Racial Disparities Essays (Examples)

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Racial Disparities Nursing
Pages: 2 Words: 698

Community Health Nursing
One of the most important aspects of healthcare today is prevention. Some of the many preventable diseases within the American population today include diabetes and kidney disease. Often, a key to such prevention is medical screening and education. One major challenge medical professionals today are facing is the growing incidence of kidney disease, not only in the general population, but especially among Hispanics. This population is one of the fastest-growing racial groups in the country (Banabe and ios, 2004). This group is also twice as likely to develop kidney failure as those who are non-Hispanic and white. For a community nurse, this is of particular concern, especially in terms of strategies to help this population prevent the prevalence of kidney failure and its causes.

The disease is among this population is of particular interest, since the researcher has worked with this population for some time. Several questions might also…...



Benabe, J.E. And Rios, E.V. (2004, Jun.). Kidney disease in the Hispanic Population: facing the growing challenge. Journal of the National Medical Association, 96(6). Retrieved from:  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2568348/ 

DaVita Healthcare (2014). Risks for CKD in Hispanic-Americans. Retrieved from:   -- hispanic-americans&articleID=5009http://www.davita.com/education/article.cfm?educationMainFolder=causes-of-kidney-disease&category=assessing-your-risk&articleTitle=risks-for-ckd-in 

Health Program Bronx Racial Disparities in the
Pages: 4 Words: 1214

Health Program Bronx
Racial Disparities in the Healthcare System

America's healthcare system is one of the most visible indicators of the broad array of social, economic and racial inequalities that still impact American life. For racial minorities such as African-Americans and Latinos, health outcomes are disproportionately worse than they are for white patients. This denotes a core inequality that goes to the root of our society. Outreach, education and advocacy programs such as the one described here in relation to minority populations living in the Bronx helps to provide a valuable case demonstration of this public health issue.

Collaborating Organizations:

The pressing racial issues that are evidenced in our imbalanced healthcare system serve as the impetus for the agenda and actions taken up by the REACH Bronx organization. This action-group is actually described as a coalition of groups and demonstrates the considerable push from a wide variance of parties to bring greater socioeconomic equality…...


Works Cited:

Calman, N. (2005). Making Health Equality a Reality: The Bronx Takes Action. Health Affairs, 24(2).

Institute for Family Health (2011). Bronx Health REACH -- Making Health Equity a www.institute2000.org/bhr/.

National Cancer Institute (2009). How to Evaluate Health Information on the Internet: Questions and Answers. Cancer.gov.

U.S. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2011). Health Literacy Online: A Guide to Writing and Designing Easy-to-Use Health Web Sites. www.health.gov/

Racial Disparity Although We Have
Pages: 2 Words: 613

This type of conviction also conveniently disenfranchises the poor of whatever minority from voting if they are convicted felons, and conveniently prohibiting the right to bear arms, or harsher sentencing if they do.
These effects of the initial cause, wage payers using the courts to provide themselves cheap labor, push down on eligible voter rates and election to office as well, which makes sense if election takes expensive campaign expenditure and time off working in order to win. Those with the wealth to take time off work to campaign, and to generate the publicity that translates into higher campaign contributions dominate the highest elected office and participation rates compared to ethnicities with lower median incomes (Barak, Leighton and Flavin 108). The result is that minorities lack the power to change public policy and thus the institutions that represent higher incidence of blacks and Latinos in prisons; lower earnings for everyone…...


Work Cited

Barak, G., Leighton, P. And Flavin, J. Class, Race Gender and Crime, 3rd ed. Lanham, Maryland:

Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2010.

Disparity and Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System
Pages: 3 Words: 989

Disparity and Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System
Discrimination in the justice system is the dissimilarity based on the difference in treatment given to people regardless of their qualifications or behavior. The criminal justice system has different forms of discrimination including pure justice, contextual discrimination, institutionalized discrimination, and systematic discrimination. Every stage of the criminal justice system experiences systematic discrimination. Further, this form of discrimination occurs without variation in all corners of the world. This implies that systematic discrimination happens when a certain gender, ethnic, age or race group encounters discrimination in different parts of the world. Critics are of the opinion systematic discrimination does not exist while other believes that it exists when groups of people encounter consistent discrimination in the criminal justice system (obinson & Williams, 2009).

Institutionalized discrimination is associated with disparities in the results and not in the policies. Institutionalized discrimination is based on the aspect of results…...



Mustard, B. (2009). Racial, ethnic, and gender disparities in sentencing: Evidence from the U.S.

Federal Courts. New York: Springer.

Robinson, M. & Williams, M. (2009). The myth of a fair criminal justice system. South Carolina:

Edward Elgar Publishing.

Disparity and Discrimination the History of Criminal
Pages: 13 Words: 4959

Disparity and Discrimination
The history of criminal justice and race.

The racial makeup of the criminal justice system.

The misunderstanding between discrimination and disparity.

How disparity and discrimination are addressed in the criminal justice system.

The difference between discrimination and disparity.

scholarly articles - each addressing an aspect of criminal justice.

How race and disparity are seen in the criminal justice system.

How race and discrimination are seen in the criminal justice system.

The treatment of criminals regardless of race.

An examination of the information collected from the articles.

Information regarding what the information means to the criminal justice system.


How to help the criminal justice system deal with race appropriately.

How discrimination can be avoided in favor of naturally-occurring disparity.


The future of discrimination and disparity in the criminal justice system.

What can be done to improve race relations when it comes to criminal justice.

Reference List

inswanger, I.A., Redmond, N., Steiner, J.F., & Hicks, L.S. 2011. Health disparities and the criminal justice system: An agenda…...



Binswanger, I.A., Redmond, N., Steiner, J.F., & Hicks, L.S. 2011. Health disparities and the criminal justice system: An agenda for further research and action. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1-10.

Crutchfield, R.D., Skinner, M.L., Haggerty, K.P., McGlynn, A., & Catalano, R.F. 2009. Racial disparities in early criminal justice involvement. Race and Social Problems, 1(4): 218-230.

Davis, A.J. 2008. Racial fairness in the criminal justice system: The role of the prosecutor. 39 Columbia Journal of Human Rights Law Review 202: 202-230.

Garland, B.E., Spohn, C., & Wodahl, E.J. 2008. Racial disproportionality in the American prison population: Using the Blumstein Method to address the critical race and justice issues of the 21st century. Justice Policy Journal, 5(2). 1-42. Retrieved from  http://www.cjcj.org/files/racial_disproportionality.pdf

Disparities on the Sentencing of Convicted Children
Pages: 2 Words: 682

Disparities on the Sentencing of Convicted Children:
The recent sentencing of convicted children and the high-contrast prosecution of the cases by the states is a demonstration of how broken the United States juvenile justice system has become in the recent past. Even though the state-to-state variations of the juvenile justice system have been in existence since the system was developed in 1899, the current disparities are so wide to an extent that they have raised concerns regarding fairness. These concerns have particularly been raised because of the various examples of discrepancies on the sentencing of convicted children across the states. For instance, a juvenile convicted for stabbing a boy to death in Massachusetts could be sentenced to seven years in juvenile jail while a juvenile convicted of causing the death of a girl in Florida can be sentenced to life without parole in an adult prison. These two cases of sentencing…...



Axtman, K. (2001, February 8). Kid on Trial: 'Justice by Geography.' Retrieved November

3, 2012, from  http://www.csmonitor.com/2001/0208/p1s3.html 

"Sentencing Disparity and Discrimination." (n.d.). Chapter Four. Retrieved November 3, 2012,

from  http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/27008_4.pdf

Disparity Discrimination Disparity and Discrimination
Pages: 2 Words: 615

This suggests that where racial characteristics are invoked during the process of administering criminal justice, it has been done in order to intentionally subject the minority race to some form of unequal treatment based on his or her race.
It is this orientation that produces the sociological condition called disparity, particularly legislated policy acts unwittingly on underlying biases. So is this noted by illiams (2009), who points to the disparities created inadvertently but owing to core racial prejudices. illiams reports that "a common example of a disparity in the criminal justice system is found in sentencing guidelines. In the 1990s the Sentencing Guidelines and Policy Statements of the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 that applies to all federal offenses committed after November 1, 1987 created many disparities (Mustard, 2001)" (illiams, p. 2) illiams points out that the sentencing guidelines, for instance, called for harsher penalties for those guilty of crack/cocaine…...


Works Cited:

Banks, C. (2004). Criminal Justice Ethics: Theory And Practice. Sage Publications.

Williams, C. (2009). Disparity Vs. Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System. Associated Content.

Disparity and Discrimination in the
Pages: 2 Words: 605

esearchers have recently conducted a study of the racial disparity in the military justice system which seems to mirror the results discovered about the criminal justice system. Since the Supreme Court re-instituted the death penalty in 1976, the U.S. military has executed 16 personnel, 10 of whom were minorities. The researchers found that while the system was not inherently discriminatory, individuals within the system were acting in a discriminatory way. Because of this discrimination, there has been a disparity in the numbers of minorities sentenced to death for crimes. According to ichard Dieter, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center, "Sadly judgments are never made on pure formulas, but are always influenced by the biases, upbringing and cultural histories of the judges and jurors." (D'Almeida, 2011)

Disparity and discrimination are not the same thing, but they are terms that are related to each other. While disparity does occur within the…...



Banks, Cyndi, (2009). "Criminal Justice Ethics: Theory and Practice." California: Sage

Publications. Retrieved from  http://books.google.com/books?id=BFjId1iBmVAC&printsec=frontcover&dq=ethics+and+the+criminal+justice+system+banks&hl=en&ei=ZrBnTrHjOsTn0QHEoKiEDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAA%20//%20v=onepage&q=discrimination&f=false 

D'Almeida, Kanya. (1 Sept. 2011). "Study Reveals Racially Biased Death Sentencing in U.S. Military." IPS News. Retrieved from  http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=104962 

Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security." (2009)

Disparities and Diabetes among Latinos
Pages: 8 Words: 2585

Disparities and Diabetes among Latinos
The whole world is experiencing diabetes-related health disparities, co-morbidities and its complications. There is a wide range of literature available showing that ethnic and race minorities are at a greater risk of developing diabetes compared to the majority groups. The disparities are a result of a combination of factors; they are both clinical and biological. They are also strongly associated with the system of health and factors related to social dynamics. The term ethnicity is a complex one. It reflects a convergence of multi-dimensional factors ranging from biological ones to geographically-influenced contributors. Other strong influencers include political, economic cultural, legal and social factors, including racism. Thus, it is important to understand the idea of racism and ethnicity if one is to figure out the full stretch and effect of disparities in healthcare and health, generally (Spanakis & Golden, 2013).

The USA has a large Latino population which…...

Racial Justice Concerns in the Juvenile Justice System
Pages: 2 Words: 630

Forensic Social Work: Discussion 9 Discuss whether or not the Juvenile Justice System is a racial justice issue.
It is important to note, from the onset, that according to Robles-Ramamurthy and Watson (2019), there are various research studies that have been conducted in the past in an attempt to assess the extent of racial disparities in the juvenile justice system. As the authors further point out, there are many who have also “raised concerns about the differential treatment and selection of youth based on race” (117). There is no doubt whatsoever that when racial representation in the juvenile justice system is disproportionate, concerns about equality of treatment as well as fundamental fairness are bound to be raised. At present, the juvenile justice system has major disparities in as far as minority youth involvement versus white youth involvement is concerned.
It should be noted that as the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine…...



National Research Council and Institute of Medicine (2001). Juvenile Crime, Juvenile Justice. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

National Conference of State Legislatures – NCSL (2020). Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Juvenile Justice System. Retrieved from  

National Juvenile Justice Network (2020). Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Juvenile Justice Systems: Promising Practices. Retrieved from  http://www.njjn.org/our-work/reducing-racial-and-ethnic-disparities-in-juvenile-justice-systems-promising-practice s

Robles-Ramamurthy, B. & Watson, C. (2019). Examining Racial Disparities in Juvenile Justice. The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 48(3), 115-125.


Racial Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System Criminal Justice Research Assessment
Pages: 1 Words: 412

CIMINAL JUSTICE ESEACH ASSESSMENTCriminal Justice esearch AssessmentSeveral months ago, I came across a 2013 research article titled, No evidence of racial discrimination in criminal justice processing: esults from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. The said research article, - authored by Beaver, DeLisi, Wright, Boutwell, Barnes, and Vaughn indicated that although there is indeed evidence of racial disparity in the criminal justice system in as far as the arrest, conviction as well as incarceration in the U.S. is concerned, the said disparity could sufficiently be explained after accounting for lifetime violence as well as IQ. More specifically, in the words of the authors, although African American males are significantly more likely to be arrested and incarcerated when compared to White males, the said disparity could be completely accounted for after including covariates for self-reported lifetime violence and IQ (29).I felt that the findings were in this case somewhat…...


ReferencesBeaver, K.M., DeLisi, M., Wright, J.P., Boutwell, B.B., Barnes, J.C. & Vaughn, M.G. ().No evidence of racial discrimination in criminal justice processing: Results from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Personality and Individual Differences, 55(1), 29-34. Hetey, R.C. & Eberhardt, J.L. (2018). The Numbers Don’t Speak for Themselves: Racial Disparities and the Persistence of Inequality in the Criminal Justice System. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(3), 183-187.

Racial Concerns for Today
Pages: 2 Words: 605

Justice Blackmun was largely correct in his statement that "To get beyond racism we must first take account of race. There is no other way." In fact, such a statement has particular relevance in an election year (which is what 2016 is). Unfortunately, in the United States, race still has long-term effects on a person's life, which is why race must be accounted for before racism is ended.

One of the primary ways that race has long-term effects on someone's life in America pertains to issues of health and certain socio-economic realities. A good example of this fact is found in Fuentes' article (2012) when the author writes that "the infant mortality rate of blacks doubles that of whites in the U.S.A.." This statement alludes to some of the harsher salutary ramifications of race in this country. Because African-Americans are frequently disenfranchised and live in poor socio-economic conditions, it is…...


Works Cited

Fuentes, Augustin. "Race is Real, but not in the way Many People Think." Psychology Today. 2012. Web. ***

Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health Reach 2010 Program
Pages: 8 Words: 3356

acial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (EACH 2010 Program)
The health objectives for the United States for the 21st century have been described in The Federal Initiative to Eliminate acial and Ethnic Health Disparities and Healthy People 2010. The national interest in the areas of racial and ethnic disparities has been renewed with the public health initiatives with the leadership for the discussion being taken by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The overall health of the nation has improved a lot, but the members of the minority groups in the ethnic and racial areas have not been benefited. This includes the African-Americans, Alaska Natives, American Indians, Asian-Americans, Hispanic-Americans and Pacific Islanders.

This segment of our population is more likely to have poor health and premature deaths than the white Americans. During 1992 to 1998, the deaths from breast cancer have come down noticeably, but there are more deaths among…...



Author Unknown) (n.d) Chronic Diseases, Risk Factors, and Preventive Services, Alabama. Retrieved at Accessed on 15/10/2003http://www.4woman.gov/owh/reg/4/overview.htm.

Author Unknown) (n.d) Health Disparities and Non-insulin Type 2 Diabetes. Retrieved at   Accessed on 15/10/2003http://www.medicalnewsservice.com .

Author Unknown) (n.d) HHS Awards more than 65 Million to eliminate health disparities. Retrieved at on 15/10/2003http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/BurdenBook/DeathCause.asp?state=alAccessed

Author Unknown) (n.d) Overview of Region lV. Retrieved at   Accessed on 15/10/2003http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/exemplary/racial.htm .

Disparity in Sentencing for Crack
Pages: 13 Words: 4592

It is a matter of opinion as to whether this is actually accurate, but it does appear to be logical (Payne, 1997).
This is an important analogy because of the fact that many individuals who are targeted for a particular reason will often attempt to find a disparity issue that they can use to insist that they have been treated unfairly. In drug use or sale issues, these people are targeted because of the offense that they have committed, but when sentencing is handed down, those who feel that they received too harsh of a sentence will work to find reasons that they believe their sentencing to be unfair.

Race is only one reason that these individuals use. Others include gender, age, and whether the amount of drug that they had is a felony or should be a misdemeanor instead. Some of the speculation into why some individuals feel that they…...



Banks, C. (2004). Criminal Justice Ethics: Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Blumstein, a. et. al. (1983). Research on sentencing: The Search for Reform.

Drug Use Trends. (1997, September-October). Slow development in "crack babies" may be caused by conditions of urban poverty, says new study. Retrieved at  http://www.ndsn.org/sepoct97/poverty.html 

Education Reforms and Students at Risk: A review of the current state of the art. (1994, January). Chapter 2: Student Background. Retrieved at  http://www.ed.gov/pubs/edreformstudies/edreforms/chap2a.html

Racial Gap in City Schools
Pages: 3 Words: 789

Possible Explanations in Structural Issues within the Educational Experience

The similarity in aptitude early on and the increasing academic achievement gap between black and white students thereafter would seem to suggest that the causes are most likely to be social and institutional. Among the possible factors, black children are less likely to have the benefit of a two-parent home; they are more likely to live in poorer communities with lower quality educational institutions; and they are 30% less likely to change school by their parents' choice. Unfortunately, the types of educational initiatives designed to reduce the education gap have not proven successful and to the extent their data suggest otherwise, it may be by virtue of over-reliance on the issue of "passing" instead of high achievement.

For example, the NCLB approach emphasized reducing the educational achievement gap among races by focusing on achieving proficiency in academic skills considered to be the most…...

Can you help me an essay outline and essay title about invent technology that would transform a country’s society?
Words: 726

This is a very interesting topic.  Near the end of each year, Lux Research posts a list of transformational technologies to watch in the following year, which might be a good place to start if you are looking for ideas about a specific technology.  However, those are going to be technologies that are already invented.  Inventing a technology that would transform society in a specific country would require an intimate understanding and knowledge of a country’s culture, geography, religion, history, infrastructure, and natural resources; identifying a problem that it has; and combing up with a novel invention....

Can I get help with a concept analysis regarding black women in America and breast cancer disparities?
Words: 366

One of the troubling things about breast cancer in the United States is how much more fatal it is for black women than for white women.  Understanding this difference will not only help improve care for African American women, but also help explore the racial disparities that exist throughout the American healthcare system.  To do this, it is important really understand the concept.  What are the reasons that black women are more likely to die of breast cancer than white women? Critical to understanding this concept is the fact that, while black....

I\'m searching for essay topics on obama. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 637

Certainly! Here are some essay topic ideas related to Barack Obama:

1. Analyzing the major accomplishments and legacy of Barack Obama as President of the United States.
2. Exploring the challenges and obstacles faced by Obama during his presidency and evaluating his responses.
3. Investigating the impact of Obama's healthcare reform, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), on the American healthcare system.
4. Discussing Obama's approach to foreign policy, focusing on significant events such as the Iran nuclear deal or the Paris Climate Agreement.
5. Examining the Obama administration's efforts to address climate change and promote clean energy.
6. Assessing the economic policies and strategies implemented by....

Need guidance for a thesis statement on the Police equity topic?
Words: 128

Thesis statement: The cause-and-effect relationship between biased policing practices and the perpetuation of racial disparities in law enforcement outcomes underscores the need for police equity reforms in order to ensure fairness, justice, and build community trust. Police equity reforms are essential to addressing the systemic issues within law enforcement that lead to racial disparities and biases. By implementing policies that focus on training, accountability, and community engagement, police departments can work towards creating a more just and equitable system for all individuals. Additionally, promoting diversity within police departments and fostering relationships with the communities they serve can help to build trust....

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