Public Safety Essays (Examples)

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Public Safety vs Civil Rights the United
Pages: 7 Words: 2343

Public Safety vs. Civil ights
The United States and its citizens promote a vision of the country as the epitome of civil rights and liberties. These, however, are not offered free from the conditions of honoring the civil rights and liberties, and indeed the safety, of those who share citizenship and residency within American borders. Hence, public safety and civil liberties often need to share an uncomfortable balance. In many cases, issues that relate to these are by no means clear and continue to be debated.

The Death Penalty: Effective Crime Deterrent vs. Civil ights Violation

The death penalty is one of the most highly debated legal issues, both in the United States and world wide. At the heart of the debate is whether this method of punishment can be regarded as a true deterrent for crime and how this balances against the danger of civil rights violations. Both advocates for and opponents…...



ACLU (2012, Dec. 11). The Case Against The Death Penalty. Retrieved from: 

Burks, F. (2013, Feb. 12). Rare media articles expose how the mass media manipulate public opinion. Retrieved from: 

Levy, R.A. (2013, Feb. 11). Reflections on Gun Control by a Second Amendment Advocate. National Law Journal. Retrieved from: 

McGill Lawson, K. And Henderson, W.J. (2009). Confronting the New Faces of Hate: Hate Crimes in America. Retrieved from:

Public Safety Interoperability First Responders
Pages: 1 Words: 357

ecause natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other types of emergencies often do not respect jurisdictional or physical boundaries, first responders from different agencies, local, state and federal, need to quickly work together (Simay, 2009). During large, catastrophic incidents, first responders may need additional assistance from the U.S. military and the National Guard (Davitt, 2008). The federal government is also concerned that these large events could overwhelm the communications infrastructure, and, therefore, impede effective communication and response time if there isn't a way to control authorization (United States Government Accountability Office, 2007).

Davitt, E. (2008, October 14). Interoperability: the key to emergency first-responder effectiveness. Security Management.

Simay, G. (2009, January 22). How the Federal Government can help communications interoperability. The Homeland Security log.

United States Government Accountability Office (2007, April). First responders.

Why first-responder interoperability hasn't happened (2004, September 22). New Millennium Research Council.



Davitt, E. (2008, October 14). Interoperability: the key to emergency first-responder effectiveness. Security Management.

Simay, G. (2009, January 22). How the Federal Government can help communications interoperability. The Homeland Security Blog.

United States Government Accountability Office (2007, April). First responders. 

Why first-responder interoperability hasn't happened (2004, September 22). New Millennium Research Council.

Public Safety Department of Drexel
Pages: 2 Words: 796

An environment where abuse is condoned can make students feel as if something is 'wrong' with them if they do not overindulge. Fraternities and other organizations which host parties need to confront their role in setting the tone for the campus and provide more alcohol-free activities. The school needs to support groups such as Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous (and/or other programs with proven effectiveness 'track records' working with young adult drug and alcohol dependency) on campus to help people who already have problems (Kaskutas 2009). Students need to realize they have a problem -- before it is too late. Taking steps to treat alcoholism and drug abuse amongst young people can prevent the types of escalating healthcare costs caused by abuse later on. And even young people can still suffer from the physical effects of abuse, including the loss of brain cells and damaged liver function that are often only…...



Kaskutas, Lee Ann. (2009). Alcoholics Anonymous effectiveness: Faith meets science. Journal of Addictive Disorders, 28 (2): 145-157. Retrieved: 

Mission. (2013). The Public Safety Department of Drexel University. Retrieved:

Public Safety and Public Relations
Pages: 7 Words: 2022

Public Relations Introduction: Public Safety
The aim of the public safety sector is the provision of products and services geared at safeguarding individuals and their property. Over 286,000 individuals are employed in this sector, which can be segregated into the following two key segments: commercial and governmental organizations. Federal, regional, state, and local level governmental public safety organizations agencies have outnumbered commercial ones all through the course of the past decade. Most individuals working in this sector are hired by governmental organizations, including the fire department, police department, and sheriff's department. Some federal level public safety institutions include the CIA, FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and Border Patrol (Vault, 2020).
The most predominant public safety jobs are connected with the police: police officers, detectives/ investigators, or correctional officers. EMT personnel, highway patrol officials, and firefighters make up another major public safety employee cluster. The majority of private-sector safety personnel include private detectives, security…...

Public Safety and Privacy Analysis
Pages: 4 Words: 1431

Privacy Law: Requiring Convicted Sex Offenders to Register and Allow Their Personal Data to Be Published by the State
One of the most heinous crimes any individual can be accused of is the crime molesting a child. In the hearts and minds of most of the public, perhaps even in the hearts and minds of most legislators and judges, convicted sex abusers exist within a particular category of their own. They are seen as living beyond the pale of common morality and decency. No parent would want to knowingly live near a convicted sex offender. However, how should the law, which is supposed to be cool and dispassionate, deal with the issue of the need for public safety and protection with the rights of the individual, regardless of the crime that individual has committed? The question arose in the case Connecticut Dept. Of Public Safety v. Doe which was heard before…...


Works Cited

Dorf, Michael. (8 Oct 2002). "Megan's Law. Copyright, free speech among issues before Supreme Court." Retrieved 9 Feb at 2008 at 

Privacy loses to security: The United States Supreme Court rules that states can put sex offenders on the WWW. (Connecticut Dept. Of Public Safety v. Doe, 123 S.Ct. 1160, 71 USLW 4125, 71 USLW 4158." (2003). Biotech Law: LSU. Retrieved 9 Feb at 2008 at 

Smith et al., v. Doe et al. (2003). Findlaw. 2008. Retrieved 10 Feb at 2008 at 

U.S. Constitution: Fourteenth Amendment." Findlaw. 2008. Retrieved 9 Feb at 2008 at

Challenges to Public Safety Administration
Pages: 10 Words: 3169

Public Safety Administration Challenges; Annotated Bibliography
Cook, C. (September 1, 2012). he Challenges and Opportunities for Public Safety Communications: he Adams County Case Study. Silicon Flatirons Center

On the 23rd of September in the year 2011, scholars, law professionals and members of public safety communications industry were brought together by the Silicon Flatirons Center to discuss issues that faced the industry in the 21st century, both in terms of benefits and challenges that would emerge upon the creation of a countrywide broadband public safety communications network as stipulated and envisaged in the National Broadband Plan. he experts gathered at University of Colorado's School of Law where the discussions were being held. he discussions were chaired by a Mr. Phil Weiser, who is not only the dean of the said School of Law, but also the head of the Silicon Flatirons Centre and also an adjunct professor at the same university. he dialogue…...


There has been a dramatic rise in gang violence in the last couple of years. This increase has also had an impact on the criminal justice system as more gang-affiliated individuals become incarcerated and form violent communities inside prisons. And thus, gang violence doesn't stop at the prison gates and often continues, if not dealt with by correctional institutions. Thus, the management of such threat groups presents quite a number of difficulties to correctional institutions. The key to staying ahead of such gangs in prison systems is to proactively identify gang group members, especially the individuals who are at the leadership of such gangs, and pose a significant security risk to staff, prison warders or even fellow inmates. Some of the management strategies utilized include: integration of zero-tolerance policy for gang symbols, activities, signs and the monitoring of telephone calls. Such policies have led to less conflict and intimidation tactics among prisoners. Clearly, the management of security threat groups will improve public safety through the reduction of criminal activity.

Foster, C. S. (2005). Reshaping Public Safety and Justice. State News (Council Of State Governments), 48(4), 8-37.

Of late, state legislators have been busy with criminal justice laws and matters of public safety. State correction department's budgets have continued to expand due to the increase in number of individuals incarcerated. Sentencing reforms by legislatures have led to people calling on them to respect judicial discretion. Novel DNA technologies are showing huge potential for solving crimes. Furthermore, homeland security demands more attention and new security checks are being introduced into normal duties. Advances in ICT are enhancing justice processes and making significant improvements in solving crimes, and maintaining public safety at lower costs. Such developments in technology have also led to privacy concerns. Thus, key state and federal stakeholders are continuing to evaluate and to reshape their responses and responsibilities.

Current and Future Trends in Public Safety Leadership
Pages: 4 Words: 1333

Public Safety Leadership Assessment
People are attracted to public safety as a career for a number of reasons, with an overarching desire to help others cited by many former and current public servants as being among the most important. In some cases, public safety leaders not only succeed in this goal, they do so in especially noteworthy ways that make them stand out as exemplars of public safety service. To determine the facts, this paper reviews the relevant literature to provide an analysis of leadership performance in the current public safety environment in order to compare and contrast effective and ineffective leadership. To this end, an evaluation of the performance of recognized public safety leaders in relation to leadership traits, roles, styles, and situations is followed by an appraisal of current and future leadership trends in public safety. Finally, effective and ineffective leadership in the public sector are compared and contrasted,…...



Bumgarner, J. B. (2008). Emergency management: A reference handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio.

Garunay, M. (2016, May 16). President Obama awards the Medal of Valor to 13 public safety officials. The White House. Retrieved from / 05/16/president-obama-awards-medal-valor-13-public-safety-officials.

Giaritelli, A. (2016, May 13). Obama to award 13 Medals of Valor Monday. Examiner (Washington, D.C.), 7.

McBridge, J. T. (2015, February). Bad leadership equals bad results. Law & Order, 63(2), 8.

Represents a Public Safety or Public Health
Pages: 4 Words: 1317

represents a public safety or public health issue?
I believe that this scenario presents both a public safety and a public health issue. Public safety issues involve any issue of public safety. Generally, public safety is going to be the realm of departments like the police, EMS, and public transportation individuals (Web Finance, 2012). However, public health is part of public safety, since any health risks necessarily impair the safety of the people at risk. Moreover, this particular issue necessarily involves safety issues and would require activities by those outside of the traditional public health realms. "Public Health is the science and art of protecting and improving the health of communities through education, promotion of healthy lifestyles, and research for disease and injury prevention" (What is Public Health?, 2012). Health is necessarily part of safety. Moreover, in this particular scenario, when the threat to health was the result of a…...



Web Finance Inc. (2012). Public safety. Retrieved January 9, 2012 from website: 

What is Public Health? (2012). What is public health? Retrieved from:

Security Plan for the Maryland Public Safety Education and Training Center
Pages: 9 Words: 2421

Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS)

This report will provide a comprehensive safety and security plan for the Maryland Public Safety Education and Training Center (PSETC). This security plan will be broken into different sections that contain information about different security factors that are security risks for the organization and its physical assets. The organization must use its budget in the most effective manner possible to ensure the safety of the organization and its facilities. It is critical to protect lives of students, faculty members, volunteers, employees and inmates from a potential threats that could emerge during the operations that take place at the facilities.


The Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) is one of the largest agencies in Maryland state government, whose eleven thousand employees work as a team to protect the public and the offenders and arrestees under their supervision (Department of Public Safety &…...


Works Cited

Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services. (N.d.). What is DPSCS? Retrieved from Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services: 

DPSCS. (N.d.). Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commission. Retrieved from DPSCS:

Military vs Domestic Public Safety Agency Preparedness
Pages: 2 Words: 737

Military vs. Domestic Public Safety Agency Preparedness
Military vs. Domestic: Public Safety Agency Preparedness

In the military, critical incidents must be managed. Public safety agencies at the domestic level also have to handle incident management, but the question is whether these domestic agencies handle these incidents with the same level of preparedness as the military. In the opinion of this researcher, the military has a higher level of preparedness. The reason behind this is simply one of use. The military is required to be ready for anything, at all times. They practice incessantly for critical incidents and other problems that may take place in the future. Whatever issues may arise, they make a strong attempt to be prepared for, and that translates into the ability to handle incidents and problems quickly and efficiently when they occur. Naturally, that makes a big difference in how prepared the military as a whole will be…...



Dupuy, T.N. (1992). Understanding War: History and Theory of Combat. London: Leo Cooper.

Thompson, J. (1991). Lifeblood of war: Logistics in armed conflict. London: Brassey's Classics

Controversial Issue Debate Public Safety vs Civil
Pages: 2 Words: 705

controversial issue debate Public Safety vs. Civil ights. Prepare a word paper cultural diversity race relate public safety efforts law enforcement security services
The debate over the confrontation between public safety and civil rights is nowadays considered a subject that may take the headlines in most newspapers and news television channels. This is largely due to the fact that more and more cases of abuse or racial discontent are placed in the framework of this wide debate over the need to feel secure in public but at the same time to ensure the civil rights of citizens, regardless or race, ethnicity, or color of their skin.

One of the main elements of the debate focuses on the ability of law enforcement mechanisms such as the police to have the mandate to react depending on immigration status. More precisely, "the discussion of cross-deputization (mandating that police officers enforce immigration policies) is often…...



Epstein, L. And Phillip Atiba Goff. (2011) "Safety or Liberty?: The Bogus Trade-Off of Cross-Deputization Policy" Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 314 -- 324. Available at 

House of Representatives. (2009) "Public Safety And Civil Rights Implications Of State And Local Enforcement Of Federal Immigration Laws" Committee On The Judiciary House Of Representatives One Hundred Eleventh Congress. First Session. April 2, Available online at

Comprehensive Security Plan for the Maryland Public Safety Education and Training Center
Pages: 9 Words: 2800

Security Plan for the Maryland Public Safety Education and Training Center
This paper will focus on a security plan designated for the Maryland Public Safety Education and Training Center. Here emphasis will be given on many things including facility assets that require protection, various threats which are directed towards the assets and the probability of loss. It is important to note that there are many complexes and facilities associated with the main training center and any plan offered should be a standard blueprint that can be applied at any of the facilities and all of them should be able to get interconnected with each other. Therefore, it is the purpose of this paper to focus on that blueprint.

Introduction with brief overview

The Maryland Public Safety Education and Training Center is situated in Sykesville, Maryland. The facility is generally divided in two main centers which totals to about seven hundred acres in area.…...



Andress, A. (2003). Surviving Security. Florida: Auerbach.

Liston, D. (1993). Museum Security and Protection. New York: Routledge.

Neocleous, M. (2008). Critique of Security. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Franke, V. (2005). Terrorism and Peacekeeping. Connecticut: Praeger.

Environmental or Public Safety Issue
Pages: 4 Words: 1429

As a result of such political pressures, "Since 1977, an American's average daily intake of calories has jumped by more than 10%. Those 200 or so extra calories have to go somewhere...there is a surfeit of cheap calories that clever marketers sooner or later will figure out a way to induce us to consume" (Pollan 2003, p.1).

Because the cause is multifactoral, addressing the issue has proved difficult, and has largely been done on the local level. Some schools have banned sugary snacks and soft drinks; others have tried to increase physical education and nutritional awareness. Some towns have tried to limit the number of fast food establishments within certain areas that have high obesity rates and little access to fresh produce. "For almost two decades, young people in the United States got fatter and fatter -- ate more, sat more -- and nobody seemed to notice. Not parents or…...


Works Cited

Etiology of obesity. "Lifestyle management of adult obesity." University of Missouri-Columbia.

2007. February 19, 2009. 

Obesity and overweight." World Health Organization (WHO). 2009. February 19, 2009. 

Levine, Susan & Lori Aratani. "Inertia at the top." The Washington Post. May 19, 2008: A01.

Race Culture and Public Safety
Pages: 2 Words: 658

Race, Culture and Public Safety
How have this week's readings challenged your own beliefs about race and culture and its relevance to the construction of public safety in America? What had a particular impact on your ideas about emerging safety issues? These can be negative as well as positive comments. Also, consider ethnicity.

Police officers often find themselves torn between two competing needs. On one hand, they must serve the laws of the land and obey the U.S. Constitution. This means that they cannot conduct illegal searches and seizures based upon an individual's nation of origin or race. On the other hand, profiling is endemic to the profession of law enforcement. Anecdotally, there is a great deal of evidence that police officers are only human and are subject to the same racial prejudices as other Americans. Of course, part of the duty of an officer is to rise above these gut feelings.…...

Questions and Answers Public Safety Administration
Pages: 7 Words: 1995

Describe federalism. Identify the impact it has on the public safety administrator. Make sure you include specific examples or details in your response. It is important to note that there is no assigned definition for federalism. This essentially means that various definitions have been floated in the past in an attempt to define federalism. However, in essence, federalism could be seen as a political system whereby authority over a definite jurisdiction is shared between several governments (two or more) (Banks, 2018). More specifically, Khan (2008) defines federalism as “a form of government that distributes powers between the national government and state governments” (49). In seeking to distinguish federalism and a unitary form of government, the author further points out that in the latter case, the national/central government has all the powers – with other governments (i.e. local and state) deriving their mandate from the central government. It is important to note…...



Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about Domestic surveillance?
Words: 451

Title 1: Domestic Surveillance: Delving into the Complexities of State Surveillance of Citizens

This title offers a comprehensive overview of the essay's focus on domestic surveillance, highlighting the multifaceted nature of the topic and the intricate relationship between state surveillance and citizens' rights.

Title 2: Unraveling the Architecture of Domestic Surveillance: A Critical Examination of Government Monitoring Practices

This title emphasizes the underlying structure and mechanisms of domestic surveillance, suggesting a deep exploration of how governments implement and execute surveillance programs.

Title 3: Domestic Surveillance: Navigating the Fine Line between Security and Privacy in the Digital Age

This title captures the delicate balance between the....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to deinstitutionalization?
Words: 665

Essay Topics on Deinstitutionalization

Deinstitutionalization, the process of transitioning individuals with mental illness, developmental disabilities, or other needs from institutional settings to community-based care, has been a topic of ongoing debate and research. Understanding the multifaceted aspects of deinstitutionalization is crucial for policymakers, healthcare professionals, and advocates. Below are several essay topics that explore the key issues and challenges related to this complex process:

1. Historical Evolution of Deinstitutionalization: Origins, Trends, and Impacts

Discuss the historical roots of deinstitutionalization, tracing its evolution from the asylum system to community-based care. Examine the factors contributing to the shift in societal attitudes towards institutionalization and explore....

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on due process?
Words: 239

Sure! Here are some thought-provoking essay topics on due process:

1. The balance between protecting individual rights and ensuring public safety in the context of due process.
2. The role of technology in enhancing or compromising due process rights, such as surveillance and data collection.
3. The impact of systemic bias and discrimination on the fair application of due process in the criminal justice system.
4. The evolving interpretation of due process rights in response to contemporary social and political challenges, such as terrorism or cybercrime.
5. The intersection of due process with other fundamental rights, such as freedom of speech and assembly, in the....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about Ethical Issues and Criminological Theories?
Words: 308

Essay Outline: Ethical Issues and Criminological Theories

I. Introduction
A. Overview of the relationship between criminological theories and ethics
B. Thesis statement: Ethical issues can arise when criminological theories are used to explain and respond to crime

II. Ethical Issues in Criminological Research
A. Consent and confidentiality
1. Protecting the rights of research participants
2. Balancing the need for research with the privacy of individuals
B. Bias and objectivity
1. The influence of researchers' values and beliefs on their work
2. The importance of minimizing bias in criminological research
C. Data collection and interpretation
1. Ethical considerations in collecting and using data....

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