Pyramids Essays (Examples)

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Pyramids in Egypt
Pages: 2 Words: 705

Egyptian Pyramid
The pyramids in Egypt may be one of the most recognizable historical architectural structures on Earth. One of the locations in which these pyramids are located is Giza. In Giza, one can find the Great Sphinx and the Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid is considered to be one of the best-preserved Seven onders of the Ancient orld. Despite its is grandeur and its location, the Great Pyramid is unlike other pyramids that are located in the Giza necropolis.

The Great Pyramid, also called the Pyramid of Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops, is the largest of the three great pyramids that is found in Giza. Originally, the Great Pyramid was about 480 feet high and composed of about 2.3 million stone blocks; each block weighs between 2.5 to 15 tons each and "had to be cut, transported, fashioned, and laid into place by hand" (National Geographic; Parker). Historically, pyramids are…...


Works Cited

Lohner, Franz and Zuberbuhler, Teresa. "Building the Great Pyramid." 20067. Web. 20

September 2012.

National Geographic. "Great Pyramid." Egypt: Secrets of the Ancient World. Web. 20 September


Egyptian Pyramids History and Construction
Pages: 8 Words: 2209

"According to Redford, pharaohs traditionally began building their pyramids as soon as they took the throne. The pharaoh would first establish a committee composed of an overseer of construction, a chief engineer and an architect. The pyramids were usually placed on the western side of the Nile because the pharaoh's soul was meant to join with the sun disc during its descent before continuing with the sun in its eternal round. Added Redford, the two deciding factors when choosing a building site were its orientation to the western horizon where the sun set and the proximity to Memphis, the central city of ancient Egypt" (Science Daily). The entire process was thought out to complete a journey that would extend beyond life.
Most historical experts believe ramps were the mode of building the pyramids up. Donald Redford agrees with the prevailing thought that ramps were used to build pyramids. These ramps…...


Works Cited

Brier, Bob. "How to Build a Pyramid." Archaeology. 2007. 60.3. March 03-2011. Web.

EBSCO Resource Database.

National Geographic: "Pyramids." March 03-2011. Web.

Platforms and Pyramids Have Served
Pages: 6 Words: 2297

" The Evening Standard (London, England), October 7, 2005, 37 http://wwwquestiacom/PMqst?a=o&d=5011236624
"WELCOME TO BLING TOWN! Stupendous Skyscrapers, Mountains of Money and a Surreal Sense of Style - Veteran Reporter MICHAEL BUERK Is Dazzled by Dubai Arabia's City of Excess" The Daily Mail (London, England), February 10, 2007, 62 http://wwwquestiacom/PMqst?a=o&d=5019361201

http://wwwquestiaschoolcom/PMqst?a=o&d=10506319?Charles Green, Sutton Hoo: The Excavation of a Royal Ship-Burial (London: Merlin Press, 1963), 127, http://wwwquestiacom/PMqst?a=o&d=10506319

http://wwwquestiaschoolcom/PMqst?a=o&d=54339630?William H Stiebing, Ancient Astronauts, Cosmic Collisions, and Other Popular Theories about Man's Past (Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1984), 131, http://wwwquestiacom/PMqst?a=o&d=54339630

http://wwwquestiaschoolcom/PMqst?a=o&d=10506293?Charles Green, Sutton Hoo: The Excavation of a Royal Ship-Burial (London: Merlin Press, 1963), 101, http://wwwquestiacom/PMqst?a=o&d=10506293

http://wwwquestiaschoolcom/PMqst?a=o&d=103063549?A R David, The Pyramid Builders of Ancient Egypt: A Modern Investigation of Pharaoh's Workforce (New York: Routledge, 1996), 104, http://wwwquestiacom/PMqst?a=o&d=103063549

http://wwwquestiaschoolcom/PMqst?a=o&d=5011236624?"Touching the Void; Skyscrapers Are Brash Symbols of Money and Masculinity; No Wonder Developers, Architects and Mayors Are Eager to Erect Them But with the Minerva Building on…...


. Abdelaziz Attia, "Cities Spanning the Millennia: Cairo/Alexandria," in Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat: Cities in the Third Millennium (New York: Spon Press, 2001), 284, .

. Tortajada, "Challenges and Realities of Water Management of Megacities: The Case of Mexico City Metropolitan Area," Journal of International Affairs 61, no. 2 (2008), .

. E. Long, "Presidential Temples: How Memorials and Libraries Shape Public Memory," Presidential Studies Quarterly 37, no. 1 (2007), .

comparing the different pyramids and evolution
Pages: 2 Words: 706

While the pyramids at Giza are the most recognizable, they represent the culmination of architectural developments in Egypt occurring during the Fourth Dynasty. The progenitor of the pyramid was the mastaba, basically a mound with a subterranean chamber containing the sarcophagus of the dead elite. The mastaba also contained a small chapel, a “false door,” and burial shaft leading to the underground burial chamber (Carr, 2014). Around 2780 BCE, Djoser’s architect Imhotep became the first to stack mastabas one on top of the other to form a step pyramid located in Saqqara. The Step Pyramid of Djoser is located near Memphis, on the West Bank of the Nile River, and literally raised the bar for Egyptian regal burial sites. Whereas prior burial mounds were relatively humble in comparison, the step pyramid was a far more grandiose memorial to kings and other members of the Egyptian aristocracy. Thus setting a precedent,…...



Carr, J. (2014). Ancient Egypt: evolution of the great pyramids. Wired Cosmos.

“The Egyptian Pyramid,” (n.d.). Smithsonian.

Vanderzwet, P. (n.d.). The evolution of the Egyptian pyramid.

Egyptian Pyramids the Pyramids Are
Pages: 4 Words: 1340

The people believed firmly that after death the soul of a man would only live happy if the body received a very special treatment to preserve it from corruption.
For this reason they perfectioned the process of embalming, that transformed the corpses into mummies that were placed in sarcophagus, protected from the exterior elements, such as heat, air and humidity, that might decompose the body. The sarcophagus was decorated according to the social status of the deceased.

In the tomb were stored various objects that they believed he might need in the next life. Animals were also embalmed to serve as companions during the journey to the next world. There was also a papyrus were there were written all the good qualities and deeds of the person, so he could be fairly judged by Osiris, the god of the nether world, in the court of the dead.

During their early history Egyptian…...



Verner, Miroslav. The Pyramids: The Mystery, Culture, and Science of Egypt's Great Monuments. New York: Grove Press, 2002

Egypt, secrets of an ancient world." National Geographic 2007, 7 Oct. 2007. 

Rigby, Mark T. "Egyptian pyramids" RIGBY'S WORLD of EGYPT. 2007 7 Oct. 2007.

Earthly life was merely an episode on the way to eternity" Miroslav, 2002, p 30

Pyramid Power the Use of
Pages: 4 Words: 1401

The fact of the matter that people place power and belief in the pyramid itself proclaiming that the pyramid itself is a cure all for their problems
The impossibility to either prove or deny many of these instances of miracle does misplaces the causality of their happening. Mystery contributes to the human mind's desperate attempt to make sense of things that have no logical or obvious cause. Perhaps this is the case in many worshippers of the pyramid. The previous arguments suggesting that power of the pyramid is in fact real and causes humans to react in special or abnormal ways confuses the situation about casualty and result.

Blanket statements that either support or deny the use of pyramid power will both most likely be incomplete and unmoving. Scientific experiment demands that these effects be both repeatable and with certain cause. This is very difficult due to both the esoteric and…...


Works Cited

"Pyramid Power Theory; Where it Started." Pyramid Power Theory. Viewed on 1 April 2013. Retrieved from   it-started/ -

Robinson,,C. (2012). Pyramids Over Us All. Scientific Daily, 21 Mar 2011.

Toth, Max. Pyramid Power.1985, Destiny Books.

University of Texas. "Pyramid and Crystal Myths, Powers and Pseudoscience." Viewed on 1 April 2013. Retrieved from

Pyramid of Intervention
Pages: 4 Words: 1001

Pyramid of Intervention
hat is the purpose of the Pyramid of Intervention?

For students that are struggling in their quest to learn, there are a number of interventions available through various educational channels. One of those interventions is the "Pyramid of Intervention" (POI), and according to professors with the University of South Florida, this pyramid is designed for children who need additional intervention to ensure their continuing development as learners. "A tiered intervention model is an excellent fit with the presumption" -- in the very important period of early childhood -- "that young children…" should be given learning opportunities that take place in the natural environment and in "inclusive settings" in order to meet their needs (Fox, et al., 2009).

Moreover, there has been a need for a particular intervention that addresses the social and behavioral issues young learners go through, and Fox explains that there is a "…substantial body of research that…...


Works Cited

Fox, L, Carta, J., Strain, P., Dunlap, G., and Hemmeter, M.L. (2009). Response to Intervention

And the Pyramid Model. University of South Florida / Technical Assistance Center on Social

Emotional Intervention. Retrieved September 18, 2013, from .

Howery, K., McClellan, T., and Pederson-Bayus, K. (2013). "Reaching Every Student" with a Pyramid of Intervention Approach: One District's Journey. Canadian Journal of Education,

New Food Guide Pyramid Everyone
Pages: 4 Words: 982

For that reason, I was looking for alternatives and it was good to see that government has included protein-rich peanut butte as one of the alternatives to meat.
The pyramid has been approved by many but also criticized by some. Though the basic structure is one that nutritionists wouldn't be arguing about but critique has focused on category classifications. In the bread category for example, why haven't the whole grain and high fiber been stressed? White bread is not the same as whole grain bread and since Pyramid was all about healthy eating, it should have mentioned whole grain bread instead of just any kind of bread.

Similarly some people wonder where do most food fall. If you go for apple pie for example, would that be classified as sweet dessert or fruit since it contains apples. People are also uncertain about portion sizes and what size is recommended for which…...



New Food Guide Pyramid.

Heinrich's Pyramid Theory as Related
Pages: 7 Words: 2041

" (Isaac, et al., 2002)
Isaac et al. (2002) states that within the first phase is three distinct Work Packages as follows: (1) WP1: Development of a conceptual framework and model of human error in ATM; (2) WP2: Development of a methodology (a taxonomy and an associated method of use) based on WP1 for analyzing errors and their causes in ATM incidents and preparation of user guidance material. The review is stated to include the following information sources: (1) human error taxonomies; (2) general psychological models of human performance and error; (3) approaches from other industries; (4) Models of ATM controller performance; and (4) consideration of current future controller task and behavior requirements. (Isaac, et al., 2002) it is stated that the Human Error in ATM taxonomy is inclusive of the following: (1) Human action, behavior, functions and performance; (2) Human error; (3) Framework; (4) Conceptual framework; (5) model; (6) methodology;…...



Ananyan, Sergei, and Goodfellow, Michael (2004) New Capabilities of PolyAnalysts Text and Data Mining Applied to the STEADES Data at the International Air Transport Association (IATA) 

Frontline Management (2008) the Knowledge Exchange. Manage Performance and Knowledge. Online available at


Literacy Pyramid Beverly J Bruneau's
Pages: 2 Words: 630

While this idea might work very well for most students, there are always students that do not do well with standard instruction and these students are going to need a different type of instructional attitude so that they can succeed. Of course, this does not mean that everything should be changed based on just one or two students in a classroom, but only that the literacy pyramid might not work as well as expected on a broad scale for each and every student.
Students today appear to have more needs than students in the past did, or perhaps it is simply that they are making their needs known more easily or that teachers and others that work in the education profession are becoming more aware of what the students really need from the instruction and interaction that they receive. This is important for both the students and the teachers, because…...

Ethics Stakeholder Management the Pyramid of
Pages: 1 Words: 441

adhering to pollution or labor standards). Ethical standards are myriad but some examples can be paying a fair wage, competing fairly, and ensuring that the company does not market a harmful product. Philanthropic refers to the organization's obligations with respect to charity - for example donating some of its revenues to charitable causes, or becoming involved in large charity runs or other significant events.
4. The major social environment factors in business criticism are affluence, education and awareness. Affluence buys the means and the time to criticize. Education provides the basis for understanding the impacts of business. Awareness is taking the time to learn about the issues and apply the education to the cues in the world, reaching conclusions with regards to business activities. Each of these factors supports one another. Education and affluence are correlated, but more importantly the two provide people with the capacity to criticize business. Impoverished…...

Peacemaking Paradigm Pyramid of Criminal
Pages: 1 Words: 304

Thus, spatially, the peacemaking pyramid solution to criminal justice functions as thus: the base of the pyramid is nonviolence, followed by social justice, inclusion, correct means, ascertainable criteria, and on its top categorical imperatives for the system as a whole. But note what a great responsibility this places upon members of the community, whether they be criminals or not, to engage in nonviolent means in what may be a violent society. hile the model may be admirable in its stress upon dialogue, negotiation, and above all conflict resolution, it seems to have little role for the need of victims to seek justice, or of higher government institutions to be involved at lower levels of the process.

orks Cited

Fuller, John. (2001) Criminal Justice: A Peacemaking: Perspective. New York: Allyn…...


Works Cited

Fuller, John. (2001) Criminal Justice: A Peacemaking: Perspective. New York: Allyn & Bacon.

Poise and Industriousness in the Pyramid of Success
Pages: 4 Words: 1321

John Woodens Pyramid of SuccessIntroductionJohn Wooden\\\'s Pyramid of Success is a leadership model based on his legendary career as a basketball coach. This Pyramid is composed of multiple facets and each has relevance for leading and managing project teams. Wooden proposed that some dimensions, such as skill, loyalty, self-control, and sportsmanship, inform how one should interact with coworkers, while others like initiative, determination and poise drive individual performance in pursuit of team success. Further, Wooden assumed that having industry knowledge and enthusiasm further elevate the effectiveness of a group by inspiring motivation. Consequently, this pyramid serves as an effective blueprint for guiding leaders to ensure the most effective and successful outcomes amongst their project teams.The Pyramid of SuccessThe extent to which John Wooden\\\'s Pyramid of Success fits the world of project management today depends on a number of factors. On the one hand, the Pyramid of Success provides a useful…...


ReferencesBiro, B. D. (2001). Beyond success: The 15 Secrets to effective leadership and life based on legendary coach John Wooden\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s pyramid of success. Penguin.Kaye, S. J., & Kleiner, B. H. (1996). How to coach teams in business the John Wooden way. Training for quality.Pyramid of Success. (2022). Retrieved from,Wooden%20started%20by%20creating%20the%20%E2%80%9CDefinition%20of%20Success.%E2%80%9D

Mayo Healthy Pyramid
Pages: 2 Words: 503

ecord the suggested serving numbers to give quantitative values to the categories you will build your diet around.

The diet will be built around eating more fruits and vegetables in comparison to other categories. The most notable include: carbohydrates, fast, dairy / proteins and sweets. At the same time, it is imperative to engage in some form of daily exercise lasting from 30 to 60 minutes. The different serving sizes are: unlimited amounts of fruits / vegetables, 4 to 8 servings of carbohydrates, 3 to 7 servings of protein / dairy, 3 to 5 servings of fat and under 75 calories of sweets. ("Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid," 2014)

In Blackboard in your assignment text box, list the pyramid categories in this order: Vegetables, Fruits, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats and Sweets (also listing your serving numbers beside each category).

Vegetables: unlimited with a minimum of 4 servings daily.

Fruits: unlimited with a minimum of…...



Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid. (2014). Mayo Retrieved from: 

Holly Bible New International Version. (2007). Lebanon, TN: The Gideon's.

Nursing Responses Maslow's Pyramid
Pages: 3 Words: 787

According to the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), "accreditation is a nongovernmental process conducted by representatives of postsecondary institutions and professional groups. As conducted in the United States, accreditation focuses on the quality of institutions of higher and professional education and on the quality of educational programs within institutions" (Standards of accreditation for post-baccalaureate nurse residency programs, 2008, CCNE). Accreditation is a source of objective evidence from an outside entity that a program meets certain quality and content standards. This is essential for both students and patients. Students make a considerable financial and time investment in their education and need to expect that they can emerge with real skills as well as a diploma upon graduation. They do not have to tools to vet a program before they are accepted. Patients have a right to expect that the nurses who oversee them graduated from high-quality programs. Accreditation serves the…...



Maslow's hierarchy of needs. (2014). R.N. Retrieved from: 

Q4. "The strongest predictor of nurse job dissatisfaction and intent to leave a job is stress in the practice environment" (Paris & Tehaar 2011). Not only is Maslow's hierarchy of needs extremely useful for nurses to better understand their patients: it is also useful for nurses to better understand themselves. Burnout is very common in the nursing profession because nurses do not attend to their own, personal needs. The nurse must recognize that she has physiological and safety needs that must be addressed before accessing the higher needs of social and personal fulfillment on the hierarchy. It is vital that nurses engage in appropriate self-care, ensuring that they get adequate enough healthy food and sleep to be able to treat their patients in a compassionate manner. It is also important that healthcare organizations address the human needs of nurses and do not ignore the need for nurses to take care of their mental and physical health.


Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on history of the world in 10 1 2 chapters?
Words: 598

Chapter 1: Ancient Civilizations

The Rise and Fall of the Sumerian City-States
The Indus Valley Civilization: Unraveling the Enigma
The Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Pyramids, Pharaonic Power, and Daily Life
The Minoan and Mycenaean Civilizations: Maritime Masters of the Aegean
The Zhou Dynasty and the Birth of Chinese Civilization

Chapter 2: Classical Civilizations

The Athenian Golden Age: Democracy, Philosophy, and the Arts
The Roman Empire: Conquests, Governance, and the Pax Romana
The Mauryan Empire: From Chandragupta to Ashoka's Legacy
The Hellenistic World: A Syncretic Blend of Greek and Persian Cultures
The Han Dynasty: China's Ascendancy and Technological Innovations

Chapter 3: Medieval Civilizations


How did the religious beliefs of Pre-Colombian cultures influence their architectural styles?
Words: 323

Religion has played a significant role in shaping the beliefs, customs, and art of various cultures throughout history. The Pre-Colombian civilizations of the Americas were no exception, as their religious beliefs were deeply intertwined with their architecture. This essay will explore the religious beliefs of Pre-Colombian cultures and how they influenced the construction and design of their buildings. By analyzing the temples, pyramids, and other sacred structures of these civilizations, we can gain insight into the spiritual practices and values that were central to their societies.
The religious beliefs of Pre-Colombian cultures had a profound impact on their architectural styles, as....

How did the religious beliefs of Pre-Colombian cultures influence their architectural styles?
Words: 424

Influence of Religious Beliefs on Pre-Colombian Architectural Styles
The religious beliefs of Pre-Colombian cultures played a profound role in shaping their architectural styles. Temples, pyramids, and other structures were not merely physical structures but imbued with sacred significance, reflecting the spiritual beliefs and practices of the people.
Maya Civilization
Pyramidal Temples: Maya pyramids were not just tombs or platforms but sacred structures representing mountains and the deities associated with them. They served as stages for rituals and sacrifices, with the summit accessible only to priests.
Temples and Palaces: Maya temples and palaces were often interconnected, forming a complex of sacred spaces. Murals,....

How has global heritage shaped our collective identity?
Words: 353

1. Have you ever considered how the ancient ruins scattered around the world shape our understanding of collective heritage?

2. The influence of global heritage on our identity can be seen in the diverse traditions we celebrate today.

3. From the pyramids of Egypt to the Great Wall of China, the world heritage sites hold a key to unlocking our shared past.

4. Exploring the cultural artifacts left by our ancestors allows us to connect with a shared history that transcends borders.

5. Our collective identity is deeply intertwined with the global heritage that surrounds....

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