Property Law Essays (Examples)

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Property Laws and Telecoms
Pages: 4 Words: 1191

Global Intellectual Property Law
Discuss the impact of Global Intellectual Property Law upon the Telecom industry and upon businesses.

One of the most fundamental issues in today's society is intellectual property rights. These are basic trademarks which are used to protect the ideas and innovations of both individuals and firms. In the last several years, technology has made it easier for anyone to steal them with very little repercussions or enforcement. (Denton, 2011)

Evidence of this can been seen with observations from Denton (2011) who said, "Intellectual property rights provide the foundation upon which innovation is shared, creativity encouraged and consumer trust reinforced. But the digital world poses a new challenge -- how to manage the balance when the consumer is the creator, when the marginal cost of copying is zero, when enforcement of existing law is extremely difficult, and when 'free' access to information and content is considered by many to be…...



Denton, A. (2011). Intellectual Property Rights. ITW. Retrieved from: 

Gokhale, A. (2004). Introduction to Telecommunications. Normal, IL: Illinois State University Press.

Zhao, M. (2005). Conducting R&D in Countries with Weak Intellectual Property Rights Protections. Management Science, 52 (8), 1185 -- 1199.

Patent and Intellectual Property Law
Pages: 3 Words: 893

egulation of Technology
Many people have active disdain for governmental and other regulation when it comes to aspects of life. Whether it be speech, movement, where one can live, how one can travel and so forth, there are many regulations that just annoy and inconvenience a lot of people. One of those things would be technology. Many might pose the question as to whether technology should be regulated and to what degree. Many hold that the free market should get most of the sway when it comes to what happens and why. Other still say that intellectual property and patent rights when it comes to technology are just a boon for the rich and hurt the less advantaged. Even if there is some disagreement about the subject, the regulation of technology needs to be done on at least some levels and not having that regulation present would be a complete mess…...



Falksen, G. (2010). The Tesla Tragedy. Retrieved 9 November 2015, from 

Hirschauge, O. (2015). Are Driverless Cars Safer Cars?. WSJ. Retrieved 9 November 2015, from 

Jansen, B. (2015). FAA approves Amazon drone research again. USA TODAY. Retrieved 9 November 2015, from 

Morrow, S. (2009). Retrieved 9 November 2015, from

Importance of Intellectual Property Law
Pages: 2 Words: 650

intellectual property? Why is it called "intellectual" property? Why is intellectual property such an important issue for entrepreneurial firms?
Intellectual property specifically refers to "creations of the mind" which are the protected work of an individual or an organization ("What is IP," 2015). These include "literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce" ("What is IP," 2015). Intellectual property enables people and companies to financially benefit from what they create even if it is not a physical product and to self-identify by a unique image in the marketplace. The concept is important for entrepreneurial firms whose bottom line is dependent upon the creation of new ideas such as inventions and new processes. IP is protected by patents, copyright, and trademarks ("What is IP," 2015).

Identify and briefly describe the three types of patents.

The first type of patent is called utility patient which is used for a…...



Copyright basics. (2012). U.S. Copyright Office. Retrieved from: 

Stim, R. (2015). Measuring Fair Use: The Four Factors. Nolo. Retrieved from:

Community Property Law Promote Equity
Pages: 4 Words: 1747

Also in the case of divorce, the spouses have to bear the responsibility of proving what all falls under community property for ensuring equitable distribution. Hence we can see that community property law is effective and promotes equity, but, there are certain wrinkles which need to be ironed out for ensuring that the law is followed fairly and justly.

Abts, Henry W. (2002) "The Living Trust: The Failproof Way to Pass Along Your Estate to Your Heirs..." McGraw-Hill Professional.

Gregory, John DeWitt; ichards, Janet; Wolf, Sheryl L. (2003) "Property Division in Divorce Proceedings: A Fifty State Guide" Aspen Publishers Online.

Lawyers Attorneys. (2007, May) "Community Property Law" etrieved 17 April, 2008 at

N.A. (2008) "Family Law - Divorce Law - Community property" etrieved 17 April, 2008 from

N.A. (2008) "Married Couples: Who Owns What?" etrieved 17 April, 2008 at

N.A. (n. d.) "The Ins and Outs of Community Property Law" etrieved 17…...



Abts, Henry W. (2002) "The Living Trust: The Failproof Way to Pass Along Your Estate to Your Heirs..." McGraw-Hill Professional.

Gregory, John DeWitt; Richards, Janet; Wolf, Sheryl L. (2003) "Property Division in Divorce Proceedings: A Fifty State Guide" Aspen Publishers Online.

Lawyers Attorneys. (2007, May) "Community Property Law" Retrieved 17 April, 2008 at 

N.A. (2008) "Family Law - Divorce Law - Community property" Retrieved 17 April, 2008 from

Property Chapter 1 Deals With
Pages: 10 Words: 2730

The delivery of the deed and the warranties of title are all notions being presented in this chapter.
Chapter 11 discusses notions related to the title assurance, starting with the basic information pertaining to the recording system. The chapters introduces the basic, common law rule, which is that a grantee who was prior in time prevailed over one subsequent in time. The chapter continues by defining the several types of recording acts ("race" statutes, "notice" statutes, "race-notice" statues) and to the process of recordation, as well, as the effects of recordation and the requirements for this process.

The second part of this chapter refers to title registration. This is a process that is separate from the recording system and is currently used only in a couple of states. This type of approach does bring several potential issues, mainly claims of defects in conclusiveness. This is argued both with the defect in…...

Property of Freedom in Property
Pages: 3 Words: 895

Interestingly, the connection between private property ownership and political freedom developed in a roundabout way. As property owners grew richer from their commercial endeavors, the state sought to reap benefits via property taxation and this in turn helped to empower the people and Parliament. Pipes draws further connections between the evolution of the commonwealth, the British Empire, and burgeoning rights and freedoms for property owners.
Chapter 4 addresses the history and evolution of property ownership in ussia. ussia's history is far different from that of England, especially with regards to property and its connection with individual rights and freedoms (or lack thereof, in the case of ussia). Pipes explains thoroughly the origin and impact of the patrimonial system in ussia, which established monarchs firmly as the property owners and precluded genuine private property ownership. Patrimony, ussian style, is clearly and simply defined as "the fusion of sovereignty and ownership," (p.…...



Pipes, Richard. Property and Freedom. Vintage, 2000.

Property the Difficulty of Reforming
Pages: 2 Words: 880

Although Daggett's proposal is harsh, the next governor should consider instating this measure, or a similar type of proposal.
The reason for high property taxes in New Jersey is multifaceted. In theory, property taxes are supposed to be equal in the aggregate: "Equalization as between individual properties within a municipality is an ongoing function. It is an important concern since its aim is to stimulate a continuous striving to ensure each individual parcel of property bears its just share of the property tax burden," but the rise of high-cost properties in districts with a substantial middle class population have made this goal of proportionality elusive (Short and simple, 2009, NJSLOM). In recent years, the poor and middle class have assumed a disproportionately large burden of supporting local budgets relative to the value of their property in the state.

hile a more equitable balancing of the tax burden by creating more affordable…...


Works Cited

Lu, Adrienne. (2009). Daggett says he'd cut N.J. property tax burden. Inquirer Trenton Bureau.

Retrieved October 4, 2009 at 

NY, NJ highest payers of property tax: Report ranks 775 counties by taxes paid; why are taxes increasing and what can you do about it? (2006, October 4). CNN Money.

Retrieved October 4, 2009 at

Laws Governing Business Entities Laws Governing Business
Pages: 4 Words: 1940

Laws Governing Business Entities
Laws Governing Business Organizations

Every business organization in a developed market is governed by laws, which are rather closely monitored to ensure the good fairing of the organization in the business market. Such laws provide for the standard form of the generally established legal entities in the worldwide economy. Such defined entities include, partnerships (general and limited), Limited Liability Company, cooperatives among others. This document outlines such laws and consequently defines their importance in performance of any organization or company established in a stable and developed business economy.

Organization By-laws

laws of most companies and organizations are articulated as below. This list provided below generalizes what is common and basic to most of the organizations or rather legal entities.

Every business organization should specify its official name to ensure proper identification with the concerned legal authorities. Each company has its own specific name, which is considered an intellectual property for every…...



Anders J. Persson. The Contract of Employment: Ethical Dimensions. Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 66, No. 4 (July, 2006), pp 407 -- 415.

Charles R. Geer. Counter cynical Hiring as a Staffing Strategy for Managerial and Professional Personnel: Some Considerations and Issues. The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 9, No. 2, (Apr., 1984), pp. 324 -- 330.

David E. Bowen, Gerald E. Ledford, Barry R. Nathan. Hiring for the organization not the job; The Executive, Vol. 5, No. 4 (November 1991), pp 35 -- 51.

Douglas Smith, Smith (1999). Company Law. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.

Law and the Legal Systems
Pages: 3 Words: 804

11. The issued rose in this case is unauthorized use of a company vehicle, which resulted in an accident. Prater was told to bring the truck home over the weekend to work on the body only. His boss never gave him permission to use the truck for any other purpose. Besides, the insurance on the truck would probably only pay for the accident if it occurred on company time. Prater could be charged for stealing the truck and unauthorized use. The ruling in this case should be for the plaintiff. Prater should have to pay for the accident and repairs to the truck.

Week 8

5. In this case, the city is still the rightful owner of the piece of restored artwork. It does not matter how long Hoeltzer had the artwork, it is still the property of the city. Therefore, the city has legal title to the artwork unless they actually…...

Laws and Corrections the Proposed
Pages: 6 Words: 1929

One of the additional oversights in the Proposed Consent Decree is that it does not address the sensitive matter of cell searches of two-person cells that are focused on one inmate. The cell search conducted by Officer Anderson and Sgt. Belker was conducted in an attempt to locate contraband cigarettes that had been sold by Joe Johnson; however, they were still able to search all of Jack Jones' materials. The Proposed Consent Decree is under-inclusive in that it does not make any mention of protecting the inmate who is not the target of the cell search. As it stands, it is still possible for the cell search to be conducted under the premise of implicating one of the inmates while instead focusing on a separate inmate.

Ultimately, the Proposed Consent Decree fails to squarely address the situation, since it fails to protect the sheet of paper from being confiscated from Jack…...

Law Enforcement Is a Different
Pages: 7 Words: 2482

While it is a felony to flee the scene of an accident, a police office is ethically bound to report the issue if he himself is in such an accident. The same is with drunken and disorderly behavior or destruction of property. In "Choirboys" the police officers would congregate in a park after hours to engage in drunkenness, disorderly behavior and sexual orgies with women. And this park was supposed to be out of bounds and closed to the public after hours.

The introduction in this essay already alluded to the "blue wall of silence" that accompanies every police organization. This is an exclusive fraternity and officers are required to look after and out for each other. In fact, beat cops see themselves as removed from the detective squad, whom they refer to as suits. Certainly, most police hate the Internal affairs squad, though they were once beat cops and/or…...



BusinessWeek. (2004). Who will Fastow Implicate.

Retrieved April 22, 2008, at 

Gilmartin, K.M., & Harris, J.J. (1998). Law Enforement Ethics: The Continuum of Compromise. Police Chief Magazine

Retrieved April 22, 2008, at

Law and Society
Pages: 3 Words: 1060

Law and Society
Bowers v. Hardwick (1986) is a significant and highly controversial legal decision regarding Sodomy laws in which the U.S. Supreme Court by a 5-4 majority decision held that nothing in the Constitution "would extend a fundamental right to homosexuals to engage in acts of consensual sodomy." The decision meant that engaging in homosexual acts between consenting adults, even in the privacy of their homes, could be considered a criminal offence and the exercise of such law by certain states did not constitute a violation of one's fundamental rights or liberty under the Due Process Clause. The decision was incongruent with a number of court decisions on related matters and was widely considered to be a "mistake" by a number of jurists until it was finally struck down by the Supreme Court, 16 years later in Lawrence v Texas (2003). In this paper I shall discuss in the ways…...


Works Cited

BOWERS v. HARDWICK, 478 U.S. 186 (1986). U.S. Supreme Court." Argued March 31, 1986. Decided June 30, 1986. FindLaw Website. April 4, 2004. 

GRISWOLD v. CONNECTICUT, 381 U.S. 479 (1965): U.S. Supreme Court." Argued March 29-30, 1965. Decided June 7, 1965 FindLaw Website. April 4, 2004. 

The right to be left alone

Law Enforcement Communications Interoperability of Emergency Service
Pages: 2 Words: 621

Law Enforcement Communications
Interoperability of Emergency Service Communications

The number and scope of each individual emergency and public safety agency has resulted in an ad hoc patchwork of communication equipment. Routine daily needs within one agency for clear and concise communication fall short of readiness for large-scale emergencies involving either multiple services or jurisdictions. The current budgeting autonomy of each public service department has resulted in a many agencies with antiquated equipment, while others posses more modern tools, that may sufficiently serve current needs, yet is clearly inadequate for more common emergencies like large fires or traffic pile ups. However, interoperability, the capability to communicate across different gear, radio frequencies, and standardization, both limits and delays the response time, as well as effectiveness, of each individual. hen emergencies entail injuries and danger, timely command and communication of resources may be the difference between life and death.

The video, "hy Can't e Talk, hen…...


Works Cited

U.S. Dept. Of Justice. (n.d.). Why Can't We Talk? When Lives Are At Stake. Retrieved 26 Oct., 2012, from Google Videos Web site:

Law Enforcement - Dubious Value
Pages: 11 Words: 3012

Moreover, the risks posed by felons with known propensities (or stated intentions) to respond violently to law enforcement apprehension efforts are usually subject to judicially approved no-knock arrest warrants; therefore, they can be excepted from this particular element of analysis.
However, a subject who is forewarned of officers' intention to breach his home's entrance by the amount of time required by knock and announce standards presents the worst case scenario for all involved: he may be insufficiently startled to preclude any response on his part in the manner of a subject who is completely surprised (or fast asleep) at the moment of entry; but he may have just enough time to reach reflexively for stowed or secreted weapon while at the same time being deprived of sufficient reaction time and/or cognitive awareness to perceive the inadvisability of doing so under the circumstances, with deadly results. Stated very simply, a startled…...

Law of Demand States That
Pages: 1 Words: 460

With certain luxury goods, the reverse of the law of demand holds true: the higher the price, the greater the perception of quality. A pair of Seven jeans or a pair of Sears jeans can be equally functional as clothing: but the greater social status given to the brand-name, designer jeans results in a higher price and greater demand for Seven jeans (Elasticity, 2009, Spark Notes, p.1). High prices can have a 'signaling' effect, justified or not, that the item is especially socially desirable or of higher quality (Thomas et al. 2004). High prices can also act as a form of screening of a 'certain type of customer:' the high rents in the Hamptons ensure that only very wealthy people can afford to rent or buy property in the area, making property in the region desirable because of its high price, although many other nice, seaside towns may be equally…...



Elasticity. (2009). Spark Notes. Retrieved January 14, 2009 at 

Thomas, Manoj, Vicki G. Morwitz & Leonard M. Lodish. (2004, January 24). When do higher prices increase demand? The dual role of price in consumers' value judgments. Wharton.

University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved January 14, 2009 at

do quot pattern quot and quot substantially similar quot intersect?
Words: 178

Yes, "substantially similar" is a common qualifier used in legal language to describe something that closely resembles another element or pattern. Therefore, the terms "pattern" and "substantially similar" can intersect in the context of determining infringement or similarity in intellectual property law.
In intellectual property law, courts often consider whether a pattern or design of a product is "substantially similar" to another in order to determine if there has been infringement. This analysis typically involves looking at the overall impression created by the two patterns and assessing whether they share enough similarities to constitute infringement. Factors such as the level of....

How have the ruthless overlords of Silicon Valley impacted globalization and what are the consequences of their actions?
Words: 607

The Ascendance of Silicon Valley's Titans and Their Impact on Globalization

Over the past few decades, Silicon Valley has emerged as a global epicenter of technological innovation, spawning tech behemoths like Google, Apple, Meta (formerly Facebook), Amazon, and Microsoft. These Silicon Valley giants have wielded their immense power to shape the course of globalization, transforming industries, societies, and the lives of billions worldwide.

Economic Impact:

Job Creation: The tech industry has created millions of high-paying jobs in Silicon Valley and beyond, fueling economic growth and prosperity in various regions.
Innovation and Productivity: Silicon Valley companies have pioneered disruptive technologies that have revolutionized....

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