Product Design Essays (Examples)

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Product Design Problem Modern Corporations Which Integrate
Pages: 2 Words: 630

Product Design Problem
Modern corporations which integrate the design, manufacture and marketing phases of a particular product are often confronted by the continual conflict which exists between industrial designers who conceptualize new ideas and engineers tasked with transforming that vision into tangible form. A delicate balance must be achieved by savvy executives seeking to achieve peak levels of performance and production from both their design and engineering wings. The world of industry is littered with discarded ideas and dashed dreams, and more often than not the ultimate success or failure of a product is determined by the ability of designers and engineers to cooperate while constructing and refining a prototype. When the lines of communication between any sectors within a firm are limited or severed, due to professional biases and petty disputes, the product which eventually goes to market will typically be substandard in either its stylistic design or its engineered…...



Folkestad, J.A., & Johnson, R.L. (2001). Resolving the conflict between design and manufacturing: Integrated rapid prototyping and rapid tooling (irprt). Journal of Industrial Technology, 17(4), 1-7. Retrieved from

Mukhopadhyay, S.K., & Gupta, A.V. (1998). Interfaces for resolving marketing, manufacturing and design conflicts: A conceptual framework. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 32 Iss: 1/2, pp.101 -- 124. DOI: 10.1108/03090569810197499

Pei, E., Evans, M., & Campbell, I. (2007, October). Them and us? exploring the collaboration between industrial designer and engineering designers. Paper presented at International council of societies of industrial design congress, San Francisco, CA. Retrieved from

Product Design and Feasibility of a Cellular
Pages: 3 Words: 890

poduct design and feasibility of a cellula phone with tacking capabilities. It uses the technology of LoJack tacking system and aims at integating the same, in a cellula phone to design a handy, duable and affodable device fo childen so that thei paents can keep tack of them at all times.

The poduct mechanism compises of a LoJack tacking system device which includes a small adio fequency tansceive integated into a micochip. Each chip can be given a unique code fo ecognition. When accessed via the Global Recognition System o simila softwae fom a pesonal compute, the intended unique LoJack can be activated; it then emits inaudible signals and can thus be located.

This devise can be integated in the common cellula telephone which is a detachable option and can be eplaced by the standad battey of the phone. Lo-jack technology, fomely used in stolen vehicle ecovey…...


references in the design of a cellular phone. Also the most acceptable designs in the market could be analyzed.


The product is designed for and aimed at a specific market that can make use of its LoJack feature integrated in a cellular phone device to track down the intended individual by means of a comprehensive and accurate mapping. Hence, the target customers are parents who desire to keep track of their children but due to their rigorous work routines and other preoccupations, are unable to do so. These could specifically be parents who are doing a full day job and belong to professions that require higher dedication and involvement for instance medicine, architecture and engineering. Single parents who work full time and find it both difficult and depressing to keep track of their children may also be considerably interested in this product. In any case, it can be safely assumed that all parents need to enjoy the security of knowing where precisely their child is at a particular time. This eliminates misinformation on part of the child, and would also in retrospect, cut down on incidences of juvenile delinquency and the like. Also spouses and friends who wish to keep track of each other and be connected at all time can make use of this innovation. Therefore the product should focus on the aforementioned customers and appropriate marketing planning must be laid out to interest these customers in the most effective manner.


What is a LoJack, retrieved online on October 23, 2005,

Product Design Summary for a Web Quest
Pages: 3 Words: 980

product design summary for a web quest that teaches 5th grade students how to build a web page using Microsoft ord
In recent years, web quests have been used to great effect by educators with the purpose of giving students the ability to search the orld ide eb for instructional as well as entertaining information. The web quest format allows students to employ an interactive form of knowledge seeking with a visual, audio, and verbal component. The importance of instructing students in the use of the web as a tool that can be deployed to educate through the use of technology and to connect students to the world has not always been deployed to its full potential, partly because of a certain level of teacher discomfort with computers, partly because of certain district's technical limitations, and partly because the nature of the information available on the web has only recently…...


Works Cited

Dodge, Bernie. (2004) "The Web quest Site." Site first created February 1998, last modified 2004. Retrieved on July 14, 2004 at 

Dodge, Bernie. (2001). "Five Rules for Writing a Great Web Quest." Retrieved on July 14, 2004 at 

Dodge, Bernie. (1993) "Some Thoughts about Web Quests." Retrieved on July 14, 2004 at

Schrock, Kathy. (2004) "Why Web Quests?"

Product Design Is Applied in
Pages: 2 Words: 613

The use of forecasting and supply chain management techniques is also pervasive throughout Dell's product life cycle planning programs (Fields, 2006).
How different Issues for Product Development are applied in the organization?

Dell is best known for its innovation of the direct sales model and rapid pace of innovation in the build-to-order sales model of personal computers, peripherals and entire networks (Salvador, de Holan, Piller, 2009). The build-to-order selling strategy which has successfully differentiated Dell for decades places tight tolerances for delivery and quality on its supply chain partners (Gunasekaran, Ngai, 2005). For the build-to-order model to be profitable, Dell has to take all variation or potential for disruption out of this strategy, starting with product development. The prioritization on creating product configurations that can quickly be componentized with parts transferrable across multiple product lines is also a high priority within Dell (Gunasekaran, Ngai, 2005). Implicit in the approach Dell uses…...



Dell Investor Relations (2011). Investor Relations. Retrieved October 30, 2011, from Dell Investor Relations and Filings with the SEC Web site: 

Gary Fields. (2006). Innovation, Time, and Territory: Space and the Business Organization of Dell Computer. Economic Geography, 82(2), 119-146.

A Gunasekaran, & EWT Ngai. (2005). Build-to-order supply chain management: a literature review and framework for development. Journal of Operations Management, 23(5), 423-451.

V Krishnan, & Shantanu Bhattacharya. (2002). Technology selection and commitment in new product development: The role of uncertainty and design flexibility. Management Science, 48(3), 313-327.

Biomimicry in Product Design
Pages: 4 Words: 1075

Biomimicry in Design

There is a set of trends in the 21st century regarding urban design, product design, and organizational studies. One of these trends is the act of biomimicry. Biomimicry is a design philosophy or perspective that mimics design patterns in nature. Products inspired by biomimicry are ecologically sound in design, production, and distribution processes, as well as solve human problems. Products reflecting biomimcry do not simply mimic the models, systems, processes, systems, and elements of nature for inspiration. These products mimic nature not only in design, but also in function as products of biomimicry solve problems. The design of nature avoids, anticipates, and solves problems. Thus the products inspired by nature do not mimic nature on a superficial level but on deeper levels of utility and sustainability. This paper will focus upon products that biomimic sharks. Using primary and secondary sources, the paper will evaluate the efficacy and adherence…...



Benyus, Janine. "Janine Benyus shares nature designs." Web, lecture,, April 2005. Available from:   2012 March 08. .

Biomimicry Institute. "Biomimicking Sharks." Web, 2012. Available from   2012 March 10. .

Purt, Jenny. "Live Discussion: What is Biomimicry?" The Guardian, Article, Web, 2011 September 29, 2011 October 02 -- 2011 October 04. Available from   2012 March 09. .

Design of Goods and Services
Pages: 2 Words: 667

Product Life Cycles
How product design is applied in decision-making of that organization?

Design decision making at (organization name) involves generating a series of product alternatives using very clear criteria. The goal is evaluate which solutions maximize value and function, but minimize costs. This approach is based on a need to shorten product development cycles to get new products to market faster. The market can be very intense and competitive. Therefore, the company is always eager to gain a competitive advantage by reaching consumers with the best product possible before others in the industry. This means that front-end strategic planning is a must have when design decisions are being made. Poor decisions during product development can lead to products that no one wants to buy or that are so expensive they cannot be manufactured in sufficient quantity (Cao & Folan, 2012). Thus, (organization name) has come to understand that design decisions made…...



Cao, H., & Folan, P. (2012). Product life cycle: the evolution of a paradigm and literature review from 1950 -- 2009. Production Planning & Control, 23(8), 641-662. doi:10.1080/09537287.2011.577460.

Sy, M., & Mascle, C. (2011). Product design analysis based on life cycle features. Journal of Engineering Design, 22(6), 387-406. doi:10.1080/09544820903409899.

Product Lifecycles Mcdonald's Corporation Overview of Product
Pages: 2 Words: 596

Product Lifecycles
McDonald's Corporation Overview

of Product Design, Development and Product Lifecycles

McDonald's Corporation relies on the intersection of continual product design innovations, new product development, and an extensive supply chain and strategic sourcing system to continually fuel the development of new menu items globally. Their approach to product design, product lifecycle management, and the different issues pertaining to product development they manage are explained in this analysis.

Product design is applied to the decision-making process within McDonald's using an accelerated New Product Development and Introduction (NPDI) process that allows for the company to continually keep their new product pipeline moving forward. This NPDI process is tightly integrated to Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems of record and the continual in-bound information from supply chain management (SCM), pricing and procurement systems so a 360-degree view of the new product design process is achieved (Martin, 2002). In this way the product design can be more defined…...



Hickey, K. (2004). McDonald's tall order. Traffic World, (0041073), 1-10.

Hoffman, W. (2006). There Lovin' Logistics. Traffic World, (0041073), 1-20.

Martin, R. (2002). Keep your eye on supply side ball when swinging for a new-product home run. Nations Restaurant News, 36(27), 25-26.

Petrak, L. (2005). Shining the golden arches. National Provisioner, (0027996), 60-61,64-65,68-69,72-73.

Product Liability Tort Risk and Responsibility a
Pages: 3 Words: 924

Product Liability Tort

A tort is a civil wrong, loss or harm inflicted by a person's behavior upon another (LII, 2010). While it is not necessarily an illegal act itself, the law allows the person harmed to recover his loss or receive compensation for the harm. It differs from a crime wherein the person's harmful act affects society in general. A claim of tort may be filed in a civil court. The three main elements of a tort are duty, the breach of that duty, and the injury or harm caused by the breach. The four main types of torts are intentional, negligence, strict liability, and nuisance. One type of negligence torts is products liability (LII).

Products liability can be incurred by any or all of the persons involved in the manufacturing chain of a product for the damage it causes (LII, 2010; Lim, 2012). It may be the manufacturer…...



Harb, T. (2008). 7 essential elements of ERM and the role of internal audit. The Institute of Internal Auditors. Retrieved on December 29, 2012 from 

LII (2010). Products liability. Legal Information Institute: Cornell University Law

School. Retrieved on December 30, 2012 from 

Lim, K. (2012). How can businesses reduce product liability risks? Globial International

Product Lifecycle Management Best Practices
Pages: 12 Words: 3216

This practically also pays big dividends for manufacturers as they continue to strive to keep their Energy STA Compliance ratings on products, leading to lower costs for power supply, electrical system integration and less product wear due to more efficient use of energy. Studies also indicate that Energy STA compliance, when designed in as part of the DfE initiatives in a PLM system, can have an exceptionally high accumulative impact as well (Preston, 2001).
Integrating DfE into PLM frameworks then not only alleviates the unnecessary and often high costs of noncompliance to federal and global mandates, this integration has also been shown to reduce the net amount of new product components necessary, further creating higher levels of reliability in products over time (Mascle, Zhao, 2008).

There are many additional benefits to integrating DfE product development practices into the broader PLM frameworks manufacturers use for designing, launching, managing and discontinuing products. The…...



Abramovici, M. (2007). Future trends in product lifecycle management (plm). Springer-Verlag Publishing, London, UK. (pp. 665-674).

Mike Adami-Sampson. (2007, February). Design for environmental compliance. Control Engineering, 54(2), 12-14.

Vidhi A Chaudhri. (2006). Organising Global CSR: A Case Study of Hewlett-Packard's e-inclusion Initiative*. The Journal of Corporate Citizenship,(23), 39-51.

Deathe, A., MacDonald, E., & Amos, W.. (2008). E-waste Management Programmes and the Promotion of Design for the Environment: Assessing Canada's Contributions. Review of European Community & International Environmental Law, 17(3), 319-334.

Product and Service Design Processes Product Executive
Pages: 2 Words: 642

Product and Service Design Processes
Product Executive Summary: Tire Design

The approach to designing tires is driven by a highly regulated product market. The standards for safety, ergonomic design and functionality are governed by a number of basic qualifying conditions that must first be met. Therefore, the appropriate design approach begins with ensuring that these conditions are met both in terms of design and the machinery and equipment that will be used to drive production.

Beyond this, design approach is governed by the required output of a given production facility. This, in turn, is determined by client demand and imposed shipping schedules and deadlines. By establishing partnerships with automakers and other larger production operations, the tire design process is governed by clear outlay of production expectations. Designing the production approach must center on achieving these expectations. For this to occur across multiple settings and with a wide range of partnerships of varying production…...

Design Layout and Process Layout for Manufacturing Facility
Pages: 4 Words: 919

Product Design
The process needed to manufacture my laptop begins with the facility layout, which supports the diverse work of the departments, centers and equipment, all of which is configured interactively so as to produce the maximum amount of output at the highest of quality; the different types of processes needed to produce the laptop, from robotic processes to programmable and flexible automation along with person-centered operations; a process map for the design and manufacturing of the computer; links to SCO (Supply Chain Operations), and the five basic processes of SCO (Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, and eturn).

The layout for the manufacturing of the Dell laptop is based on the idea to make operations efficient utilizing opportunity-cost ratios, and assessments of latest possibilities in product design (safety issues are also a concern and are assessed in risk mitigation analysis). Likewise, state and federal laws regarding manufacturing, environmental hazards, etc., must be followed,…...



Manufacturing. (2015). Dell. Retrieved from   us/work/learn/manufacturing -

Panayides, P., Lun, Y. (2009). The impact of trust on innovativeness and supply chain performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 122(1): 35-46.

Singhry, H. (2015). Effect of supply chain technology, supply chain collaboration and innovation capability on supply chain performance of manufacturing companies. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 7(2): 258-273.

Product Liability Is an Area of Law
Pages: 2 Words: 623

Product liability is an area of law in which any organization that either makes products (manufacturers) or distributes to the public (makes available) may be held responsible for potential injuries that may be caused by those products. In the United States, claims for product liability are usually associated with some type of negligence, breach of warranty, or other consumer protection issues. However, the large majority of product liability laws vary considerably because they are determined from state to state. This, of course, makes it problematical to litigate across state boundaries, as well as ensure that manufacturing requirements are met more universally (Golden, 2000).
Case -- Jennings v. Baxter Healthcare Corporation. 331 Oregon 285.14.P.3d596 (2000)

In 1978, Plaintiff received silicone breast implants following a mastectomy. Both implants partially deflated: the first in 1980 (and was replaced), the second in 1992. In 1993, Plaintiff had the implants removed, and it was discovered that one…...



Baldwin, P.,, eds. (2009). Product Liability Case Digest, 2009-10. Frederick, MD:

Aspen Publishers., Page 323.

Golden, R.L. (2000). Product Liability Prevention: A Strategic Guide. Milwaukee, WI:

ASQ Quality Press.

Product Strategy Differentiation
Pages: 2 Words: 543

Glo-Bus Games
Product strategy: Differentiation

Differentiation is an important part of Glo-Bus Games strategy regarding the marketing of its cameras. The product strategy is currently divided into two groups: entry level cameras for new users and cameras with multiple features for more experienced users. The entry-level cameras are at a lower price point because they offer fewer product capabilities and less sophisticated designs. Not only is the technology less complex, thus supporting a lower price point, but it is less likely to intimidate new users with more accessible design features.

However, the camera brand is not solely directed at new users. The overall product strategy is to entice people to use the brand when they are just beginning to explore photography as a hobby and then gradually move on to the more expensive and complex designs. For more advanced users, the product offers more features and the target user is more willing…...

design'school admissions essay
Pages: 6 Words: 2030

Admissions EssayStatement of PurposeThe Graduate School of Media and Design represents the next level for me in terms of my career development. I have had the opportunity to work in design, and enjoyed some modest success, but wish to pursue formal studies that will allow me to learn my field at a higher level. While I have a good eye, I want to understand at a deeper level the theories that drive design of major consumer products in particular.Design is all around us, in every product we see, from the buildings we live it to the tools we use in our daily lives. The combination of form and function fascinates me. In my experience working in marketing I have mostly created visuals for promotional purposes, but my heart lies in product design. To be able to understand some of the more complex aspects of design the engineering components, how…...

Product Analysis of an Innovation
Pages: 5 Words: 1561

Describe the problem your innovation targets. What is the scope of the problem and which stakeholders, both within the organization and without, does it impact? The organization that I work in is Dana Incorporated. Dana is a global leader in the supply of significantly engineered drivetrain, sealing, in addition to thermal-management technologies that augment the efficacy and performance of vehicles with conventional and powertrains using alternative energy. The auto industry has had a past account of innovation and a great deal of turbulence. However, the level of innovation in the contemporary is unmatched. Brand reputation together with high product quality continues to be significant but have lost their gleam as consumer selling points. Notably, at the present moment, technology innovation and transparent cost of ownership have swiftly shifted to the top of what consumers desire and demand from a vehicle (Gnamm, Kalmbach, and Burgin, 2018).
By analyzing the internal processes and strategies…...

Seeking guidance on crafting a debatable adidas thesis statement. Tips?
Words: 137

A thesis statement for a compare and contrast essay on Adidas could be: "Although both Nike and Adidas are popular sportswear brands recognized worldwide, their distinct approaches to marketing, product design, and brand image set them apart, ultimately catering to different consumer preferences and creating unique fan bases." When crafting a debatable thesis statement about Adidas, it's important to focus on specific aspects of the brand that can be compared or contrasted with other competitors in the market. You may want to consider exploring how Adidas' focus on sustainability and ethical manufacturing practices sets it apart from other sportswear brands, or....

Can you walk us through your process and insights gained from analyzing the case?
Words: 509

Process of Analysis:

1. Problem Definition: Identified the core problem as the decline in market share and profits for the electronics company.

2. Data Collection: Gathered data from financial statements, sales reports, market research, and competitive analysis.

3. Hypothesis Generation: Formulated hypotheses related to factors contributing to the decline, such as product innovation, marketing effectiveness, and operational efficiency.

4. Data Analysis: Performed statistical analysis (regression, correlation) to test the hypotheses and identify significant factors.

5. Root Cause Identification: Used causal mapping and decision trees to determine the underlying causes of the decline.

6. Insights Generation: Developed recommendations and actionable strategies based on the insights gained from....

I need some suggestions for mla format persuasive no smoking essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 262

1. The detrimental effects of smoking on lung health and overall well-being
2. The impact of secondhand smoke on non-smokers
3. The economic burden of smoking on healthcare systems
4. The importance of implementing stricter tobacco control policies
5. The influence of tobacco advertising on smoking behavior
6. The benefits of quitting smoking and resources available to support smokers in their journey to quit
7. The correlation between smoking and various chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illnesses
8. The ethical responsibility of businesses to create smoke-free environments for employees and customers
9. The role of community education and awareness campaigns in reducing smoking rates

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on steve jobs?
Words: 424

Steve Jobs: Visionary, Innovator, and Cultural Icon

The Legacy of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs' impact on the tech industry: How his vision and leadership revolutionized computing, mobile communication, and digital technology.
Jobs' influence on design and user experience: The transformative role he played in shaping the way we interact with technology as consumers.
Jobs' entrepreneurial genius: Analyzing the key factors behind his success as a founder, CEO, and innovator.

The Visionary and Creative Genius

Steve Jobs as a visionary leader: How he inspired his employees, motivated innovation, and created a culture of creativity at Apple.
Jobs' obsession with perfection: Examining his relentless....

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