Program Evaluation Essays (Examples)

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Program Evaluation the Importance of
Pages: 2 Words: 585

This would also allow students to state their goals, and then compare their goals against their final achievements. Also, as part of the program, students are assessed for placement purposes in their English proficiency. After completing their courses annually, students should have to be assessed once again, to see if their English had showed improvement, based upon their first set of scores. This would reduce the impact of bias of professor's grading, and place the emphasis on improvement, rather than overall proficiency, which is a better measure of the program's success.
These quantitative measures would not be enough to fully assess the program. Throughout the program's duration observers trained in ESL education should sit in on various classes, to assess the efficacy and suitability of supplementary educational efforts, as well as the performance of various types of ESL students in mainstream classes. ESL students should be classified into various sub-groupings,…...

Program Evaluation Integrate Data Collection Methods Into
Pages: 10 Words: 3086

Program Evaluation
Integrate data collection methods into the program evaluation plan.

The data collection method is seeking to integrate qualitative and quantitative research together. It is developing a program that is effective in helping to support smoking cessation efforts. Qualitative research is used to provide background on the study and proven smoking cessation initiatives. For instance, this portion of the research revealed that any effective program will integrate therapy, support groups and medication with each other. The basic idea is to address the chemical and psychological states a person will feel when they are quitting. However, changes in technology are leading to more people using online support. This gives them the flexibility to attend meetings and discuss their problems with counselors 24 hours a day. These shifts are indicating how there are variety of options and tools for having a successful smoking cessation efforts. (Yin, 2009)

The quantitative approach is taking a different…...



What is Program Evaluation? (2014). University of Washington. Retrieved from: 

Best Practices. (2014). NIH. Retrieved from: 

Bradley, J. (1986). Current Empirical Research. Review of Educational Research, 56 (3), 331- 364.

Kirk, R. (1996). Practical Significance. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 56 (5), 746 -- 759.

Program Evaluation the Difference Between Action Research
Pages: 2 Words: 540

Program Evaluation
The difference between action research and program evaluation might seem rather negligible on the surface, but a basic understanding of how action research differs from more traditional research methods also leads to great clarity in understanding the differences in evaluative methods. Action research is essentially a method of formative evaluation, where the evaluation is an ongoing process embedded in the experimental phases of the research; program evaluation is more summative, and (generally speaking) takes place after the experimental/observational phase of the research has been concluded (NAU 2011). While there are certain benefits and limitations to both types of evaluation, the research that will be engaged in (a mixed-methods investigation) will definitely be best served through a more traditional program evaluation methodology, properly guided by specifically selected problems.

As Dr. Laura Knight-Lynn makes quite clear in the video presentation of her roundtable discussion, understanding the limitations of a given study is…...



NAU. (2011). Formative v Summative Evaluation. Accessed 24 August 2011. .


Spaulding, D. (2008). Program Evaluation in Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Program Evaluation of a University Theater Program
Pages: 7 Words: 2180

Program Evaluation of a University Theater Program
The purpose of the graduate level theater program at Metropolitan University in Manhattan, New York, is to prepare students to make meaningful contributions to the theater industry. This program incorporates a multi-faceted approach to achieve this objective. It has very specific areas of concentration to assist in improving the quality of performances and shows to galvanize the general public to become interested in the theater as it once was prior to the advent of television and other technological advancements. Its areas of concentration in playwriting, dramaturgy, directing and acting all are designed to fulfill this objective. The program also aims to improve marketing strategies and general sponsorship opportunities/skills so that the theatrical movement becomes revitalized -- areas of concentration in production and theater management are created to address these pressing needs. The program is also attempting to garner student interest in University wide performances,…...



Columbia University. (No date). Theater MFA Program.   Retrieved from 

Program Evaluation Discussion Evaluation Is
Pages: 2 Words: 584

This data would entail two components, a survey completed by the nurses during the course, which asks for input as to whether anything in the curriculum seems outdated. The second component would be an annual audit and fact-check. Finally, the third component would be verifying how the curriculum falls in line with the hospital's master plan. Should the hospital change its overall strategies, those changes should be reflected in the curriculum. Otherwise the curriculum becomes outdated and collects dust on a shelf.
Given that the curriculum is hospital and technology based, the primary accreditation source would be the technology companies. Accreditation verification would also be sought by the National League for Nursing to ensure that the curriculum is inline with other current curriculum.

Consistent monitoring of the curriculum is essential to ensure optimal nurse achievement and patient satisfaction (Fuchs, 1984). Keeping this in mind, the first way that the data collection…...


Works Cited

Davis M & Harden R (2003). Planning and implementing an undergraduate medical curriculum: the lessons learned. Medical Teacher, 25(6), 596-608.

Fuchs L, Deno S, Mirkin P (1984). The Effects of Frequent Curriculum-Based Measurement and Evaluation on Pedagogy, Student Achievement, and Student Awareness of Learning. American Education Research Journal, 21(2), 449-60.

Keating, Sarah (2011). Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Nursing. Danvers, MA, Springer Publishing Company.

Program Evaluation of the Boeing
Pages: 15 Words: 4276

Boeing employs conventional methodology, which involves using multiple layers strategic partners for the Dreamliner project, and this has caused a fundamental delay in the project. To enhance reliability and validity of data analysis, data collected through literature survey are categorized into panel a, panel B, panel C, and panel D. The data collected from these panels are checked whether they are going to deliver the same results, and further analysis reveals that the data provide the similar opinion about the causes of delay of the Dreamliner project. Analysis of the data collected is summarized as follows:
Project Methodology implemented for Dreamliner project

Unlike the traditional supply chain methodology adopted by Boeing Company for the past projects, Boeing employs different project methodology entirely for the Dreamliner. Boeing employs unconventional supply chain methodology for the Dreamliner project, and the issue has caused significant delay in the production and deliveries of Boeing 787. Boeing…...



Oehmen, J. Ben-Day, M. & Khan, O.(2010).Integrating Supply Chain Risks in Product Development -- a Conceptual Framework. Presentation at the ISCRIM 2010, Loughborough. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Leeham Co. (2005). 787 is not meeting 24-hour engine change promo, lessor says. Leeham Co. LLC. Retrieved 2 February

2012 from .

Rogers, B.W. (2009). changes Understanding Modeling and improving the Development of complex products: Method and Study. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Program Evaluation in Criminal Justice
Pages: 2 Words: 545

Program Evaluation in Criminal Justice
In looking back at the concepts and ideas learned in this course, there is one in particular that stands out in my mind above all the rest, and that is ethics in research. In viewing the concept of ethics in criminal justice research, it becomes clear that it is with these ethical standards, that all parties in a criminal investigation or proceeding are dealt with in a manner that is both respectful and accurate. Ethics provide the foundation for work and research to be completed in a manner that respects the participants along with the information that is collected from them, ensuring that a case is handled in a manner that is based in honesty and moral practice.

The definition of ethics seems simple enough, but in terms of research it becomes much broader. Attorney and author David B. esnick defines ethics in its most simple terms…...



Donnelly, J. And Trochim, W. (2006). The research methods knowledge base, 3e.

Mason, Ohio: Atomic Dog Publishing. Retrieved from:

Resnick, D. (2009). Responsible conduct of research, 2e. New York, New York: Oxford

Program Evaluation in Criminal Justice

Program Evaluation Parts I And
Pages: 22 Words: 6669

In order to accomplish this task, the net cost per student will be calculated and compared to the desired outcomes of the program. In order to be beneficial and worthwhile, the benefits of the program must not dramatically outweigh the costs of the program. Cost:benefit analysis will help to determine if the program is beneficial enough to continue.

The cost: benefit analysis will help to determine if the expenditures for the program will result in a satisfactory return for investors. Once the program has been determined to be a worthwhile pursuit, an evaluation of the resources that are currently available to achieve that goal will be conducted. Next, an evaluation of the resources that are estimated to be needed in the future will be conducted. The resources that are currently available will be compared to the resources that are anticipated to be needed in the future will be undertaken to…...

Program Evaluation 1' Operation and
Pages: 14 Words: 4110

However, each chapter does include a paragraph explaining the intended purpose and outcome of the study. This study was not a traditional academic study and did not follow a standard academic format. It followed specific departmental government guidelines and stated the purpose, as directed by the General Assembly. The key research objectives focused on discovering the strengths and weaknesses of ever program or process that was examined in the study.
The evaluation utilized a combination of qualitative and quantitative research strategies. It employed the use of observational site visits to all of the local service offices in the state. It also employed interview techniques with various staff members from several offices. These qualitative techniques allowed the evaluators to place the empirical data into proper perspective.

In addition to the qualitative techniques used, the evaluators also used quantitative methods derived from a review of departmental records. Statistical methods helped the evaluators to…...



Freeman, H., Lipsey, M., & Rossi, P. (2004). Evaluation: A Systematic Approach. Chapter 2. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (7th edition)

Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission of the Virginia General Assembly. (2008a). About JLACRC. Retrieved September 5, 2008 at

Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission of the Virginia General Assembly. (2008b). Reports by Topic. Retrieved September 5, 2008 at

Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission of the Virginia General Assembly (JLARC) (2005). Operation and Performance of Virginia's Social Service System. Commonwealth of Virginia. Retrieved September 5, 2008 at

Program Evaluation -- Things Happen
Pages: 5 Words: 1494

The evaluator was not intrusive and did not intent to pry on the certain aspects that the respondents preferred to leave unanswered. Despite the respect of this principle however, the overall evaluation program was harmed as some support staff took advantage of it and left out some vital pieces of information. The most relevant example in this sense was the incident during which a nurse was held at gunpoint and robbed during a house call to an elderly citizen in a low income area of the city. The evaluator was informed of the incident, but was also assured that it was resolved and that it would not generate any outcomes for the support program or the evaluation process. The evaluator took this information on faith and out of respect for the staff, he believed it and went on with his activities. However, as it later on turned out, the…...

Program Evaluation Can Be Defined
Pages: 2 Words: 685

The first step is observing the reaction of those involved in the course, i.e. The students, a positive reaction may signify success while negative reactions may mean that the course will be less effective at the end. The next step is determining how much knowledge has been gathered by the students. The reaction exhibited from the students may not indicate how much they will learn thus it is important to determine this. What has been learnt will as well play a major part on the subsequent steps. The knowledge and skills acquired by the students can be observed through the change of attitudes after the teaching of the course. This leads to the next step which is determining behavior change which comes about due to the learning of the course. The last step is observing the results, which is measured by the benefits derived by the students from learning…...



Kirkpatrick, D.L. (1959) Evaluating Training Programs, 2nd ed., Berrett Koehler: San Francisco.

McNamara, C. (n.d.) Basic guide to program evaluation. Retrieved on June 3, 2010 from

Program Evaluation From an External
Pages: 2 Words: 574

From an internal perspective, the head of the Public Administration Department should be in charge of constructing and enforcing compliance protocols. The first step is to communicate with the external evaluator in order to construct an assessment of needs and requirements.

After the initial communication, the head of department can meet with top management to ensure that the protocol is acceptable in terms of the overall university standard. One this has been done, it should be communicated to the other personnel within the department, and finally to students.

As mentioned above, one example of the compliance protocol is academic honesty. All lecturers within the department should understand what plagiarism is, for example, as well as how to detect it and what disciplinary measures should be upheld when it is detected. Students should also be made aware very specifically of these protocols.

The head of department should furthermore ensure that all academic personnel are…...

Program Evaluation Design
Pages: 10 Words: 3686

Program Evaluation Design constructive, practical, principled and correct process in an organized manner is necessary towards ameliorating and contributing for an efficient program assessment. It has been planned to structure and systematize vital components of program assessment being a realistic and non-rigid instrument. For efficient program assessment, the outline encompasses actions and principles in program assessment. Abiding by the actions and principles of this structure will let an appreciation of every program's perspective and will perk up how program assessments are perceived and accomplished.
Assessments could be tagged to schedule program function while the importance is on useful, continuous assessment that comprises every program shareholders, not merely evaluation specialists. For continuous program appraisal, easy assessment approach might be sufficient. ut, utilizing assessments methodologies, which are unambiguous, recognized and reasonable turns out to be vital when the risk of inherent decisions or program modifications is enhanced. Comprehending the judgment, analysis, and principles…...



Berk, RA; Rossi, PH. Thinking about Program Evaluation. Newbury Park,

CA: Sage Publications, 1990.

Bickman, L. Using Program Theory in Evaluation: New Directions for Program Evaluation. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1987.

Brown, Lloyd. A Framework for the Evaluation of Adult Literacy Programs.

Program Evaluation of a Proposed
Pages: 11 Words: 2946

S. Bureau of the Census regarding the population count during the year 2000, indicated that approximately 18 million Americans continue to live in poverty. The rise in the number of homeless school-aged children during the past decade has become an issue of particular concern for many school administrators, teachers, and counselors who are confronted with the difficult challenge of trying to help these students realize their academic potential while they routinely come to school hungry and tired as a result of sleeping in their parents' car or in an overcrowded homeless shelter. In short, poverty not only makes individuals more vulnerable to a host of economic, educational, physical, psychological, and social problems, it also fosters insidious forms of violence that affect cognitive and emotional factors that undermine a person's sense of dignity and sense of self-worth
The violence of silence.

Not calling attention to the prevalent role of violence throughout our society…...



Center for Civic Education. (2002). Social Education, 66(5), 1.

D'Andrea, M. (2004). Comprehensive school-based violence prevention training: A developmental-ecological training model. Journal of Counseling and Development, 82(3), 277.

Forcey, L.R., & Harris, I.M. (1999). Peacebuilding for adolescents: Strategies for educators and community leaders. New York: Peter Lang.

Furlong, M., & Morrison, G. (2000). The school in school violence: Definitions and facts. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 8(2), 71.

Program Evaluation Strengths and Limitations
Pages: 2 Words: 656

Logic Model
I would use a logic model. Logic models work with graphics and schematic models leading one to articulate clearly what one wants to achieve, what one's objectives are, and how to achieve them. Logic models also have diagrams that help one assess if th outcomes have been achieved and what results are, and what one still has to do to achieve one's objectives.

There are many types of logic models. I choose logic models in preference to other models for they help me see clearly what I am doing as well as providing me with an efficient and clear method of staying on track and helping me achieve my goals.

The logic model is implemented by the person first clearly knowing what his/her objectives are and the linkages to achieving those objectives. The logic model in short comprises goal, objectives, resources, activities, process measures, outcomes, outcome measures, and external factors.

A diagram…...

How does existing literature inform federal program evaluations for government efficiency and effectiveness?
Words: 876

Existing literature plays a crucial role in informing federal program evaluations for government efficiency and effectiveness. Evaluation studies provide valuable insights into the performance of government programs and help policymakers make evidence-based decisions to improve their effectiveness. In this literature review, we will explore the different ways in which existing literature informs federal program evaluations and contributes to enhancing government efficiency.

One way in which existing literature informs federal program evaluations is through the use of evaluation methodologies. Various evaluation methodologies, such as cost-benefit analysis, performance measurement, and randomized control trials, are employed in the literature to assess the efficiency....

How does existing literature inform federal program evaluations for government efficiency and effectiveness?
Words: 688

Federal Government Program Evaluation: Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness


The evaluation of federal government programs plays a crucial role in ensuring their efficiency and effectiveness, maximizing taxpayer dollars, and ensuring that programs align with the government's priorities. This literature review examines how existing literature informs federal program evaluations, exploring methodologies, challenges, and emerging practices that contribute to improved program outcomes.

Methods of Program Evaluation

Literature suggests that program evaluations employ various methods to assess efficiency and effectiveness. Quantitative methods, such as randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and regression analysis, provide empirical evidence of program impact by comparing outcomes between treatment and control groups (Blayney, 2017).....

How does program evaluation enhance government accountability in your thesis research?
Words: 554

1. Program evaluation enhances government accountability by providing concrete data on the effectiveness of government programs, allowing policymakers to make informed decisions based on evidence rather than assumptions.

2. Through program evaluation, government officials can identify areas of improvement within existing programs, leading to more efficient use of taxpayer dollars and better outcomes for citizens.

3. By evaluating the impact of government programs, accountability mechanisms can be put in place to ensure that funds are allocated appropriately and that programs are achieving their intended goals.

4. Program evaluation can help hold government officials accountable to the public....

How does program evaluation enhance government accountability in your thesis research?
Words: 319

1. Program evaluation serves as a crucial instrument in enhancing government accountability by providing an impartial assessment of the efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of government programs and policies.

2. Through rigorous evaluations, program evaluation contributes to restoring public trust in government by demonstrating transparency and ensuring that public funds are utilized effectively to address societal concerns.

3. Program evaluation empowers policymakers and government officials with evidence-based insights, enabling them to make informed decisions, improve program design, and allocate resources efficiently.

4. By holding government accountable for program outcomes, program evaluation promotes ethical conduct, discourages waste and misuse of public funds,....

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