Racial Prejudice Essays (Examples)

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Racial Prejudice the Creation and
Pages: 4 Words: 1078

One of the primary reasons that non-white minorities are so disproportionately affected by the reduction in federal aid for higher education expenses, and/or the availability of affordable programs and institutions, is that they have not had equal economic access, either. This is something else that Lui et al. note in their description of the development of American culture and society. A lack of education as well as a prejudiced belief in the abilities of minorities often relegates them into manual labor occupations, where potentials for earning and advancement are limited. This creates a perpetual cycle of poverty, or at least of lower-middle-class status (which can often be worse in terms of receiving aid for higher education) leading to a lack of education and advancement, which in turn reinforces the idea that education is not meant for minorities, which reduces funding, etc.

There have, of course, been many attempts to address this…...

Racial Prejudice
Pages: 3 Words: 966

retain racial prejudices and how can we break such molds? acism and prejudices, just like reading and speaking, are taught. This is one of the easy ways to develop and retain racial prejudices. Babies, toddlers, children, and even adolescents are highly susceptible to their environments. Yes, as children age into adolescents, they begin to think and act with more independence and defiance, yet they are not outside of the realm of influence from their families. The views, attitudes, perceptions, and language that people grow up in build the foundation for nearly all of their own attitudes. This is a reason why concerned and aware parents will seek to find a balance between exposing their children to a variety of people, so that they will not be fearful of people who are different, with being careful about to whom they expose their children to, either because some people do not…...



Hampton, C., & Lee, K. (2012). Strategies and Activities for Reducing Racial Prejudice and Racism. University of Kansas, Web, Available from:   2012 December 29.http://ctb.ku.edu/en/tablecontents/sub_section_main_1173.aspx .

Maddox, PhD, K. (2006). Rethinking Racial Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination. American Psychological Association, Web, Available from: 2012 December 28.http://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2006/04/maddox.aspx.

Sage Publications. (2006). Chapter 3 -- Causes and Consequences of Racial Prejudice. Web, Available from:   2012 December 28.http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/11557_Chapter_3.pdf .

Psychology of Racism Racial Prejudice
Pages: 3 Words: 975

Though prejudice seems to be a natural, hard-wired part of the human brain, racism is a learned trait, but the research discussed in Moskowitz's article suggests that there are predispositions in people's brains away from racism (and therefore probably towards racism as well). That is, when it comes to racism some people are simply faster learners than others. But though individual brain function explains some racism, it is far from the whole answer.
The research Moskowtitz explains only shows a predisposition towards the leanrned trait of racism; it ultimately fails to explain the source of racism. This is where institutional racism really connects to individual racism. In a society that as a whole is even slightly racist -- as many scholars suggest our is -- there are subconscious cues all around about the "good" and "bad" race or races. People who do not form negative associations do not pick up…...


Works Cited

Adams, Glen. Commemorating Brown. New York: American Psychological Association, 2007.

Anti-Defamation League (ADL). "Racism." 2001. Accessed 3 April 2009.  http://www.adl.org/hate-patrol/racism.asp 

Feinberg, Mark. "Racism and Psychology." American Psychology Association, 2000. Accessed 3 April 2009. http://www.apa.org/pi/oema/racism/contents.html

Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology. "Racism." 2001. Accessed 3 April 2009.  http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_g2699/is_0002/ai_2699000284/

Racial and Ethnic Differences National Contexts a
Pages: 7 Words: 1999

acial and Ethnic Differences National Contexts
A sociologist analyze racial ethnic differences national contexts. For, U.S., tend race a . In order develop skill, select analyze a society demonstrating ethnic stratification conflict, including evidence prejudice discrimination.

In sociology, the predominant line of thought has favored new prejudice interpretations, arguing for the continuing relevance of prejudice and discrimination in forming political opinions and in generating discrimination. New prejudice theories have argued that modern prejudice is multidimensional, combining racial and ostensibly nonracial beliefs. Little known to most sociologists, recent psychological research provides a new approach to understanding the sources of racial discrimination that compliments ideas from the new prejudice literature (Livingston, 2002).

esearch has demonstrated that implicit racial attitudes exist even for individuals who score low on measures of explicit racial prejudice and that these implicit beliefs influence judgments and perceptions. This literature provides one way to reconcile differences between continuing high rates of discrimination…...



Brockner, J., & Wiesenfeld, B. (2000). An integrative framework for explaining reactions to decisions: Interactive effects of outcomes and procedures. Psychological Bulletin, 120(1), 189-208.

Census Bureau U.S. (2001). (2001). The Hispanic population: 1990-2000 growth and change., . Washington DC:: Guzmin.

Feather, N.T. (2002). Values and value dilemmas in relation to judgments concerning outcomes of an industrial conflict. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,, 28(2), 446-459.

Issacharoff, S., Karlan, P.S., & Pildes, R.H. (2002). The law of democracy: Legal structure of the political process (Rev. 2nd ed.). . New York: Foundation Press.

Prejudice and the Clark Doll Test Prejudice
Pages: 3 Words: 1251

Prejudice and the Clark Doll test
Prejudice Today and the Clark Doll Study

I once witnessed an incident involving racial prejudice at a local Wal-Mart store. The store was located in a predominately white, suburban area of town. I was standing in a checkout line behind a white couple shopping with their young son. Standing right behind them was a well-dressed, African-American woman with a few items in her hand. A white cashier was quietly ringing up the family's items when I overheard the preschool age, little boy calling for his mom and saying that they needed to change lines. He was standing up in the shopping cart giving the African-American lady dirty looks. She stood quietly, ignoring him. The parents seemed completely oblivious; however, after several pleadings from the son, the mother turned and said, "What is it?" The little boy turned and boldly pointed at the African-American lady. There…...



Barreto, M., Ellemers, N., & Fiske, S.T. (2010). "What did You Say, and Who do You Think You Are?" How Power Differences Affect Emotional Reactions to Prejudice. Journal of Social Issues, 66(3), 477-492. doi:10.1111/j.1540-4560.2010.01657.x.

Gee, C.L., & Heyman, G.D. (2007). Children's Evaluation of Other People's Self-Descriptions. Social Development, 16(4), 800-818. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9507.2007.00408.x.

Prejudice in the Workplace Specifically
Pages: 4 Words: 1621

al, 2002). In addition, change occurs quicker when leadership is diverse, as well (Hampton and Lee, 2007). Finally, ethnicity and diversity issues should be included in organizational behavior courses, so that all business and industry has more access to this information (Mamman, 1996). Change must occur in our society, and an end to prejudice must be achieved for our society and our workplaces to be truly free and equal.

Barnes & Noble, & the Anti-Defamation League. (2001). 101 ways to combat prejudice. etrieved 19 March 2008 from the Anti-Defamation League Web site: http://www.adl.org/prejudice/closethebook.pdf.

Ehrlich, H.J. (2002). Understanding hate crimes. etrieved 19 March 2008 from the Prejudice Institute Web site: http://www.prejudiceinstitute.org/understandinghatecrimes.html.

Green, K.A., L pez, M, Wysocki, a., and Kepner K. (2002). Diversity in the workplace: Benefits, challenges, and the required managerial tools. etrieved 19 March 2008 from the University of Florida Web site: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/H022.

Griessman, G. (1993). What is diversity? etrieved 19 March…...



Barnes & Noble, & the Anti-Defamation League. (2001). 101 ways to combat prejudice. Retrieved 19 March 2008 from the Anti-Defamation League Web site:  http://www.adl.org/prejudice/closethebook.pdf .

Ehrlich, H.J. (2002). Understanding hate crimes. Retrieved 19 March 2008 from the Prejudice Institute Web site: http://www.prejudiceinstitute.org/understandinghatecrimes.html.

Green, K.A., L pez, M, Wysocki, a., and Kepner K. (2002). Diversity in the workplace: Benefits, challenges, and the required managerial tools. Retrieved 19 March 2008 from the University of Florida Web site:  http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/HR022 .

Griessman, G. (1993). What is diversity? Retrieved 19 March 2008 from the Multi-Cultural Center Web site: http://www.multi-culturalcenter.org/diversity.php.

Racial Profiing Discussion the Events From 2001
Pages: 2 Words: 799

acial Profiing Discussion
The events from 2001 marked a crucial point in the history of the United States from the perspective of the casualties and human loss they produce but at the same time from the perspective of the changes these events marked in the American society. Nowadays, the security measures are increased to such an extend that there have been wide debates on the potential abuses that may take place in terms of human rights, privacy issues, as well as personal security.

One of the security measures enforced since September 2001 is the extended control measures and techniques used to prevent any terrorist attacks from taking place on American soil. At the same time though, despite the fact that increased security measures are justified, they also allow controversies over potential abuses. One of the arguments protesting against increased security measures as they are enforced today points out the role of racial…...



Cloud, John. "What's Race Got To Do With It?" Time Magazine. 2001. Online edition. Available at  http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101010730/cover.html 

Taylor, Leslie. "Police condemned for profiling of letter carrier." The StarI 2009. Available at  http://www.thestar.com/News/GTA/article/670484 

Dept. Of Justice. Fact Sheet: Racial profiling. June 17, 2003. Available online at http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2003/June/racial_profiling_fact_sheet.pdf

Racial Dynamics the Organization for
Pages: 3 Words: 983

Differences in achievement are often attributed to race, ethnicity, gender or social class, when in reality it is often these demographic considerations that impact the ways teachers, parents, and educational professionals treat students. Lowered expectations for African-American students or elevated expectations for upper-income whites are common symptoms of the current and outmoded ideology. All schools needed to examine the problem with such obviously biased assumptions and to reform school curricula based on a more democratic ideology. Furthermore, the schools had to reform the definition of intelligence in order for the reforms to take root. Redefining intelligence was in fact the largest obstacle in altering the racial dynamics in the public schools.
We will not face such serious ideological challenges, as our organization is fundamentally different from a school. However, we face our own outmoded beliefs and assumptions and must also learn to redefine some of the essential aspects of our…...

Prejudice Has Prejudice in the
Pages: 2 Words: 639

This prejudice has abated since then, but still exists throughout the U.S.
ative Alaskans who attend a high school in this Western state interviewed their "elders," those living through the 1930s to 1950s, about the inequalities that existed. These individuals, too, were not able to go to certain movies or be served at local white-owned restaurants. Even in 2007, many ative Alaskans relate stories about the bigotry that exits within their state. A few years ago, several white students exploded paint balls at a ative Alaskan walking down the street. ative Alaskans also have less representation and responsibilities in the judicial system and receive, on whole, a lesser education than the non-atives.

Economic differences occur in this country, as well, and these differences are becoming wider. The gap between the rich and the poor is widening, with the more well to do having greater opportunities for a better education, healthcare services…...


Native Alaskans who attend a high school in this Western state interviewed their "elders," those living through the 1930s to 1950s, about the inequalities that existed. These individuals, too, were not able to go to certain movies or be served at local white-owned restaurants. Even in 2007, many Native Alaskans relate stories about the bigotry that exits within their state. A few years ago, several white students exploded paint balls at a Native Alaskan walking down the street. Native Alaskans also have less representation and responsibilities in the judicial system and receive, on whole, a lesser education than the non-Natives.

Economic differences occur in this country, as well, and these differences are becoming wider. The gap between the rich and the poor is widening, with the more well to do having greater opportunities for a better education, healthcare services and services in general. According to the latest figures from the Internal Revenue Service, the wealthiest 1% of Americans earned more than 20% of all income in 2005. That means the richest Americans have surpassed the highs of the booming 1990s, according to the latest data from the IRS. If one is not certain that disparity exists, it is only necessary to compare the run down neighborhoods and schools, poverty, and crowded clinics in the inner cities to the newly built and pristine public schools, privilege and affluence, and modern healthcare surgicenters in the American suburbs. Just because laws are passed does not necessarily mean that major changes occur. There has been and continues to be in the United States a number of people who see themselves as different and better than others.

This essay used compare/contrast strategies (e.g., with the inner-city vs. suburbs); description (the look of the inner city compared to the more affluent areas), narratives (the elders' stories about how they were/are treated) and arguments (throughout).

Racial Ideology of Latinas
Pages: 44 Words: 11967

The novel opens seven years after Gabo's mother, Ximena, was murdered by coyotes -- or paid traffickers -- during an attempt to cross the border. Her mutilated body was found, her organs gone -- sold most likely. Because of the fear surrounding this border town and the lure of the other side, all of the characters become consumed with finding afa. These people are neglected and abused. Like other fiction works on this topic (such as Cisneros's The House on Mango Street), The Guardians (2008) is rich in symbolism and flavored with Mexican aphorisms. The novel also shows the reader how complex and perilous border life is when you're living in between the United States and Mexico.

The book is important when attempting to understand the challenge of the border town life and it is, at the same time, a testament to faith, family bonds, cultural pride, and the human experience…...



Giroux, Henry A. (2001). Theory and resistance in education (Critical studies in education and culture series). Praeger; Rev Exp edition.

San Juan (2002) states that the racism of sex in the U.S. is another element of the unequal political and economic relations that exist between the races in the American democracy. Women of color may even be conceived as constituting "a different kind of racial formation" (2002), although the violence inflicted against them as well as with familial servitude and social inferiority, testifies more sharply to the sedimented structures of class and national oppression embedded in both state and civil society (2002).

San Juan (2002) goes on to explore the articulations between sexuality and nationalism. "What demands scrutiny is more precisely how the categories of patriarchy and ethnonationalism contour the parameters of discourse about citizen identities" (2002). How the idea of nation is sexualized and how sex is nationalized, according to San Juan (2002), are topics that may give clues as to how racial conflicts are circumscribed within the force field of national self-identification.

Sexuality, San Juan (2002) suggests, unlike racial judgment is not a pure self-evident category. He states that it manifests its semantic and ethical potency in the field of racial and gendered politics. In the layering and sedimentation of beliefs about sexual liberty and national belonging in the United States, one will see ambiguities and disjunctions analogous to those between sexuality and freedom as well as the persistence of racist ideology.

Social Psychology - Prejudice Prejudice
Pages: 8 Words: 2192

Early trauma that causes anger often corresponds to higher levels of aggression later in life, especially where the traumas are suppressed and internalized instead of being expressed at the time of their origin and at the source.
Furthermore, since many dysfunctional families forbid the expression of anger by children (particularly anger toward parents), individuals who experience significant levels of early trauma that produces repressed anger are often considerably more aggressive throughout life subsequently than individuals who were fortunate not to experience as much early trauma (Gerrig & Zimbardo 2005). Aggression is a known factor in criminal conduct as well as other forms of non-criminal negative social behavior such as those associated with overt prejudice and other types of social intolerance toward others (Macionis 2003).

Aggression and Prejudice:

One of the primary ways that aggression-prone individuals express their repressed rage is in their treatment of other less powerful individuals (Gerrig & Zimbardo 2005).




Friedman, a. (2005) a History of American Law. New York: Touchstone.

Gerrig, R.J., Zimbardo, R.G. (2005)

Psychology and Life 18th Ed.

Hoboken, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Childhood Prejudices
Pages: 7 Words: 1953

Childhood Prejudice
In an experiment, a Caucasian girl named Morgan was shown pictures of two girls - one white and one black.

hen asked who was smarter, Morgan pointed to the white girl. She was then shown a picture of a white and a black boy and was asked who threw garbage on the floor. She then pointed to the black boy (Stern-LaRosa and Bettman 2000).

Morgan is only three years old.

The experiment shows how early prejudice can affect people's perceptions, and the various negative ways in which they are manifested.

Morgan, however, is far from a lost cause. Experts agree that children often look to adults for guidance, and that there are many strategies to help children like Morgan work through their attitudes towards difference.

Definitions of prejudice

Studies of prejudice and discrimination usually center on a group of common ideas. Most experts begin with stereotypes, which are "cognitive shortcuts" regarding the qualities of individuals…...


Works Cited

Cohen, Warren. 1999. "Sticks and stones." U.S. News and World Report. March 1, 1999, p. 61.

Doyle, Anne B. And Frances Aboud. 1995. "A Longitudinal Study of White Children's Racial Prejudice as a Social-Cognitive Development." Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 4(2): 209-228.

Powlishta, Kimberly et al. 1994. "Gender, Ethnic, and Body Type Biases: The Generality of Prejudice in Childhood." Developmental Psychology, 30(4): 526-536.

Stern-Larosa, Caryl and Ellen Hofheimer Bettmann. 2000. Hate Hurts: How Children Learn and Unlearn Prejudice. New York: Scholastic.

Development of Prejudice in Individuals
Pages: 7 Words: 1879

Prejudice in Individuals:
Prejudice is the rigid irrational attitudes and opinions possessed by individuals or members of a specific group about another individual or group. onsequently, being prejudiced is defined as having preconceived beliefs regarding some people groups or cultural practices. In addition to being preconceived and difficult to change, prejudices can be positive or negative. While is possible to be prejudiced and fail to act upon the beliefs or attitudes, negative prejudices can result in discrimination. This negative form of prejudice is practiced in order to guard opportunities through denying access to groups of people. There is an urgent need to lessen prejudice because of the changing social structure, demographics, work place settings, and education settings. However, many efforts to reduce prejudices in these various settings have been legal and have failed to confront the dynamics of the disorder.

Prejudicial Processes:

There are two prejudicial processes that operate differently from each…...


Cole, J. (n.d.). Understanding Prejudice Behavior. Retrieved July 31, 2011, from  http://www.beyondprejudice.com/under_stand.html 

"Prejudice and Discrimination." (n.d.). Cliff Notes. Retrieved July 31, 2011, from  http://www.cliffsnotes.com/study_guide/Prejudice-and-Discrimination.topicArticleId-26957,articleId-26886.html 

Schamotta, J. (n.d.). The Development of Prejudice. Retrieved July 31, 2011, from http://www.ehow.com/info_8547880_development-prejudice.html

Understanding Discrimination and Prejudice in the Black Community
Pages: 7 Words: 2027

Understanding a form of prejudice and discrimination in a black community Explain how prejudice and discrimination manifests in this community
Research on health and race often invoke discrimination, prejudice, and racism as probable causes for increased levels of mortality and morbidity in the black community. Discrimination and prejudice can impact people's social resources, opportunities, motivation, self-worth, and involvement with the wider society. Besides, the different views on inequality and equality serve as drivers for further prejudice. Therefore, the establishment, promotion, and sustenance of human rights and equality are dependent on understanding how individuals comprehend and apply these ideas in their daily lives (Abrams, 2010).
Early sociological accounts regarding black's higher offending rates focused not on the physical constraints created by racial prejudice but instead on the supposed unique facets of their culture that disrupts conventional behavior while encouraging violence and crime. A few recent structural perceptions openly incorporate racial, physical constraints, including institutional…...



Abrams, D. (2010). Process of Prejudice: Theory, evidence, and intervention. Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report.

Burt, C. H., Simons, R., & Gibbons, F. (2012). Racial Discrimination, Ethnic-Racial Socialization, and Crime: A Micro-sociological Model of Risk and Resilience. Am Sociol Rev., 648–677.

College Board Advocacy and Policy Center. (2010). The Education Crisis Facing Young Men of Color (Vol. 1, pp. 1-42, Rep.). College Board

Fleming C, Lamont M, and Welburn J. (2012). \\\\"African Americans Respond to Stigmatization: The Meanings and Salience of Confronting, Deflecting Conflict, Educating the Ignorant and \\\\'Managing the Self.\\\\'\\\\" Ethnic and Racial Studies 35(3):400–17.

Gaylord-Harden, N. K. (2009). The Impact of Racial Discrimination and Coping Strategies on Internalizing Symptoms in African American Youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 532-43.

Griffin, E., & Armstead, C. (2020). Black\\\\'s Coping Responses to Racial Stress. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 609–618.

Lawson, C. (2016). Racism and Coping Mechanisms within the African American Community. UFDC.

NPR, R. H. (2017). Discrimination in America: Experiencing and views of African Americans.

Injustices Based on Racial Discrimination and Gender
Pages: 4 Words: 1382

Injustices based on racial discrimination and gender bias in a democratic country sounds weird and hard-to-believe. However, what history has witnessed proves what nobody wants to hear or believe. This analytical research paper addresses grave issues concerning racial discrimination and gender bias pertaining to black vs. white and the related causes for the orld ar II as well as the prejudices that led to the Civil Rights Movement. Thus, the paper revolves around the popular poem "Mending all" by Robert Frost, addressing the issue of the racial conflict between blacks and whites in America. Poems by Langston Hughes will also be incorporated in the paper to better explain the black experiences before the II and Civil Rights Movement. The orks Cited appends seven sources in MLA format.
Mending alls

Among many renowned literary figures that understood the cost that the world is paying for racial prejudices and the rebellious nature that took…...


Works Cited

Robert Frost (1874-1963). Available at   31, 2002)http://www.americanpoems.com/poets/robertfrost/ (October

Frost, "Poetry Of Robert Frost: Five Poems From North Of Boston," Monarch Notes, 01-01-1963

Frost, "Poetry Of Robert Frost: Essay Questions, Criticism," Monarch Notes, 01-01-1963.

America After Slavery: From Lynchings to White Riots." Available at (Octoberhttp://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Classroom/9912/lynchingera.html

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to Outline for a focused analysis of the nickle boys with insights of literary theory ?
Words: 408

I. Introduction

A. Hook: Begin with a captivating statement or question that introduces the novel, "The Nickel Boys."
B. Thesis Statement: Clearly state the main argument or insight you will explore, such as: "This essay will analyze the themes of racial injustice, intergenerational trauma, and the power of resilience in Colson Whitehead's 'The Nickel Boys' through the lens of critical race theory."

II. Body Paragraph 1: Racial Injustice

A. Cite specific examples from the text that demonstrate the systemic racism faced by the protagonist, Elwood Curtis, and the other boys at the Nickel Academy.
B. Analyze how Whitehead uses literary devices such as symbolism and....

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Racism. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 275

Certainly! Here are a few potential essay topics related to racism that you could consider:

1. The historical roots of racism and its ongoing impact on society.
2. The role of privilege in perpetuating racism.
3. The effects of systemic racism on marginalized communities.
4. The intersectionality of racism with other forms of discrimination.
5. The portrayal of race and racism in media and popular culture.
6. The impact of racial stereotypes and bias on individuals and communities.
7. Strategies for combatting racism and promoting racial equity.
8. The relationship between racism and economic inequality.
9. The long-term implications of racial segregation and discrimination.
10. The importance of allyship and....

Can you provide a concise outline highlighting the key themes and plot points in \'To Kill a Mockingbird\'?
Words: 457

To Kill a Mockingbird: Key Themes and Plot Points


Racial Prejudice and Injustice: The novel explores the pervasive racism and prejudice in the American South, particularly the unjust trial of Tom Robinson, an innocent black man accused of raping a white woman.
Moral Development and Childhood Innocence: The story follows Scout Finch's journey from a naive child to a mature and morally aware young woman, who witnesses firsthand the complexities of adult society.
Perspective and Empathy: Harper Lee emphasizes the importance of seeing events from multiple perspectives and recognizing the humanity in others, even those who are different from ourselves.

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to book review of war without mercy race and power in the pacific war by john w dower?
Words: 371

1. Analyzing the portrayal of race and power dynamics in "War Without Mercy" by John W. Dower
2. Exploring the impact of racial stereotypes on the Pacific War
3. Critiquing the role of propaganda in shaping perceptions of race in wartime
4. Investigating the use of power dynamics in the Pacific War and its implications for society
5. Examining the intersection of race, power, and nationalism in wartime narratives
6. Discussing the ethical implications of using racial profiling as a tool for war strategy
7. Comparing and contrasting the treatment of race in the Pacific War with other conflicts
8. Evaluating the effectiveness of Dower's analysis of....

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