Professional Ethics Essays (Examples)

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Professional Ethics
Pages: 3 Words: 1021

Professional Ethics -- Eggertson v. Alberta Teachers Association
Legal Case Analysis

The objective of this work is to examine the case Eggertson v. Alberta Teacher's Association and to first, state the facts of the case and to answer as to the highest court's decision in this case as well as the key points of law as set out by the judge in the rationale of the decision in this case. If this case had a majority and a minority judgment, the points in each will be outlined and the question answered of what the implications are to the professional and classroom practice of the teacher. This work will discuss how this case relates to the chapter readings and describe a similar example of this type of situation. Finally, the writer will answer how this case affects the perception of the situation.

Facts of the Case

This case involves a teacher, the appellant in this…...



Campbell, E. (2008) The Ethics of Teaching as a Moral Profession. Review of the Literature. Curriculum Inquiry 38:4 2008. The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto.

Eggertson v. Alberta Teachers' Assn., 2002 ABCA 262 (CanLII), retrieved on 2011-09-29

Professionalism and Ethics: A member's obligations (2011) ETFO -- FEEO.

Professional Ethics Issue The Case Where the
Pages: 7 Words: 2140

Professional Ethics Issue:
The case where the professional ethics issue arises is a situation in which the commended obligation for journalists to safeguard the confidentiality of their sources conflict with their supposed duty to help legal authorities in the quest for justice. As a notable case, Time's Matthew Cooper and New York Times' Judith Miller are facing an ethical dilemma with two major options. First, these journalists are faced with the option of cooperating with legal authorities through disclosing their sources, which effectively betrays the sources' trust and that of the public. On the contrary, these journalists face the option of maintaining their sources' confidentiality at the expense of failure to safeguard United States national security and Valerie Plame, an innocent CIA agent. Therefore, the situation is regarded as a conflict between ordinary morality and role morality, which is an interesting and controversial situation that requires extensive analysis.

Background Information:

Cooper and Miller's…...



Er, R.Y.G. & Xiaoming, H. (2002, December 1). Journalism Ethics: Mainstream vs. Tabloid

Journalists. Asia Pacific Media Educator, 12(9), 139-155. Retrieved from 

Quinn, A. (n.d.). Case Study: Breaking a Promise to Prevent a Lie. Journalistic Ethics, pp. 320-

Professional Ethics State Laws and
Pages: 5 Words: 1809

The second category is the expedited category where there is minimal to moderate human contact and low to moderate levels of risk. The last category is the full category where there is moderate to maximum human contact with moderate to high levels of risk. The Saybrook IB policy specifies how each of these categories is reviewed Saybrook Institutional eview Board, 2012, pp. 7-9()
The Saybrook IB procedure begins with sending a copy of the application to the chairman electronically in order to determine the appropriate level of review of the application then the review commences. The third step is conducting the review then categorization of the outcome as accept, conditional, pend or deny. The principal research and research supervisor are then notified of the outcome of the review and notified of approval Saybrook Institutional eview Board, 2012, pp. 11-12()


American Psychologists Association. (2010). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct.…...



American Psychologists Association. (2010). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Washington, DC: American Psychologists Association.

Fulford, K.W.M., & Howse, K. (1993). Ethics of Research with Psychiatric Patients: Principles, Problems and the Primary Responsibilities of Researchers. Journal of Medical Ethics, 19(2), 85-91.

Mitscherlich, a., & Mielke, F. (1949). The Nuremberg Code Doctors of infamy: the story of the Nazi medical crimes. New York: Schuman.

Pickworth, E. (2000). Should Local Research Ethics Committees Monitor Research They Have Approved? Journal of Medical Ethics, 26(5), 330-333.

Professional Ethics and Business Success
Pages: 5 Words: 1491

In the face of industry or leadership standards which may divert from a sense of personal ethicality, Merrill suggests that it must largely fall upon the individual to find an ethical and professional compass.
The belief presented here by Merrill that there are larger industry forces at hand which may undermine ethical tendencies is further supported by Nagel's article, Ruthlessness in Public Life. Here, Nagel makes a devastating but categorically demonstrable case as his primary argument that the most egregious and socially damaging crimes are those committed by the largest entities. This highlights an issue of startling relevance to our times. ith the collapse of such major modern upstarts as Enron, Tyco and orldCom, all of them destroyed internally by the embezzlement, misrepresentation and greed of their own leaders, it would become increasingly apparent that the presence of strong, defined and enforced business ethics codes is a determining factor in…...


Works Cited:

Callahan, J. (1988). Ethical Issues in Professional Life. Oxford University Press.

Johnson, C. (2005). Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership, 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Professional Ethics in the Fitness
Pages: 6 Words: 1825

B. Individual ethical egoism which is the perspective and belief that everybody else should act in the best interest of me. That my self-interests should come first before any other, in a way it says there is no justification for any other action by anyone out there if it is not to serve my interests. Hence, there is no justification of the qualifications being put in place, and if they are to remain in existence, then they should act in the interest of me.

C. Universal ethical egoism which is the generalized belief that each and every person should pursue their own interests solely. That all persons should pursue their own interests exclusively. Up to this extent, there should be freedom for each individual to pursue their interests in the fitness industry as they wish and not be restricted by the rules and qualifications that are placed.


The availability of the qualifications…...



Davidson College, (2002). Descriptions of Ethical Theories and Principles. Retrieved October

09, 2011 from 

Farlex Inc. (2011). Definition; Ethics. Retrieved October 09, 2011 from http://medical-

Professional Ethics & Laws in
Pages: 5 Words: 1929

Most of the subjects who took part in the Belmont research were inmates, under privileged children or black people. This research violated these person's rights. By using inmates, the researchers were looking for people who could be easily coerced to participate in the study. Inmates can be forced into the study as they have no one to defend their rights. Under privileged children may be forced because they do not have guardians to give consent, or the children may not understand fully what the research is about. acial discrimination led to research been conducted only on black people.

Considering the methods used for these studies, no one should approve of these studies. The studies violated the subject's human rights, and ethical concerns were not addressed. There was discrimination against certain people, and the researchers did not provide all the information to the subjects. The Tuskegee study was prolonged for longer…...



American Psychological Association. (2010). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (0003-066X). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Code of Federal Regulations. (2009). Title 45: Public welfare. Department of Human Services, Part 46, Protection of Human Subjects.

Human Rights. (n.d). West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2, 2008. Retrieved October 7, 2012, from 

Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral Study of Obedience: The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67(4), 371-378. doi:10.1037/h0040525.

Professional Ethics and Potential Conflicts
Pages: 7 Words: 1765

Generally, with the exception of outright ethical violations, it is often context and the particular dynamics associated with any extra-therapeutic relationships and the specific type of therapy involved that determines precisely where the line between boundary crossing and boundary violation exists.

Undoubtedly, the nature of psychological therapy and the nature of the relationship dynamics between therapist and patient raise more potentially delicate ethical issues than physical medicine. Various aspects of interpersonal relationships and professional associations between therapist and patient represent potential threats to the outcome of therapy as well as to the health, welfare, and well-being of patients more generally. To a large extent, it is the responsibility of therapists to scrupulously adhere to ethical guidelines to distinguish between dual relationships that pose ethical issues from those that do not. Therapists enjoy latitude in that regard as pertains to some forms of dual relationships, while others are strictly prohibited by…...



Gerrig, R., Zimbardo, R. (2007). Psychology and Life. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Pope, K.S. And Vetter, V.A. "Ethical Dilemmas Encountered by Members of the American Psychological Association: A National Survey" American Psychologist,

March, 1992, vol. 47, no. 3.

Tong, R. (2007). New Perspectives in Health Care Ethics: An Interdisciplinary and Cultural Approach. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

Professional Ethics Unethical Case of
Pages: 5 Words: 1726

There is no factual situation under which I would ever act in a similar manner; the role of the prosecutor is to seek justice, not to seek convictions. A prosecutor may feel certain that a defendant has committed a crime, but, if they lack the evidence to support that feeling, they simply cannot prosecute the individual. To me, that is the main ethical dilemma faced by prosecutors, and the one that provides the most potential for ethical conflict among them. Human beings believe in the morality and rightness of vengeance; prosecutors must only believe in justice.
orks Cited

American Bar Association. "Model Rules of Professional Conduct: 2007 Edition."

ABANET.ORG. 2007. American Bar Association. 9 Nov. 2007

Askew, Kim. "Practicing Law 101." Texas Bar Journal. 70.10 (2007): 854-857.

Marshall, Jack. "Ethics Train reck: District Attorney Nifong and the Duke Lacrosse Rape

Case." Ethics Scoreboard. 2007. ProEthics, Ltd. 9 Nov. 2007

Neff, Joseph. "Rush to Judgment:…...


Works Cited

American Bar Association. "Model Rules of Professional Conduct: 2007 Edition."

ABANET.ORG. 2007. American Bar Association. 9 Nov. 2007 .

Askew, Kim. "Practicing Law 101." Texas Bar Journal. 70.10 (2007): 854-857.

Marshall, Jack. "Ethics Train Wreck: District Attorney Nifong and the Duke Lacrosse Rape

Professional Ethics
Pages: 19 Words: 5077

Privacy in the Workplace
"Employee Monitoring: Is there Privacy in the Workplace?" 2003. Consumers Action Network

Professionally ethical standards dictate that employees should be committed to working and performing at a professional level while in the workplace. Most employees assume that they have a right to a reasonable expectation to privacy while in the workplace. The majority of employers however in today's society, do utilize some form of employee surveillance and monitoring. This monitoring often extends into private emails and phone communications. Do employers have the right to monitor an employee's every move, from a trip to the water cooler to a visit to the lavoratory? Many employers have successfully argued that they have a legitimate business right to invade an employee's privacy in the workplace. Currently much controversy exists regarding the issue of workplace monitoring.

Advanced technologies now make it possible for employers to monitor almost every aspect of an employees' job.…...



'Bonita Bourke v. Nissan Motor Corporation." July 1993. Available:

Professional Ethics and Conduct for CPAs
Pages: 12 Words: 3656

Professional Ethics for CPABrowning, Levin & Wolod is a large accounting company that recruits college graduates. This accounting company engages in college job fairs throughout the country with the purpose of hiring the best accounting graduates every year. The firm only hires recent graduates with an excellent understanding of AICPAs Code of Professional Ethics. As part of the recruitment process, the firm invites candidates to provide a writing sample demonstrating knowledge of the AIPCA Code of Professional Conduct. The selection process involves completing a PETH exam given the likelihood of certified public accountants (CPAs) engaging in unethical behavior. This paper discusses professional ethics exams for CPAs and provides a comparison of the two most recent disciplinary actions in Wisconsin relating to the behavior of CPAs.Part I - Professional Ethics Exams for CPAsBordeman & Westermann (2019) state that CPAs have become a crucial part of the United States financial framework. CPAs…...



Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. (2014). AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. Retrieved October 4, 2021, from 

Bordeman, A. & Westermann, K.D. (2019). The professional ethics exam and acts discreditable: An introductory assignment. Issues in Accounting Education, 34(4), 39-48.

Colin, S. (2021). Wisconsin CPA Exam and license requirements: How to become a CPA in Wisconsin. Retrieved October 4, 2021, from 

Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services. (2021). Order 0007409. Retrieved October 4, 2021, from

Professional Ethics
Pages: 6 Words: 1701

Ethics in Sonography
The ethical issues that are presented to us in this hypothetical ethical case study are all too likely to occur in real life as Australian teenage girls become pregnant all too often - and often have little understanding of the biology of pregnancy. The question of what a sonographer should do when faced with a 15-year-old girl who is pregnant no doubt happens with some regularity across the country. The question of what the sonographer should do in this case spans legal, ethical and medical issues, and this paper explores that range of issues.

The first consideration is the confidentiality that each patient is owed by her or her doctor as well as other medical staff. hile the concept of patient confidentiality is meaningless in a very young patient (such as a toddler), it is by no means meaningless for a young woman of 15. The Australian Medical Association…...

Professional Ethics and Codes of Conduct
Pages: 3 Words: 831

The American Public Health Association's ethics interest group is comprised of a mixed group of "public health students, practitioners, educators and researchers," according to the APHA ethics website. The association publishes a journal on the subject called Public Health Ethics that studies the issue in detail and keeps current on emerging ethical issues in the field. The ethics interest group mirrors the organization's membership, which comprises disparate groups all involved in public health in one way or another.

The ethics group was formed because the APHA believes that ethics in the health care industry is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. The group wants to promote strong ethical foundations in the health care industry beginning at the student level, and aims to do this by facilitating communication about ethical issues. The APHA also has a program for dealing with ethical issues in research.

The APHA believes that ethics have always…...


Works Cited:

Article: American Public Health Association (2010). Ethics. Retrieved from 

PHLS. (2002). Principles of ethical practice of public health. Public Health Leadership Society. Retrieved October 15, 2011 from

Professional Ethics and Gift Giving
Pages: 2 Words: 806

Ethics and Gift-Giving
Being familiar with both the cultures of India and of America, I can compare the legal codes of the two nations regarding gift giving. In both countries, bribery is considered illegal; however, there are ways to get around this legal doctrine, and ways in which nepotism, favoritism, and gift giving can not only be accomplished but can even be expected (Joseph, 2012). For example, in India, it is common practice to give jobs in employment to family and friends, if you are a government worker, or if you own a business (Christie et al., 2003). Persons in positions of power in India are accustomed to passing on to friends and relatives the benefits of their position, and it is largely expected; even bribery, while illegal, is expected and assumed among government officials (Shafiq, 2015). Graft is very much a problem in the country, but it is also accepted…...



Christie, M. et al. (2003). A cross-cultural comparison of ethical attitudes of business managers: India, Korea and the United States. Journal of Business Ethics, 46(3): 263-287.

Menes, R. (2003). Corruption in cities: Graft and politics in American cities at the turn of the twentieth century. NBER Working Paper No. 9990. National Bureau of Economic Research.

NOHS. (2015). Ethical standards for human service professionals. Retrieved from 

Joseph, M. (2012). Across India, Nepotism as a Way of Life. The New York Times.

Ethical Concerns of Him Professional Ethics Is
Pages: 3 Words: 978

Ethical concerns of HIM Professional
Ethics is one of the critical and useful fields in the management and stability of many organizations in the world. The code of conduct that determines the rightful and valuable avenues of performance are directed at meeting the ethics established in the organization. Ethics refer to the rightful behaviors and responses that are deemed fruitful and important to the general interaction of the people, production, and relationship between different organizations in the society. In order to manage and live within the specified avenues of equitable management, many Human Information Professionals assume a rudimentary approach of being held accountable to the code of ethics. In order to have a sounding effect in the general management and creativity within the avenues of productivity, there are several structures and bodies of ethical considerations. These considerations have formed a stable and formidable base in the general management of the affairs…...



Harman, L.B., & American Health Information Management Association. (2006). Ethical challenges in the management of health information. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

McWay, D.C., & McWay, D.C. (2010). Legal and ethical aspects of health information management. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.

Personal and Professional Ethics a
Pages: 8 Words: 2505

Hoffman and Moore (2004) recommend training and communication as part of the implementation plan to improve ethical behavior. As part of the resolution process when facing ethical dilemmas, retraining on ethical standards and practices, legal ramifications, regulatory compliance/guidelines and code of conduct are imperative. Therefore, even if other values are not considered, at least the most important ones will be considered during the problem-solving process.

I strongly believe in the ethical leadership skills of my immediate supervisor. As we all know, great leadership does not occur in a vacuum. Very often, it is by observing admirable leaders that people learn to become good leaders in their own right. Therefore I have a spent some observing the most inspirational leader in my selected organization: my boss. He knows when to delegate and when to take control; he knows how to motivate employees through a balance of reward and reprimand; and most…...



Baker, T.L., & Hunt, T.G. (2003). An exploratory investigation into the effects of team composition on moral orientation. Journal of Managerial Issues, 15 (4), 106-119.

BSR - Business for Social Responsibility (2003) Overview of corporate responsibility, Retrieved from 

Forte, a. (2005). Locus of control and the moral reasoning of managers. Journal of Business Ethics, 58, (3)65-77.

Frank, R.H. (1996) What price the moral high ground? Southern Economic Journal, 63 (1),1-3

I need a thesis statement for my topic accounting ethics?
Words: 390

Accounting ethics are incredibly important because accountants are entrusted with handling money for individuals, businesses, and other organizations.  Unethical accountants can expose a business to financial risks and liabilities, even if their breaches of ethics do not amount to criminal behavior or involve intentional wrongdoing on the part of the accountant.  Huge financial scandals, such as Enron, could not occur without ethical breaches on the part of the accountants because the financial structure of large organizations requires at least passive participation in wrongdoing by people at the accountant level.  Accountant ethics are....

\"How can a well-designed essay introduction enhance nursing education curriculum for BSN program?\"
Words: 717

1. Paragraph:

Nursing education plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of healthcare by equipping nurses with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to provide high-quality patient care. As such, curriculum planning for Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs warrants meticulous consideration to ensure alignment with evolving healthcare needs and best practices. A well-designed essay introduction can serve as a cohesive framework for exploring how an effectively crafted introduction can enhance the overall efficacy of BSN program curriculum.

2. Background Information on Nursing Education Curriculum Planning for BSN Programs:

BSN curriculum planning entails a rigorous and multi-faceted process that involves identifying....

How can employees navigate the differences between their personal ethics and their company\'s ethics?
Words: 546

Navigating the Difference Between Personal and Company Ethics

As employees, we often encounter situations where our personal ethics conflict with the ethical standards set forth by our company. Resolving these conflicts can be challenging, requiring careful consideration and a nuanced understanding of both our own values and the company's policies.

Identifying the Conflict

The first step in navigating this dilemma is to clearly identify the source of the conflict. Determine which specific company policies or practices contradict your personal beliefs. It's important to avoid generalizing or making assumptions, as the exact nature of the conflict will dictate the best course of action.

Understanding the....

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