Prescription Drugs Essays (Examples)

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Prescription Drugs Generation RX
Pages: 3 Words: 922

Prescriptions are everywhere, and even adult prescriptions are easily accessed by youth abusing the wide variety of drugs. The 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) found four percent of America's youth "ages 12 to 17 reported nonmedical use of prescription medications in the past month," (National Institute on Drug Abuse 1). Children given medications at a young age also have a greater chance of developing later addictions. The same NSDUH survey found that the "ates of abuse were highest among the 18-25 age group," at around six percent. What we do to our children affects them throughout the rest of their lives. Force feeding them into prescription addiction can potentially provide a horrible fight with addiction for a lifetime.
Addiction is a difficult battle to face, and a road which many are actually placed on through over-medication. It is a disease which "involves the repeated and excessive…...



Belmonte, Joelle. "Drug Abuse and Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, Effects And What You Can Do." 2009. Retrieved 29 Apr 2009 at .

National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC). Information Brief: Prescription Drug Abuse and Youth. United States Department of Justice. 2009. Retrieved 29 Apr 2009 at .

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). "Trends in Prescription Drug Use." Prescription Drugs: Abuse and Addiction. National Institute of Health. 2009. Retrieved 29 Apr 2009 at .

Partnership for a Drug Free America. "Prescription Medicine Abuse: A Serious Problem." Understanding the Drug Problem. 2008. Retrieved 29 Apr 2009 at .

Prescription Drug Pricing and Political Activism
Pages: 4 Words: 1051

Executive summary Introduction
The ever-increasing cost of medication is a central concern in many forums. The media and the politicians have not failed to notice it either. Over 25 bills and numerous committees were set up to investigate the matter in 2017. While the issue of pricing has not attracted homogenous views, the efforts to increase competition on the market have drawn attention from across the divide. The FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017, which sailed through in both houses quite easily, identified quick route to allow some generics if it is determined by the secretary that the generic competition is not adequate (Mody and Blackwood, 2018). In the recent Health, Pensions, Labour and Education by the Senate hearing, members from both sides agreed with the need for competition and to thwart anti competition practices. They agreed that it was important to introduce generics and biosimilars to the market whenever it is determined…...



Benavides, L. R. (2018). 2017 Legislative Recap: Important Bills from Nevada\\\\'s 79th Legislative Session. In Nevada Law Journal Forum (Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 4).

 Cox, C., Kamal, R., Jankiewicz, A. & Rousseau, D. (2016). Recent trends in prescription drug costs. JAMA, 315(13):1326.

Huelskoetter, T. (2018). State Policies to Address Prescription Drug Prices. Center for American Progress.

Mody, P.R. and Blackwood, K. (2018). 5 Health Care Policy Issues to Follow In 2018. Arnord & Porter. Retrieved from on 8 November 2018

OTC and Prescription Drugs Curbing the Power
Pages: 4 Words: 1203

OTC and Prescription Drugs
Curbing the Power of Drugs

Everyone knows about the enslaving effects of substance abuse and addiction. y now, everyone knows that addiction is a compulsive physical or psychological to take in more and more of a particular substance despite knowing its harm (Alta Mira 2013). Once the use of an addicting substance is begun and continued, it only takes some time to reach a point when quitting becomes difficult. If the use manages to quit, he soon falls back to it if the conditions that precipitated the addiction or dependence are not adequately addressed. oth prescription and non-prescription drugs are at least potentially addictive (Alta Mira).

Narcotics authorities enumerate the most widely known addictive drugs as nicotine, oxycontin, crack cocaine, heroin, metamphetamine, diazepam and Schedule I and II drugs (Alta Mira 2013). Schedule I and II drugs include hallucinogens, dissociative drugs and GH, opioids, and cannabinoids. They have a…...



Alta Mira. An Overview of Highly Addictive Drugs. Alta Mira Recovery Programs:

Alta Mira Recovery Center, 2013. Retrieved on September 26, 2013 from 

Saar, Natalie. Abuse of OTC Drugs. National Institute of Neurological Disorders: eHow,

2013. Retrieved on September 26, 2013 from

Prescription Drugs and the Health
Pages: 5 Words: 1724

The FDA also, amongst others, has recommended that clinical trials used to support advertising claims be approved by the FDA and to institute stiff fines against those found gaily of deceptive tactics. (Turning Medicine Into Snake Oil...) There is little doubt from the research that pharmaceutical companies have to be made more accountable for their products and advertising promises.

Borden Anne. Vioxx Stroke isk could last for Years. 2007. etrieved June 1, 2007 at

Deceptive Prescription Drug Marketing Tactics 'Common and Dangerous'. 2006.

etrieved June 1,2007, at

Introduction to the Health Care Industry: Health Expenditures and Services in the U.S. etrieved June 1, 2007, at

O'Connor K. x for prescription drugs. etrieved June 1, 2007, at

Oxycontin Manufacturer Agrees to Plead Guilty and Pay Fine of $600,000,000.

etrieved June 1, 2007, at

Prescription Meds Changing Health Care. etrieved June 1, 2007, from Spending

Silberner J. Common Diabetes Drug Found to Have Heart…...



Borden Anne. Vioxx Stroke Risk could last for Years. 2007. Retrieved June 1, 2007 at 

Deceptive Prescription Drug Marketing Tactics 'Common and Dangerous'. 2006.

Retrieved June 1,2007, at 

Introduction to the Health Care Industry: Health Expenditures and Services in the U.S. Retrieved June 1, 2007, at

Prescription Drugs Number of Medicare
Pages: 5 Words: 1531

The Act creates a positive balance between government interests to save money and the interests of Medicare recipients to receive a wide range of drugs for their specific needs. The current ban on government negotiations with pharmaceutical companies serves to protect Medicate recipients by using the positives of the free market, such as the experience and purchasing power of PBMs. hile there are serious potential problems with this approach, such as the potential for fraud between pharmaceutical companies and private interests, overall the ban on government negotiations with pharmaceutical companies provides a good balance between recipient and government interests.
orks Cited

American Legislative Exchange Council. Prescription Drugs. 19 October 2005.

Barry, Patricia. New Salvos in the Prescription Drug ars: Class action suits are exposing schemes that gouge consumers. AARP Bulletin, January 2005.

19 October 2005.

Dealey, Sam. Drug Dealings: Democrats had it right before. National Review Online, May 05, 2004, 9:12 A.M.…...


Works Cited

American Legislative Exchange Council. Prescription Drugs. 19 October 2005. 

Barry, Patricia. New Salvos in the Prescription Drug Wars: Class action suits are exposing schemes that gouge consumers. AARP Bulletin, January 2005.

19 October 2005. 

Dealey, Sam. Drug Dealings: Democrats had it right before. National Review Online, May 05, 2004, 9:12 A.M. 19 October 2005.

Prescription Drugs and Medicare
Pages: 3 Words: 996

Nursing Leadership Health Policy
Health Policy Change

The health policy change encompasses Medicare Part D. Medicare D. is also referred to as the Medicare prescription drug benefit. It is part of the Medicare program that is purposed to bankroll the cost of prescription drugs together with coverage payments for prescription drugs for Medicare recipients (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2016). The proposed policy change with respect to Medicare Part D is the reduction and lessening of generic drug copayments to zero. In particular, this alteration will be a form of encouragement for the use of generic drugs amongst Medicare enrollees that are poorer by all in all eradicating their costs for generic drugs. Majority of the members of Medicare Part D that are categorized as having low income give out minimal compensation or nil for Part D prescription drugs. In the past year, with respect to generics, the costs varied between…...



Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2016). Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage. Retrieved from: 

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2016). Prescription Drug Coverage - General Information. Retrieved from: (2016). Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. Retrieved from: 

Schultz, J. (2016). Proposed changes to Part D are long overdue. MedicareResources.Org. Retrieved from:

Role of the FDA with prescription drugs
Pages: 8 Words: 3287

Pharmacy Ethics
The author of this report has been asked to review the legal and ethical considerations in play given the test case scenario surrounding Pharmacare and Compcare. As is quickly apparent while reading the case study, the company engaged in a long and extensive list of ethical and/or legal violations as a means to maximize profit and minimize the legal and other red tape that seems to bother them even though it is there for a very good reason. The ethical issues involved will be touched upon and analyzed. There will also be an exploration and analysis of direct-to-consumer marketing of drugs, whether John is the "investor" of AD23, the arguments about John being a whistleblower and the associated protections he would have if he is and examples of intellectual property theft that have occurred in the last two years or so. While bad things do incidentally happen and crop…...

History of Direct to Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drug Products in US
Pages: 2 Words: 729

History of Direct to Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs in the U.S.
Imagine this: you are at home watching television one evening after work. As you casually flip through the channels searching for something interesting to watch, you notice a multitude of advertisements for prescription drug products. This form of advertisement is known as direct-to-consumer advertising, and is now well-known to practically all American households. One needs only to watch virtually any commercial television program or to browse through any consumer-directed magazine to view advertisements for a variety of prescription drugs. In regard to broadcast media, this is a relatively new phenomenon because, for many years, pharmaceutical manufacturers had to follow certain requirements. These requirements consisted of the inclusion of a substantial amount of material about the drug product's side effects, contraindications, and effectiveness.

Recent changes in 1999 under the guidance of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) altered the decision making…...



Jackson, Charles O. (1970). "Food and Drug Legislation in the New Deal." Princeton University


Palumbo, Francis B. "The Development of Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising

Regulation." Food and Drug Law Journal 57.3 (2002). 423-443.

History of Direct to Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drug Products in US
Pages: 2 Words: 691

Direct to Consumer Advertising
According to a report by the United States General Accounting Office, "spending on direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs has tripled in recent years," (Collins et al. p. 4). Consequently, spending on prescription drugs has also risen. Although the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the content of prescription drug advertisements under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), many critics of direct-to-consumer (DTC) promotion of prescription drugs contend that the advertisements can be misleading or even dangerous. Spending on DTC drug ads can also cut into costs that could be channeled into research and development, which is another reason why many consumer groups express concern over the proliferation of DTC ads for pharmaceuticals. The FDA changed their stance somewhat regarding DTC ads for prescription drugs in 1999, which is why DTC ads for pharmaceuticals have become commonplace, most notably on television (Palumbo and Mullins…...


Works Cited

'A Brief History of Drug Advertising." NOW Science and Health on 7 Jan 2005. .

Collins, Susan, et. al. "Prescription Drugs: FDA Oversight of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising Has Limitations." United States General Accounting Office. Oct 2002. .

Deselle, Shane P. "Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising and Pharmacy Practice." Pharmaceutical Education. 27 July 2004. .

'Direct to Consumer Advertising for Prescription Drugs." American College of Physicians. 9 Oct 1998. .

National Prescription Drug Database Slowly
Pages: 1 Words: 339

Knowledge of the program's existence within a state can also hopefully act as a deterrent for an addicted 'doctor-shopper.'
Article Relevance: Doctors are growing increasingly cautious about prescribing pain medication. This is unfortunate, given the fact that not treating pain can be equally dangerous as over-treating pain. States' lack of sharing of information in the name of state's rights and patient privacy is interfering with doctors' abilities to provide appropriate care. Currently, 41 states have used federal funding to monitor and share information about the use of prescription drugs across state lines. Doctors in non-participating states, however, can still use other states' data about patients when making decisions about prescribing drugs. Doctors all states should consult records if they have any question about a patient's honesty: this can either flag a potential addict, or set their mind at ease when they write a prescription for a patient who says that…...


One problem for law enforcement is the lack of a consistent medical and legal bookkeeping strategy for individuals being prescribed addictive prescription painkillers. Prescription drug addicts will often go from doctor to doctor, crossing state lines to get their 'fix' and often succeed in persuading unsuspecting doctors to give them more opiates. The 2005 National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Reporting allocated $50 million to states to create a program that will allow doctors interstate access to patient records, to make sure that the patient is not 'doctor swapping.' Although the program is still under-funded, and many states, including Vermont, are not actively participating in the program, it is hoped it will cut down on the number of patients using doctors to provide them with their 'fix.'

Author's Points: A coherent system across all 50 states is required for doctors to have the security of knowing that they have a full and complete picture of a patient's medical history before prescribing a potentially addictive opiate painkiller. Knowledge of the program's existence within a state can also hopefully act as a deterrent for an addicted 'doctor-shopper.'

Article Relevance: Doctors are growing increasingly cautious about prescribing pain medication. This is unfortunate, given the fact that not treating pain can be equally dangerous as over-treating pain. States' lack of sharing of information in the name of state's rights and patient privacy is interfering with doctors' abilities to provide appropriate care. Currently, 41 states have used federal funding to monitor and share information about the use of prescription drugs across state lines. Doctors in non-participating states, however, can still use other states' data about patients when making decisions about prescribing drugs. Doctors all states should consult records if they have any question about a patient's honesty: this can either flag a potential addict, or set their mind at ease when they write a prescription for a patient who says that he or she is in pain.

Issues Surrounding the Importation of Prescription Drugs in the US
Pages: 2 Words: 609

CASE STUDY: IMPOTING DUGS TO US Case Study: Importing Drugs to US7-3: Should the United States legalize the importation of lower cost pharmaceuticals? If so, should this apply to individual consumers, pharmacies, or other entities?The US should legalize the importation of lower-cost pharmaceuticals from selected countries with testing and licensure requirements similar to those of the FDA. Strict conformity to US standards for handling and manufacturing prescriptions would ensure that Americans are protected from unsafe medication. Importation would also lower drug prices for American consumers as assessments have indicated that prescription drugs in countries like Canada retail at between 40 and 60 percent less than in the US (XXX). Ultimately, this would result in significant cost savings for individual customers as well as private and public payers. For instance, the state of Florida projects that its importation program would save the state between $80 and $150 million in prescription expenses…...


References Freed, M., Neuman, T., & Cubanski, J. (2021). 10 FAQs on prescription drug importation. Kaiser Family Foundation.   (APA Reference for book sent as resource) XXX

Drug Profile
Pages: 5 Words: 1740

Drug Profile
Drug addiction is a human issue that cultivates biological, psychological, and social consequences, among others. The manifestation of addiction itself is characterized by physical dependence, and is defined by the uncontrollable, compulsive urge to seek and use drugs despite harmful repercussions (Fernandez, odriguez & Villa, 2011). Philologically, drug use affects the reward center, where dopamine receptors are over-stimulated. Ultimately, the repetition of drug use is encouraged to achieve the same, heightened, pleasure response (U.S. DHHS, 2007). Psychological responses to drug use may reflect motivations caused by positive pleasure, anxiety, or protection. The bodily effects of drugs often reflect the drug's class: stimulants, depressants, narcotics, hallucinogen, and cannabis. Each class represents various drugs and causes distinct biochemical responses. In addition to illicit drugs, prescription drugs are also highly abused and are categorized within the drug classes. Drug addiction does not discriminate between gender, race, sexual orientation or creed, and its…...



Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (CDMHAS). (n.d.). Drugs with addictive potential. Retrieved 08 March 2012 from: 

Coon, D., & Mitterer, J. (2009). Psychology: A journey. (1st ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Fernandez, G., Rodriguez, O., & Villa, R. (2011). Neuropsychology and drug addiction. Papeles del Psicologo, 32(2), 159-165.

Hyman, S., & Malenka, R. (2001). Addiction and the brain: The neurobiology of compulsion and its persistence. Neuroscience, 2, 695-703.

Drug Reimportation the Need for
Pages: 2 Words: 721

While it is definitely true that these companies spend a great deal of money on research and development, for which they certainly deserve and in fact need to be compensated (not to mention their right to make a profit, and the fact that profit potential is a major driver in innovation), the amount of profit and compensation that comes solely from the United States is inordinate when compared to that provided by other countries. Nearly half of all revenue going to pharmaceutical companies every year comes from United States' consumers (Sawkar, 2005). The argument that drug reimportation would damage companies' innovation and profit potentials implies that it is the United States' sole responsibility to provide funds for these goals; if reimportation were allowed then prices would even out, meaning other countries would start paying a fair share towards research and development costs while the United States would experience a…...



Choudhry, N.K., & Detsky, A.S. (2005). A perspective on U.S. drug reimportation. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 293(3). Retrieved from 

Sawkar, M. (2005, March). High U.S. drug prices: Causes and cures. Paper presented for The Drug Reimportation Debate. Retrieved from

Wu, M.Y, Kennedy, J., Cohen, L.J., & Wang, C.C. (2009). Coverage of atypical antipsychotics among Medicare drug plans in the state of Washington: Changes between 2007 and 2008. Primary Care Companion Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 11 (6), 316- 321.

Drug Legalization as the Country
Pages: 12 Words: 3788

"As a case in point we may take the known fact of the prevalence of reefer and dope addiction in Negro areas. This is essentially explained in terms of poverty, slum living, and broken families, yet it would be easy to show the lack of drug addiction among other ethnic groups where the same conditions apply." Inciardi 248()

Socio-economic effects

Legalizing drugs has been deemed to have many socio-economic effects. A study that was conducted by Jeffrey a. Miron, who was a Harvard economist estimated that by legalizing drugs, this would inject about $76.8 billion in to the U.S. every year. 44.1 billion dollars would come from savings made from the law enforcement measures and 32.7 billion would be from tax revenue. This revenue can be thought to be broken down as follows: 6.7 billion dollars from marijuana, 22.5 billion from heroin and cocaine and the rest from the other minority drugs…...



Blumenson, Eric, and Eva S. Nilsen. How to Construct an Underclass, or How the War on Drugs Became a War on Education. Massachusetts: Drug Policy Forum of Massachusetts, 2002. Print.

Campos, Isaac. "Degeneration and the Origins of Mexico's War on Drugs." Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 26.2 (2010): 379-408. Print.

Chabat, Jorge. "Mexico's War on Drugs: No Margin for Maneuver." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 582.ArticleType: research-article / Issue Title: Cross-National Drug Policy / Full publication date: Jul., 2002 / Copyright © 2002 American Academy of Political and Social Science (2002): 134-48. Print.

Council on Hemispheric Affairs. "Low Taxation Perpetuates Insecurity in Central America." 2011. May 5th 2012. .

Drug Enforcement Strategies
Pages: 9 Words: 2653

In jails, not one of the violent criminals was under the influence of heroin at the time their crime was committed. Twenty-one percent of state inmates incarcerated for violent crime were under the influence of alcohol alone at the time they committed their crime. The number of those under the influence of marijuana alone was too small to be recorded statistically. (National 1998) These facts indicate that it is not the drug users that are committing the crimes, but the people who deal with drugs. If there was no money to be gained from dealing with drugs, these criminals would have to find legitimate jobs and the police would only have to worry about traffic.
The efforts to target youth with drug education in the ar on Drugs has fallen far short of its original goals. The ONDCP is budgeting less than 12% of the $100 million it was planning…...


Works Cited

Drug Enforcement Division. City of Orlando Police Investigations, Orlando Police Department Website. 6 November, 2006

Madigan, Lisa, "Strategies for Fighting Meth: Law Enforcement Strategies." Illinois Attorney General. 6 November, 2006 

National Center on Addition and substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA) Behind Bars: Substance Abuse and America's Prison Population. New York: Columbia University, 1998.

McCaffrey, Barry R.. The National Drug Control Strategy, 1998: A Ten-Year Plan. Washington, DC: Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1998. p. 58.

I need some suggestions for persuasive essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 414

Persuasive Essay Topic Suggestions


The benefits of early childhood education outweigh the costs.
Standardized testing is an effective measure of student achievement.
The role of technology in education should be expanded.
Charter schools should receive equal funding to public schools.
School choice should be expanded to include private schools.


Universal healthcare would improve the health of Americans.
Mental health should be treated with the same urgency as physical health.
Vaccination mandates are necessary to protect public health.
The Affordable Care Act should be repealed.
The government should regulate the cost of prescription drugs.


Climate change is an urgent threat that....

Why does the US have low primary care visits despite high spending?
Words: 678

1. Despite spending more on healthcare than any other developed country, the United States has among the lowest rates of primary care visits. This paradox is due to several barriers that make it difficult for Americans to access primary care, including the high cost of care, geographic disparities in access to care, and a shortage of primary care physicians. These barriers have a significant impact on the health of the American people, leading to higher rates of chronic disease, preventable hospitalizations, and premature death.

2. The high cost of primary care is a major barrier to access in the United States.....

What are the most effective interventions for preventing opioid overdoses?
Words: 566

Opioid Overdoses: A Preventable Tragedy


Opioid overdoses have reached epidemic proportions in the United States, claiming the lives of tens of thousands of people each year. These deaths are preventable, and there are effective interventions that can be implemented to reduce the risk of overdose. This literature review will examine the most effective interventions for preventing opioid overdoses, including the use of naloxone, overdose prevention sites, and medication-assisted treatment.


Naloxone is a medication that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. It works by binding to the opioid receptors in the brain, blocking the opioids from binding and reversing the respiratory....

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