President Obama Essays (Examples)

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President Obama and Automotive Bailout
Pages: 4 Words: 1262

Auto Bailout
In the years leading up to the auto industry bailout, all of the so-called Big Three automakers were struggling. They had been losing market share for many years as more import companies had entered the American market. Some of these companies, notably Honda and Toyota, were able to deliver better cars at lower prices, putting the Big Three at a significant competitive disadvantage. hile the automakers had some good years, by the last 2000s they were losing money. They did not have competitive products, and were saddled with substantial retirement costs. These companies had tens of thousands of employees at one point and need to pay retirement benefits to those workers; the problem is that there are fewer workers today because of automation to cover those benefits. The automakers headed for bankruptcy, and successive contract restructurings with the unions had failed to reverse the trend. The federal government stepped…...


Works Cited:

BLS. (2012). Automotive industry: Employment, earnings and hours. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Cauchon, D. (2012). In Ohio: Voters choose Obama as auto bailout resonates. USA Today. Retrieved November 30, 2012 from 

CNN. (2009). Obama defends auto bailout, touts new fuel rules. CNN. Retrieved November 30, 2012 from

Reuters. (2009). Obama to announce auto bailout plan Monday. USA Today. Retrieved November 30, 2012 from

President Obama's Strategy Using the
Pages: 6 Words: 1541

S. National Interests in the area of the bailout of the global economy and yet, in terms of his strategic objectives for the U.S. In Afghanistan it does appear that the President has followed the requirements of strategy as set out in the work of Yarger and Barber in the "U.S. Army War College Strategy Model" although the President does seem to have failed in terms of global economy bailout strategy.

Abbreviation: USG (U.S. Government)

H. Richard Yarger and George F. Barber, The U.S. Army War College Methodology for Determining Interests and Levels of Intensity, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA, 1997. Adapted from Department of National Security and Strategy, Directive Course 2: "War, National Policy & Strategy" (Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College, 1997) 118-125.


H. Richard Yarger and George F. Barber, The U.S. Army War College Methodology for Determining Interests and Levels of Intensity, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle…...

President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize
Pages: 5 Words: 1730

Indeed, arguably he is playing a little loose with the terms here, for persuasion, while it may be based on logic, is rarely simply logic. Rather it is logic combined with at least a coating of emotion.
In the following passage toward the end of his speech Obama uses language that I believe to be persuasive in a way in which Aristotle would approve, for Obama is using facts to build a case for his point-of-view rather than simply trading in emotion that he has called up for the occasion: This is not sophistry.

And that's why this award must be shared with everyone who strives for justice and dignity -- for the young woman who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right to be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets; for the leader imprisoned in her own home because she refuses to abandon her…...

President Obama Had Legal Authority To Order Operation Geronimo
Pages: 8 Words: 2239

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Role of the Commander-in-Chief: Analyzing resident Obama's Legal Mandate in Operation Geronimo:
Discuss the constitutional powers granted to the resident as Commander-in-Chief, including the scope of military authority and the critical decision-making involved in the execution of Operation Geronimo, which led to the death of Osama bin Laden.

2. Unpacking the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) in the Context of Operation Geronimo:
Explore how the AUMF, passed after the 9/11 attacks, provided legal justification for resident Obama to deploy special forces in foreign territories in pursuit of Osama bin Laden without explicit congressional approval.

3. International Law Considerations in the Executive Decision of Operation Geronimo:
Examine the legality of Operation Geronimo under international law, including the United Nations Charter, and the principles of sovereignty and self-defense, which could have been used to justify resident Obama's actions.

4. Comparing residential Authorities in Historical Military Interventions With Operation…...


Primary Sources

Obama, Barack H. \"Remarks by the President on Osama Bin Laden.\" The White House, Washington, D.C., 2 May 2011. Speech.

Department of Justice. \"Memorandum for the Attorney General: Authority to Use Military Force in Libya.\" Office of Legal Counsel, 30 April 2011.

Lichtblau, Eric, and Savage, Charlie. \"Legal Basis for Bin Laden Killing.\" The New York Times, 23 May 2011.

Kelley, Christopher S. \"Executive Order 13567 - Periodic Review of Individuals Detained at Guantánamo Bay Naval Station Pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force.\" Presidential Studies Quarterly, vol. 44, no. 1, 2011, pp. 22-36.

Chesney, Robert. \"Bin Laden Killing and the Law: A Detailed Analysis.\" Lawfare, 4 May 2011.

President Obama and Criminal Control Policy
Pages: 3 Words: 993

Comorbidity and Continuity of Psychiatric Disorders in Youth After Detention." The criminal justice issue selected is: juvenile detention reform. The article presents information of CCJTDC or the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center. Some things to highlight is the comparison to nationwide statistics stating 90% of detainees are male. Of the detainees in juvenile detention centers, the majority are racial/ethnic minority. Because the majority are non-white, the researchers looked for potential participants that fit within the strata. The range is ages 10-14, Hispanic males and females, African-American males and females, and non-Hispanic white males and females, however greater focused was placed on Hispanic and African-American youth.
One aspect of reform lies in changing the growth rate of transfers from juvenile court to adult criminal court. These kinds of transfers typically result from "judicial waiver on a case-by-case basis, automatic transfers based on the type of offense, criminal history, and age…...



Abram, K., Zwecker, N., Welty, L., Hershfield, J., Dulcan, M., & Teplin, L. (2015). Comorbidity and Continuity of Psychiatric Disorders in Youth After Detention. JAMA Psychiatry, 72(1), 1-11. 

R, O. (2015). President Obama for the prisoners. The Economist. Retrieved 9 June 2016, from 

Shahidullah, S. (2008). Crime policy in America. Lanham: University Press of America.

Relate President Obama's Second Inauguration Speech to the Book
Pages: 2 Words: 696

President Obama's "Second Inaugural Address:" Rhetorical analysis
Knowing one's audience is a critical component of giving a good speech. hen President Obama gave his second inaugural address, although he had been reelected by a significant majority, he knew he was still facing a divided country. To show his respect for patriotic values, he began his speech invoking both God and country yet in a manner that stressed the need for concrete government actions to deal with the nation and the world's problems. "For history tells us that while these truths may be self-evident, they've never been self-executing. That while freedom is a gift from God, it must be secured by his people here on earth."

Obama addressed his speech to the American public at large, but he also had a clear eye upon his Republican critics, in his use of specific phrases and themes. His first term began with a very conciliatory…...


Works Cited

Obama, Barack. 'Second Inaugural Address." Full text available 9 Feb 2013:

Relate President Obama's Second Inauguration and Relate to the Book
Pages: 2 Words: 730

Second Inaugural Address: President Obama
Giving an inaugural address is a massive endeavor, and requires an extensive amount of preparation for the speaker. Public speaking requires more structure and detail than ordinary conversation: even a short speech given by a student to the classroom requires research, audience analysis, and above all practice. As a U.S. president entering his second term, it was incumbent upon President Obama to give a speech that would address the needs of a very diverse audience on January 21, 2013 and to satisfy a wide range of often-competing audience needs and concerns.

President Obama had to tread a delicate balance in his speech in terms of the issues he covered. On one hand, he was speaking to many people who had fought long and hard to elect him. They wanted him to celebrate his past, present, and future accomplishments. But President Obama was also speaking to Republicans and…...


Works Cited

Obama, Barack. "Second inaugural address." The Washington Post. 21 Jan 2013.

[9 Feb 2013]

Decline of President Obama's Popularity
Pages: 2 Words: 443

While it is true that the study included a very large population, on the basis of which the authors are perhaps justified in claiming validity and reliability, the variables included concentrate solely on academic results. The underlying causes of these results, beyond the classroom, are not considered. tudent motivation and academic preparation, for example, can have a significant effect upon student performance. Parental education could also have an important impact upon the performance of these students. Parents with a higher education level, for example, might be more likely to enrol their children in the AP program. At the same time, the influence of such parents could have an impact upon student motivation and the perception of academic performance as important. In general, therefore, the study is too focused on homogeneous influencing factors to truly provide an accurate account of the reasons for better academic performance. While the AP program may…...



Johnson, J.B., Reinolds, H.T. And Mychoff, J.D. (2008, Aug). Political Science Research Methods, Sixth Edition. CQ Press

Matthews, J. (2007). Studies Find Benefits to Advanced Placement Courses. Washington Post. Retrieved from:

Budgetary Process President Obama's Budget for the
Pages: 2 Words: 619

Budgetary Process
President Obama's budget for the country has enjoyed significant attention through the years of Mr. Obama's presidency, as has those before him. All future presidents will be under the same scrutiny when working with taxpayer money. When creating the nationwide budget, however, the role of Governors also play a significant part in the entire budgetary process. Indeed, the balance of the nationwide budget relies to a great degree upon the ability of governors to created balanced budgets for their individual territories. It should also be kept in mind, however, that while Governors play a significant role in the budget process, a large amount of these responsibilities involve management duties and decision-making relating to the reaction of others to the initial budget proposal.

The first step in the budget process is then also the first responsibility of the Governor, which is to submit a bill to the House of epresentatives that…...



Commonwealth of Massachusetts (2012). Summary of the steps in the budget process. Retrieved from: 

Office of Financial Management. (2011, Aug.) Washington State Budget Process. Retrieved from:

Understanding President Obama S Leadership Style
Pages: 2 Words: 567

Skills and Styles in Leadership
Leadership Skills and Styles of President Obama

The charismatic nature of the President has attracted Americans and foreigners to his side for the accomplishment of a common good. This invokes transformation as people embrace the vision set by him. Before elections, he wooed great multitudes to his side depicting concern on the implementation of domestic and foreign policies. When America lost global under Bush's ethnocentric policy, President Obama tried to re-establish it by traveling to various parts of the world in efforts to mend relations and foster peaceful coexistence (Prince, 2014, p.27). These skills were evident in how he made Chrysler and General Motors accept new MPG standards.

I believe President Obama lacks executive skills in decision-making in emergencies. A high degree of precision and swiftness in making decisions is always required. Critics have depicted the President's 'diplomatic' approach as a sign of weakness in the execution of…...



Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage Publications. (pp. 43-70, 71-92)

Prince, E. T. (2014). Style and substance. Leadership Excellence, 31(1), 26-27.

Rowold, J., & Borgmann, L. (2013). Are Leadership Constructs Really Independent? Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 34(1), 20-43.

Tsai, Y. (2011). The relationship between Organizational Culture, Leadership Behavior and Job Satisfaction. BMC Health Services Research, 11(1), 98.

President Clinton's And Obama's Health Care Policies
Pages: 5 Words: 2064

President Clinton's And Obama's Health Care Policies
President Obama's Healthcare policies

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has drawn some comparisons to elements of past efforts, including Mitt omney's health care plan in Massachusetts and the Clinton plan from the 1990s. This paper will mainly examine the context of the Clinton Plan vs. The ACA. After winning office, President Clinton followed up on a campaign promise to provide health care to the 37 million uninsured Americans. This plan had motivation citing a strong sense of social justice, especially in light of America's tremendous wealth. There was majority public approval for the plan at the time. However, a single payer plan idea faced opposition and Clinton needed to create an alternative (Pfiffner, 1994).

The Clinton government recognized that a major overhaul was not going to find favor, so he sought to implement a plan that would expand coverage rather than dramatically restructure the system. The…...



Pfiffner, J. (1994). President Clinton's health care reform proposals of 1994. Executive-Legislative Relations. Retrieved April 30, 2013 from

Mary, W. (2010). The Affordable Care Act. Journal of Vermont Nurse Connection, 13(4), 3.

Ha, J. (2012). "Health Care Reform" vs. "ObamaCare": Partisan Framing of FOX, MSNBC,

NYT, and WSJ. Journal of Communication, Culture & Technology (CCT), 8(1).

President Clinton's and Obama's Health Care Policies
Pages: 5 Words: 1567

President Clinton's And Obama's Health Care Policies:
Since the 1960's, universal health care has continued to be a major aspect of social reform to an extent that the right to health care for all Americans has been a central issue in political debates. The debate regarding universal health care was particularly fueled by the enactment of the Social Security Act in 1965 that guaranteed care services for the poor and elderly through Medicare and Medicaid. Despite of these attempts to provide health care to the poor and elderly, universal health care has remained a lurking legislative fiasco for more than four decades. During the 1990's, the then presidential candidate, Bill Clinton, propelled this issue to the vanguard of his campaigns as the focus shifted to health care reform. However, his administration failed to enact a health care bill because of a stubborn Democratic Congress. Universal health care was also a major…...



Klein, J. (2012, December 17). Obamacare vs. Medicare. Time, 180(25).

Levin, Y. & Ponnuru, R. (2012, February 6). Romney vs. Obamacare: What the Presumptive

Nominee Should Say, National Review, 34-35.

Santana, A. (2012). Obama vs. Clinton on Health Care. Slope Media Group.

Obama Policies
Pages: 2 Words: 799

U.S. Government
In terms of domestic and foreign policy, Obama entered the office with intention of altering the existing policies to rectify the excesses brought about by the Bush administration. Overseas, Obama looked forward to rebuild America's image with the Muslim world and divert resources used in destroying Al Qaeda network to other economic adventures abroad. Domestically, his plan was to rein in the Bush-era of reduced carbon emissions, fiscal irresponsibility, as well as divert the resources found in the enormous health care sector away from all kind of waste and towards covering basics for those who lack any medical insurance.

Obama seems to have emphasized foreign policy over domestic policy. However, he has always tried to balance his efforts and resources towards both foreign policy and domestic policy and many have acknowledged his move. When Obama took the office, his biggest challenge was based on his conduct of foreign affairs. Even…...



Jentleson, Bruce W. American Foreign Policy: The Dynamics of Choice in the 21st Century (4th W.W. Norton, 2010)

McCormick, James M. et al. The Domestic Sources of American Foreign Policy: Insights and Evidence (2012) ed W.W. Norton, 2010)

Obamas First Year in Office
Pages: 6 Words: 1988

With the one-year anniversary of President Trump’s swearing-in as President of the United States, comparisons between his first year and office and his predecessor’s first year in office are bound to be made. Therefore, it is a useful exercise to re-examine the first year in office of Barack Obama following his swearing-in as President of the United States in 2009. This paper will examine Obama’s inaugural year in order to answer the question: Did Obama have a successful first year in office? As the evidence shows, Obama’s first year in the White House was indeed very successful.


The methodology used for this study consisted primarily of Internet searches, using Google and Google Scholar. The primary key words used to drive the searches were: “Obama’s first year in office,” “Obama 2009,” “Obama first year success,” “Obama 2009 accomplishments,” and “Obama first year successful or not.” These searches led to numerous articles from…...

President Donald Trump Essay
Pages: Words: 1965

This essay focuses on the possible ramifications, both negative and positive, of a Trump presidency, from the perspective of Trump as the President-elect.  Because Trump has no experience in public service, much of the paper is speculative and focuses on what is known about the people Trump is selecting for his cabinet.  The paper acknowledges that Trump, a Republican President, will be supported by a Republican House of Representative and Senate in Congress, as well as being in the position to support at least one, if not more, members of the Supreme Court, but also acknowledges that Trump may not have Republican congressional support for all of his policies.                                                     

Donald Trump Presidency: Will it Unite the Country or Destroy the Union?


As of November 29, 2016, Donald Trump was the President-elect,…...

I\'m searching for essay topics on obama. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 637

Certainly! Here are some essay topic ideas related to Barack Obama:

1. Analyzing the major accomplishments and legacy of Barack Obama as President of the United States.
2. Exploring the challenges and obstacles faced by Obama during his presidency and evaluating his responses.
3. Investigating the impact of Obama's healthcare reform, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), on the American healthcare system.
4. Discussing Obama's approach to foreign policy, focusing on significant events such as the Iran nuclear deal or the Paris Climate Agreement.
5. Examining the Obama administration's efforts to address climate change and promote clean energy.
6. Assessing the economic policies and strategies implemented by....

Did Obama possess legal authority for operation geronimo as argued in thesis?
Words: 388

1. The Authorization for Use of Military Force (2001) granted President Obama the authority to use necessary and appropriate force against al-Qaeda and associated forces, which included Osama bin Laden, the target of Operation Geronimo.

2. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (2011) specifically authorized the use of force against high-level al-Qaeda operatives, including bin Laden, providing further legal justification for Operation Geronimo.

3. The inherent authority of the President as Commander-in-Chief granted Obama the power to authorize military action against imminent threats to the United States, such as bin Laden's potential for future attacks.

4. The principle of anticipatory....

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