Public Speaking Essays (Examples)

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Public Speaking the Objective of
Pages: 7 Words: 1861

(Slattery, 2008)
According to Slattery "every good speech deserves a great beginning." (2008) Slattery addresses the attention-getter in another article and states that another technique or type of attention-getter is the use of 'questions', which are useful for the following reasons:

Questions engage the audience on a personal level by beginning a thought-process about your topic

Questions help frame the rest of your introduction and speech in a way that promises answers

Questions can raise ideas about your topic audience members may not have thought of Questions show audience members they are not alone in what they are experiencing. (Slattery, 2008)

When using the question method for the attention-getter in a speech it is important to: (1) ask more than one question; (2) be clear your question is rhetorical; (3) ask some of the most frequently asked questions you get about your business or the subject at hand; (4) ask 'why', 'when', 'what', or…...


Bibliography de Beer, Estienne (2007) Polishing Your Presentation Skills. Public Management. 1 Nov 2007. Online available at 

The Speech Recipe -Public Speaking (2008) Casaa Resources. Online available at

Brighton, NJ (2008) 3 Essential Secrets to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking. Ezine Articles. Online available at 

Davidson, Kathleen (2006) Effective Public Speaking Requires Skill, Media Savvy. 2006 July 21. Phoenix Business Journal. Online available at 

Slattery, Felecia (2008) Public Speaking Great Beginnings - Attention-Getters. Ezine Articles Online available at

Public Speaking Class if it Hadn't Been
Pages: 5 Words: 1278

Public Speaking Class
If it hadn't been for this class, I would be blushing amidst my various shades of sickly green, sweating through my shirt, and shredding my note cards into tiny pieces on the floor. As a result of taking a public speaking course, I have lost my previous feelings of self-consciousness, feel for the first time in life that my ideas have value, and am not intimidated by anyone. I can now brazenly assert that I am worth listening too.

Public speaking is an art, whether an inherent one or a learned approach." I am still baffled that I have learned the art of confidence. I had always thought that confidence was something that came from within, or was the culmination of some life-changing experience. Yet, as I have learned, being able to communicate with an audience has empowered me and my levels of confidence. Because I can communicate…...


The Bill Grove Speech Workshop. 

Krasne, Margo. Say It With Confidence: Overcoming the Mental Blocks That Keep You from Making Great Presentations & Speeches. Warner Books: 1997. [consulted, not quoted from]

Carnegie, Dale. How to Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People by Public Speaking. Mass Market Paperback: 1998. [consulted, not quoted from]

Public Speaking Tips From the Toastmasters According
Pages: 2 Words: 680

Public speaking: Tips from the Toastmasters
According to the Toastmasters International Website, visual aids are a key part of professional presentations. I have found this to be the case, given that visual aids give the speaker something to focus on rather than him or herself. They also draw the audience's attention away from the speaker and instead focus it on the subject the speaker is addressing. This is also why public speaking that is designed to inform can particularly benefit from visual aids. Visual aids reinforce the speaker's message, and even if the audience's recollection of what was said is somewhat shaky, they may be able to recall the striking visuals used by the speakers. Charts, graphs, videos, overheads, or models can all be used. The only important thing is that they are relevant, easy-to-understand, and not cumbersome for the speaker while he or she is addressing the audience.

Another important…...

Public Speaking Terms
Pages: 3 Words: 1040

Speech Class Learning Statement
The author of this report has been asked to offer what was learned over the course of the public speaking class that is about to conclude. There are actually a great many things that were discovered or at least improved internally within the student who is writing this response. The author of this report will describe and expand on the terms and tricks that were learned over the course of this class and what the future might hold in terms of learning and growing further. While some people are prone to under-estimate and under-state the importance of public speaking skills, they are indeed invaluable or at least advantageous to possess in many roles and positions within society.


One major part of effective public speaking is preparation. While some speeches and words spoken are off the cuff and there can be little to no time for preparation, this is…...



Boundless. (2015, January 13). Boundless - Textbooks. Retrieved January 13, 2015,


Dummies. (2015, January 13). Public Speaking For Dummies. Retrieved January 13,

2015, from

What Is Public Speaking
Pages: 2 Words: 591

Public speaking is a form of speaking to a group of people in an informative, influential manner. A public speaker should target the expectations and motivations of the audience and clearly state the main purpose of speech. The purpose of public speaking can include but not limited to simply informing, to motivating people to garher together, to simply telling stories and to entertaining the audience. Good speakers should drag the audience into the speech by changing the emotions and view of the target group. In order to be able to drag the group from the beginning to the end of the speech, the speaker should be into the speech, creating spontaneous ideas and tools to attract the attention of the audience. The tools and ideas of a good speech should be changed regarding to the type of the speech. The speech can be motivational, related to leadership/personal development, business, customer…...

Preparing for Public Speaking
Pages: 2 Words: 677

Public Speaking
Consider that you will only have the designated amount of time to communicate your message to the audience. You will need to determine your goal in advance. Do you wish to teach something in particular to the audience? Are you interested in inspiring or motivating them? Are you only providing information that they will use at a later time, and to which they will have ready access to reference material. Are you simply providing updates and news that you have selected to give the audience a sense of being included?

The purpose of your speech should guide you in a choice of format, length, level of detail, and opportunities for interaction with you and with other members of the audience. You should make an overarching outline of the major points of your speech. Minimally, you should create a list of bullet points that will serve as a breadcrumb trail for…...



Bovee, C.L. (2003). Contemporary Public Speaking (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Collegiate Press.

Gardner, J.N. And Jewler, A.J. (2002). Your College Experience. Boston, MA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.

Public Speaking and Pharmacy
Pages: 2 Words: 844

academic studies with a passion for the health sciences. In college, I tutored physics and mathematics in my spare time, and felt privileged to meet people from different backgrounds and to be able to help them understand the fundamentals behind different scientific problems. Yet months after entering college, my father suffered from a cervical disk disorder. Doctors were initially unable to accurately diagnose the problem, torn between the possibilities of a brain tumor, a spinal tumor, or multiple sclerosis, leaving me no choice but to begin working full-time in my family's restaurant in order to support my family. I found myself cooking, managing the restaurant, and also doing my studies. It was difficult to adjust to this schedule, but I was eventually able to cope by learning how to use my time as efficiently as possible, working night shifts regularly while still maintaining my academic focus.
Just as everything was…...

Public Address the Ceo of Verizon Communications
Pages: 4 Words: 1134

Public Address
the ceo of verizon communications recently had the great opportunity to attend the Progress and Freedom Foundation Forum in Houston with the keynote speaker being Mr. Ivan Seidenberg, Chief Executive Officer for Verizon Communications. Mr. Seidenberg's presentation before an audience made up of company executives and other interested parties was to say the least the most professional speech I have ever heard. His opening comments provided much inspiration and showed how important my position with Verizon is to the overall success of the company: "As one of America's premier telecom network operators, Verizon is a key player in the technology sector, and therefore in the economy as a whole. We invest more capital, deploy more technology, and serve more customers than virtually anyone else in the country. We've established a record of real investment, real competition, and real innovation. And we've worked hard to put ourselves in a…...

Speaking in Tongues in Acts
Pages: 3 Words: 915

A Christian believing that some of God's gifts are not important can mean that the person would disregard Christianity as a whole. The gift of speaking in tongues is not only important, but it is of great importance, since God's decision of giving people such an attribute would mean that it is required for people to have it.

Christianity has become what it is today because of the extreme devotion that Christians have for God. The gifts passed on through the ages from God have been left in his followers, and, speaking in tongues is one of the most important features taken over by Christians. A true Christian can go as far as believing that the gifts given by God are the best features that Jesus Christ had.

In the Corinthians, one that prophesies is apparently more important than one who speaks in tongues. However, the latter is even greater than a…...


Works cited:

1. Connelly, James T. "Speaking in Tongues: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives." Theological Studies, Vol. 68, 2007.

2. Culy Martin M., Parsons Mikeal C. (2003). "Acts: A Handbook on the Greek Text." Baylor University Press.

3. Hovenden, Gerald. (2002). "Speaking in tongues: the New Testament evidence in context." Continuum International Publishing Group.

4. Krodel, Gerhard A. (1986). Acts. Augsburg Pub. House.

Public Policy on People With AIDS
Pages: 5 Words: 1586

Public AIDS Policy -- And the Band Played on, for Republicans and Democrats alike, during this public health crisis of the 1980's
Today, it hard to remember a day before 'AIDS alks' through Central Park, before television advertisements in the voice of hoopi Goldberg proclaimed that "AIDS affects everyone," before AIDS became a public health enemy 'Number One.' But one must look back to the days when AIDS was a disease of secrecy and shame to truly learn from the illness, as it exists today. Most of us of Generation Y mercifully cannot even remember a time when AIDS was not even a name, but something called 'the gay cancer.' During America of the 1980's the disease of Acquired Immune Deficiency Disorder, it was thought only to affect those marginalized by society because of their sexuality.

Randy Shilt's book And the Band Played On acts as an important journalistic and contemporary historical…...


Works Cited

Shilts, Randy. And the Band Played On.

Siplan, P. Aids & The Policy Struggle In the U.S. Georgetown Press, 2000.

Fear of Speaking in Public
Pages: 2 Words: 680

Fear of Public Speaking
Public speaking is perhaps the most stressful type of communication there is. Few people do not, in some way, fear it, especially when coming up in front of an audience for the first time. Some people appear to be excellent public speakers, especially when they do so habitually. President Obama, for example, seems to be particularly good at public speaking. Some preachers also have the power to hold their audiences in the palms of their hands. Sometimes I am sure that those addressing an audience for the first time wish that they could ask somebody with true expertise for some advice. When addressing an audience, an individual would do well to investigate other public speakers, research public speaking itself, and research his or her topic as well as possible.

First, even though it is not possible to obtain personal advice from a habitual public speaker like President Obama,…...

Motivational Speaking Corporate Opportunities in Texas
Pages: 8 Words: 2549

Table of ContentsLeader/founder background information and other key managementteam members Description of the business Mission, vision, and guiding principles for the organization Locations of the business and specific location that this plan document relates to Product/service which organization provides Position descriptions and skill set summary - functions, knowledge, skills,abilities Compensation principles Actual pay, benefits and indirect compensation Hiring and retaining Privacy rules Safety rules EEO, sexual harassment, and bullying Performance reviews Discipline Telecommuting policy Making reasonable accommodation for an employee in compliance with theAmericans with Disability Act and the Family Medical Leave Act Organization chart Gantt chart identifying when you intend to hire each person during thefirst year of operation Human esource Plan/Audit for Momentum Motivational Speaking/Coaching Company, Inc.Leader/founder background information and other key management team membersLeader/Founder - Melanie Sterling:Melanie Sterling, a visionary and dynamic individual, serves as the inspirational leader and founder of our motivational speaking company, Momentum Motivational…...


ReferencesBlanchard, K., Hodges, P. & Hendry, P. (2016). Lead Like Jesus. Thomas Nelson. Large Southern Cities Lead Nation in Population Growth. (2023). U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved from   J. M. & Konopaske, R. (2012). Human Resource Management, 12th ed. McGraw. .Ivancevich,

Plain Oral Speaking Style
Pages: 2 Words: 687

Plain Style
Plain speaking style

The plain oral speaking style: ecent presidential examples

Public speaking can serve a variety of functions: to persuade, to inform, or to entertain. There are various ways to achieve these objectives, including using a heightened style of prose, as exemplified in speeches like John F. Kennedy's 1961 "Inaugural address." But because of its extensive use of rhetorical constructions like parallelism, metaphors, and similes, although Kennedy's speech was powerful, not even the most eloquent person would speak like this on an everyday basis.

In contrast, a 'plain' speaking style tries to mirror everyday speech. ather than excite people with fancy rhetoric, a plain speaking style seeks to do the opposite: it convinces people because of the simple, matter-of-fact nature of its tone. It may use folksy or colloquial words to convince people of the speaker's honesty. A plain speaking style can be particularly effective when used as a distinct contrast…...



Atkinson, Max. (2008). Rhetoric and imagery in Obama's victory speck. Retrieved: 

Improviser in chief. (2012). Improviser in chief: Clinton text vs. audio.

NPR. Retrieved:

Speaking in the Target Language Is the
Pages: 8 Words: 3146

speaking in the target language is the expectation that a proficient speaker will sound like a native speaker. Is this an appropriate or realistic expectation?
Not a long while after the emergence of the subject of second language acquisition (SLA), which most of the scholars think came around the time of initial years of 1970s, there has been a need to develop ways by which to measure the development of the second language, aside from the usage of detailed homogeneous skill tests which were mostly appropriate to fulfill other objectives.

As per Freeman's (2009) information, the first declaration of this need was made by Kenji Hukuta (1976). Kenji Hakuta was concerned in knowing the path of his subject Ugusiu's English language development over a period of time. Besides the aforementioned practitioners, other L1 acquisition scholars had carried out for the pupils learning English as a national language. In the research of…...



Bardovi-Harlig, K., & Dornyei, Z. (1998). Do language learners recognize pragmatic violations? Pragmatic vs. grammatical awareness in instructed L2 learning. TESOL Quarterly, 32, 233 -- 259.

Bialystok, E. (1991). Achieving proficiency in a second language: A processing description. In R. Philipson, E. Kellerman, L. Selinker, M. Sharwood Smith, & M. Swain (Eds.), Foreign/second language pedagogy research: A commemorative volume for Claus Faerch (Vol. 64, pp. 63 -- 78). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Bialystok, E. (1993). Symbolic representation and attentional control in pragmatic competence. In G. Kasper & S. Blum-Kulka (Eds.), Interlanguage pragmatics (pp. 43 -- 59). New York: Oxford University Press.

Bouton, L.F. (1988). A cross-cultural study of ability to interpret implicatures in English. World Englishes, 7(2), 183 -- 196.

Speaking in the Target Language Is the
Pages: 2 Words: 685

Speaking in the Target Language Is the Expectation That a Proficient Speaker Will Sound Like a Native Speaker
One of the most important aspects when talking about the impact of class size, level, student age and purpose of class in Iraq is the concept of 'willingness to communicate' between and amongst the teachers and students in the L2 setting. Research on WTC within the context of France, have previously been based around initial testing of teachers and students' enthusiasm in learning a L2 are more predisposed to depend on information gathered at one point of time, often gathering through a sole instrument and to regard only numeric conclusions. For instance, the wide cross sectional research by MacIntyre et al. (2002) which sought to identify the impacts of age and sex on WTC, employed a questionnaire that required the respondents to rank themselves on eight scales. It was carried out with…...

Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global michelle obama speech rhetorical analysis?
Words: 290

1. The Rhetoric of Resilience: Michelle Obama's Global Voice

2. The Power of Inspiration: Analyzing Michelle Obama's Rhetorical Prowess

3. Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges: Michelle Obama's Global Rhetorical Impact

4. The Art of Empowerment: A Rhetorical Analysis of Michelle Obama's Speeches

5. A Tapestry of Words: Exploring the Rhetorical Strategies of Michelle Obama

6. Rhetoric that Transforms: The Power of Michelle Obama's Global Address

7. The Rhetoric of Inclusivity: Michelle Obama's Global Call for Unity

8. Hope and Change in Action: Michelle Obama's Socratic Rhetoric

9. The Eloquence of Empowerment: Dissecting Michelle Obama's Rhetorical Techniques

10. The Global Resonance of Hope: Michelle Obama's Rhetorical Legacy

11. A Blueprint for....

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to Bat Mitzvah experience?
Words: 369

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of what a Bat Mitzvah is
B. Importance of the Bat Mitzvah experience
C. Preview of my own Bat Mitzvah experience

II. Preparations for the Bat Mitzvah
A. Studying Torah and preparing a speech
B. Choosing a theme and decorations
C. Selecting a dress and accessories

III. The Bat Mitzvah ceremony
A. Description of the synagogue
B. Roles of family members and friends
C. Reading from the Torah and delivering the speech

IV. Celebrating after the ceremony
A. Reception with family and friends
B. Food, music, and dancing
C. Traditions such as the candle lighting ceremony

V. Reflection on the....

How did women\'s suffrage activists overcome the challenges depicted in the obstacles they faced to earn the title of voting rights fighters?
Words: 358

1. The Fight for Women's Suffrage: Overcoming a Century of Obstacles

2. Breaking Barriers: Women's Suffrage and the Triumph over Suppression

3. The Long Road to Equality: The Struggle for Women's Suffrage and its Triumphs

4. Stepping Stones to Suffrage: Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Women's Right to Vote

5. Triumphing Over Adversity: The Inspiring Story of Women's Suffrage and its Obstacles

6. Paving the Way: How Women Overcame Obstacles to Secure the Right to Vote

7. Shattering the Glass Ceiling: Women's Suffrage and Overcoming Society's Obstacles

8. From Silence to Strength: Women's Suffrage and the Battle against Obstacles

9. Defying the Odds: The Powerful Journey of Women's Suffrage....

What specific skills and values make a career perfect for you?
Words: 396

Specific Skills and Values for a Perfect Career Fit
Identifying a career that aligns with one's unique skills and values is crucial for personal fulfillment and professional success. The following are key skills and values that can contribute to a perfect career fit:
Hard Skills: Specialized technical knowledge and abilities acquired through education, training, or experience in a particular field. Examples include software development, financial analysis, healthcare administration.
Soft Skills: Interpersonal and transferable abilities that are applicable across different roles and industries. Examples include communication, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability.
Transferable Skills: Skills that can be applied to multiple roles and industries. Examples....

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