This notion usually applies to the idea that none of the three branches of government (executive, legislative, judicial) assumes too much power in the democratic system. In this example, the idea of checks and balances was used to imply that the citizen has the capacity and ability to keep a close check over the public services he receives through his political capacity of changing the components of the representative body, who decide how the public services are delivered and how they reach the citizens.
The conclusions of this paper will emphasize some of the arguments presented here. Democracy and a democratic system offers the citizens the option of choice. Further more, the existing of a representative body means that the choice of the citizens is respected and that they can control, with their vote, the way this representative body is formed. Ideally, the fact that they will chose a certain…...
1. Daniel Chavez (ed), Beyond the Market: The Future of Public Services, TNI Public Services Yearbook 2005/6, Trans National Institute (TNI) / Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU), February 2006
2. Mosher, Frederick. Democracy and the Public Service. M.E. Sharpe. 2003.
3. Ross, Ashley. "Democracy and Equality: The Distribution of Public Services in Democracies and Nondemocracies" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association 67th Annual National Conference, 2009.
4. Perry, James. Democracy and the New Public Service. The American Review of Public Administration, Vol. 37, No. 1, 3-16 (2007)
" (issessar, nd) the evidence showed, however "that the choice of 'new' methods of management had become a regional fad. Indeed the universality of NPM could not be disputed." (issessar, nd) New Public Management had been introduced in many countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Australia and "was accordingly considered a more than appropriate model for the Caribbean and Latin American states as well." (issessar, nd)
There were various differences in the models of NPM being introduced in each of these countries. issessar states that "variations in the extent to which NPM had been adopted in many countries was not a new phenomenon." (issessar, nd) Hood (1996) notes that "...some countries have placed more emphasis on ideas than other countries, and NPM styles have even varied within the same family groups' of countries." (issessar, nd) it is noted that in Australia, the UK and New Zealand…...
Barzelay, Michael (2001) the New Public Management: Improving Research and Policy Dialogue. Regents of the University of California. Online available at:
Bissessar, Ann Marie (nd) the Introduction of New Public Management in Small States - taken from "Governance in the Caribbean" ed. Selwyn Ryan and Ann Marie Bissessar. Online available at
Boin, a. (2001), Crafting Public Institutions: Leadership in Two Prison Systems, London: Lynne Rienner Publishers. In Boin, Arjen; James, Oliver; and Lodge, Martin (2005) New Public Management and Political Control: Comparing Three European Correctional Systems: Paper prepared for the SCANCOR Workshop 'Autonomization of the State: From integrated administrative models to single purpose organizations, Stanford University 1-2 April, 2005. Online available at
Boin, a. And Otten, M.H.P. (1996), 'Beyond the Crisis Window for Reform: Some Ramifications for Implementation', Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Volume 4, Number 3, pp. 149-161. In Boin, Arjen; James, Oliver; and Lodge, Martin (2005) New Public Management and Political Control: Comparing Three European Correctional Systems: Paper prepared for the SCANCOR Workshop 'Autonomization of the State: From integrated administrative models to single purpose organizations, Stanford University 1-2 April, 2005. Online available at
3. Changes in structure.
In order to facilitate the above needs and requirements that are envisaged for the police services, the government has introduced a policy with regards to the structure of the police services. This is related to the view that there should be less of a "top-down" structure to the police services than was the case in the past. In other words, there is more of an emphasis on outcomes and value-added services.
To facilitate this ideal a number of important agencies have been established. These include the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA); Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA); the Chief Police Officers (ACPO)' Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA). Communication is facilitated by regular meeting with the Home Secretary. (From the neighbourhood to the national: policing our communities together)
2.3.1. Legislation
New structure also necessitates the creation of new legislation to ensure that the police service works in a formal and correct way.…...
Excellence and fairness: Achieving world class public services, viewed May 8, 2009
We played basketball and we played a lot of soccer. We did art projects together and we sometimes just watched cartoons. Basically we enjoyed a lot of laughter and social bonding. They learned as much about me as I did about them, and we created our own little community right there. I acted as a civic-minded professional with the children, because I understood my role and responsibility as their mentor. Before I started volunteering I acted as a concerned citizen, but this work transformed my self-image. I had never realized what social service was until I started working with the refugees. The work seemed so natural that I knew I could translate anything I did professionally into social service.
In an individualistic society, community service is an anomaly. We have a hard time understanding why someone would want to work for free to help others, when they could spend that…...
ather than viewing the overview of ethics as a "classical" versus "modern" approach, what seems apparent is that there has been a powerful, but gradual, evolution in theory that began in Ancient Greece, and has simply been reinterpreted based on more contemporary cultural and societal ideologies. Within the modern construct, the battle for ethical understanding breaches the philosophical and often moves into public entertainment -- motion pictures and television for example. One such example is the 1974 book and subsequent 1976 film entitled All the President's Men, the story of the events surrounding the Watergate burglary and subsequent resignation of President ichard Nixon.
The so-called "Watergate Affair" encompassed a number of secret, and illegal, activities sanctioned by President Nixon or his aids. In brief, Nixon hired some underlings to break into the Democratic Party Headquarters (The Watergate Hotel) on June 17, 1972. They were tasked to gather secret information to be…...
mlaRather than viewing the overview of ethics as a "classical" versus "modern" approach, what seems apparent is that there has been a powerful, but gradual, evolution in theory that began in Ancient Greece, and has simply been reinterpreted based on more contemporary cultural and societal ideologies. Within the modern construct, the battle for ethical understanding breaches the philosophical and often moves into public entertainment -- motion pictures and television for example. One such example is the 1974 book and subsequent 1976 film entitled All the President's Men, the story of the events surrounding the Watergate burglary and subsequent resignation of President Richard Nixon.
The so-called "Watergate Affair" encompassed a number of secret, and illegal, activities sanctioned by President Nixon or his aids. In brief, Nixon hired some underlings to break into the Democratic Party Headquarters (The Watergate Hotel) on June 17, 1972. They were tasked to gather secret information to be used against the Democrats in the upcoming election. Watergate, however, simply became a symbol of the numerous scandals that were uncovered by reporters from the Washington Post and elsewhere. Nixon, of course, downplayed the scandal, but when tapes of conversations were found, it became clear that Nixon himself had accepted illegal campaign contributions, and had harassed opponents with Presidential powers, and abused his position in office as well as his duty toward the Constitution. (Stans, 1978, inclusive). Nixon continued to deny his involvement, stating to the nation in November, 1973: "People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook. I've earned everything I've got" (Kilpatrick, 1973).
Nevertheless, in May 1974, the Congressional House Judiciary Committee opened public impeachment hearing against President Nixon. Practical to the end, Nixon realized he had lost political and public support, and that it was certain he would be impeached and likely convicted and imprisoned. Instead, he resigned the Presidency on August 9, 2974, after making an impassionate television address to the public. Nixon never admitted to any wrongdoing, but later said he might have had "errors in judgment." (Kutler, 1992, 167-72). As a result of Watergate, Nixon was disbarred by the State of New York, and because he would admit no wrongdoing, he resigned all his law licenses. On September 8, 1974, however, he was pardoned unconditionally by his successor, President Gerald
The central aim is to curb the divorce problem by showing couples techniques to reestablish effective communication and love one another without giving up their own right to self-esteem.
Target Audience
The target audience is married couples who feel that they might be in trouble, or possibly also those having severe problems in their marriage. I am not sure of couples experiencing only mild problems should be grouped with those on the brink of divorce. Nevertheless, I believe the techniques will be of use to both. Two different workshops could be arranged for those with mild and those with severe problems. The couples can be from any ethnic background and age group, since the issue is a globally human one rather than one related to a specific group in terms of age or ethnicity. It is projected that most of the couples will be married for some time - probably more…...
Narindra, Bob. Three keys to a successful marriage., Inc., 2007.
Spalding, Sandra T. Relationships begin with loving yourself. Spalding Educational Products, Inc., 2008.
Public Service Announcement: Limiting Factors Florida
Factors affecting Florida Ecosystems
Public service announcement: 120 seconds (PSA)
The term "limiting factor" is defined as any environmental factor capable of preventing a given population from attaining its maximum potential size. Populations cease growing when their surrounding environment cannot support more of their ilk. A population's size may be restricted by nonliving as well as living environmental elements. Food, nutrients, water, shelter, space, light, diseases, predators, and parasites are some limiting factors. At any given point of time, there is only one limiting factor associated with a specific population. Often, a limiting factor is the lowest score of available resources and dangers. For instance, if food is 1,000 and water available is 500 for a population at one time, its limiting factor will be water at that point in time (Carptow, 2016).
Predators and human development form the limiting factors for beaches. Beaches are home to birds,…...
Carptow. (2016). Florida's Ecosystem. Retrieved from ecosystem-l4-flash-cards/
Gray, N. (2013, May 6). Florida's Ecosystems. Retrieved from
Reliz, E. (2014, November 7). Florida's Wetlands. Retrieved from
I might have chosen to stay in a state of being a victim but instead triumphed. Second, I earned the opportunity to study abroad in England during my junior year of college. I was also the first person in my family to go abroad and will never forget the look of pride on my parents' faces when they saw me off. Moreover, the decision reflected my mature decision to embark on a career in international law: the first time I experienced that level of mental clarity and confidence. Finally, I believe that my decision to pursue a career in law led to the third most significant achievement of my life thus far. Taking the steps to enter law school required a major commitment. The commitment is one I take seriously and I especially intend to push myself to the limits of my potential.
5. University is a Christian university committed…...
emedies to Poor Public Service
For a long time, improvement of public service quality and access for the most marginalized and poorest people has been a top priority for many governments. The issue refers to the content of the debate in most policy agendas. There is increased recognition of the various poor-quality provisions as well as unequal coverage for essential services that hamper poverty-reduction efforts through the reinforcement of inequality. Contextual factors continue shaping service-delivery outcomes. The issues stated include deeply rooted political structures, systemic legacies, and power relations that go a long way in combining forms and motivations as well as behaviors of various actors. The factors also reflect on the bargaining and contestation processes that are central to the determination of the content of development outcomes and occurrence of the volumes.
This paper draws on recent theoretical work regarding new political theory and economy for public organizations together with empirical…...
Acemoglu, D., & Robinson, J.A. (2012). Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty. New York: Profile Books.
Coenen, C., & Riehm, U. (2013). Development through Electronic Networks: Information and Communication Technologies in Africa. New York: BOD GmbH DE.
Denhardt, J.V., & Denhardt, R.B. (2015). The New Public Service: Serving, Not Steering. New York: Routledge.
Green, D. (2008). From Poverty to Power: How Active Citizens and Effective States Can Change the World. New York: Oxfam.
Integrated Public Service
PPPs, as they have come to be popularly referred, are methods of procurement by governments where there is a larger number of stakeholders involving the government, the private sector, and the general public is securing services and, or goods. The model focuses on the delivery of services, products, and infrastructure to the public. The areas under focus transcend a broad span, including water treatment, transportation, health, education, energy, environment, among others. It is a common belief that PPP is a great approach to handle the provision of services and products to the public. The procurement strategy is known as the Public-Private Partnership. As the name suggests, the program is meant to encourage the government to involve the private sector and the general public in the provision of public services. There are conflicting views regarding the process of negotiation, participation by the public and private financiers, and accountability. In…...
The current state of the British welfare state is in flux, and according to Field (1999), only time will tell whether the reformation schemes and ideals are actually effective. Whether they are or not, they are nonetheless somewhat more realistic than the views held in the past.
When tephen Berry wrote his article in 2004, little seems to have improved, particularly for the NH. The author focuses on the health crises that have occurred in the health care field throughout the last decade. Indeed, such problems as bed shortages in hospitals, even for very serious accident victims, and low morale among hospital personnel exacerbate the financial problems experienced by the ervice.
Like Field, Berry also addresses the high expectations and ideals held for the Welfare state during its inception in the 1940s. Mainly, the system was projected to provide not only cheap housing for the poor - based upon the Poor Law…...
Berry, Stephen. 2004. The Rise and Fall of the British Welfare State. Libertarian Alliance.
Erickson, Lynda & Matthews, J. Scott. 2003. The Mass Politics of Social Citizenship. Canadian Political Science Association, June 1.
Field, Frank. 1999. The Welfare State - Never Ending Reform. The Making of Modern Britain, BBC History.
Introduction to Social Policy. Social Policy in the UK.
ResponsesKhalilOverall, I enjoyed reading your discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative methods. Your insights were enlightening, and your ideas provided a basis for further exploration of this topic. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I would like to start by noting that Proverbs 3:5-6 states, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. This verse emphasizes the importance of seeking guidance from a higher power, rather than relying solely on one's own understanding. Similarly, when conducting research using quantitative methods, it is important to recognize the limitations of this approach and seek guidance from others with different perspectives and expertise. It is essential to acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of all research methods and to utilize them appropriately to make informed decisions. In doing so, we can…...
Comfort, L. K., Kapucu, N., Ko, K., Menoni, S., & Siciliano, M. (2020). Crisis decision?making on a global scale: Transition from cognition to collective action under threat of COVID?19. Public Administration Review, 80(4), 616-622.
Subbian, V., Solomonides, A., Clarkson, M., Rahimzadeh, V. N., Petersen, C., Schreiber, R., ...& Senathirajah, Y. (2021). Ethics and informatics in the age of COVID-19: challenges and recommendations for public health organization and public policy. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 28(1), 184-189.
Public Program vluation: Quality Performance Measurement
Annotated Bibliography
Caiden, G and Caiden, NJ (nd) Measuring Performance in Public Sector Programs. Public Administration and Public Policy. Vol. II. Retrieved from:
Caiden and Caiden (nd) report that the link between reforms and public measurement and evaluation were not merely chance since as the reforms developed devolution was emphasized or the moving of functions and services to the government levels that were lower, along with an emphasis on privatization, decentralization of management, transparency and satisfaction of customers. It is reported that all of these were dependent on accountability maintenance and credibility.
Poister, T. (2001) Measuring Performance in Public and Non-Profit Organizations. Jossey-Bass. Retrieved from:,%202,%203.pdf
Poister (2001) writes that performance measures are "objective, quantitative indicators" of a range of performance in public programs or for public agencies. (p.3) This work reviews the early development and background of performance measurement and ensues on a review of performance measurement…...
mlaEwoh (2011) examines the applications and types of performance measurement as well as the limitations of performance management. A comparative analysis is conducted in this study.
10. Lawrence L. Martin and Peter M. Kettner, (1996). Measuring the Performance of Human Service Programs. Sage Publications.
The work of Martin and Kettner (1996) examine performance measures in the public service organization and the specific outputs of performance measurement along with logic models. Quality performance measures and outcome performance measures are also reviewed including numeric counts and standardized measures of performance.
Reply to Jeff nd Ctrin- Americn Public ServiceJeffYou mke good point bout public service being held to higher stndrd, s Nigro nd Kellough point out. The ethicl nd legl lndscpe tht guides HR prctices in the public sector is much more stringent thn in the privte sector. In ddition, the workforce in the public sector is much more diverse, with employees coming from different socioeconomic bckgrounds nd holding wide rnge of qulifictions. As result, HR policies in the public sector must be designed to ccommodte this diversity nd ensure tht ll employees re treted firly. Plus, the public sector is subject to greter scrutiny from both the medi nd the generl public. This mens tht ny HR lpse could hve mjor implictions for both the orgniztion nd the individuls involved.However, I feel tht public service cn benefit from dopting the privte sector model. While it is…...
mlaa Change The Pendleton Act: Time for a Change. ?
In order to obtain as much information as possible regarding this site, I registered as a user and began to explore its features. Almost immediately, I received multiple welcoming messages and friend requests. I believe this is especially helpful to a person who is logging on in search of some fast answers and much needed relief.
After I completed my membership, ITR requested some additional information from me that would allow the fellow users on this revolutionary recovery site, to know if I was currently in recovery, or if I was looking for immediate help. It also asked if I was involved in any 12 step programs or recovery fellowships. With the above information, the site can generate my profile and others will immediately know where I am in the recovery process. There is an additional area that I can add in my "Recovery Date" which then gets included in…...
The United States Postal Service is, oddly enough, one of the least understood public services. Established in the Constitution, this department is often derided as being non-profitable, but the goal of the USPS is not to make a profit, but to provide a service. It does so efficiently, delivering mail at a fraction of the cost to consumers of similar private services. In standard five-paragraph a research paper about the USPS, we would discuss the constitutional mandate for the USPS, the history of the USPS, and the current state of the USPS.
There is currently a growing concern about the misuse of funds by local governments, which could be a potentially interesting and relevant essay subject. One example of this is the recent scandal in a small town where the local government officials were found to have misappropriated funds meant for community development projects. This could be explored in an essay focusing on the impact of corruption on local communities and the need for better accountability and transparency in government spending. Additionally, discussing potential solutions and ways to prevent such misuse of funds in the future could also be a worthwhile topic....
One potential essay subject related to planning in the news could be the impact of urban planning on community development. For example, exploring how city planners are incorporating sustainability measures into their urban design to create more environmentally friendly and livable cities, or examining the role of gentrification in urban planning and its effects on local communities. Another potential topic could be the challenges and opportunities of disaster preparedness and emergency planning in the face of climate change and increasing natural disasters. This could involve discussing how cities and countries are adapting their emergency response plans to better protect their....
I. Introduction
A. Explanation of New Public Management (NPM)
B. Overview of Canadian governments' adoption of NPM principles
II. Influence of NPM on Canadian governments
A. Shift towards results-based management
1. Implementation of performance measurement systems
2. Focus on achieving measurable outcomes
B. Decentralization of decision-making
1. Empowerment of front-line employees
2. Devolution of authority to lower levels of government
C. Privatization and contracting out of government services
1. Growing reliance on external service providers
2. Increased competition in service delivery
III. Impacts of NPM on Canadian governments
A. Improved efficiency and effectiveness
1. Streamlining of processes
2. Better use of resources
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