Quality Essays (Examples)

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Quality of Life the Impact
Pages: 5 Words: 1777

Especially in a country where the fastest growing minority group is Hispanic, and there will always be a need for bilingual speakers.
In conclusion, humans without social support -- whether it is older people or a newborn baby -- cannot function up to full capacity. Those individuals that are survivors of a deadly earthquake, or who have bipolar or other serious mental disabilities, are desperately in need of social support and all it can bring to the mind and body. Moreover, studying the various aspects of social support vis-a-vis social theories of aging gives the student a good understanding of the various ways society views and deals with the elderly -- and it is not always a warm picture. The changes that are needed to make society a more just, safe, and healthy place are mainly based on some form of social support, be it Medicare, Social Security, or the…...


Works Cited

Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children. (2008). Blueprint for Transforming the Lives

of Children V 2.0. Retrieved February 29, 2012, from http://www.atlc.org/blueprint/blueprint.php.

Centers for Disease Control. (2000). Social Support and Health-Related Quality of Live Among

Older Adults -- Missouri, 2000. Retrieved February 29,. 2012, from http://www.ced.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5417a4.htm.

Quality Management Different Systems Philosophies and Approaches
Pages: 12 Words: 3874

Quality Management Different Systems, Philosophies
and Approaches to Excellence

Quality Management: Different Systems, Philosophies

and Approaches to Excellence

As is known within the field, operations management is an area of management specifically concerned with the overseeing, designing, and redesigning of business operations in the production of good and services. In order for operations to move smoothly within a business, management must ensure that day-to-day business moves forward in a manner that not only utilizes the highest quality standards, but additionally uses as little resources as needed in order to both meet company standards and satisfy customer needs in order to retain continued business. In beginning to ensure that such standards are upheld within a business, the area of quality management comes highly into play. In understanding the basis of quality management, along with the systems, philosophies and approaches that go along with it, one can better understand the impacts such systems have had on…...



Ahire, S., 1997, Management science: total quality management interfaces, an integrative

framework, Interfaces, 27(6): pp. 91-105. Web. Retrieved from: LexisNexis Database. [Accessed on 1 December 2011].

Ayanda, A. And Sidikat, A., 2008, Impact assessment of business process reengineering on organizational performance, European Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1): pp. 115-125. Web. Retrieved from: [Accessed on 1 December 2011].http://www.eurojournals.com/ejss_7_1_10.pdf

Chambers, S., Johnston, R. And Slack, N., 2010, Operations Management, 6th ed. Essex,

Quality Management Relating Risk Management Policies and
Pages: 6 Words: 1753

Quality Management
elating isk management policies and practices to quality management

Quality Management for X Medical Facility

Quality management in the health care aims at ensuring that patients, who seek their services, obtain an exceptional provision of health care. According to eichert (2011), every health care giver aims at providing quality services to their clients compelling them to employ quality management. Health care organizations perform this task to exhibit their dedication to providing the best care for their clients. Quality management application in health care businesses ensures that doctors and administrators benefit from the identification of ways to enhance internal procedures in order to ensure quality services for their patients. The major aim of the process is to identify any requirements for improvements by analyzing the weak areas in order to enhance them. This stems from the realization that every health care organization should provide care that is patient-centered, timely, effective, safe and…...



American College of Medical Quality. (2010). Medical quality management: Theory and practice. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

ECRI Institute, (2009). Healthcare Risk Control. Risk and Quality Management Strategies. Retrieved from  https://www.ecri.org 

McLaughlin, C.P., & Kaluzny, A.D. (2006). Continuous quality improvement in health care. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett.

Reichert, L. (2011). Promoting a Quality Program in Medical Imaging. Journal of Radiology Nursing: 30 (2), 88. Retrieved from  http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1546084311000599

Quality of Community Health Centers Analysis Paper
Pages: 4 Words: 1225

Quality of Community Health Centers
Analysis Paper: Quality Community Health Centers

The health of every human being is always a priority to every governing authority that cares for its people. Governments establish health centers as well as health policies and event budget for health services to be provided to the people. Some of these health centers are of national level whereas others are community based. The community-based health centers, however, have their share of issues in the course of delivering services. This has led to compromising of the quality of the health centers and the services they offer.

The New York is considered to the begging point for the establishment of community-based health centers in the United States of America. Some of its health centers date back to the early civilization yeas. Hence as a result, these health centers have many challenges, and hence the quality of their services is not that good.…...



Catton, H. (2011). Thank you for listening, now it is time for action. Nursing Standard, 25(40),

13-4. Retrieved from  http://search.proquest.com/docview/873319494?accountid=35812 

James, H.S., & Gerald, R.L. (2010). Real healthcare reform: Focus on primary care access.

Hospital Topics, 88(4), 98-106. Retrieved from  http://search.proquest.com/docview/851505374?accountid=35812

Quality Control vs Quality Assurance Introduction- Since
Pages: 3 Words: 987

Quality Control vs. Quality Assurance
Introduction- Since World War II and the advanced capacity for technology and manufacturing, many organizations have adopted working and managerial philosophies that surround the principles of quality. The modern organizational environment on all fronts is rapidly evolving. An increased focus on globalization causes many organizations to undergo rapid and rather continual change that are driven by consumer expectations, launching of new technologies, and now, global competition. The result is a very different business environment engendering the evolution of a new way of thinking about business -- business success is driven by quality and quality is an evolving tool (Bendell, 2005).

In many ways, this has resulted in a number of theories that are all designed to ensure the highest quality of a product or service, coupled with the lowest margin of error and cost. Thus, we have quality control, in which there are a set of activities…...



Bendell, T. (2005). Structuring Business Process Improvement Methodologies. Total Quality Management. 16 (8-9): 969-78.

Besterfield, F. (2008). Quality Control, 8th ed. New York: Prentice Hall.

George, M., et.al., (2004). The Lean Six-Sigma Pocket Toolbook. New York: McGraw.

Hubbard, M. (1999). Choosing a Quality Control System. Lancaster, PA: Techomic Publishing Company.

Quality Control Pressures to Improve
Pages: 8 Words: 2748

One of the best examples of the use of statistical quality control in clerical operations is found in Aldens' Mail Order House in Chicago. Statistical quality control was begun at Aldens' early in 1945 by the installation of sample inspection and the control chart in one of the order-picking departments (Mercer, 2003). ithin two months, the error ratio in this department fell from 3% to less than 1% while efficiency increased from 82% to 107% (alton, 2012). Since then, use of the system has been extended throughout the organization (23 departments by June, 1947) with such outstanding success that it has gained the complete support of top management. Over a two-year period, statistical quality control brought about a reduction in errors of 25.4% as indicated by customer adjustments (Box & Colleagues, 2009).
ith few exceptions, statistical quality control in the federal government has been confined to engineering or construction activities…...


Works Cited

Box, George E.P. And Colleagues (2009). "Quality in the Community: One City's Experience.' American Society for Quality Control Annual Quality Congress, Toronto.

Matthews, Jay and Peter Katel (2012). "The Cost of Quality." NEWSWEEK (September 7):48-49.

Mercer, James L. (2003). Strategic Planning for Public Managers. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Perez, Antonio and Jim Ziaja (2008). "Promoting a Total Quality Initiative in the Community." QUALITY OBSERVER (April): 1, 12-13, 22. Peters, Thomas J. (1991). "Excellence in Government? I'm All for it! Maybe.'

Quality Without Tears The Art
Pages: 3 Words: 954

The inclusion of many excellent examples and definitions of the nuances of measuring quality also underscore how effectively these objectives were attained. The author has since created a series of frameworks for further testing the core concepts and frameworks of this book.
How This Book Changed My View of Quality

Quality as a discipline in an organization is known for being restrictive and at times closing down production, often at great cost to organizations (Crosby, 1995). Impressions of quality are that it is also very difficult to work with as an internal organization due to their inflexibility in managing variations. After reading this book that lack of tolerance for variation is well understood and respected; there must be a lack of variance in overall production processes and quality to ensure continued profitability of a business. The fourteen foundational elements of the book and four quality management absolutes resonate more in personal…...



Crosby, P. (1995). Quality Without Tears: The Art of Hassle-Free Management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (May 1, 1995).

Quality of Life Among Tawau Hospital Staff
Pages: 15 Words: 5746

Quality of Life Among Tawau Hospital Staff With Osteoarthritis (knees) Been Treated in Physiotherapy Unit
Quality of life among Tawau hospital staff with osteoarthritis (knees) being treated in physiotherapy unit

Pilot study


Knowledge about OA before physiotherapy

Severity of disease before and after rehabilitation

Degree of difficulty as a result of knee OA

Effect on work performance

Effect on emotional status and social activities

Opinion on self-management

Impact of physiotherapy on their knowledge and understanding of the disease

Impact of physiotherapy on their ability to cope and QoL

Publication of the study

Time schedule


Consent form

Appendix 4: Interview schedule

Quality of life among Tawau hospital staff with osteoarthritis (knees) being treated in physiotherapy unit


Osteoarthritis (OA) in general is also referred to as degenerative joint disease and is a progressive joints disorder whereby there is gradual cartilage loss that results in formation of spurs (areas of abnormal hardening) and subchondral cysts (fluid-filled pockets in the marrow) of the bones at the margins of the joints.…...



AREHART-TREICHEL, J. 1982. The Joint Destroyers. Science News, 122, 156-157.

BOSOMWORTH, N.J. 2009. Exercise and knee osteoarthritis: benefit or hazard? Canadian Family Physician, 55, 871-8.

BRANDT, K.D., DIEPPE, P. & RADIN, E. 2009. Etiopathogenesis of Osteoarthritis. Medical Clinics of North America, 93, 1-24.

BREEDVELD, F.C. 2004. Osteoarthritis -- the impact of a serious disease. Rheumatology (Oxford), 43 Suppl 1, i4-8.

Quality Improvement Report
Pages: 4 Words: 1214

Quality Improvement in Health Care Institutions
Quality Improvement eport

eport on quality improvement

Quality improvement in health care involves activities undertaken to elevate the patient experience and the health of the population. It also encompasses an improvement of the health care provider experience (Leonard, Graham, & Bonacum, 2010). To attain a set standard of quality in health care a there is need to appreciate that quality improvement is a continuous process that require: an understanding and knowledge of the quality improvement approaches and commitment of practice leadership by the staff and resources. The staff and management should work as a team in problem identification, coming up with solutions and making improvements on a continuous basis.

An essential component to achieving quality improvements is the laying down infrastructure to facilitate quality health care practices (Nutting, Miller, & Crabtree, 2009). Ideal quality improvement infrastructure is intended to act as support to management providing information, intervention, direction…...



Kuehn, B.M. (2007). "No End in Sight to Nursing Shortage: Bottleneck at Nursing Schools a Key Factor,." Journal of the American Medical Association, 298(14), 89-107.

Leonard, M., Graham, S., & Bonacum, D. (2010). The human factor: the critical importance of effective teamwork and communication in providing safe care. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 13(1), 85-90.

Nutting, P.A., Miller, W.L., & Crabtree, B.F. (2009). Initial lessons from the First National Demonstration Project on Practice Transformation to a Patient-Centered Medical Home. Ann Fam Med, 7(3), 254-260.

Pham, H.H., Jennifer. C., & Ann, S.O.M. (2006). The Impact of Quality-Reporting Programs on Hospital Operations,. Health Affairs,, 25(5), 23-30.

Quality Management and Accountability
Pages: 3 Words: 994

Quality Management
Provide a brief overview of the quality improvement process. Be sure to give examples and to specifically discuss what quality improvement teams are.

The quality improvement process begins with an identification of needs. A needs assessment includes the input from both clients and staff. Quality improvement cannot be accomplished effectively without a thorough analysis of what clients expect -- as well as what employees expect too. For example, clients might expect their nurses to check in on them at frequent intervals. Employees might expect regular feedback from their supervisors.

The next step in the quality improvement process is to define the process by which the quality improvement will take place. This should be as specific as possible, to meet the needs that were identified in the first step. For example, if clients expected to have a nurse check in at regular intervals, then the process of quality improvement would entail meeting…...



"A Quality Improvement Program Intervention."

"Measurement: Process and Outcome Indicators." Duke University Medical Center. Retrieved online:  http://patientsafetyed.duhs.duke.edu/module_a/measurement/measurement.html 

Weeks, Brenda, Helms, Marilyn M, & Ettkin, Lawrence P. (1995). A physical examination of health care's readiness for a total quality management program: A case study. Hospital Materiel Management Quarterly, 17(2), 68. Retrieved from Proquest on 04/28/2012.

Quality Indicators Related to Geriatric Services in a Hospital
Pages: 3 Words: 853

Quality Indicator
Healthcare Quality Indicators

ith the adoption of the Affordable Care Act, also now commonly referred to as Obamacare, the array of quality indicators used to assess healthcare facility performance has expanded. The addition of a number of quality indicators with direct connections to penalties and other punitive measures has created a great deal of pressure for hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Many of these quality indicators are designed to heighten accountability among hospitals and other acute healthcare treatment cites or systems. Among them, penalties for preventable readmissions has become an exceptionally prominent indicator of performance quality.

Quality Indicator:

According to Brink (2013), the quality indicator of readmission rates has become an important issue for healthcare leaders and hospital administrators. Brink reports that roughly 12% of all Medicare patients will be readmitted to the hospital within the first 30 days of discharge for recurrent conditions that could be prevented through better treatment and…...


Works Cited:

Brink, S. (2013). Hospitals Seek to Avoid Penalties by Minimizing Readmissions. U.S. News and World Report.

Johnson, M. (2013). For Hospitals, Obamacare Rollout Makes Readmission Penalties a Top-of-Mind Priority. NJ Biz.

Rau, J. (2013). Medicare Revises Readmissions Penalties -- Again. Kaiser Health News.

Qualities of Washington in His
Pages: 3 Words: 954

52, 53). Thus, in less than a month, Washington improvised an entirely new battle plan and seized the advantage offered to him by the British. Coupled with his relentless dedication to his cause, Washington's ability to react and improvise throughout the war is what allowed the relatively untrained and poorly supplied Continental Army to overcome the might of the British empire.
The third trait, a fatherly devotion to his men, is evident throughout Washington's military career. Though he was careful to maintain a certain distance between himself and his men in order to ensure a modicum of respect (or at least fear), he nevertheless care deeply about their well-being (Harvey, 2008, p. 39). For example, when he became the leader of the Continental Army, one of his first orders was for the men to be issued fresh bedding and food, and he organized colonial women to produce 14,000 new coats…...



Harvey, R. (2008). Maverick military leaders, the extraordinary battles of washington, nelson, patton, rommel, and others. Skyhorse Pub Co Inc.

Quality One of the Most
Pages: 5 Words: 1369

The underlying theory is simple: a company can still fail even if it produces high quality goods. It could, for example, have a bloated management structure. hat TQM does is it allows the company to manage everything so that senior management knows the value that all parts of the company contribute to the bottom line.
ith this high level of control, the total quality movement focuses on enhancing quality through the synthesis of structure and strategy (Lowder, 2007). For example, a firm that derives competitive advantage through its reputation for high quality will design its organization and its systems so that every aspect of the organization supports that strategy. The same is true of a firm with a cost leadership strategy. At al-Mart, for example, every aspect of that company is designed to lower the cost per unit sold. Companies that rely on innovation likewise have designed their organization and…...


Works Cited:

Lowder, T. (2007). An analysis of the total quality movement: In search of quality enhancement through structure and strategic synthesis. White paper. Retrieved October 14, 2011 from  http://ssrn.com/abstract=1016588

Quality Circle Principles of Management Quality Circles
Pages: 2 Words: 736

Quality Circle
Principles of Management: Quality Circles

A quality circle is a small group of employees doing similar or related work who meet regularly to identify, analyze, and solve product-quality and production problems and to improve general operations. The circle is a relatively autonomous unit (ideally about ten workers), usually led by a supervisor or a senior worker and organized as a work unit (Kucera, 2012). The purpose of these groups is to solve problems by focusing on measurable indicators of quality that impact the company's costs, productivity, or other business interests. For instance, quality circles at a manufacturing company might focus on finding ways to minimize product defects, as measured in the amount of product with a particular defect per thousand or million, while, those at an insurance company might seek methods to reduce the frequency of billing errors.

Quality circles are generally associated with Japanese management and manufacturing techniques. The introduction…...



Goetsch, D.L., & Davis, S.B. (2010). Quality Management for Organizational Excellence:

Introduction to Total Quality. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall

Institute for Manufacturing. (NDI). Deming's 14 points. University of Cambridge. Retrieved August 13, 2012, from  http://www.ifm.eng.cam.ac.uk/dstools/process/deming.html 

Kucera, D. (2012). Quality circles. Encyclopedia of business, 2nd ed. Reference for Business. Retrieved August13, 2012, from  http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/encyclopedia/Pro-Res/Quality-Circles.html

Quality Circles Organizational Behavior Are Quality Circles
Pages: 10 Words: 2642

Quality Circles

Quality Circles became popular during the mid 1980s, when buzzwords such as Total Quality Management and efficiency teams became popularized in U.S. companies seeking to gain a competitive advantage over international production giants including Japanese manufacturers. A great deal of controversy exists however, as to whether or not quality circles truly accomplish what they are set out to do: improve organizational efficiency, worker productivity and performance. While many companies have argued that quality circles have resulted in dramatic cost savings, a large body of research suggests that quality circles have generally failed in a majority of companies that have implemented them. The aim of this study is to examine the nature of quality circles, and to ascertain whether or not they are effective mechanisms for organizational improvement.



According to research, more than 50% of the population at large believes that…...



Ahire, S.L. (1996). "TQM Age vs. Quality. An Empirical Investigation." Production and Inventory Management Journal" 18-23.

Blair, John D. And Whitehead, Carlton J. (1984). "Can Quality Circles Survive in the United States?" Business Horizons, 27 (September-October): 17-23

Buehler, Vernon; Shetty, Y.K. "The Quest for Competitiveness: Lessons from America's Productivity and Quality Leaders." Quorom Books, New York: 1991.

Bowman, James S. "Quality Circles: Promise, Problems, and Prospects in Florida." Public Personnel Management, Vol. 18, 1989.

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