acism can be stated as the attitude or practice of recognizing authority/supremacy of one group over another. It is either founded on race, color, ethnicity or cultural heritage. It is, if truth be told, a global tradition and is not only limited to a particular area or group of people. One can notice racism at all individual, group or institutional levels. acism is spread and conserved by the introduction of planned activities and policies in economical, societal, political, educational, religious and cultural aspects of life. It is not a difficult thing to distinguish the narrow-minded, dogmatic and prejudiced people who shape up their way of thinking, philosophy, traditions, attitudes and practices on the basis of racial ideology. This picky set of thought is not only possessed by the general public. Even those hold powerful positions demonstrate the same beliefs and practices of racial discrimination ("acism" 2012).
acism has continued to be…...
Crocker, J. (2007). The Effects of Racism-Related Stress on the Psychological and Physiological Well-Being of Non-Whites. Rivier Academic Journal [online]. 3, p.1-3. Available from: . [Accessed June 15, 2012].
Racism [online]. (2012). Available from: . [Accessed June 15, 2012].
Seldon, H. (1991). Racism: Negative Effects on Whites [online]. Available from: . [Accessed June 15, 2012].
Sue, D.W. (2003). Overcoming Our Racism: The Journey to Liberation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass [Online]. Available from Questia database: . [Accessed June 15, 2012].
acism in Canada
In March of 2012, a white power rally in Edmonton drew out a dozen or two members of the Blood and Honour racist group. They were met and peaceably challenged by hundreds of participants in an anti-racism rally, which was "coincidental" (Dykstra). Therefore Canada still does have lurking racism, but in its overt forms it is socially unacceptable. This paper will address the overt forms of racism evident in Canada, which include hate groups like Blood and Honour. However, it is the covert forms of racism and bias that threaten to undermine the social fabric of Canada.
Immigration policies have been under fire for their racist under- or overtones. As ees states, "Canadian immigration policy has historically always been determined by racial preferences." Institutionalized racism is a problem in Canada, in spite of the many official policies and programs designed to manufacture an equitable society. For example, Canada's Human…...
mlaRacism and the Media in Canada
In 2010, a Maclean's Magazine ran a controversial cover headline that read, "Too Asian?" The headline was crafted to sell magazines, of course. However, it was also interpreted as "irresponsible journalism that relies on spreading racial stereotypes to sell magazines and newspapers," (Lee). If institutionalized racism is the covert form of racism, then media stereotyping is more overt. The media is the primary means of acquiring information about the world; Canadian viewers construct their social realities in part by watching television and movies. As a professor of communications at the University of Ontario states, "Making people into foreigners starts with the media," (cited by Lee).
Stereotyping can seem innocent, and is often used in comedy. However, stereotypes can be dangerous. When stereotypes become part of the belief system of the culture, they can lead to more malicious forms of prejudice and bigotry. Stereotyping is not the only issue with Canadian media that is contributing to racism. The Media Awareness Network points out that "Members of
acism and Anti-Semitism
Is acism and Anti-Semitism still a Problem in the United States?
The world has penetrated into the twenty first century, where the entire human race is surging ahead due to their magnificent and outstanding capabilities that have made the world a much better place to live. Even though people from all over the globe have immensely contributed to the development and growth on a broad spectrum, yet numerous social issues have continued since time immemorial. Discrimination and hatred particularly based on race, culture and religion is widespread issues that are commonly found amongst huge amount of people.
In fact, one cannot ignore the fact that the levels of hatred and discrimination for others have given rise to several fights, warfare and conflicts. With respect to the aspect of hatred and discrimination that has continued and is still ongoing, the thesis statement is "acism and Anti-Semitism is still a Problem in…...
Adams, M. (2000). Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: An Anthology on Racism, Sexism, Anti-Semitism, Heterosexism Classism, and Ableism. New York, USA: Routledge.
Hallowell, B. (2011). Anti-Semitic Incidents Increase in America for the First Time since 2004. Retrieved from The Blaze website:
Howe, R.B. & Covell, K. (2005). Empowering Children: Children's Rights Education As a Pathway to Citizenship. Canada: University of Toronto Press.
Martinez, R. (2010). On Race and Racism in America: Confessions in Philosophy. PA, USA: Penn State Press.
Unfortunately, racism is a pervasive element in American society. As the reaction to the 2008 Presidential election at the University of Mississippi shows, many Americans cannot tolerate a person of color in a position of power. The right-wing rhetoric that continually denounces Obama in the media stems in part from covert racism, rather than being just attributable to different political beliefs. The causes of racism are complex and multifaceted, and extend to the core of American history. It is impossible to study American history without studying the history of white power, and yet, as the author of Lies My Teacher Told Me points out, most textbooks whitewash American history to create a climate tacitly tolerant of racism. Before the emancipation of the slaves, the American economy depended on the free labor pool that slaves provided. It was necessary to have a marked and visible class of human beings, in this…...
acism and Ethnocentrism in the Media
Even though they are straightforwardly and often confused, race and racism ought to be distinguished from ethnicity and ethnocentrism. Despite the fact that extreme ethnocentrism may take the matching offensive form and may have the same calamitous consequences as tremendous racism, there are important differences connecting the two concepts. Ethnicity, which shares culturally contingent features, classifies all human groups. It pertains to a sense of individuality and membership in a group that shares widespread language, cultural personality (standards, beliefs, religion, food habits, backgrounds, etc.), and a judgment of a common history. Almost every group of humans are members of some edifying (ethnic) group, sometimes several. The majority of such groups feel -- to different degrees of intensity -- that their method of life, their foods, clothing, habits, attitudes, values, and so onwards, are better than those of other factions (Kiselica, 1999).
The most important value of…...
1. Kiselica, M.S. (1999). Confronting My Own Ethnocentrism and Racism: A Process of Pain and Growth. Journal Of Counseling & Development, 77(1), 14-17.
2. Isser, N. (1976). Asian-Americans: Then, Now, and Tomorrow.
3. Gordon, T.F. (1974). Mass Media and Minority Socialization: Conceptualizing the Process.
4. Hancock, Q., Jolls, T., & Jolls, P. (2013). Racism and Stereotypes in Electronic Media. Public Library Quarterly, 32(4), 333-344. doi:10.1080/01616846.2013.848135
The racism in the criminal justice system is noted by Schneider and Ingram (1993) to be a consequence of social construction of some members of the society that in turn has an influence on design, program implementation as well as institutional structure in a manner that clearly puts at a disadvantage some members of the society.
The Sentencing Project (2008) indicated that racial disparity in the federal, state and local judicial system is noted to exist due to several causes. The cause of racial disparity are kind of varied and include various levels of criminal activities, legislative policies, emphasis on certain communities as well as decision making structures used by the criminal justice practitioners. The illegitimate racial disparity is however noted to rise from the rather dissimilar treatment of people who are similarly situated but on the basis of their race. In some cases, the racial disparity arises due to supervisory…...
Blumstein, a lfred, and Alien E. Beck. (1999). "PopulationG rowthi n U.S. Prisons, 1980-1996." Crime and Justice: A Review of Research2 6: 17-60.
Cindy, B (2009).Study Site for Criminal Justice Ethics, Theory and Practice
Davey, J.D. (1998). The Politicso f PrisonE xpansion. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Hagan, J. And C. Albonetti. (1982). Race, class, and the perception of criminal injustice in America.American Journal of Sociology, 88(2), 329-355.
In additon, there is the sustenance of a certain sense of uniformity in accordance with the economic accomplishments of the American society. Besides, given the continued electoral progress of the far-right parties that formally eschew anti-emitism, and the lack of progress made by the radical, neo-Nazi or extremist groups that are often openly anti-emitic, maintaining the distinction between these two types of groups (although the boundaries are occasionally blurred) continues to be crucial. Now when this is the overall situation, will it be wrong to ascertain that the threat of the surfacing of racism in the class rooms among the students is a distant dream!
However, this is not the real situation, though the society is apparently is in equilibrium. There have been several studies in the recent decades in this direction, and what has come out is patently horrifying. A new study has shown that racism among white college…...
("Heart of Darkens")
Clearly, the novel the Heart of Darkness is highlighting how the underling amounts of racism in the elgian Congo were deep. As the Europeans believed that they had the right to exploit the area for its natural resources. This would have an impact upon how they would treat the native Africans, with them being seen as a tool that could be exploited or savages that need to be tamed. This would fuel a sense of arrogance that they were superior to the Africans, who were there to serve them. While the Africans, are engaging in their own form of racism, by seeing the Europeans as oppressors who attack their villages for these natural resources. As they believe that these people are out to destroy their culture and have no respect for their traditions / way of life. This would create a sense of anger, as they would…...
"Heart of Darkens." Spark Notes, 2011. Web. 25 Feb. 2011.
Achebe, Chinua. "An Image of Africa." Heart of Darkness Bloom Guides.
Mongia, Padmini. "The Rescue." Heart of Darkness, New Edition, Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations.
MLA Format.
Critics believe that this social pattern can change only when a total social transformation occurs in resolving the "us-vs.-them" conflict (Vorster 2002). A form of government must be established, which will respect diversity and foster unity as well as protect basic human rights. The apartheid system in South Africa is the best example of racism. ut proponents may argue that the system was exceptional and that such form of racism no longer exists. Although apartheid has been dissolved, institutional racism took its place and still alive and well and experienced in many parts of the world. These include Canada, Australia, Northern Ireland and other countries in Eastern Europe and Africa. Way beyond and deeply ingrained in institutional racism is the attitude of racism itself, which is far more evident (Vorster), more resistant and, therefore, more difficult to eradicate. What, in the beginning, was construed to be only economically, culturally and…...
Racism and Various Forms
How does an understanding of racism in its various forms inform the counseling professional practice?
Racism is regarded as the negative feelings exercised by one ethnic group towards other individuals belonging form a different group. The brutality and attitude towards the group is observed in the behaviors and attitudes of individuals and members of certain group causing major issues in terms of their religious, social, color, or descent. The highest of racism can be traced back to the laws in USA for reducing the voting rights of African-Americans. It also moved their status from a normal and equal citizen to low caste. The changes in the laws and constitution eliminated these flaws however the racism based on physical and descent characteristics are still continuing in various parts of the world (Fredrickson, 2002). The claimants of multicultural societies are also following the racist traditions and tendering inferior treatment towards…...
Ang, I. (2013) On not speaking Chinese: Living between Asia and the West, USA: Routledge.
Bach, S. (2003) International migration of health workers: Labour and social issues, Geneva: International Labour Office.
Fredrickson, GM. (2002) Racism: A short history, USA: Princeton University Press.
Leonard, R. (2004) A Fair Go: Some Issues of Social Justice in Australia, Australia: Common Ground.
acism and Nationalism After
acism & Nationalism After 911
More than a decade after 9/11, a retrospective view of racism and nationalism in America might points to a reverse J-curve -- at least in the private realm of most people living in the U.S.A. Governmental and political reactions may still run at fevered pace, and some would say the devastation has been insidious, seeping far beyond the bounds of the attack zones. "Ten years has given us time to see the tidal waves of post-9/11 changes in our society and our world. For all the tragedy of 9/11 with the thousands killed on that day, the after-effects are far more troubling" (ashid, 2011, 754.) Conventional wisdom has it that racism and nationalism are flip sides of the same coin. If this tack is taken, the simultaneous rise in nationalism and racism following 9/11 makes sense -- so too, does the rise of…...
Byng, M.D. (2007). Complex inequities: The case of Muslim Americans after 911. American Behavioral Scientist, 51, 659-674.
Li, Q. And Brewer, M.B. (2004). What does it mean to be an American? Patriotism, nationalism, and American identity after 911. Political Psychology, 25(5), 727-739.
Prashad, V. (2005). How the Hindus became Jews: American racism after 911. The South Atlantic Quarterly, 104(3), 593-606.
Rashid, S.A.A. (2011). The emerging phenomena of post-911. Political Theology, 12(5), 752-761. Doi: 10.1558/poth.v12i5.752.
The same goes for terrorism acts and Muslims even though we know that the man who caused the Oklahoma tragedy was very much a Christian white American.
acism has various faces and forms and each one as ugly as it sounds. It would be completely wrong to say that racism is an inherent trait. It is actually the reaction of people to the social consciousness around them. If I see blacks projected in a certain way every time I turn the TV on, I am more likely to develop a false and distorted view of blacks. In order to remove this kind of negative education from our system, we need to work at all levels. acism is a serious problem and one that must be consciously eradicated from our societies. It is not only causing hurdles for the victims, but is also creating social disparities that are definitely not good…...
Jerome Miller, 1996. Search and Destroy: African-American Males in the Criminal Justice System. NY: Cambridge University Press (Paul Street, 'Race, Prison, and Poverty', Z Magazine, July/August 2001).
Farai Chideya, 'Don't Believe the Hype'. Penguin Books, 1995
Street, 2001
Miller, 1996, 42
acism in Australian Sports
History of racism in Australia
Self-identity when approached from the concept of sociological perspective identifies it with a reciprocal relationship between the self and society. The influence of self to the society is through the actions of individuals, hence creating networks, groups, institutions and organizations. On the other hand the society has influence to self by its ways of shared language as well as meaning that makes one to take the role of others, participate in social interaction, and reflect oneself as an object. The core of selfhood has been constituted through the later process of reflexivity. Since the self appears in and is reflective of society, the understanding of self in terms of sociological approach and its part reveals that we as well have to understand the society where the self is acting and we should always remember in this event that the action of self is…...
Colin Tatz, (1980). Aborigines in sport, Australian Society for Sport History, Retrieved August 24, 2012 from
Colin Tatz, (1995). "Obstacle Race: Aborigines in Sport." Retrieved August 24, 2012 from
Craven, R.G. (1989). An examination of self-concept: The interrelationship of teachers', parents and children's perceptions of self-concept, and their influence in enhancing
self-concept. Unpublished B.A. Honours Thesis, University of Sydney, Australia. Retrieved August 25, 2012 from
National Council of La Raza, (2005). Critical Disparities in Latino ental Health: Transforming Research into Action.
The National Council of La Raza further indicates how racism manifests itself within the healthcare sector. It shows the minority groups in the U.S.A. As subject to varied health conditions that make them more susceptible to health complications than the majority white population. One prominent instance is the Latinos, due to their predominant low economic status are shown to have less access to health facilities and services hence hampering their ability to access other social facilities like education. It has been noted that they only interact with the health care facilities when they are critically ill and in their most vulnerable state. The other issue that the source highlights to grossly affect the Latinos is the lack of insurance among the population. This makes them unable to access health care services and receiving quality…...
mlaMandeep depicts the Chinese and the Asian population in general as a population that is also affected by the lack of access to medical facilities and health care, as well as a significantly lower nutrition levels as compared to the majority whites in the U.S.A. It is estimated that 19% of the Chinese had access to well balanced and nutritious meals in a day as compared to the white population that has 23% on a perfectly balanced nutrition further compounding the aspect of systematic racism, one that is not overt but deeply rooted in the institutions within the U.S.A.
United States. Department of Justice, (2008). Bureau of Justice Statistics: Prisoners in 2008.
The statistics from Department of Justice in 2008, also highlighted a likelihood of racism in the justice system. It indicates that for every 100,000 black males in America, there were 3,042 of them in prison. This was relatively high as compared to 1,261 Hispanic males in prison for
When prejudices get out of control and are viewed as truth rather than as fantasy or over-generalization, racism can result. Racism itself can lead to violence or social cruelty. In the schoolyard, children may be teased and in the workplace, individuals may be passed by for promotions or higher pay.
Racism also results from an attitude of "us vs. them," in which all differences are viewed as negative. in-group solidarity may be a necessary part of human nature but it is also possible for people to overcome their racist prejudices by contentiously refuting stereotypes and making a point to view each person as an individual. Judging a person on the basis of race or culture prevents the development of meaningful friendships and continues to breed racist attitudes. Racism can also be perpetuated by the media. Portrayals of African-Americans, Asians, and other minority groups on television or in movies are often…...
One of the more shameful moments in American history was the establishment of internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II. Ostensibly started because the United States was at war with Japan, it is interesting to note that there were no similar internment camps for people of Italian or German descent, despite the fact that Italy and Germany were also part of the Axis powers that fought against the Allies in World War II.
Prior to World War II, Japanese began immigrating to America for work opportunities. They initially immigrated to Hawaii, which was annexed by the United....
This is a difficult question to answer. In the era of COVID-19, when personal interactions with people are limited, especially with people outside of your immediate social group, being an agent of social change is more difficult than it is in other times. That is because social change agents have to be able to influence people. While some of that can be accomplished in a virtual environment, hence the popularity of internet “influencers,” that type of influence is simply not going to be enough to reach some people. People tend to go to places on the internet....
While psychology refers to the study of the mind, clinical psychology specifically refers to that branch of the discipline that focuses on using psychology to create positive change, whether in individual lives or in the community as a whole. There is a wide variety of topics you could approach in your thesis, depending on what topic interests you the most.
Topic Ideas
In the book Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese, the author describes a Native American child and his family who retreat into the woods in order to avoid the child being taken from them and raised away from the family, which was happening not just to members of their Ojibway nation, but to Native Americans across the country. The book is a fictional novel, but is based in the historical fact that not only were Native Americans forcibly removed from their ancestral lands throughout North America, but were also subjected to having their children stolen from....
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