Prime Minister Essays (Examples)

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Prime Minister in Japan Has Different Powers
Pages: 7 Words: 2345

prime minister in Japan has different powers from those of other countries. The prime minister in Japan has different roles from prime ministers in other parliamentary systems like Britain, France or Germany. The prime minister is the head of government of Japan. In Japan the prime minister ids not the president and not elected directly by the public. The prime minister is a member of the lower house of the Diet and is elected by the members of the party or even parties that are in control of the majority of the Diet. He is appointed by the emperor of Japan after being designated by the Diet from among the members. The person appointed must thereafter enjoy the confidence of the House of epresentatives for him or her to remain in office. The prime minister is the head of cabinet and appoints and dismisses the ministers of state. For…...



The Washington Post Company. (1998). Major Political Parties in Japan. Retrieved December 10, 2012 from 

Thomson Reuters. (2012). A look at the parties contesting Japan's Dec 16 election. Retrieved December 10, 2012 from 

Jain, P. (2012.) .EastAsiaForum.'Third force' parties crowd Japan's political scene. Retrieved December 10, 2012 from 

World press. (2010).Short-living Japanese prime ministers. Retrieved December 10, 2012 from

Prime Minister on Climate Change
Pages: 5 Words: 1784

Briefing Note to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Global Climate Change

The climate of Planet Earth is heating up, as we know through the empirical research conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) over the past twenty or more years. The work of IPCC, a branch of the United Nations, involves competent scientists from more than 190 nations and has led to series of comprehensive reports that clearly indicate the atmosphere is heating up and the planet is being negatively affected.

To wit, the signs are very obvious, not just in scientific studies, but in some cases to the naked eye: the polar ice caps are shrinking; the sea levels are rising; air temperatures are rising; temperatures of sea water are rising (when water becomes warmer, water expands, which explains some of the rise of sea levels); permafrost is shrinking, including in the northern territories of Canada; because ice floes north…...


Works Cited

Environment Canada. (2011). Canada's Emissions Trends. Retrieved November 18, 2011, .

Leahy, Stephen. (2011). Canada cuts environment spending. Guardian Environment Network /

The Guardian. Retrieved November 18, 2011, from .

Is the Canadian Prime Minister Too Powerful
Pages: 6 Words: 2046

Canadian Prime Minister too Powerful?
Stephen Harper, the acting PM, has determined through his action a political direction that is not in accordance with the political tradition of the Canadian state and, moreover, has pushed his country on the international scene without view of the traditional means of conducting politics in Canada. The present research focuses on several key aspects concerning the political practices of the Prime Minister. They include the different approach undertaken by the PM in terms of foreign affairs and foreign politics, the different considerations related to internal politics and the relation with the Parliament and the other political parties. Finally, in order to prove that indeed the PM at this moment has too much power for its function and the traditional way in which politics is conducted in Canada, it is important to view the relationship the PM has with the Head of State, the Queen…...



Clark, Cambell. "PMO too powerful, Canadians say," The Globe and Mail, 2012. Available online at 

Gardner, Dan. "Should Anyone Be This Powerful?," Blog, 25 Nov, 2011, Available online at 

Kennedy, Mark. "Half of Canadians think Stephen Harper has a 'hidden agenda': poll," National Post, & April, 2013, Available online at 

Radia, Andy. "Harper could be the most powerful political executive in the world: professor," Political points, 8 Sept, 2011, Available online at

President the Pope and the Prime Minister
Pages: 6 Words: 2105

President, the Pope, and the Prime Minister
Describe the international political environment of the 1980s -- the "stage" on which these individuals were to play a critical role.

In the 1980s, the United States and Russia were still in the middle of the Cold ar. President Ronald Reagan made it clear that although things had cooled some between the United States and the U.S.S.R. thanks to efforts by the Nixon administration in the early 1970s, the country was still an enemy of the United States. In January 1980, he gave a speech in which he said:

From the time of the Russian revolution until the present, Soviet leaders have reiterated their determination that their goal must be the promotion of world revolution and a one world socialist or communist state…They have openly and publicly declared that the only morality they recognize is what will further their cause; meaning they reserve unto themselves…...


Works Cited:

Allen, Richard V. (2000). "The Man who won the Cold War." Hoover Digest. Hoover Institution. 1.

Coyne, John R. And Bridges, Linda (2008). "Thatcher's Legacy: Fall of Communism." The

Washington Times.

Gertz, Steven. (2008). "What Part Did John Paul II Play in Opposing Communism in Eastern

Advisor to the Prime Minister the Economists
Pages: 16 Words: 4261

Advisor to the Prime Minister
The economists that support the ideologies of the economic globalization are of a strong assertion that this phenomenon has the power to shape and reshape progression in the economic activities and the economic globalization is hereby regarded positive stimulus that guard and ensure the enhanced excellence of life, a rapid increase in the economic activities but unfortunately this is not the case in all the situations. The unwanted by products of economic liberalization and economic globalization are hard felt in the developed countries like China.

The speaking volumes of inequality in china is also analyzed by the ratio of relative geographies and the ethnicities, the major portion forming the poor china population are widely distinguished in sects and ethnicities and are labeled by geographies. And due to the dispersed locations of the poor and rural china it becomes difficult for the state to get hold over the…...



A Bian, Y. (1996). Market Transition and the Persistence of Power: The Changing Stratification System in Urban China. American Sociological Review, 739-758 .

Bonacich, E. (1972). A Theory of Ethnic Antagonism: The Split Labor Market. American Sociological Review, 547-559 .

Elkins, Z. (2004). The Globalization of Liberalization: Policy Diffusion in the International Political Economy. American Political Science Review, 14-20.

Elkins, Z. (2004). The Globalization of Liberalization: Policy Diffusion in the International Political Economy. American Political Science Review, 1-13.

Australian Foreign Policy Qs Prime
Pages: 2 Words: 621

Stern Hu himself cannot actually exert much control from the Chinese prison where he is being held on charges of espionage. The Australian firm he worked for however, Rio Tinto, has been very vocal -- especially through Hu's former boss John Dougall -- in its attempts to get the federal government and Prime Minister Rudd in particular to act quickly to free Hu. This would require heavy Australian pressure on the Chinese government, adding tension to one of Australia's biggest trading relationships (a relationship which, ironically, Hu helped to create and solidify).
The Mass media in both countries has not been helpful here but instead has exacerbated the issue, making it largely one of nationality. Especially in China, where the government and culture is still largely under the control of the Communist Party, this creates a great deal additional emotion surrounding the issue, requiring foreign policy ministers on both sides…...

Assination of Rafik Hariri Extinguishing
Pages: 16 Words: 4528

Not long after the car bombing that claimed the life of Hariri and nine others, U.S. Secretary of State, Condaleeza Rice, issued a statement saying that the U.S. Ambassador to Syria had been recalled for consultations as a result of the assassination (the ashington Times, February 16, 2005, p. A01). Short of making a specific statement of accusation that Syria had been behind the murder, Rice called for an investigation of the murder (2005, A01). It is here, at this point, that question should follow: ho had the greatest interest in seeing Rafik Hariri eliminated from Lebanon and the Middle East scene? e must ask that question before we go any further, or perform review any additional information in order to keep an open mind as we process the reports that arose from the U.N. commissioned investigation of the events. At this it would serve anyone attempting to sort…...


Works Cited

After Mehlis; Charting a Better Future for Syrians." The Washington Times 31 Oct. 2005: A21. Questia. 20 Oct. 2007  

Margaret Thatcher -- the Iron
Pages: 3 Words: 845

In what concerns economy and taxation, Margaret Thatcher succeeded in signficicantly assisting the recovery of the ritish economy, and, by 1983, the country experienced economic growth and inflation and mortgage rates were at their lowest levels since 1970. However, the international public remembers her not for more than the things she has done to improve the ritish economy, as her 1976 speech about the Soviet Union impressed people everywhere. This particular speech gained her the nickname "Iron Lady" and she even came to relate to the name a few months after the incident.

The nickname suited Margaret Thatcher very well, given that whatever she did, she did it with an iron fist. Although she was extremely elegant and very candid, all her political actions were firm and strong. Moreover, she demonstrated her strength of mind consequent to the 1984 incident, when an Irish Republican Army bomb exploded in the hotel where…...



1. Sian Ellis. Live the History -- Margaret Thatcher: Iron Lady. 24 August 2007. Web. 8 November 2011.

2. Becket, Claire. Margaret Thatcher. Haus Publishing, 2006.

Tanaka Kakuei Corruption Chalmers Johnson
Pages: 5 Words: 1391

This was because of some of the reforms that he introduced for corporations, for public spending, environmental protection and transportation sectors. Since powerful LDP members had vested interests in these sectors, they did not approve of all the reforms and hence were wary of Koizumi and his brand of politics.
Economic problems

The articles about Koizumi and Abe suggest that Japan suffers from serious economic problems that the political system cannot resolve. Why not? What are the political obstacles to changing Japanese politics? How does it relate to the Johnson reading?

Japan has had enormous economic success over the decades but lately its problems are negating the effects of earlier successes. I cannot agree with the opinion that economic problems cannot be solved through political means. Even though other factors do play in, it is the political system that determines the path economy will take. By political system, we mean the influential…...



Tomohito Shinoda. Koizumi Diplomacy: Japan's Kantei Approach to Foreign and Defense Affairs University of Washington Press (April 15, 2007)

Chalmers A. Johnson. Japan: Who Governs?: The Rise of the Developmental State W.W. Norton & Company (March 1995)

Margret Thatcher
Pages: 17 Words: 4563

Margaret Thatcher has the distinction of being the longest serving Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in over 150 years. While she is credited with being instrumental in reinstating ritain as major economic power in the world, there are strong and ambivalent options about her tenure as Prime Minister. While many laud her for some of the economic policies that she implemented, others criticize her for these same policies. "Her harsh economic policies caused social friction and divided the nation." (Margaret Thatcher site). Thatcher was also England's first female Prime Minister.
Her influence was felt not only in the United Kingdom but also in other parts of the world through her effect on and participation in international politics. The following extract points to the effect that her policies and opinions had on global events.

She was the catalyst who set in motion a series of interconnected events that gave a revolutionary twist…...



Biography of Margaret Thatcher. The Handwriting ORG. July 12, 2004. 

Carolan M., Keating R. Margaret Thatcher: A Giant of Her Time. Newsday; 3/29/2000

Crabtree, Susan, and Tiffany Danitz. "The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher." Insight on the News 18 Nov. 1996: 14+. Questia. 13 July 2004 .

Geelhoed, E. Bruce, and James F. Hobbs. Margaret Thatcher: In Victory and Downfall, 1987 and 1990. New York: Praeger, 1992.

Terrorism Situation Analysis - Preemptive
Pages: 7 Words: 2173

In the event the intelligence detailed by the Israeli administration proves to be accurate with respect to nuclear weapons development, this office is reminded of the words of the late President John, F. Kennedy, spoken almost exactly 45 years ago to the day, on October 22, 1962, addressing the Soviet threat in Cuba:
We no longer live in a world where only the actual firing of weapons represents a sufficient challenge to a nation's security to constitute maximum peril. Nuclear weapons are so destructive and ballistic missiles are so swift that any substantially increased possibility of their use or any sudden change in their deployment may well be regarded as a definite threat to peace." (Sorensen, 1965)

Extraordinary risks to national security demand (and justify) extraordinary actions to prevent them from materializing. A military response will be required to participate with Israel in destroying Iranian nuclear facilities either in possession of…...



Allison, G. (2004) Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe.

Henry Holt: New York

Dershowitz, a. (2002) Why Terrorism Works: Understanding the Threat,

Responding to the Challenge. Yale University Press: New Haven

Japan China Nigeria
Pages: 7 Words: 1899

Japanese political history from the Meiji Restoration to Following the ousting of the Tokugawa shogun, the emperor embarked on his role as the "enlightened ruler" of Japan. From this point, known as the "Meiji Restoration," Japan began a transformation from an agriculturally based, feudalistic society to a nation that, by the 1912 death of the emperor, had a centralized government, developed infrastructure, well-educated general population, fast growing industrial sector, as well as a very powerful military.
Of course, one of the most striking developments of the period was Japan's "shaking off" of foreign influence in its trade and legal affairs, leading it to a full and independent standing in the world community. Arguably this transformation was only possible due to the nation's ability to transform itself from a fragmented nation, ruled by class distinction and feudalistic division, to a unified state -- represented by one national army and economic authority…...



Theen, Rolf. Wilson, Frank. "Comparative Politics: An Introduction to Seven Countries." Fourth edition, Prentice Hall. 2000

Assassination of Indira Gandhi
Pages: 8 Words: 2827

Indira Gandhi's assassination and the assassination itself. This paper delves into her early life to understand her political steps. Furthermore, it highlights the economic and political climate of India during her rule. Lastly the paper concludes whether Indira Gandhi can be understood within the context of a tragic heroine.
Indira Gandhi has been a controversial figure in the political history of India. Descending from the most important dynasty of India, Indira ruled India for a total of twelve years; a tenure that ended with her assassination. In retrospect, it is evident that her assassination was a direct result of the ways that she employed in running India's domestic policy. According to some, Indira Gandhi's life can be termed as a Greek tragedy and herself as the tragic heroine. According to Aristotle's description of a tragic hero which he gave in Poetics, a tragic hero is a person who falls from…...



Dumar, Dhrub. Impact of Indira Gandhi on Indian Political System. Harper Collins: 1999.

Frank, Katherine. Indira: The Life of Indira Nehru Gandhi. Harper Collins; 2001

Gupte, Pranay. Mother India: A Political Biography of Indira Gandhi. Scribners Charles Sons; 1992.

Jayakar, Pupul. Indira Gandhi: An Intimate Biography. Pantheon Books Inc.: 1993.

Robert Mugabe
Pages: 5 Words: 1910

Robert Mugabe is a Zimbabwean groundbreaking political figure who became and still remains the President of Zimbabwe. He was one of the few figures in Africa who opposed white minority rule. Through his emerging political campaign, he became one of the leaders of the rebel groups and was consequently elected Prime Minister and head of government, in 1980. His tenure lasted until 1987 and then became Zimbabwe's initial executive head of state. He was re-elected several times even now and continues serving under this position. Additionally, Mugabe has led the Zimbabwe African National Union -- Patriotic Front ever since 1975. (Thesis) ecause of his long and successful political career, including his Marxist mentality, many would see Mugabe as a terrible dictator who led a semi-prosperous nation to near ruin. When looking at Mugabe as a dictator, it is important to see where it all originated to understand his motives and…...



Archive. "Full text of "Southern Rhodesia 1890-1950; A Record of Sixty Years Progress." Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine. Accessed February 20, 2014. .

"Memorandum of Conversation between Minister-counselor of the Soviet Embassy in Havana M. Manasov and Cuban Communist Party CC member Raul Valdes Vivo, 7 May 1979" May 24, 1979, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, TsKhSD, f. 5, op. 76, d. 834, ll. 82-84  

Aristotle and the Canadian Political System
Pages: 3 Words: 991

Aristotle Politics
Justin Trudeau's election as Canadian Prime Minister represented a generational change in the country's politics. While there was a general belief that he was not ready to be Prime Minister, Trudeau used political skill and craftsmanship during the long election campaigns to defeat experience politicians. His election not only represents a generational change in Canadian politics but also has significant impacts on governance. In a recent phone call, he has indicated that he wants to re-establish the country with a new political system. This is influenced by the talks he has had regarding different kinds of political systems i.e. oligarchy, democracy, and the middle class. For Prime Minister Trudeau to choose the best system to rebuild the Canadian political system, an understanding of each of these systems is important.

One of the people who made significant contributions regarding oligarchy, democracy, and the middle constitution is Aristotle, a Greek philosopher who…...

what is critical discourse analysis?
Words: 671

Critical Discourse Analysis: Unraveling Power Dynamics and Ideological Influences in Language


Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is a multifaceted approach to linguistic inquiry that investigates the ways in which language is used to construct and perpetuate social and political power dynamics. CDA scholars contend that language is not merely a neutral medium of communication, but an active agent that shapes our perceptions, ideologies, and the ways we interact with the world.

Key Principles

CDA is grounded in the following principles:

Language is inseparable from power: Discourse is embedded in social contexts and reflects the power relations that exist within them.
Meaning is socially constructed:....

What significant events marked the beginning of a new era in Polish political history in 1989?
Words: 661

The Dawn of a New Era: Poland's Political Transformation in 1989

The year 1989 witnessed a pivotal shift in Polish history, marking the end of four decades of communist rule and the dawn of a new era of political and economic transformation. This seismic change was sparked by a series of significant events that culminated in the first democratic elections in Poland since the end of World War II.

1. The Rise of Solidarity:

The catalyst for Poland's democratic revolution was the emergence of Solidarity, a trade union movement that became a symbol of resistance against the communist regime. Led by Lech Walesa,....

How have political titles evolved in shaping contemporary history?
Words: 299

1. The Influence of Political Events on Contemporary History: An Analytical Perspective

2. Political Movements and their Impact on Modern Global History

3. The Role of Political Leaders in Shaping the Contemporary World

4. The Significance of Political Ideologies in Contemporary Historical Transformations

5. Political Institutions and their Role in Shaping Modern Societies

6. The Relationship Between Politics and Socioeconomic Development: A Contemporary Historical Analysis

7. Political Activism and its Contribution to Global Political Change in Recent History

8. The Impact of Political Conflicts on Contemporary Historical Narratives

9. The Role of Diplomacy in Shaping Contemporary Global Relations: A Historical Perspective

10. Media and Politics: Exploring the Influence of....

How have political titles evolved in shaping contemporary history?
Words: 569

Evolution of Political Titles and Its Impact on Contemporary History

Throughout history, political titles have played a crucial role in shaping the exercise of power and the evolution of societies. From ancient monarchs to modern leaders, the titles attributed to political figures have carried immense symbolic and practical significance.

Ancient Monarchies:

In ancient civilizations, such as Egypt and Mesopotamia, rulers bore titles that reflected their divine authority and earthly power. Pharaohs in Egypt were considered gods on earth, while Mesopotamian kings were often referred to as "shepherds of the people." These titles reinforced the absolute authority of the monarch and maintained social order....

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