Prescription Drug Abuse Essays (Examples)

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Prescription Drug Abuse Please Describe
Pages: 2 Words: 706

1). Taking drugs for longer than medically necessary, asking multiple physicians for drugs, or simply accepting medications for which they are over-prescribed by irresponsible physicians can all shape the pattern of elderly person's prescription drug abuse. Taking prescription drugs with alcohol or drugs that are contraindicated with their medications is another. Drugs with psychoactive properties may be more prescribed amongst the elderly, because it is assumed they are less likely to abuse them: "Elderly individuals are 2-3 times more likely than younger individuals to be prescribed psychoactive drugs, most notably benzodiazepines [sedatives]…benzodiazepines make up 17% to 23% of drugs prescribed for older adults" (Benshoff 2003, p.1).
Both early and late-onset drug abusers are manifest in the elderly population: late abusers may be individuals who always engaged in moderate consumption, but because of chronic pain, social isolation, and depression have begun to use more painkillers or other medications than are medically necessary…...



Benshoff, John J. Laura K. Harrawood, Darwin Shane Koch. (2003, April-June). Substance

abuse and the elderly: unique issues and concerns. Journal of Rehabilitation.

Retrieved March 3, 2010 at;col1 

Jorgensen, T., S .Johansson, a. Kennerfalk, M.A. Wallander, & K. Svardsudd. (2001).

Prescription Drug Abuse Narcotics
Pages: 2 Words: 638

Prescription Drug Abuse: Narcotics
In today's society, the debate as to whether or not prescription narcotics are necessary in certain situations is one that is fueled mainly be the tendency for patients to overuse after being prescribed these medications. In many situations, patients present with pain that is treated by their respective physicians with prescriptions drugs that fall into the category of narcotics and opiates in order for the cited pain to be treated. However, as many patients have fallen into habit in terms of overuse of such medications as well as addiction, narcotics prescription standards have become an issue that has continuously hinders true sufferers of chronic pain. In understanding the statistics related to the over-prescription of such medications, one can better understand the connection to overuse. Additionally, one can see how these facets do nothing but harm individuals who truly need these medications. In understanding these facets of narcotics…...


Works Cited

Dibble, Paul. "Solving the Narcotics Dilemma," in Medical Economics, 88(4): pp. 64-67.

February 2011. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database. [Accessed on 22 November 2011].

Libby, Ronald. "Treating Doctors as Drug Dealers: The Drug Enforcement

Administration's War on Prescription Painkillers," in The Independent Review, 10(4): pp. 511-545. Spring 2006. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database. [Accessed on 22 November 2011].

Prescription Drug Abuse Into All
Pages: 2 Words: 723

In the words of one user: "I convinced herself that abusing prescription drugs was safer than abusing heroin, marijuana, and other 'street drugs'...I would never do those." (Meadows, 2001) So long as the drugs are available by prescription, it is easy to think that abusing these drugs is okay, especially in the minds of impressionable teens.
Did you know that OxyContin is actually a form of morphine, like heroin, and is often just as additive, especially when it is crushed and injected intravenously or snorted into the nostrils, as it is by many addicts whose tolerance has escalated after repeated use of the drug? (Meadows, 2001) Do you have a friend with ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Ritalin (methylphenidate) abuse amongst high school students and even middle school students is on the rise! The presence of younger and younger addicts, who can't even drive, but can buy this drug,…...


Works Cited

D.A.R.E. Official organizational website. 2006. [24 Nov 2006]

Meadows, Michelle. "Prescription Drug Use and Abuse." FDA Consumer Magazine.

2001. [24 Nov 2006]

Healthcare Prescription Drug Abuse On-Campus
Pages: 14 Words: 3852

(aeburn, 2002, p. 127)
Clearly, college life presents it sown situations that are conducive to the creation, or exaggeration, of psychological disorders in individuals.

College is a time of change, and change can produce stress; however, as it is to be noted that a certain amount of substance abuse appears to be a part of the regular college experience.

All forms of SUD are relatively prevalent in young adulthood, suggesting that perhaps substance involvement is more related to developmental and social factors associated with this stage of life as opposed to stable individual differences. (Sher, 2003, p. 167)

This not to say that individual problems with prescription drug abuse do not exist in the nation's colleges and universities, but that the root causes, and more importantly, the nature of the "prescription drug abuse problem" might be quite different from that which obtains among the adult population. David Degrazia (Degrazia, 2000, p. 34) recounts…...



Barolat, G. (2005, March). A New Battlefront in the War on Drugs. USA Today (Society for the Advancement of Education), 133, 60+.


Degrazia, D. (2000). Prozac, Enhancement and Self-Creation. The Hastings Center Report, 30(2), 34.


Pharming Parties Prescription Drug Abuse
Pages: 2 Words: 796

According to a Columbia University's National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) report, about 75% of prescription-drug abusers also use illicit drugs with their prescription drug of choice (Banta 2005, p.1).
Some teens steal the drugs from their parents, some buy them on the Internet, and others buy them from dealers who steal them from hospitals. Even middle school 'pharming' parties have been reported: preteens that lack the street smarts to have regular access to illegal drugs might still be able to find a source within their suburban communities (Ferraresi 2009). "Last year I had gum surgery, and I thought, well, at least I'll get painkillers," said a frequent participant in pharming parties (Banta 2005, p.1).

There is no single demographic profile of a prescription drug-abusing teen. However, no matter how young or how old, clearly these 'party-goers' do not appreciate the seriousness of the issue: "Overdoses of prescription and…...



Banta, Carolyn. (2005, July 24). Trading for a high. Time Magazine. Retrieved March 27, 2010


Doup, Liz. (2006, May 5). Teens swapping legal drugs at 'pharming' parties. South Florida Sun

Sentinel. Retrieved March 27, 2010 at

Drug Abuse and Abuse
Pages: 4 Words: 1234

Drug Abuse in Long Island, New York
With more than seven and a half million residents, Long Island, New York is a major center of commerce and education, but like many other densely populated large urban centers, this city also has a significant drug abuse problem. To determine the facts about the problem, this paper reviews the relevant literature to provide epidemiological evidence concerning the incidence of drug abuse in Long Island, and what community-based resources are available to its resident. Finally, a review of a recent research study article concerning these issues is followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning drug abuse in Long Island in the conclusion.

eview and Analysis

Epidemiological evidence concerning drug abuse in Long Island

Like many other major American urban centers, all types of drugs are abuse in Long Island, but heroin abuse in particular has become a serious problem in recent years (Berke…...



About Long Island Addiction Resources. (2017). Long Island Addiction Resources. Retrieved from

About Long Island Center for Recovery. (2017). Long Island Center for Recovery. Retrieved from .

About Outreach House. (2017). Outreach House. Retrieved from   outreach-treatment/adolescent-residential-svcs/brentwood-long-island. 

About Seafield Center Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment. (2017). Seafield Center Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment. Retrieved from about_us.

Prescription Drugs and the Health
Pages: 5 Words: 1724

The FDA also, amongst others, has recommended that clinical trials used to support advertising claims be approved by the FDA and to institute stiff fines against those found gaily of deceptive tactics. (Turning Medicine Into Snake Oil...) There is little doubt from the research that pharmaceutical companies have to be made more accountable for their products and advertising promises.

Borden Anne. Vioxx Stroke isk could last for Years. 2007. etrieved June 1, 2007 at

Deceptive Prescription Drug Marketing Tactics 'Common and Dangerous'. 2006.

etrieved June 1,2007, at

Introduction to the Health Care Industry: Health Expenditures and Services in the U.S. etrieved June 1, 2007, at

O'Connor K. x for prescription drugs. etrieved June 1, 2007, at

Oxycontin Manufacturer Agrees to Plead Guilty and Pay Fine of $600,000,000.

etrieved June 1, 2007, at

Prescription Meds Changing Health Care. etrieved June 1, 2007, from Spending

Silberner J. Common Diabetes Drug Found to Have Heart…...



Borden Anne. Vioxx Stroke Risk could last for Years. 2007. Retrieved June 1, 2007 at 

Deceptive Prescription Drug Marketing Tactics 'Common and Dangerous'. 2006.

Retrieved June 1,2007, at 

Introduction to the Health Care Industry: Health Expenditures and Services in the U.S. Retrieved June 1, 2007, at

Prescription Drugs Number of Medicare
Pages: 5 Words: 1531

The Act creates a positive balance between government interests to save money and the interests of Medicare recipients to receive a wide range of drugs for their specific needs. The current ban on government negotiations with pharmaceutical companies serves to protect Medicate recipients by using the positives of the free market, such as the experience and purchasing power of PBMs. hile there are serious potential problems with this approach, such as the potential for fraud between pharmaceutical companies and private interests, overall the ban on government negotiations with pharmaceutical companies provides a good balance between recipient and government interests.
orks Cited

American Legislative Exchange Council. Prescription Drugs. 19 October 2005.

Barry, Patricia. New Salvos in the Prescription Drug ars: Class action suits are exposing schemes that gouge consumers. AARP Bulletin, January 2005.

19 October 2005.

Dealey, Sam. Drug Dealings: Democrats had it right before. National Review Online, May 05, 2004, 9:12 A.M.…...


Works Cited

American Legislative Exchange Council. Prescription Drugs. 19 October 2005. 

Barry, Patricia. New Salvos in the Prescription Drug Wars: Class action suits are exposing schemes that gouge consumers. AARP Bulletin, January 2005.

19 October 2005. 

Dealey, Sam. Drug Dealings: Democrats had it right before. National Review Online, May 05, 2004, 9:12 A.M. 19 October 2005.

Drug Abuse in Eastern Kentucky
Pages: 9 Words: 3027

drug use and abuse in the United States and presents differing approaches that are used (or proposed) to get a handle on the problem. There is no doubt that the drug abuse issue is not new and it is not being reduced by any significant amount. This paper presents statistics and scholarly research articles that delve into various aspects of the drug abuse issue in the United States, with particular emphasis on drugs that are abused in eastern Kentucky and generally in the Appalachian communities.
History of Drug Use & Availability

The history of illegal drug use in the United States goes back to the 19th Century, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). The DEA has a Museum in Arlington, Virginia, that illustrates the history of drug discoveries, drug use, and drug abuse through the years. The DEA reports that morphine, heroin, and cocaine were "discovered" in the 19th…...


Works Cited

Bureau of Justice Statistics. (2008). Drugs and Crime Facts / Drug Use / Youth. Retrieved November 30, 2012, from

Drug Enforcement Agency. (2012). Illegal Drugs in America: A Modern History. Retrieved November 30, 2012, from .

Grant, Judith. (2007). Rural women's stories of recovery from addition. Addiction Research and Theory, 15(5), 521-541.

Havens, Jennifer R., Oser, Carrie B., and Leukefeld, Carl G. (2011). Injection risk behaviors

Drug Abuse Scenario Analysis
Pages: 6 Words: 1958

drives under the influence of alcohol, it is a criminal offense abbreviated as driving under the influence (DUI). However alcohol is but one of the many substances that can interfere with one's driving capability. DUI charges can also be pressed against individuals who are driving under the influence of other kinds of drugs, including illegal drugs and even prescription medication. Taking drugs and driving at the same time, whether the drugs are just prescription muscle relaxers or medicinal marijuana is illegal and a DUI offense. The argument that one took drugs because of doctor's orders is not a defense to DUI charges. Various drugs have different effects on drivers. The drugs that impair concentration, judgment, alertness and/or motor skills are regarded as dangerous and in several cases even more dangerous than alcohol. Driving while having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of more than 0.08% or higher is illegal in…...



African-Americans, Substance Abuse and Spirituality - Minority Nurse. (2013, March 29). Retrieved from 

Cohagan, A., Worthington, R., & Krause, R. (2013, July 3). Alcohol and Substance Abuse Evaluation . Retrieved from 

FindLaw. (n.d.). Driving Under the Influence of Drugs - FindLaw. Retrieved from   drugs.html -

MedlinePlus. (n.d.). Steroids: MedlinePlus. Retrieved from

Psychology - Drug Abuse in
Pages: 1 Words: 360

Whereas the harms associated with some illicit (and prescription) drugs is cumulative, some of the most popular recreational drugs such as ecstasy actually destroy neurons each and every time they are used.
Each time you take ecstasy, for example, neurons dedicated to respond to the neurotransmitter dopamine lose their ability to do so. As a result, ecstasy use in particular is known to interfere with the natural neurotransmitter reuptake mechanism. This impairs your ability to maintain a healthy mental frame of mind because dopamine reception and reuptake is fundamentally important to perceiving pleasure and to experiencing happiness. Ultimately this is a major cause of clinical depression in young people, requiring life-long treatment with antidepressant medications which are associated with negative side effects of their own. Suicide is also directly attributable to the psychological effects of clinical depression. Therefore, if you hope to achieve your academic potential and to avoid causing…...

Tackling Drug Abuse
Pages: 5 Words: 1646

Inhalants refer to the ordinary household products that are sniffed or inhaled by individuals so as to get high. There are many household products that are misused as inhalants. Some of these products include gasoline, hair spray, fabric protector, air conditioner fluid, nail polish remover, and correction fluid, propellants in aerosol, cleaning fluids and cooking spray. These products are mainly bagged, sniffed, snorted so as one to get high. They can be sniffed directly from the containers. In most cases when an individual is under the influence of such inhalants one is likely to engage in anti-social or criminal behavior (Ksir, 2002). This report endeavors to explain the theoretical and empirical literature regarding theories of drug information and addiction.
The intoxicating inhalants that have volatile vapors are ingested through the trachea and nose. However, some inhalants are used for medical reasons as in the case of nitrous oxide. The inhalation of…...



Dick, DM & Bierut, LJ (2006). "The Genetics of Alcohol Dependency." Current Psychiatric Reports 8 (2): 151 -- 7

Ksir, Oakley Ray; Charles (2002). Drugs, society, and human behavior (9th Ed.). Boston

[u.a.]: McGraw-Hil

Morse, RM & Flavin, DK (August 26, 1992). "The definition of alcoholism, The Joint Committee of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence and the American Society of Addiction Medicine to Study the Definition and Criteria for the Diagnosis of Alcoholism." The Journal of the American Medical Association 268 (8): 1012 -- 4

Teen Drug Abuse - Prescription or Not
Pages: 16 Words: 5056

Teen Drug Abuse - Prescription or Not
Differences between nonalcoholic offspring of alcoholics (family history positive, FHP) and matched offspring of nonalcoholics (family history negative, FHN) have been identified on a variety of behavioral, cognitive, and neurological measures. Compared to FHN teens, FHP adolescents and young adults demonstrate more disturbed school careers, impulsivity, rebelliousness, and nonconformity (National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2006); poorer neuropsychological performance (Worden & Slater, 2009); and significantly lower amplitude in P300 brain waves, which are believed to measure selective attention (Cicero, et al. 2005). Further, following ingestion of alcohol, sons of alcoholics report less body sway and less subjective intoxication (Grant, et al., 2005), higher levels of flushing (McBride, 2011), and decreased P300 amplitudes when performing difficult tasks (Foster, et al., 2009).

Not all individuals with a family history of alcohol dependence become alcohol and/or drug abusers, however, and genetics alone cannot account for the transmission…...



Ajzen, I. (2010). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179-211.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]. (2006). Youth risk behavior surveillance -- United States, 2005. MMWR 2006, 55.

Cicero, T.J., Inciardi, J.A., & Munoz, A. (2005). Trends in abuse of OxyContin and other opioid analgesics in the United States: 2002-2004. The Journal of Pain, 6, 662-672.

Drug Enforcement Administration. (2005). Prescription pain medications: Frequently asked questions and answers for health care professionals and law enforcement personnel. Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy, 19(1), 71-104.

U S Soldiers and Drug Abuse
Pages: 7 Words: 2241

One of the most frequent injuries is represented by the traumatic brain ones.. amongst other symptoms, one can mention anxiety, severe depression. Headaches and the difficulty to reason clearly. PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder is also manifested through depression, insomnia, flashback.

It is important to underline that these psychological disorders are usually associated with drug abuse. Taking this into consideration, it can be underlined that we are dealing with a social phenomenon. Most soldiers do not have the psychological training needed in order to do what they need to do once in combat. War has never been and could never be a pretty things, so the atrocities that these young men witness or are forced to do, shake them up psychologically. The use of drugs is to be understood in close connection to this factor.

Depression is not a factor that can be ignored. And there is no time for soldiers to…...



Allen, T., the Iraq war-on drugs, 2006, March 20, 2008 

Alcohol and other drugs plague soldiers in Iraq, March 20, 2008 

Kelly, R., U.S. soldiers in Iraq suffer horrific brain and mental injuries, 2004, March 20, 2008 

Millitary Drug Programs, March 20, 2008

Illegal Drug Use Implications
Pages: 2 Words: 710

Drugs and Behavior
What are drugs exactly and what are some ways drug users get away with illegal usage?

Defining drugs use is a surprisingly difficult proposition. The definition as stated in the session II review is as follows: "any substance taken into the body that alters the function or structure of the body organs ... that changes body state or mental function." But this definition might not only apply to the substances that we would normally consider to be a "drug," but also to substances like chocolate. For example, chocolate has properties that have been shown to change body state and mental function by making a user feel happier for example. Furthermore, drugs can also be naturally occurring substances such as marijuana or mushrooms and thus cannot be further classified in regards to being synthetic substances. There are also countless useful drugs that significantly improve an individual's well-being. Thus the divisions…...



OHSINC. (N.d.). How to Beat a Drug Test. Retrieved from OHSINC: 

The Economist. (2015, July 16). President Obama for the prisoners. Retrieved from The Economist: 

The White House. (N.d.). Prescription Drug Abuse. Retrieved from Office of National Drug Control Policy:

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