One of the harsh realities of the criminal justice system is the ability of defendants to defeat charges against them unless the prosecution has done its homework and prepared for the case properly. Irrespective of how thorough the criminal investigation may have been or how much evidence is available to support a criminal charge, cases can be lost at trial when prosecutors fail to properly prepare for its adjudication. In order to gain some fresh insights in this area, this paper provides a review of the relevant literature to describe the identify the evidentiary stages in the criminal justice process including the discovery process, applicable case law, the defense tactic of impeachment and general expectations for court and applicable rules to describe how officers can best prepare for trial. A summary of the research and important findings are presented in the conclusion.
eview and Discussion
The Discovery Process
Simply stated, the discovery…...
Bazerman, C. (2009). How does science come to speak in the courts? Citations, intertexts expert witnesses, consequential facts and reasoning. Law and Contemporary Problems, 72(1),
Black's law dictionary. (1991). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.
Gleicher, N. (2008). John Doe subpoenas: Toward a consistent legal standard. Yale Law Journal,
Nursing -- Preparing for Management
In order to make an optimal contribution to the medical institution and to his or her own career, a nurse must have a refined set of skills in the areas of leading, coaching, and motivating a team of professionals and specialists. The student nurse program is designed to develop the skills crucial to the implementation of safe, high-quality patient care, and to address the particular challenges of long-term health care. This paper discusses approaches for managing patient care in a long-term health care setting, delegation of responsibilities, patient care planning, multidisciplinary teamwork from the perspective of a student nurse.
Patient Group and Outcomes ationale
The provision of long-term health care falls under the aegis of adult nursing in the NMC Code, which addresses the health care needs of people from 18 years of age to elderly people ("NMC Code," 2004). The focus of long-term health care generally…...
Aiken, L.H., Clarke, S.P., Sloane, D., Sochalski, J., & Silber, J.H. (2002). Hospital nurse staffing and patient mortality, nurse burnout, and job dissatisfaction. Journal of the American Medical Association, 288, 1987 -- 1993.
Burgers, J.S., Grol, R., Klazinga, N.S., Makela, M., Zaat, J. (2003, February). AGREE Collaboration. Towards, clinical practice: an international survey of 18 clinical guideline programs. International Journal of Quality Health Care. 15(1), 31-45.
Davis, D.A. And Taylor-Vaisey, A. (1997, August 15). Translating guidelines into practice. A systematic review of theoretic concepts, practical experience and research evidence in the adoption of clinical practice guidelines. CMAJ. 157(4), 408-16
Dolan, L. (2003, March / April). Management style and staff nurse satisfaction. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 22(2), 97.
Oral Communications (chapter Summary)
For a new employee, presenting a company agenda to veteran employees and board of staff is an uphill task. A new employee is challenged predominantly by fatigue, stage fright, and improper knowledge on the subject matter. As a measure, it is substantial for the communicator to develop reliable and updated communication methods. This presentation analyzes the procedural presentation on what should be considered by individuals seeking to improve their oral concise presentation skills. It is evident that aspects like invaluable listening skills, note making, note taking, and fear management are essential considerations when one is preparing to have a successful oral presentation.
Listening Skills: Conversations in Small Groups and Large Group Discussions, Lectures, & Meetings
In the accounting profession, the authors have shown that interacting with organizational members within and outside the department is paramount. The employee should develop distinctive communication skills. This will involve listening attentively in the…...
May, C, & May, G.S. (2012). Effective Writing: A Handbook for Accountants. New York:
Pearson Prentice Hall
Emergency Response Drill
The increasing need for emergency preparedness has been triggered by the rush of many kinds of emergencies (Adini et al., 2012). These include mass casualty events, mass poisoning events, and biological occurrences, such as pandemics and bio-terror events. Emergency preparedness in hospitals and other healthcare facilities stands out as a major setting. A recent evaluation conducted among 29 surveyed general hospitals in Israel found a significant relationship between the level of emergency preparedness and the availability of needed components for preparedness. These components include appropriate standard operating procedures, training, and drill programs for various emergencies. A team of 16 experts in emergency management from the Israel Ministry of Health and the Home Front Command used an evaluation process. This process consisted of an evaluation of the hospitals' SOPs for the emergency events, and a state visit. Their overall findings revealed the need for an all-hazard approach to…...
Adini, B., et al. (2012). Evidence-based support for the all-hazards approach emergency preparedness. Vol. 1 # 40, Israel Journal of Health Policy Research: BioMed Central.
Retrieved on March 29, 2014 from
Biddinger, P.D., et al. (2010). Public health emergency preparedness exercises: lessons learned. Vol. 125 Supplement 5, Public Health Reports: Association of Schools of Public Health. Retrieved on March 29, 2014 from
ESHQ (2013). Emergency response drills/exercises. ES & H. Manual: Environment
Career in Human esources
Over the last several years, the economy has been going through a number of challenges. This is because globalization and the stagnant recovery have changed the way firms are working with employees. At the heart of these transformations, is focusing on addressing the needs of talented employees and reducing costs. Those individuals, who are able to help the firm achieve these objectives, will receive better forms of compensation. As they are assisting corporations in: being able to remain competitive and are addressing the most critical needs of customers. This allows them to aggressively compete against a number of firms in the marketplace. ("Impact of Globalization on Business," 2006)
To help businesses adjust with these challenges, there has been a focus on having the human resources department (H) playing a critical role in the process. This is because; these kinds of managers can be able to form a…...
Choose a Career. (2008). Society of Human Resource Management. Retrieved from:
Impact of Globalization on Business. (2006). N2 Growth. Retrieved from:
Connelly, G. (2000). Careers in Human Resource Management. London: Kogan Page.
Harris, C. (2010). Demand Surging for HR Professionals. HRE Online. Retrieved from:
There are several different types of audits: sponsor, IB and FDA. A sponsor audit is one where the company sponsoring the trial pays for and organizes the audit. An FDA audit is conducted by the FDA, and an IB audit is an institutional review board. An IB audit is therefore an audit conducted by the institution (university or hospital, most commonly) whose personnel and facilities are being used to perform the audit.
These audits are differentiated mainly by the body that is conducting the audit. Each body will conduct the audit based on its own interests. For example, FDA audits are conducted to ensure that the work on the trial is being conducted according to the regulations. IB and sponsor audits will be conducted to varying specifications that reflect the interests of those bodies, so they will be more variable in nature. That said, they will not be entirely variable…...
"Clinical Audits" (no date) In possession of the author.
ICTR (2013). FDA audit preparation resource & checklist. ICTR Navigator. Retrieved October 20, 2015 from
Emergency Management
Over the last several years, there have been numerous challenges associated with natural disasters and the impact they are having on stakeholders. To make matters worse, advancements in technology have increased the overall scope of threats to infrastructure and other targets through cyber attacks. This is problematic, as these kinds of incidents could have an adverse effect on individuals, communities and the nation. To deal with these challenges requires creating a strategy for mitigating the impact of these disasters. This will be achieved by analyzing the steps for all levels of government and the private sector before / during / after them. Together, these different elements will highlight the best approach for addressing these issues and it will assist health officials in reducing the total amounts of collateral damage. ("National Preparedness Guidelines," 2007) (Lindell, 2011) (Perry, 2003)
County Level esponse Procedures
The county must be prepared to work with nonprofit…...
National Preparedness Guidelines. (2007). FEMA. Retrieved from:
Public Health Emergency Response Guide. (2012). CDC. Retrieved from:
Lindell, M. (2011). Fundamentals of Emergency Management. FEMA. Retrieved from:
Perry, R. (2003). Preparedness for Emergency Response. Disasters 27 (4), 336-350.
ICT Change Management Report
Cover Letter
Crirtie Ave,
FL 219t30,
United States of America.
The Manager,
Today & Tomorrow Magazine,
SW Suite 201,
Winter Street, FL 3671.
Dear Sir/Madam,
The following report provides an outline of concepts, organization, processes, and terms linked to clinical environments and patient care and change management in health informatics. The broader process includes access to the systems and controls of exits from the system. The system will be critical in managing outpatient and inpatient health care activities. System users will be in a position to report varieties clinical issues and healthcare specializations across their duties.
The report takes the design for which users without prior clinical experiences can interact with the new system. The design, analysis, and implementation of the new information system will focus on functional areas within the business. It will manage the integration of computer instruments as a way of satisfying information requirements.…...
Louviere JJ, Islam T, Wasi N, Burgess L. 2008. Designing Discrete Choice Experiments: Do Optimal Designs Come At A Price? Journal of Consumer Research 35(2): 360-375.
McDonald M., and Wilson H. 2011, Marketing Plans: How to Prepare Them, How to Use Them. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Pride, W.M., and Ferrell, O.C., 2011, Foundations of Marketing, New York: Cengage Learning.
Ebola and EMS esponses
Ebola: EMS Considerations
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been at the forefront of America's response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. When two medical workers returned to the United States with Ebola, weaknesses in the precautions hospitals had in place were revealed (CDC, 2015a). This event resulted in increased scrutiny concerning how well prepared first responders are should they be confronted by a patient suspected of having contracted the disease. Accordingly, the CDC has issued detailed guidelines for first responders.
According to the most recent press release from the CDC (2015b), it is difficult for anyone coming into contact with a symptomatic person suffering from Ebola to contract the disease unless they have direct contact with blood, urine, saliva, vomit, sweat, and diarrhea. Even then, unless the person is suffering from severe Ebola the chances of contracting the disease is reduced; however, emergency medical services…...
CDC. (2015a). 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Retrieved from .
CDC. (2015b). Interim guidance for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) systems and 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) for management of Patients Under Investigation (PUIs) for Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in the United States. Retrieved from .
Negotiation, the company needs to have a set of objectives with which to focus negotiations. First, the company cannot afford a labor-related shutdown. If competition has intensified, the last thing Molloy needs is to give its customers an excuse to switch to someone else. A shutdown was eviscerate the business. The second thing is that the contract has to fit with the strategy that the company is going to undertake. The idea of shifting to cheaper, less-experienced workers would undermine a critical competitive advantage, and would not result in Molloy being cost-competitive with overseas companies anyway. So the key is to determine overall strategy and then fit the negotiations within that context. Matthews needs to sit down with the CEO, before even formulating further objectives at this point. Ultimately, it is expected that Molloy needs to compete on the basis of being the best in the business, and should focus…...
Myhre, B. (2010). Nine key tactics for successful union negotiations. Human Resources IQ. Retrieved November 8, 2015 from (2015). BATNA -- best alternative. Retrieved November 8, 2015 from
Richards, F. (2015). How to plan a negotiation meeting. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved November 7, 2015 from
Strategic Change
Preparing Organizations for Strategic Change
Changes in the health care field and health care delivery systems have never been occurring at a faster rate. Advancements in technology and a changing political climate have been some of the drivers of change. This has created an environment in which change is now the norm as the state of healthcare is continually evolving in a dynamic and turbulent environment. There are four basic categories of change that cause the profession to be in a state of constant change; these are sociocultural, technological, economic, and competitive-based strategic changes (Rod, Ashill, & Saunders, 2009). Nurses in this environment should be ready for change to help facilitate the inevitable changes they will undoubtedly face. There will be many healthcare processes in long-term care that will be updated, streamlined, or implemented in the near future.
There have been three factors regarding change that have been explored in health…...
mlaWorks Cited
Caldwell, D., Chatman, J., O'Reily, C., Ormiston, M., & Lapiz, M. (2008). Implementing strategic change in a health care system: The importance of leadership and change readiness. Health Care Management Review, 124-133.
Rod, M., Ashill, N., & Saunders, S. (2009). Considering implementing major strategic change? International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 258-278.
Q&a Activities
When Preparing Q & a Activities
When preparing for QA activities of all types, what information do you need to communicate and collect?
During the Q & A session you need to communicate standards and ideas for the programs. This will help everyone to follow a host of guidelines when working with each other and how to adapt them to specific vocational courses. Once this takes place, is when you want to collect data about: the effectiveness of the program and their ability to reach out to a host of individuals. This will create a basic strategy that can be used in vocational training programs. Over the course of time, this will create a way of monitoring and measuring how these kinds of courses are reaching out to a wide variety of individuals. This is when the program will be successful in helping everyone adapt to the various challenges that…...
European Center for Development of Vocational Training, 2011, CEDEFOP, Available from: [4 January 2012].
Introduction to Quality Assurance, 2008, Department of Energy, Available from: [4 January 2012].
Harvard Format.
Managment Challenges in Emergency Services
Qualitative esearch Questions and Phenomena
Many emergency management budgets are small having the tendency to lean towards statistical significance with variations from one issue to another. For instance, small standard deviation of figures varies based on strength of the issue. These figures suggest many of the emergency management functions are performed within a given public safety unit. In this proposal, the safest option is for the emergency management offices to provide coordination functions in case of occurrence of any emergency issue. To manage emergency budgets, both the private and the public must do what is necessary to minimize losses incurred due to such occurrences (Cherry & Jacob, 2008). A budget-conscious management is always important in any organization because it helps in set an outline for costs and enables improvement on weak financial areas. Thusly, aiding organizations (in most cases) with achieving their objectives within…...
Andres, L. (2012). Designing & doing survey research. London: SAGE.
Banks, A., & Giliberti, J. (2002). Budgeting. Macquarie Park, N.S.W: Mcgraw-Hill.
Brook Lapping Productions. (2005). Questions. London: Teachers TV/UK Dept. of Education.
Bumgarner, J. B. (2008). Emergency management: A reference handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Creating an Incident esponse PolicyPart 1: esearch Incident esponse PlansComponents of an Incident esponse PlanThe University of Californias incident response plan can be found at the following link: UC Information Security Incident esponse Standard.The key components of the UC Incident esponse Plan are preparation, detection and analysis, containment, eradication and recovery, and post-incident activity. Preparation involves creating, training and supporting the incident response team so that it has all the necessary tools to conduct adequate response, such as defined roles, processes, plan, suppliers for assistance, and so on. Detection and analysis consist of determining whether an incident has occurred, and gathering preliminary data to understand the nature and scope of the incident. The goal of containment, which follows, is to limit the impact of the incident; short-term containment (immediate response) and long-term containment (actions to be taken until the system is restored) characterize the two approaches of this step. Eradication…...
mlaReferencesSix-stage method. (2024). Flylib.comUC Information Security Incident Response Standard. (2024). Retrieved fromUC Information Security Incident Response Standard
competencies between nurses prepared at the associate-Degree level vs. The baccalaureate-degree level in nursing
According to Moore ( 2009), Associate Degree Nurses (ADNs) are nurses with a two-year academic degree and licensed to practice nursing. Associate Nurses are prepared on the technical aspects of care giving that are necessary for their interaction with both the patients and their families in acute care settings. Their knowledge is limited to handling patients care in hospitals and community-based health organizations.
Baccalaureate Degree Nurses (BSNs) are nurses with a four-year academic degree. This program requires high educational qualifications and provides wide liberal arts perspectives as well as topics in clinical nursing including, critical thinking, case management, research, statistics, and health campaigns across various in and outpatient facilities with special emphasis on development of the essential skills in care for patients.
Differences in Competencies between Nurses
With the increasing complexity in health care, there is demand for nurses…...
Hagland, M. (1998). Reflection: a reflex action? Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 96-100.
Marshall, C., & Rossman, G.B. (1995). Designing qualitative research. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Miller, C.D. (2007). A Comparison of Skill Performance of the ADN and BSN Prepared Nurse.
Moore, D.S. (2009). The Differences Between Associate Degree Nurses and the Baccalaureate
There are a few different ways that you could approach a speech about birth control. You could focus on contraceptive and reproductive rights as basic human rights and look at the legal controversies surrounding access to birth control. You could discuss types of birth control. You could discuss how birth control policies impact things like teen pregnancy and teen sexual activity. You could even discuss birth control and the religious implications of its use or widespread availability. In other words, there are many ways that you could go. We are providing three....
Adventure tourism refers to international or domestic travel that involves traveling to a remote location in order to take part in physically challenging outdoor activities. While many people think of daredevil type activities when they think of adventure tourism, adventure tourism does not require risky activities. Any activity that is physically challenging and occurs outdoors can qualify, so milder activities like hiking, backpacking, zip lining, rafting, biking, skiing, snowboarding, or snorkeling would all fall under the adventure tourism umbrella. Of course, adventure tourism also includes high-risk activities like swimming with sharks. However,....
Government can support schools in rural areas in various ways to help them provide quality education. Here is a suggested answer with proper spacing and formatting:
1. Infrastructure development: The government should allocate funds to improve the infrastructure of schools in rural areas. This includes constructing well-equipped classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and administrative buildings. Adequate spacing within the school premises should be ensured to accommodate a sufficient number of students and facilitate their learning experience.
2. Technological support: Governments should invest in providing schools with necessary technological infrastructure such as computers, projectors, and internet connectivity. This will enable teachers in rural areas to....
Each of these principles will have a significant impact on the way I teach. Here's a breakdown of how each principle will influence my teaching approach:
1. Prior knowledge: Before introducing new concepts, I will assess students' prior knowledge to identify any gaps or misconceptions. This will enable me to provide targeted instruction, building upon their existing understanding and connecting new information to what they already know.
2. Active learning: I will incorporate various interactive activities, such as group discussions, problem-solving tasks, and hands-on experiments. By actively engaging students in their learning process, they will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge....
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