Problem Solving Essays (Examples)

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Problem-Solving Skills Robert Harris 2009 Indicates That
Pages: 5 Words: 1377

Problem-Solving Skills
obert Harris, (2009) indicates that problem solving or the art of decision making is actually a process that is targeted at the best solution out of an array of them that will best fit the situation or meets the intended goals and values best. obert further emphasizes that in the course of the process of decision making, there is reduction of doubts and uncertainty on each alternative to create room for a reasonable choice to be made.

People will always tend to form groups in order to solve problems or advance significant plans to their lives. These groups could be informal or formal groups, but their aims are always geared towards a given goal. The idea of having groups especially among employees and students gives the people involved a sense of power, security, self-esteem, achievement, affiliation and even status to some extent. If well utilized in any setting, groups can…...



Robert Harris, (2009). Introduction to Decision Making. Retrieved May 5, 2012 from 

The Happy Manager, (2012). Problem Solving Technique: 5 Steps to Improve Your

Processes. Retrieved May 5, 2012 from

Problem Solving Model for Classic Airline Company
Pages: 10 Words: 2913

Problem Solving Model for Classic Airline
Company Overview

Classic Airlines is ranked as the fifth largest airline globally with the net income of $10 million and $8.7 million operating revenue. Before 2008, the company recorded a net income of 71 billion and $8.5 billion operating revenue. However, evaluation of the company financial records reveals that Classic Airline recorded $61 million decrease in the net income within one year. Careful assessment of the company financial positions reveals that the company net revenues had declined because Classic Airline recorded a decline in customer participations due to the consistence rising in fuel and labor costs. Couple with rising in fuel costs, the outcome of aftermath of September 11, 2001 generally led to the decline in airline market.

Thus, Classic Airline was unable to attract more customers because both internal and external marketing programs that the company implemented failed to meet the stakeholders' expectations. Generally customers' comments…...



University of Phoenix (nd). Classic Airlines Scenario. University of Phoenix Material, MKT 571, Retrieved on March 31, 2013 from University of Phoenix Material.

University of Phoenix (2003). Classic Airlines' Stock Price -- 2003. MKT 571.

University of Phoenix (2004). Classic Airlines' Stock Price -- 2004. MKT 571.

Hung, W. (2009). The 9-step problem design process for problem-based learning:

Problem Solving People Are Usually
Pages: 2 Words: 599

Clearly, the results of studies performed through such methods cannot possibly be taken for granted. Moreover, the presence or the absence of the cognitive process cannot be determined with proximity during a problem solving study.

Certain problems can be easily solved with the help of insight, as people can sometimes almost suddenly understand a problem or find a solid strategy to solve the respective problem. Even if most people believe that insight is just a coincidence, it is in most cases an earlier strategy conceptualized in a different way. Solutions found to problems which are not necessarily difficult to solve do not qualify as being insightful. People are only believed to solve problems through insight in the cases when they initially have doubts concerning their success in solving the problems.

Creativity is also of great importance during a problem solving process, as creative individuals have greater chances of solving a certain problem.…...


Works cited:

1. Lester, Frank K. (1980). "A Procedure for Studying the Cognitive Processes Used During Problem Solving." Journal of Experimental Education, Vol. 48.

2. "Problem Solving and Creativity." Retrieved July 16, 2009, from the University of Arizona Web site: .

Lester, Frank K. (1980). "A Procedure for Studying the Cognitive Processes Used During Problem Solving." Journal of Experimental Education, Vol. 48.


Problem Solving on a Regular Basis Humans
Pages: 2 Words: 930

Problem Solving
On a regular basis, humans must solve problems or issues. This has been true for millennia, from the time in which we were hunter-gatherers to now having a myriad of choices in almost every single moment of our lives. We must choose clothing, colors, styles, entertainment, meals, and time schedules, almost down to the minutiae. Because we are now confronted with so many decisions, these decisions often bleed off into more serious and interpersonal conundrums -- colleagues, subordinates, loved ones that problem and decision making solutions are even more complex. However, one way of thinking about a problem or set of challenges involves a rather simple, but powerful, form of analysis: 1) Identify the problem, 2) Brainstorm the alternatives, 3) List advantages/disadvantages for each alternative, 4) Propose a solution, 5) Test the solution. This method is, in fact, part of John Chaffee's Critical Thinking methodology, and may serve one…...



Chaffee, J., (2011). Proposing a Solution to a Problem. In Critical Thinking, Thoughtful

Writing. Cenage Learning. Retrieved from:

Problem Solving Case Study Merging Information Technology
Pages: 8 Words: 3233

Problem Solving Case Study
Merging Information Technology and Cultures at Compaq-Digital (B):

Becoming a Single Firm

The many challenges and opportunities evident for Compaq and Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) illustrated in the case study Merging Information Technology and Cultures at Compaq-Digital (B): Becoming a Single Firm are analyzed and evaluated from a strategic perspective in this analysis. Both companies have drastically different cultures, which made the challenges, opportunities and threats of the merger not being optimal between both at a cultural and IT level evident . Compaq is a very centralized organizational culture that values and believes in a centralized IT system architecture and reporting system strategy. It is common for Compaq to rely on single-instance EP systems throughout multiple regions of the world and seek out cost and time efficiencies based on the benefits of consolidated, highly controlled and centralized IT enterprise systems. Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) is diametrically the opposite, with…...



Rainer Alt, Dimitrios Gizanis, and Christine Legner. 2005. Collaborative order management: toward standard solutions for interorganisational order management. International Journal of Technology Management 31, no. 1,2, (January 1): 78-97.

Barrett, J.. 2007. Demand-Driven is an Operational Strategy. Industrial Management, November 1, 14-19,5.

Rob Bois. (2004). Quoting Complex Products across Multiple Sales Channels -- A Sales Configuration Vendor Landscape. In AMR Research Editing Services (Ed.), AMR Research Series. Boston: AMR Research.

Louis Columbus. (2003). Configuration Is the Heart of Customer Fulfillment for Complex Product Manufacturers. In AMR Research Editing Services (Ed.), AMR Research Series. Boston: AMR Research.

Problem Solving Personal Mechanic Each Day Act
Pages: 2 Words: 869

Problem Solving
Personal Mechanic

Each day act personal mechanic. That, faced a myriad decisions, choices problems "fix." These range simple complex.

Each day act personal mechanic. That, faced a myriad decisions, choices problems "fix." These range simple complex

Each day we have to deal with number of problems. These problems can be classified into two broad categories. One are considered as immediate problems which needs an immediate solution while other are considered as those problem which do not require an immediate solution but they can create hindrances as far as long-term situation is concerned. For example if the car is not properly working or your microwave oven is not in an order than we can consider such problems as immediate problems as people cannot wait for a longtime for the fixation of such problems. They require immediate solutions. However consider the situation in which organization is thinking that their current advertising campaign is not…...



Jozwiak, J. (2004). Teaching Problem-solving Skills to Adults. Journal of Adult Education, 33(1), 19+. Retrieved September 13, 2011, from Questia database: 

Kolb, S.M., & Stuart, S.K. (2005, November/December). Active Problem Solving: a Model for Empowerment. Teaching Exceptional Children, 38, 14+. Retrieved September 13, 2011, from Questia database: 

Sternberg, R.J. (Ed.). (1998). Thinking and Problem Solving. London: Academic. Retrieved September 13, 2011, from Questia database:

Problem Solving Receiving and Making Important Phone
Pages: 2 Words: 698

Problem Solving
Receiving and making important phone calls has been a serious problem in my daily life. This is a problem of time management and a lack of organization. Making and receiving these phone calls is essential because not doing so is affecting daily life.

In order to confront this issue and solve this problem some amount of brainstorming must take place. According to Carter et al. (2007) "Brainstorming -- letting your mind free-associate to come up with different ideas or answers -- is also referred to as divergent thinking (Carter et al., 2007, 12)." Through brainstorming the root of a problem can be discovered and remedies can be found. Another important issue is critical thinking. Critical thinking involves really investigating a problem to discover the most efficient solution (Elder & Paul, 2003)

According to an article entitled problem solving, one of the ways to solve a problem is to identify what the…...


Works Cited

Carter, C. Bishop, J. Kravits S. (2007) Keys to College Studying: Becoming An Active

Thinker, 2e Chapter 3: Critical and Creative Thinking: Solving Problems and Making Decisions. Prentice Hall

Elder, L., Paul, R. (2003). Critical Thinking: Teaching Students how to study and learn (Part IV)

Problem Solving." The Oxford Companion to the Mind

Problem Solving Process - Why
Pages: 7 Words: 2136

Taking No Action - the costs of this approach weight far more than the benefits
Costs: immediate improvements are unlikely to occur; most of the hope for future advances lays in the responsibilities and capabilities of the Washington D.C. authorities; the problem might degenerate in the future

Benefits: it requires no additional investments and no risks; short-term operational efficiency and productivity will not be affected as a result of organizational changes

3. Acceptance of two lost hours due to heavy traffic - the losses are more numerous and significant than the gains

Costs: given that only 25 employees commute and they each book two lost hours per week due to traffic (and it is highly probable for them to use the two hours whether they need them or not), the company would lose 50 hours of work; internal tensions would occur and the morale of the employees who do not commute and do…...



American Society for Testing and Materials, 1979, Community Noise - STP 692, ASTM International

Hansen, K., Making Your Case for Telecommuting: How to Convince the Boss, Quint Careers,   on March 24, 2009 

McKay, D.R., 2009, Flextime - an Alternative Work Arrangement,, astaccessed on March 24, 2009

Rogier, S.L., Padgett, M.Y., the Impact of Utilizing a Flexible Work Schedule on Perceptions of Career-Oriented Women, Retrieved at 24, 2009

Problem Solving With Abstract Models
Pages: 1 Words: 323

Calculating the cost of capital based on known rates is one example of a situation where a deterministic model could be utilized; the certainty of the figures involved lends the issue to a straightforward calculation. Probability models can project future events in degrees of uncertainty; forecasting future interest rates based on past changes and projected changes would be an effective use of a probability model as the output's certainty can be quantified despite coming from uncertain input. Simulation models are better suited to situations where information is not so easily quantified. Human behavior, for instance, is much better modeled by simulations; enactments of hypothetical workplace situations can effectively educate and prepare individuals for eventualities. When highly specific individuals and situations are involved, discipline-specific models are best suited.

Business Dictionary. (2009). Accessed 30 July 2009.

Frontline Systems. (2009). "Simulation models." Accessed 30 July 2009.

Yale. (1998). "Statistical modeling." Accessed 30 July…...



Business Dictionary. (2009). Accessed 30 July 2009. 

Frontline Systems. (2009). "Simulation models." Accessed 30 July 2009. 

Yale. (1998). "Statistical modeling." Accessed 30 July 2009.

Problem Solving Stages Almost Any
Pages: 2 Words: 617

Choosing which alternative out of those that have been identified represents the next step in problem solving. From the created list of possible alternatives, the one that most effectively and most efficiently solves the problem is generally considered to be the best solution, all other things being equal (Hopkin 2008). With a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, for instance, one would probably choose to use a table knife to extract desired amounts of peanut butter and jelly from their jars rather than shaking them upside down until the contents fall out, as this latter method would be messier, more time consuming (especially for the peanut butter), and would not assist in the spreading of these substances on the bread in the way a knife would.

Actually implementing the chosen alternative is, naturally, the next step in the problem solving process. This step can be seen as "converting a decision into action,"…...



DuBrin, a. (2004). Applying psychology: Individual and Organizational Effectiveness. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Hopkin, M. (2008). "Five stages of problem solving." Accessed 19 March 2010.

Problem Solving and Decision Making
Pages: 2 Words: 690

Through the mutual and constant exchange of information, best practices can also be seamlessly integrated throughout the firm. This is a very profound benefit over a closed system which does not enhance the overall amount of information exchange within a firm. A system often interfaces with other systems that may be of a similar or different type. With an open system, information can be used to benefit of all stakeholders within the organization. Aspects such as culture, company values, and other nursing characteristics can also be communicated effectively (Draper, 2011).
Problem through a Closed System Perspective

As a recent IOM report indicates, health care practitioners in the near future will have job requirements that are more business oriented. Health care practitioners will need to have a better understanding of quality management methods in addition to overall concepts of management to better aid the medical facility. As such, an open system would…...



1) Lucia, Patricia R.; Otto, Tammy E.; Palmier, Patrick a. (2009). "Chapter 1

Performance in Nursing." Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics 5: 5 -- 39

2) Draper, Elaine, Joseph LaDou, and Dan J. Tennenhouse. 2011. "Occupational Health Nursing and the Quest for Professional Authority," New Solutions 21, 47 -- 81

Problem Solving Problem Representation and
Pages: 1 Words: 305

The text denotes that "the process of problem representation may seem automatic or trivial in some respects, but it is a critical component of successful problem solving. And the ways in which problems can be represented are as varied as problems themselves." (Robinson-Riegler & Robinson-Riegler, 449)
Indeed, there are considerable variables in how one may choose to interpret or be able to comprehend a particular problem. here, for instance, great complexity and a wide range of variables may be present, an individual may acknowledge or dismiss any number of details in representing the problem. This representation will, in turn, critically effect the nature of the problem solution, which will arise out of that which the individual can rationally perceive as appropriate, feasible and desirable where solving the problem is concerned.

orks Cited:

Robinson-Riegler, G. & Robinson-Riegler, B. (2008). Chapter 11. Cognitive Psychology: Applying the Science of the Mind,…...


Works Cited:

Robinson-Riegler, G. & Robinson-Riegler, B. (2008). Chapter 11. Cognitive Psychology: Applying the Science of the Mind, Pearson Education, Inc.

Problem Solving
Pages: 2 Words: 553

chool Transporation Time Management
Problem olving by the District Transportation Department

Management Issues.

everal management issues are presenting at the Public chool Transportation Department. These issues are of concern to management and human resources as they are impacting workplace harmony, efficiency, and productivity. The Human Resources Department has collaborated with management to ensure that practices related to the assignment of overtime and the assignment of routes to drivers comply with the district's rules and regulations. pecifically, these issues have become a concern as employees can bring claims of discrimination based on practices that may be characterized by favoritism.

The collaborative efforts of the Human Resources Department and the Director of chool Transportation have resulted in the following standards related to the assignment of routes and overtime:

Routing assignments shall be based on seniority. Favored routes are determined on several bases: ome routes have been historically preferred bus routes due to a propensity of beneficial attributes.…...

Problem Solving in Mathematics GCSE or the
Pages: 11 Words: 3517

Problem Solving in Mathematics
GCSE or the General Certificate of Secondary Education is basically a system that is present in England, Northern Ireland and in Wales. In this system, a student is awarded an academic qualification based on the grades that they attain. The qualification that a person attains is equivalent to either a level 2 or Level 1 key skills qualification. Normally, a student can uptake as many subjects as he or she wants. However, different systems set a requirement for how many subjects or GCSEs a student must take. There is present an international system of IGCSE as well and these subjects can be up taken anywhere in the world. This was just a precise history of what exactly the GCSE system is all about. Interestingly enough, the GCSE system was not the first one of its kind. Prior to this, GCE and the English Baccalaureate System were…...



Anderson, J. (2009) Mathematics Curriculum Development and the Role of Problem Solving. [E-Book] The University Of Sydney. Available Through: ACSA Conference 2009  Http://Www.Acsa.Edu.Au/Pages/Images/Judy%20Anderson%20-%20Mathematics%20Curriculum%20Development.Pdf  [Accessed: 11th February 2013].

Bloom, B. (1971) Handbook Of Formative And Summative Evaluation Of Student Learning. New York: Mcgraw-Hill.

Boaler, J. (2002). Experiencing School Mathematics: Traditional And Reform Approaches To Teaching And Their Impact On Student Learning. Mahwah, N.J., L. Erlbaum.

Davies, I. (1975) Writing General Objectives And Writing Specific Objectives. In: Golby, M. Et Al. Eds. (1975) In Curriculum Design . 1st Ed. Open University Books .

Problem-Solving and Negotiation in the Workplace Questions
Pages: 2 Words: 542

Problem-Solving and negotiation in the workplace: Questions
Discuss the concepts of process vs. structure as it relates to shared visions and problem-solving workshops.

Generating a shared vision is a critical component of creating a functional organization, but agreeing upon such a vision is 'easier said than done.' A collaborative environment where disagreements can be worked out in an effective and productive fashion is essential. A good structure for discussing disagreements is necessary to support a positive and effective process of coming to a consensus. A problem-solving workshop is one way to achieve this objective: the workshop provides the structure needed to support the type of collaboration between organizational members that is necessary to agree upon a shared vision statement. Such workshops constitute a part of the 'pre-negotiation' process and also have an icebreaking function of getting participants to known one another better. These workshops build trust.

Problem-solving workshops can also solve organizational…...

what are some challenges faced by a school leader in terms of decision making and problem solving due to the introduction of educational reforms in schools?
Words: 420

In our opinion, at this time the most pressing challenge faced by school leaders is safely continuing with student education while also managing the risk of disease posed to people by the current COVID-19 pandemic.  Many school districts immediately scrambled to get technology into place to support distance-learning, but quickly found that while the technology is important for delivery of classroom materials, the technology is only a tool in the hands of educators.  Educators need to be able to teach using the technology, and, if they are unable to do so, they put their students at a disadvantage.

Moving forward,....

\"What title best encapsulates the depth of one\'s thoughts - \'The Thinker\' or \'The Thoughtful Mind\'?\"
Words: 238

1. The Power of Critical Thinking: Navigating Information in the Digital Age

2. Building Strong Arguments: The Key to Effective Thinking

3. Cultivating Intellectual Curiosity: The Foundation of Thoughtful Reflection

4. Harnessing the Power of Reasoning: A Guide to Clear and Logical Thinking

5. The Role of Emotion in Decision Making: Balancing Gut Instinct and Rational Thinking

6. Challenging Cognitive Biases: Unleashing the Potential of Objective Thinking

7. The Influence of Culture on Thought Patterns: Exploring the Impact of Perspective

8. The Art of Problem Solving: Strategies for Creative and Analytical Thinking

9. Thinking Beyond Boundaries: Encouraging Innovation and Out-of-the-Box Ideas

10. Cognitive Flexibility: Adapting Thinking Styles for Effective....

What role does intellectual ability play in the success of high stakes decision making?
Words: 399

Intellectual ability plays a crucial role in the success of high stakes decision making. Individuals with high levels of intellectual ability are often better equipped to analyze complex information, think critically, and consider various factors before making a decision. They are able to process information quickly, weigh the potential risks and rewards of different options, and make informed choices.

Additionally, individuals with high intellectual ability are often better at problem solving and finding creative solutions to challenges. They are able to see patterns, make connections, and think outside the box when faced with difficult decisions. This allows them to consider a....

How can a combination of centralized and decentralized network approaches be utilized to effectively solve complex problems?
Words: 563

Leveraging Centralized and Decentralized Networks for Complex Problem Solving

Complex problems often require diverse perspectives, specialized knowledge, and agile decision-making, making them difficult to address effectively within a single organizational structure. A hybrid approach that combines centralized and decentralized network approaches can offer a synergistic solution by leveraging the strengths of each.

Centralized Network:

Coordination and Control: A central authority or management team oversees operations, ensuring coordination and alignment with overall goals.
Standardization and Consistency: Centralized networks establish uniform standards and processes, promoting consistency and minimizing fragmentation.
Resource Allocation: The central authority has a comprehensive view of resources and can allocate them....

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