This is because as a culture, female virginity is considered an important indicator of one's purity and innocence and although sexual intercourse before marriage is acceptable to men; the same case does not apply to women as premarital sex is strongly discouraged for women (Kayir cited in ibid).
Premarital Sex: East Asian Cultural Views
Sexual evolution in China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan
esults of a 2005 survey in China showed that in urban China, the average age for first sexual experience among boys and girls is 17.4 years old. Chinese sociologist Professor Zhou Xiaozheng was not surprised by this results as he believes that, "The opening-up of Chinese society and early arrival of puberty have contributed to this change in sexual behavior." (Xinhua, 2005, pars. 1-4). Further, "Sex used to be taboo in traditional Chinese society. But today, sex products are available to almost everyone in the cities, from Internet or on…...
Asadi, M.A. (2000). Premarital Sex and the Destruction of the Nuclear Family.
Retrieved from 15.
Bruce, C. (n.d.) "The curious case of the unnecessary recantation: Berger and secularization" in Peter Berger and the Study of Religion. Routledge: New York.
Chang, J.S. (1996). What Do Education and Work Mean? Education, Nonfamilial, Work/Living Experiences and Premarital Sex for Women in Taiwan. Journal of Comparative Family
Relationships are complex and can be complicated by a longing for a lasting commitment. For this reason, many have opted to simply have sex without any type of commitment (sex with no strings attached). Others hold the belief that sex is a pledge to be committed. The purpose of this discussion is to explain why sex must involve commitment. e will also present the opposing opinion on this issue. This discussion will seek to prove that sex should involve commitment. e will begin the discussion with the opposing view.
Sex without Commitment
Some individuals have the belief that sex without commitment is acceptable and that it will not have adverse affects. They contend that sex without commitment is easier for everyone involved and averts problems that can occur in a committed relationship. Sex without commitment has always existed in some form or another but in recent years, sex without commitment has become…...
mlaWorks Cited
Buss, David M. The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating. New York: Basic Books, 1994.
Defries, Zira, Richard C. Friedman, and Ruth Corn, eds. Sexuality: New Perspectives. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985.
LeMoncheck, Linda. Loose Women, Lecherous Men: A Feminist Philosophy of Sex. New York: Oxford University Press U.S., 1997.
Matthewes-Green, Frederica. "Now for Some Good News." First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life Aug.-Sept. 1997: 20+.
Those individuals who are most likely to idealize their partners are those who are also most likely to be disappointed. It also seems to be the case that those most likely to idealize their partners are those who are most likely to move quickly from engagement (or an equivalent but less formal relationship) to marriage. Such a quick trip from first date to the altar is often a very poor choice in the long run, as summarized below:
Waller... assumed that courting couples are generally blissful, optimistic lovers who, in order to sustain their romance, draw attention to their desirable qualities, suppress thoughts and behaviors that might weaken their romance, and try to see the best in the other person. After they are married, however, spouses may no longer be as motivated to "put their best foot forward" to impress their marriage partners; moreover, the intimacy of marriage makes sustaining…...
Flowers, B. (2007). The limits of a technical concept of a good marriage: Exploring the role of virtue in communication skills. Journal of marital and family therapy 27(3), 327-340.
Larson, J.H. (2000). Should we stay together? A scientifically proven method for evaluating your relationship and improving its chances for long-term success. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Marazziti, D. & Canale, D. (2004). Hormonal changes when falling in love. Psychoneuroendocrinology 29, 931 -- 936.
Niehuis, S. (2006). Organization of partner knowledge, its effect on passion, and the mediating effect of idealization. North American Journal of Psychology 8:33-46.
Social Construct of Prenuptial Events: From the Bridal Sheets to the Bachelorette Party
The social constructs of the transition from single adulthood to married life throughout recent history have differed between men and women. In modern construct women and men often share a similar prenuptial event that has many elements of public expressions of sexuality, the bachelor or stag party and the bachelorette or staggette party. (Tye and Powers, 1998, pp. 552-561) In most western societies before 1900 and especially during the enaissance the prenuptial ceremonies and rituals included a longer period of time that encompassed a gray area that included the business of the marriage transaction and the ritual of becoming publicly aware of the person you were to marry. Historically speaking there was little if any overt display of sexuality during pre-1900 premarital celebrations. (uggiero, 1985, p. 26) Changes in public sexual expression from before 1900 to now are…...
Benson, P.J. (1992). The Invention of the Renaissance Woman: The Challenge of Female
Independence in the Literature and Thought of Italy and England. University Park, Pa: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Fordham, J. (Apr/2000):. "Death of a Porcupine: DH Lawrence and His Successors."
Literature and History. Vol. 9 Issue 1, pp.56-67.
Music on Teens Actions
In the past 40 years all kinds of music has turned out to be more and more overt predominantly towards the negative side like sex, drugs, aggression and violence. Lately two of the genres which have caught great attention is hard rock music and rap music. In most of the cases, the lyrics of the music are made in such a way that they induce negativity in the developing minds of the teenagers. This negativity is reflected in their actions in the form of drug abuse, aggression, violence, sex and rebellious actions towards parents, family, family and society in general. This kind of negative music is a major concern these days because it poses mental and physical threat to the teens of today. Some of the other alarming effects of such music are pregnancy, STDs, accidents, killing and this has resulted to be the normal lifestyle…...
mlaWorks Cited
Burns, Kate. The American Teenager: Examining Pop Culture. Annotated Edition. Publisher Greenhaven Press, 2003. ISBN 0737714670, 9780737714678, pg 150-189.
Connell, J., and C. Gibson. Sound tracks: Popular music, identity and place. London: Routledge. Pg 145-147. 2003.
Hawkins, S. Settling the pop score: Pop texts & identity politics. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing. Pg 121. 2002.
Martino, S.C., Collins, R.L., Elliott, M.N., Strachman, A., Kanouse, D.E., & Berry, S.H. Exposure to degrading vs. non-degrading music lyrics and sexual behavior among youth. Pediatrics, 2006, 118, 430 -- 444.
Hell Is for Other People
Me: Boy, you're here a lot earlier than usual.
Stranger: Yeah, I have a hot date tonight: hopefully, tonight's the night, if you know what I mean (Winks).
Me: You're sexually active?
Stranger: What do you mean by that? Of course I'm sexually active, why do you ask.
Me: Oh. Well, because the other day you mentioned going to church ... you said you were Catholic, right?
Stranger: (Laughs) Yes, I am...but that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun, you know? (Winks again).
Me: Aren't all unmarried Christians supposed to be celibate though? I thought premarital sex was a mortal sin ... "fornication," right?
Stranger: Yes, it is, but we all sin because human beings weren't created perfectly; only God is perfect.
Me: I'm sorry, but I don't really a Christian, aren't you supposed to refrain from all sexual activity except in marriage? Don't you worry about being punished for your…...
However, while I see that Boy Scouts has helped develop my empathy and my planning ability, I know that I continue to struggle with my ability to frame concepts for a group. Servant leadership is not about asserting power, but about developing rightful authority. ather than force a group to do the leader's bidding, a servant leader's role is to persuade people to follow the leader's path. However, it is not really the leader's path that he asks people to follow. On the contrary, because a servant leader listens to people, respects all members of the group, and considers short- and long-term consequences, the path that the servant leader proposes should be one that is best for the group. Of course, that path may not seem best to the group because of competing interests, short-term worldview, or the fact that every plan is going to have pluses and minuses for…...
Bennis, W., and Thomas, R. (2007). Leading for a lifetime: how defining moments shape leaders of today and tomorrow. Boston: Harvard Business Press.
Cress, C., Collier, P., and Reitenauer, V. (2005). Learning through serving: a student guidebook for service-learning across the disciplines. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Greenleaf, R. (2002). Servant leadership: a journey into the nature of legitimate power and greatness. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press.
Komives, S., and Wagner, W. (2009). Leadership for a better world: understanding the social change model of leadership development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Flea by John Donne
In the 1500's, Europe was a very dirty place, and fleas were a major problem. It was, in fact, fleas that were responsible for the Black Death, or Plague, that had ravaged Europe since the 1300's. However, in the late 1500's, a flea landed on the breast of a certain lady in French Society by the name of Madame Des Roches, a writer of some fame, and this sparked off an obsession with the flea as the subject of literature. hole books were devoted to the flea, and the flea became a subject for comedy, romance, poetry, and all sorts of artistic expression. Around this time an English poet, named John Donne, wrote a poem entitled The Flea, in which he metaphorically compares a flea to the act of sex.
Structurally, The Flea is a poem that alternates its meter between lines of iambic tetrameter, and lines of…...
mlaWorks Cited
Donne, John. The Flea. Web. July 26, 2011.
Another important area of change relates to sexual norms and values in the family. Studies show that there has a definite growth in more permissive attitudes towards sex and particularly premarital sex. The number of people who see sex between an unmarried man and woman as "wrong" dropped from 36% in 1972 to 24% in 1996. (the Emerging 21st Century American Family)
These statistics indicate a change for the earlier view of sex as only being acceptable between married couples; which questioned the established norm and role of sexuality in the traditional family.
Another central area of change since the 1950's is the value associated with child rearing and the family. The more traditional concept of the family has at its core the ideal and value of providing secure and moral child - rearing practices. This aspect has changed and there has been a move away for this central value. There is…...
mlaWorks Cited
Klein H.S. The Changing American Family. Retrieved January 29, 2007 at
Popenoe D. (1993) American Family Decline, 1960-1990: A Review and Appraisal. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55 (3), pp. 527-542
The Emerging 21st Century American Family. Retrieved January 29, 2007 at
The American Family Association (AFA). Retrieved January 29, 2007 at
Christian marriage is one of the most important Christian traditions. Since God created the first man and woman, He intended us to create strong relationships with our partners, procreate, and participate in community life in this way. Marriage is the foundation of not only strong families, but also of strong individuals and strong societies. Therefore, Christians should continue to advocate strongly for the institution of marriage in spite of secular norms and trends that lead away from the marriage tradition.
The current trends that include a high rate of divorce, or partnerships that do not result in marriage, do not agree with Christian lifestyles. Moreover, these trends are relatively new and certainly do not reflect the tradition established by Christianity. The divorce rate has only been high within the past century, as previously it was not normative to divorce. Domestic partnerships that result in children without a wedding is also a…...
mlaWorks Cited
Cooke, Bernard. "Christian Marriage: Basic Sacrament." Chapter 4 in Perspectives On Marriage by Kieran Scott & Michael Warren. Oxford University Press, 2007.
Scott, Kieran. "Cohabitation and Marriage as a Life-Process." Chapter 8 in Perspectives On Marriage by Kieran Scott & Michael Warren. Oxford University Press, 2007.
" He is right that many Americans who call themselves Christians and who attend Christian worship services do not live their lives based on the Beatitudes. And then Kavanaugh also says "Nietzsche seems to have understood the Sermon on the Mount better than many Christians." ell wait a minute. If Nietzsche found the Sermon on the Mount "scandalous," and attacked it as "demeaning of the will to power," how can that be construed as understanding it better than many Christians?
To even bring Nietzsche into a discussion about "The Alternative Kingdom" is ludicrous. In Nietzsche's the Birth of Tragedy (p. 23) he says the "Christianity was from the beginning, essentially and fundamentally, life's nausea and disgust with life, merely concealed behind, masked by, dressed up as, faith in 'another' or 'better' life." In his essay, Human, all too Human, Nietzsche denounces the Christian idea of "...sins perpetrated against a god, atoned…...
mlaWorks Cited
Kavanaugh, John Francis. Following Christ in a Consumer Society. New York: Orbis Books,
Nietzsche, Friedrich. Human, All Too Human. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press,
Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Birth of Tragedy. New York: Penguin Books, 1993.
Therefore, the concept of a traditional Western marriage can be used as a tool for making those who are different from the norm, such as homosexuals, feel alienated and distant from society. On the other hand, advocates of gay marriage suggest that allowing homosexuals to share in the rites and responsibilities of traditional marriage can be a way of recognizing their personhood, and can lead to unification between seemingly diverse sub-populations among the larger Western culture. As the above example demonstrates, there is no easy answer to the question of whether traditions promote unity; some traditions promote unity, while some promote divisiveness, and even the same tradition can have different meanings in different communities.
Furthermore, though traditions develop from a community's shared experiences, it is important to differentiate between a tradition's appearance and the underlying reality. For example, in American weddings, the bride has traditionally worn white to signify virginity…...
For example, Walker and Hennig add that, "It has frequently been found that children (particularly boys) in divorced, mother-custody families exhibit lower levels of well-being than children in intact families, with more externalizing and internalizing behavior problems and lower levels of cognitive and social competence" (p. 64). My son is also currently at a formative period that has special significance for single-parents families. For instance, Walker and Hennig also point out that, "Single-mother families are often affectively charged, with high instrumental affection combined with high negativity and conflict, particularly in the transition to adolescence" (1997, p. 64).
The "transition to adolescence" can be a rocky period in anyone's life, of course, and it is reasonable to expect my son to experience some problems in general and with me in particular during this transitional period. Fortunately, this challenging developmental period is eased somewhat as children grow into mid-adolescence. As Walker and…...
Burns, A. & Scott, C. (1999). Mother-headed families and why they have increased. Hillsdale,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Crossman, S.M. & Adams, G.R. (1990). Divorce, single parenting and child development.
Journal of Psychology, 106(2), 205-207.
Patty's introduction to prostitution certainly reinforces this notion: it became a part of her life as a result of her social situation and a perceived necessity. Still, more fervent moral positions against prostitution, in the Untied States, often come from Christianity. Obviously, it violates the general principles of Christianity to pay for sexual intercourse; however, it is also a violation of Christian principles to engage in premarital sex, extramarital sex, homosexual sex, or even masturbation. Notably, none of these actions are illegal in the United States -- or at least the antiquated laws pertaining to them are not enforced -- and of them, only homosexuality is ever regularly regarded as a form of social deviance; though this too is a matter of debate. Ultimately, viewing prostitution as a moral crime from the standpoint of Christianity fails miserably, because doing so would require accepting that law should be solely determined…...
Brown, Stephen E. et al. (1991). Criminology: Explaining Crime and its Context. Cincinnati: Anderson Publishing.
Dash, Leon. (1996). Rosa Lee: a Mother and Her Family in Urban America. New York: Basic.
Pagliaro, Ann Marie and Louis A. Pagliaro. (2000). Substance Use among Women. Lillington: Brunner/Mazel.
Schlaadt, Richard G. (1992). Wellness: Drugs, Society, & Behavior. Guilford: Dushkin.
Moreover, an 'abstinence-only' education program is sometimes perceived by teenagers as providing one-sided and medically inaccurate information. (Studies by Kirby, 1997 and Huberman, quoted in "educing Teenage Pregnancy" 2006) shift in attitudes towards teenage sexuality must occur in the U.S. To facilitate the development of appropriate policies and programs to reduce teenage pregnancy. Presently, sexual activity, rather than the pregnancies that can result from it, is seen as the problem requiring intervention. Teaching young people that premarital sex is a moral failure does not prevent pregnancy -- studies show that those with fearful and negative attitudes about sexuality are less likely to use contraception when they have sex than those who believe they have a right to decide to have sex (eiss, 1990).
It is, therefore, important to have a more comprehensive program of sexual education for teenagers that gives due recognition to the fact that sexual expression is a…...
American Opinion on Teen Pregnancy and Related Issues 2003." (2004). Science Says: A Project of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. Retrieved on May 18, 2007 at
Kirby, D. (2001). "Emerging answers: research findings on programs to reduce unwanted teenage pregnancy." National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. Retrieved on May 18, 2007 at
Reducing Teenage Pregnancy." (2006). Planned Parenthood. Retrieved on May 18, 2007 at
Reiss, Ira L. (1990). An End to the Shame: Shaping Our Next Sexual Revolution. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.
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