Professor Essays (Examples)

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Professor Brown's Criticisms the Intent
Pages: 3 Words: 876

Defending the Criticism of Professor Brown

With the exceptional growth of Web 2.0 technologies (O'eilly, 2005) and the ubiquity of access to the Internet which is fostering social networking applications' growth (Bernoff, Li, 2008), companies are no longer necessarily in control of their brands, their customers are. The need for being able to create collaborative relationships with customers is critical for the growth of companies long-term. The complexity and depth of these relationships surpasses and in many cases make obsolete the concepts of Kotler (1986). The stage-based approach to quantifying market conditions fro a macroeconomic standpoint and then creating customer profile analysis neglects the rapidly changing voice of the customer (Brandt, 2008) and also neglects the groundswell effect of market conditions over time, enabled by social networking applications (Bernoff, Li, 2008).

Longitudinal analyses of innovation also shows that it is not in the investing in massive &D that ensures a high degree…...



Bernoff, J., and C. Li. 2008. Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review 49, no. 3, (April 1): 36-42.

Brandt, D.. 2008. Getting more from the voice of the customer. Marketing Management 17, no. 6, (November 1): 36.

W Chan Kim, and Renee Mauborgne. 2004. Blue Ocean Strategy. Harvard Business Review, October 1, 76-84.

Kotler, Philip. 1986. Megamarketing. Harvard Business Review, March 1, 117.

Professors' Perceptions of Organizational Effectiveness
Pages: 3 Words: 809

" (Smart & Hamm, p. 489) This will be a matter of considerable importance as we proceed with the present research.
Purpose Statement:

Based on the various cogent arguments posed in favor of tenure, this research proceeds with the expectation that professorial perspectives will draw a direct correlation between the protection of this institution and the continuity of organizational effectiveness. According to Fishman (2000), "tenure protects the faculty member in three direct ways: 1) it safeguards academic freedom. . .; 2) it ensures fair procedures when one is threatened with dismissal; and 3) building upon the second, it provides security of employment." (Fishman, p. 4)

These arguments are sufficiently compelling to giving foundation to the purpose of the research endeavor. This is to provide an objective, professor-driven discussion on tenure with an expectation that this will produce an endorsement of the institution. The arguments provided by Fishman serves to reinforce the connection drawn…...


Works Cited:

Fishman (2000) Tenure and its discontents. Pace Law Review, 21(1).

McPherson (1999) Tenure issues in higher education. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 13(1), 85-98.

Premeaux (1997) Tenured: Tenure vs. non-tenured faculty perspectives. Journal of Education for Business, 72(6), 349-353.

Smart (1993) Organizational Effectiveness and Mission Orientation of Two-Year Colleges. Research in Higher Education, 34(4).

Professor D' Auria Good Will
Pages: 3 Words: 870

For that reason, the infancy: trust vs. mistrust (birth to eighteen months), will not be applied. There is not enough information provided during that time period to be able to critically analyze Will's development. Industry vs. Inferiority (ages 6-11), Identity vs. Role Confusion (ages 12-18), and Intimacy vs. Isolation (ages 19-40), however, is applicable. The fourth stage, school age: industry vs. inferiority (six to eleven years) is the age in which the child begins school and while their social world expands (Salkind, N.J., 2005). During this stage, children are able to interact with people outside of their nuclear family and begin to show skills that include playing, cognition, working in groups, and emotional expression (Berzoff, J., 2011). Will appears to be very confident in himself and does not appear to have a problem speaking in front of groups, regarding philosophy, but is still unable to reach full potential. This…...

Professor Adams Assertions Certainly Deserve Further Consideration
Pages: 2 Words: 680

Professor Adams assertions certainly deserve further consideration and restitution if found to be true. Her contention that she was paid less than other associate professors specifically should be examined and determined whether or not she was indeed receiving pay which was less than males who were also on their three-year probationary period (Pregnant). If her claims of less pay are based upon comparisons with professors who have already passed their probationary period, then it is not a valid comparison and adds to the case against her. However, in the rest of the claims she makes it does not appear that she has a valid argument for a discrimination suit. Part of the agreement she made was to publish multiple articles and to participate in committees. Professor Adams was only able to publish twice which was less than her colleagues. In addition, the department states that she did not fulfill…...


Works Cited

Boys behaving badly.

Paludi, M. (1991). Academic and Workplace Sexual Harassment. Suny. 2-5.

The pregnant professor.

Professor of Sociology the Director
Pages: 2 Words: 509

She listens well to others, and is quick to adapt to any social or academic situation with a high level of maturity. These people skills are what make Josephine such a team player.
Josephine is also extremely culturally sensitive. Due to her multicultural background skills, Josephine is able to combine sensitivity and respect when dealing with many difficult multicultural issues. She often offers alternative perspectives and solutions in a multicultural context. This, along with her care and compassion, makes other students feel worthwhile and respected, regardless of the issue at hand.

Academically, Josephine is outstanding. She is highly intelligent, particularly in the area of research. Her sophisticated researching style and analytical skills have combined to produce some of the best research papers I have seen in my entire teaching career. She is capable of conducting the most complicated research in a way that yields precise, well-studied results.

Josephine is also highly observant.…...

Professor Alston on the 'Core
Pages: 6 Words: 1905

Meanwhile the country in alleged violation may continue their activity until a final decision is made. It may require the cooperation of several countries willing to step in and force change (asu 2001). The ILO regime is a concerted effort to enforce through moral rights of humanity with input from the core principles but no limitation to only those principles (Langille 2005).
Lastly Alston is concerned that the Declaration's goal is to give major corporations, and global financial institutions monopolistic authority or some power over asserting the core principles while leaving the remaining principles of concern to less powerful conventions having little voice or impact (Langille 2005).

Alston's thesis is based solely on a brand of international law that is not realistic but formalistic (Langille 2005). It is blindly aligned with the ILO regime which has not dealt with the hard issues. Those being bringing the legal, politics, economic and social…...



Alben, Elissa, "GATT and the Fair Wage a Historical Perspective on the LaborTrade

Link," Columbia Law Review Vol. 101 (2001) p. 1410, 1447.

Anderson, Gordon, "Labour Law in a Globalising World," Modern Law Review v. 66 no. 4

(2003) p. 640-649.

Professor Mead Whatever Makes Up Consciousness Has
Pages: 4 Words: 1310

Professor Mead, whatever makes up consciousness has social origin. Inner consciousness has been organized socially through importation of the outer world. Other people's consciousness proceeds self-consciousness. The 'I' is not possible to immediately appear within consciousness and there is no way it can be conscious of itself. Appearing self as 'I', forms the memory image of the self that acts towards himself and is the similar self that acts towards the rest of selves.
hatever stuff that ends up forming 'me' is the induced experience by such action of the 'I'. The consciousness of 'me' is of the similar character like the one which comes up from the other's action upon him, G.H. Mead, (1912). Meaning that as the individual come to find himself act with reference to himself when acting towards others, he becomes a subject to himself instead of object, and just when he is affected by social…...


Work Cited

Branden, N. (1969). The psychology of self-esteem. New York: Bantam.

G.H. Mead, (1912) "The Mechanism of Social Consciousness," Journal of Philosophy, IX, 401.

G.H. Mead,(1913) "The Social Self," Journal of Philosophy, X, 374-75.

Schwarzer, R. (Ed.). (1992). Self-efficacy: Thought control of action. Washington, DC: Hemisphere.

Professor H E Luccock Once Wrote No One
Pages: 2 Words: 620

professor H.E. Luccock once wrote, "No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it" (1947). Similarly the Laboratory esponse Network (LN) is a collaborative effort that is more than the sum of its parts. It was established by the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1999 with the objective of ensuring an effective laboratory response to bioterrorism. This goal would be achieved through education and by helping to improve the nation's public health laboratory infrastructure, which had limited ability to respond to bioterrorism. This original mission has transformed into the job of maintaining an integrated network of state and local public health, federal, military and international laboratories with the purpose of responding effectively to any biological/chemical terrorist threat, as well as to other public health emergencies such as widespread disease outbreaks. The LN is a valuable…...



CDC Strategic Planning Group. 2000. Biological and Chemical Terrorism: Strategic Plan for Preparedness and Response. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Mordbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 49(RR-4).

Gottron, F. And Shea, D. 2009. Oversight of High-Containment Biological Laboratories: Issues for Congress. Congressional Research Service. 7-5700.

Luccock, H.E. 1947. The Questing Spirit: Religion in the Literature of Our Time. Kessinger Publishing: New York, NY.

Professor Andrei Toom Was Living
Pages: 3 Words: 890

They became angry when Professor Toom's tests included mathematical equations that were not exactly as those they had done in class. They all wanted good grades. That was the number-one priority. They would rather get all a's and learn nothing than get B's and C's and actually learn something new.
This has completely confused him. He thought that American would be different. He realized, however, that none of the students wanted to think. Sadly, he also realized that Russia may have not won the space race, but either did the United States. Education in both of these countries was the same -- students were only concerned about the outcome.

He said to his students: "Suppose you fly in a plane. What is more important for you: the pilot's real competence or his papers that certify he is competent? Or suppose you get sick and need medical treatment. What is more important…...

Denise Jackson v Professor Ronnie Smith Complaint
Pages: 2 Words: 602

Denise Jackson v. Professor Ronnie Smith

Denise Jackson, a student at our school, recently filed a complaint with this committee regarding her experience in a course taken with Professor Ronnie Smith in the English Department. According to Ms. Jackson, she appeared on the day of the final examination prepared to take the test. However, when Ms. Jackson at the appropriate testing site at the time the exam was supposed to be administered, there was no one in the classroom.

Ms. Jackson then explained that she learned from another student from this class that the issue had been put to a vote in class, and that the class had approved the change in time. She also learned from this student that Professor Smith had printed out a notice that informed students of the time change. This notice had been distributed to class members two weeks prior to the exam, according to the student.…...

Universities Professors Retire Invited Give a Last
Pages: 3 Words: 928

universities, professors retire invited give a Last Lecture. Dr. andy Pausch tradition. What made story, dying pancreatic cancer, knew . His lecture featured Good Morning America television show, millions readers bought copies book form.
A Positive Man: andy Pausch and the Last Lecture

andy Pausch's "Last Lecture" is a great example of the power of communication. It is simply a college professor's speech -- albeit one with great gravitas, as the deliverer is suffering from a terminal illness -- but it has made a worldwide impact due to the frank, humorous, and inspirational story it tells. Pausch's wisdom reverberates in the mind of the viewer long after watching. In delivering this last lecture, he manages to educate his audience about a myriad of topics, not the least of which is the human condition.

One of the most revelatory ideas in Pausch's speech is the notion of the "head fake;" Pausch alternately defines…...



Pausch, R. (2007). The last lecture: Really achieving your childhood dreams. Lecture. Retrieved on 11 Apr 2011 from Randy Pausch's website, at   / Randy/pauschlastlecturetranscript.pdf 

Peterson, C. (2008). The last lecture: A positive case study. Retrieved on 11 Apr 2011 from the Psychology Today website, at

College Professors Leadership Theory Handbook
Pages: 21 Words: 6268

Leadership Theory Handbook for College ProfessorsINTODUCTIONThis is a guidebook on the leadership of learning and teaching for college lecturers. Specialist skills are required in the area to embrace the emerging teaching and learning methodologies. Some of these emerging trends include Being familiar with effective methods of teaching, assessment, and application of relevant technologies for effective delivery of the curriculum Management and leadership competenceThis handbook is written to meet the broadly accepted need for supporting the development of professional competencies and tools for leaders at the individual level. The initial part explores the primary leadership aspects and functions that target what leaders who succeed do to encourage excellence in teaching and learning. The second part, a brief account of the background, offers the lead ideas on leadership theories that drive the book\\\'s themes.The guide also examines the main audience for college professors, including those charged with teaching and governance. It also…...


References Bezzina, C., & Bufalino, G. (2019). Nurturing Authentic Leadership for Teacher Leaders: The Challenges Ahead. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 55(1), 18-23.McCann, J., & Sparks, B. (2018). The Relationship of Servant Leadership in the Classroom and Student Perceptions of University Quality of Instruction. Archives of Business Research, 6(6), 119-133.Jovanovica, D., & Ciricb, M. (2016). Benefits of transformational leadership in the context of education. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS.Thomas, N. (2020). The John Adair handbook of management and leadership. Thorogood.Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications.Meng, Y. (2016). Spiritual leadership at the workplace: Perspectives and theories. Biomedical Reports, 5(4), 408-412.Wieman, C. E. (2019). Expertise in University Teaching & the Implications for Teaching Effectiveness, Evaluation & Training. Dædalus, 148(4), 47-78.Polston-Murdoch, L. (2013). An Investigation of path-goal theory, relationship of leadership style, supervisor-related commitment, and gender. Emerging Leadership Journeys, 6(1), 13-44.Farhan, B. Y. (2018). Application of path-goal leadership theory and learning theory in a learning organization. Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 34(1), 13-22.Smith, G., Minor, M., Brashen, H., & Remaly, K. (2017). Successful Instructional Leadership Styles in Education. Journal of Instructional Research, 6, 46-52.Pak, K., Polikoff, M. S., Desimone, L. M., & Saldívar García, E. (2020). The Adaptive Challenges of Curriculum Implementation: Insights for Educational Leaders Driving Standards-Based Reform. AERA Open, 6(2), 2332858420932828.Opatokun, K. A., Hasim, C. N., & Hassan, S. S. S. (2013). Authentic leadership in higher learning institution: A case study of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). International Journal of Leadership Studies, 8(1), 49-66.

Charlotte Bronte's First Novel Entitled The Professor
Pages: 4 Words: 1146

Charlotte ronte's first novel entitled "The Professor." The paper describes the novel's basis, its narrator and key characters.
In addition to a description and a general assessment of the book, the paper includes fundamental analysis and interpretation of the literary work.

Positions such as how this novel describes Charlotte ronte's personal feelings of passion, love and uncertainty are revealed throughout the material.

The Professor" is a novel written by Charlotte ronte and published in 1857, a few years after her death. As ronte's first novel, publishers rejected the book. It was available in print only after she died.

The story is based on ronte's experiences as a student in russels in the 1840s.

The tale is narrated by a male character by the name of William Crimsworth. Crimsworth is an orphaned, yet educated man who becomes a teacher at a girls' school in elgium.

Early in the story, Crimsworth is flirtatious with the headmistress of…...



Bronte, Charlotte and Heather Glen (Editor). "The Professor." Penguin Classics, 1857.

Edwards, Harriet. Cahners Business Information, East Meadow P.L., NY, 2000.

Cody, David. "Charlotte Bront: An Appreciation." Hartwick College.

Women's History Website. "Charlotte Bronte Biography."

Limits Discussion Should Professors at
Pages: 1 Words: 385

Further, contrary to popular belief, academic freedom is not a legal concept. The U.S. Supreme Court does not convey academic freedom full constitutional status; professors are fully responsible for the maintenance of the professional standards and expectations of their disciplines and institutions (Poch, 1994). A professor's contract can grant academic freedom, but when violated, there's a breach of contract issue rather than a freedom issue (Fish, 2008).

Given the limitations of work duties, responsibility, and legal rights, professors can't simply do as they choose. Universities can and should hold them accountable for executing the job in a way that is consistent with a job description and professional responsibilities. If professors don't do this, they don't have a legal case unless there's a work contract issue.


Association of American Colleges and Universities (2006, January 6). Academic freedom and educational responsibility.

Fish, S. (2008, September 5). Academic freedom is not a divine right. The…...



Association of American Colleges and Universities (2006, January 6). Academic freedom and educational responsibility. 

Fish, S. (2008, September 5). Academic freedom is not a divine right. The Chronicle Review. 

Poch, R.K. (1994). Academic freedom in America higher education: Rights, responsibilities and limitations.

World-Traveling With Professor Maria Lugones
Pages: 2 Words: 872

These "worlds" are not definitive however but suggestive of how women in particular view themselves. The "worlds" can be the cause of racial, or cultural, or professional, or mere idiosyncratic in nature. Nonetheless, they are the primary structures we as humans are found in socially and intrapersonally. And since this helps shape values and personal esteem, it is important to try and understand other "worlds." For one, understanding other "worlds" helps break down cultural and racial barriers built up by isolation and an "outsider" mentality.
Unfortunately, in these "worlds" very little interaction is typically engaged. And not just that, but when "worlds" are developed based on an inferiority stemming from racial divides-in this case that of Lugones' family in an Anglo-centric society-then poor loving relations are established. So, Lugones finds that in order to reaffirm loving relationships where arrogant perceptions prevail, first, one must employ "world"-traveling. This is an exercise…...

Need suggestions for a subject for essay topics: strategic decision making, strategy, leadership, management control systems, entrepreneurship or organization change?
Words: 356

A paper that focuses on topics like strategic decision making, strategy, leadership, management control systems, entrepreneurship, or organization changes can take two approaches.  You can thoroughly explain one of the concepts, for example describing that strategic decision making is a method of business planning that looks at long-term goals.  The other approach is to do some sort of case study looking specifically at events to determine how one of those topics either impacted or was impacted by a company’s decision-making process.  So, the first thing you need to do is decide what type of paper....

Trying to figure out a title for my essay it’s about why dating apps are not ok I’m doing an argument essay?
Words: 331

Given the popularity of online dating and dating apps, writing an argumentative essay against online dating is a good choice.  It is always more interesting to write a position paper that may be unusual, because it is unlikely to recycle the same arguments that your professor will see in other papers.  There is actually a myriad of reasons that online dating may not be as successful (or as safe) as traditional in-person dating, and any of these reasons could serve as the basis for an argumentative essay.  They include but are not limited to potential....

Need guidance writing a critical analysis essay on Emily Emerick article?
Words: 397

Writing a critical analysis essay is a very specific type of academic writing that is similar to, but not the same as, other types of expository writing. You need to understand the specific requirements of writing analytical essays before you can use them to analyze any specific work, including the Emily Emerick article you have been asked to analyze.

We would start our analysis by discussing the type of article that she wrote.  It is a research article.  She gave a survey to 447 undergraduate students to try to gauge their social media....

Can you assist me with writing my abstract for an integrative theory essay?
Words: 357

An integrative theory is any theory that combines the central concepts from two or more theories into a single theory.  While you may hear the term integrative theory used primarily in the social sciences, it is not specific to any discipline.  It is possible to use integrative theories in any science or social science and they can even be applied to the humanities. Therefore, one of the first things you want to do when writing any type of academic paper about an integrative theory is decide which theories will be part of your final....

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