Privacy Essays (Examples)

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Privacy of an Individual in the Workplace
Pages: 8 Words: 2222

Privacy of an Individual in the Workplace
Argument Length: 2,000 words Task Construct argument notion individual's privacy important consideration workplace, Use ethical theory support position. ationale This task designed: demonstrate capacity understand evaluate privacy; demonstrate understanding issues encroach individual's privacy workplace; demonstrate ability construct a compelling argument logically consistent supported ethical theory;

Privacy of an individual in the workplace

In the workplace, it is expected that employees must relinquish some of their most valued privacy in order to succeed in their role in the organization. The debate on workplace privacy concerns how much privacy the employees need to give up in their quest for success at their role. The morality, ethicality and legality of monitoring of actions of employees have been challenged in various circles with each side having a strong argument. It is believed that employers need to infringe on the privacy of employees in order to be able to effectively monitor…...



Cozzetto, D.A., & Pedeliski, T.B. (1997). Privacy and the Workplace: Technology and Public Employment. Public Personnel Management, 26(4), 515-527.

Frayer, C.E. (2002). Employee Privacy and Internet Monitoring: Balancing Workers' Rights and Dignity with Legitimate Management Interests. The Business Lawyer, 57(2), 857-874.

Griffaton, M.C., & Porter, W.G. (2003). Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Monitoring the Electronic Workplace. Defense Counsel Journal, 70(1), 65-77.

Hubbartt, W.S. (1998). The New Battle Over Workplace Privacy: How Far Can Management Go? New York: American Management Association (Amacom).

Privacy Protection Act the United
Pages: 8 Words: 2315

For example, almost all companies doing business on the Internet will have a link disclosing their privacy policy and the steps they will take to ensure the customer's privacy. Privacy matters become an issue because, in order to transact business of the Internet, one is required to enter such personal information as credit card numbers, addresses, emails and personal phone numbers.

The vast majority of online businesses will have policy disclosure statements outlining exactly what the business does with this collected information. For example, most businesses value a customer's privacy as this encourages customers to do more business with them. Therefore, a typical privacy disclosure statement will begin by stating exactly what information they collect. For example, a company may state that on pages where one can order products, make requests or register to receive materials, the type of information collected includes, but is not limited to: the customer's name, physical…...



Beaver, Kevin, Rebecca Herold. Practical Guide to HIPPA Privacy and Security Compliance. New York: CRC Press, 2003.

Carter, Patricia I. HIPPA Compliance Handbook. New York: Wolters Kluwer Company, 2002.

Casey, Timothy D. ISP Liability Survival Guide: Strategies for Managing Copyright, Spam, Cache, and Privacy Regulations. New York: Wiley, John and Sons, Inc., 2001.

Cate, Fred, Wallison, Peter, Litan, Robert and Michael Staten. Financial Privacy, Consumer Prosperity and the Public Good. Brookings Institution Press, 2001.

Privacy Rights in the Case
Pages: 15 Words: 6316

Layne', in December 1994, the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner received a compliant that the Vancouver Police Department had taken a decision to block out the faces of those person who were being interviewed by the police in the program, "To Serve and to Protect." The complainant was KF Media Inc., of Vancouver B.C. KF Media Inc. who was the producer of the program, and it generally used media in ride-alongs when the police were doing their jobs of apprehending a suspect. The media would be invited, with the co-operation of certain Police Departments in British Columbia, to join the police, and film the entire action on video. The purpose, as stated by the police, was to allow camera crews to capture police action on camera, live, so that the very reality of the work that the police officers do during the course of their jobs would…...



Ad Idem, Wilson vs. Layne. 24 May, 1999. Retrieved at   accessed 25 July, 2005 .

Chadwick, Paul. Privacy and Media, subtle compatibility, five categories of fame. 26th

International Conference on Privacy and Personal data Protection. 14 September, 2004. Retrieved at on 25 July, 2005

Fighting Police Abuse: a Community Action Manual. 1 December, 1997. Retrieved at   Accessed on 26 July, 2005 .

Privacy Notices
Pages: 6 Words: 1839

By law, majority of business institutions are required to provide their customers with information regarding their privacy policies on an annual basis. Business institutions are prohibited from sharing nonpublic personally identifiable customer information with non- affiliated third parties, unless consumers are clearly provided with an opportunity to opt-out. However, there have been concerns among people, as the opt-out process is time consuming for many individuals and in some cases privacy notices have been found too difficult to understand. Customers also indicate that current privacy notices are too long, contain too much legal jargon, or are too hard to read.

The privacy notices that business firms traditionally send to their customers are not new, however, with the growing explosion of the information systems and the Internet, the federal agencies have begun to question whether the traditional types of the privacy notices are adequate or there is a need to revamp the notices…...



Lee, W.A (2002). Biggest Banks Not the Most Trusted For Privacy. American Banker, 167 (204): 7-8.

Linder, Craig (2004). Banks to Regulators: Leave Privacy Notices Alone. American Banker, 169 (66): 3-4.

McKim, Robert (2001). Privacy Notices: What They Mean And How Marketers Can Prepare For Them. Journal of Database Management, 9 (1): 79-85.

Vijayan, Jaikumar (2004). Privacy Potholes. Computerworld, 38 (11): 36-38.

Privacy and Technology Has Experienced
Pages: 6 Words: 2213

Consequently, the large-scale implant of chips would certainly have damaging effects on people.
One of the latest reports of people having their privacy broken is when residents from Milton Keynes, UK, have informed police officers that a Google representative started taking picture of their houses. The person had been driving a Google Street View car which is part of a program meant to offer Google operators 360 degrees images of various places from around the world. According to BBC, residents felt that the man from Google had been facilitating crime and interfering with their privacy by making the pictures public. Apparently, the citizens from Milton Keynes had not been the only ones complaining about Google invading their privacy. However, the people that invented the Google Street View program have thought in advance and also added tools which people can use to delete pictures that they consider to have broken their…...


Works cited:

1. Cozzetto, Don A. Pedeliski, Theodore B. "Privacy and the Workplace: Technology and Public Employment." Public Personnel Management, Vol. 26, 1997.

2. Deery, June. "George Orwell. Nineteen Eighty-Four." Utopian Studies 2005.

3. Miller, Arthur C. Computers, Data Banks and Individual Privacy: An Overview. Columbia Human Rights Law Review, 1972.

4. Regan, Priscilla M. "Legislating privacy: technology, social values, and public policy." UNC Press, 1995.

Privacy vs Freedom of Press the Right
Pages: 4 Words: 1189

Privacy vs. Freedom of Press
The right to privacy is more important than the freedom of the press. A great deal of media intrusion is abuse of press freedom by solely aiming to boost circulation by feeding on public interest instead of determining what is in the public's best interest (Skidelsky). Courts have held there is no special privileges on journalists. The right to privacy should be protected by press unless given consent otherwise.

Too many times, victims of crimes and celebrities get identified in media that brings about more embarrassment. Victims of crimes, especially in rape situations, have enough embarrassment without the world knowing. In these situations, the press does more damage than good by reporting the events of these situations. The added embarrassment causes more emotional harm that takes more treatment time to heal from the occurrences and takes longer to adjust to life and living with the circumstances that…...



"Freedom of the Press, 2005, West's Encyclopedia of American Law." 21 May 2013. Document. 21 May 2013.

Skidelsky, Robert. Freedom of the press vs. right to privacy. 2 Sep 2008. Article. 21 May 2013.

Taylor, Phillip. Debate views over balancing test between privacy and press rights. n.d. Article. 21 May 2013.

The Right of Privacy. n.d. Law Faculty Document. 21 May 2013.

Privacy With Markting According to
Pages: 2 Words: 640

Yet, consumers feel that the online businesses have gone too far in their data profiling practices (Up for sale: Privacy on the Net).

More and more, these companies use cookies and Web bugs to secretly track down information about customers. Internet businesses track Web users across multiple Web sites to build detailed individual profiles about personally sensitive information such as spending habits, income, illnesses and occupation. Often this data is sold to retailers or to private data collection agencies without the customer's knowledge or permission.

Consumer privacy advocates and online businesses are at odds as to how to best resolve privacy concerns (Up for sale: Privacy on the Net). Online businesses support continued self-regulation and providing consumers with the option to "opt out" of data collection processes. Online businesses also believe that new services such as help consumers prevent tracking of their personal information. Consumer privacy advocates, on the other hand,…...



McDonald's Internet privacy policy. 

Up for sale: Privacy on the Net (2001, March 25). CNET

Privacy Graeff and Harmon 2002 Studied the
Pages: 3 Words: 975

Graeff and Harmon (2002) studied the issue of consumer views about privacy, and found a few things. They found that consumers are generally concerned about privacy, but that the level of their concerns varied by demographic market segments. Further, they supported the long-held view that consumer concerns about privacy and how their personal information is used will affect their desire to make purchases on the Internet. Thus, there is a disconnect between the level of concern that consumers have with respect to their personal information, and their knowledge of how their information is gathered. Even consumers who were concerned about the use of their data were unaware, for example, that loyalty cards are used to gather consumers' personal information and record their shopping habits.

In a study contemporary to the same time frame as the Graeff and Harmon study, Phelps, D'Souza and Nowak (2001) lend support to Graeff and Harmon's findings.…...



Graeff, T. & Harmon, S. (2002). Collecting and using personal data: Consumers' awareness and concerns. Journal of Consumer Marketing. Vol. 19 (4) 302-318.

Phelps, J., D'Souza, G. & Nowak, G. (2001). Antecedents and consequences of consumer privacy concerns: An empirical investigation. Journal of Interactive Marketing. Vol. 15 (4) 2-17.

Phelps, J., Nowak, G. & Ferrell, E. (2000). Privacy concerns and consumer willingness to provide personal information. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. Vol. 19 (1) 27-41.

Culnan, M. & Bies, R. (2003). Consumer privacy: Balancing economic and justice considerations. Journal of Social Issues. Vol. 59 (2) 323-342.

Privacy Issues in Mcdonald's As Part of
Pages: 3 Words: 897

Privacy Issues in McDonald's:
As part of its commitment to its customers, McDonalds Corporation is very sensitive to privacy issues. While the company does not share, sell or reveal any personal information to third parties, it may share this information within the corporation, subsidiaries, franchises and affiliates. However, the use of shared personal information within McDonald's family is based on the corporation's privacy policy. Notably, companies that may be engaged by McDonald's to carry out certain functions like offering technical services, fulfilling orders and helping with promotions may gain access to personal information if necessary. McDonald's Corporation restricts those companies to use the personal information for conducting those functions and not for any other purpose. The company restricts the use of this information because of its sensitivity to privacy issues and the need for caution in any communications with its treasured customers.

Privacy egulations at McDonalds:

With its rapid growth to international markets,…...



"McDonald's Internet Privacy Policy." (n.d.). McDonalds Corporation. Retrieved August 15,

2011, from 

Mello, M.M., Rimm, E.B. & Studdert, D.M. (2003, November). 'The McLawsuit: The Fast-Food

Industry And Legal Accountability For Obesity. Health Affairs 22(6), 207-216. Retrieved from

Privacy What Ways Privacy Legally Protected United
Pages: 2 Words: 486

What ways privacy legally protected United States Essay Question: Explain general ways privacy legally protected United States Essay 250 words length APA format. 2 references Book eference Bennett-Alexander, D.

Explain the three general ways in which privacy is legally protected in the United States

The right to privacy is not specifically enumerated in the U.S. Constitution but the U.S. Supreme Court over the years has ruled that it is a protected right within the "penumbras" of various Bills of ights such as the right to free speech and the right to be protected from unreasonable searches (Linder 2013). The right to privacy can also be more generally found in the Ninth Amendment's reference to "other rights retained by the people" and the Fourteenth Amendment which generally prohibits the government from engaging in practices inconsistent with the freedoms guaranteed in the other sections of the Bill of ights (Linder 2013). The constitutional protection…...



Bennett-Alexander, D.D., & Hartman, L.P. (2009). Employment law for business (6th ed.).

New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Linder, D. (2013). Right of privacy. Exploring Constitutional Conflicts. Retrieved:

Privacy in Intelligence Gathering and Surveillance Present
Pages: 2 Words: 608

Privacy in Intelligence Gathering and Surveillance
Present scenario: • You owner a security company specializes physical personal protection. You creating operations plan company. Prepare a word security management plan. Using scenario, address area include components: • Create a company policy address issues concerns privacy intelligence gathering surveillance (ONLY discuss topic NOT provide introduction conclusion).

Policy Objective

The policy's objective is to ensure that deployment of surveillance equipment is in a manner to guarantee the safety, security and any other benefits for their use. The deployment shall at all times ensure that individual rights to privacy are not infringed.

Underlying Principles

The company undertakes to be responsible for contracting clients' property safety, the safety of the visitor and employees. Intelligence gathering will at all times be carried out conscious of the need to protect the information from leaking out and the need for privacy for individuals.

Policy Statement

It is appreciated that there is a need for a…...



Parenti, C. (2003). The Soft Cage: Surveillance in America from Slavery to the War on Terror. New York: Basic Books.

Peterson, M. (2005). Intelligence-Led Policing: The New Intelligence Architecture. Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Assistance.

Privacy Rules Hippa Over the Years Various
Pages: 8 Words: 2501

Privacy Rules HIPPA
Over the years, various regulations have been enacted to ensure increased amounts of protection for the general public. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) was designed for several different reasons. The most notable include: to ensure that laid off employees are receiving continuous health insurance coverage, prevent fraud / abuse and to protect the privacy of all patients. This is significant, because it created a new standard for all health insurance providers, insurance companies and employers to follow. However, various problems have emerged over the years. One of the most notable is: the underlying costs of these regulations are adding to: the expenses for health care organizations and professionals. This is problematic, because the program was designed to address issues that could be affecting the workers and their families. Yet, over the years it has morphed into another big bureaucracy that is increasing the number of…...



Impact of HIPPA. (2005). Medscape. Retrieved from: 

Doscher, M. (2002). HIPPA. Boston, MA: AMA Press.

Hagan, K. (2009). Phasers on Stun. Schwabe. Retrieved from: 

Kibbe, D. (2001). A Problem Orientate Approach. AAFP. Retrieved from:

Privacy Law One Such Privacy Law That
Pages: 2 Words: 626

Privacy Law
One such privacy law that has been enacted is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). It has provisions that govern data use and privacy among healthcare providers, insurers, and employers. There are stringent measures put in place to govern recording and sharing of communication between financial services providers and their clients (Mills, 2009). Outside the United States territory, there are legislations put in place that guarantee once privacy. Europe, as a matter of fact has a very strict European Privacy Directive that governs provisions that limit data collection, notice and approval of myriad types of data collection, and making data available to customers with mechanisms for stopping collection efforts and correcting inaccuracies. HIPAA compels healthcare providers, insurers, and employers to only use data in their position in total regard of the law. Divulging any information in their possession to unauthorized party is illegal and would attract a…...


References List

Kate, G. (October 6, 2006). The $1 Million Netflix Challenge. Technologyreview. 

Mills, E. (July 6, 2009). Report: Social Security Numbers Can Be Predicted. CNET. .

Privacy Security National Security vs Individual Liberties
Pages: 7 Words: 2034

Privacy Security
National Security vs. Individual Liberties

A Long Standing Debate has Taken a New Turn in the Modern Digital Era


The Edward Snowden Leaks

Liberty and National Security

The debate between national security and individual liberties, especially privacy, has reached new proportions as technology has increased the ability for the state to create mass surveillance programs. The events that occurred on September 11th, 2001, definitely changed the political and social landscape within the United States. This also heightened the debate between security and privacy. Many politicians made the case that they needed new and more technologically advanced protection systems to help combat the threat of terrorism.

Politicians were quick to use the aftershock of the terrorism events to pass new legislation that significantly expanded the ability of organizations such as the CIA and NSA to create new tools to monitor both domestic and foreign individuals. The extent of the programs that were enacted were not…...


Works Cited

Anonymous. "A World Beyond Borders." 25 January 2011. Tunisia on Fire: Self-Immolation to World Revolution. Online. 2 April 2014.

Bio. "Edward Snowden Biography." 3 April 2014. Bio. Online. 3 April 2014.

Collateral Murder. "Overview." N.d. Collateral Murder. Online. 2 April 2014.

Eisenhower, D. "Military-Industrial Complex Speech, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961." 1960. Coursea. Online. 3 April 2014.

Privacy Agreements the Relationship Between
Pages: 3 Words: 1119

Similarly, the company e-mail is not intended for personal use. This is no different than expecting an employee to behave in an appropriate fashion while on work property. No employee should be able to use fowl language, be abusive, use substances, etc. while working.
I do have some concerns, however, with the above noted companies that eight companies reported they would read and review these electronic transactions if they receive other information that an individual may have violated company policies. First, a company should be very careful on how they gain information about another employee. The term "other information" is very broad. I would hope that there would have to be considerable concern before an employee is investigated. Second, a company has to recognize that electronics like anything else can be altered. Not to be paranoid, but people will do strange things against someone else if angry, jealous, offended in…...

Bioethics on NBC's ER?
Words: 136

According to the University of Washington School of Medicine, the obligation for confidentiality is not an absolute one. There are legal regulations that limit a patient's right to privacy, as well as regulations that protect that right. The two main exceptions where you could break confidentiality are: (1) Concern for a specific, identified person other than the patient (this could be a spouse or child, or it could be a person unrelated to the patient in any way). (2) Concern for the welfare of the general public (this is usually seen if the patient is found to have a highly infectious or....

I’m writing a research paper on electronic medical records and if they improve the quality of care?
Words: 349

Electronic medical records, which refer to medical records that are not only stored in electronic systems (which includes almost all medical records in the modern world, with the exception of some medical records maintained in non-industrialized nations), but that are accessible to multiple healthcare providers across different platforms.  The question is whether these records are able to improve quality of care by allowing healthcare providers to get a full picture of a patient’s medical history, as well as any presenting concerns or issues, as soon as the patient presents for medical treatment.  It would seem like the....

Can you provide me with some sample essay titles, essay topics, and outline for paper on health informatics?
Words: 570

Health informatics, also known as healthcare informatics or biomedical informatics, refers to a discipline that is a hybrid of science and engineering and involves the application of informatics fields to medicine.  There are number of different topics that fall under the healthcare informatics umbrella, though the creation of electronic health records for patients is probably the most widely used application.   

Essay Titles and Essay topics for Health Informatics

Tallying the Tests: How Monitoring COVID-19 Test Results Has Helped Track the Pandemic in the U.S. and Abroad

Vaccine Records and Privacy Concerns: How Do State....

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