Bringing the medicine to the patient is one way in which healthcare staffers can show concern for the elderly or very ill. High-risk procedures may become more available locally for elderly patients, lowering the high incidence of deaths due to cardiovascular or cancer surgeries in low-volume hospitals (Gastonia, p. 2).
Exporting medicine overseas. Care and love for all people is important to those who wish to find meaning in their healthcare jobs. If only people in their country are cared for, the lack of care for others appears more obvious. In fact, some diseases may be wiped out if medication is provided to parts of the world where the incidence of that particular health risk is prevalent. For instance lymphatic filariasis, or malaria, is spread by mosquitoes. Through the efforts of the World Health Organization, private donors and pharmaceutical corporations, progress is being made in wiping out this disfiguring disease…...
Fact Sheet. (2002). Improving health care quality. AHRQ Publicatin No. 02-P032. Rockville, MD: Agency for Research and Quality. Retrieved February 29, 2008 at .
Gastonia. (2005). Economic development, quality of life, health care: Gaston Memorial Hospital. City of Gaston, NC. Website. Retrieved February 29, 2008 at .
GSK. (2008). GSL in focus: Ten years on: fighting lymphatic filariasis. GlaxoSmithKline Report. Website: Retrieved February 29, 2008 at .
HSE. (2007). Work-related stress. Health & Safety Executive. Website: Retrieved February 29, 2008 at .
It is also important to distinguish between the subjective or personal view of quality of life and the professional's objective evaluation of the health status of individuals (Tyrrell et al., 2005, p. 375).
With regard to the patient's quality of life and treatment the above study notes that; "We have observed that some older dialysis patients experience considerable difficulties with this treatment regime. Apart from physical discomfort, some patients have difficulty complying with treatment, or repeatedly express the wish to give up dialysis" (Tyrrell et al., 2005, p. 375). These and other problems emphasize the fact that the treatment regime can be arduous for elderly patients and, if not in administered and managed correctly by the nurse or caregiver, can radically decrease the quality of life of the patient and his or her family.
Another issue that is reiterated in the literature is the degree to which the elderly patient understands…...
Acute kidney failure. Retrieved October 2, 2009, from
Ashby et al. (2005) Renal dialysis abatement: lessons from a social study.
Palliative Medicine, 19.
Bednarsk D. ( 2009) Integrating a Culture of Caring Into a Technologic World.
In the case of Mrs. Thomas, her condition is made worse by unique challenges to include: dealing with her own health issues, loneliness, financial worries and anxieties over her husband's depression. These difficulties are making Mrs. Thomas' condition more severe. As she must be concerned about: these problems and her quality of health. These issues are impacting her physical and mental well-being.
To deal with these challenges, an all-encompassing approach must be utilized that is focusing on holistic medicine. This means involving: friends, family members and community organizations as part of the solution. At the same time, the community nurse must encourage Mrs. Thomas to stay physically active and engage in routine tasks.
This will help her to have a sense of regularity. When this happens, there will be an improvement in her mental and physical state. This is the point that Mrs. Thomas, will not worry about the various challenges.…...
Medicare and Long-Term Care. (2012). Web MD. Retrieved from:
Burke, M. (2011). Cancer Chemotherapy. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
LaManita, M. (2010). Interventions to Improve Transitional Care. JAGS, 58 (4), 777 -- 782.
Montgomery, B. (2012). Holistic Nursing. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Quality of Life
An Analysis of a Life ell Lived
The world is in a constant flutter of change. In the past few decades alone such inventions as cellular phones and the Internet have drastically altered many lives. Globalization is indeed, global, and with it, everything changes. Because of these facets, and sometimes perhaps in spite of them, humanity's definition of a good life, or a life well lived changes constantly as well. Today, one's ability to simply connect to the Internet opens, literally, a world of possibility. For many, such a simple connection represents an ideal life.
Yet there are still others who believe in wealth and power as the primary definitions of a good life, which are more classical ideals. There are a number of pieces that also elucidate these ideas, and portray this wish of a good, beautiful, easy and satisfying life at various times in history, in various cultures.…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Ali, Monica. "Brick Lane Book Review." Book Reviews. 2010. Web. 09 May 2012. .
Joyce, James. "The Dubliners." Project Gutenberg. 2010. Web. 9 May 2012. .
Schneider, Jessica. "Book Review: Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata." Blogcritics Books. 31 Mar. 2010. Web. 09 May 2012. .
"To Be, or Not to Be, That Is the Question." The Phrase Finder. Web. 09 May 2012. .
Quality of Life Among Tawau Hospital Sufering From
Knee Osteoarthritis With Physiotherapy
Qualitative study of How Quality of Life of Tawau Hospital Staff
Suffering from Knee Osteoarthritis have been improved at Physiotherapy Unit.
To investigate how the Quality of Life among Tawau Hospital staff suffering from Osteoarthritis (knees) have been improved using Physiotherapy intervention.
The study employs qualitative techniques to collect data. The sample population is selected from people and Tawau Hospital staff visiting the physiotherapy unit. Approximately 100 sample valid questionnaires are collected and the data collected are used for the research findings. The study evaluates the extent the physiotherapy intervention has been able to improve the quality of life of participants. The physiotherapy intervention include physical exercise, and massage. The study measures the outcome of physiotherapy intervention using VAS (visual analogue scale). The reduction of pain has been used to measure the improvement of quality of life index of participants.
esults: The results reveal…...
Aoki, Y. Sugiura, S. Nakagawa, K et al. (2012).Evaluation of Nonspecific Low Back Pain Using a New Detailed Visual Analogue Scale for Patients in Motion, Standing, and Sitting: Characterizing Nonspecific Low Back Pain in Elderly Patients. Pain Research and Treatment.
Baba, D. Indah, D.D.D. Rasdan, I.A. (2010). Work Posture and Back Pain Evaluation in a Malaysian Food Manufacturing Company. American Journal of Applied Sciences 7 (4):, 473-479.
Breedveld, F.C. (2004). Osteoarthritis -- the Impact of a Serious Disease. Rheumatology. 43(Suppl. 1):i4 -- i8
Brigham and Women's Hospital (2009). Standard of Care: _Osteoarthritis of the Knee. Department of Rehabilitation Services.UK.
Quality of Life Indicators -- City of Alexandria
esearch Indicators Analysis
Alexandria Quality of Life Initiative
The purpose of this paper is to provide details about the articulation and measurement of four select indicators from the Quality of Life Study for the City of Alexandria. A brief overview of the survey constructs, conceptual framework, data sources, and data analysis is provided as introduction to the discussion of the specific indicators.
Quality of life is a concept that takes on as many meanings as there are individuals living in a community. Individual perceptions are key in any definition of quality of life, but generally the concept has to do with positive feelings of well-being and a sense that one is living "the good life." The word good, and the mental images and emotional feelings associated with the concept of goodness, are generally agreed by psychologists to be fundamental to a concept of quality of life.…...
mlaReferences 10
2006 Content Test. Retrieved / acs/www/methodology/2006_content_test/
ACS Report 2005, Puerto Rico. Retrieved
Definition of Quality Of Life Impact of Male Urinary IncontinenceQuality of life could be defined as the level of health and comfort in the lives of human beings as they would have experienced it, most relevantly being a positive impact on life. It should not be related to social isolation or disconnection from friends, and family members as that negatively influence ones health (Mallah et al., 2014).It is mostly said to come with age since aging is a natural risk factor for urinary incontinence in both males and females. Therefore, it is considered a physical and psychological impediment in enjoying the good times and hence is not talked about openly (Pizzol et al., 2020). It is considered a shame as it is deemed to produce negative outcomes. This negativity imposes adverse life consequences on psychological health, such as depression, anxiety, social segregation, and a decrease in overall life happenings.Urinary incontinence…...
Alshammari, S., Alyahya, M. A., Allhidan, R. S., Assiry, G. A., AlMuzini, H. R., & AlSalman, M. A. (2020). Effect of urinary incontinence on the quality of life of older adults in Riyadh: Medical and sociocultural perspectives. Cureus, 12(11), e11599.
Chen, G., Tan, J.T., Ng, K., Lezzi, A. & Richardson, J. (2014). Mapping of incontinence quality of life (I-QoL) scores to assessment of quality of life 8D (AQoL-8D) utilities in patients with idiopathic overactive bladder. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 12.
Corrado, B., Giardulli, B., Polito, F., Aprea, S., Lanzano, M. & Dodaro, C. (2020). The impact of urinary incontinence on quality of life: A cross-sectional study in the metropolitan city of Naples. Geriatrics, 5(95).
This was a result of economic sectors which are dominated majorly by men such as heavy manufacturing and construction feeling the effects of the recession more adversely thatn the sectors that are dominated by women such as education, healthcare and public-sector employment. By the end of the year 2009, the global recession put about 28 million men out of jobs in the whole world Salam 630()
The situations is continuing to become worse as a result of the pain that globalization causes adding onto the pain of the recession. This is to mean that between 30 and 40 million more jobs are expected to be lost in the U.S. As a result of heavy outsourcing to third world countries that provide cheap labor. The situation for men is also worsened by the fact that men are falling behind on the acquisition of educational credentials which are necessary for the success…...
Salam, Reihan. "The Death of Macho." Foreign Policy 2009. Print.
The Economist. "Homophobia: Its Getting Better." The Economist 2012. Print.
-. "Women in Business: Waving a Big Stick." The Economist 2012. Print.
g. 2 into 1, the z- score fails to create. I have to have a larger set of numbers for Chicago during each particular year in order to work out a z-score.
3. The CDC uses a pie chart to show the annual rate of deaths in the U.S. attributable to smoking. The different segments illustrate the percentages of different kinds of diseases caused by smoking. The pie chart tells us that smoking causes the greatest casualties in lung cancer (128,900) and in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (92,900). The pie chart is effective in that it uses colors to differentiate each segment as well as having a succinct clear title on top, its source added below, and the cause and number of the course listed by each segment. There is no need for improvement. (Source: CDC: Annual Deaths Attributable to Cigarette Smoking -- United States, 2000 -- 2004.
4. a. What…...
Lecture Script: The Elderly – Living Life to the Fullest Today, there are approximately 53.5 million elderly people aged 65 years or older living in the United States, accounting for about 16% of the total population (United States people, 2019). This demographic group is also the fastest growing in the country, and current projections indicate the there will be far more elderly people in the foreseeable future who are living to even older ages. Indeed, some scientists believe that due to ongoing innovations in health care and medical device technologies, humans born today could live to reach 150 years and even older (Glor, 2012). Given these astounding trends in human history, the question emerges concerning how the elderly can best maintain their quality of life as they become centenarians and beyond. The purpose of this lecture script is to provide a review of the relevant scholarly literature concerning these issues, followed…...
Gouveia, Gouveia, Hale et al. (2017)
"Correlates of health-related quality of life in young-old and old -- old community-dwelling older adults"
Although the authors framed the research problem of interest in terms of the purpose of the study, the abstract does contain all of these basic elements. The acronyms, HQol.,HQol-SF and BMI, though, are not defined in the abstract and they are not defined until they are first used in the first three paragraphs of the introduction that follows, leaving readers to figure out what the terms mean (except perhaps BMI which is fairly commonplace) by either revisiting the title, searching elsewhere or reading ahead to determine their meanings. Moreover, the terms "young-old" (i.e., those aged 60-69 years) and "old-old" (those aged 70 to 79 years) are not defined until the authors describe the population in the methodology section that follows the introduction.
Introduction / Statement of the problem:
Although the statement of…...
Gouveia, E. R., Gouveia, B. R., Ihle, A., Kliegel, M., Maia, J. A., Badia, S. B. & Freitas, D. L. (2017). Correlates of health-related qualify of life in young-old and old-old community-dwelling older adults. Quality of Life Research. DOI 10.1007/s11136-017-1502z.
For example, and elder citizen may consider having the ability to sit and watch television or read all that is necessary to improve their quality of life, and thus demand healthcare services that would allow him or her to do just that.
There are no universal standards that are likely to be accepted by a majority of the population, or even by enough people to consider QALY assessments moral and ethical practices in healthcare (Drotar, 1998). Many also argue that healthcare authorities may favor certain populations including the young adult or pediatric population, based on the theory this group has the greatest chances for survival; this however is often not the case, as there are many older adults that have powerful enough beliefs and mature immune systems so that with proper treatment they might have just as much chance for survival than doctors may assess on first glance (Drotar, 1998).
Bergner, M., Bobbitt, R.A., Carter, W.B., & Gilson, B.S. (1981) the sickness impact profile: Development and final revision of a health status measure. Medical Care, 19: 787-805.
Drotar, D. (1998) Measuring health-related quality of life in children and adolescents:
Implications for research and practice. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kaplan, R.M., Bush, J.W. & Berrgy, C.C. (1976) Health status: Types of validity and the index of well being. Health Services Research, 11(1): 478-507.
Maximize Quality of Life in Old Age
As an individual advances in age, his/her risk of acquiring aging-related conditions increases. Understanding that such conditions (i.e., arthritis, memory loss, hip fractures, etc.) don't form a part of normal aging is essential. They will likely develop at a particular age; however, one mustn't perceive them as an expected and unavoidable component of the aging process. How a person ages is determined by three elements: genetics, lifestyle and environment. Individuals have no control over their genes, but they can regulate their lifestyle and environment, and it is these elements that contribute the most to how well an individual ages. Jones (2014) states ten tips for maximizing quality of life for the elderly, and longevity:
Keep stress in check. Stress, in particular chronic stress, is one among the very few factors contributing to premature aging. While everybody faces stress in life, and a small quantity…...
Broderick, P. C., & Blewitt, P. (2015). The life span: Human development for helping professionals.
Jones, S. (2014, July 11). 10 Ways to Live Longer and Better - Next Avenue. Retrieved November 28, 2015, from
Living Long & Well in the 21st Century: Strategic Directions for Research on Aging. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2015, from
esearch Question and Explanation for Proposalesearch QuestionHow effective is public administration in evaluating and improving the quality of life and standards in different states, and what strategies can enhance this effectiveness?ExplanationThis question provides a focus on an important area of study in the field of public administration: the effectiveness of public administration in evaluating and improving the quality of life and standards in different states. This research question seeks to explore the strategies, methodologies, and practices employed by public administrations in different states to evaluate and enhance the quality of life. It also aims to identify the challenges and limitations faced by these administrations and propose potential solutions to enhance their effectiveness. This question is significant as it addresses the core function of public administration, which is to improve the welfare of the citizens it serves (Ansell, Srensen, & Torfing, 2021; Frijters, Clark, Krekel, & Layard, 2020).The research question is…...
mlaReferencesAnsell, C., Sørensen, E., & Torfing, J. (2021). The COVID-19 pandemic as a game changer for public administration and leadership? The need for robust governance responses to turbulent problems. Public Management Review, 23(7), 949-960.Bauer, M. W., & Becker, S. (2020). Democratic backsliding, populism, and public administration. Perspectives on public management and governance, 3(1), 19-31.Bullock, J. B. (2019). Artificial intelligence, discretion, and bureaucracy. The American Review of Public Administration, 49(7), 751-761.Chen, J., Walker, R. M., & Sawhney, M. (2020). Public service innovation: a typology. Public Management Review, 22(11), 1674-1695.Frijters, P., Clark, A. E., Krekel, C., & Layard, R. (2020). A happy choice: wellbeing as the goal of government. Behavioural Public Policy, 4(2), 126-165.Ramirez-Rubio, O., Daher, C., Fanjul, G., Gascon, M., Mueller, N., Pajín, L., ... & Nieuwenhuijsen, M. J. (2019). Urban health: an example of a “health in all policies” approach in the context of SDGs implementation. Globalization and health, 15, 1-21.
The Impact of Physical Inactivity in Long-Term Care Settings during Covid- Pandemic: Case Study of esidents in Edmonton General Continuing Care Center (EGCCC), In Edmonton, Alberta Canadaesearch Prediction and OutcomeDesired OutcomesThe purpose of the study is to determine if there has been any considerable deterioration in the health of vulnerable people located in EGCCC due to the lack of physical activity during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study will demonstrate how the reduction/elimination of physical activity by the residents of EGCCC during the pandemic resulted in their decreased quality of life. Elderly residents need physical activity to improve their overall health and reduce muscle mass deterioration as they age (Izquierdo, Duque, & Morley, 2021). With the study results, improvements in older adults physical activity in LTCs will increase even with the current Covid-19 pandemic. The study will make recommendations to prevent recurrence of physical inactivity and establish necessary guidelines for future…...
mlaReferencesAubertin-Leheudre, M., & Rolland, Y. (2020). The importance of physical activity to care for frail older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21(7), 973. Frahsa, A., Altmeier, D., John, J. M., Gropper, H., Granz, H., Pomiersky, R., . . . Sudeck, G. (2020). “I Trust in Staff\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Creativity”—The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Physical Activity Promotion in Nursing Homes Through the Lenses of Organizational Sociology. Frontiers in sports and active living, 2. Izquierdo, M., Duque, G., & Morley, J. E. (2021). Physical activity guidelines for older people: knowledge gaps and future directions. The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 2(6), e380-e383.
First, we want to reassure you that being confused about nursing worldviews puts you in some good company. Many nurse practitioners find that the approach that place worldviews at the beginning of nursing inquiry may actually be hampering the development of nursing scholarship and keeping the profession from evolving as quickly and as efficiently as it should. In addition, the material can become very confusing because different authors use the words paradigm and worldview interchangeably, though they distinguish them from metaparadigms.
Broadly stated, an individual’s worldview consists of the beliefs and assumptions that the person uses to interpret....
Ageism is the practicing of discrimination against people based on their age. While the term does not specify the age of the people experiencing discrimination, ageism has most often been used to describe discrimination against older people, particularly seniors. There are multiple components to ageism, as age is used in a discriminatory manner for a variety of types of decision-making, from personal choices to policy choices.
There are many topics you could focus on when writing about ageism. Much of the research in the area has been done in the context of the job market, where....
Example Bibliography for an essay on assisted living.
Writing about assisted living facilities can be challenging, because many of the sources that you will find online will be advertising for assisted living, rather than factual and informative pieces. An assisted living facility is a housing facility for people who cannot or choose not to live independently. They can range from facilities where there is a minimum amount of help to full-care nursing facilities. In fact, many facilities offer a range of housing options, which are adaptable as a person’s ability to live independently....
1) Many studies have shown that minimum wage increases have a positive impact on reducing poverty rates. By ensuring that workers earn a wage that covers their basic needs, minimum wage laws help lift low-income individuals and families out of poverty.
2) Minimum wage laws can also stimulate economic growth. When low-wage workers have more money to spend, they are more likely to consume goods and services. This increased consumer spending can boost demand, leading to job creation and supporting local businesses.
3) Implementing a minimum wage can also improve public health outcomes. Research has found that higher wages are associated with....
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