Property Rights Essays (Examples)

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Property Rights in the Scenario
Pages: 3 Words: 1257

This is more democratic than 'republican' in spirit, and while Locke might support it to some degree, Meyer very likely would not and state that the property owner's will alone should prevail. It should be noted that in contrast to Danny, the other children view their mother's decision in more emotional, moral terms than Locke might, as rather than invoke the law and property rights they stress considerations such as who is neediest and who has given the most to Lillian.
These concerns echo John Winthrop, who wrote about "A Model of Christian Charity." Winthrop focused on what members of the community should feel is their obligation, rather than the law. Do not take more than you need, he counsels, but do not deprive your family: "If the time and occasion be ordinary he is to give out of his abundance. Let him lay aside as God hath blessed him.…...

Property Right Security in Russia
Pages: 1 Words: 361

Do you think that mass deprivatization is in the long run best interests of Russia?

I do not consider that mass privatization is in the best interest of Russia, not for the short-term nor the long one. As it was mentioned above, this political decision will impact on the country's overall welfare, employment will increase (flight of capital, the growth reduction registered by the import-export companies as a result of Rubbles appreciation)

Who gains from deprivatization? Who loses?

It is my opinion that the winners of this policy are the members of the Communist party, that basically control the economic environment in this central organized market. They are not interested to liberalize the market, to increase competition, but to maintain their monopolistic powers.

Assuming more people are hurt by deprivatization then helped, why would a local politician support such a policy?

A local politician may be promoted inside the Communist party for having a good…...

Property Rights in Locke and
Pages: 3 Words: 1031

At a minimum, a sovereign person owns themselves, pointing to the idea of individual civil rights that also arise from the state of nature and are independent of the state. Such a philosophy does not automatically translate into democracy. Indeed, Locke felt that legitimate contracts could exist between citizens, oligarchies, monarchies or tyrannies. However, Locke's idea of civil virtue had deep effects upon the American and French Revolutions. Locke's ideas of rights of the people and the role of central government provided strong support for intellectually for both revolutions and further for the development of the democracy in the western tradition. Indeed, Locke in section 76 of the Second Treatise specifically recognizes the growth of society from the family and that the fathers of families eventually became political monarchs. hile this is the case, he makes the point that monarchs need to be "priests." Certainly, they were to reign,…...


Works Cited

Locke, John. "Second Treatise of Government." Second Treatise. Early Modern Texts,

2010. Web. 25 Oct 2010. .

Property Rights What Are the
Pages: 2 Words: 738

S. Attorneys 1).
However all of this comes out in the end, one thing is certain: the status of something as private property appears to hinge on its being in significant measure an intentional object -- its status as a private owned entity has to do with in what mental relation is stands with an agent. (Machan 4)

The law has always protected tangible property and real property from theft. It has only been since the advent of the printing press that ideas and images have been disseminated through being printed. Once ideas and images became widely distributed, it was only natural that theft of ideas and their reproduction became possible and therefore prey to theft. Contract rights, licenses, franchises, government grants, and other intangible property could therefore be stolen and needed to be protected.

It was also important to make a distinction between the tangible and intangible property, between the real and…...


Works Cited

Chapter 17, NonLife Insurance.2007.

Machan, Tibor R. Intellectual Property and the Right to Private Property. Orange, CA. 2004. .

US Attorneys. "1652 Protection of Government Property - Intangible Property Interests." Criminal Resource Manual. .

Property Rights Theories of Natural
Pages: 2 Words: 625

One might sell their property or hire others to work it, but this can only occur after initial ownership has been made through use.
This theory finds no small amount of agreement in the twentieth century obert Nozick's assertion that any properly justly obtained can be justly redistributed along whatever lines the owner sees fit. Nozick also maintains that people are ends in and of themselves, and must be treated as such by a just system. This also gives individuals full ownership of themselves and their labor (as in Locke's theory), meaning that a system of forced redistribution that allows someone to own another's talents and abilities is unjust. At the same time, resources are not the same as talent and ability; there is not a sense of innate ownership of anything external to the body. In order for resources to be fairly appropriated, then, they must have been fairly…...



Johnson, R. "Nozick." Accessed 12 October 2009.

Locke, J. (1690). Second Treatise on Civil Government. Accessed 12 October 2009.

Intellectual Property Rights Several Countries
Pages: 3 Words: 1430

However, the rights have some confinements incorporating the limitations and other considerations of issues like their contradiction with the fundamental rights and the codified provisions in force. The legal issues involving intellectual property rights have two dimensions. Firstly, those that provide exclusive rights only in the sphere of copying / reproduction of the item or act safeguarded and secondly, those which provide a right to deter others from doing something. The former has no hindrance for making the design if it is not a case of copying. However, the later confers the right of patents and prevent the others from making the same design even if they had never heard of or seen the claimed property. The more specialized forms of such exclusive rights also prevails regionally such as mask work rights in USA, Integrated Circuit Topography Act in Canadian law, and in European Community Law by Directive 87/54/EEC…...



Against intellectual property. Retrieved at 

Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development. Retrieved at 

Intellectual property rights - Introduction. Retrieved at 

Intellectual property rights. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved at

Marxist Critique of Property Rights the Marxist
Pages: 8 Words: 2486

Marxist Critique of Property Rights
The Marxist Critique:

Property Rights as Barriers to Freedom and the Case for Abolishing Private Property

The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx in six weeks in 1848, and was first published as the platform of a workingmen's association that same year. This document, at first an integral part of a secret society, spread throughout Europe, beginning with Germany, France and England, but reaching as far as Poland in the years that followed its initial publication. The Manifesto eventually cemented Marx's reputation as a revolutionary communist throughout the continent, forcing him to move to London, where he lived until the end of his life. Now probably the most widely read of Marx's works, though perhaps not the best illustration of his thoughts, the document nonetheless created the foundation for many of the communist regimes of the 20th century. This very accessible account of communist ideology summarizes a…...

China IP China's Intellectual Property Rights Protections
Pages: 7 Words: 1981

China IP
China's intellectual property rights protections have come a long way since 1978, but there remains room for improvement. While the de jure situation with respect to protecting intellectual property rights approaches Western standards, the enforcement or de facto situation is less encouraging. Western companies have a difficult time enforcing the patchwork of laws and often fail to win judgments significantly large to serve as a deterrent to IP thieves.

There is a strong case for improving the intellectual property rights regime in China. Stronger IP protections are correlated with higher flows of inbound foreign direct investment (FDI). Stronger IP protections are also correlated with superior domestic outcomes. In addition, China is in the position to influence the intellectual property rights protection regime for the world in the coming century. Thus, China should take a lead role in developing intellectual property rights not only for its own benefit, but for the…...



Awokuse, T. & Yin, H. (2010). Intellectual property rights protection and the surge in FDI in China. Journal of Comparative Economics. Vol. 38 (2) 217-224.

Chaudhry, P.,Zimmerman, A., Peters, J. & Cordell, V. (2009). Preserving intellectual property rights: Managerial insight into the escalating counterfeit market quandary. Business Horizons. Vol. 52 (2009) 57-66.

Hu, R., Pray, C., Huang, J., Rozelle, S., Fan, C. & Zhang, C. (2009). Reforming intellectual property rights and the Bt cotton seed industry in China: Who benefits from policy reform? Research Policy. Vol 38 (2009) 793-801.

Keupp, M.; Beckenbauer, A. & Gassmann, O. (2009). How managers protect intellectual property rights in China using de facto strategies. R&D Management. Vol. 39 (2) 211-224.

Globalization and Intellectual Property Rights
Pages: 8 Words: 2288


As we can see in the preliminary discussion above, in the face of the extension of copyright and patent-heavy cultures from western nations to global trade relationships, the very conflict between capitalism and social progressivism is implicated. Indeed, many socially conscious global economic groups are protesting international intellectual property laws that they say are burdensome to developing economies and which favor the sense of entitlement and ownership typically reserved for those individuals and entities with greater resources at their disposal. Critics cite the orld Trade Organization (TO) and global legislation which it has sponsored such as the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) as fundamentally flawed and unfairly biased to benefit the wealthy. This helps to characterize a major aspect of the philosophical debate which currently differentiates the relevant perspectives of nations such as China, on one hand, and Canada and the United States on the other.



Works Cited:

Archibugi, D. & Filipetti, A. (2010). The Globalisation of Intellectual Property Rights: Four Learned Lessons and Four Theses. Global Policy, 1(2).

Chadha, A. (2005). TRIPS and Patenting Activity: Evidence from the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry. University of Connecticut: Department of Economics.

Chengsi, Z. (2000). The TRIPS Agreeement and Intellectual Property in China. Duke Journal of Computers and International Law.

Nayyer, K. (2002). Globalization of Information: Intellectual Property Law Implications. First Monday, 7(1).

China's Intellectual Property Rights Current Issues Strategic Considerations and Problem Solving
Pages: 24 Words: 10717

China's Intellectual Property ights: Current Issues, Strategic Considerations And Problem Solving
In this paper, the focus is primarily on the Intellectual Property ights (IP) that are given to individuals within the epublic of China. The paper starts off by defining IP and the different ways that IP is provided like copyright infringement. The paper them moves on to define IP and its progression in China through the imperialistic years, the era after World War II and the modern structure of China's government and society. The paper's main aim was to discuss three aspects of IP: current issues, strategic considerations and problem solving tactics within China. Some of the current issues discussed include: stopping abuse and attaining redress, involvement of appropriate IP authorities, data collection, criminal enforcement, cultural differences, recognition and safeguard of IPs, corruption, and language and trademark issues. The paper then moves on to discuss strategic considerations and highlights various…...



Bird, R.C. (2006). Defending Intellectual Property Rights in the BRIC Economies, 43 Am. Bus. L.J. 317, 318.

Buckley, C., Lynn, J. And Nebehay, S. (2009). China, U.S. trade barbs over WTO piracy case. Reuters. 2009-03-20. Accessed August 27th, 2011 from: 

China Baidu search engine profits more than treble. BBC News. 31 January 2011. Accessed August 27th, 2011 from: 

China, Russia Top U.S. Piracy List. Reuters. 2007-04-30 Accessed August 27th, 2011 from:

Common Property Rights
Pages: 4 Words: 1191

property resources, as aptly named, are resources that are shared by a group of people in order to receive benefits from the collecting of these resources. These resources are often in demand and require regulation and monitoring in order control the amount that is taken. Restricting who shares these resources and how much they share lead to preservation of resources. To impose limits, property rights must be implemented. These property rights are managed by members of a group and are labeled common property rights. Articles like those written by Cinder, explain common property rights, and more specifically, marine tenure to control who fishes in the areas navigated and used by locals. Articles by Seabright, Hardin, and Cinder establish what transpires within the setting of common property and how members of a group who share the rights and resources perceive the concept of common property in connection to needs and…...


Works Cited

Cinner, Joshua. "Socioeconomic factors influencing customary marine tenure in the Indo-Pacific." Ecology and Society 10.1 (2005): 36. Print.

Hardin, Garrett. "The Tragedy of the Commons." Science 162.3859 (1968): 1243-1248. Print.

Seabright, Paul. "Managing Local Commons: Theoretical Issues in Incentive Design." Journal of Economic Perspectives 7.4 (1993): 113-134. Print.

Examining Non-Tangible Property Rights
Pages: 8 Words: 2696

Intellectual property can be a difficult concept to define because, at its heart, it describes property rights to intangible things, such as creations of the mind. Because this involves concepts rather than physical property, for years the courts and legal system did not extend property protection to these types of creations. This can be further complicated by the fact that some intellectual property has a physical, or tangible, component. For example, books may be in a physical format, movies may come on a DVD, and music may be on a CD. When one purchases those objects, one gets the object, itself, but the meaningful part of the purchase is the content, which is what gives it value. Intellectual property goes beyond artistic creations, it also encompasses other types of creative or innovative ideas, such as scientific processes, trade names, or logos. Because the scope of intellectual property is so broad,…...



Depoorter, B. (2009). Technology and uncertainty: the shaping effect on copyright law.

University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 157(6), 1831-868.

Fisher, W. (2003). Overview of trademark law. Retrieved September 20, 2014 from Berkman

Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University website:

Private Property Rights
Pages: 4 Words: 1263

The right to private property is something the American people believe is an inalienable right. For thousands of years society has allowed private property and rights to that private property. For example, people cannot steal someone’s private property without penalty. This has led to a resurgence in discussion of this policy issue because of the lack of input in where tax money goes from property tax. From a ‘May’ perspective, it is important to understand how the Bible supports the use of private property and what the government may control regarding it. The ‘May’ portion of the May-Can-Should Analysis focuses on ‘Authority’. Biblical principles help guide understanding of a piece of legislation. That piece of legislation should also keep within the Constitution’s listed enumerated powers. A key policy issue discussed in Week 3’s module is private property.
In Genesis 1:29 the Bible speaks of Dominion Mandate. The Tend Commandments have as part…...



GovTrack. (2017). Private Property Rights Protection Act of 2017 (H.R. 1689). Retrieved from

Lowrey, A. (2018, February 6). The Hoarding of the American Dream. Retrieved from

McDonald, R. M. (2014). Light and Liberty: Thomas Jefferson and the Power of Knowledge. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.

Ramirez, K. (2016, November 11). October shows surprising 30% increase in foreclosures. Retrieved from

Property Chapter 1 Deals With
Pages: 10 Words: 2730

The delivery of the deed and the warranties of title are all notions being presented in this chapter.
Chapter 11 discusses notions related to the title assurance, starting with the basic information pertaining to the recording system. The chapters introduces the basic, common law rule, which is that a grantee who was prior in time prevailed over one subsequent in time. The chapter continues by defining the several types of recording acts ("race" statutes, "notice" statutes, "race-notice" statues) and to the process of recordation, as well, as the effects of recordation and the requirements for this process.

The second part of this chapter refers to title registration. This is a process that is separate from the recording system and is currently used only in a couple of states. This type of approach does bring several potential issues, mainly claims of defects in conclusiveness. This is argued both with the defect in…...

Property of Freedom in Property
Pages: 3 Words: 895

Interestingly, the connection between private property ownership and political freedom developed in a roundabout way. As property owners grew richer from their commercial endeavors, the state sought to reap benefits via property taxation and this in turn helped to empower the people and Parliament. Pipes draws further connections between the evolution of the commonwealth, the British Empire, and burgeoning rights and freedoms for property owners.
Chapter 4 addresses the history and evolution of property ownership in ussia. ussia's history is far different from that of England, especially with regards to property and its connection with individual rights and freedoms (or lack thereof, in the case of ussia). Pipes explains thoroughly the origin and impact of the patrimonial system in ussia, which established monarchs firmly as the property owners and precluded genuine private property ownership. Patrimony, ussian style, is clearly and simply defined as "the fusion of sovereignty and ownership," (p.…...



Pipes, Richard. Property and Freedom. Vintage, 2000.

I\'m searching for essay topics on paraphasing. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 491

Paraphrasing: Enhancing Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism

Paraphrasing, the skillful restatement of someone else's ideas using different words while preserving the original meaning, plays a crucial role in academic writing. It helps students avoid plagiarism, deepens their comprehension of the source material, and fosters critical thinking. Here are some essay topics that explore the significance and challenges of paraphrasing:

1. The Importance of Paraphrasing: Avoiding Plagiarism and Cultivating Originality

In this essay, students can discuss the ethical and academic implications of plagiarism and how paraphrasing safeguards intellectual property. They can explore the legal consequences of plagiarism, the damage it can cause to one's reputation,....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on Crypto Markets?
Words: 586

## Crypto Market Dynamics and Emerging Trends

### 1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

- Growth and Innovation: DeFi protocols offer a range of financial services, such as lending, borrowing, and trading, without the need for intermediaries.
- New Tokenomics: DeFi introduces innovative token designs that reward liquidity providers and community members.
- Interoperability: Cross-chain bridges allow users to transfer assets across different blockchains, facilitating DeFi activities.

### 2. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

- Digital Collectibles and Art: NFTs represent unique and verifiable digital assets, enabling the ownership and trading of digital art, collectibles, and other items.
- New Markets: NFTs create new markets for digital creators, artists, and collectors.

I need some suggestions for principles of business essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 364

Principles of Business Essay Topics

Ethics and Social Responsibility

The Importance of Ethical Decision-Making in Business
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: Balancing Profits and Planetary Health
The Role of Business in Addressing Social Issues
Whistleblower Protection and the Ethical Obligations of Employees

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Role of Innovation in Driving Business Growth
The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Characteristics and Erfolgsfaktoren
Creating an Innovative Work Environment
The Impact of Technology on Business Innovation

Leadership and Management

Effective Leadership Styles: Authoritarian, Democratic, and Laissez-faire
Motivating Employees: Theories and Best Practices
The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Management
Managing Organizational Change: Challenges and....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on microeconomics concept in microeconomics analysisi. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 580

The Impact of Social Media on Consumer Behavior:

This topic explores the transformative effect of social media on consumer decision-making. Analyze how platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok shape consumer preferences, influence brand loyalty, and drive purchasing patterns. Examine the role of influencers, algorithms, and target marketing in shaping consumer behavior and discuss the implications for businesses and marketers.

Behavioral Economics in Healthcare:

Behavioral economics integrates psychological principles into economic analysis. In healthcare, this approach can provide valuable insights into patient decision-making, adherence to treatment, and demand for healthcare services. Discuss how behavioral economics can be applied to improve healthcare outcomes, design effective....

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