Public Transportation Essays (Examples)

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Public Transportation Policy the United
Pages: 12 Words: 4093

As with the Gallatin Plan, the 1908 oosevelt vision exercised its influence over the long-term, eventually drawing on new technologies like the regional electric power grid and the automobile superhighway to achieve its ends" (Fishman, 2007). This period is important for the evolution of public transportation because it offers a perspective on the way in which different aspects of the world we see today have come about, the struggles and the incipient initiatives of the government along the years.
One of the most significant contributions to the issue of public policy transportation but in particular to the infrastructure on which the advanced policies would be based was that of FD oosevelt, one of the most important presidents of the United States, the one that, through his presidential program often labeled as being of socialist origins, managed to draw the most powerful country out of the deepest recession of our times,…...


Reference List bill to establish a National Commission on the Infrastructure of the United States. (2004). Library of Congress. Retrieved 17 February 2008, at ;

America 2050. (2008) Speaker Pelosi evokes National Plans in State of the Union "pre-brutal." Retrieved 17 February 2008, at 

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. (n.d.) Recommendations for the Interstate System of the Future. Retrieved 17 February 2008, at

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. (n.d.) Transportation invest in America. Retrieved 17 February 2008, at 

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. (2003) Freight-rail Bottom line report. Retrieved 17 February 2008, at

Public Transportation for Women Friendly
Pages: 9 Words: 2492

Stores simply do not have the staff for this.
That being said, the biggest question with expectant mother and breastfeeding mother designated seats is whether or not this can or will be enforced. Agencies put up signs for this purpose in the hopes that humanity will uphold these rules. egardless, bus services, train services and metro services are still a business and many experts find it difficult to believe that any individual, male or female, would be turned away for service over specially designated seating.

The main goal of these programs throughout big cities is to provide safer transportation for women, children and the elderly. Public transportation officials recognize that these passengers are the majority of their passengers. Unfortunately, there are a lot of unsafe areas and many women passengers do not feel safe enough to take public transportation. Many city officials are taking measures to make areas safer, by fixing…...



Undefined, (March 14, 2010). Women-only taxis hit Cairo streets. Retrieved April 14, 2010, from 

Connelly, MC (March 17, 1997). From vehicle design to retail, Ford wants to be female-friendly. (Freedom Ford's.... Retrieved April 14, 2010, from 

Licona, DL (November 17, 2009). Female-Friendly Taxis Arrive in Mexico. Retrieved April 14, 2010, from 

Kirk, DK (February 1, 2010). Women Friendly Seoul. Retrieved April 14, 2010, from

Death of Public Transportation in
Pages: 5 Words: 1768

Although the Pacific Electric Railway Company is history, it is still remembered with nostalgia. However, the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission has gotten actively engaged in reviving tramway transportation across a large sector of the previous Long Beach railway line (Cudahy 1990, 204).

Influenced by a series of factors such as geography, freeway construction, the Great Depression, and advancements in automobile industry, the Pacific Electric Railway Company had little chances to continue its domination over Los Angeles public transportation. Even from its early years the company did not seem to be promising regarding its effectiveness, given that it rapidly became outdated and people lost interest in traveling by trolley, as the alternatives appeared to be cheaper and faster.

orks cited:

Boarnet, Marlon G. And Crane, Randall. Travel by Design: The Influence of Urban Form on Travel (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001).

Cudahy, Brian J. Cash, Tokens, and Transfers: A History of Urban Mass…...


Works cited:

Boarnet, Marlon G. And Crane, Randall. Travel by Design: The Influence of Urban Form on Travel (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001).

Cudahy, Brian J. Cash, Tokens, and Transfers: A History of Urban Mass Transit in North America (New York: Fordham University Press, 1990).

Gerlach, Arch C. Growth of El Segundo, California. Economic Geography

Vol. 16, No. 2 (Apr., 1940), pp. 225-230.

How Can a City Promote the Use of Public Transportation
Pages: 4 Words: 1475

City Promote the Use of Public Transportation?
The Best Way for a City to Promote Public Transportation

Cities can promote public transportation in many ways. However, many cities fail to do so. They put public transportation options on the "back burner" so to speak, or they make the assumption that people will use public transportation only if they want to, and it does not need to be promoted. This is far from the truth. Many people may not know about transportation options in their city, and they may not realize how beneficial these options can be (Barletta, et al., 2008). There is an assumption by many people that public transportation is dirty and smelly, or that only lower income people use it (Achs, 1991). In the vast majority of cities, all kinds of people use public transportation (Newman & Kenworthy, 1999). In fact, in a number of major American cities, quite…...



Achs, N. (1991). Roadblocks to public transit: for reasons ranging from prejudice to pragmatism, many suburbanites are fighting tooth and nail to keep mass transit out of their neighborhoods. American City & County, 106(1): 28 -- 32.

Barletta, B., Dabdub, D., Blake, D.R., Sherwood, R.F., Nissenson, P., & Meinardi, S. (2008). Influence of the public transportation system on the air quality of a major urban center. A case study: Milan, Italy. Atmospheric Environment, 42(34): 7915 -- 7923.

Newman, P. & Kenworthy, J.R. (1999). Sustainability and cities: Overcoming automobile dependence. NY: Island Press.

city promoting public transportation persuasion
Pages: 3 Words: 1001

Introduction: Quality Counts A well-designed public transportation system is far more likely to lure new users and encourage regular rides than a system that has few routes, which has insufficient frequency, or which is generally not user-friendly. Therefore, the most important method of promoting public transportation in the city is to develop a good product. The product itself should be designed with the needs of both visitors and residents in mind, and likewise, a marketing and promotions strategy should also consider locals and tourists as different target markets. Once the system has been designed and is ready to be promoted, the city council needs to focus on what motivates people to ride. Is the city traffic congested? Are parking options limited and expensive? Are citizens ready to improve their quality of life by reducing their dependency on cars? These are all different angles an advertising campaign may take, while avoiding unnecessary…...



American Public Transportation Association (2018). Public transportation benefits.

Beirao, G. & Cabral, S. (2007). Understanding attitudes towards public transport and private car: A qualitative study. Transport Policy 14(6): 478-489.

Carrus, G., Passafaro, P. & Bonnes, M. (2008). Emotions, habits and rational choices in ecological behaviours: The case of recycling and use of public transportation. Journal of Environmental Psychology 28(1): 51-62.

Fujii, S. & Gaerling, T. (2005). Temporary structural change. National Academy of Sciences.

Public Transportation Sydney vs Boston
Pages: 3 Words: 1139

The Troubled and Disjointed Sydney Transport System Pitted Against Boston, Massachusetts. It is apparent that public transport systems that serve every destination and origin would be prone to low occupancies, low frequencies, high costs and, worst of all, high greenhouse emissions per commuter. One of the options available for such diverse patterns of travel is to offer custom services for the various markets in the travel niche. Some of the options include providing express trains and buses for commuters that need them at peak hours, regular bus service for local based trips; with buses plying busy corridors and para-transit car transport for low demand hours and routes. There is a flip side to this approach though; the more customized public transport becomes, the more it ignores its economic and environmental advantages (Stone, 2009).
The Boston and Sydney Transport Systems
Many Australians wonder why there cannot be a public transport system of the caliber…...



Infrastructure Australia. (2015). Australian infrastructure audit. Retrieved from

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. (2011). MBTA Service Area. Title VI Report. Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority website. Retrieved from About_the_T/Fare_Proposals_2012/Map%20of%20MBTA%20 Service%20District

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. (2014). About the MTA— History. Retrieved from mbta/history/

Mees, P. (2010). Transport for Suburbia: Beyond the automobile age. Earthscan: London.

Stone, J. (2009). Can European models of public transport governance help to save Australian cities? Institute for Social Research. Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria: Australia.

Stone, J. (2009). Contrasts in reform: how the Cain and Burke years shaped public transport in Melbourne and Perth. Urban Policy and Research, 27(4), pp. 419-434.

TransitCenter. (2014). Getting to the route of it: The role of governance in regional transit. Retrieved from

The history of the Seattle Monorail
Pages: 7 Words: 2308

Abstract The Seattle Monorail is the first of its kind in many respects. Indeed, it is the first commercial monorail that is entirely complete and full-scale in nature. It is also effective in that it passes through or near many of the important landmarks of Seattle. The system is effective in that it passes by several important hubs of the city every ten minutes or so. There are also effective connections to many of the cultural and theatrical experiences of the city. Entertainment and fun are also parts of the city that are effective connected to by the monorail. The system serves as an example of a fully functional and fully featured system that helps people connect to their work, transportation and entertainment needs or preferences while at the same time being controlled properly in terms of costs, resources and so forth.
The Seattle Monorail in many ways serves as an example…...



Dhillon, J. S. (2006). Eminent-domain - the Seattle popular monorail authority\\\\'s condemnation of a private parking garage for the purpose of building a monorail station does not violate the eminent domain provision of the Washington Constitution. Rutgers Law Journal, (4), 1251.

Greenwood, F. H. (1963). Monorails for Metropolitan Transportation. Transportation Journal (American Society of Transportation & Logistics Inc), 3(1), 26-29.

Kinsey, B. S., Bartling, H., Peterson, A. F., & Baybeck, B. P. (2010). Location of Public Goods and the Calculus of Voting: The Seattle Monorail Referendum. Social Science Quarterly Wiley-Blackwell), 91(3), 741-761. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6237.2010.00717.x

Seattle Monorail. (2018). Seattle Center Monorail. Seattle Monorail. Retrieved 25 February 2018, from

Senechal, M. (2005). Revisiting Granite Falls: Why the Seattle Monorail Project Requires Re-examination of Washington\\\\'s Prohibition on Taxation without Representation. SeattleUniversity Law Review, 2963.

Public Transportation and Promotion
Pages: 5 Words: 1388

Promoting the Use of Public Transportation Introduction
Public transportation serves numerous purposes: first, it helps to ease congestion in urban areas by decreasing the number of cars on the road at any given time but especially during busy traffic hours; second, it helps people who may not otherwise have means of getting to work obtain these means; third, it can reduce pollution and fuel emissions that can harm the environment. All of these are good reasons for using and promoting public transportation. The problem of how to promote public transportation, however, is one that needs to be solved. In order to solve it, a variety of factors have to be considered: a) who is most likely to use public transportation—i.e., who is the audience to whom the message needs to be communicated; b) where are these individuals most likely to need to go; c) how can the benefits of public transportation best…...

How to Understand Public Transportation Problems
Pages: 7 Words: 2117

Local Government Managers Perceptions of Transportation Issues in Their Communities: A Conceptual FrameworkIntroductionThe critical role local government managers play in the strategic planning and development of their communities cannot be overstated. This responsibility becomes even more important when we consider issues related to transportation. The perceptions of these managers often significantly influence how transportation problems are perceived and tackled. This paper proposes a conceptual framework to understand and analyze these perceptions, drawing from established theories of local government management attitudes and perceptions.The Conceptual FrameworkThe conceptual framework is designed around three central elements: Local Government Manager Perceptions, Transportation Issues, and Community Context. These elements are interlinked and influence one another in various ways (Figure 1).Figure 1: Conceptual FrameworkLocal Government Manager PerceptionsManagers in local government bring their unique blend of personal experiences, values, knowledge, and beliefs to their understanding and interpretation of the issues they face (Chen & Aklikokou, 2020; Morel &…...


ReferencesAlonso, F., Useche, S. A., Faus, M., & Esteban, C. (2020). Does urban security modulate transportation choices and travel behavior of citizens? A national study in the Dominican Republic. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 2, 42.   Bass, B. M., & Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational leadership. Psychology Press.Blumer, H. (1986). Symbolic interactionism: Perspective and method. Univ of California Press.Buchanan, J. M., & Tullock, G. (1962). The calculus of consent. University of Michigan Press.Chen, L., & Aklikokou, A. K. (2020). Determinants of E-government adoption: testing the mediating effects of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. International Journal of Public Administration, 43(10), 850-865.Chen, T. Y., & Jou, R. C. (2019). Using HLM to investigate the relationship between traffic accident risk of private vehicles and public transportation. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 119, 148-161. . Donaldson, L. (2001). The contingency theory of organizations. Sage.Lipsky, M. (2010). Street-level bureaucracy: Dilemmas of the individual in public service. Russell Sage Foundation.Morel, D., & Nuamah, S. A. (2020). Who governs? How shifts in political power shape perceptions of local government services. Urban Affairs Review, 56(5), 1503-1528., W. R. (2014). Institutions and organizations: Ideas, interests, and identities. Sage Publications.Simon, H. A. (1955). A behavioral model of rational choice. The quarterly journal of economics, 69(1), 99-118.Top of Form .

Public Transit Has a Serious
Pages: 8 Words: 3083

(iii) Among the ones who are dependent on transit, merely 37% stated that they would drive to work by availing the services of an automobile if available. Almost 50%of those driving to work could be taken as potential transit riders depending on flexibility and convenience of availability of transit services. (iv) the other factors which would fuel more use of transit were services of non-transfer nature, express avenues and higher fees for parking. (v) Congestion in traffic was regarded as a very grave situation in 36% among the respondents and fairly serious by 28%. (Byrd, 621) d) Steps to improve transit image and attract choice riders:
Among the modes of transit, introduction of a Bus apid Transit -- BT is a novel innovation which can be promoted as a measure for improvement of the failing image of transit among the population. A good implementation normally entails several of the features…...



Bailey, Lee Worth. The enhancements of technology.

University of Illinois Press. 2005.

Byrd, Joseph. P. "Perceptions of Public Transportation." In Public Transportation: Planning,

Operations and Management, G.E. Gray and L.A. Hoel, eds., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1979, pp: 617-633.

Transportation in Europe Based on
Pages: 2 Words: 625

This is because congestion has become a problem and they want to discourage them from utilizing this form of transportation. Over the long-term, this will create a change in habits by making public transportation and other alternatives economically viable. (Davenport) (osenthal)
In the U.S., vehicles are a center of private transportation. This is because many cities were designed to accommodate cars. If there was a dramatic shift, these challenges could have an adverse impact on the auto industry, parts producers / suppliers and dealers. This would lead to a slowdown and possibly create a recession from a change in policies. (Davenport) (osenthal)

Moreover, the U.S. has not ratified and withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol. This means that they do not have to meet the same standards as Europe. To adjust for the increased amounts of traffic flow, there is a focus on using stop lights to effectively accommodate vehicles. (Davenport) (osenthal)




Davenport, John. The Ecology of Transportation. New York: Springer, 2006. Print.

Rosenthal, Elisabeth. "Across Europe." NY Times, 2011. Web. 5 Apr. 2014.

Transportation Infrastructure Continue to Be
Pages: 2 Words: 862

Today, al-Mart is altering the retail landscape in many ways, primarily by parlaying its power as a retail chain into operation as a full-scale distributional company as well.
The attention dedicated to improving the cost and efficiency of its distributional operation underscores the emergent strategy which al-Mart is using to change the retail business altogether. This aspect of its operation has become a major effecter in its relationship to suppliers. For instance, "Coke altered its century-old distribution model to accommodate the world's largest retailer, and in April began delivering its Powerade sports drink to al-Mart warehouses, rather than direct the retailer's stores." (Hoffman, 28) This demonstrates the manner in which al-Mart has come largely to change many of the rules which were once well-established in the retail business. Namely, suppliers have always functioned as the power in the retail industry. By controlling the cost of items, leveraging the available supply…...


Works Cited:

Hoffman, W. (2006). Wal-Mart Formula. Journal of Commerce.

Johnston, N. & Runningen, R. (2009). Obama Focuses on Small Business to Spur Job Growth.

Transite. (2009). Transportation and Logistics: Integrating Transportation into Your Supply Chain. Transportation Management Solutions.

Transportation and Sustainability in Los Angeles
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

LA Pollution
Transportation and Sustainability in Los Angeles

Increase utilization of green technology for vehicles


Tax incentives

Employment issues

The horrific traffic situation in Los Angeles is not only detrimental to society in the sense that its immense levels of congestion cost commuters millions of dollars in lost time daily, but also because it can cause physical harm. One study has identified several risk factors that are significantly increased by freeway pollution levels such as cardiovascular problems, respiratory disease, cancer, heart attacks and flat-out premature death (Cronan). It further finds that some brain cells in mice showed inflammation consistent with Alzheimer's disease when exposed to these pollutants.

It would be one thing if the levels of pollutants in the city were consistent with the levels found in other cities; however the levels of air pollution found in Los Angeles are among the highest in the country. In fact, Forbes rates LA in the top ten of…...

Public Relations Strategy on the Fairfield Cycle Network
Pages: 3 Words: 734

Cycle Network
Many small and medium sized town are experiencing problems that were typically focused on larger urban areas. An issue that has a broad range of effects; from environmental to fiscal, from social population dynamics to the cultural environment of the city, transportation is one of the key factors that makes the modern urban area function.

Fairfield City is located SW of Sydney and has an approximate population of 181,000. Demographically, more than 50 per cent of the population is foreign born, speaks little or no English, and is at medical risk from lifestyle behaviors that contribute to potentially serious health problems.

Fairfield City also lacks adequate public transport, and most of its residents remain tied to their cars for work, school, and recreation. This creates a serious environmental problem, parking issues, crowding issues and perpetuates the separate nature of the community.

To mitigate this issue, the Fairfield City Council developed an…...

Public Policy Themes Public Policy
Pages: 10 Words: 2791

An examination of the four basic steps of policymaking reveals this quite clearly.
The first step in the policymaking process is the agenda setting that must come before policies are even considered. Bringing problems to the attention of policy makers and thus setting the policy agenda is accomplished by many different players with different aims, from citizen groups to businesses to media organizations and many others. All of these groups r individual representatives (and sometimes simple individuals) can use a variety of methods for setting the agenda, form private meetings with policy makers to speaking at town hall meetings or city councils to engaging in media or public awareness campaigns. In larger governments, lobbying is a major source of agenda-setting activity, as the interests of groups that engage lobbying services are brought to the direct and immediate attention of government representatives in what amounts to a pay-for-play system. The political…...



Gerston, L. (2010). Public Policymaking: Process and Principles. Armonk, NY: M.E.


Texas Constitution and Statutes. (2011). Government Code Chapter 573. Accessed 14

October 2011.

Can you help me with essay topics related to public health and physical activity?
Words: 383

Physical activity plays such an important role in public health. It is especially important when a society has become sedentary, which applies to many of the industrialized societies around the globe.  It is not surprise, then, that public health efforts often focus on increasing daily movement as a way to help improve community health.

Possible research topics include:

  1. The relationship between green spaces like parks and walking trails with community levels of physical activity.
  2. The relationship between afterschool sports programs and physical activity for youth, and whether that relationship remains as people transition from youth into adulthood.
  3. Do physical....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on microeconomics concept in microeconomics analysisi. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 580

The Impact of Social Media on Consumer Behavior:

This topic explores the transformative effect of social media on consumer decision-making. Analyze how platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok shape consumer preferences, influence brand loyalty, and drive purchasing patterns. Examine the role of influencers, algorithms, and target marketing in shaping consumer behavior and discuss the implications for businesses and marketers.

Behavioral Economics in Healthcare:

Behavioral economics integrates psychological principles into economic analysis. In healthcare, this approach can provide valuable insights into patient decision-making, adherence to treatment, and demand for healthcare services. Discuss how behavioral economics can be applied to improve healthcare outcomes, design effective....

Can you provide guidance on how to outline an essay focusing on Climate change, health and well-being?
Words: 496

## Outlining an Essay on Climate Change, Health, and Well-being

### Introduction (150-200 words)
- Hook: Begin with a compelling fact or anecdote that highlights the urgency of climate change's impact on human health.
- Background: Briefly explain the scientific consensus on climate change and its potential consequences.
- Thesis statement: Clearly state the main argument of the essay: that climate change poses significant threats to human health and well-being.

### Body Paragraph 1: Heat-Related Illnesses (200-250 words)
- Topic sentence: Emphasize the link between rising temperatures and heat-related illnesses.
- Evidence: Cite statistics or research studies that demonstrate the increased occurrence and severity of heat strokes,....

I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on local government issues. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 278

1. The impact of gentrification on affordable housing in your local community
2. The role of local government in addressing climate change and environmental sustainability
3. The effectiveness of local government policies on promoting economic development and job growth
4. The importance of community engagement and participation in local government decision-making processes
5. The challenges and opportunities of integrating technology and innovation into local government services
6. The role of local government in addressing homelessness and poverty in your community
7. The impact of local government funding cuts on essential services such as education, healthcare, and public safety
8. The implementation and enforcement of local zoning and....

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