Quality Assurance Essays (Examples)

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Quality Assurance Implementation Concerns Your Management Staff
Pages: 2 Words: 685

Quality Assurance Implementation Concerns Your management staff a understanding factors inhibit implementation a Quality Assurance program hospital. Identify describe 10 factors inhibit implementation a quality assurance (QA) program hospital.
Quality Assurance Implementation

The process of Quality Assurance refers to the activities required by quality systems in order to reach the quality standards established for products and services. Quality assurance activities are performed by the evaluation, comparison, and control of processes that must reach these quality standards. The process of quality assurance also refers to feedback loops.

Quality assurance implementation processes can be inhibited by numerous factors. These factors are different in accordance with the activity of each company. In the case of hospitals, the most important factors that can inhibit the implementation of Quality Assurance programs are represented by problems with changing routines, lack of specific skills, reduced levels of motivation, fear that activities can affect patient care, criticism of national standards, reduced…...


Reference list:

1. Grol, R. & Wensing, M. (1995). Implementation of Quality Assurance and Medical Audit: General Practitioners' Perceived Obstacles and Requirements. Retrieved May 26, 2012 from  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1239407/pdf/brjgenprac00015-0040.pdf .

2. Ratliff, T. (2003). The Laboratory Quality Assurance System. Retrieved May 26, 2011 from  http://books.google.ro/books?id=vGLa5Dy2d24C&printsec=frontcover&dq=quality+assurance&hl=ro&sa=X&ei=fj7BT8ujK9Gd-wb3o8n0CQ&ved=0CFsQ6AEwCDgK#v=onepage&q=quality%20assurance&f=false .

Quality Assurance Plan
Pages: 5 Words: 1406

Quality Assurance
SEIT/Speech Therapy Agency Quality Assurance Plan

The following pages contain a preliminary quality assurance plan for a small agency providing SEIT/speech therapy instruction to early childhood students in a variety of settings and environments. After outlining the importance of quality assurance in the provision of such education, the plan briefly mentions key legislative and regulatory aspects of the services provided that must form the foundation of any operational plan in this area of education. Methods for meeting these foundational guidelines and establishing an agency that is fundamentally compliant with all necessary regulations are then provided, and other operational aspects of the agency and its quality assurance needs are also discussed.


The purpose of this quality assurance plan is to ensure that full legal and ethical compliance is consistently achieved and exceeded in all activities of the agency. Providing the best possible service to the individual students the agency and its employees/contractors…...

Quality Assurance and Statistical Process
Pages: 4 Words: 1112

However, there are certain aspects regarding quality that the company can improve. The objective of Costco is to improve quality of products and services while reducing their price. This is a difficult objective to reach, given the fact that high quality is usually attributed to higher prices.
Therefore, Costco understands that it must work on technological aspects in order to improve the quality of its process and maintaining its cost effectiveness. In other words, the company invests in technological developments that allow Costco to continuously improve the company's efficiency and productivity. These technological developments are also intended to improve the work conditions of employees, which leads to improved performance. In addition to this, technological developments reduce the risks and errors within the company's processes (Daft & Marcic, 2008).

Another aspect of great importance to the company that requires quality improvement is represented by Costco's supply chain management. The retailing activity requires…...


Reference list:

1. Control Charts (2010). SQC Online. Retrieved March 27, 2011 from  http://www.sqconline.com/six-sigma-control-charts.html .

2. Daft, R. & Marcic, D. (2008). Understanding Management. Retrieved March 27, 2011.

3. Quality Control (2011). Encyclopedia of Business. Retrieved March 27, 2011 from  http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/small/Qu-Sm/Quality-Control.html .

Quality Assurance Section 46 703 of the Far
Pages: 2 Words: 698

Quality Assurance
Section 46.703 of the FA and criteria or invoking use of the warranty provision in the case of any defect, fraud, or gross mistakes in the goods or services provided

Section 46.703 of the FA offers an equitable ground where governments can engage in contracts with other governments and/or organizations. It is evident to know that the actions of the Section 46.703 of the FA are rudimentary and obligatory to safe contracting within governments. Contracting is a tedious activity that should include guidelines and rules for equitable performance. Just like making any other form of contract, FA ensures that contracts are made within the notion and stability of the parties concerned. In order to eradicate cases of poor contracts and unworthy contracting, FA laws are made comparative in all measures of performance (Campbell & Campbell, 2007).

It is not a mandatory case to make use of the Section 46.703 of the…...



Campbell, D., & Campbell, C. (2007). International product liability. Salzburg, Austria:

Yorkhill Law Publishing.

Cibinic, J., Nash, R.C., & George Washington University. (1998). Formation of government contracts. Washington, DC: George Washington University Law School, Government

Contracts Program.

Quality Assurance Kaiser Permanente
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Quality Assurance: Kaiser Permanente
Case Management Programs are More Concerned with Reducing Costs Than with Improving the Quality of Care

Rather than relying on generalized statements about case management programs, focused research on Kaiser Permanente (Kaiser) shows an egregious example of a "profits over patients" mentality in case management. By delaying, misdiagnosing, undertreating or not treating at all, Kaiser evidently save millions of dollars, until It gets caught. For example, in June 2010, the California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) fined Kaiser a $75,000 administrative penalty for unreasonably delaying diagnosis and treatment of autism for Andrew Arce. According to the DMHC, due to Kaiser's delays and denials, Andrew's treatment was delayed for more than a year and he did not receive needed treatment until he was damaged by Kaiser's delays and denials (Kaiserthrive.org, 2010).

Binding arbitration boards are also finding that Kaiser delays adequate treatment. For example, in November 2008, a Valencia,…...



(Silberman, JD, DrPH, Poley, & Slifkin, PhD, 2003, p. 25).

The same study shows that case management improves "clinical outcomes" by resulting in fewer emergency room visits, fewer hospitalizations, shorter lengths of stay, fewer re-hospitalizations, more patient satisfaction and greater patient knowledge (Silberman, JD, DrPH, Poley, & Slifkin, PhD, 2003, p.

Quality Control Quality Assurance
Pages: 1 Words: 383

Quality Control, Quality Assurance
Quality Control for Graphic Design

In graphic design, there are many things that could be done with quality control. Currently, the company has proofreaders, and also gets final approval from the client before the brochures or other items are created. However, there are other ways that the documents could be examined for quality. One of the best ways to determine whether a graphic design product is going to work well and be successful is to have others look at it. In other words, a focus group or some other group of individuals may be needed in order to determine whether the graphic design individuals have actually done their job. There is much more to creating proper graphic design than simply designing text and pictures to put into a document. Instead, it is also something that has to work well for those that want it created and for those…...

Quality Assurance Continuous Quality Improvement
Pages: 2 Words: 564

The Ambulatory Care Services did not throw out procedural related indicators under their previous QA program. However, measurement became periodic rather than continuous. According to D'Aquila, Habegger, and Willwerth, continuous monitoring of the process-related monitoring should begin only when periodic reporting demonstrates less than 100% compliance.
In contrast to QA teams who look for wrongdoers to blame, CQI focuses on finding problems to correct. D'Aquila, Habegger, and Willwerth explain that when goals are not achieved, CQI attempts to prove that a higher level of performance is not possible in order to demonstrate that the highest possible quality of care is defined and offered.

Some critics of CQI believe that it is too expensive because of things such as tedious reporting requirements. However, D'Aquila, Habegger, and Willwerth report that there were no incremental staffing costs to implement the ambulatory quality assurance program, but they do admit that that the process was difficult…...



D'Aquila, N.W.,

Habegger D., and Willwerth E.J. (1994, October). Converting a QA program to CQI. Nursing Management. Vol. 25 (10):68-71.

Quality Assurance Audits Quality Assurance
Pages: 3 Words: 1015

Quality Assurance: Quality Assurance Audits
Quality Assurance Auditing

Quality assurance audits are conducted to test the degree of effectiveness of a manufacturer or service provider's quality management system (ussell, 2013). In other words, they are used to assess the extent to which an organization's practices comply with its quality requirements. The principle behind quality audits is that organizations ought to put in place thorough procedures/quality controls for their entire set of processes, and these procedures should help organizations realize the desired degree of quality. A quality assurance audit will, therefore, compare the organization's actual procedures against these 'desired' procedures to determine whether the latter have been properly defined, communicated, controlled, and implemented within the various departments in the organization (ussell, 2013). Upon completion of the audit, the audit team is required to give its honest opinion on whether the organization's practices align with its quality requirements; if not, the team ought to…...



ADT Business Solutions. (2011). Case Study: Food Processing Manufacturer Increased Quality Control through Auditing. ADT Business Solutions. Retrieved 14 February 2015 from  http://www.adt.com/wps/wcm/connect/65013300477dd8b3adb7ff457aa67d7c/30281_ADT_L8511-01_COMM.pdf?MOD=AJPERES 

EPA. (n.d.). Example Generic Laboratory Audit Checklist. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Retrieved 14 February, 2015 from  http://www.epa.gov/glnpo/quality/qmp/auditing/Example_Generic_Audit_Checklist_Final_Dec2010.pdf 

Russell, J.P. (Ed.). (2013). The ASQ Auditing Handbook (4th ed.). Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Publishers

Quality Assurance Can Influence and
Pages: 31 Words: 8484

For example, personnel integrity, confidence, organizational culture, motivation, team spirit and the overall quality of business and employee relationships.
According to this approach, if any one of these four aforementioned aspects are lacking or deficient in any way, even if minor, the quality of the service is placed at risk.

Hiring Contractors and Consultants

Since quality assurance has become such an important factor in operating a successful business venture, and because implementing and maintaining a quality assurance system is time consuming and complex, many companies have turned to using independent contractors and outside consultants to either develop, manage or both their corporate quality assurance processes. It is now standard business practice to use a consultant or contractor when a business introduces a new quality assurance practice or methodology.

There are numerous types of quality assurance contractors and consultants available. The vast majority of them have a firm grasp on the essential skills needed…...



Abrashoff, Michael D. (2002): It's Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy. New York: Grand Central Publishing.

Akerlof, G.A. The Market for Lemons: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, V. 64, Issue 3 (August, 1970). 488-500.

Bethune, Gordon and Scott Huler. (1999): From Worst to First: Behind the Scenes of Continental's Remarkable Comeback. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Bohlander, George W. And Scott a. Snell. (2006): Managing Human Resources. South Western.

Quality Assurance in Health Care
Pages: 4 Words: 1185

Checking the solution to the problem works as a check and balance system to the health care industry. An example may be problems with staffing. The plan could be developed to allow nurses to handle their own scheduling as long as all needed shifts and duties are covered. The plan could allow nurses to sign up for schedules and then submit their schedules to management for approval. The do would actually run a mock trial by having nurses do exactly that. The checking of the solution would be when the schedules would be held against the need to see if there are any holes. If nurses all demanded the easiest shifts or floors, that would show up as a problem (Murton group Business Network Partnership (http://www.murtongroup.com/documentation/deming1.htm).If they refused to work outside of their desired shift that would show another problem. The solution can be checked through this doing stage…...



Murton group Business Network Partnership

The Quality Gurus - DEMING accessed 12-14-04


Project management: putting continuous quality improvement theory into practice. accessed 12-14-04

Quality and Quality Assurance Significantly
Pages: 5 Words: 1742

Literature from past researches also brings the ease of finding relevant information to the study. If the research takes advantage at the recommendations made by past researchers regarding the quality of education within institutions, it paves way for creation of reliably viable recommendations (oss & Onwuegbuzie, 2010).

Alemu, D.S. (2010). Expansion vs. Quality: Emerging Issues of for-Profit Private Higher

Education Institutions in Ethiopia. International eview of Education / Internationale

Zeitschrift Fur Erziehungswissenschaft, 56(1), 51-61. doi:10.1007/s11159-009-9150-3

Al-Yaseen, H., Al-Jaghoub, S., & Al-Salhi, N. (2011). Issues and Challenges in Implementing

eLearning Projects in Higher Education: The Case of Jordan. Proceedings of the

European Conference on E-Learning, 17-23.

Lunday, E., & APPA: Association of Higher Education Facilities, O. (2010). Assessing and Forecasting Facilities in Higher Education Including the Top Facilities Issues. APPA

Thought Leaders Series, 2010. APPA: Association of Higher Education Facilities


Mohamadzadeh, M., Farzaneh, J., Mousavi, M., Ma'ghabl, ., & Moenikia, M. (2012).

Challenges and Strategies for E-Learning Development in the…...



Alemu, D.S. (2010). Expansion vs. Quality: Emerging Issues of for-Profit Private Higher

Education Institutions in Ethiopia. International Review of Education / Internationale

Zeitschrift Fur Erziehungswissenschaft, 56(1), 51-61. doi:10.1007/s11159-009-9150-3

Al-Yaseen, H., Al-Jaghoub, S., & Al-Salhi, N. (2011). Issues and Challenges in Implementing

Quality Assurance at Acme
Pages: 9 Words: 2871

ACME QA eview
The author of this report has been asked to submit a nine-page report on the quality assurance situation at Acme Corporation. While the business is doing some things right, there are some obviously flaws that will be identified and brought out. Along with the identification of the issues, there will also be a pointing to scholarly literature that buttresses the points and assertions being made by the author of this report. While some people over-analyze and obsesses about quality assurance, it is something that matters a great deal and should be taken seriously.

The way in which the analysis will go below is that each point that Acme should pay attention to will be mentioned as its own bullet point. After the flaw or concern is mentioned, there will be a scholarly source that will be used to explain and justify why that particular item was brought to light.…...



Automated QA Testing at Electronic Arts. (2014). Communications of the ACM, 57(7),

50-57. doi:10.1145/2617754

Peters, G.F., & Romi, A.M. (2015). The Association between Sustainability

Governance Characteristics and the Assurance of Corporate Sustainability

Quality Assurance and Symptoms
Pages: 2 Words: 716

DMAA: Case Study Outcomes
Effect of DMAA: Case Study Outcomes

Hypothesis generation

This research aims at showing the precise dietary supplement and ingredients for civilians, frequently linked to many negative outcomes. The study draws inference from case reports conducted on two soldiers that took dietary supplements that were available for sale. The supplements contained sympathomimetics and DMAA (1, 3-dimethylamylamine). The two soldiers had heart attacks when undergoing physical exercises (strenuous), collapsed and died (Eliason et al., 2012).

The study uses analytical research design, which aims at finding and assessing risk aspects or causes of illnesses or medical issues (Song & Chung, 2010). The features of analytical research are:

• Iterative and sequential creation of knowledge

• Experiments should be done under different conditions

• Thoughtful choice of study units

The analysis, used together with the concepts of analysis, is brought about by 3 fundamental doctrines: The data analysis, result interpretation and actions taken with regard to the…...



Song, J. W., & Chung, K. C. (2010). Observational Studies: Cohort and Case-Control

Studies. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 126(6), 2234

2242. http://doi.org/10.1097/PRS.0b013e3181f44abc 

Vasconcellos, J. A. (2004). Quality assurance for the food industry: A practical approach.

Graded Approach to Quality Quality Assurance
Pages: 3 Words: 1153

Quality Assurance: Graded Approach to Quality
A Graded Approach to Quality Assurance

Quality assurance (QA) is a term used to refer to the entire set of activities undertaken by a manufacturer to ensure that a product or service, at the very least, meets the expectations of customers (Webber & Wallace, 2012). Quality control (QC) is a component of QA -- it refers to the specific activities that are taken to ensure that a deliverable service or product meets the specific needs and requirements of the customer (Webber & Wallace, 2012). Checking calibrations, conducting tests and inspections, and checking drawings and calculations for errors are all part of quality control. QA, on the other hand, is broader -it includes QC, and starts way before the product is developed. Some of the activities that the manufacturer would conduct as part of QA include conducting requirement analyses to assess the appropriateness of the proposed product…...



B&D Industries Inc. (2011). Quality Assurance. B & D. Industries Inc. Retrieved 13 February, 2015 from  http://www.banddindustries.com/quality-assurance 

DOE. (2008). Office of Environmental Management and Energy Facilities Contractors Group: Quality Assurance Improvement Project Plan. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Retrieved 13 February, 2015 from  http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/em/RequirementsFlowdownandGradedApproachtoQA.pdf 

EPA Quality System. (2014). Doing Business with EPA: Quality Specifications for Non-EPA Organizations. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Retrieved 13 February, 2015 from  http://epa.gov/quality/exmural.html 

Webber, L. & Wallace, M. (2011). Quality Control for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Mental Quality Assurance Quality Assurance in Mental
Pages: 2 Words: 571

Mental Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance in Mental Health Settings

A major part of providing medical services to any population, including the provision of mental health services to rehabilitation patients, is assuring and maintaining a certain level of quality in the manner in which these services are provided and in the outcomes of medical decisions and actions. This is important for professional as well as legal reasons; the professional implications of quality assurance are fairly direct and self-evident, while the legal necessity for quality assurance can be found in certain pieces of legislation and in service agreements with patients, communities, etc. The following paragraphs will describe a general framework of quality assurance in a low-security rehabilitative mental health institution as it relates to both professional standards and legal requirements.

Quality assurance includes an ongoing effort towards quality improvement, and there are a variety of practical and perceptual methods for establishing an ongoing commitment to…...



Breakey, W. (1996). Integrated Mental Health Services. New York: Oxford University Press.

Lloyd, C.; King, R. & Deane, F. (2009). Clinical Management in Mental Health Services. New York: Wiley.

McMillen, C.; Zayas, L.; Books, S. & Lee, M. (2008). Quality Assurance and Improvement Practice in Mental Health Agencies: Roles, Activities, Targets and Contributions. Administrative Policy of Mental Health 35(6): 458-67.

WHO. (2003). Quality Improvement for Mental Health. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Could you help me draft an essay outline about Explain community-based services which are subject to UK registration and inspection?
Words: 283

Essay Outline: Explain Community-Based Services Subject to UK Registration and Inspection

I. Introduction
- Hook: Define community-based services and their significance in the UK.
- Thesis statement: Community-based services subject to UK registration and inspection provide essential support to vulnerable populations.

II. Regulated Community-Based Services

- Health and Social Care
- Care homes
- Nursing homes
- Home care services
- Education and Childcare
- Nurseries
- Daycare centers
- Childminders

III. Registration and Inspection Process

- Care Quality Commission (CQC)
- Role and responsibilities
- Registration requirements
- Inspection Framework
- Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs)
- Inspection ratings

IV. Importance of Registration and Inspection

- Quality Assurance
- Ensures....

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to List of Internal Governance Procedures in a care Home in England?
Words: 510

I. Introduction
A. Definition of internal governance procedures
B. Importance of internal governance in a care home setting
II. Leadership and management procedures
A. Structure of leadership roles in a care home
B. Training and development of staff members
C. Communication channels within the organization
III. Compliance procedures
A. Regulatory requirements for care homes in England
B. Monitoring and auditing processes
C. Policies and procedures to ensure compliance with regulations
IV. Risk management procedures
A. Identification and assessment of risks within the care home
B. Strategies for mitigating risks and ensuring resident safety
C. Incident reporting and investigation procedures
V. Quality assurance procedures

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to List of Internal Governance Procedures in a care Home in England?
Words: 582

I. Introduction:
Hook: Begin with a compelling statistic or anecdote that highlights the importance of governance in care homes.
Thesis statement: State the purpose of the essay, which is to outline the list of internal governance procedures in a care home in England.

II. Legislative Framework and Regulatory Requirements:
Provide an overview of relevant legislation and regulations governing internal governance in care homes in England, such as the Health and Social Care Act 2008, Care Quality Commission (CQC) Standards, and Safeguarding Adults Act 2015.
Discuss the legal obligations and responsibilities of care home providers and staff in relation to internal governance.


What are the key elements to include in an effective outline for an online education course?
Words: 563

Key Elements of an Effective Outline for an Online Education Course

Crafting a comprehensive and effective outline is essential for the success of any online education course. The outline serves as a roadmap, guiding the development and delivery of the course material while ensuring a cohesive and engaging learning experience for students. Here are the key elements to consider when creating an outline for an online education course:

1. Course Overview

Course Title: Captivating title that accurately reflects the course content
Course Description: Brief summary outlining the course objectives, target audience, and key topics
Learning Objectives: Clearly defined goals and outcomes....

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