The importance of the workplace in mental, emotional, physical, social and economic welfare of employees cannot be under estimated.
esearch shows a correlation between the health of the workplace, the well-being of the personnel, and the health of patients. Leaders and managers who are impatient, defensive, and unsupportive, have poor supervision and guidance skills, lack control, or fail to recognize the contributions of workers enhance workplace stress level. Organizations with unhealthy workforces run the risk of incurring increased costs due to higher rates of absenteeism, presence at work but inadequate work performance, loss of productivity, work-related accidents, and high incidence of health-related litigation.
The most influential nursing leaders I have encountered practiced transformational leadership. This form of leadership is intended to create positive change in the followers whereby they take care of each other's interests and act in the interests of the group as a whole. Essentially the leader's task is…...
Houser, B.P. & Player, K.N. (2004) Pivotal moments in nursing: Leaders who changed the path of the profession, volume I. Sigma Theta Tau International. Retrieved December 3, 2011 from
Raines, F.C. & Taglaireni, E.M. (2008). Career pathways in nursing: Entry points and academic progression. Online journal of issues in nursing. Vol. 13, Issue 3, 1. Retrieved December 3, 2011 from
Ridgeway, S. (NDI) Loretta Ford, founded the nurse practitioner movement. Working nurse. Retrieved December 3, 2011 from
Tomey, A.M. (2009, January). Nursing leadership and management effects work environments. Journal of nursing management. Vol. 17, Issue 1, 15-25. Retrieved December 3, 2010 from
Rachel Faybyshev
Foundations of Mental Health Counseling
Dr. Mary Owens
Interviewee -- April Slowenski BS, MEd, CCLS, CPMT
Please tell me your official job title and the length of time that you have held the Child Life Specialist degree.
I am a Certified Child Life Specialist and Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist. In February, it will be 7 years since I started working in this field.
What inspired your interest in the field of Child Life Specialist?
I've always wanted to work with children and at first I wanted to be a teacher. I was not aware of all the other professions that deal with children. I found out about child life specialists program by accident. While in undergrad, I majored in Education and took a psychology course. One day when I was going to class, there was a sign for a child life specialist's seminar right outside the classroom. Unfortunately, the seminar got cancelled because the…...
Licensure Plan
achel Faybyshev
Foundations of Mental Health Counseling
Dr. Mary Owens
My Personal Licensure Plan
The process of obtaining licensure as a Mental Health Counselor begins with attending and graduating from an approved NY State Education Department (SED) Master's Program. Having stated that, I am a step in the right direction by attending LIU's Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at the moment. While that is the case, my plan is to further my education by obtaining a Psyd immediately after graduation and then get licensed as a psychologist. I do not believe it makes sense to do the 3,000 hours of supervision and take the NCMHCE and then take the EPPP exam and do another 3,500 hours. To graduate from the MHC program, you need a total of 60 credit hours, which also includes 100 hours of practicum and 600 hours of internship. I am currently enrolled in four classes, which is a total…...
Office of the Professions. (n.d.). License Requirements. Retrieved from New York State Education Department website:
Psychologist-License. (n.d.). Psychologist Licensure Requirements in New York. Retrieved November 23, 2016, from
First Student Placement Experience Expectations
Overall, I am anticipating an extremely positive experience although I am also sure that it will be punctuated with certain doubts, failures, and disappointments. In those instances, I will try to remember that perfection is another type of addiction and that as long as I am making the best and most genuine effort that I can to help my clients, that is the best that I can do. Nevertheless, I expect this experience to be a learning opportunity more than anything else but I hope to accomplish something beneficial for clients during the process.
Allen, K. "Development of an instrument to identify barriers to treatment for addicted women, from their perspective" International Journal of Addictions, Vol. 29, No.
4; (1994):429 -- 444.
Allen, K. "Barriers to treatment for addicted African-American women" Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 87; (1995):751 -- 756.
Beckman, L. And Amaro, H. "Personal and social…...
Allen, K. "Development of an instrument to identify barriers to treatment for addicted women, from their perspective" International Journal of Addictions, Vol. 29, No.
4; (1994):429 -- 444.
Allen, K. "Barriers to treatment for addicted African-American women" Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 87; (1995):751 -- 756.
Beckman, L. And Amaro, H. "Personal and social difficulties faced by women and men on entering alcoholism treatment" Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Vol. 47;
Environment and Organizational Settings
Compare the environments and organizational settings in which library and information professionals practice
There are various types of libraries demonstrating different environment and organizational settings. In order to make the libraries diverse and dynamic, each library has the ability to reflect characteristics of their user community. This research will focus on differentiating environment and organizational settings of the four critical library organizations: academic libraries, school libraries, special libraries, and public libraries.
Public Libraries
In the case of the United States, public libraries have the ability to offer services to the people following their establishments by law. The main objective of the public libraries is to enhance accessibility of citizens to information through facilitating reading and borrowing of resources free of charge. This is critical towards the achievement of the public libraries in relation to creation of a more informed citizenry. Moreover, these libraries have the ability to offer entertainment through…...
Professional Counseling
The relevance of counseling as a helping profession cannot be overstated. This is more so the case taking into consideration the role counseling plays towards the facilitation of the development of not only an individual but also a family or even a group.
Counseling as a Distinct Profession: The History and Philosophy of the Profession
Marini and Stebnicki (2008) point out that although counseling as a term made its first appearance (in print) sometimes in the year 1931, the practice of the same had started earlier on. It is important to note that although the roots of counseling as a helping relationship can be traced to the early omanian and Greek times, the actual development of the counseling profession as we know it today largely started taking place in the late 1800s. In the words of Marini and Stebnicki (2008), "the origins of the counseling profession in the United States have…...
AMHCA (n.d). American Mental Health Counselors Association: The Only Organization Working Exclusively for the Mental Health Counseling Profession. Retrieved October 14, 2012, from the American Mental Health Counselors Association website:
ASCA (2012). American School Counselor Association. Retrieved October 14, 2012, from the American School Counselor Association website:
Blonna, R., Loschiavo, J. & Watter, D. (2011). Health Counseling: A Microskills Approach for Counselors, Educators, and School Nurses (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Marini, I. & Stebnicki, M.A. (Eds.). (2008). The Professional Counselor's Desk Reference. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
According to Carr, "It is good for the development of young people to undergo some dress discipline, and only right for teachers to set pupils an appropriate example in this respect" (emphasis added) (p. 218).
There are some common sense rules that can be followed by middle school teachers in determining what will be perceived as "professional attire" by others, especially their students. For example, in his essay, "Transition to Teaching: Putting Your Best Foot Forward," Senne (2004) recommends conservative attire and jewelry for both male and female middle school teachers. According to this author, "Female teachers should choose to wear a conservative dress (appropriate length), blouse and skirt, or blouse and dress slacks. Male teachers may opt for a dress shirt, dress slacks, tie, and suit coat. Shoes should be consistent with selected attire" (p. 46). While these are the typical choices for professional attire, they certainly do not…...
Bryant, L.E. (2003). Becoming a better teacher: Learning from our mistakes. Communication Studies, 54(2), 130.
Carr, D. (2000). Professionalism and ethics in teaching. London: Routledge.
Cooper, P.M. (2003). Effective white teachers of black children: Teaching within a Community. Journal of Teacher Education, 54(5), 413.
Diez, M.E. (2007). Looking back and moving forward: Three tensions in the teacher dispositions discourse. Journal of Teacher Education, 58(5), 388.
Indeed, Weiss descibes the pocess as "ionic" and notes that, "The incentives to put clients fist undeplay the moe subtle logic behind encouaging knowledge shaing in the fist place: fims that effectively collect and connect what they know will bette seve thei clients" (1999, p. 62). The benefits that can accue to pofessional sevices fims that achieve this level of knowledge shaing among thei pactitiones ae wide anging and can contibute to the fim's pefomance and pofitability. By developing the netwoks, pocedues and outines that ae needed to delive efficient sevices, pofessional sevices fims can take advantage of individual expetise in a moden administative fashion. In this egad, Weiss advises that, "Clients typically want customized sevices, but they do not want to pay pofessional sevices fims to 'einvent the wheel.' Pofessional sevice fims can develop competitive advantages when they povide highe quality sevices that ae deliveed moe efficiently than…...
mlareferences in professional services firms to maximize performance levels and staff morale.
Weiss, L. (1999). Collection and connection: the anatomy of knowledge sharing in professional service firms. Organization Development Journal, 17(4), 61-62.
One of the more valuable resources located during the research process, this study examined in detail how professional services firm can benefit from developing the appropriate blend of transformational (and other types of) leadership together with intrinsic motivational techniques tailored to individual staff members.
Wright, B.E. & Pandey, S.K. (2010). Transformational leadership in the public sector: Does structure matter? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 20(1), 75-77.
Authors present the results of their investigation that concludes some leaders can inspire
Ensuring proper professional behavior
The nurse-client relationship is novel. No formula exists for judging the crossing of boundaries as good / bad, in the absence of considering the features of therapeutic relationship for every scenario. The suitable behavior must be measured with respect to professional's intent, respecting confidentiality, patient-client advocacy and corroborating the CAN Code of Ethics for egistered Nurses (Corey anad Callanan, 2007).
Violations of professional boundary
The crossings of boundaries are deemed as insignificant, but with the increase in frequency of such incidents of professional boundary violations, it could be serious. The nurse works on the patient-nurse relationship and fulfils the therapeutic needs of a patient and neglects his own. The professional boundary violation is not acceptable as it can spark other occurrences. The professional boundaries occur when conflict arises between client's needs and professional's needs. ationalization can be used to justify this behavior. The violation of boundary is characterized by:
Bond T, 1997, 'Standards and Ethics for Counselling in Action', pgs Sage Publications Ltd., London
Brammer LM & MacDonald G, 2003, 'The Helping Relationship, Process and Skills', pgs Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, United States of America
Corey G & MS & Callanan P, 2007, 'Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions', pgs Thomson Brookes/Cole, a part of The Thomson Corporation, United States of America
Egan G, 2007,'The Skilled Helper', pgs * Thomson Brookes/Cole, a part of The Thomson Corporation, United States of America
Professional Nursing
It is necessary and important for any professional to understand the differences and applications of theory, practice and research. Within the nursing profession these concepts are highly regarded and the AACN has identified this process of distinguishing between as Essential #3. The purpose of this essay is to explain and indentify practice discrepancies that may adversely affect patient outcomes. This essay will suggest that leadership and purpose are necessary in order to truly understand the synthesis of these concepts.
Theories are simply theories and not laws and it is possible to accept theories as infallible. This is not ideal for the nursing profession. Theories are used to guide and model behavior and not replace it. Such ideas as the theory of gravity or the nuclear theory of the atom are often accepted as true fact but in reality there are many problems with those theories that prevent them from…...
Hall, L.M., Doran, D., & Pink, G.H. (2004). Nurse staffing models, nursing hours, and patient safety outcomes. Journal of Nursing Administration, 34(1), 41-45.
TITLER, M.G., Kleiber, C., STEELMAN, V., GOODE, C., Rakel, B., BARRY-WALKER, J.E.A.N., ... & BUCKWALTER, K. (1994). Infusing research into practice to promote quality care. Nursing Research, 43(5), 307-313.
Action esearch eflectionAs I reflect on my action research findings throughout my MSED program at Walden University, I find that I am ready to implement serious changes in my professional practice. These changes are the fruit of much thoughtful investigation and evidence, and with them I aim to refine my teaching strategies and create a collaborative environment among my peers. Grounded in the SMAT goal-setting frameworkspecific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely, and tangiblethese goals will guide my actions and ensure their effectiveness in my educational practice.The first major change involves the use of technology in the classroom. The action research underscored the pivotal role of technology in boosting student engagement and facilitating personalized learning experiences. Therefore, my specific goal is to integrate more educational technology tools to enrich learning outcomes. I will measure the success of this initiative through a targeted 20% increase in student engagement scores, as reported in end-of-semester…...
mlaReferencesDhamdhere, S. N. (2015). Importance of knowledge management in the higher educational institutes. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 16(1), 162-183.Kim, M. C., Hannafin, M. J., & Bryan, L. A. (2007). Technology?enhanced inquiry tools in science education: An emerging pedagogical framework for classroom practice. Science education, 91(6), 1010-1030.Wiliam, D. (2011). What is assessment for learning?. Studies in educational evaluation, 37(1), 3-14.
nurse is difficult and tedious. It involves a lot more than a mere succession of skills and business activities. In fact, nursing is a part of the many processes, one of which is the process of socialization that is development and internalization of professional identity. This level of socialization, professional socialization is required for connecting with students and newcomers in professional practices. Therefore, it is important to increase the understanding of one of nursing's most important aspect, professional socialization, and explore the interconnected factors from the standpoint of a nursing student. This essay will examine Benner's five stages and provide personal reflection the topic of role socialization in nursing.
Patricia Benner wanted to understand how nurses make the transition from inexperienced novice to confident expert. She developed five stages in order to express her thought on such a transition. The stages she described are:
2. Advanced Beginner
3. Competent Practitioner
4. Proficient Practitioner
Black, B., & Chitty, K. (2014). Professional nursing. St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier.
Melrose, S., Miller, J., Gordon, K., & Janzen, K. (2012). Becoming Socialized into a New Professional Role: LPN to BN Student Nurses' Experiences with Legitimation. Nursing Research And Practice, 2012, 1-8.
Professional Association
Professional Organization for Nursing
In the past, a number of individuals inside every society started delivering care and nutrition for all those who had been struggling to look after themselves. Because these people became 'care specialists,' they started to express to other individuals the procedures that helped them and also to train other individuals as apprentices who would probably at some point continue their function. The advancement of contemporary nursing starting from some sort of vocation, towards the profession and discipline of nursing, started during the later part of the 1800s when Florence Nightingale stated her perspectives on the way nurses ought to be taught and schooled and just how patient care ought to be offered (Hegge, 2011).
The very first schooling institution for nurses within the U.S. established during 1873. Two decades afterwards nursing school managers sensed the moment had arrived to interact as well as discuss their best practices…...
American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice, (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD:
American Nurses Association. (2009). Historical review of nursing and the ANA. Retrieved from
Bureau of Health Professions. (2011). The registered nurse population: Findings from the 2008 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses. Retrieved from
Fowler, M. D .M. (Ed). (2008). Guide to the code of ethics for nurses: Interpretation and application. Silver Spring, MD:
Professional Association
American Nurses Association (ANA): Become a Member Today!
Member Benefits:
Discounts on products and services
Discounts on online degrees
Discounts on certification exams
Career center access
Professional liability insurance products
Subscriptions to periodicals
And more!
Mission of the ANA: "Nurses advancing our profession to improve health for all,' ("About ANA," 2012).
Interested in public policy reform and political activism related to healthcare?
You've come to the right place!
One of the express functions of the ANA is "lobbying the Congress and regulatory agencies on health care issues affecting nurses and the public," ("About ANA," 2012). "Through ANA's political and legislative program, the association has taken firm positions on a range of issues including Medicare reform, patients' rights, appropriate staffing, the importance of safer needle devices, whistleblower protections for health care workers, adequate reimbursement for health care services and access to health care," ("Statement of Purpose," 2012)
Facts at a Glance:
The ANA is:
"The only full-service professional organization" in the United States ("About ANA,"…...
"FAQ's," (2012). Retrieved online:
Nursezone (2012). Retrieved online:
"Statement of Purpose," (2012). AMA. Retrieved online:
Via stipulated agreement, a licensee who faces disciplinary action has the right to negotiate a settlement. uch a settlement is also subject to the Board vote, and may be approved or denied as a result. When disagreeing with the outcome of the disciplinary hearing, the licensee may also appeal to have the Board's decision overthrown. However, if the accused believes that the charges are valid, he or she may also voluntarily surrender the nursing license, and will no longer be allowed to practice in the state of California.
In cases where it is believed that an accused and convicted nurse will be able to rehabilitate, such an individual is entered into the Board's Diversion Program. This program is mainly focused upon nurses that are subject to problems such as chemical dependency and/or mental illness. These are seen as conditions that can be either remedied or managed in such a way to…...
Belak, Tony (2003). The Use of Mediation in the Patient Complaint Process.
Board of Registered Nursing. (2009). The Complaint Process. State of California.
Board of Registered Nursing. (2009). What is the Diversion Program? State of California.
Board of Registered Nursing (2009). What is the Enforcement Program? State of California.
Topic 1: The Effectiveness of Online Education Compared to Traditional Classroom Instruction
Comparative study of student outcomes, engagement, and satisfaction in online vs. traditional learning environments
Analysis of the impact of online learning on critical thinking skills, collaboration, and communication abilities
Exploration of the role of learner autonomy and self-motivation in online education
Topic 2: Accessibility and Equity in Online Education
Investigation of the barriers and facilitators to online education participation for diverse learners (e.g., low-income, rural, students with disabilities)
Examination of the policies and practices that promote inclusion and reduce disparities in online learning
Assessment of the effectiveness of online....
1. Integrity: Accounting professionals should uphold high standards of honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness in all their professional and personal dealings.
2. Objectivity: Accountants should remain impartial and unbiased in their work, providing accurate and reliable information without allowing personal interests or biases to influence their judgment.
3. Confidentiality: Accountants have a responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of client information and to ensure that sensitive financial data is protected from unauthorized disclosure.
4. Professional competence: Accountants should strive to maintain high levels of expertise and professionalism in their field, staying up-to-date on relevant laws, regulations, and best practices.
5. Professional behavior: Accountants should conduct themselves....
Paradigm Case Studies: A Valuable Tool for Nursing Education and Practice
Paradigm case studies are narratives that present archetypal examples of nursing practice, encompassing the core values, principles, and behaviors of the profession. These case studies serve as valuable tools in nursing education and facilitate meaningful discussions that foster critical thinking, clinical judgment, and professional development.
Introduction and Facilitation of Concepts
Emulation of Best Practices: Paradigm case studies present examples of exemplary nursing care, showcasing strategies, interventions, and outcomes that adhere to evidence-based standards and best practices. This not only introduces new concepts but also reinforces existing knowledge.
Clarification of Complex Issues:....
The Profound Impact of Academic Preparation on Learning and Problem-Solving
My academic preparation has profoundly shaped my approach to learning and problem-solving, equipping me with a multifaceted skillset that encompasses critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and adaptable problem-solving strategies.
Critical Thinking and Analytical Reasoning
One of the most formative aspects of my academic journey has been the emphasis on critical thinking and analytical reasoning. Through rigorous coursework and thought-provoking discussions, I have honed my ability to deconstruct complex ideas, identify underlying assumptions, and evaluate arguments with a discerning eye.
This foundational skill has empowered me to approach learning situations with an inquisitive and analytical mindset.....
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