Profession Of Arms Essays (Examples)

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Army as a Profession of Arms After 10 Years of War
Pages: 5 Words: 1789

Profession of Arms After 10 Years of ar
The Pentagon put out a one-page explanation of the Profession of Arms (POA) in 2011 that points out the "significant impacts" the last nine and a half years have had on the "Army, its Soldiers, Families and Civilians" (Pentagon). This missive pointed out that many of the impacts the wars (in Iraq and Afghanistan) are "well documented and are being addressed. There remain, however, other consequences that we seek to understand" and within those consequences the Pentagon wants to "take a hard look" at how soldiers have changed as "individuals, as professionals and as a profession" (Pentagon).

The level of responsibility of today's Army soldiers is "like no other profession" due to the fact that soldiers are entrusted to "…apply lethal force ethically and only when necessary" and obviously this is an extremely difficult task given the "…chaotic and deadly machinations of war" (Pentagon).…...


Works Cited

The Profession of Arms / An Army White Paper. "I am an expert and I am a professional."

U.S. Army / CG TRADOC Approved. Retrieved September 21, 2011, from:

The Profession of Arms / 2011 U.S. Army Posture Statement. Retrieved September 21, 2011,

What the Profession of Arms Means to Me
Pages: 2 Words: 609

Profession of Arms Means to Me
According to Hoang, no profession can be likened to the Profession of Arms. In his own opinion, coming up with a precise definition of the Profession of Arms is in itself a difficult task. This particularly the case given that the meaning one attaches to "the Profession of Arms" is largely personal and internal. It was General of the Army Douglas MacArthur who once pointed out that;

Yours is the Profession of Arms, the will to win, the sure knowledge that in war there is no substitute for victory, that if you lose, the nation will be destroyed, that the very obsession of your public service must be Duty, Honor, Country… (Bonn, IX)

As members of this noble profession, our number one goal is to serve the people of this great nation by amongst other things securing the nation from any external threat. For this reason,…...


Works Cited

Bonn, Keith E. Army Officer's Guide. 5th ed. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books. Print.

military development profession of arm
Pages: 2 Words: 570

What it Means to be a ProfessionBeing a profession means cultivating core competencies in specific skill areas. It also means establishing norms of behavior, codes of ethics, and an organizational culture. The Army is essentially a Profession of Arms. Using the Profession of Arms framework, it is easier to understand how and why leaders need to create a cohesive organizational culture through human resources management. The creation of a cohesive, stable, and results-driven organizational culture requires effective human resources sergeants. A profession is vocational, but it also requires ongoing training and skills development. ecruitment, training, retention, and professional development are all roles fulfilled by the human resources (H) sergeant.The Balancing ole of the Profession\\\'s LeadersLeadership in all professions helps to propagate or if necessary, change the organizational culture. Leaders serve as role models for their subordinates, and they also serve as the representatives of the profession to the general public.…...


ReferencesUnited States Army (2010). The Profession of Arms. White Paper.

Career Person's Ability to Work
Pages: 8 Words: 2073

Those who have a more professional work, like a doctor or a lawyer tend to have a higher position in the society as compared with a carpenter or a waiter. A 5 occupational class scheme was discussed: 1st class is the upper level managers and professionals, 2nd class would be the medium level managers and professionals, 3rd class are the lower level office and service workers, 4th class are the skilled manual workers, and lastly, the 5th class is the unskilled manual workers. (ohnson, 2004) Therefore, social class can delineate a person's occupation and therefore characterize his/her experience of work.
Another factor that may affect a person's work life is disabilities acquired, for example, physical disabilities. A person may have one kind of disability or another. he/she may have lost an arm or a leg, he/she may have loss the ability to see, hear or speak. These unfortunate events also…...


Johnson JV, Hall EM. Towards an Understanding of the Interconnectedness of Class, Work and Health. Paper Prepared for Author's Working Conference on Society and Health, Harvard University, October 1992.

J.V. Johnson, PhD. Work Stressors and Social Class. Maryland, Job Stress Network, 2004.

L. Blackwell. Gender and Ethnicity at Work: Occupational Segregation and Disadvantage in the 1991 British Census. BSA Publications Ltd., Sociology, Vol. 37, No. 4, 713-731, 2003. WorkGender Gap 'Narrows'. BBC News 24, October 8, 2003

Career Management Wal-Mart Overview Scope Wal-Mart Falls
Pages: 7 Words: 1948

Career Management: Wal-Mart Overview
Scope Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart falls into the realm of mega retailers. There is no product or service that Wal-Mart has not considered at one point or another. Besides selling traditional retail products including house-wear, groceries, clothing and furniture, the retailer has branched out and now provides eye-wear, photographic services and pharmacy services. In addition the company is currently expanding into the financial services industry. Wal-Mart is in fact the world's largest company, exceeding companies like General Motors and Exxon Mobile in size and scope.

Wal-Mart is known in the retail world for selling products at a fraction of the costs of other retailers. At Wal-Mart prices are cheap but the product quality is high. The company in fact prides itself on its reputation for selling the best quality products at the lowest product. A consumer can buy the nation's number one brand products for a fraction of the cost of…...



B. Marc, Personnel Manager. Electronic Mail Interview. 9, November 2004.

Ballard, M. & Langrehr, F.W. (1993). "What CPAs Can Learn from Wal-Mart." Journal

Of Accountancy, 176(5):101

Cocheo, S. (2003). "Always aggressive, always Wal-Mart: What makes Wal-Mart keep

Careers and personal'statements
Pages: 1 Words: 372

Journey Toward HealingIn my formative years, I was captivated by the magical healing process. My earliest memories are painted with images of my dear grandmother being tenderly cared for by nurses who skillfully blended scientific accuracy with heartfelt compassion during their attentive watch. The enduring dedication and palpable kindness exhibited by these healthcare professionals deeply imprinted on my impressionable mind, illuminating a destined career path enveloped within the nurturing arms of nursing. This early revelation has been a beacon, gently steering my educational and career decisions and crafting my resolve to dedicate my life to healthcare wholeheartedly.With a clear vision of nursing, I consciously embarked on a rigorous academic journey, immersing myself in challenging health and science courses. Within these intellectual forges, I delved deep into the core principles of anatomy and physiology while concurrently wrestling with and embracing the intricate ethical dilemmas inherent to medicine. My unwavering commitment to…...

U S Arms Exports the Impact
Pages: 11 Words: 3541

In February of 2001, the government responded to pressures to relieve some of the suffering, the Emir loosened many of the laws. The U.S. considers Bahrain and important non-NATO ally in the ar against Terrorism, often using Bahrain as a staging area fro entry into Iraq. For this reason, the Bush administration continues to support increases in arms transfers to Bahrain. eapons transferred to Bahrain have included large and small weapons from shot guns to M60 tanks.

In 1999 Indonesian armed forces killed citizens in East Timor in response to the formation of anti-independence militias that were being organized. The government forces were equipped with U.S. M-1-6 rifles and other U.S. military equipment. The militia was also equipped with $1 billion in U.S. arms and training. In this case, the U.S. had been supporting the illegal occupation of East Timor since 1975. The U.S. supplied arms to both forces and…...


Works Cited

Bahrain." Available from   Accessed December 6. .

Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. 2006. UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Hundred and eighty-third plenary meeting Resolution 217(a)(III) of the United Nations General Assembly, December 10, 1948. Available at   Accessed December 6, 2007. .

Deen, T.U.S. Ramps Up Arms Supplies to Repressive Regimes. May 26, 2005. Available at   Accessed December 6, 2007. .

Disarmament" UN Department of Disarmament Affairs. Conventional Arms Branch. Available at   Accessed December 6, 2007. .

Motivation for Pursuing a Career
Pages: 1 Words: 330

When our family moved to United States five years ago, I began to see more opportunities for my chosen career unfold before me. Greater access to drugs and medicines, as well as improved treatments for my grandmother's condition, are the opportunities that led to my acquiring increased knowledge in pharmacy. I have fueled my passion in being a pharmacist while in Iran, and now I am ready to realize this goal in life by aspiring to attend in a medical school here in U.S.. Armed with my impressive credentials, field experience working as a pharmacy technician at Walgreen's, and personal history of being acquainted with the field of pharmacy through my grandmother's battle with Alzheimer's disease, I am now ready to start a new life as a pharmacist. Pharmacy as a career is the best path for fulfilling my aspirations to ease suffering among people, particularly the elderly, and…...

Health Care Profession Is Undergoing Fundamental Change
Pages: 4 Words: 1846

health care profession is undergoing fundamental change due in part to new laws and regulations. These laws and regulations, although well intended may result in unintended consequences for the nursing profession overall. In the future, the role of a nurse will be fundamentally altered. For one, regulation such as the Affordable Care Act will result in an entire population of insured patients needing care. As such, the role of a nurse will ultimately be predicated on a more individualized basis with specialization in certain aspects. Caring for diabetes is no different in this regard. The public is particularly prone to diabetes primarily due to dietary and lifestyle considerations. As such, the topic of proper care and prevention of this issue is paramount to community health. The population at risk, due in part to regulation, is now society as a whole. This presents interesting challenges and opportunities for the overall…...



1) Mahan LK, Escott-Stump S (2000). Krause's Food, Nutrition & Diet Therapy. 10th Ed., WB Saunders Co. Philadelphia; Reuters (2010)

2) Polonsky, K.S. (2012). "The Past 200 Years in Diabetes." New England Journal of Medicine 367 (14): 1332 -- 1340

3) Stewart WF, Ricci JA, Chee E, Hirsch AG, Brandenburg NA (June 2007). "Lost productive time and costs due to diabetes and diabetic neuropathic pain in the U.S. workforce." J. Occup. Environ. Med. 49 (6): 672 -- 9

How the Armed Forces Can Eliminate Discrimination in Their Officer Ranks
Pages: 36 Words: 10700

AbstractOn July 26, 1948, Executive Order 9981: Desegregation of the Armed Forces was signed into law eliminating segregation in the military by President Truman. He envisioned an armed force that would extend opportunities to all persons. Though the Army strives to recruit a diverse fighting force that reflects the United States\\\' diversity, it tends not to reflect at the senior leadership level. However, African-Americans tend not to branch or choose combat arms military occupational specialty (MOS), thus not setting themselves up to be selected for a senior leadership position, when 59% of the general officer assignments are combat arms. To this end, the purpose of this qualitative methods study using a document analysis research strategy was to identify the main reasons behind the unreasonable representation rates of African-Americans in senior leadership positions in the U.S. armed forces today in order to formulate appropriate and timely recommendations to address this constraint…...


ReferencesAdams, D. E. (1997, March). Mentoring women and minority officers in the U.S. military. Air Command and Staff College Maxwell AFB, AL.American people. (2021). CIA world factbook. Retrieved from   C. M. & Nas, D. (2018, February 16). Ignoring history, denying racism: Mounting evidence for the Marley Hypothesis and epistemologies of ignorance. Social Science and Personality Science, 10(2), 257-265.Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40.Briscoe, D. L. (2013). The Black community perspective: Recruiting Blacks into combat arms. Philadelphia: U.S. Army War College. Brook, T. V. (2020, September 1). Where are the Black officers? US Army shows diversity in its ranks but few promotions to the top. USA Today. Retrieved from https://www.usatoday. com/in-depth/news/politics/2020/09/01/military-diversity-army-shows-few-black-officers-top-leadership/3377371001/.Bryant, J. B. (2009). Mentorship: Strategically leveling the playing field for African American officers. Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. Army War College.Caulfield, J. (2020, August 14). How to do thematic analysis. Scribbr. Retrieved from  20analysis%20is%20a%20method,meaning%20that%20come%20up%20repeatedly.&text=Reviewing%20themes,Defining%20and%20naming%20themes.Choi, D. (2021, February 24). A Tuskegee hero and the oldest living Black West Point grad reflect on the US military and its first Black defense secretary. Business Insider. Retrieved from .Cooper, H. (2020, May 25). African-Americans are highly visible in the military, but almost invisible at the top. The New York Times. Retrieved from, E. (2021, February 24). Military needs ‘honest reckoning’ over racism in its ranks. CBS News. Retrieved from .Ender, M. G., Rohall, D. E. & Mathews, M. D. (2015, August). Intersecting identities: Race, military affiliation, and youth attitudes towards war. War & Society, 34(3), 230-245.Executive Order 9981. (1948, July 26). General Records of the United States Government; Record Group 11; National Archives.Feagin, J. & Elias, S. (2013). Rethinking racial formation theory: a systemic racism critique. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(6), 37-41.Introduction to document analysis. (2016, March 9). Research Methodology in Education. Retrieved from .Johnson, W. B. (2008). Mentoring experiences among Navy midshipmen. Military Medicine, 196, 27-34.Jones, J. (2010, November). Diversity continues to challenge the military. Black Enterprise, 41(4), 57-61.Kendrick, C. W. (1998). African American officers’ role in the future Army. Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. War College.Lyles, L. L. (2011). From representation to inclusion: Diversity leadership for the 21st century military – final report. Arlington, VA: Military Leadership Diversity Commission.Neuman, W. L. (2008). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. New York: Allyn & Bacon.O’Leary, Z. (2014). The essential guide to doing your research project (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.Randolph, B. (2018, April). Mentoring and African American Army captain success: A case study. School of Advanced Studies, Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership.Segal, M. W. & Thanner, M. H. (2007). Hispanic and African American men and women in the U.S. military: Trends in representation. Race, Gender & Class, 14(3/4), 48-64.Shaffer, J. (n.d.). African-Americans and the United States military: A brief history. U.S. Naval Academy. Smith, I. (2010). Why black officers still fail. Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. Army War College. .Bonam,

Unconventional Warfare in Afghanistan During the Soviet Occupation
Pages: 6 Words: 2051

Unconventional Warfare: The Mujahidin of Afghanistan
esistance is not futile. It was one of the lessons learned from the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan: that any resistance force can counter effectively against a powerful aggressor. esistance - with the proper tools, strategy, and determination - can countermeasure any unwanted entity. The anti-Soviet forces in Afghanistan not only pushed the invaders out of their country, but it helped precipitated the eventual fall of the U.S.S.. As a world power. The question on the table is: what happened in that poor Southwest Asian country? How did the Soviets lose that war, or how did the mujahidin - the soldiers of God - win? First and foremost, the Soviet political and military leaders made strategic and tactical errors. The Afghan rebels employed unconventional warfare in Afghanistan: it was their only possible means in defeating the Soviets. Eventually, though too late, the ussian troops switched…...



Bonosky, Phillip. Washington's Secret war against Afghanistan. New York: International Publishers. 1985.

Isby, David C. War in a Distant Country Afghanistan: Invasion and Resistance. New York: Sterling Publishing Company. 1989.

Kakar, M Hassan. Afghanistan: The Soviet Invasion and the Afghan Response, 1979-1982. Berkley: University of California Press. 1995.

Kaplan, Robert D. Soldiers of God: With Islamic Warriors in Afghanistan and Pakistan. New York: Vintage Books. 1990.

Future of Nco Corporations
Pages: 6 Words: 1653

Future of NCO Corps
Future of Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Corps

A critical link

The past and present

The future after 9/11

Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Corps has traditionally been important in the armed forces of the U.S. Provision of training and mentoring to the general rank soldiers and effective assistance to second lieutenants has been the traditional responsibility of NCOs. The NCOs are technicians and team leaders as well. The role has significance in the future as well. After successfully participating in the wars of Afghanistan and Iraq, NCO Corps is planned to go through a 'consolidation' phase in which non-performing senior NCOs will be retired early. Junior and mid-grade NCOs will be retrained to meet the requirements ofirregular warfare contingencies and in-rank counseling.

Future of Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Corps

Thesis statement

The Noncommissioned (NCO) Corps is an important link between the officer ranks and the general rank of the U.S. army. The role and responsibilities of NCO Crops…...



Fisher, E.F. (1994). Guardians of the Republic: A History of the Non-Commissioned Officer Corps of the U.S. Army. Stackpole Books.

Horn, L.C.B. (2002). A Timeless Strength: The Army's Senior NCO Corps. Canadian Military Journal, 3(2), 39-47.

Krepinevich, A.F. (2008). An Army at the Crossroads. Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.

Shmccall, A. (2011, Nov). The NCO Corps and the demands of our Profession of Arms. U.S. Army. Retrieved from:

Understanding the Role of Leadership in the Army
Pages: 5 Words: 2263

Managing Army Change
Force Management Discussion Paper (ASSIGNMENT)

General Instructions

You may use the lessons (please request additional information if needed), readings and references (have been provided) to help you answer the questions. Reference the documents titled "F100 Lessons Overview" for determining if additional topic discussions (lessons) may be needed. Cite the sources you used to answer the discussion topics. Use footnotes (Turabian style) of documentation; do not use parenthetical citations. This includes direct quotations, paraphrases, and summaries of the assigned readings, doctrinal references, or outside sources.

In academic writing, do not use first-person or passive voice.

Read the question thoroughly, and make sure you are answering the question being asked. As you formulate your responses, do NOT provide a simple summation to the question or your opinion. Use evidence (specific examples or concepts) from F100 as part of your answers. Imagine that you are submitting your answers to the first general officer in your…...



2012 Army Equipping Strategy. F106 Army Force Generation.

2013 Army Strategic Planning Guidance Excerpt. Lesson F101: Strategic Change.

Dempsey, Martin. "Chairman's Strategic Direction to the Joint Force."

Gen Odierno AUSA Winter Symposium. F103 Total Army Analysis.

Ethical Issues in the Military
Pages: 2 Words: 693

Ethical Issues in Question in the Ethical VignetteOfficials in the Department of Defense (DoD), like those in any other profession, are required to act ethically at all times to maintain a positive reputation of the profession of arms and build trust among members of the public. To do this, officials must be able to accurately identify ethical issues when they arise in the workplace. An ethical issue is a situation that compromises, either partly or in whole, one or more moral values or standards of professional ethical behavior (Drolet et al., 2023). The ethical issue that the protagonist (the commanding officer) in the vignette faces is whether to allow the cover up of violations of Navy protocols in order to portray a positive image of his division among his superiors during a personnel inspection. There is concern that three sailors in the officers division may not meet the personal fitness…...


References Drolet, M. J., Rose-Derouin, E., Leblanc, J., Ruest, M., & William-Jones, B. (2023). Ethical issues in research: Perceptions of researchers, research ethics board members and research ethics experts. Journal of Academic Ethics, 21(2), 269-292. University of California Press. (2004). UC Press E-Books collection, 1982-2004. Authors.

Information Warfare
Pages: 9 Words: 2405

Warfare: An Overview
In today's age, traditional warfare, though a major player as we see in the Iraq war, has in some arenas taken a back seat to information warfare.

y definition, information warfare is the offensive and even defensive utilization of information and information systems to deny, exploit, corrupt or destroy an adversary's information, information-based processes, information systems and computer-based networks while protecting one's own. Parties use information warfare to gain military, public relations or economic advantage. (

Users of information technology are most often nation-states and corporations. For instance, by gaining access to a rival company's databases, a business can get a valuable advantage on price-points and supply chains. Countries can decide how much to spend on military equipment by discovering how much in military stocks adversary nations have.

One major focus recently on information warfare has been hackers. For instance, the most recent generation of mobile phones has proven vulnerable…...


Bibliography The information warfare site. Glossary of information warfare terms. Web source of information warfare sites.

What role does military ethics play in shaping soldiers\' conduct and decision-making?
Words: 569

1. Military ethics play a crucial role in shaping soldiers conduct and decision-making by providing a moral compass that guides their actions in combat and everyday life.

2. The principles of military ethics, such as honor, integrity, and respect for human dignity, help soldiers navigate complex situations and make ethical choices on the battlefield.

3. Training in military ethics instills a sense of duty and responsibility in soldiers, reinforcing the importance of upholding moral values even in the face of adversity or temptation.

4. Ethical decision-making frameworks, such as the Just War Theory, provide soldiers with a structured approach to evaluating the morality....

How do the foundation of Army Leadership shape effective military strategies?
Words: 120

1. Paragraph: The foundation of Army leadership encompasses a set of principles and practices that guide military leaders in effectively commanding and motivating their troops. These foundations, rooted in history and experience, shape strategies that enable armies to achieve their objectives and maintain operational efficiency. This essay will examine the significance of Army leadership foundations in shaping effective military strategies, exploring how they contribute to decision-making, organizational structure, and operational planning within the military context.


  • Department of the Army. (2016). Field Manual 6-22: Army Leadership. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Army.
  • Hackett, J. (2010). The Profession of Arms. Indianapolis, IN:....

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