Psychology is a relatively new field of science as opposed to the natural sciences because it was born out of the spirit of humanism after the enaissance (Hergenhahn, 108). As a result, methods and norms in the field are still being developed. In addition, the subject matter of the field includes the mind, personality and other intangible entities that cannot be subjected to the same kind of testing and experimentation as in medicine or physics.
Psychology has intended to become a branch of science to gain greater credibility and reliability for its claims. Science is recognized as objective whereas other fields may be treated as subjective and based on philosophical speculation rather than rigorous experimentation and research. In fact, the history of science in the modern world can be traced to the moment in 1600 when William Gilbert published his work on magnetism based on objective analysis and…...
Galotti, Kathleen M. Cognitive Psychology. 4. Thomson Wadsworth, 2008. 9. Print.
Hergenhahn, B.R. An Introduction to the History of Psychology. 6. Cengage Learning, 2009. 108. Print.
Kalat, James W. Introduction to Psychology. 9. Cengage Learning, 2011. 31. Print.
McDougall, William. A Textbook of Psychology. Discovery Publishing House. 2011. 4. Print.
Theories of personality focus on inner traits of individuals, which may or may not be viewed as static. The most important schools of personality psychology include Psychodynamic Theory, Freud's Theory of Personality, Humanistic Theory, B.F. Skinner's Theory of Personality, Social Learning Theory, and Evolutionary Personality Theory. While all these theories share in common their goal to explain, analyze, and understand human behavior in terms of personality explanations, there are important differences in these main approaches. The differences will affect theory but also practice of psychology.
Behaviorism was one of the earliest expressions of psychological inquiry. Therefore, it makes sense to begin with an understanding of behavioral theories of personality. Behaviorism suggests that individual behavior is the key to understanding personality. Because of its emphasis on behavior rather than emotion or cognition, behavioral theories of personality are relatively weak and limited in scope. However, it is still worth understanding the contributions of…...
Cherry, K. (n.d.). Theories of Personality. Retrieved online:
McLeod, S. (2007). Psychodynamic approach. Simply Psychology. Retrieved online:
"Psychodynamic Theories of Personality," (n.d.). Retrieved online:
Psychology is an important field of study mainly because it can be used to enhance the lives of people as it increases an individual's level of self-understanding, well-being, and quality of relationships. The main reason for the impact of psychology on people's lives is because this field focuses on describing, explaining, predicting, and controlling the mental and behavioral processes of an individual. As a broad field of study, the field of psychology consists of several important topics like introduction to psychology, its scientific method, sensation and perception, learning, and memory. Developing an understanding of the field of psychology through its basic topics is significant in comprehending the wide impact of the field on people's lives.
As an important field of study with huge impacts on the lives of people, psychology can be described as the science of mental and behavioral processes that seeks to define and explain the various aspects of…...
All Psych Online: The Virtual Psychology Classroom. "Memory." All Psych Online, 2011.
(accessed March 8, 2012).
Bhandari, Nupin. "The Science Behind Memory." The Cornell Daily Sun, 2009.
(accessed March 8, 2012).
Psychology is considered to be an area of study that involves behavior. Behavior is demonstrated in a lot of diverse areas in the field of psychology. Some of these examples are mental illness, relationships, sexuality, depression, family dynamics, or culture. Accepting of behavior is picked up by various techniques and it could be from society or changes in individuals or the overall population. Psychologists look at various factors such as experimentation, observation, and analysis and psychoanalysis methods. The area has a lot of different branches some areas to be looked at to be applied are research, consultants in governments, or societies or health care organization.
Psychologist are able to work by themselves or with a group or team of psychologists. The area of psychology is to bring some kind of assistance to others, to discover the source of the issue and then try to bring some kind of solution to the…...
Barnes, D. "Foreword to featured special topic: Philosophical and conceptual issues in behavioral psychology." The Psychological Record 23.8 (2008): 34-56.
Beal, A.L. "Contemporary intellectual assessment, theories, tests and issues, second edition." Canadian Psychology, 47.1 (2009): 70-71.
Block, N. "Consciousness, accessibility, and the mesh between psychology and neuroscience." Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 23.7 (2007): 499-548.
Campbell, J. "The american philosophical association and its history." Transactions of the Charles S.Peirce Society 43.2 (2007): 404-410.
" Dorothy deserves a lot of credit for the level of motivation she exhibits in the Wizard of Oz. When she gets to Oz, her primary goal is to reach the Wizard so that she can return home to Kansas. The motivation Dorothy exhibited to save Toto from the old woman was a more instinctual type of motivation; whereas in Oz she was also stimulated externally by several factors including the strangeness of her environment, the fact that she had been distanced from her initial or primary goal of saving Toto, and also the fact that she met three other characters who likewise had motivation to go to Oz. Motivation is therefore a prevailing theme in the Wizard of Oz.
The interactions between Dorothy and her newfound friends in Oz can be understood in terms of psychological principles, namely those of social psychology and developmental psychology. Described in Chapter 12, social…...
Ciccarelli, S.K. (2011). Psychology. Pearson.
Gautam, S. (2012). Emotions and motivations. Psychology Today. Retrieved online:
Loewen, S.C. (n.d.). Theories on dreams. Health Guidance. Retrieved online:
National Institutes of Health (2013). Antisocial personality disorder. Retrieved online:
Psychology Statement of Purpose with a Brief Personal Statement
My interest in psychology has over time been stimulated by a number of experiences. Top amongst these is my reading of a book I stumbled upon several years ago. The book, The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, essentially concerns itself with a character by the name Gregor Samsa who one day finds himself turned into a giant vermin. As a result, Samsa ends up experiencing untold emotional and psychological anguish. Although I was only aged 15 when I first read the book, the questions it triggered in me regarding both mental illness and general psychology further prompted my curiosity in the subject. I have also been a member of my campus' Psychology Club. In addition to giving me an opportunity to interact with my peers, being a member of the club also allowed me to learn many other things I would not have…...
Psychology Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement
When I was 12 years old, a cousin (let us call her Jenny) who was living with us at the time as her parents sorted out their marital problems started exhibiting strange behavior. At the time, she was only 14. At first, her strange behavior was barely noticeable but with time, it became clear that something was amiss. We became alarmed when she started refusing to eat meals claiming that her dad could have sneaked in the house (or sent someone) to poison the food as it was being prepared so as to get rid of her. Apparently, for one reason or another, Jenny had quite a low opinion of her dad. To cut the long story short, Jenny was later-on diagnosed with paranoid-type schizophrenia. All along, I had been particularly close to Jenny and her change of behavior left me totally confused. When…...
The Field of Psychology:
An Overview of Foundations, Influence and Pertinence in Today's orld
One of the most fascinating and complex fields of study in today's scientific world is psychology, the scientific examination of human behavior. Psychologists, as professionals, can prove to be an extremely useful resource, especially since mental disorders tend to be just as complicated as physical disorders, and, often, much less apparent. The field of psychology has grown tremendously in the past century, with numerous innovations coming to the fore from various illustrious individuals, and proving that theories can be attributed to any human being, and his or her behavior, regardless of whether there is a problem or not. Psychology, therefore, is no longer a study of those who cannot function well in society, but it has rather become a means through which we, as a society, can understand ourselves and function better as individuals. The following paragraphs will…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Cherry, K. (2011). "What is cognitive psychology?" Retrieved July 29, 2011, .
Daniels, V. (1997). "Psychology in Greek Philosophy." Sonoma University Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association Conference. Retrieved July 29, 2011, < >.
"History of Psychology: Contemporary Foundations." (2011). Anneberg Society. Retrieved July 29, 2011, .
Pomeroy, A. (2008). "A Passion for Diversity." HR Magazine, 53(3), pp. 48-49.
The central persuasion route is an active and mindful process in the determination of the value of a persuasive argument. In the cognitive processing in The route to persuasion can be attributed to the many variables that affect the likelihood of thinking about the value of messages. One's motivation to think about issue-relevant information and the ability to do the cognitive processing has been affected by these variables. Notably, some variables affecting one's motivation are part of the person and the situation while other variables affect the direction of thinking with some affecting the general amount of thinking the person does.
Although many advertisements use more than one technique in attempts to persuade the audience, the most commonly used technique is that of authority (Gresko, Kennedy & Lesniak, 2003). People are more likely to respect the opinions of someone who is understood to have a lot of knowledge concerning a product.…...
Cherry, K. (n.d.). What is Cognitive Psychology? Retrieved March 29, 2010, from
Gresko, J., Kennedy L. & Lesniak J. (2003, March 29). Social Psychological Factors Underlying
the Impact of Advertising. Retrieved from Miami University, Advanced Social Psychology Web Site:
Lu, Z. & Dosher, B.A. (2007). Cognitive Psychology. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from
sychology History
A Brief History of sychology
The study of psychology is now deeply entrenched in our society's understand as to how a human, and specifically the human mind, functions. Understanding one's psychological needs is necessary in daily life in order to understand how to cope with various stresses and emotions. However, many decades ago, such ideas were truly visionary, as psychology was not considered a true scientific subject, and many who had mental problems were thrown in institutions where they were shunned by society and often forgotten by families. This paper will examine progress in the field of psychology, and will do so by outlining the roots of early philosophy that influenced the development of modern psychology and by identifying those individuals who began this study and who established psychology as a discipline in the 19th century.
The roots of modern psychology, through they begin in the 1800's, truly lie in the…...
mlaPsychology: A Historical Overview. (2011). Retrieved October 4, 2011, from < >.
Psychology: A Historical Overview. (2011). Retrieved October 4, 2011, from <
One of the most salient measures that a psychologist can take is to base all of his work, and particularly his or her conclusions or findings, in the methodology befitting of true psychological and scientific processes. This means utilizing empirical evidence and evidence-based practices to substantiate findings before publicizing any sorts of claims surrounding their implications. This sort of testing (which author Scott Lillenfeld wrote the public believes is missing from psychology) (No author, 2012) is the key distinguishing factor between any science and a pseudoscience, and psychologists should actively pursue this type of testing before anything regarding to a particular study or treatment is revealed to the public.
The worst thing a contemporary or even future psychologist can do to aid the derisive viewpoint of psychology that is largely conceived of by the public is to forsake scientific methodology and publish treatments or findings before thoroughly and empirically examining…...
No author. (2012). "Why Are People So Skeptical About Psychology?" Providentia. Retrieved from
Stanovich, K. (1997). How to Think Straight About Psychology. Retrieved from
With the issues of gun control coming up in the media, it will be interesting to see how it plays out. In the meantime, it is obvious that America needs to embrace itself from future unspeakable horror.
Anthony cioli, P. (2013, Janurary 5). Newtown, Connecticut: From Fear to Hope. Retrieved from Psychology Today:
Bergland, C. (2011, April 31). Mindfulness Training and the Compassionate Brain. Retrieved from Psychology Today:
Berit Brogaard, D.P. (2012, March 2). Violence May Be the Answer. Retrieved from Psychology Today:
Diamond, . (2012, December 4). Diagnosing crooge yndrome: The Dangers of Embitterment. Retrieved from Psychology Today:
Elana Premack andler, L.M. (2011, August 12). Not Just About Guns, Not Just About Mental Illness. Retrieved from Psychology Today:
Ian H. Robertson, P. (2012, May 1). chool hootings olved Forever. Retrieved from Psychology Today:
Joseph Grenny, D.M. (2012, March 2). The Media Is an Accomplice in chool hootings. Retrieved from…...
mlaStiffelman, S. (2013, February 7). 14 Tips for Managing Anxiety After the Shootings. Retrieved from Psychology Today:
Toby Israel, P. (2011, May 9). Mourning Dawns Online: Creating Virtual Space for Grief. Retrieved from Psychology Today:
Turndorf, D.J. (2012, March 15). Was Adam Lanza an Undiagnosed Schizophrenic? . Retrieved from Psychology Today:
Psychology first developed as a formal discipline in the late 19th century, even though its origins actually date back to ancient Greece (Wright, 2011, p.407). As philosophers began to probe the nature of the human mind, the theory of psychology and its overall acceptance in society began to evolve. As we look back at psychology's early beginnings, evidence of the emergence of several different schools of thought are revealed and their differences clearly delineated.
One of the first schools of thought to emerge was that of functionalism. Proponents of this school felt that the role of psychology was to investigate the function of consciousness, or the purpose of human thought (Wright, 2011, p.407). The functionalists wanted to understand how the mind worked rather than merely describing its contents and they focused on the motivations of mental processes and behavior (Hergenhahn, 2009, p.336). The functionalist school of thought was in direct contrast…...
Wright, J.W. (Ed.) . (2011). The New York Times guide to essential knowledge (3rd ed.). New
York: St. Martin's Press.
Hergenhahn, B.R. (2009). An introduction to the history of psychology (6th ed.). Belmont, CA:
Tolman's objective was to comprehend human mental processes by using experimental methods. Even though he used rats in mazes as his method, and was a behaviorist in his approach, he also included major ideas from Gestalt psychology. Cognitive maps are a kind of mental processing, or cognition, that is made up of a series of psychological transformations by which a person can obtain code, store, recall, and decode information about the relative locations and attributes of phenomenon in their everyday or figurative spatial environment. Cognitive maps are a way that people use to arrange and store spatial knowledge, allowing the mind's eye to visualize images in order to reduce cognitive load, and enhance recall and learning of information.
Donald Hebb (Organization of Behavior: A Neuropsychological Theory)
Donald Hebb attempted to combine present day knowledge of physiology and psychology into a comprehensive theory of thought and emotion to explain the nature of…...
Gentile, Barbara F. And Miller, Benjamin O. (2008). Foundations of psychological thought: A
history of psychology. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
These memories have happened in the external world and they are remembered based on what has been experienced before (Explicit Memory Storage, 2004).
Semantic memory is memory that is based on a person's knowledge. This knowledge can be factual or theoretical (Semantic v Episodic Memory, 2004). Some examples of semantic memory might be that a person knows what kind of dog they are looking at or they know their friend's phone number.
This can sometimes be confused with the third type of memory, which is episodic memory. The difference in the two types of memories is that while you may remember the phone number of your best friend from when you were both 10 years old, you also can remember calling your friend and the kinds of things you did together as best friends and the kinds of things you talked about on the phone. If you remember the phone number…...
mlaReference List
Cognition. (2004). Retrieved November 22, 2004, at / encnet/refpages/search.aspx?q=cognition+reasoning&Submit2=Go
Huffman. (2000). Memory. Psychology in Action, 6th Edition. Retrieved November 22, 2004 at 2000,12288_0471394955_BKS_1035_161_41_527_,00.html
Explicit and Implicit Memory Storage. Retrieved November 22, 2004, at http://penta.ufrgs.
A br/edu/telelab/1/explicit.htm
If you\'re exploring a professional journal article, you can break the article down into different sections to write about. Much like a dissertation is often broken down into the Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Discussion, and Conclusion chapters, your article can be divided so you can work on addressing one segment of it at a time. Walk your readers through the article and explain each area or section, so anyone who reads your paper will have a good understanding of everything the article was trying to say. Depending on your instructor\'s requirements, you may also want to include a section about....
Choosing how to start your essay on deviance depends on the type of essay you are writing and the type of coursework you are trying to complete. Deviance is a broad topic that is covered in many of the soft sciences, including (but not limited to) sociology, psychology, and criminology. It is also discussed in the humanities, particularly philosophy and history. Therefore, we would probably begin the essay with two things: a definition of deviance and an explanation of how that definition fits into the context of the essay we are writing.
Generally, deviance is a sociological concept....
We can explain the concept of what punishment is and how it could be tied to not drinking water, as well as explain how you could chart or graph results with a study group that was not drinking water and a control group that was consuming the recommended amount of water. Unfortunately, you omitted some of the information we would need to write an answer specifically addressing the experiment you appear to be referencing.
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