizing radiation in diagnostic imaging offers many benefits with reasonably low risk.

The risks associated with ionizing radiation, a form of high energy, result from its ability to break up atoms or molecules as the radiation…...


Reference List

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). (2011). Quality assurance. Retrieved Aril 19, 2012 from:  https://rpop.iaea.org/RPOP/RPoP/Content/AdditionalResources/Training/1_TrainingMaterial/Radiology.htm 

Klein, L.W., Miller, D.L., Balter, S., Laskey, W., Haines, D., Norbash, A., Mauro, M.A., & Goldstein, J.A. (2009). Occupational health hazards in the interventional laboratory: Time for a safer environment. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 20: 147-153. Retrieved Aril 19, 2012 from:  http://www.sirweb.org/clinical/cpg/Occupational_Health_Hazards.pdf 

University of California San Francisco School of Medicine. 2012. Risks of radiation. Retrieved Aril 19, 2012 from:  http://www.radiology.ucsf.edu/patient-care/patient-safety/radiation/risks

Radiation Exposure With Use of Mini C ARM
Pages: 2 Words: 564

radiation received by the surgeon during the use of a mini-c-arm device and to compare this amount with documented measurements associated with the large c-arm device" (p. 13). Previous research had determined that the perceived increased risks had been associated with the large c-arm device but there were no current studies available that had developed such findings with the mini c-arm device. The purpose of the present study was also "to quantify the amount of scattered radiation that is present during a typical mini-c-arm examination in order to determine 1) the relative risk of radiation exposure to the surgeon with extended use, 2) whether the surgeon positioning is pertinent, and 3) whether protective shielding should be employed" (p. 14). The researchers looked at the positioning of "anthropomorphic phantoms as a patient might be positioned within the c-arm for a typical forearm or ankle examination" (p. 14). Researchers also looked…...

History of Radiation and Complications
Pages: 4 Words: 1280

The skin round the roots of these become red, irritable and cracked, and the nails themselves thin and brittle. Most constant workers suffer in this way" (Guy). This is one reason early committees were formed to study the affects of X-rays. There were already reports of deaths from over-exposure to x-rays, which many researchers pooh-poohed. However, one researcher, Dr. John Hall-Edwards of England, suffered such dramatic results that both of his hands had to be amputated, one all the way to the forearm (Guy). After this, many operators began to use lead shields, aprons, and/or gloves, such are still in use today.
As technology and understanding has improved, so has the safety of radiology. Another writer notes, "Today, a woman receives one-tenth the dose of radiation that was given just 20 years ago in a typical mammogram, with virtually no risk statistically" (Fishman). In fact, studies indicate that a patient…...



Assmus, Alexi. Early History of X-rays. Stanford University. 1995. 4 Sept. 2007. 10-24.  http://www.slac.stanford.edu/pubs/beamline/25/2/25-2-assmus.pdf 

Fishman, Elliot. "Radiology: The Second 100 Years." USA Today (Society for the Advancement of Education) Jan. 1997: 84+.

Guy, Jean. "The X Factor in X-Rays." History Today Nov. 1995: 9+.

Stack, Martin, Myles Gartland, and Timothy Keane. "The Offshoring of Radiology: Myths and Realities." SAM Advanced Management Journal 72.1 (2007): 44+.

Cell Phone Radiation the Whole
Pages: 6 Words: 2129

Further, other researchers are coming up with more disturbing reports that indicate possible health implications of cell phone use. There are a number of illnesses and ailments that are associated with cell phone radiation; these include cancer, brain tumors, alzheimer's, parkinson's, fatigue, headaches, sleep disruptions, altered memory function, poor concentration and spatial awareness, and pacemaker disruptions (Mercola, n.d.). Despite the low intensity of cell phone radiation, the similarity between certain electrochemical activities within the human body and this microwave radiation gives enough reason to worry. The human body is essentially an electromagnetic instrument which is very sensitive under the control of highly complex and orderly oscillatory electrical processes. Each one of these electro-biological processes experience vibration at definite frequency with some being close to the frequencies used in modern cell phone technology. It is therefore possible for the low-intensity microwaves from the cell phones to cause considerable non-thermal influence…...



Environmental Working Group, (2010). Frequently asked questions about cell phones. Retrieved on 13 October,

2010 from  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/faq 

Khiat, A., Boulanger, Y. & Breton, G. (2006). Monitoring the effects of mobile phone use on the brain by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. International journal of radiation biology, 82(9):681-685

Kundi, M. (2009). The controversy about a possible relationship between mobile phone use and cancer.

Radon Uv Radiation
Pages: 2 Words: 739

Ultraviolet adiation
Health Effects of UV adiation Exposure

Current studies show that the world's exposure to ultraviolet radiation has increased over the past few years. In addition, it has been realized that in the longer term, UV radiation induces degenerative changes in cells of the skin, fibrous tissue and blood vessels leading to premature skin aging, Photodermatosis and actinic Kerasotes (World Health Organization, 2012).

Over-exposure to ultraviolet radiation causes tanning of the skin. The radiations get absorbed causing an increase in the number of melanocytes; melanin making cells. Overexposure causes premature skin ageing and precancerous skin changes known as actinic Kerasotes. Besides this, skin cancer may develop in situations whereby the skin damage is severe.

In addition, ultraviolet radiation can cause painful temporary injuries to the eye called photo keratitis and conjunctivitis. Furthermore, exposure to solar UV can prematurely age the lens, causing cataracts, growth of pterygium, macular degeneration, and eyelid cancers.

According to Daynes…...



Daynes, R.A. (1990). Immune System and Ultraviolet Light. Elsevier.

Environmental Protection Agency. (2011, January 13). Health and Environmental Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion. Retrieved July 15, 2012, from www.epa.gov:


Leaf, A. (1993). Critical Condition: Human Health and Environment. Cambridge: The MIT

Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Cosmic
Pages: 3 Words: 1243

Over several years, several types of remarks corroborating the attributes of the cosmic microwave background radiations -- CMB have been made. Most of them have been seen as direct observations, applying the same approach as that of the Penzias and Wilson. There exists in reality several observations advocated even earlier to that of the observations of Penzias and Wilson, however, the prominence of those were not acknowledged. 8. The researchers of several universities like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Pittsburgh, New York University, and the Cambridge University, University of Portsmouth in UK found out undulation in the galaxy distribution formed by sound waves produced immediately after the Big Bang. Such sound waves have left behind their signs in the Cosmic Microwave Background, considered as the remains of the radiation from the Big Bang witnessed at the time when the universe was the age of 400,000 years. 4.…...



Alpher, Ralph a. Herman, Robert. (2001) "Genesis of the Big Bang" Oxford University Press.

New York.

Barrow, John D; Coles, Peter. (2001) "Companion to the New Cosmology"

Routledge. London.

Nuclear Danger Radiation Exposure Causes and Effects
Pages: 2 Words: 619

Nuclear Danger:
Radiation Exposure, Causes and Effects

With the advent of technology comes high risk. his small truth applies especially well when one speaks about nuclear weapons, which derive form nuclear technology, and which were pioneered in the midst of the Second World War in the previous century. Nuclear energy is not inherently dangerous; in fact, it can help the world quite a lot, but with enriched uranium comes the weapon, which, as seen in the Second World War, can destroy a city completely in a matter of minutes. Yet nuclear energy has also proven highly dangerous, despite all its positives. In order to illustrate this latter fact, the paper will examine three distinct instances when humans were exposed to radiation: the bombing of Hiroshima, the accident at Chernobyl, and the accident at hree Mile Island.

he first instance, at Hiroshima, was an attack on the Japanese by the United States, which…...


The next question that this essay will address has to do with some of the issues that were seen above, including faulty design and management procedures. These are imperative questions to pose and answer if one is to successfully utilize nuclear technology for positive advancements. Often times, managers do not understand how an office truly works. It is, for this reason, necessary to apply examples to certain situations to prove to a manager that working people, especially with regards to computer, need a good workspace.

Often, however, one finds that many computer workers have postural problems, and these are due to ill selected furniture, especially chairs. Good quality chairs are expensive, but if one is to truly respect and aid his workers in maintaining and constantly putting out good outputs, one must ensure quality, as well as practicality. Thus, workers could find ways in which to convince the manager to implement solutions in order to aid them. Such a way could be to request the help of HR or of an individual who has sway with the manager. If the manager is in office rather than off-site, the workers could group themselves and request an appointment. It is by working together that they can achieve a final and lasting solution.

"Damage of Radiation." (2011). Retrieved September 25, 2011, from <  http://www.hiroshima-spirit.jp/en/museum/morgue_w17.html >.

Homeland Security Biological Terrorism and Radiation Incident
Pages: 2 Words: 685

Biological warfare is the term used to describe an attack involving the use of harmful biological agents such as bacteria, viruses or fungi. These agents are deployed with the intention to kill or incapacitate people or animals or even plants. These agents once deployed replicate in their host victims causing trauma and death.
Difference between Biological Warfare and Traditional Forms of Terrorism

There are inherent differences between biological warfare and the more traditional forms of terrorism. Biological agents used in biological warfare are relatively easy and can be produced at little cost. The cost of operation of biological weapons against civilian population could be as low as 1 dollar per square kilimeter as oppossed to the traditional weapon's 2000 dollars per square kiliometer (Homeland Defense Business Unit, 2004 ). In addition, the procedures of developing weaponizable biological agents require low levels of purity and quality control.

Nonetheless, deployment of biological weapons is not…...

Ultraviolet Radiation Uvr on Zebrafish Development While
Pages: 4 Words: 1151

Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR) on Zebrafish Development
hile global warming represents a threat to humankind by virtue of a reduction in the ozone layer and an increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation in the future (Conscience, Cotton, Schlumpf et al. 2001), researchers have shown that moderate exposure to varying levels of ultraviolet radiation may have some beneficial effects for humans. For example, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, and, to a lesser degree, rheumatoid arthritis, in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in estern Europe and North America, display a latitudinal gradient in disease frequency, with the prevalence of these disorders increasing at higher latitudes (Lim et al. 2003). Furthermore, ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) that occurs in the upper portion of air in a room has been cited as an environmental control measure that could economically reduce exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) droplet nuclei (Burge, First & Ko 2002).

Rationale for Selecting Zebrafish. The zebra danio…...


Works Cited

Babbitt, Kimberly J., Karen L. Reed and Stacia A. Sower. (2000). Limb Malformations and Abnormal Sex Hormone Concentrations in Frogs. Environmental Health Perspectives,


Blechinger, Scott R., Patrick H. Krone, John Y. Kuwada and James T. Warren Jr. (2002).

Developmental Toxicology of Cadmium in Living Embryos of a Stable Transgenic

Need help with a research paper on What happened before, after and during Chernobyl?
Words: 437

The Chernobyl nuclear incident remains one of the worst unintentional nuclear disasters to ever occur.  It is important to understand what happened at Chernobyl, before, during, and after the incident, in order to avoid a similar incident occurring in the future.  Understanding the after effects is also important for seeing how a nuclear disaster can impact an area that is not heavily populated by humans, because some of the results of the results have been surprisingly positive for the flora and fauna in the Chernobyl area.

Chernobyl was a nuclear power plant in Russia.   Like all....

I need help with forming a good title for my research paper on greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect?
Words: 257

The greenhouse effect, the impact of greenhouse gases, and climate change are all extremely topical issues.  They are considered political, but the science strongly supports the idea that these gases are increasing the earth’s average temperature, creating global climate change, fostering superstorms, and rapidly making the earth less habitable to humans. 

Here are some titles that would be appropriate for a range of essays about greenhouses gases and the greenhouse effect:

  1. Greenhouses Gases: Great for Plants, Not so Great for Humans
  2. How Manmade Climate Change Differs from Natural Climate Change
  3. Jurassic World: Are Greenhouse Gases Returning....

what is the difference between global warming and climate change?
Words: 234

Global Warming:

- Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature.
- It is primarily caused by the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane.
- These greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun, leading to a rise in temperatures on Earth.
- Global warming can result in various impacts, including melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and more frequent extreme weather events.
- The term "global warming" specifically focuses on the increase in temperature.

Climate Change:

- Climate change refers to the broader set of changes occurring in Earth's climate system.
- It encompasses not only changes in....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to red bone marrow vs yellow bone marrow?
Words: 306

1. The role of red bone marrow in hematopoiesis versus the role of yellow bone marrow in fat storage and energy regulation.
2. The differentiation process of hematopoietic stem cells in red bone marrow compared to the storage of adipose tissue in yellow bone marrow.
3. The effects of aging on red and yellow bone marrow composition and function.
4. The therapeutic potential of red bone marrow transplantation compared to the potential drawbacks of yellow bone marrow transplantation.
5. The impact of diseases such as leukemia on red bone marrow function versus the impact of metabolic disorders on yellow bone marrow function.
6. The relationship....

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