Professionalism Essays (Examples)

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Professionalism Accounting the Accounting Profession Is One
Pages: 4 Words: 1049

Professionalism Accounting
The accounting profession is one of great responsibility and duty. Certain obligations are required of those who wish to manage the financial affairs of the businesses and organizations that keep the economy, and eventually the population sustained with energy and motivation. The purpose of this essay is to relate the professional qualities necessary to be successful within the accounting and financial management sectors of careers. I will identify and explain four different explicit and specific characteristics that create the necessary components of professionalism that relate to accounting and its objectives. Additionally, I will relate my personal opinions on what factors are needed to be a professional in today's complex and fast paced society.

The KPMG handout explained four different attributes of a professional: commitment to serve, integrity, objectiveness, and competence. These terms adequately suffice a comprehensive set of standards that professionalism can be understood within. Results of acquiring these attributes…...


Works Cited

Armstrong, Mary Beth. "Ethics education in accounting, moving towards an ethical motivation and ethical behavior." Journal of Accounting Education, ed 21, 2003 1:16.

Faour, Imad. "Professionalism and ethics in accounting education." The Certified Accountant, 3rd Quarter, 2008, 1:8.

Student Handoutt. The Ethical Compass. 2007.

Professionalism of Law Enforcement in the 60s and 70s
Pages: 3 Words: 791

Professionalism of Law Enforcement in the 60s and 70s
In the United States and around the world, police forces are formed by the government in order to protect the citizens of a given community. Since before the time the United States was a country, groups were appointed to protect and serve the people who lived here. As time has progressed, people have changed and technologies and laws have likewise developed. ith each period, people have entrusted their policemen and policewomen to protect them and to preserve and promote the laws of the country and of the state. However, in certain periods of history wherein the police have not conducted themselves appropriately and have violated certain population's civil liberties and the letter of the law in order to promote the agenda of other groups. In the 1960s and 1970s, the professionalism of the police in general was called into question because of…...


Works Cited:

Reynolds, Glenn (2009). "SWAT Overkill: the Danger of a Paramilitary Police Force." Popular


Weissman, Suzi (1999). "History is a Weapon." Los Angeles, CA: KFPK.

Professionalism When Following the Notion of Professionalism
Pages: 4 Words: 1281

When following the notion of professionalism in the world of work, there are eight factors one must apply. These factors are honesty and integrity, relability and responsibility, respect for others, compassion and empathy, self-improvement, self-awareness, communication and colloboration, and altruism and advocacy. The definitions of each of these factors and how the contribute and can be applied to professionalism will be discussed.

Honesty and integrity are two important terms to consider when dealing with patients. In the dictionary, honesty is defined as: "Not given to liest, theft, cheating. Not false or misleading." Integrity posts a similar definition: "firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values, or otherwise known as incorruptible." Since these two words are so similar, it can be concluded that one with honesty has integrity. Someone who has integrity and honesty always does what is morally right. A person who possesses honesty and integrity can become…...



1. Arnold EL, Blank LL, Race EH, Cipparrone N. Can professionalism be measured? The development of a scale for use in the medical environment. Acad Med 2001;73:1119-21.

2. Frankford DM, Konrad TR. Responsive medical professionalism: integrating education, practice, and community in a market-driven era. Acad Med 2001;73:138-145.

Ludmerer KM. Instilling professionalism in medical education. JAMA 1999;282:881-882

Professionalism in Nursing Question Set
Pages: 2 Words: 828

After working in the clinical setting and gaining valuable firsthand experience, I have learned many things about my ability to provide qualified and competent nursing care to patients in need.
My initial assessment of strengths proved to be mostly well founded, as I learned that character traits like patience and compassion can be parlayed into positive health outcomes when combined with a firm grasp of the necessary knowledge and skills. The organizational skills I have always prided myself on were also extremely useful in the clinical setting, as the ability to record, retain, and reapply information on the fly is essential during the course of a typical day of nursing duties. Communicating openly, honestly, and respectfully with fellow nurses, physicians, and patients was another example of my natural strengths becoming an asset during my clinical experience, because delivering quality healthcare services on a daily basis requires the collaborative effort of…...

Professionalism and Business Ethics I
Pages: 5 Words: 1509

If industrialists realize this point, they will stop draining the harmful chemical in sea areas and build proper drainage system. I relate honesty in the same way. If business professionals are honest, they will always produce the best for people. I believe that selling things by fake techniques is very insane. It gives neither a long-term benefit nor a peace of mind. In addition, we lose respect in the eyes of customers. Loyal and committed firms work with honesty and never compromise on quality.
I believe that just one-step towards betterment can lead us to the other steps automatically. According to me, we all should get addicted to the business standards, as they are also helpful in our daily lives. These business values do not make us earn a betterment reputation in the eyes of our bosses but also helps us in gaining respect in our community. I have a…...

Professionalism in the Workplace Appropriate and Inappropriate
Pages: 2 Words: 541

Professionalism in the orkplace
Appropriate and Inappropriate Body Language

Nonverbal communication is the process of using wordless messages to generate meaning (Pearson, N.d.). There are many different forms of nonverbal communication. This can include the non-word vocalizations such as "ah" or "hmm" that can be used in between sentences as well as different intonations that can be used to give words different meanings. However, body language is probably the most important non-verbal cues to interpret non-verbal meaning. Body language is one of the best indicators of how someone is feeling and it is often the case that these signals can be perceived without even trying.

Nonverbal communication is an important aspect to any communication. It is exactly for this reason many people use "emoticons" to try to convey an emotion that they are expressing when communicating over text or through email. People try to provide signals to take the place of nonverbal cues…...


Works Cited

Goman, C. (2014, January 2). 10 Simple And Powerful Body Language Tips For 2014. Retrieved from Forbes: 

Pearson. (N.d.). Chapter 4. Retrieved from Pearson:

Terestre, D. (2004, March 26). Talking him down: the crisis negotiator. Retrieved from Police One:

Professionalism of the Job for
Pages: 2 Words: 555

However, the definition of significant hardship may be subjective and dependant upon further review. Additionally, if the individual had children under the age of 16 during the time of the renunciation, they too may need to reapply for citizenship.
Recently, the Australian government has taken some measures to curb immigration, such as lengthening the residency requirements for spouses of citizens. Do you think this is a good thing? How can the government balance the needs of current residents with the need to have a society that is open to an influx of new peoples and new ideas?

Candidates should understand both sides of the immigration debate. Candidates should understand the positives and the negatives of immigration from the point-of-view of society, particularly in the context of the current economic environment. Tolerance of new peoples and pragmatism to the needs of Australians is warranted.

hat are some of the cultural challenges that new…...


Works Cited

"Resuming Australian citizenship." Australian government website. 2009. 

"Spouses and de facto partners of Australian citizens." Australian government website. 2009

Professionalism in the Information Technology IT Industry
Pages: 6 Words: 2108

IT Ethics
Professionalism denotes a higher degree of knowledge and behavior that promotes a well being amongst similar people performing similar jobs. Adopting and fostering a spirit of professionalism portends a greater materialization of success and fulfillment. The purpose of this essay is to explore the idea of professionalism within the Information Technology profession itself. To assist in this effort, the use of professional codes of conduct will be explored and applied directly to the unique circumstances that involve the IT professional. Ethics and responsibility will also be addressed in this essay to help contextualize some of these challenges that deal specifically with privacy, trust and reason. The essay will conclude with recommendations on how IT professionals may become more aware of the importance and practical application of a professional attitude.


While people involved in the IT career field have specific and unique experiences within the scope of their duties, it is…...



Association of Information Technology Professionals (nd) . Guiding Principles. Viewed 22 April 2014. Retrieved from 

Capurro, R. (2008). Information Technology as an Ethical Challenge. Ubiquity, June 2008. Retrieved from

Harbert, T. (2007). Ethics in IT: Dark Secrets, ugly truths and little guidance. Computerworld 29 Oct, 2007. Retrieved from 

Kakabadse, A., & Kakabadse, N. (2001). Outsourcing in the public services: a comparative analysis of practice, capability and impact. Public Administration and development, 21(5), 401-413.0

Professionalism in Physical Therapist Degree Program
Pages: 2 Words: 619

Professionalism in the Context of Physical Therapist Degree Program Physical therapy, also referred to as physiotherapy, is a medicine speciality essentially concerned with a patient’s ability to move and carry out everyday functional activities. Physical therapists strive to restore, maintain, and enhance physical function. Just like in any other career, observing professionalism in physical therapy is important. Practitioners must uphold the core values and principles of the profession to the highest standard. Students pursuing a physical therapy degree, especially at the doctoral level, must have a comprehensive understanding of what professionalism in the context of the specialty means. This paper discusses the meaning of professionalism in the context of being a student in a doctor of physical therapist degree program.
One of the most important aspects of professionalism in physiotherapy is communication. A student will require effective communication skills in their education journey and eventually at the practice setting. Effective communication is…...

Learning Styles Professionalism in the Workplace
Pages: 2 Words: 715

Professionalism in the Workplace
Just as students learn in different ways in the classroom, so do employees in the workplace. Different employees prefer different styles of learning -- some prefer information to be relayed in a systematic and logical approach, while others prefer a top-down, broad methodology. The challenge for the leader lies in understanding, and devising ways of accommodating the styles of each one of their employees so that information is passed across the organization in an effective manner. In a classroom scenario, the instructor has to employ instruction methods that accommodate the learning styles of each of their learners, failure to which the process of communication breaks down and learning becomes ineffective (Vallely, 2008). In the same way, a leader has to take into account the learning preference of each employee, so that everyone, and not only those who share the same learning preferences, is able to learn from…...



D'Amico, J. & Gallaway, K. (2008). Differentiated Instruction for the Middle-School Math Teacher: Activities and Strategies for an Inclusive Classroom. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons.

Vallely, S.W. (2008). Sensation Meditation for Children: Child-Friendly Meditation Techniques Based on the Five Senses. Asheville, NC: Satya International.

Policing Contemporary Policing Professionalism Is the Cornerstone
Pages: 2 Words: 563

Contemporary Policing

Professionalism is the cornerstone of modern policing strategies that are being taught as core values and management principles by organizations such as the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) (Glennetal). However, the concept and the skill requirements to uphold a professional image have definitely grown more comprehensive over the years. There are many competing concepts of what professionalism at different levels embodies. One definition includes the concepts of accountability and effectiveness.

"Across the United States, police organizations are striving for a new professionalism. Their leaders are committing themselves to stricter accountability for both their effectiveness and their conduct while they seek to increase their legitimacy in the eyes of those they police and to encourage continuous innovation in police practices. The traffic in these ideas, policies and practices is now so vigorous across the nation that it suggests a fourth element of this new professionalism: its national coherence. These four principles…...


Works Cited

Fogelson, R. (1979). Big-City Police. Political Science Quarterly, 701-703.

Glennetal. (n.d.). The Luster in the Badge.

Stone, C., & Travis, J. (2011). Toward a New Professionalism in Policing. In New Perspectives in Policing.

Evidence-Based Counseling Implications Counseling Practice Preparation Professionalism
Pages: 6 Words: 1879

Evidence-Based Counseling: Implications Counseling Practice, Preparation, Professionalism. EIC Digest. Hauenstein, E.J. (2008). Building rural mental health system: From de facto system quality care.ID
eview the Sexton article and make a case for the utilization of EBTs in counseling.

According to Thomas L. Sexton's article "Evidence-based counseling: Implications for counseling practice, preparation, and professionalism," the theoretical basis of the counseling profession emerged from the academic disciplines of psychoanalysis and social work, both of which have tended to be characterized by a paucity of empirical research. The emphasis is on anecdotal evidence from the field of practice, rather than statistically validating what techniques or methods work by studying large population groups. However, this must change. Accountability, or proof that a particular type of counseling practice 'works' has become increasingly important given the pressures upon counselors, but the profession has not always kept up with these demands.

Some of the pressures for the use of evidence-based…...



Sexton, T.L. (1999). Evidence-based counseling: Implications for counseling practice, preparation, and professionalism. ERIC Digest.

Hauenstein, E.J. (2008). Building the rural mental health system: From de facto system to quality care. Annual Review of Nursing Research, 26, 143-173.

Feminist Leadership When Professionalism Meets
Pages: 5 Words: 1336

The use of feminist supervision practices, which was unique to women and to men that self-identified as either homosexual or bisexual, created a resistance to traditional concepts of gender roles and other issues of sexism and led to a greater awareness of these issues (Szymanski 2005). An awareness of this fact can be very useful for leaders and their team members in a variety of situations.
Issues of gender are not the only inequalities that need to be kept in mind for any practical leadership attempt or scholarly discussion to succeed/have merit, however. Oppression based on systems of cultural, racial, and socioeconomic hierarchies (as well as others) also persist in modern society, and have much in common with issues of gender disparity in many regards (Nelson et al. 2006). At the same time, cultural and racial oppression may outstrip gender-based oppression in terms of the degree to which they are…...



Nelson, M.; Gizara, S.; Hope, A.; Phelps, R.; Steward, R. & Weitzman, L. (2006). "A feminist multicultural perspective on supervision." Journal of multicultural counseling and development 34, pp. 105-15.

Scott, K. & Brown, D. (2006). "Female First, leader second? Gender bias in the encoding of leadership behavior." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 101, pp. 230 -- 42.

Szymansi, D. (2005). "Feminist Identity and Theories as Correlates of Feminist Supervision Practices." The counseling psychologist 33, pp. 729-47.

Education Religion Ethics and Professionalism
Pages: 2 Words: 490

Connecticut Code of Professional esponsibility for School Administrators empowers students, staff, family, and community by making an ethical education everyone's responsibility. Education is not solely about facts and figures, rote memorization and passing tests. In fact, the goals of education are related to cultivating character and ethical judgment, so that students can "formulate positive goals" and pursue "truth, knowledge and wisdom," (Connecticut State Department of Education, 2003). The most important elements of the Connecticut Code of Professional esponsibility for School Administrators include the emphasis on ethics, wisdom, respect, and higher aspects of learning such as personal development and personal integrity.
Integrity is a hallmark of professionalism in any field, and in particular fields like education, in which the teacher serves as a role model to student and community. Principles of integrity require that educators remain vigilant in their personal and professional lives, and do not engage in impropriety even when…...



Blackaby, H., & Blackaby, R. (2011). Spiritual Leadership. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishing Group.

Connecticut State Department of Education (2003). Connecticut Code of Professional Responsibility for School Administrators. Retrieved online: 

Rebore, R.W. (2014). Ethics of Educational Leadership. Pearson.

Professionalism and Ethics Regarding Technology
Pages: 3 Words: 984

Ethics and Technology
How did this issue make me feel? Knowing the human disaster that the Bhopal case caused, and reading the supervisor's comments made me angry. "We got along just fine before the regulators ran wild," Adam Baines said. "A few gallons over the limit isn't worth the time it's going to take to fill out those forms," he said. He shows a total lack of business ethics, his attitude is wholly unprofessional, and it gives chills to the person who really cares about the denigration of the environment, especially when humans are going to suffer because of dangerous chemicals being released into the environment due to slipshod preventative measures, or the failure of management to be accountable to the law.

The Utilitarianism ethical theory comes into play here, and it relates to the Mission Statement of Union Carbide (now owned by DOW Chemical, makers of Agent Orange that was used…...

Need help with an essay outline including 3 competencies for a community relations job?
Words: 492

Community relations is a catchall phrase that describes how a company or other organization relates to the stakeholders or communities with which it interacts.  Building positive community relations is important for companies, because communities can have a significant impact on business, even communities that contain a significant percentage of people who are not customers or suppliers.  It is often viewed in a negative context, with community relations only coming into the public discourse when an organization is experiencing problems with the community, such as in the context of police community relations.  However, it is important....

Need guidance for a thesis statement on the demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation topic?
Words: 184

A strong thesis statement for the topic of demonstrating professional communication in content and presentation could be:

"Effective professional communication in both content and presentation is essential for fostering successful relationships, promoting understanding, and achieving meaningful outcomes in professional settings."

This thesis statement sets the stage for discussing the importance and impact of professional communication in both the information conveyed (content) and the manner in which it is delivered (presentation). It suggests that strong communication skills are not only necessary for transmitting information accurately, but also for building rapport, engaging effectively with others, and achieving desired outcomes.
Some potential points to explore....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about Court room technology?
Words: 389

I. Introduction
A. Importance of technology in the courtroom
B. Historical evolution of courtroom technology
C. Thesis statement: Courtroom technology has revolutionized the legal system, improving efficiency, accuracy, and access to justice.

II. Efficiency Enhancements
A. Electronic Case Management Systems (ECMS)
1. Paperless filing and storage
2. Streamlined docket management
3. Automated reminders and notifications
B. Real-Time Transcription and Recording
1. Instantaneous transcription of proceedings
2. Increased accuracy and completeness of records
3. Time-saving and efficiency gains
C. Audiovisual Aids
1. Multimedia presentations and demonstrations
2. Enlarged exhibits and documents
3. Enhanced understanding and engagement of jurors

III. Improved Accuracy
A. Digital....

Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing Military and Professional Bearing?
Words: 513

I. Introduction
A. Definition of military and professional bearing
B. Importance of military and professional bearing in various settings
C. Thesis statement - The significance of military and professional bearing in shaping a successful career

II. Military Bearing
A. Definition of military bearing
B. Characteristics of military bearing such as discipline, respect, and integrity
C. Importance of military bearing in the military and civilian sectors

III. Professional Bearing
A. Definition of professional bearing
B. Attributes of professional bearing such as attire, communication skills, and ethical behavior
C. Importance of professional bearing in the workplace and in personal interactions

IV. Comparison between Military and....

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