Much of the time spent in school focuses on following arbitrary rules and not theories of importance.
This understanding places much pressure on the teacher. Directives often come from higher, demanding certain test scores be met and curriculum be tailored to more collective ideas. As a result, the very thing that empowers students is ignored. We are individuals with individual gifts and talents all worthwhile and important in way or another. Too often this quality is snuffed out of students and teachers by browbeating and disciplining actions. Although some of this is necessary, it has definitely reached a tipping point.
As a qualified person with intelligence and know-how, I, as a teacher, am often treated like a cow in a herded pasture. Autonomy rarely exists in the classroom anymore and students often leave these institutions with little more knowledge than when they entered. The rich spiritualness that Gatto talks about is…...
Gatto, J. (n.d.). The Nature of Public Education, Excerpts from the Writings of John Taylor Gatto. Retrieved from
“A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves.” The meaning of Bertrand de Jouvenel’s statement has changed little since the French philosopher first wrote those words a hundred years ago. In fact, these words speak a timeless truth about human social behavior and political culture.
Especially in a democracy, when the people are entrusted with the power to create whatever government they desire or whatever government they believe will bring about desired outcomes, being sheepish is a dangerous proposition indeed. When people become mindless followers, succumbing to the mentality of a herd, they surrender their humanity and fail to accept the responsibility of good citizenship. Being a citizen in a democracy is a responsibility, as each person’s actions will have consequences that impact everyone else. Sheepish voters use their emotions, their gut reactions, to make political choices. They cease to think critically about political issues. Sheep also…...
movie, quote directly paraphrase proof film. To paraphrase describe scene point making memory words .
Marginalization in The Elephant Man
David Lynch's 1980 motion picture The Elephant Man puts across an episode in nineteenth century England involving discrimination based on social class and appearance. The storyline revolves around Frederick Treves, a surgeon who had come across a curious case and who expresses particular interest in finding out more regarding it. John Merrick suffers from an intriguing medical condition and it stands as the reason for which he is harshly treated by most of the people that he interacts with. In spite of showing obvious discrepancy between social classes, the film demonstrates that lower and upper class people are united by their bizarre determination to observe and discriminate individuals displaying a visible disability.
From the very first scenes of the motion pictures viewers are presented with the difference between Treves and ytes (the…...
Dir. David Lynch. The Elephant Man. Paramount Pictures, 1980.
movie, quote directly paraphrase proof film. To paraphrase describe scene point making memory words .
Jack Merrick's suicide
Jack Merrick, the central character in David Lynch's "The Elephant Man," is meant to express a series of feelings, most of them related to marginalization and seclusion. Merrick's principal role in nineteenth century London was that of entertaining people by allowing them to see his physical disabilities. It is not difficult to understand society made him feel about himself, considering that mostly everyone perceived him as a freak of nature. John Hurt, the actor playing Merrick, managed to present viewers with an astonishing performance, particularly considering the fact that he had to wear a mask while acting. The general plot of the film introduces the audience with the concept of hopelessness, despite Treves' determination to prove otherwise. Merrick's suicide is an act of liberation and viewers are most likely to sympathize with the…...
Dir. David Lynch. The Invisible Man. Paramount Pictures, 1980.
Healthcare Financial Management
To quote Jonathan Clark at the beginning of his article, "Improving the revenue cycle can be a daunting task due to the scope and complexity of the interdepartmental process." Of the suggestions offered by the authors, which concept(s) give you the greatest insight into creating an improved evenue Cycle process in the organization where you work (or one in which you are familiar)? Be sure to identify which article or author you are referencing.
In his comprehensive advisory article to improve the medical industry's revenue capturing capabilities, entitled Strengthening the evenue Cycle: A 4-Step Method for Optimizing Payment, Jonathan Clark provides a series of sensible solutions to the ongoing dilemma of payment optimization. David Hammer also provides guidance to healthcare finance professional in his article The Next Generation of evenue Cycle Management, by reminding them that the key performance indicators (KPIs) which dictated policy in previous years have been…...
Clark, J. (2008). Strengthening the revenue cycle: a 4-step method for optimizing payment. Healthcare Financial Management, 62(10), 44.
Hammer, D.C. (2007). The next generation of revenue cycle management. Healthcare Financial Management, 61(7), 49.
Seddon, J. (2008). Think system. Management Services, 52(2), 10.
Wilson, D.B. et al. (2004). 3 steps to profitable managed care contracts. Healthcare Financial Management, 58(5), 34.
The quote any man who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new, Albert Einstein captures the essence of why many services providers including those in the medical profession set for mediocrity over continually pushing themselves for excellence. The many errors in the healthcare services industry can be attributed to outmoded, often very expensive processes that have lost touch with patients' needs (Kumar, Steinebach, 444).
Analysis of the Quote
In a paradoxical sense, the more pressure on the healthcare industry to change in terms of quality of care, with the pressure equally applied across physicians to care providers and healthcare maintenance organizations (HMO) the greater the resistance to change (Kumar, Steinebach, 444). Mediocrity within the healthcare industry is actively protected as a result, making innovation and risk-taking for consumers seen not as a revenue or cost advantage, but a cost drain and risk to profitability (Wright, 205). The mistakes of…...
Sameer Kumar, and Marc Steinebach. "Eliminating U.S. hospital medical errors. " International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 21.5 (2008): 444.
Haeusler, J.. "Medicine Needs Adaptive Leadership. " Physician Executive 36.2 (2010): 12-15.
Wright, D.. "Medical malpractice and physician liability under a negligence rule. " International Review of Law and Economics 31.3 (2011): 205.
Buck; strong, powerful, intelligent. henever a quote shows adjectives selected suit character write essay, include page number story.
Character analysis: Buck in The Call of the ild
Jack London's novel The Call of the ild is unique because the most compelling protagonist of the book is not a human being but a dog. Buck is described as having the intelligence, strength, and capacity for loyalty comparable with a human being. Buck is tested throughout the book and finally shows himself to be the dominant dog of a pack of sled dogs and later a pack of wolves. The book follows the trajectory of a novel of enslavement: Buck is removed from his happy existence as a pet, forced to become a sled dog in the Artic, and survives a challenge by the pack leader by relying upon his wits. After the only master who treated him kindly is killed, Buck returns…...
mlaWorks Cited
London, Jack. The Call of the Wild. E-text:
Wernher Von Braun
In the quote, research is what I'm doing when I do not know what I'm doing, Dr. Wernher Von Braun is saying that the elements of discovery, non-linear thinking, creativity and unstructured analysis can be even more powerful than a more thoroughly defined, dogmatic and highly constrained approach to primary research. The intent of this paper is to explain who the kind of research described in the quote can be helpful to science, and that the advantage in research that is more directed and purposeful can lead to more efficiency surrounding the process yet also limit the potential to find entirely new, unthought-of solutions to complex problems.
The essence of successful innovation is in finding associations or links between two or more disparate concepts, theories, frameworks or structures that combined deliver significant, often disruptive innovative value over time (Antonelli, Franzoni, Geuna, 201). An analysis of patent flows throughout global…...
Antonelli, C., C. Franzoni, and A. Geuna. "The organization, economics, and policy of scientific research: what we do know and what we don't know - an agenda for research. " Industrial and Corporate Change 20.1 (2011): 201.
Bhattacharya, J., and M. Packalen. "Opportunities and benefits as determinants of the direction of scientific research. " Journal of Health Economics 30.4 (2011): 603.
Kumazawa, R., and P. Gomis-Porqueras. "An empirical analysis of patents flows and R&D flows around the world. " Applied Economics 44.36 (2012): 4755.
Educational Objective
Introductory Quote
As a student who has worked hard to attain a degree, the value of ultimately holding a diploma in my hand would be immense- it has great value and respect in the society that we live and work in, there are strong personal reasons that would finally be fulfilled and ultimately, having a college degree will have a great positive impact on my future life.
ody Paragraph #1: Why Education is Valuable- educational objectives
Personal growth
Learning in the classroom
Learning from peers
Future employment prospects improve
More sought after candidate
ody Paragraph #2: Personal Reasons
Difficult to accomplish- self-fulfillment and self-esteem growth
f. Improve future employment
ody Paragraph #3: Impact on future plans and how a degree would help
g. Foundation for more education
h. Long-term stability
Tie it all together
Why I Worked for Four Years for a Piece of Paper
"Despite rising tuition and student-loan debt levels, the long-term payoff from earning a college degree is growing," asserts a study…...
Lewin, Tamar. (2010, September 21). Degree payoff is growing, study says. The New York Times, p. A18.
Psychology take-Home
Alan's quote clearly illustrates the concept of 'emotional intelligence.' The theory of emotional intelligence is associated with Daniel Goleman, who suggests that success in life cannot be solely attributed to intellectual ability as measured on conventional IQ tests. (Intelligence testing is a form of cognitive psychology.) Emotional intelligence has become more accepted as a 'real' intelligence in recent years because of the growing popularity of Howard Gardner's concept of multiple intelligences, or the idea that intelligence can defined according to specific ability groupings. Alan's sense of self-reflection about his own life underlines the fact that it is possible to develop emotional intelligence, even if someone is not naturally gifted in this particular area of his or her life.
Alan is an engineer, a profession that has traditionally valued technical capacities rather than feelings. But unlike some highly successful engineers, Alan has come to realize the importance of the 'human…...
As the world becomes increasingly secular and turns away from a belief in God, it has also seemed to turn away from this quest for meaning and from the need to find and fulfill some true purpose with one's life.
This does not mean, of course, that one must believe in any specific religion or even necessarily believe in God in order to try and live a meaningful and purposeful life, and indeed it could be argued that for some God and religion provided excuses not to investigate life any further, and not to make personal determinations of purpose and achievement. It would be perfectly possible for someone to determine that they needed to create their own meaning and purpose in life without any sort of reliance on an external faith. The problem is, most people don't seem to be ready or willing to do this, and so instead of…...
Poisonwood ible," by arbara Kingsolver. Specifically, it will respond to this quote: "Misunderstanding is my cornerstone. It's everyone's come to think of it. Illusions mistaken for truth are the pavement under our feet. They are what we call civilization."
Everyone lives under illusions of some type of another, and some illusions are absolutely necessary for sanity and the success of civilization. If we truly believed everything in print, on the news, and on the Internet, we would go crazy. Misunderstandings and illusions are necessary to keep a balance in ourselves, and in our society. For example, the illusion, mistaken for the truth, that most politicians are honest keeps Americans voting in elections, and makes them believe that local, state, and national government is still being run by the people, when it is in reality mostly run by the big business special interest groups and lobbyists who wield the most power.…...
Demarr, Mary Jean. Barbara Kingsolver: A Critical Companion. Ed. Klein, Kathleen Gregory. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999.
Kingsolver, Barbara. The Poisonwood Bible. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1998.
usiness Marketing brand manager was quoted as saying, "You may think you define your relevant market." Comment.
rand management, as a recognized organizational objective, is attributed to Neil McElroy in 1931, who was then a junior marketing manager assigned to advertising Camay soap, and who later become Procter & Gamble's CEO. The intended purpose of brand management was to solve sales problems through the use of research to understand weakening sales in distinct markets, followed by the design and implementation of strategies to turn around these markets. Strategies used many marketing tools including advertising, pricing, promotion, packaging and displays (Aaker & Joachimsthaler, 2000). This desired objective of brand management has remained the primary role of brand managers since McElroy explicitly stated his intent in 1931. However organizations in general, and brand managers in particular, need to be aware that forces other than the strategies of brand managers will affect brands, including…...
Aaker, David and Erich Joachimsthaler. Brand Leadership. Brandweek. Feb. 21, 2000; 41, 8; pages 30-38.
Barton, Doug.
Customer Vs. Brand Management. Brandweek. Nov. 2, 1998; 39, 41; pages 32-33.
Beckman, M. Dale, David Kurtz and Louis Boone. Foundations of Marketing. Toronto; Harcourt Brace & Company Canada, Ltd.; 1997.
They Say, I Say Reading ResponseIn They Say, I Say, Chapters Two through Four, the focus on some of the skills of academic writing, specifically summarizing, quoting, and responding. Chapter Two, \\\"Her Point Is\\\" - The Art of Summarizing, suggests presenting others\\\' arguments before offering a response, thus showing respect for the original text and the writer\\\'s own perspective. Chapter Three, \\\"As He Himself Puts It\\\" - The Art of Quoting, discusses the strategic use of quotations to strengthen arguments by choosing quotes judiciously and framing them in a way that supports the writer\\\'s thesis. Chapter Four, \\\"Yes/No/Okay, But\\\" - Three Ways to Respond, introduces the idea of nuance in responding to others\\\' ideas by agreeing, disagreeing, or both, suggesting that complicated arguments can require one to see the merits of opposing viewpoints. These chapters overall indicated a need for a kind of dialogue with the text.As I read these…...
Teaching Techniques
There is a quote I remember that I don't know exactly where I heard that goes "The mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher explains, the superior teacher demonstrates, the great teacher inspires." I have been fortunate to have had a number of superior teachers throughout my academic career. Each encouraged me to succeed. However, there are two that hold a special place in my memory, one from elementary school and one from high school.
I was in a self-contained sixth grade classroom and my teacher was Mr. Burke. The one most important thing he did for me was to construct an atmosphere in the classroom where learning was fun. His style of teaching facilitated learning in a positive and supportive environment. He was an excellent communicator with a ready laugh and a good sense of humor. His teaching style put everyone at ease. He had high expectations and because he…...
The transformation of Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" exemplifies the power of redemption and the importance of kindness and generosity in the face of personal greed and social injustice. Your thesis statement is focused and clear in identifying the central themes of redemption, kindness, generosity, and personal growth in "A Christmas Carol." It effectively sets the stage for discussing how Scrooge's transformation highlights these themes throughout the novel. One potential suggestion for improvement could be to add more specific examples or analysis that will support your thesis statement and help readers understand the significance of Scrooge's transformation in....
Outline for an Essay on Summer Vacation Plans
I. Introduction
Hook: A captivating anecdote or statistic about the anticipation of summer vacations.
Thesis Statement: Clearly state your plans for summer vacations and the main points you will discuss.
II. Body Paragraph 1: Travel Destinations and Activities
List the specific destinations you plan to visit during your summer vacations.
Describe the activities you intend to engage in at each destination, including cultural experiences, outdoor adventures, or relaxation.
Include specific details about accommodations, transportation, and estimated costs.
III. Body Paragraph 2: Personal Growth and Enrichment
Discuss how your summer vacations will contribute to your personal....
I. Introduction
- Introduction to the story "The Veldt" by Ray Bradbury
- Brief overview of the theme and narrative strategy employed in the story
II. Theme
- The theme of technology and its impact on humanity
- Exploration of how the story depicts the dangers of relying too heavily on technology
- Analysis of how the theme is developed throughout the story
III. Narrative Strategy
- Examination of the narrative structure of the story
- Discussion of the use of foreshadowing and symbolism
- Analysis of Bradbury's use of imagery to convey the central themes of the story
I. Introduction
A. Explanation of the concept of alienation
B. Brief overview of Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein
C. Thesis statement: In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley explores the theme of alienation through the experiences of the characters, particularly Victor Frankenstein and his creation.
II. Alienation of Victor Frankenstein
A. Victor's isolation from society due to his obsession with creating life
B. Victor's alienation from his family and friends as a result of his secretive and questionable experiments
C. Victor's self-imposed alienation as he becomes consumed by guilt and fear of his creation
III. Alienation of the Creature
A. The Creature's physical isolation from society due to his monstrous appearance
B. The Creature's....
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