Public Servant Essays (Examples)

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Higher Standards for Public Servants
Pages: 2 Words: 575

Ethics & esponsibility
The author of this report has been asked to do an article review regarding ethics and responsibility. To that end, the author of this report found an article by Agheorghiesei as written earlier this year. The article is about ethics and responsibility in the public sector and in public management. Indeed, the public sector is a world unto its own and the management of public agencies is not nearly the same as it would be for a private sector employer or situation. While there are similarities between the ethical and responsibility standards of the public and private sectors, the public sector will always be its own proverbial animal according to Agheorghiesei.

The article starts out by saying that "ensuring the ethical behavior in the public sector requires a permanent reflection on the decisions taken and their impact from a moral point-of-view on citizens" (Agheorghiesei, 2015). Agheorghiesei continues by saying…...



Agheorghiesei, D.T. (2015). Ethics and Responsibility in Public Management. Social Work Review / Revista De Asistenta Sociala, 14(2), 103-112.

Public Policy and Service Currently I Work
Pages: 6 Words: 2038

Public Policy and Service
Currently, I work on homeland security issues, with a focus on enforcing Federal egulations. My overall plan is to remain with the government with the likelihood of retiring from a governmental agency. My professional philosophy revolves around the nature of service, and I believe that my skills, enthusiasm and patriotism all combine in a better way by using my skills to help the United States.

Before this recent job change, I was a bank regulator. I transferred to Homeland Security because of its importance in the contemporary environment and its mission to protect America at home and abroad. When one stops to reflect a moment, we see that the world is a far different place than it was prior to the events of 9/11. In fact, as a direct response to the terrorist attacks on the United States in September, 2011, the Office of Homeland Security was…...



National Strategy for Homeland Security. (2002, November). Retrieved from

Connor, M., Pokora, J. (2012). Coaching and Mentoring at Work: Developing Effective Practice. New York: McGraw-Hill Education/Open University Press.

Department of Homeland Security. (2012, March). Get A Homeland Security Job. Retrieved from

Dunleavy, P., & Carrera, L. (2013). Growing the Productivity of Government Services. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Public Corruption and Its Effect Including the
Pages: 2 Words: 679

public corruption and its effect, including the claim that public corruption in an unavoidable side effect of development. Corruption in public service can be an ongoing concern in many areas. Corruption can lead to disorder, lack of trust in police or other public entities, and to ongoing problems with morale and citizen support. There is an argument that in countries with high levels of corruption, it has some benefit, but that is difficult to accept, as corruption only benefits those who participate in it, and it definitely does not benefit the general population.
The Transparency International Web site defines corruption as "Corruption is operationally defined as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain" (Editors, 2009). They go on to state that public servants (including criminal justice professionals), have a duty to remain above corruption. They note, "It is the duty of civil servants, managers and trustees to act visibly,…...



Editors. (2009). Corruption FAQs. Retrieved 10 August 2009 from the Transparency International Web site: .

Myint, U. (2000). Corruption: causes, consequences, and cures. Asia-Pacific Development Journal. 7 (2). 33-58.

Spector, B.I. (Ed.). (2005). Fighting corruption in developing countries: Strategies and analysis. West Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press.

Public Administration and Considers the Effect of
Pages: 8 Words: 2154

public administration and considers the effect of their writings and theories on the field of public administration. It has 6 sources.
An analysis of the core areas of public administration and how these areas interrelate with one another; taking into account the theories and writings of major players in the field of public administration and how their views shaped these areas.

The principles of public administration are the clearest description of its usefulness to society and government. This administrative science is barely 100-125 years old in the U.S. And a little over 200 years old in France. Tracing its roots back to Napoleon, public administration evolved largely as a result of the increasing complexity of society, economy and technology. The French system of Public Administration is still considered by many to be the world's best. Compared to Germany and Britain, the U.S. was relatively slower to utilize public administration in widespread…...


4)Harting, Tracey L. The Science of "Muddling Through" by Charles E. Lindblom 1998, Accessed on 31-3-2003 at 

5) Book review. Understanding Public Policy. Prentice Hall. Accessed on 31-3-2003 at,4096,0130260088,00.html?type=FEA 

6) Thomas Wadsworth, Book Review. Political Science. Fiscal Administration: Analysis and Applications for the Public Sector, Sixth Edition, Accessed on 31-3-2003 at

Public Policy Formulation Measures
Pages: 3 Words: 830

To be considered a concerned public agent, policy formulators are constantly scouting for possible conflict in the social setting. This is their key objective; to show course in the formulation of policy and pushing a social agenda. The public policy makers are often seen coming up with public advocacy program to sensitize the people one the existence of the conflict. Once the matter is seen as a social concern, they take it upon themselves to formulate a policy sufficient only to tackle the highlighted conflict. The culmination of the advocacy project leads to half-baked policy tackling a social concern based on previous policy.

Policy makers are seen to directly formulate policies based on previous experiences, as opposed to considerations for the real issues. The result of the policy formulated stretch from disjointed incremental measure that hardly tackle current issue. This is clearly "muddling through" and evading tackling of pertinent matters in…...

Public Admin Case Study
Pages: 7 Words: 2017

PA Problem
The science of public administration is not a direct or concrete examination. ather, the human tendencies of emotion and subtle manipulation are also included in this discipline. The purpose of this essay is to explore the ideas and major theories of the science of public administration. This essay will examine 5 patriarchal figures to highlight the evolution and transformation of the use of public power for administration purposes.

Woodrow Wilson

The presidency of Woodrow Wilson is mostly known in the annals of history as being a disastrous president who legislated away many of the powers and freedoms that were earned by Americans after th 19th century. Wilson's lust for war and violence misled America into World War I and summarily weakened the nation in every way possible. Wilson also failed his people by relinquishing the people's power to print their own money to the Federal eserve in 1914.

Wilson was steeped in…...



Box, R.C. (1999). Running Government Like a Business Implications for Public Administration Theory and Practice. The American Review of Public Administration, 29(1), 19-43.

Drucker Institute (nd). Peter Drucker's Life and Legacy. Retrieved on 10 Oct from

Frederickson, H.G. (1999). The repositioning of American public administration. PS: Political Science & Politics, 32(04), 701-712.

Hood, C. (1995). Emerging issues in public administration. Public administration, 73(1), 165-183.

Public Policy
Pages: 2 Words: 599

Iron Triangle
Public policy in America can be neatly visualized with the Iron Triangle, in which government, special interest groups, and the bureaucratic systems interact. Congressional committees, special interest groups, and bureaucracies are the three points on the triangle, and the designator "iron" signifies the strength and immutability of the institutions and relationships between them. Iron also symbolizes the rigidity of policy making, which does not allow stakeholders or parties outside of the triangle to have a meaningful influence on decisions.

Special interest groups, as monolithic as they seem, are really composed of constituents that ultimately cast votes for politicians and who promote and shape party lines. For this reason, the needs of special interest groups are of major concern to the government -- mainly members of the legislative bodies. The bureaucrats refer to the members of government agencies, groups that are comprised of non-elected officials who nevertheless act as public servants…...

Public Communication Ethics Response A
Pages: 7 Words: 2137

This is a contractual obligation, as money has been received for a certain service.
This is closely related to the third obligation in the model, which is "duty to the organization." The press has an obligation to provide the public with a wide variety of viewpoints in order to ensure public debate and accurate information. If a certain piece of information is withheld from the public as a result of its controversial content, this constitutes unfair censorship. The general principle of the press is to promote knowledge rather than censorship. Hence, information that could cause disagreement should not be withheld on those grounds alone.

On the other hand, the press in general also has a duty to society in terms of providing accurate information. The advertisement is in direct opposition to generally accepted facts regarding slavery. Hence publishing it on the strength merely of publishing whatever opinion is paid for could…...

Public Administration Policy Reform Supporting
Pages: 6 Words: 1747

This system is stated to be flawed as "The school board members have a vested interest in the success of the existing local school system and are reluctant to introduce a competitor into the marketplace, said charter school supporters." (O'Donoghue, 2010)
Summary and Conclusion

It is very likely that laws will be changed and policy reformed relating to charter schools in the state of Virginia as to do otherwise means to miss the $350 million in funding opportunity for Virginia's school system and it appears highly unlikely that in the present state of the economy that Virginia will be willing to shun this much in educational funding.


Charter Schools, When Explained, Get Support (2009) Augusta Press. 16 Dec 2009. Online available at:

Schaeffer, Adam . (2006) No, Virginia, There is No such thing as School Choice. 29 Oct 2006. CATO Institute. Online available at:

raunlich, Christian (2009) Virginia Needs More Public Schools.…...



Charter Schools, When Explained, Get Support (2009) Augusta Press. 16 Dec 2009. Online available at:

Schaeffer, Adam B. (2006) No, Virginia, There is No such thing as School Choice. 29 Oct 2006. CATO Institute. Online available at: 

Braunlich, Christian (2009) Virginia Needs More Public Schools. Bacon's Rebellion. 18 Jan 2009. Online available at: 

Grimes, Cathy (2010) Virginia Seeks $350 Million in Federal Race to the Top Education Funds. Daily Press.21 Jan 2010. Online available at,0,5686858.story

Organizational Change in the Public Sector This
Pages: 20 Words: 6104

Organizational Change in the Public Sector
This research proposal explores the feasibility of management in the public Sector as an organizational paradigm and new model in organizational development. The literature review reviews numerous journal articles that explore on the key concepts of change management strategies from a public sector project management perspective. The authors suggest that employee's participation, effective feedback across the board, and empowerment of subordinate staffs is a major step in transforming public organizations. This proposal further hypothesis that establishment of long-term and productivity advantages are crucial throughout the organization.


Research Questions



Factor 1: Need for change

Factor 2: implement a Plan for change

Factor 3: create political internal environment for Change

Factor 4: Support and Commitment from managers

Factor 5: enhancing External Support

Factor 6: Provide Resources for change

Factor 7: establish Change

Factor 8: ascertain comprehensive Change

Determinants of implementing change in organizations

Change efficiency

Social cognitive theory

Change valence

Motivation Theory

Testing the Hypothesis




One of the…...



Abramson, Mark A., and Paul R .Lawrence .2001. The Challenge of Transforming

Administration and its influence on organizational change. Management Decision,

50(10), 1843-1860, Review 62: 555-67.

Armenakis, Achilles A ., and Arthur G .Bedeian .1999 .Organizational Change: A Review of Associates.

Personal Statement -- Public Policy
Pages: 3 Words: 980

If given the opportunity to amend the policy, what action would you take and why?
The national proposal to increase sin taxes on alcoholic beverages is long overdue and should be supported not only by all sectors of the government but the American public most especially. The fact is well-known that alcohol consumption is not only dangerous for the consumer but also has various economic and social harms for the society as well as users' immediate environment. It means that alcohol can affect not only the drinker but other people in the form of violence or road accidents. Taxing alcohol at higher rates will provide a mechanism that will taper buying due to high prices. But I believe that taxing alone should not be the only thrust of this policy. Rather, continuous education and awareness campaigns by both the public and private sector will go further to ensure that people…...

Teaching Ethics and Values in Public Administration
Pages: 12 Words: 3701

Goals of a Public Administrator
The implementation of the policies devised by the government is referred to as public administration. Moreover, public administration is also a discipline that is taught in many higher education institutions. This discipline is based on the studies that revolve around the aforementioned implementation and therefore it prepares the civil servants that would be working for the public service in the future (Frederickson, 1997). The fundamental goal behind the layout of the curriculum of this discipline and the training in this field is to advance the policies and management in order for the government to function effectively (Frederickson, 1997). There are various definitions that have been used to describe this term; "translation of politics into the reality that citizens see every day"; "the management of public programs" and "the study of the process of decision making by the government, the analysis of the devised policies, the different…...



Alvarez, K., & Stupak, R. (1993). An Analytical Essay and Annotated Compendium on Organizational Theory: Paradigms Lost and Needed in Public Administration. International Review Of Modern Sociology, 59 -- 81.

Brown-John, C. (1990). Budgeting in the Provinces: Leadership and the Premiers Allan M. Maslove, ed. Toronto: The Institute of Public Administration in Canada, 1989, pp. xxii, 175 Tax Reform in Canada: The Process and Impact Allan M. Maslove Halifax: The Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1989, pp. xv, 96 The Politics of Public Spending in Canada Donald J. Savoie Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990, pp. xiv, 433. Canadian Journal Of Political Science, 23(03), 568 -- 571.

Frederickson, H. (1997). The spirit of public administration. Jossey-Bass Publishers San Francisco, 80.

Geva-May, I., & Kfir, A. (2000). Developments in Policy Analysis and Evaluation in Public Administration. Public Administration, 78(2), 409 -- 422.

HRM in the Public Sector
Pages: 2 Words: 605

Human esource managers are therefore faced with the challenges of 1) finding suitably talented individuals for public sector positions; and 2) training these individuals to continually deliver excellent services to the public (Moir, 2008).

Please discuss some of the importance of the labor relations in the public sector.

Labor relations in the public sector are specifically influenced by external environmental factors such as the economic-financial context, the legal context, and the political context (Lewin, 1988, p. 23). At the core of these aspects is that fact that they interact in terms of the main responsibility of public servants: to act as a catalyst for service provision from the government to the public. Managers within the public sector should therefore be consistently aware of employee needs, demands, and rights, since these do not only concern the employees and managers themselves, but also the image of the government in the minds of voters.…...



Faizal, M. (2005). Institutionalization of Performance Appraisal System. Retrieved from:

Lewin, D. (1988). Public Sector Labor Relations: Analysis and Readings. Lexington Books.

Moir, S. (2008, Mar. 20). Five key challenges for public sector HR professionals: one step forward, two steps back. Retrieved from:

Social Equity in Public Administration
Pages: 6 Words: 1560

Social Equity Public Administration
Emergence as Concern in Field of Public Administration

Social equity has always been an important aspect of public administration, though only recently is it receiving much attention in the press. Whereas in times of old social equity concerned itself primarily with issues of fairness and equality in the public workplace, today social equity is emerging as a field encompassing many different aspects of administration.

Among these include public education, policy development, hiring and promotional practices, public welfare and even transportation. In modern public administration, all of these issues are applied to the field in order to establish fairness, justice and equality for all. Social equity in the field of public administration has emerged as a response to consumer demands for equitable policy making and fairness in governance.

Public administration as a whole may be defined as the management of "matters which have principally to do with the society, polity and…...



Frederickson, G. (1986). "New public administration." Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.

Rice, M.F. (2003). "Organizational Culture, Social Equity & Diversity: Teaching Public

Administration." Texas A& M. University, Bush School Working Paper #314. 14, November, 2004: 

Christopher, G.C., Rutledge, P.J. (2001). "Reinvigorating the Social Equity Debate."

War and Public Administration War
Pages: 12 Words: 3482

So, even in such situations as when the countryside has also been hit by war, the local administrators are much more likely to be able to function productively as they are fundamentally closer to the need and have strong community ties and possible a strong desire for social order but more importantly for the meeting of the local publics' needs.
The importance of establishing a public administration theoretical framework that prioritizes citizenship over consumerism, in a society where so much of the citizenry relies on public services is foundational to social order and to mitigating the change that has occurred as a result of war. There is no one right answer to all the functional changes to public administration, with regard to war as the many facets of war also create many facets of change in public administration. The level of degradation to physical and psychological networks must be analyzed…...



Boleman, L., & Deal, T. (2003). Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership. Third Ed. . San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Bruck, T. (1997). Macroeconomic Effects of the War in Mozambique. QEH Working Paper Series QEHWPS11, 1-63.

Chopra, J., & Hohe, T. (2004). Participatory Intervention. Global Governance, 10-27.

Denhart, J., & Denhardt, R.B. (2007). The New Public Service. Revised Edition. Armonk, NY:: M.E. Sharpe.

what does the canadian government need to do to achieve reconciliation with indigenous people?
Words: 599

Addressing the Historical Legacy of Colonialism and Systemic Oppression

Acknowledge and apologize for past wrongs: The government must formally acknowledge the history of colonialism, violence, and assimilation policies that have decimated Indigenous populations and cultures. Sincere apologies should be offered for the residential school system, forced relocation, and other forms of oppression.
Implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action: The government must fully implement the 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), which provide a roadmap for reconciliation. These calls address education, health, child welfare, justice, and other critical areas.
Create a national inquiry....

How can Nigerian public servants be equipped to tackle global challenges effectively?
Words: 305

development and governance of Nigeria is to invest in building a strong and capable public service that is equipped to tackle the challenges of the modern world. This can be achieved through prioritizing education and training programs that focus on developing technical expertise, critical thinking, and logical reasoning skills among public servants. By doing so, Nigeria can enhance its investment climate, promote economic growth, and effectively address the complex issues facing the country. It is imperative that leaders recognize the importance of a competent public service in driving progress and development in Nigeria. Leaders in Nigeria must also prioritize fostering a....

How can Nigerian public servants be equipped to tackle global challenges effectively?
Words: 517

Equipping Nigerian Public Servants to Tackle Global Challenges Effectively
Nigeria, like many nations, faces a myriad of global challenges that require effective public servants to navigate and mitigate. Equipping these individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge is paramount to ensuring their success in addressing these challenges.
1. Enhanced Education and Training:
Public servants should be provided with access to comprehensive educational programs and specialized training that focus on global affairs, international relations, and cross-cultural communication. These programs should equip them with a deep understanding of global issues, diplomatic protocols, and the ability to navigate diverse cultural contexts.
2. Capacity Building in Core Competencies:

How has studying public administration through reflection changed your perspective on effective governance and policy-making?
Words: 611

Reflection and the Evolution of Governance Perspectives

Studying public administration through reflection has profoundly transformed my perspective on effective governance and policy-making. By critically examining my experiences, assumptions, and values, I have developed a nuanced understanding of the complexities and challenges involved in public service.

Critical Examination of Roles and Responsibilities

Reflection has illuminated the multifaceted roles and responsibilities of public administrators. Beyond the traditional functions of policy implementation and management, I now recognize the importance of exercising strategic leadership, fostering collaboration, and engaging with citizens. Through reflective practice, I have identified my strengths and areas for improvement, enabling me to become a....

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